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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Méthodologie pour la détection de défaillance des procédés de fabrication par ACP : application à la production de dispositifs semi-conducteurs / PCA Methodology for Production Process Fault Detection : Application to Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes

Thieullen, Alexis 09 July 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est le développement d'une méthodologie pour la détection de défauts appliquée aux équipements de production de semi-conducteurs. L'approche proposée repose sur l'Analyse en Composantes Principales (ACP) pour construire un modèle représentatif du fonctionnement nominal d'un équipement. Pour cela, notre méthodologie consiste à exploiter l'ensemble des mesures disponibles, collectées via les capteurs internes et externes au cours desopérations de fabrication pour chaque plaque manufacturée. Nous avons développé un module de pré-traitement permettant de transformer les mesures collectées en données interprétables par l'ACP, tout en filtrant l'information considérée comme non-désirable induite par la présence de valeurs aberrantes et perturbant la construction du modèle. Nous avons combiné des extensions de l'ACP linéaire et notamment l'ACP multiway, l'ACP filtrée ainsi que l'ACP récursive, de façon à adapter la modélisation aux caractéristiques des systèmes. L'utilisation d'un filtre par moyenne mobile exponentielle nous permet de considéré la dynamique du système au cours de la réalisation d'une opération. L'ACP récursive est employée pour adapter le modèle aux changements de comportement du système après certains événements (maintenance, redémarrage, etc.).Les différentes méthodes sont illustrées à l'aide de données réelles, collectées sur un équipement actuellement exploité par STMicroelectronics Rousset. Nous proposons également une application plus générale de la méthode pour différents types d'équipement et sur une période plus importante, de façon à montrer l'intérêt industriel et la performance de cette approche. / This thesis focus on developping a fault detection methodology for semiconductor manufacturing equipment. The proposed approach is based on Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to build a representative model of equipment in adequat operating conditions. Our method exploits collected measurements from equipement sensors, for each processed wafer. However, regarding the industrial context and processes, we have to consider additional problems: collected signals from sensors exhibit different length, or durations. This is a limitation considering PCA. We have also to consider synchronization and alignment problems; semiconductor manufacturing equipment are almost dynamic, with strong temporal correlations between sensor measurements all along processes. To solve the first point, we developped a data preprocessing module to transform raw data from sensors into a convenient dataset for PCA application. The interest is to identify outliers data and products, that can affect PCA modelling. This step is based on expert knowledge, statistical analysis, and Dynamic Time Warping, a well-known algorithm from signal processing. To solve the second point, we propose a combination multiway PCA with the use of an EWMA filter to consider process dynamic. A recursive approach is employed to adapt our PCA model to specific events that can occur on equipment, e.g. maintenance, restart, etc.All the steps of our methodology are illustrated with data from a chemical vapor deposition tool exploited in STMicroelectroics Rousset fab. Finally, the efficiency and industrial interest of the proposed methodologies are verified by considering multiple equipment types on longer operating periods.

Efeito da utilização de dentifrícios com diferentes compostos bioativos nas propriedades superficiais do esmalte dental clareado / Effect of toothpastes with different bioactive compounds on dental bleached enamel superficial properties

Yamamoto, Thayne Waleska 10 September 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão da literatura para verificar se os novos compostos bioativos presentes no mercado, como CPP-ACP, fosfosilicato de cálcio e sódio e o nitrato de potássio são eficazes na remineralização do esmalte dental clareado. As alterações ocorridas na superfície dental devido ao clareamento são diversas. Dentre elas, pode-se citar a rugosidade, dureza, perda de conteúdo mineral e alterações morfológicas como as mais estudadas. Muitas formas de análises tem sido utilizadas para essas avaliações, porém duas novas técnicas demonstram-se promissoras: o QLF e a nanoidentação. O QLF relaciona-se com a auto fluorescência dental, possuindo vantagens relacionadas a sua especificidade, simples manuseio e preservação do espécime. Já a nanoidentação é capaz de mensurar a dureza em sítios específicos, em uma escala nanométrica, permitindo uma criteriosa seleção da área a ser analisada. Os resultados obtidos não necessitam da mensuração visual da área demarcada pelo identador, o que se torna mais uma vantagem da técnica. Foi conclusivo que a literatura diverge quanto aos resultados apresentados até o momento relacionados aos efeitos do clareamento dental na superfície dental, e os estudos que avaliaram os diversos compostos bioativos apresentam diferentes metodologias que não permitem o estabelecimento de um protocolo de aplicação dos mesmos. Sendo assim, faz-se necessária a realização de novos estudos para avaliar os possíveis efeitos dos diferentes compostos quando da utilização destes como dentifrícios de uso terapêutico após o tratamento clareador. / This study aimed to review the literature and verify if the new bioactive compounds, like CPP-ACP, calcium sodium phosphosilicate and potassium nitrate are effective on the remineralization of the bleached dental enamel. There are several alterations occurred on the dental surface owing to the bleaching procedure. Among them: roughness, microhardness, mineral content loss and morphologic alterations are the most evaluated. Many different analysis have been used to assess the changes in the dental structure, however two of them have shown to be promising: the QLF and the nanoindentation. The QLF is related with the auto fluorescence of the teeth and has advantages related to its specificity, simple manipulation and it is not a destructive technique. On the other hand, the nanoindentation is capable to measure the surface hardness in very specific sites, in a nanometric scale, enabling a criterious selection of the area which will be analyzed. The results obtained by this equipment do not require the visual measure of the impressed area of the indentation, which is one advantage of the methodology. It was conclusive that the literature disagrees of the results presented about the effects of dental bleaching on the enamel surface and the researches that evaluated the bioactive compounds have demonstrated differences in their methodologies. These inconclusive findings interfere on the establishment of an application protocol to those new dentifrices. Thus, it is necessary to develop new researches to better understand the possible effects of the bioactive compounds when the use of these dentifrices are related to a therapeutic use after treatment with bleaching agents.

Diagnostic de fonctionnement par analyse en composantes principales : application à une station de traitement des eaux usées / Fault diagnosis using principal component analysis : application to a wastewater treatment plant

Tharrault, Yvon 11 December 2008 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse était de valider l’ensemble des informations délivrées par les capteurs utiles à la commande d’une station de traitement des eaux usées. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé l’analyse en composantes principales (ACP) pour effectuer la détection et localisation de défauts de capteurs de la station de traitement des eaux usées. Afin de construire un modèle ACP, nous avons eu recours à une matrice de données constituée de l’ensemble des mesures disponibles (obtenues lors du fonctionnement normal de la station de traitement des eaux usées) dans l’installation. Cependant, afin d’appliquer l’ACP, nous avons rencontré plusieurs difficultés : 1. Présence dans les données de valeurs aberrantes (valeurs obtenues durant des périodes de démarrage, d’arrêt, de fonctionnement dégradé, erreurs de mesure, ...) perturbant la construction d’un modèle ACP. 2. Présence de défauts multiples, ce qui entraîne une explosion combinatoire des scénarii de défauts à considérer. Afin de résoudre le premier point, nous nous sommes intéressé aux variantes robustes de l’ACP. L’estimateur robuste MCD (Minimum Covariance Determinant), méthode de référence pour ses performances, nécessite un temps de calcul important, et une connaissance a priori de la quantité de valeurs aberrantes présente dans les données (inconnue). C’est la raison pour laquelle nous avons proposé une nouvelle méthode robuste, basée sur l’utilisation de MM-estimateur, nommée MMRPCA (MM-estimator Robust Principal Component Analysis). Concernant le point 2, une méthode d’analyse du modèle en terme de capacité de détection et de localisation a été appliquée afin de réduire le nombre de défauts à considérer. Les différentes méthodes développées ont été menées avec succès afin de valider les mesures issues des différents capteurs de la station d’épuration des eaux usées / This thesis deals with the validation of the information provided by the sensors to the control of a wastewater treatment plant. For this purpose, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) approach is used in order to accomplish sensor fault detection and isolation of the wastewater treatment plant. This approach is well adapted to cope with diagnosis of complex systems because no a priori theoretical model of the plant must be considered. A data matrix, obtained by taking into consideration the available measurements in normal behaviour of the wastewater treatment plant, is used in order to build a PCA model. However, two major problems must be taking into consideration when PCA is implemented: 1. Outliers appear naturally in the collection data (caused for example by faulty data, data obtained during shutdown or startup periods or data issued from different operating mode) and consequently the PCA model can seriously be affected. 2. Multiple sensor faults introduce unavoidably a combinatory explosion of the different fault scenarios to be considered. The first problem is solved by introducing a robustness degree in the PCA methodology. Among the existing robust methods proposed in the literature, the robust estimator MCD (Minimum Covariance Determinant) is the most popular. However, this method needs a large computing time on the one hand and a priori knowledge of the quantity of outliers present (generally unknown) in the data on the other hand. To avoid these difficulties, a new robust method is proposed in this thesis. Our method, namely MMRPCA (MM-estimator Robust Principal Component Analysis), is based on MM-estimators. The second mentioned problem is tackled by reducing the considered number of faults thanks to a new analysis method of the capacities of detection and isolation of the PCA model. The efficiency of the proposed methodologies is verified by considering the real wastewater treatment plant data

Tratamento preventivo do esmalte desmineralizado: estudo in vitro / Preventive treatment of demineralized enamel: an in vitro study

Caldeira, Tania Coelho Rocha 03 October 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar &ldquo;in vitro&rdquo; diferentes tratamentos na remineralização do esmalte desmineralizado em situação de alto desafio cariogênico. Foram obtidos 55 blocos de esmalte de dentes bovinos com dimensões de 4x4x2mm, que tiveram sua superfície planificada e polida. Metade da superfície foi protegida com resina, antes da formação de lesão de mancha branca, mantendo-a íntegra. Para a formação da lesão de desmineralização os blocos foram imersos em solução tampão de acetato por 43h. Os espécimes foram divididos aleatoriamente em 5 grupos: controle (sem tratamento), Verniz Duraphat; Flúor gel; Mi Paste e Mi Paste Plus. Todas as superfícies desmineralizadas receberam tratamento, com os seus respectivos produtos, 1x/semana durante 3 semanas. Nos intervalos das aplicações os espécimes foram submetidos a ciclos de pH num total de 21 dias. Antes da desmineralização, após, em seguida à 1a aplicação e ao final dos 21 dias de ciclagem foram obtidas imagens da superfície e análise da rugosidade superficial, e morfologia por meio de Microscopia Confocal a Laser, ao final a resina que protegia a área controle foi removida e capturada uma nova imagem para análise do perfil de desgaste. Os dados foram analisados quanto a sua distribuição e verificada a normalidade e a homogeneidade da distribuição amostral, foi realizada Análise de Variância e teste de tukey (p<0,05). Pode-se observar que tanto para a rugosidade superficial como para o perfil de desgaste os grupos estudados apresentaram resultados similares entre si (p>0,05). Na rugosidade superficial observou-se que apenas no verniz ocorreu um aumento significante de rugosidade com o tempo (p<0,05). Na morfologia pode-se observar uma topografia irregular que foi mais evidenciada ao término da ciclagem, tendo o controle e os Mi Paste (convencional e plus) apresentado perda de estrutura mais evidente. Baseado nos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que nenhum tratamento preventivo isolado foi efetivo para paralisação do desenvolvimento da lesão de cárie que foi agravado com o tempo de exposição ao processo DES-RE. / The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, different treatments in previously demineralized enamel in a high cariogenic challenge. 55 enamel slabs of bovine teeth with dimensions of 4x4x2mm were planned and polished surface. Half the surface was protected with resin before the formation of white spot lesions, and half stay sound. For the formation of the demineralization challenge the blocks were immersed in acetate buffer solution for 43h. The specimens were randomly divided into 5 groups: control (no treatment), Duraphat; Fluoride gel; Mi Paste and Mi Paste Plus. All demineralized surfaces were treated with their respective products, 1x/week for 3 weeks. During intervals among applications specimens were subjected to pH cycles in a total of 21 days. Before demineralization, after the first application and after 21 days of cycling were obtained images of surface and it was analyzed for surface roughness and morphology by 3D Confocal Laser microscope, the end the resin protecting the control area was removed and a new image captured for analysis of the wear profile. Data were analyzed for distribution and checked for normality and homogeneity of the sampling distribution, it was performed analysis of variance and Tukey test (p <0.05). It can be seen that both the surface roughness and profile for the wear groups had similar results (p> 0.05). Surface roughness was observed only in the duraphat showed a significant increase in roughness with time (p <0.05) occurred. Morphology can be observed an irregular topography that was more evident at the end of cycling, it had been control and Mi Paste (conventional and plus) presented more evident loss of structure. Based on the results obtained in vitro can be concluded that no preventive treatment alone was effective in paralyzed the development of caries lesion. The integrity of enamel surface was deteriorated with time of exposure in DES-RE process.

Intraläsionale Anwendung von autologem thrombozytenangereicherten Plasma und xenogener, azellulärer, porziner Matrix bei Fesselträgerläsionen beim Pferd - eine klinische, vergleichende Studie

Lutz, Sebastian Raphael 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Studie wurde an 109 Patienten mit einer Erkrankung des Fesselträgers retrospektiv untersucht, ob die intraläsionale Applikation von autologem thrombozyten-reichem Plasma (PRP) Vorteile gegenüber der intraläsionalen Applikation von xenogener azellulärer Matrix aus porziner Harnblasenmukosa (ACell Vet™ UBM Powder) besitzt. Die gesamten Daten zum Patientenmaterial entstammen einer großen, schwerpunktmäßig orthopädisch orientierten Pferdeklinik. In die Gruppe mit Thrombozyten angereichertem Plasma (PRP) wurden 75 Patienten aufgenommen. Es wurden 3 verschieden Methoden zur Herstellung von thrombozytenreichem Plasma verwendet. Als Vergleichsgruppe dienten 34 Patienten, welche mit einer xenogenen Therapieform (ACell™) am Fesselträger behandelt wurden. Initial wurden alle Patienten klinisch und ultrasonographisch untersucht, wobei bei allen Patienten ein frischer oder alter aufgefrischter/chronischer Schaden am Fesselträger dargestellt werden konnte. Die Wahl der Therapieform richtete sich nach der Einschätzung, der Präferenz und den Erfahrungen des jeweiligen behandelnden Tierarztes unter Berücksichtigung des finanziellen Aufwandes für die Patientenbesitzer. Alle Patienten wurden entweder mit PRP oder mit ACell™ behandelt und Boxenruhe in Verbindung mit einem steigernd aufgebauten Schritt- und Aufbautrainingsprogramm verordnet. Die Nachuntersuchungen zur Kontrolle des Heilungserfolges und -fortschrittes beinhalteten eine klinische Lahmheitsuntersuchung sowie eine ultrasonographische Untersuchung. Je nach klinischer und ultrasonographischer Entwicklung wurde das Bewegungsprogramm angepasst. Zum Abschluss der Studie konnte als Resultat festgestellt werden, dass 45 (60 %) Patienten der PRP Gruppe ihr ursprüngliches Leistungsniveau wieder erreicht hatten, 8 (10,7 %) Patienten konnten ihr ursprüngliches Leistungsniveau nicht wieder erreichen, 17 (22,7 %) Patienten erlitten ein Rezidiv und ein (1,3 %) Patient musste euthanasiert werden. Im Vergleich dazu erreichten 20 (58,8 %) Patienten der ACell™ Gruppe wieder ihr ur-sprüngliches Leistungsniveau, 5 (14,7 %) Patienten konnten ihr ursprüngliches Leistungs-niveau nicht wieder erreichen, 7 (20,6 %) erlitten ein Rezidiv und ein (2,9 %) Patient musste euthanasiert werden. Die Unterschiede im Resultat sind statistisch nicht signifikant. Ein statistisch signifikanter Unterschied (p= 0,05) ist allerdings bei der Dauer der Rehabilitationsphase zu beobachten. Im Durchschnitt benötigten erfolgreich therapierte PRP Patienten signifikant weniger Zeit bis zum Erreichen der vollen Belastbarkeit als erfolgreich therapierte ACell™ Patienten. PRP Patienten wurden durchschnittlich 15,6 Wochen im Schritt bewegt und erhielten 13,2 Wochen Aufbautraining, so dass sie im Durchschnitt nach 29,6 Wochen wieder ihre volle Belastbarkeit erreicht hatten. Erfolgreich therapierte ACell™ Patienten wurden durchschnittlich 20,2 Wochen im Schritt bewegt und erhielten im Anschluss im Durchschnitt 19,8 Wochen Aufbautraining, so dass sie im Durchschnitt nach 40,6 Wochen wieder ihre volle Belastbarkeit erreicht hatten. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Rehabilitationsdauer bei mit thrombozytenreichem Plasma behandelten Fesselträgerschäden signifikant kürzer ist als bei mit ACell™ behandelten Fesselträgerschäden, obwohl sich das Resultat der Behandlung statistisch nicht wesentlich unterscheidet (p= 0,88). Die vielversprechenden Ergebnisse einiger ähnlich konzipierten Arbeiten konnten in der vorliegenden Studie mit keiner der angewandten Behandlungsform erreicht werden. Erwähnte Studien umfassten deutlich größere oder deutlich kleinere Patientengruppen und unterschieden sich hinsichtlich Rasse und Nutzung des Patientenmaterials sowie dem meist kürzeren Untersuchungszeitraum. Insofern erscheint einerseits eine derartige Studie aus praktischer Sicht sinnvoll und lohnenswert, andererseits zeigt sich auch der Bedarf an vergleichbaren, klinischen, praxisorientierten Arbeiten zur Evaluierung dieser Behandlungsmethoden.

Efeito do fosfopeptídeo de caseína-fosfato de cálcio amorfo (cpp-acp) no controle da erosão do esmalte dentário.

Diniz, Luciana Vilar de Oliveira 15 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:56:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Arquivototal.pdf: 1506813 bytes, checksum: 01a6e65a669f2f0616d92f5db1de2aaf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of CPP-ACP in dental erosion control. For this purpose two studies. (1) The objective the first study was to evaluate in vitro the effect of pastes containing CPP-ACP and fluoride dentifrice in controlling dental erosion with or without abrasion. Eighty enamel blocks were divided into 10 groups (n = 8) according to the type of product used: MI Paste ® (G1/G6), Mi Paste Plus ® (G2/G7), Sensodyne Pro-Enamel ® (G3 / G8), Crest ® (G4/G9) and artificial saliva (G5/G10) and the experimental procedure: erosion with dripping with solution of the product (G1-G5) and erosion abrasion with dripping of the solution of the product (G6- G10). The specimens were subjected to simulated erosion using a soft drink as an agent of erosion, for three cycles of erosion of five minutes under constant agitation, for ten days. The surface roughness (Ra) was used to quantify the changes of the enamel surface eroded. For qualitative assessment of enamel was used SEM. There was a statistically significant difference (p <0.05) between groups G1-G4 in the control group G5 after the erosive challenge. The same occurred between groups G6-G9 and G10 when the erosion control was followed by abrasion. However, the products did not differ when they were compared in two conditions of erosion. In the evaluations of the SEM observed change in the surface of all experimental groups compared to healthy surface in each specimen surface. It can be concluded that the CPP-ACP and CPP-ACPF, showed ability to reduce the deleterious effects of erosion similar to fluoride toothpastes. (2) The objective of the second study was to evaluate in situ the effect of CPP-ACP incorporated into a chewing gum in reducing the increase of surface roughness of enamel after being subjected to erosive challenge with or without abrasion. This study presented a blind crossover design in which eight volunteers used intraoral palatal appliances containing six specimens. Each volunteer was subjected to three experimental periods of seven days each, with seven-day wash out between them. In each period were observed three conditions of erosion: erosion only, immediate erosion associated with brushing and erosion associated with brushing after an hour. The surface roughness (Ra, Rz and Rt) was used to analyze the surface changes. In all specimens there was an increase in roughness of enamel after the erosive challenges. Statistically significant difference was found between the experimental periods "no gum" and "gum with CPP-ACP" when erosion was followed by immediate brushing: Rz (p = 0.0148) and Rt (p = 0.036) and one hour after brushing Ra (p = 0.0312), Rz (p = 0.0264) and RT (p = 0.498). Among the three conditions of erosion in each period, the roughness values always followed the same pattern of presentation: erosion <erosion with abrasion after an hour <erosion with abrasion immediately, but there was no statistically significant difference. The data suggest that the use of chewing gum with CPP-ACP after ingestion of erosive beverages, contributes to reduction of dental enamel erosion, especially when the challenge is followed by the erosive abrasion. Thus, it is concluded that the CPP-ACP incorporated into folders or chewing gum was able to reduce the deleterious effects of dental erosion. / O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do CPP-ACP no controle da erosão dentária. Para isso foram realizados dois estudos 1 e 2. (1) O objetivo do estudo 1 foi avaliar in vitro o efeito de pastas contendo CPP-ACP e dentifrícios fluoretados no controle da erosão dentária associada ou não à abrasão. Oitenta blocos de esmalte foram distribuídos em 10 grupos (n=8) de acordo com o tipo do produto utilizado: Mi Paste®(G1/G6), Mi Paste Plus®(G2/G7), Sensodyne Pro-Esmalte®(G3/G8), Crest®(G4/G9) e saliva artificial (G5/G10) e do procedimento realizado: erosão seguida de gotejamento com solução do produto (G1-G5) e erosão seguida de abrasão com gotejamento da solução do produto (G6-G10). Os espécimes foram submetidos à simulação da erosão, utilizando um refrigerante à base de cola como agente erosivo. Foram realizados três ciclos erosivos de cinco minutos, sob constante agitação, durante dez dias. A rugosidade superficial (Ra) foi avaliada para quantificar as alterações superficiais do esmalte erodido. Para a avaliação qualitativa do esmalte foi usado o MEV. Houve diferença estatística significante (p<0,05) entre os grupos G1-G4 em relação ao grupo controle G5 após o desafio erosivo. O mesmo ocorreu entre os grupos G6-G9 e o controle G10 quando a erosão foi seguida da abrasão. Porém, os produtos não diferiram quando foram comparados entre si nas duas condições de erosão. Nas avaliações do MEV observou-se nítida alteração na lisura de superfície de todos os grupos experimentais em relação à superfície hígida em cada espécime. Pode-se concluir que o CPP-ACP e o CPP-ACPF, apresentaram capacidade de reduzir os efeitos deletérios da erosão semelhante aos dentifrícios fluoretados. (2) O objetivo do estudo 2 foi avaliar in situ o efeito do CPP-ACP incorporado em uma goma de mascar na redução do incremento de rugosidade superficial do esmalte dentário após ser submetido a desafio erosivo associado ou não à abrasão. Este estudo apresentou um desenho cruzado e cego em que oito voluntários utilizaram aparelhos intrabucais palatinos contendo seis espécimes. Cada voluntário foi submetido a três períodos experimentais, de sete dias cada, com wash out de sete dias entre eles. Em cada período foram observadas três condições de erosão: erosão somente, erosão associada à escovação imediata e erosão associada à escovação após uma hora. A rugosidade superficial (Ra, Rz e Rt) foi avaliada para análise das alterações superficiais. Em todos os espécimes houve incremento de rugosidade no esmalte após os desafios erosivos. Diferença estatística significativa foi encontrada entre os períodos experimentais sem goma e goma com CPP-ACP quando a erosão foi seguida da escovação imediata: Rz (p=0,0148) e Rt (p=0,036) e escovação após uma hora: Ra (p=0,0312), Rz (p=0,0264) e Rt (p=0,498). Entre as três condições de erosão em cada período, os valores de rugosidade seguiram sempre o mesmo padrão de apresentação: erosão < erosão seguida de abrasão após uma hora < erosão seguida de abrasão imediata, porém não houve diferença estatística significante. Os dados sugerem que o uso da goma de mascar com CPP-ACP após a ingestão de bebidas erosivas, contribui para redução da erosão dentária no esmalte, sobretudo quando o desafio erosivo é seguido da abrasão. Assim, conclui-se que o CPP-ACP incorporado em pastas ou em gomas de mascar foi capaz de reduzir os efeitos deletérios da erosão dentária.

Tratamento preventivo do esmalte desmineralizado: estudo in vitro / Preventive treatment of demineralized enamel: an in vitro study

Tania Coelho Rocha Caldeira 03 October 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar &ldquo;in vitro&rdquo; diferentes tratamentos na remineralização do esmalte desmineralizado em situação de alto desafio cariogênico. Foram obtidos 55 blocos de esmalte de dentes bovinos com dimensões de 4x4x2mm, que tiveram sua superfície planificada e polida. Metade da superfície foi protegida com resina, antes da formação de lesão de mancha branca, mantendo-a íntegra. Para a formação da lesão de desmineralização os blocos foram imersos em solução tampão de acetato por 43h. Os espécimes foram divididos aleatoriamente em 5 grupos: controle (sem tratamento), Verniz Duraphat; Flúor gel; Mi Paste e Mi Paste Plus. Todas as superfícies desmineralizadas receberam tratamento, com os seus respectivos produtos, 1x/semana durante 3 semanas. Nos intervalos das aplicações os espécimes foram submetidos a ciclos de pH num total de 21 dias. Antes da desmineralização, após, em seguida à 1a aplicação e ao final dos 21 dias de ciclagem foram obtidas imagens da superfície e análise da rugosidade superficial, e morfologia por meio de Microscopia Confocal a Laser, ao final a resina que protegia a área controle foi removida e capturada uma nova imagem para análise do perfil de desgaste. Os dados foram analisados quanto a sua distribuição e verificada a normalidade e a homogeneidade da distribuição amostral, foi realizada Análise de Variância e teste de tukey (p<0,05). Pode-se observar que tanto para a rugosidade superficial como para o perfil de desgaste os grupos estudados apresentaram resultados similares entre si (p>0,05). Na rugosidade superficial observou-se que apenas no verniz ocorreu um aumento significante de rugosidade com o tempo (p<0,05). Na morfologia pode-se observar uma topografia irregular que foi mais evidenciada ao término da ciclagem, tendo o controle e os Mi Paste (convencional e plus) apresentado perda de estrutura mais evidente. Baseado nos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que nenhum tratamento preventivo isolado foi efetivo para paralisação do desenvolvimento da lesão de cárie que foi agravado com o tempo de exposição ao processo DES-RE. / The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, different treatments in previously demineralized enamel in a high cariogenic challenge. 55 enamel slabs of bovine teeth with dimensions of 4x4x2mm were planned and polished surface. Half the surface was protected with resin before the formation of white spot lesions, and half stay sound. For the formation of the demineralization challenge the blocks were immersed in acetate buffer solution for 43h. The specimens were randomly divided into 5 groups: control (no treatment), Duraphat; Fluoride gel; Mi Paste and Mi Paste Plus. All demineralized surfaces were treated with their respective products, 1x/week for 3 weeks. During intervals among applications specimens were subjected to pH cycles in a total of 21 days. Before demineralization, after the first application and after 21 days of cycling were obtained images of surface and it was analyzed for surface roughness and morphology by 3D Confocal Laser microscope, the end the resin protecting the control area was removed and a new image captured for analysis of the wear profile. Data were analyzed for distribution and checked for normality and homogeneity of the sampling distribution, it was performed analysis of variance and Tukey test (p <0.05). It can be seen that both the surface roughness and profile for the wear groups had similar results (p> 0.05). Surface roughness was observed only in the duraphat showed a significant increase in roughness with time (p <0.05) occurred. Morphology can be observed an irregular topography that was more evident at the end of cycling, it had been control and Mi Paste (conventional and plus) presented more evident loss of structure. Based on the results obtained in vitro can be concluded that no preventive treatment alone was effective in paralyzed the development of caries lesion. The integrity of enamel surface was deteriorated with time of exposure in DES-RE process.

Efeito da utilização de dentifrícios com diferentes compostos bioativos nas propriedades superficiais do esmalte dental clareado / Effect of toothpastes with different bioactive compounds on dental bleached enamel superficial properties

Thayne Waleska Yamamoto 10 September 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão da literatura para verificar se os novos compostos bioativos presentes no mercado, como CPP-ACP, fosfosilicato de cálcio e sódio e o nitrato de potássio são eficazes na remineralização do esmalte dental clareado. As alterações ocorridas na superfície dental devido ao clareamento são diversas. Dentre elas, pode-se citar a rugosidade, dureza, perda de conteúdo mineral e alterações morfológicas como as mais estudadas. Muitas formas de análises tem sido utilizadas para essas avaliações, porém duas novas técnicas demonstram-se promissoras: o QLF e a nanoidentação. O QLF relaciona-se com a auto fluorescência dental, possuindo vantagens relacionadas a sua especificidade, simples manuseio e preservação do espécime. Já a nanoidentação é capaz de mensurar a dureza em sítios específicos, em uma escala nanométrica, permitindo uma criteriosa seleção da área a ser analisada. Os resultados obtidos não necessitam da mensuração visual da área demarcada pelo identador, o que se torna mais uma vantagem da técnica. Foi conclusivo que a literatura diverge quanto aos resultados apresentados até o momento relacionados aos efeitos do clareamento dental na superfície dental, e os estudos que avaliaram os diversos compostos bioativos apresentam diferentes metodologias que não permitem o estabelecimento de um protocolo de aplicação dos mesmos. Sendo assim, faz-se necessária a realização de novos estudos para avaliar os possíveis efeitos dos diferentes compostos quando da utilização destes como dentifrícios de uso terapêutico após o tratamento clareador. / This study aimed to review the literature and verify if the new bioactive compounds, like CPP-ACP, calcium sodium phosphosilicate and potassium nitrate are effective on the remineralization of the bleached dental enamel. There are several alterations occurred on the dental surface owing to the bleaching procedure. Among them: roughness, microhardness, mineral content loss and morphologic alterations are the most evaluated. Many different analysis have been used to assess the changes in the dental structure, however two of them have shown to be promising: the QLF and the nanoindentation. The QLF is related with the auto fluorescence of the teeth and has advantages related to its specificity, simple manipulation and it is not a destructive technique. On the other hand, the nanoindentation is capable to measure the surface hardness in very specific sites, in a nanometric scale, enabling a criterious selection of the area which will be analyzed. The results obtained by this equipment do not require the visual measure of the impressed area of the indentation, which is one advantage of the methodology. It was conclusive that the literature disagrees of the results presented about the effects of dental bleaching on the enamel surface and the researches that evaluated the bioactive compounds have demonstrated differences in their methodologies. These inconclusive findings interfere on the establishment of an application protocol to those new dentifrices. Thus, it is necessary to develop new researches to better understand the possible effects of the bioactive compounds when the use of these dentifrices are related to a therapeutic use after treatment with bleaching agents.

Návrh komunikačnej stratégie spoločnosti ACP Traductera, s.r.o. pre získavanie ľudských zdrojov v rámci vybraných vysokých škôl / Communication Strategy Draft for ACP Traductera, s.r.o. for Human Resources Gaining in the Frame of Higher Schools

Valovičová, Eliška January 2008 (has links)
The work is to design appropriate procedures for establishing partner relations with the ACP Traductera Company, Ltd. with selected universities and to raise awareness among the number of students. The selected universities are Faculty of management VŠE in Prague, Teacher's college JČU in Ceske Budejovice, Polytechnic University in Jihlava and Západomoravská University in Trebic. In this work overlap sciences such as strategic marketing, marketing communication, management and human resources management. Marketing communication tools are used for research in selected universities. To catch out views of students on issues of cooperation and awareness of the company questionares were used. In the form of an interview negotiation with University representative was held. In the end there is an evaluation of all selected universities on the issue of cooperation and evaluation of their students in terms of language proficiency. There is a recommendation for the establishment of partnerships with universities that are best suited to the requirements and there is stated in what form this cooperation should take place.

Přístupový systém založený na protokolu ACP / Access Control System Based on ACP Protocol

Jedlička, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
Work is focused on the possibility of implementation of ACP into applications for mobile devices using the Android operating system ogether with the implementation of this Protocol in the hardware device. Communication is based on standard TCP / IP and UDP protocol.

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