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Hur lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa arbetar med elever med diagnosen AD/HDHedlund, Tobias, Hägg, Robin, Jonsson, Björn January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Hur lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa arbetar med elever med diagnosen AD/HDHedlund, Tobias, Hägg, Robin, Jonsson, Björn January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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The Relationship of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and the Self-Esteem of College WomenJoseph, Reni 2009 May 1900 (has links)
The symptoms of females with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
(AD/HD) have been underreported, possibly due to the fact that their symptoms of
inattention are often overlooked. Research has revealed that individuals report low selfesteem
as a result of undiagnosed AD/HD. Thus, if these individuals are not diagnosed
and exposed to the proper treatment for their AD/HD symptoms, they may continue to
endure progressive psychological impairments in the years to come. The current study is
an attempt to contribute to the literature concerning the presentation and outcome of
AD/HD in women. This study aims to determine the relationship of self esteem and
AD/HD in college women.
A sample of 74 women participated in this study. A total of 24 students
diagnosed with AD/HD and 50 students without AD/HD comprised the sample.
Participants completed a demographic questionnaire and an AD/HD and Self-Esteem
Results of this study indicated that women who were diagnosed with AD/HD
scored higher than the comparison sample on all scales measuring AD/HD symptoms. As predicted, AD/HD symptoms were found to be negatively related to self-esteem. On
the other hand, no significant correlations were found between the age of women when
they were first diagnosed with AD/HD and their current level of self-esteem. It was also
determined that family support was related self-esteem. Thus, family support was
examined as a moderator of the relation between self-esteem and AD/HD.
Unfortunately, family support does not appear to moderate the relation between AD/HD
and self-esteem.
Limitations of this study included a small sample size, the use of self-reports, not
examining subtypes of AD/HD individually, and not requiring a medication abstinence
Despite limitations, this study provides some insight on the outcomes of women
with AD/HD. It also provides evidence for the need of additional research in the area of
women with AD/HD; their life-span experience with AD/HD and the effects of a late
diagnosis. Further studies in this area of interest that include larger sample sizes from
multiple postsecondary institutions will be necessary to determine that the results in this
study are in fact generalizable to other college women diagnosed with AD/HD.
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Making Sense of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderLensch, Carol 11 March 1998 (has links)
In recent years there has been a notable increase in the number of students being identified with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) in American schools. Although there is a tremendous amount of research being done in the area of AD/HD, parents, educators and individuals with AD/HD are ill-equipped to deal with the demands of the disorder. Only through extensive research and a better understanding of what AD/HD is can we expect to develop more effective means of dealing with AD/HD on a daily basis at home and in school.
The primary purpose of this book is to bridge the gap between research knowledge and the knowledge in use by educators on AD/HD. The book is a review and interpretation of selected studies on the causes, co-occurrence with other disorders, diagnosis, and treatments of AD/HD. It provides the reader with the opportunity to gain an understanding of AD/HD for making mindful, informed decisions on approaches best suited to meet the challenges presented by this disorder.
Five misconceptions are identified and refuted by research presented in chapters two through five. The findings of these studies lend support to: (a) a genetic and environmental basis for AD/HD; (b) a comorbid and hetergeneous nature to the disorder; (c) a need for educators to approach AD/HD from an educational perspective; (d) the need to consider a variety of interventions in addition to medication for the treatment of AD/HD; and (e) the unique response to interventions by individuals with AD/HD.
In conclusion, educators are seeking information on this disorder because they are faced with an ever-increasing number of students with AD/HD, and they want to effectively meet the needs of this growing population of children. The emphasis in chapter six is on using a collaborative team approach, involving all persons who have an impact on the life of the student with AD/HD. Only through knowledge, understanding, and collaboration can educators be empowered to do the job that so desperately needs to be done. / Ph. D.
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"Alla stökiga ungar kan ju inte ha AD/HD" : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares beskrivningar av diagnosen AD/HDFjällberg, Amanda, Sandell, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
This essay presents a case study regarding how some preschool teachers describe the diagnosis of AD/HD, and how they express their perception of children who show the symptoms associated with that diagnosis. We also wanted to study how the preschool teachers described their work with these children, and how the teachers responded to the children’s specific needs. The study draws on a qualitative study based on interviews with six preschool teachers in two municipalities in the Southern Stockholm region. All of the teachers had experience of children with an AD/HD diagnosis. Interviews were recorded and transcribed before analysis. The theoretical framework chosen for this essay is discourse analysis. We applied different parts of Fairclough’s and Foucault's methods of discourse analysis to clarify how language was used to describe children with AD/HD. The framework also allowed us to analyse how language may contribute to construct and maintain discourses about children with that diagnosis. We could discern from the interviews with the preschool teachers that children with AD/HD were mainly described as problematic. Another conclusion is that although the teachers showed an awareness of gender issues when speaking of children generally, their choice of words when talking about children with AD/HD implied old stereotypical gender-based expectations. Finally, the preschool teachers described both advantages and disadvantages of diagnosing children, however, most of them emphasised a need for a diagnostic categorization to facilitate their work with these children.
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Att få rätt stöd vid rätt tidpunkt : En observationsstudie av två barn med AD/HD-diagnosÅström, Jeanette January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine different situations and behaviors for students diagnosed with AD / HD and see if there are times where their diagnosis will be extra visible. This will ultimately see how and where these children may need support in their daily lives, and about the support they receive is relevant to their needs. Questions I intend to examine: Are there situations for students throughout the school day in which ADHD diagnosis becomes extra visible? If so, what situations? How is the diagnosis in these situations? It is estimated that about 3-6 percent of school children have AD/HD. It causes difficulties with concentration as well as impulse and activity control. It's not a given that these students get the right support. This is a qualitative study using observations of two children to investigate whether there are situations where students' AD/HD will be extra visible. The results show that there are times when these behaviors clearly manifests during the school day, but also that there are some occasions when some behavior is not particularly noticeable. Some behaviors became evident during the free time during the day, while others became more visible during the controlled period. The result also shows that the times when behaviors are apparent, differs between the two observed the students. This emphasizes the importance to look to the specific needs of support for each individual.
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Elever med AD/HD i idrottsundervisningen : En kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares arbetsmetodikKarlsson, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur idrottslärare metodiskt arbetar för elever med AD/HD i idrottsundervisningen. Begreppen inkludering och exkludering beskrivs i arbetet. Bakgrunden till syftet är att det är omkring fyra till åtta procent av eleverna som har AD/HD. Metoden baserar sig på kvalitativa intervjuer med idrottslärare. Resultaten visar att idrottslärarna har olika uppfattning i hur undervisningssituationen är med elever med AD/HD. Några ansåg att deras undervisning blir mer strukturerad på grund av att de måste vara tydligare med instruktioner, medan andra ansåg att undervisningen fungerar utan särskilda anpassningar. Lärarna talar om att det är viktigt i undervisningen att man har rutiner samt att eleven på förhand vet vad som kommer att ske på idrottslektionen. Dessutom att man har kunskap om elever med AD/HD och kontakt med personal och föräldrar. Det som också är viktigt att komma ihåg är att berömma eleverna. En lärare måste våga lita på eleven, vinna deras förtroende och låta dem visa vad de redan kan och förstärk det.</p>
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Elever med AD/HD i idrottsundervisningen : En kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares arbetsmetodikKarlsson, Anna January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur idrottslärare metodiskt arbetar för elever med AD/HD i idrottsundervisningen. Begreppen inkludering och exkludering beskrivs i arbetet. Bakgrunden till syftet är att det är omkring fyra till åtta procent av eleverna som har AD/HD. Metoden baserar sig på kvalitativa intervjuer med idrottslärare. Resultaten visar att idrottslärarna har olika uppfattning i hur undervisningssituationen är med elever med AD/HD. Några ansåg att deras undervisning blir mer strukturerad på grund av att de måste vara tydligare med instruktioner, medan andra ansåg att undervisningen fungerar utan särskilda anpassningar. Lärarna talar om att det är viktigt i undervisningen att man har rutiner samt att eleven på förhand vet vad som kommer att ske på idrottslektionen. Dessutom att man har kunskap om elever med AD/HD och kontakt med personal och föräldrar. Det som också är viktigt att komma ihåg är att berömma eleverna. En lärare måste våga lita på eleven, vinna deras förtroende och låta dem visa vad de redan kan och förstärk det.
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Elever med diagnosen AD/HD i ämnet Idrott och hälsa : En kvalitativ studie av idrottslärares erfarenheter och strategier för elever med AD/HD / AD/HD-students in physical education : A qualitative study of PE teacher’s experiences and strategies with AD/HDÖggesjö, Victor, Nilsson, Sandra January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrunden till arbetet bygger på våra tidigare erfarenheter från den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen där vi upplever svårigheter med att undervisa elever utifrån deras behov och förutsättningar. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka vilka erfarenheter lärare har av att undervisa elever med diagnosen AD/HD. Vi har även tagit del av idrottslärares strategier i förhållande till dessa elever. För att uppnå vårt syfte har vi valt att genomföra en kvalitativ undersökning som är baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer av lärare i ämnet Idrott och hälsa. Resultatet visar att lärarna använder olika strategier för elever med AD/HD. Vidare upplever lärarna att det krävs mer utbildning om diagnosen på universiteten.
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"I can actually do stuff" : Ein kvalitativ studie om opplevinga av å vere i ei ressursgruppe og deltakarane sitt syn på seg sjølv og forventningar til meistring.Knutsen, Lone Ellingvåg January 2011 (has links)
Fokuset for denne masteroppgåva har vore å undersøke kva opplevingar deltakarane i ei ressursgruppe for studentar med AD/HD og liknande utfordringar har. Studien vil spesielt belyse korleis tre informantar frå denne gruppa opplever det å vere studentar og deltakarar i gruppa, og kva opplevingar dei har i forhold til meistring av studiane og synet på seg sjølv. Teoretisk utgangspunkt har vore kva ressursgruppa er, og korleis dette tilbodet står i forhold til definisjonar av mellom anna rådgjevingsgrupper, støttegrupper og sjølvhjelpsgrupper, og forsking gjort på slike grupper. Vidare vart det nytta ulike teoriar og tradisjonar som forklarar omgrepet sjølvoppfatning. For å gjere greie for prosessen deltakarane har vore igjennom kom ein slik innom teoriar om myndiggjering, bevisstgjering og det å vere agent i eige liv. For å svare på problemstillinga vart kvalitativ metode med inspirasjon frå fenomenologisk tilnærming nytta. Analysen vart gjennomført ved å kategorisere dei tema som kom fram i intervjua. Ved å bruke setningar, ord og uttrykk frå det informantane fortalde forma det seg tre hovudkategoriar; meistring, solidaritet og synet på seg sjølv. Desse gav også ramma for ei forståing og ein kunnskap om dei erfaringane og opplevingane informantane har gjort seg. Hovudfunna til studien ligg i forhold til opplevinga av å vere i ressursgruppa og det meir positive synet informantane no har på seg sjølv og si forventning til meistring av studiekvardagen.
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