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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement de nouvelles méthodes séparatives compatibles avec une détection par spectrométrie de masse et par électrochimie pour l'analyse des traces de catécholamines et molécules apparentées

Chirita, Raluca-Ioana 27 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les catécholamines et les indolamines font partie de la famille des neurotransmetteurs. Un déséquilibre dans leur concentration peut être associé à différentes maladies telles les maladies de Parkinson et Alzheimer, la dépression ou la schizophrénie. C'est pourquoi le développement de méthodes de dosage spécifiques et très sensibles du fait de leurs très faibles teneurs dans les fluides biologiques est nécessaire. Dans un premier temps nous avons développé une méthode chromatographique en appariement d'ions (IP-LC) utilisant des colonnes C18 de nouvelle génération (monolithique et « fused core ») et l'acide nonafluoropentanoïque, comme agent d'appariement d'ions volatil. Cette méthode est compatible avec une détection SM en mode d'ionisation positive. Dans un deuxième temps, différents systèmes en mode HILIC ont été évalués. Le choix raisonné de la phase stationnaire offrant la meilleure séparation du mélange de catécholamines a pu être réalisé après avoir testé l'influence sur la séparation des différents groupements fonctionnels disponibles : groupement soit neutre (greffage diol, amide, ou cyano), soit positivement chargé (greffage amino ou triazole) soit négativement chargé (silice vierge avec particules totalement poreuses ou partiellement poreuses « fused core ») ou zwitterionique (greffage sulfobetaïne). La méthode HILIC présente l'avantage d'être compatible aussi bien avec une détection SM en mode d'ionisation positive que négative. Les deux méthodes (IP-LC et HILIC) ont été comparées en termes de résolution, efficacité et limites de détection (LOD), linéarité et répétabilité. Les LODs obtenues sont comprises entre 1 et 100 ng.mL-1. Pour pouvoir doser des teneurs plus faibles, une méthode de pré-concentration de l'échantillon a été développée en associant 2 supports différents (Oasis HLB et PGC). La méthode optimisée SPE-CPL-MS/MS a été enfin appliquée à un extrait de cerveau de mouton.

An analysis of the Sugar Industry and its global competitiveness : The case of Fiji

Jenshagen, Hanna, Andersson, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
The Sugar Industry in Fiji is facing a lot of problems. Since the Government of Fiji has not fulfilled their commitments to the European Union (EU), the EU has backed away from supporting the industry. The milling efficiency has been constantly declining since the mid 1980’s and farm productivities have not kept pace with the changing international market for sugar. To be able to obtain the economies of scale, the sugar production in Fiji has to increase with 75 % from the current level of production. A lot of towns in Fiji would be nothing without the Sugar Industry, and thousands of people are dependent on the industry for their sustenance. Due to this fact, it is certain that the loss of confidence in the industry, or any likely collapse, would imply disaster for Fiji as a whole. It will lead to serious implications on the economic, social and political stability of Fiji. The overall aim of this thesis is to study the effects of the EU measures especially on the Sugar Industry in Fiji, to be able to understand to which extent the industry depends on the support from the EU. The aim is also to analyse and discuss different competition strategies on how Fiji can compete and be a part of the global market of sugar. This research was made from a qualitative approach in order to gain a deeper understanding about the problem. Abduction made it possible to work parallel with different parts of the thesis. A combination of primary and secondary data gathering has been used, with the secondary data as a basis for building the empirical part of the thesis. The primary data was collected through in-depth interviews with people at different positions within the Sugar Industry in Fiji. Fiji is dependent on the Sugar Industry and since there is no other obvious donor for Fiji today, and it is crucial that the industry gets support, the conclusion is that Fiji also is dependent on the support from the EU. Even though Fiji has the possibility to increase their competitiveness on the regional as well as on the international market, there is no need for Fiji to strive after the world market at the moment.

Identification des paramètres d'authenticité du lait et des produits laitiers

Martin del Campo Barba, Sandra Teresita 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le présent travail, la pertinence de la spectroscopie moyen infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (IRTF), combinée avec des techniques chimiométriques, pour identifier quelques paramètres d'authenticité de laits et de fromages est évaluée. Les modèles discriminants, obtenus à partir des profils spectraux MIR, ont permis de : - classer les échantillons de lait et de produits similaires selon leur dénomination, - de prédire l'âge de fromages de type Camembert et Emmental, - de prédire différents paramètres physicochimiques caractéristiques de fromages de type Camembert pendant leur affinage. Les meilleurs modèles discriminants entre les échantillons de lait, en fonction de leur authenticité et de leur niveau d'adultération, ont été obtenus pour le profil des acides grases méthylés (FAMES). Les résultats montrent que la spectroscopie moyenne infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (IRTF) constitue une méthode rapide et directe pour identifier les laits et produits similaires, et pour prédire les durées d'affinage de fromages de type Camembert et Emmental. Mots Clés: Spectroscopie infrarouge, authenticité, lait, affinage de fromage, Camembert, Emmental, ACP, PLS, ADG

Synthesis of Caseinolytic Protease Agonists Towards the Synthesis of the Natural Acyldepsipeptides

Cossette, Michele 30 November 2011 (has links)
Caseinolytic protease (ClpP) is a cylindrical protease forming the core of protein degradation machinery in eubacteria. ClpP is tightly regulated and is non-functional without a member of the Clp-ATPases. A new class of antibiotics, termed ADEPs, bind to ClpP and allow for activation without the Clp-ATPases; leading to cell death. A more efficient synthetic route to the ADEPs utilizing solid-phase peptide synthesis was investigated. A linear peptide was synthesized, however attempts to close the depsipeptidic macrocycle via macrolactonization failed. Further attempts of assembling a branched depsipeptide for ring closure via a macrolactamization resulted in products that were not stable to cleavage conditions. A group of molecules termed Activators of Self-Compartmentalizing Proteases (ACP) were identified through a screen for activity towards ClpP. Compound ACP1 was synthesized along with twelve analogs and their activity towards ClpP evaluated. The project resulted in a compound with a higher activity than its natural product counterpart.

Mécanismes de rétention du cuivre dans les sols : évaluation statistique des approches macroscopiques et spectroscopiques

Lenoir, Thomas 03 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le cuivre est un élément chimique, nocif pour la matière vivante, qui peut s'associer sous de nombreuses formes aux constituants organiques et inorganiques des sols. A une échelle macroscopique, les modélisations thermodynamiques, souvent surparamétrées, sont insuffisantes pour conclure sur la nature des formes présentes. La spectroscopie d'absorption X (XAS) réalisée avec des rayons focalisés sur quelques micro-m² permet d'accéder à cette information. A cette échelle micrométrique, la variabilité spécifique des formes du cuivre d'un point d'analyse à un autre se traduit par un changement du signal mesuré en micro-XAS. L'analyse en Composantes Principales (ACP) permet alors en théorie de dénombrer les espèces pures. Ces techniques ont été utilisées pour caractériser les formes cuprifères d'une part dans des rizières contaminées par une exploitation minière (MAMUT, MALAISIE) et d'autre part dans un bassin d'infiltration d'eaux de ruissellement (CHASSIEU, FRANCE). Les présences de cuivre associé avec la matière organique et sous formes métallique, de chalcopyrite et de cristaux localement spécifiques ont été mises en évidence. Néanmoins, en raison de la faible fiabilité des indicateurs existants, le nombre total des espèces cuprifères n'a pu être que majoré par ACP. Ce problème a été surmonté par la mise au point d'un nouvel indicateur évalué statistiquement sur des mélanges de composition connue et dont la précision sur le nombre d'espèces est de ± 1 dans les cas les plus défavorables.

La France, la Communauté économique européenne et l'Afrique subsaharienne, de la Convention de Yaoundé (juillet 1963) à la Convention de Lomé 1 (février 1975)

Ali Farah, Omar 30 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
La France a obtenu de ses partenaires l'inclusion des territoires d'outre-mer dans le traité de Rome instituant la CEE. L'objectif était, en période de décolonisation, de maintenir des liens entre les métropoles et les anciennes colonies dans un contexte nouveau. Entre 1958 et 1963, les Six expérimentent un système d'association avec les pays tiers, en particulier les états africains et malgache associés (EAMA) qui permet de maintenir des liens économiques particuliers avec ces états souverains, sous couvert d'une aide au développement. La Convention de Yaoundé de juillet 1963 marque la volonté des Six d'institutionnaliser et de coordonner leurs relations avec les pays tiers africains et malgache et jette les bases d'une politique de coopération, consolidée par des renouvellements de cette Convention. Celles-ci furent basées au niveau commercial, sur des préférences tarifaires et contingentaires réciproques et une assistance financière et technique. Aux termes d'une décennie d'association, le bilan du soutien au développement fut très maigre. Excepté la coopération dans le domaine de l'enseignement et de la formation où il y a eu une hausse de la scolarisation dans la plupart des EAMA, les résultats au niveau économique furent dérisoires : les préférences dont ils bénéficièrent se réduisirent progressivement à peu de chose, ils restèrent encore très dépendants et fortement endettés. Leur économie était toujours basée sur l'exportation des produits tropicaux et l'extraction des minerais et les termes de l'échange très déséquilibrés.

Assessment of the economic partnership agreement between South Africa and the European Union / Joanna Wroblewski.

Wroblewski, Joanna Makgorzata January 2012 (has links)
Trade agreements play a big part in international trade and have existed for as long as countries have been trading internationally. Countries often agree to sign a trade agreement with their trading partners because trade agreements can stimulate international trade by removing barriers. Trade agreements can also have a negative impact on a country, such as social injustice and economic inequality. South Africa has numerous trade agreements with various countries, one important agreement that South Africa is part of is the regional trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries which originated in 1976. The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) is a preferential trade agreement which evolved from the Cotonou Agreement which came into force in 2000 and envisioned the creation of mutual trade agreements. When this agreement expired in 2007, the (EPA) was created. The main objective of the EPA’s is to integrate the ACP countries into the world economy. The EU aims to combine trade, politics and development and enhance the political dimension of ACP countries by addressing issues such as corruption, poverty and inadequate development policies. The EU is in favour of the EPA because it will reduce the number of negotiations with various countries, which it currently holds simultaneously. South Africa had some reservations regarding the EPA. South Africa is currently governed by the Trade, Development and Co-operation Agreement (TDCA), which was created with specific goals and also acts as a strategic partnership between the EU and South Africa. If the EPA is implemented in South Africa, it will replace certain elements of the TDCA agreement. South Africa has characteristics of both a developed and developing economy and will be excluded from several of the general trade arrangements of the EPA. The EU is offering duty-free and quota-free access for all the countries except for South Africa. This will result in two different SACU tariffs for imports from the EU. South Africa also argues that various discrepancies will arise between the EPA and TDCA which will cause various challenges regarding political, legal and technical aspects between Southern African countries and this will hinder regional integration amongst these countries. There are various opinions as to which agreement will be more beneficial for South Africa. Where the EPA aims to create a single agreement for all ACP countries, the TDCA is an exclusive agreement between South Africa and the EU, and addresses issues specific to South Africa. The underlying problem is that South Africa has qualities of both a developed and a developing nation and is being excluded from some of the benefits that the EU is offering the other members. This rings some alarm bells, as South Africa and its neighbouring countries are working towards better regional integration. The EPA might have a negative influence on this regional integration because various African countries will benefit differently under the EPA. This Study analyses the possible effects the EPA could have on South Africa’s trade with the EU and South Africa’s neighbouring countries by means of a literature study and an empirical analysis. The first part of literature study gives an overview on trade theories and trade agreements, advantages of free trade, trade barriers and the likeliness of countries to trade with each other. The second part provides an in depth overview of regional and preferential trade agreements and economic integration. The Third section of the literature study gives a complete overview of South Africa and the EU’s economic and trade situation. The Fourth and final section of the literature study provides an overview of the TDCA and the EPA and compares the two agreements. The literature study is followed by an empirical analysis and an overview of the gravity model. The empirical analysis studied the impact of trade barriers on the historic trade between South Africa and the EU using a gravity model as a basis. The gravity model was used as a base for the regression models, because it has proven to give accurate estimations in previous studies done with similar trade data. This study used data for each variable for the time period 2000 to 2010 and was sourced from the World Bank and the International Trade Centre but there are data limitations. Separate models were estimated for exports from South Africa to the EU and imports to SA from the EU. From the import regression results, it was clear that the coefficients were very small and should all tariffs be eliminated, there will not be a significant increase in imports to South Africa from the EU. The export regression results were similar to the results of imports and indicated that if all tariffs should be eliminated with the implementation of the EPA, there will not be a significant increase in exports from South Africa to the EU. However the EPA stretches beyond only trade benefits and because the EU remains one of South Africa’s biggest trade and development partners, it is vital to consider the effects of the EPA. It does appear that the EPA’s main motivator is not international trade, but that it is rather political and development orientated. / Thesis (MCom (International Trade))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Assessment of the economic partnership agreement between South Africa and the European Union / Joanna Wroblewski.

Wroblewski, Joanna Makgorzata January 2012 (has links)
Trade agreements play a big part in international trade and have existed for as long as countries have been trading internationally. Countries often agree to sign a trade agreement with their trading partners because trade agreements can stimulate international trade by removing barriers. Trade agreements can also have a negative impact on a country, such as social injustice and economic inequality. South Africa has numerous trade agreements with various countries, one important agreement that South Africa is part of is the regional trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries which originated in 1976. The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) is a preferential trade agreement which evolved from the Cotonou Agreement which came into force in 2000 and envisioned the creation of mutual trade agreements. When this agreement expired in 2007, the (EPA) was created. The main objective of the EPA’s is to integrate the ACP countries into the world economy. The EU aims to combine trade, politics and development and enhance the political dimension of ACP countries by addressing issues such as corruption, poverty and inadequate development policies. The EU is in favour of the EPA because it will reduce the number of negotiations with various countries, which it currently holds simultaneously. South Africa had some reservations regarding the EPA. South Africa is currently governed by the Trade, Development and Co-operation Agreement (TDCA), which was created with specific goals and also acts as a strategic partnership between the EU and South Africa. If the EPA is implemented in South Africa, it will replace certain elements of the TDCA agreement. South Africa has characteristics of both a developed and developing economy and will be excluded from several of the general trade arrangements of the EPA. The EU is offering duty-free and quota-free access for all the countries except for South Africa. This will result in two different SACU tariffs for imports from the EU. South Africa also argues that various discrepancies will arise between the EPA and TDCA which will cause various challenges regarding political, legal and technical aspects between Southern African countries and this will hinder regional integration amongst these countries. There are various opinions as to which agreement will be more beneficial for South Africa. Where the EPA aims to create a single agreement for all ACP countries, the TDCA is an exclusive agreement between South Africa and the EU, and addresses issues specific to South Africa. The underlying problem is that South Africa has qualities of both a developed and a developing nation and is being excluded from some of the benefits that the EU is offering the other members. This rings some alarm bells, as South Africa and its neighbouring countries are working towards better regional integration. The EPA might have a negative influence on this regional integration because various African countries will benefit differently under the EPA. This Study analyses the possible effects the EPA could have on South Africa’s trade with the EU and South Africa’s neighbouring countries by means of a literature study and an empirical analysis. The first part of literature study gives an overview on trade theories and trade agreements, advantages of free trade, trade barriers and the likeliness of countries to trade with each other. The second part provides an in depth overview of regional and preferential trade agreements and economic integration. The Third section of the literature study gives a complete overview of South Africa and the EU’s economic and trade situation. The Fourth and final section of the literature study provides an overview of the TDCA and the EPA and compares the two agreements. The literature study is followed by an empirical analysis and an overview of the gravity model. The empirical analysis studied the impact of trade barriers on the historic trade between South Africa and the EU using a gravity model as a basis. The gravity model was used as a base for the regression models, because it has proven to give accurate estimations in previous studies done with similar trade data. This study used data for each variable for the time period 2000 to 2010 and was sourced from the World Bank and the International Trade Centre but there are data limitations. Separate models were estimated for exports from South Africa to the EU and imports to SA from the EU. From the import regression results, it was clear that the coefficients were very small and should all tariffs be eliminated, there will not be a significant increase in imports to South Africa from the EU. The export regression results were similar to the results of imports and indicated that if all tariffs should be eliminated with the implementation of the EPA, there will not be a significant increase in exports from South Africa to the EU. However the EPA stretches beyond only trade benefits and because the EU remains one of South Africa’s biggest trade and development partners, it is vital to consider the effects of the EPA. It does appear that the EPA’s main motivator is not international trade, but that it is rather political and development orientated. / Thesis (MCom (International Trade))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Biology of tooth wear: preventive strategies.

Ranjitkar, Sarbin January 2010 (has links)
There is an increasing awareness in clinical dentistry of the need to better understand the aetiology and management of tooth wear, as increasing numbers of elderly patients are retaining their natural teeth to a stage when they present with extensive wear. In addition, more younger patients are presenting with wear of both primary and permanent teeth. In order to comply with the philosophy of minimal intervention dentistry, clinical management of tooth wear should focus on early detection and prevention before a restorative approach is considered. Fluoride is a commonly used agent in the management of tooth wear, with previous studies showing that it can protect teeth against erosion (at around pH 2.0 and 3.0) and toothbrush abrasion in an acidic environment (at around pH 3.0). However, it does not reduce attritional wear between opposing tooth specimens. Nightguards are commonly used to prevent attritional wear but there is still a need to improve preventive strategies to manage the risk of erosive tooth wear. Previous in vitro studies have shown that a remineralizing agent in the form of CPP-ACP (casein phosphopeptide – amorphous calcium phosphate) can reduce erosion of both enamel and dentine by white wine. A recent study has also highlighted the potential lubricating and remineralizing properties of a CPP-ACP containing paste (Tooth Mousse®, G C Asia Pty Ltd) in reducing dentine wear in both an acidic environment (pH 3.0) and a near neutral environment (pH 6.1). In this context, it is desirable to investigate the effect of CPP-ACP on enamel wear under conditions simulating various clinical situations and to better understand the nature of third-body components at the wear interface. The aims of the present study were: (i) to determine the effect of CPP-ACP on enamel wear under conditions simulating three clinical situations: heavy attrition with gastric regurgitation (at pH 1.2); toothbrush abrasion after an erosive episode (at pH 3.2); and erosion from gastric regurgitation (at pH 1.2), and (ii) to clarify its mode of action by characterizing the enamel surface treated with CPP-ACP. Electro-mechanical tooth wear machines were used to simulate attrition and toothbrush abrasion in combination with erosion, but no machine was used in experiments investigation erosion alone. The effect of paste containing CPP-ACP in reducing erosive tooth wear was also compared with that without CPP-ACP. Enamel surfaces with and without treatment with CPP-ACP were then characterized by using Time of Flight – Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). CPP-ACP was found to reduce enamel wear under conditions simulating heavy attrition combined with gastric regurgitation, and toothbrush abrasion after an erosive episode. However, it did not protect enamel from erosion under conditions simulating gastric regurgitation alone, indicating that its lubricating effect was more pronounced than its remineralizing effect. Silicone and ethyl siloxane were present in trace amounts on the enamel surface treated with Tooth Mousse®, thus they were found to be included in its formulation. These findings imply that CPP-ACP nanocomplexes and silicon can act as third body components to lubricate the wear interface. The findings presented in this thesis have implications for clinical management of tooth wear and may lead to new strategies of tooth wear prevention. Although some caution is needed in extrapolating these findings to the in vivo situation, it should be noted that in vitro studies provide valuable insights into separate components of the tooth wear process that are often difficult to distinguish in clinical situations. Overall, this thesis provides new information about the role of CPP-ACP in reducing erosive enamel wear and provides a basis for future experimental and clinical studies focussing on tooth wear prevention. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1379897 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Dentistry, 2009

Modélisation de la prévision de défaillance des entreprises par des approches statiques et dynamiques : réseaux de neurones, réseaux bayésiens, modèles de durée et dichotomiques / Modeling of business failure prediction by statistic and dynamic approaches : neural networks, Bayesian networks, duration and dichotomous models

Abid, Ilyes 15 November 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier différentes méthodes de prévision de la défaillance d'entreprises aussi bien en statique qu'en dynamique. Plus précisément, dans l'approche statique, nous avons recouru aux méthodes de sélection des variables discriminantes en utilisant les réseaux de neurones. Nous avons ainsi proposé deux nouvelles procédures relevant de ces méthodes.La première, fondée sur le critère HVS, intitulée HVS-AUC, nous a permis i) de construire un modèle plus parcimonieux par rapport à l’ADL ; ii) de dégager un ensemble de variables stables à la fois non conjoncturelles et avec un fort pouvoir explicatif. A l'inverse, la seconde technique est basée sur la procédure forward ou plus exactement sur forward-AUC. Cette méthode fait apparaître des résultats comparables à l'ADL mais avec moins de variables explicatives. Elle permet notamment de détecter les ratios jugés les plus pertinents selon ADL et HVS-AUC.Nous avons de plus utilisé des méthodes d'apprentissage de structure de réseaux bayésiens pour essayer d'améliorer la performance de classification des entreprises. Nous avons mobilisé une technique intitulée "Max-Min Hill-Climbing" ou MMHC. Nous avons analysé les performances de classification d'un algorithme combiné entre MMHC et le modèle de base d'un réseau bayésien naïf (BN). Cette nouvelle méthode a été nommée BN-MMHC (Bayes naïf augmentée par MMHC). Les résultats obtenus confirment néanmoins l'opinion dominante : pour ce qui est du pouvoir discriminant, aucune structure ne semble à même de concurrencer BN de manière significative.Dans la deuxième approche dynamique, nous avons mis plus l'accent sur les facteurs non mesurables a priori et sur des facteurs explicatifs impossibles à appréhender dans un cadre statique. Nous avons mobilisé dans un premier volet les variables macroéconomiques pour mieux estimer le risque de défaut. Dans un second volet, nous avons utilisé une modélisation alternative permettant d'appréhender correctement les chocs que peuvent subir les entreprises au cours du temps. De ce fait, nous avons évalué ainsi l'effet de la propagation de ces chocs. / The objective of this thesis is to study bankruptcy prediction models from both static and dynamic viewpoints. More precisely, in the static approach, we used the methods of selecting discriminating variables using the neural networks. We thus proposed two new procedures relating to these methods. The first one is based on the criterion HVS called HVS-AUC and allowed to 1) build a more parsimonious model compared to the LDA, 2) identify a set of variables both static and non-cyclical with a strong explanatory power. Conversely, the second technique is based on the forward procedure, more precisely on forward-AUC. This method shows results comparable to the LDA but with fewer variables. It allows the detection of ratios considered as the most relevant according to LDA and HVS-AUC. We have also used methods of structure learning of Bayesian networks to improve the performance of classification of firms. We have mobilized a technique called "Max-Min Hill-Climbing" or MMHC. Specifically, we plan to analyze the performance of classification of an algorithm that mixes both MMHC and the canonical model of a naive Bayes network (NB). This new method could be called NB-MMHC (naive Bayes augmented by MMH C). The results confirm the prevailing view: as for the discriminatory power, no structure seems to be able to significantly compete with NB. In the second dynamic approach, we put more emphasis on factors not measurable a priori and also on explanatory factors impossible to capture within a static framework. In the first phase, we used the macroeconomic variables to better estimate the risk of default. In the second part, we used an alternative model to better estimate the shocks that firms could undergo over time. We therefore evaluate the propagation effects of theses shocks

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