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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"I Will Pour Out My Spirit upon All Flesh": A Study on Joseph Smith's Reception of Joel 2:28–32

Davis, Jared Heaton 01 July 2018 (has links)
In 2001, President Gordon B. Hinckley, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints announced in an opening statement at General Conference, "The vision of Joel has been fulfilled wherein he declared," he then quoted the KJV of Joel 2:28–32. Throughout the remaining six and a half years of his life, he provided no commentary on the fulfillment of this passage. Fulfillment of the passage is also referenced in the standard works for The LDS Church in Joseph Smith—History (JS—H 1:41) and in the New Testament (Acts 2:17–21). An array of publications before and after President Hinckley's statement, comment on the fulfillment of Joel 2:28–32. This thesis is not another voice commenting on the fulfillment of Joel's ancient message. However, in the many statements made on the fulfillment of Joel 2:28–32 a gap exists, in that, no study has been conducted looking specifically at the perceptions and all of the statements of Joseph Smith on the fulfillment of this passage. This thesis seeks to fill that gap. In this thesis I contend that Joseph Smith did not believe that Joel 2:28–32 had ever been fulfilled prior to his lifetime, and that Joseph utilized the prophecy and its fulfillment as a form of motivation for his followers to preach, gather, and build up Zion. Chapter one summarizes some of the history of Christianity's view of fulfillment of Joel 2:28–32. Because Joseph Smith was not raised in a vacuum, chapter two unfolds the Christian commentary on Joel's prophecy found in Bibles produced in the antebellum era that Joseph Smith lived in. Chapter three elucidates the beliefs about the fulfillment of Joel's prophecy which two contemporary Christians had—Alexander Campbell and William Miller—to show how distinct Joseph Smith's teachings and beliefs were in his time–period. Chapter four provides every documented statement Joseph Smith made on Joel's prophecy, and every primary allusion that points back to Joel 2:28–32. It provides analysis to show what connections Joseph did and did not make with fulfillment of Joel 2:28–32 and shows that Joel 2:28–32 was one of the several primary scriptural texts for the restoration. Chapter five demonstrates that other early leaders within Joseph's church also saw the fulfillment of Joel taking place in their day and as a part of their experiences. This thesis shows that Joseph Smith did not consider the fulfillment of Joel on a single occasion, as many of his predecessors and contemporaries had, but through publications and sermons he produced a more thorough structure of belief's regarding its place in the world and especially his church than any other up–start evangelical Christian leader in the antebellum era. He produced a number of revelations, which quote the unique language of Joel. He also pointed people to the ongoing fulfillment of the passage multiple times between 1830 and 1839, showing that he did not believe that fulfillment would come in a specific singular event.

Procédés proto-communicatifs entre pairs d'âge de 5 à 11 mois : types d'attention conjointe, d'interaction et des proto-actes du langage : l'acquisition du langage en milieu collectif : étude des interactions précoces / Pre-linguistic processes between aged 5 to 11 months peers : types of joint attention, interaction and proto-speech acts : language acquisition in a group setting : study of early interactions

Hernandez Hernandez, Yelly 27 November 2014 (has links)
Peut-on considérer qu'un groupe de jeunes enfants entre 5 et 11 mois interagissant entre eux, peut constituer un contexte d'acquisition particulier avec des bénéfices spécifiques sur un accès au langage et à la communication ? D'abord nous devons déterminer s'il existe une dynamique entre très jeunes pairs d'âge et ensuite examiner quelle serait sa qualité. Prenant comme cadre de référence les interactions entre mère et enfant déjà caractérisées dans la littérature scientifique, l'observation et l'analyse d'un corpus transversal et longitudinal recueilli en milieu de crèche francophone à Paris en 2006 montrent comment certains enfants interagissent entre eux. Afin d'organiser les données, cette dynamique a été classifiée en trois procédés proto-communicatifs : l'attention conjointe, les interactions et les proto-actes du langage, qui ont été chacun, articulés par types. L'analyse qualitative de ces données met en évidence des caractéristiques équivalentes et plus performantes que celles des procédés proto-communicatifs décrits entre mère et enfant. L'observation de l'interaction entre très jeunes pairs d'âge peut constituer un nouveau support de données utiles pour comprendre l'accès au langage et à la communication chez l'enfant. / Can a group of very young infants, between 5 and 11 months of age, interacting together provide an acquisition context with specific benefits of access to language and communication ? First we must determine if a communicative dynamic between very young peers exists and then examine its relevant qualities. Taking as a framework the already theorized interactions between mother and infant, the analysis of transversal and longitudinal data collected from a French nursery in Paris in 2006 shows some babies interacting with each other. In order to organize the data, this dynamic has been classified into three proto-communicative processes; joint attention, interactions and proto-speech acts. Qualitative analysis of peers interactions data shows equivalent and more advanced capacities than those of proto-communicative processes described between mother and infants. These results demonstrate that interactions between very young aged peers may provide a new panel data to understand the access to language and communication in children.

Negotiating existence: asylum seekers in East Anglia, UK.

Corfield, Sophia January 2008 (has links)
This ethnographic study of asylum seekers in East Anglia, UK, poses the following questions: how do asylum seekers adapt, cope and adjust to life in the UK when their future is so uncertain? To what extent do people seeking asylum relate to an asylum seeker identity? How do asylum seekers negotiate interactions with others as they await an outcome to their application for asylum? This study explores these questions in an effort to gain insight into the role of identity reconstruction during the process of asylum seeking. This thesis is based on twelve months of fieldwork in the towns of Norwich and Great Yarmouth, and to a lesser extent in Peterborough and London, where asylum seekers had been dispersed by either the London Boroughs or the Home Office’s NASS (National Asylum Support Service). During 2002 and 2003, I conducted fieldwork amongst asylum seekers, as well as amongst support workers working for various NGOs that offered a number of support services for asylum seekers. The focus on asylum seekers’ speech-acts is a method to observe the primary form of social action by which asylum seekers articulate a shared place, liminal immigration system and interaction with others. These elements shape asylum seekers’ identity in the UK. Consequently, asylum seekers’ predicament can be understood as a movement through the immigration system, but also an existential movement as each person tries to negotiate their existence. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1331561 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Social Sciences, 2008

A Unified Framework for e-Commerce Systems Development : Business Process Pattern Perspective

Jayaweera, Prasad M. January 2004 (has links)
In electronic commerce, systems development is based on two fundamental types of models, business models and process models. A business model is concerned with value exchanges among business partners, while a process model focuses on operational and procedural aspects of business communication. Thus, a business model defines the what in an e-commerce system, while a process model defines the how. Business process design can be facilitated and improved by a method for systematically moving from a business model to a process model. Such a method would provide support for traceability, evaluation of design alternatives, and seamless transition from analysis to realization. This work proposes a unified framework that can be used as a basis to analyze, to interpret and to understand different concepts associated at different stages in e-Commerce system development. In this thesis, we illustrate how UN/CEFACT’s recommended metamodels for business and process design can be analyzed, extended and then integrated for the final solutions based on the proposed unified framework. Also, as an application of the framework, we demonstrate how process-modeling tasks can be facilitated in e-Commerce system design. The proposed methodology, called BP3 stands for Business Process Patterns Perspective. The BP3 methodology uses a question-answer interface to capture different business requirements from the designers. It is based on pre-defined process patterns, and the final solution is generated by applying the captured business requirements by means of a set of production rules to complete the inter-process communication among these patterns.

Legal standing of private parties within judicial reviews in the European Community : the missing piece in a complete system of remedies? / Missing piece in a complete system of remedies?

Xu, Zi Wei January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

Avdramatiserande strategier i logopedisk intervention : En samtalsanalytisk studie

Wallner, Maria, Weström, Sarah January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att studera de avdramatiserande strategier som förekommer under logopedisk afasi- och barnintervention samt att jämföra dessa interventionstyper. Vidare syftade studien till att beskriva hur dessa strategier påverkar interaktionen mellan logoped och patient. Vald analysmetod har influerats av Conversation Analysis (CA) eftersom det är en metod som kan användas för studier av interaktionen mellan människor. Materialet för analysen har utgjorts av sex samtal inom afasiintervention och åtta samtal inom barnintervention. Vid analysen av materialet till föreliggande studie blev det tydligt att det främst är logopeden som använde avdramatiserande strategier och detta skedde något oftare inom barnintervention än inom afasiintervention. I samma material var det relativt ovanligt att patienten använde avdramatiserande strategier. I de fall detta förekom bland patienter var det för att skydda sitt eget ansikte, till skillnad från logopedens användning som främst syftade till att skydda patientens ansikte. I resultaten framkom inga större skillnader gällande vilka avdramatiserande strategier som användes, däremot fanns skillnader i hur ofta de användes samt i hur de tillämpades. En annan tydlig skillnad vid jämförelse av interventionstyperna var att logopeden inom barnintervention oftare använde en stigande grundton som en artighetsstrategi, vilket i vissa situationer fungerar avdramatiserande. Gällande interaktionen ser de avdramatiserande strategierna till att samtalet fungerar och förs framåt inom de båda interventionstyperna. Behovet av de avdramatiserande strategierna blev tydligt när de inte fungerade och patienten till följd av detta upplevde ansiktshot. Sammanfattningsvis låg den största skillnaden mellan de studerade interventionstyperna i hur logopeden anpassade de olika strategierna till en vuxen person med afasi respektive ett barn med språkstörning.

Una propuesta alternativa sobre la construcción identitaria femenina : Análisis de la novela La Revuelta de Sonia Montecino / An alternative proposal on female identity construction

Labbé Andersen, Joanna January 2015 (has links)
Este trabajo propone un acercamiento doble a la novela La Revuelta de Sonia Montecino, donde pensamos que tanto la teoría queer como el origen mapuche son de gran importancia en la construcción identitaria de la protagonista. Nuestro análisis consiste en un intento de relacionar la búsqueda de una identidad por parte de la protagonista, mediante una subversión del sexo, por un lado, y mediante la vuelta a los ancestros, por otro. La hipótesis principal de nuestro trabajo es que La Revuelta presenta una propuesta alternativa sobre la construcción identitaria femenina. Para abarcar nuestra investigación nos empleamos de diferentes herramientas metodológicas, como la teoría queer desarrollada por Judith Butler y la cultura mapuche sintetizada por el antropólogo Rolf Foerster. Al igual que nos detenemos en los estudios del sociólogo chileno Jorge Larraín que nos sirven para comprender el contexto en el que se sitúa la trama de la novela, asimismo como recurrimos a Genette y Greimas para llevar a cabo un estudio narratológico, dado que nuestro cuerpo de investigación ha sido un texto narrativo. / This paper proposes the use of a dual approach of queer theory and the importance of the indigenous Mapuche identity, to analyze the identity construction of the protagonist in the novel La Revuelta. The analysis is an attempt to relate the search for identity by the protagonist, through a subversion of gender on the one hand and the return to the ancestral past on the other. The main hypothesis of our work is that La Revuelta presents an alternative proposal on female identity construction. To execute our research we employ different methodological tools, such as queer theory developed by Judith Butler and the theories on Mapuche culture compiled by anthropologist Rolf Foerster. We also focus on the studies of the Chilean sociologist Jorge Larraín, which allow us to understand the context in which the plot of the novel is set, as well as referring to Genette and Greimas in order to conduct a narratological study.

Ar juridis asmuo gali būti nusikalstamų veikų žmogaus seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvei ir neliečiamumui vykdytojas? / Can legal person be principal of criminal acts against freedom of human sexual self-determination and inviolability?

Navickaitė, Simona 08 August 2008 (has links)
Juridinio asmens baudžiamosios atsakomybės įtvirtinimas - viena esminių naujojo Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso (toliau - BK) naujovių. Šiuo klausimu suformuotos teisminės praktikos Lietuvoje kol kas nėra, juridinio asmens baudžiamosios atsakomybės galimumas svarstomas teoriniame lygmenyje, įvairiais aspektais nagrinėjamas mokslinėse publikacijose. Pradėjus taikyti juridinio asmens baudžiamąją atsakomybę ekonominiuose, aplinkosauginiuose santykiuose, ilgainiui sąrašas veikų už kurias juridinis asmuo gali būti traukiamas baudžiamojon atsakomybėn ilgėja. Įgyvendinant Europos Sąjungos teisės aktus 2006 m. Lietuvos Respublikos BK įtvirtinta juridinio asmens baudžiamoji atsakomybė už tokias nusikalstamas veikas kaip išžaginimas, seksualinis prievartavimas ir kitas, numatytas Lietuvos Respublikos BK XXI skyriuje „Nusikaltimai ir baudžiamieji nusižengimai žmogaus seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvei ir neliečiamumui“. Pažymėtina, kad juridinio asmens baudžiamoji atsakomybė už šias veikas kyla tik tuomet, jei nukentėjusysis yra nepilnametis ar mažametis asmuo. Jeigu juridinio asmens baudžiamosios atsakomybės galimumas suvokiamas ekonominiuose ir panašiose nusikalstamose veikose, tai kalbant apie juridinio asmens baudžiamumą už lytinius nusikaltimus pasigirsta nuomonių apie išimtinai fizinio asmens nusikalstamas veikas, tokias kaip išžaginimas, nužudymas ir pan. Derėtų paminėti, kad Europos Sąjungos teisės aktai neįpareigoja įtvirtinti juridinio asmens baudžiamosios atsakomybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / One of the latest tendencies in international criminal law is legitimation of corporate criminal liability. Validation of corporate criminal liability in Lithuanian criminal code is one of the essential aspects of criminal law reform. According to new Lithuanian Criminal Code by volition of legislation legal person can be held liable for many crimes. Legitimation of corporate criminal liability is associated with international covenants and eurointegration. While implementing the Acts of European Union in 2006 under Lithuanian Criminal Code juridical person can be held liable for such criminal acts as rape, sexual abuse and other criminal acts in section XXI of Lithuanian criminal code (Crimes and misdemeanors against freedom of human sexual self-determination and inviolability). Legal person can be held liable for these crimes only in cases when the victim is a person under aged. The object of this work is liability of legal person for criminal acts against freedom of human sexual self-determination and inviolability The aim of this work is to evaluate the possibility of legal person to be the principal of criminal acts against freedom of human sexual self-determination and inviolability, considering particularities of these criminal acts and peculiarities of corporate criminal liability in Republic of Lithuania. Hypothesis has been made in this work is that legal person can be principal of criminal acts against freedom of human sexual self-determination and inviolability... [to full text]

Europos Bendrijos netarifinių prekybos reguliavimo priemonių aplinkos apsaugoje srityje analizė ir perspektyvos / Analysis and prospects of non tariff trade regulation means of the European Community in the shere of environment protection

Sirusienė, Irena 18 February 2009 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo tema – Europos Bendrijos netarifinių prekybos reguliavimo priemonių aplinkos apsaugos srityje analizė ir perspektyvos. Darbe išsamiai aptariami esami ir numatomi reikalavimai cheminių medžiagų ir preparatų bei ozono sluoksnį ardančių medžiagų eksportui, importui ir tiekimui į rinką. Analizuojamos konvencijos, Europos sąjungos ir nacionaliniai teisės aktai, kad galima būtų atlikti EB netarifinių prekybos reguliavimo priemonių analizę ir numatyti perspektyvas. Darbe naudojama statistinių duomenų analizė, apimanti 2005 – 2007 metus, parodė, kad griežtėjant cheminių medžiagų ir preparatų eksporto, importo , tiekimo į rinką, o taip pat naudojimo reglamentavimui , jų vis mažiau importuojama į Lietuvos Respubliką. Taip pat sumažėjo ir kai kurių cheminių medžiagų ir preparatų eksportas. Ozono sluoksnį ardančių medžiagų vartojimo sumažinimą sąlygojo Lietuvoje įgyvendintos priemonės, visuomenės ir ūkio objektų informavimas apie jų daromą žalą, galimus šių medžiagų pakaitalus, apie Europos Sąjungos ir nacionalinius teisės aktų reikalavimus. Dauguma priemonių įgyvendinta pasinaudojus negrąžintina Pasaulio aplinkos fondo parama. Atlikus teisės aktų bei statistinių duomenų analizę, nustatyta, kad pasitvirtino darbe iškeltos hipotezės: prekėms, kurios daro žalingą poveikį aplinkai, prekybai taikomos griežtos netarifinės reguliavimo priemonės atitinka siekiamus švarios ir sveikos aplinkos tikslus; ieškoma ir randama alternatyvų pavojingų cheminių medžiagų ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topic of Master‘s final work is the analysis and prospects of non tariff trade regulation means of the European Community in the sphere of environment protection. The present and foreseen requirements of export, import and supply to the market of chemical materials and manufactures and the materials which destroy the ozone layer are discussed in detail in the final work. Analizuojamos konvencijos, In order to perform the analysis and to foresee the prospects of non tariff trade regulation means of EC , the law acts of European Union and the national law acts , conventions are analyzed. The statistics data analysis of 2005-2007 , which was used in the work, showed that when the regulations of chemical materials export , import and supply to the market and also their usage , became stricter, less of such materials are imported to Lithuania. The export of some chemical materials and manifactures also decreased. The usage of the materials which destroy the ozone layer lowered due to some means which are implemented in Lithuania and they are: the conveyance of the society and manufacturers about the harm which the materials cause, about possible substitutes and about the requirements of the law acts of European Union and the national law acts. Most of these means were implemented with the help of irretrievable support of World environment funds. After the analysis of law acts and the statistics data it was defined that the hypothesis of the work have been... [to full text]

Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo leidžiamų teisės aktų vidinė konstitucingumo kontrolė (lyginamasis aspektas) / Internal constitutional control of legal acts drafted by Seimas of Lithuanian Republic (comparative aspect) / Innere Verfassungsmässigkeitskontrolle der vom Seimas der Republik Litauen zu erlassenden Rechtsakte (vergleichender Aspekt)

Dumarkas, Jovydas 24 January 2012 (has links)
Vidinė konstitucinė kontrolė yra apibrėžiama kaip teisės aktų projektų atitikties Konstitucijai ir kitiems aukštesnės juridinės galios teisės aktams patikra, a priori atliekama paties subjekto, kuris priima tą teisės aktą, ar jo struktūrinių padalinių. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad šios kontrolės metu yra tikrinamas būtent teisės aktų projektų konstitucingumas, vidinė konstitucinė kontrolė visais atvejais gali būti laikoma ir prevencine (išankstine) konstitucine kontrole. Lietuvoje Seimo leidžiamų teisės aktų vidinės konstitucingumo kontrolės konstituciniai pagrindai išplaukia iš implicitinio reguliavimo – Konstitucinio Teismo oficialiosios konstitucinės doktrinos. Ordinariniame lygmenyje šie teisiniai santykiai detalizuoti Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo statute, nustatančiame Seimo struktūrą ir darbo tvarkos klausimus. Seimo statutas įtvirtina kelis skirtingus vidinės konstitucinės kontrolės įgyvendinimo mechanizmus. Vienu iš jų pagal nustatytas procedūras yra tikrinamas konkrečių teisės aktų projektų konstitucingumas, remiantis pastarųjų turiniu, reguliavimo apimtimi ir forma, kitu – kontroliuojamas Konstitucijoje nustatytos teisės aktų priėmimo tvarkos laikymasis. Tačiau nepaisant procedūrinių skirtumų, tokiu reguliavimu (kaip ir išorinės konstitucinės kontrolės atveju) yra siekiama užtikrinti, kad galiotų tik tie teisės aktai, kurie nepažeidžia Konstitucijos ar kitų aukštesnės juridinės galios teisės aktų nuostatų. Nors siekiamas tikslas yra nekvestionuojamai svarbus, vis dėlto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / -. / Innere Verfassungsmässigkeitskontrolle wird als Überprüfung der Entwürfe der Rechtsakte auf ihre Konformität mit der Verfassung und anderen Rechtsakten mit höherer Rechtskraft definiert, die a priori durch den Subjekt selbst, der diesen Rechtsakt verabschiedet, bzw. durch seine Struktureinheiten ausgeführt wird. Unter Berücksichtigung darauf, dass es während dieser Kontrolle die Verfassungsmässigkeit gerade der Entwürfe der Rechtsakte überprüft wird, kann innere Verfassungsmässigkeitskontrolle in allen Fällen auch als präventive (vorgefasste) Verfassungskontrolle erachtet werden. In Litauen gehen die Verfassungsgrundlagen innerer Verfassungsmässigkeitskontrolle der vom Seimas zu erlassenden Rechtsakte aus impliziter Regelung – amtlicher Verfassungsdoktrin des Verfassungsgerichts hervor. Auf ordentlicher Ebene sind diese Rechtsbeziehungen in der Geschäftsordnung des Seimas der Republik Litauen detailliert, die die Fragen der Struktur und der Arbeitsordnung des Seimas festlegt. Die Geschäftsordnung des Seimas verankert einige unterschiedliche Mechanismen zur Durchführung innerer Verfassungskontrolle. Mit einem von ihnen wird laut festgelegtem Verfahren die Verfassungsmässigkeit von konkreten Rechtsakten auf deren Inhalt, Regelungsumfang und Form geprüft, mit einem anderen - die Einhaltung der in der Verfassung festgelegten Ordnung zur Verabschiedung der Rechtsakte kontrolliert. Trotz Verfahrensunterschiede strebt man aber durch diese Regelung (genauso wie im Fall äusserer... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]

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