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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formação para mobilidade acadêmica na França na área de Letras: da leitura literária ao commentaire linéaire francês / Education for academic mobility in France in Language Teaching studies: from literature reading to the French commentaire linéaire

Anna Carolina Antunes de Moraes 19 April 2016 (has links)
No contexto atual, o estabelecimento de acordos entre universidades brasileiras e estrangeiras assume importante papel no conjunto de medidas que visam à internacionalização das universidades no Brasil. Uma das iniciativas se refere à realização, na área de Letras, do Programa de Licenciaturas Internacionais para a França (PLI/França CAPES), que permite que estudantes de Letras Francês/Português de universidades brasileiras realizem uma parte de seus estudos em universidades francesas, mais especificamente, na Universidade Paris-Sorbonne. A partir dos dados obtidos com estudantes brasileiros na universidade francesa no período 2013-2015, identificamos as dificuldades encontradas para a realização de leitura e produção escrita literária em língua francesa, mais especificamente na produção escrita do commentaire linéaire. A partir desta constatação, esta pesquisa se desenvolveu com base nas etapas metodológicas definidas na didática do ensino de língua francesa, Francês para Objetivo Universitário (FOU) (Mangiante, Parpette, 2004, 2011, 2012) segundo as quais é necessária a preparação linguística, cultural e metodológica de estudantes estrangeiros que planejam realizar estudos na França. Baseando-nos também no referencial teórico sobre a leitura presentes em Eco (1979), Albuquerque-Costa (2004), Giasson (2007), Kleiman (2004, 2008, 2013), Pietraróia (1997, 2001), Pietraróia; Albuquerque-Costa (2014), Jouve (1993, 2002, 2012) os objetivos desta pesquisa são 1) desenvolver a compreensão de textos literários; 2) identificar as estratégias de leitura de textos literários; 3) analisar as características e as etapas de produção do commentaire linéaire solicitado no meio acadêmico francês para Letras. Nosso corpus de pesquisa foi constituído a partir dos dados obtidos no Curso de Extensão Lecture en Français: como se preparar para o intercâmbio? ministrado para estudantes de Letras Francês/Português da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Assis. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a necessidade de preparação linguística, metodológica e cultural voltada para o desenvolvimento de um processo de leitura e produção do commentaire linéaire por meio de estratégias do estudo e compreensão dos textos literários. A contribuição desta pesquisa situa-se no âmbito da formação de professores e pesquisas na área da didática das línguas estrangeiras, em Francês para Objetivo Universitário (FOU), formação que, como pudemos observar, é essencial para estudantes que se preparam para programas de intercâmbio com a França. / At the present context, the cooperation between Brazilian and French universities assumes an important role in the range of measures that aims Brazilian universities internationalization. One of the initiatives refers to the holding, in Language Teaching studies, of the Programa de Licenciaturas Internacionais (PLI/França CAPES), which allows Brazilian students to make part of their studies in French universities to obtain Undergraduate Certification in Paris-Sorbonne. From data collected with Brazilian students in French universities in the period of 2013-2015, we identified difficulties in reading and writing in French literature, especially in commentaire linéaire writing. From this observation, this research was developed based on methodological steps defined in French teaching, French for Academic Purposes (FOU) (Mangiante, Parpette, 2004, 2011, 2012), according to the linguistics, cultural and methodological preparation required to students that plan to study in France.. Based on reading activities from theoretical frame of Giasson (2007), Kleiman (2004, 2008, 2013), Pietraróia (1997, 2001), Pietraróia; Albuquerque-Costa (2014), Jouve (1993, 2002, 2012) and Eco (1979), our research goals: 1) identify Reading strategies in literature; 2) develop literature texts comprehension; 3) analyze commentaire linéaires characteristics and production steps. Our research corpus was composed of data obtained during the Course Lecture en Français: como se preparar para o intercâmbio? offered to UNESP/Assis French Letters students. The results point the needs of linguistics-methodological preparation to develop a reading and writing process by literature reading strategies. This research contribution stands in teaching education and in the foreign languages teaching studies, in French for Academic Purposes (FOU), essential to students preparing to exchange programs in France.

Разработка инструментов привлечения и сохранения иностранных студентов в ИнЭУ УрФУ : магистерская диссертация / Development of tools for attracting and retaining foreign students at Graduate School of Economics and Management UrFU

Никоненко, В. А., Nikonenko, V. A. January 2023 (has links)
Значение иностранных студентов в вузе сложно переоценить, особенно принимая во внимание неостанавливающийся процесс глобализации, который способствует мобильности контингента между странами. Привлечение новых студентов из-за рубежа является одной из основных целей развития как Уральского федерального университета, так и Института экономики и управления. Несмотря на то, что интернационализация уже давно стоит на повестке, до сих пор не существовало полноценного инструмента упрощающего и оптимизирующего процесс поиска и привлечения иностранных студентов для прохождения обучения в университете. На данный момент в мире все вузы практикуют применение ряда инструментов для привлечения новых студентов, такие как работа с рекрутинговыми агентствами, посещение образовательных выставок за рубежом, рекламные компании в сети интернет, государственные программы и другие. Отдельно каждый из инструментов может давать хороший результат, однако комплексный подход всегда оказывается наиболее эффективным. Цель исследования – разработка проекта по привлечению и сохранению иностранных студентов в Институте экономики и управления УрФУ. Объектом исследования является Институт экономики и управления Уральского федерального университета. Научная новизна: разработка онлайн-платформы, позволяющей интегрировать в единую систему процедуру подачи абитуриентами документов и их прямого взаимодействия с Центром международного сотрудничества института, в том числе по вопросам подготовки к вступительным экзаменам, и с руководителями соответствующих образовательных программ. Практическая значимость: оптимизации процесса рекрутинга иностранных студентов и повышение скорости привлечения иностранных студентов, а также снижении затрат на данный процесс. / It is difficult to overestimate the importance of foreign students at the university, especially taking into account the unstoppable process of globalization, which promotes the mobility of the contingent between countries. Attracting new students from abroad is one of the main development goals of both the Ural Federal University and the Graduate School of Economics and Management. Despite the fact that internationalization has been on the agenda for a long time, there has not yet been a full-fledged tool that simplifies and optimizes the process of finding and attracting foreign students to study at the university. At the moment, all universities in the world practice using a number of tools to attract new students, such as working with recruiting agencies, visiting educational exhibitions abroad, advertising companies on the Internet, government programs and others. Separately, each of the tools can give a good result, but an integrated approach always turns out to be the most effective. The aim of the study is to develop a project to attract and retain foreign students at the Graduate School of Economics and Management of UrFU. The object of the study is the Graduate School of Economics and Management of the Ural Federal University. Scientific novelty: development of an online platform that allows to integrate into a single system the procedure for applicants to submit documents and their direct interaction with the Center for International Cooperation of the Institute, including on preparation for entrance exams, and with the heads of relevant educational programs. Practical significance: optimization of the process of recruiting foreign students and increasing the speed of attracting foreign students, as well as reducing the costs of this process.

Академическая мобильность студентов из Российской империи в первой половине XIX в. (на примере Гейдельбергского университета) : магистерская диссертация / Academic Mobility of Students from the Russian Empire in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century (Case of the Heidelberg University)

Ширанова, Е. А., Shiranova, E. A. January 2018 (has links)
Диссертационное исследование посвящено образовательным поездкам российских студентов в Гейдельбергский университет в первой половине XIX в. Исследования по истории академической мобильности показывают тенденции этого процесса в прошлом и позволяют более широко взглянуть на образовательные связи между государствами. На основе данных университетских матрикул и справочной литературы была создана электронная таблица российских студентов и затем обработана при помощи статистического пакета. Всего за период 1800–1850 гг. было отобрано 285 студентов из Российской империи. На основе полученных комбинационных таблиц был составлен коллективный портрет российского студенчества по признакам возраста, вероисповедания, социального происхождения, выбора факультета, региональной принадлежности и предыдущего места обучения. Результаты исследования могут стать базой для работ по разным вопросам российско-германских связей и, в особенности, для сравнения академической мобильности российских студентов первой половины XIX в. с другими периодами или регионами. / The dissertation is devoted to academic trips of Russian students to the Heidelberg University during the first half of the 19th century. Writings on the history of academic mobility demonstrate its tendencies in the past and allow examining international educational contacts in a wider perspective. An electronic database of the Russian students in the Heidelberg University was created based on the data of university matricula and corresponding background materials. Then the data were processed in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). 285 students from the Russian Empire who studied in the Heidelberg University during 1800–1850 were chosen. A collective portrait of the Russian studentry was compiled including such characteristics as age, confession, social background, regional background, choice of faculty, and previous place of education. The results of the current research can be applied in studies on various aspects of Russian and German contacts and, particularly, on comparison of academic mobility of Russian students either in other regions or in other periods.

Mellan akademi och kulturpolitik : Lektorat i svenska språket vid tyska universitet 1906–1945 / Zwischen Akademie und Kulturpolitik : Lektorate der schwedischen Sprache an deutschen Universitäten 1906-1945

Åkerlund, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the establishment and development of lectureships in the Swedish language in German universities during the first half of the 20th century. Building on earlier research about the role of language teaching abroad for public diplomacy, the study sees the lecturer as a part of both the the academic and political fields in Germany and Sweden. The establishment of and changes in the system of lectureships in Swedish 1906–1945 are explained through an analysis of the actors involved and of the assets allowing the actors to control both the establishment of lectureships and the appointment of lecturers in Germany. During the Weimar Republic a number of actors were involved in the establishment of the lectureships. They included academics with a scholarly interest in Scandinavian languages and old Norse,, the German state, which worked to promote the study of foreign countries and interna­tional academic mobility as a way of breaking German isolation after World War I, and the Swedish organization for the preservation of Swedishness abroad for which the teaching of Swed­ish abroad was a way of increasing the academic status of the language. After the National Social­ist takeover in 1933 the NSDAP and the Swedish foreign ministry also took an interest in the Swedish lectureships in Germany for propaganda purposes. The dissertation shows how a system for the appointment of Swedish lecturers to Germany was established through interaction between the actors. Central in this process were the control over economic assets, a social network which made recommendations of lecturers possible, and the control over communication between both the lecturers and universites and between the German and Swedish states. The study also shows that the uneven distribution of assets between German and Swedish actors resulted in an inferior position for the German state and organizations in relationship to their Swedish counterparts.

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