Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sloops"" "subject:"c3loops""
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Contribution à la compréhension de la déformation sous irradiation des alliages de zirconium à forte dose / Contribution to the understanding of zirconium alloy deformation under irradiation at high dosesGharbi, Nesrine 20 November 2015 (has links)
Le grandissement sous flux des tubes d’assemblages REP en alliages de zirconium est dû au fluage axial et au phénomène de croissance libre qui est associé à l’apparition des boucles <c> à forte dose d’irradiation. Ce travail de thèse vise à étudier le couplage entre ces deux phénomènes à travers l’analyse par Microscopie Electronique en Transmission de l’effet d’application d’une contrainte macroscopique sur la microstructure des boucles <c>. Des campagnes d’irradiation aux ions Zr+ (600 keV) ont été menées sur deux alliages de zirconium recristallisés : Zircaloy-4 et M5®. Grâce à un dispositif de mise en contrainte sous flux d’ions, différents niveaux de contrainte de traction ou de compression ont été appliqués. Les examens microscopiques ont montré que, conformément au mécanisme SIPA, la densité des boucles <c> diminue dans les grains d’axe <c> proche de la direction de traction ou éloigné de la direction de compression. Toutefois, l’analyse d’un grand nombre de grains a révélé une dispersion grain à grain. Cette dispersion, qui trouverait son origine dans les hétérogénéités intergranulaires, amoindrit l’amplitude de l’effet de la contrainte. Parallèlement à cette étude expérimentale, un modèle basé sur la méthode de dynamique d’amas a permis de décrire l’évolution de la microstructure sous irradiation du zirconium et du Zircaloy-4 et de rendre compte de l’effet de la contrainte. A l’échelle macroscopique, un modèle physique a été développé en vue de prédire le comportement en croissance et en fluage sous irradiation des tubes en alliages de zirconium. / The growth of zirconium alloy tubes of PWR fuel assemblies is the result of two phenomena: axial irradiation creep and stress “free” growth which is correlated to the formation of c-loops at high irradiation doses. This PhD work aims at investigating the coupling between these two phenomena through a fine Transmission Electron Microscopy analysis of the effect of a macroscopic applied stress on the c-loop microstructure. 600 keV Zr+ ion irradiations were performed at 300°C on two recrystallized zirconium alloys: Zircaloy-4 and M5®. Thanks to a device specifically designed, different tensile or compressive stress levels were applied under ion irradiation. The microstructural observations have shown that the c-loop density reduces in grains oriented with the c-axis close to the direction of the applied tensile stress or far from the direction of the applied compressive stress, which is in good agreement with the SIPA mechanism. Nevertheless, the examination of a large number of grains has revealed dispersion from grain to grain. This dispersion, which could be explained by the intergranular heterogeneities, reduces the magnitude of the stress effect on c-loop microstructure. In parallel to this experimental study, a cluster dynamics model has been able to describe the evolution under irradiation of zirconium and Zircaloy-4 microstructure and to assess the effect of stress on c-loop microstructure. On the macroscopic scale, a physical model was also developed to predict the irradiation growth and creep behaviour of zirconium alloy tubes.
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Neue Ansätze zur Nutzung von Induktionsschleifen-Daten an LichtsignalanlagenTischler, Kathleen 11 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift widmet sich zwei Zielen: Mittels Induktionsschleifen-Detektoren einerseits die Verkehrsregelung an Knotenpunkten durch die Minimierung von Fahrzeughalten zu verbessern, und andererseits eine Veränderung der Verkehrsqualität durch die Schätzung von Kfz-Wartezeiten automatisiert zu erheben.
Im ersten Teil wird ein modellbasiertes Steuerverfahren entwickelt, das Grünzeiten verkehrsabhängig und lokal anpasst. Es kann sehr gut in eine übergeordnete Steuerung zur Koordinierung in Verkehrsnetzen eingebunden werden und überlässt dieser die Optimierung von Phasenfolgen, Umlauf- und Versatzzeiten.
Um auch bei hohen Auslastungen Kapazitäten bestmöglich zu nutzen, priorisiert es zunächst die Leerung von Warteschlangen. Anschließend erfolgt die Anpassung der Grünzeiten zwischen einer minimalen und maximalen Dauer so, dass Fahrzeughalte minimiert werden. Dafür werden Detektoren in ausreichender Entfernung im Zufluss einer Kreuzung verwendet, um Fahrzeugankünfte an der Haltelinie für die aktuelle und die nächste Phase zu prognostizieren. Bei der sich anschließenden Bilanzierung potenzieller Fahrzeughalte und der Wahl des günstigsten Umschaltzeitpunktes kann auf zusätzliche Modellannahmen verzichtet werden. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen, dass bei einer Minimierung der Fahrzeughalte gleichzeitig eine Reduktion von Wartezeiten möglich ist.
Im zweiten Teil werden Kfz-Wartezeiten auf Basis der meist bereits vorhandenen Induktionsschleifen-Detektoren im Zufluss und im Abfluss einer Kreuzung geschätzt. Dafür werden die Zeitpunkte der Fahrzeugüberfahrten an einem Zufluss- und einem Abflussquerschnitt getrennt gemessen werden. Aus ihnen wird jeweils ein mittlerer Überfahrzeitpunkt ermittelt und nach Berücksichtigung der freien Fahrzeit eine mittlere Wartezeit geschätzt. Messintervalle an beiden Querschnitten, die um die mittlere freie Fahrzeit versetzt sind, sowie eine unbedingte Warteschlangenleerung am Ende einer Messung sollen sicherstellen, dass potenziell dieselben Fahrzeuge erfasst werden. Auf eine Fahrzeugwiedererkennung und damit auf eine Ausrüstung mit zusätzlicher Technik kann dadurch verzichtet werden.
Damit sich das Verfahren für den Praxiseinsatz eignet, muss es möglichst robust gegenüber zufälligen Detektorfehlern sein. Dafür wird ein Fehlermodell entwickelt und mögliche Abweichungen gegenüber einer korrekten Messung untersucht. Aufgrund der unabhängigen Berechnung von mittleren Überfahrzeiten aus der getrennten Messung im Zufluss und im Abfluss zeigt sich, dass zufällige Fehler nicht zu systematischen Abweichungen in der Wartezeitschätzung führen.
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Power electronic systems design co-ordination for doubly-fed induction generator wind turbinesOzakturk, Meliksah January 2012 (has links)
Wind turbine modelling using doubly-fed induction generators is a well-known subject. However, studies have tended to focus on optimising the components of the system rather than considering the interaction between the components. This research examines the interaction of the control methods for a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) in a wind turbine application integrating them with the crowbar protection control and DC-link brake control to make the best use of the converter. The controls of the rotor-side and the grid-side converters of the DFIG model are both well established and have been shown to work. Typically the crowbar protection is designed in order to protect the rotor-side converter and the power electronic components of the DFIG system from high currents occurring in the rotor due to the faults. The DC-link brake-overvoltage protection is also designed to prevent the overcharging of the DC-link capacitor placed between the rotor-side converter and the grid-side converter. In order to show that these protection schemes work and with thought can co-ordinate with each other, tests consisting of a number of balanced three-, two- and one-phase voltage sags are applied to the network voltage. The main contributions of this thesis are establishing operational tuning and design limits for the controllers and system subassemblies. This is to minimise the electrical subsystem interaction while maintaining adequate performance, and have an improved DC-link control. This work also includes a full electrical system study of the wind turbine and an essential literature review on significant references in the field of the DFIG wind turbine system modelling, control and protection. Specifically this research project makes a number of novel contributions to the literature: enhanced DC voltage control including operating point sensitivity analysis and dynamic stiffness assessment, sensitivity and robustness analyses of the power loop control and control loop segmentation by appropriately tuning the controller loops.
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Théorie des groupes approximatifs et ses applications / Theory of approximate groups and its applicationsBiswas, Arindam 20 December 2016 (has links)
Dans la premier partie de cette thèse, nous étudions la structure des sous-groupes approximatifs dans les groupes metabéliens (groupes résolubles de classe de résolubilité 2) et montrons que si A est un tel sous-groupe K approximatif, il est K^⁰(r) contrôlée (au sens du Tao) par un groupe nilpotent où $ r désigne le rang de $ G=Fit (G) et Fit (G) $ est le sous-groupe de fitting de G. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'étude de la croissance des ensembles dans GLn(Fq) où Fq est un corps fini. Nous montrons une borne sur le diamètre (par rapport à n'importe quel système des générateurs) pour tous sous-groupes simples finis de ce groupe. Si G est un groupe fini simple de type Lie de rang n, et son corps de base est de taille borné, le diamètre du graphe du Cayley Gamma (G;S) serait borné par exp (O (n (log n) ^ 3)) . Si la taille du corps fini Fq n'est pas borné, notre méthode donne une borne de q ^ {O (n ( log nq) ^ 3) pour le diamètre.Dans la troisième partie nous nous sommes intéressés à la croissance des ensembles dans les boucles de Moufang commutatifs. Ceux-ci sont les boucles commutatifs respectant les identités de Moufang mais sans être (nécessairement) associatifs. Nous montrons que, si les tailles des ensembles des associateurs sont bornées alors la croissance des sous-structures approximatifs dans ces boucles est similaire à celle des groupes ordinaires. De cette façon dans le cadre des boucles de moufang commutatifs finiment engendré on a un théorème de structure pour ses sous-boucles approximatifs.Mots-clefs -sous-groupes approximatifs, groupes résolubles, diamètres des groupes, boucles de moufang commutatifs. / In the first part of this thesis, we study the structure of approximate subgroups inside metabelian groups (solvable groups of derived length 2) and show that if A is such a K-approximate subgroup, then it is K^(O(r)) controlled (in the sense of Tao) by a nilpotent group where r denotes the rank of G=Fit(G) and Fit(G) is the fitting subgroup of G.The second part is devoted to the study of growth of sets inside GLn(Fq) , where we show a bound on the diameter (with respect to any set of generators) for all finite simple subgroups of this group. What we have is - if G is a finite simple group of Lie type with rank n, and its base field has bounded size, then the diameter of the Cayley graph C(G; S) would be bounded by exp(O(n(logn)^3)). If the size of the base field Fq is not bounded then our method gives a bound of q^(O(n(log nq)3)) for the diameter.In the third part we are interested in the growth of sets inside commutative Moufang loops which are commutative loops respecting the moufang identities but without (necessarily)being associative. For them we show that if the sizes of the associator sets are bounded then the growth of approximate substructures inside these loops is similar to those in ordinary groups. In this way for the subclass of finitely generated commutative moufang loops we have a classification theorem of its approximate subloops.
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VLIV OZE NA PROVOZ ELEKTRIZAČNÍ SOUSTAVY / Impact of Renewable Sources on Power System OperationMalý, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
Doctoral thesis deals about primary and secondary energy legislation of the Czech Republic and proposes supplement to the legislation for renewable sources of energy. The thesis contents proposal of methodology of determination of available network capacity for connecting of new renewable sources. It analyzes current state of Czech electric power system and its possibilities for integrating new sources. It also determined available network capacity for connecting of new renewable sources in various regions of Czech Republic according to actual trend of renewable sources development. Next part of the thesis simulates impact of volatile large production of wind power plants in northern Germany in near future (year 2015). The thesis also contents proposal to the Czech power system reinforcements to eliminate negative impacts of loops flows.
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Klasifikace vozidel na základě odezvy indukčních senzorů / Vehicle classification using inductive loops sensorsHalachkin, Aliaksei January 2017 (has links)
This project is dedicated to the problem of vehicle classification using inductive loop sensors. We created the dataset that contains more than 11000 labeled inductive loop signatures collected at different times and from different parts of the world. Multiple classification methods and their optimizations were employed to the vehicle classification. Final model that combines K-nearest neighbors and logistic regression achieves 94\% accuracy on classification scheme with 9 classes. The vehicle classifier was implemented in C++.
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Využití speciálních optických metod v diagnostice benigních a maligních slizničních lézí horních cest dýchacích a polykacích. / Application of special methods in diagnostics of benign and malignant mucosal lesions of upper aerodigestive tract.Zábrodský, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Optical imaging methods incorporating observation of the mucosal surface of organs with narrowband filtered light are diagnostic tools with a significant development in recent years and have become an integral and inseparable part of the diagnostic process of benign and malignant pathologies of the mucosal surface of various anatomical systems of the human body. Malignant and premalignant lesions of the upper aero-digestive tract (UADT) are no exception. The present work demonstrates the benefits of evaluation of changes in microvascular architecture by narrowband imaging. Its major advantage is a more accurate diagnosis of premalignant and malignant mucosal pathologies in the head and neck region based on the identification of significant changes in superficial vascularity. There is a very strong correlation of these vascular changes with the final histopathological analysis. The present data have shown that videoendoscopic examination with narrowband imaging significantly improves the distinction between benign and malignant mucosal lesions even in the UADT pathologies with a similar tendency to neoangiogenesis (squamous cell papilloma vs. squamous cell carcinoma). It also refines the determination of surface extension of tumoral changes and helps to localize and accurately diagnose tumors of...
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Efficient LU Factorization for Texas Instruments Keystone Architecture Digital Signal Processors / Effektiv LU-faktorisering för Texas Instruments digitala signalprocessorer med Keystone-arkitekturNetzer, Gilbert January 2015 (has links)
The energy consumption of large-scale high-performance computer (HPC) systems has become one of the foremost concerns of both data-center operators and computer manufacturers. This has renewed interest in alternative computer architectures that could offer substantially better energy-efficiency.Yet, the for the evaluation of the potential of these architectures necessary well-optimized implementations of typical HPC benchmarks are often not available for these for the HPC industry novel architectures. The in this work presented LU factorization benchmark implementation aims to provide such a high-quality tool for the HPC industry standard high-performance LINPACK benchmark (HPL) for the eight-core Texas Instruments TMS320C6678 digitalsignal processor (DSP). The presented implementation could perform the LU factorization at up to 30.9 GF/s at 1.25 GHz core clock frequency by using all the eight DSP cores of the System-on-Chip (SoC). This is 77% of the attainable peak double-precision floating-point performance of the DSP, a level of efficiency that is comparable to the efficiency expected on traditional x86-based processor architectures. A presented detailed performance analysis shows that this is largely due to the optimized implementation of the embedded generalized matrix-matrix multiplication (GEMM). For this operation, the on-chip direct memory access (DMA) engines were used to transfer the necessary data from the external DDR3 memory to the core-private and shared scratchpad memory. This allowed to overlap the data transfer with computations on the DSP cores. The computations were in turn optimized by using software pipeline techniques and were partly implemented in assembly language. With these optimization the performance of the matrix multiplication reached up to 95% of attainable peak performance. A detailed description of these two key optimization techniques and their application to the LU factorization is included. Using a specially instrumented Advantech TMDXEVM6678L evaluation module, described in detail in related work, allowed to measure the SoC’s energy efficiency of up to 2.92 GF/J while executing the presented benchmark. Results from the verification of the benchmark execution using standard HPL correctness checks and an uncertainty analysis of the experimentally gathered data are also presented. / Energiförbrukningen av storskaliga högpresterande datorsystem (HPC) har blivit ett av de främsta problemen för såväl ägare av dessa system som datortillverkare. Det har lett till ett förnyat intresse för alternativa datorarkitekturer som kan vara betydligt mer effektiva ur energiförbrukningssynpunkt. För detaljerade analyser av prestanda och energiförbrukning av dessa för HPC-industrin nya arkitekturer krävs väloptimerade implementationer av standard HPC-bänkmärkningsproblem. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att tillhandhålla ett sådant högkvalitativt verktyg i form av en implementation av ett bänkmärkesprogram för LU-faktorisering för den åttakärniga digitala signalprocessorn (DSP) TMS320C6678 från Texas Instruments. Bänkmärkningsproblemet är samma som för det inom HPC-industrin välkända bänkmärket “high-performance LINPACK” (HPL). Den här presenterade implementationen nådde upp till en prestanda av 30,9 GF/s vid 1,25 GHz klockfrekvens genom att samtidigt använda alla åtta kärnor i DSP:n. Detta motsvarar 77% av den teoretiskt uppnåbara prestandan, vilket är jämförbart med förväntningar på effektivteten av mer traditionella x86-baserade system. En detaljerad prestandaanalys visar att detta tillstor del uppnås genom den högoptimerade implementationen av den ingående matris-matris-multiplikationen. Användandet av specialiserade “direct memory access” (DMA) hårdvaruenheter för kopieringen av data mellan det externa DDR3 minnet och det interna kärn-privata och delade arbetsminnet tillät att överlappa dessa operationer med beräkningar. Optimerade mjukvaruimplementationer av dessa beräkningar, delvis utförda i maskinspåk, tillät att utföra matris-multiplikationen med upp till 95% av den teoretiskt nåbara prestandan. I rapporten ges en detaljerad beskrivning av dessa två nyckeltekniker. Energiförbrukningen vid exekvering av det implementerade bänkmärket kunde med hjälp av en för ändamålet anpassad Advantech TMDXEVM6678L evalueringsmodul bestämmas till maximalt 2,92 GF/J. Resultat från verifikationen av bänkmärkesimplementationen och en uppskattning av mätosäkerheten vid de experimentella mätningarna presenteras också.
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Damping strategies for energy efficient pressure controllers of variable displacement pumpsSchoemacker, Florian, Fischer, Felix, Schmitz, Katharina 25 June 2020 (has links)
In hydraulic-mechanically controlled variable displacement pumps, the actual pump controller produces additional power losses. Due to the low damping coefficients of all pump controller’s components, hydraulic-mechanically pressure controlled pumps use to oscillate while adjusting the pressure level in the hydraulic system. In several state-of-the-art variable pump controllers, a damping orifice connects the control actuator’s displacement chamber with the reservoir. This bypass dampens the movement of the control actuator but also leads to bypass losses during steady-state operation of the pump. A new concept for damping via feedback loops avoiding bypass losses is presented in t his paper.
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Interprétation unifiée des écoulements associés à des cycles de condensation et d’évaporation dans les boucles coronales / Unified interpretation of flows associated with condensation and evaporation cycles in coronal loopsPelouze, Gabriel 25 September 2019 (has links)
La couche la plus externe de l’atmosphère solaire, la couronne, est composée de plasma dont la température dépasse de plusieurs ordres de grandeur celle de la surface.Expliquer comment la couronne est chauffée à des températures de l’ordre d’un million de degrés constitue un défi majeur de la physique solaire.Dans ce contexte, je m’intéresse au chauffage des boucles coronales (qui sont des structures composées de plasma confiné dans des tubes de champ magnétique) et plus particulièrement aux cycles de non-équilibre thermique (TNE).L’étude de ces cycles permet de caractériser le chauffage des boucles.Ces cycles se développent dans des boucles soumises à un chauffage fortement stratifié, localisé près de leurs pieds.Ils se traduisent notamment par une variation périodique de la température et de la densité du plasma dans la boucle.Ces variations engendrent des pulsations d’intensité de longue période, qui sont détectées depuis peu dans l’émission en extrême-ultraviolet (EUV) de certaines boucles coronales.Par ailleurs, des écoulements périodiques de plasma à températures coronales se produisent durant ces cycles.Dans certains cas, le plasma qui s’écoule peut refroidir de plusieurs ordres de grandeur et former de la pluie coronale périodique.Durant ma thèse, j’ai travaillé à la première détection de ces écoulements à haute et à basse température.En utilisant des séries temporelles de spectres EUV de l’instrument Hinode/EIS, j’ai mesuré la vitesse Doppler du plasma dans des boucles dans lesquelles on détecte des pulsations d’intensité.Cela m’a permis de détecter des écoulements de plasma à température coronale associé à certaines pulsations d’intensité.Par ailleurs, j’ai participé à la détection d’un événement de pluie coronale périodique (à température plus froide) dans des séries d’images de l’instrument SDO/AIA.Ces détections permettent de confirmer que les pulsations d’intensité de longue période sont bien le résultat de cycles de TNE, ainsi que d’apporter de nouvelles contraintes sur le chauffage des boucles coronales.Cela permet notamment de conclure que le chauffage des boucles coronales est localisé près de leurs pieds et que son temps de répétition est inférieur au temps de refroidissement du plasma.Afin de détecter les écoulements à haute température, j’ai dû corriger de nombreux effets instrumentaux de EIS.J’ai notamment développé une nouvelle méthode pour aligner les spectres avec des images de l’instrument AIA, qui permet de corriger l’angle de roulis et la variation aléatoire du pointage de EIS.En appliquant cette méthode à un grand nombre de spectres, j’ai réalisé la première mesure systématique de l’angle de roulis de l’instrument.Par la suite, j’ai réalisé des simulations numériques du cas de pluie coronale périodique.Dans ces simulations, j’ai calculé l’évolution du plasma dans la boucle pour différents paramètres de chauffage et différentes géométries du champ magnétique.Cela m’a permis d’identifier les paramètres de chauffage permettant de reproduire le comportement observé.Avec ces simulations, j’ai par ailleurs pu comprendre comment l’asymétrie de la boucle et du chauffage conditionnent la température minimale atteinte par les écoulements qui se forment lors des cycles de non-équilibre thermique. / The outermost layer of the solar atmosphere, the corona, is composed of plasma which is hotter than the surface by several orders of magnitude.One of the main challenges in solar physics is to explain how the corona is formed and heated to temperatures of a few million degrees.In this context, I focus on the heating of coronal loops (which are structures composed of plasma confined in magnetic field tubes), and more precisely on thermal non-equilibrium (TNE) cycles.Studying these cycles allows us to characterize the heating of coronal loops.These cycles occur in loops with a highly stratified heating, localized near their footpoints.Among other effects, they cause periodic variations of the temperature and density of the plasma in the loop.These variations result in long-period intensity pulsations, which have recently been detected in the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) emission of some coronal loops.In addition, periodic flows of plasma at coronal temperatures occur during these cycles.In some cases, the flowing plasma can cool down by several orders of magnitude, and thus form periodic coronal rain.During my thesis, I worked on the first detection of these periodic plasma flows at coronal and lower temperatures.Using time series of spatially-resolved EUV spectra from the instrument Hinode/EIS, I measured the Doppler velocity of plasma in loops undergoing long-period intensity pulsations.This allowed me to detect flows of plasma at coronal temperatures associated with some maxima of the intensity pulsations.In addition, I took part in the detection of an event of periodic coronal rain (at cooler temperatures), using series of images from the instrument SDO/AIA.These detections confirm that the long-period intensity pulsations detected in coronal loops are indeed the result of TNE cycles, and allow better constrain the heating of the loops.From this, conclude that the heating of coronal loops is highly stratified, localized near their footpoints, with a repetition time shorter than the cooling time of the plasma.Detecting the flows of plasma at coronal temperatures required that I correct many EIS instrumental effects.To that aim, I developed a new method for coalinging EIS spectra with images from AIA.This method can correct the roll angle and the jitter (a random variation of the pointing) of EIS.By applying it to a large number of spectra, I carried out a comprehensive determination of the EIS roll angle.I also performed numerical simulations of the periodic coronal rain event.In these simulations, I computed the evolution of the plasma in the loop for different values of the heating parameters, as well as several magnetic field geometries.This allowed me to determine the heating parameters which are required to reproduce the observed behavior of this loop.By analyzing these simulations, I was also able to understand how the asymmetry of the loop and of the heating determine the minimum temperature of the plasma flows which form during thermal non-equilibrium cycles.
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