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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Search for neutrino-induced cascades with the AMANDA-II detector

Kowalski, Marek Paul 13 January 2004 (has links)
Diese Arbeit enthält die Ergebnisse der Suche nach Neutrino-induzierten kaskadenartigen Ereignissen mit dem AMANDA-II Detektor. Die Signatur von Elektron- und Tauonneutrinowechselwirkungen sind elektromagnetische sowie hadronische Teilchenschauer, sogenannte Kaskaden. Zusätzlich können Neutrinos aller Arten, die über neutrale Ströme wechselwirken, durch hadronische Kaskaden nachgewiesen werden. Es wurden Methoden zur Orts- und Energierekonstruktion von Kaskadenereignissen verbessert sowie neuentwickelt. Sowohl Orts- und Energieauflösung konnten mit Hilfe von künstlichen Lichtquellen verifiziert werden. Ausserdem wurde ein Neutrinogenerator entwickelt, der es erlaubt bis zu den höchsten Energien Neutrino-induzierte Ereignisse zu simulieren. Ein Filter zur Trennung Neutrino-induzierter Kaskaden vom Untergrund atmo- sphärischer Myonereignisse wurde entwickelt. Der erste Datensatz des AMANDA-II Detektors aus dem Jahr 2000 wurde auf die Sig- natur von hochenergetischen Neutrino-induzierten Kaskaden untersucht. Ein einzelnes Ereignis passierte alle Selektionsschnitte. Diese Beobachtung ist mit der erwarteten Anzahl Ereignisse durch atmosphärische Neutrinos und Myonen verträglich. Es wurden obere Grenzen auf den zusätzlichen Beitrag astrophysikalischer Neutrinos bestimmt. Unter der Annahme eines Neutrinoflußes phi(E), welcher proportional zu E^-2 ist, kann eine obere Grenze von E^2 phi(E)=9 10^-7 GeV s^-1 sr^-1 cm^-2 auf den Fluss von Neutrinos aller Arten angegeben werden (90% CL). Die obere Grenze stellt zur Zeit die restriktivste Einschränkung des Neutrinoflußes in einem Energiebereich von circa 50 TeV bis 5 PeV dar. Einige der untersuchten Modellvorhersagen sind nicht mit der Beobachtung verträglich und können somit ausgeschlossen werden. / The subject of this dissertation was the search for a diffuse flux of high energy neutrinos using the data collected with the AMANDA-II detector. In particular this work focused on the detection of neutrino-induced cascades. The signature of a charged current interaction of electron and tau neutrinos is a hadronic and/or electro-magnetic cascade. Additional cascade events from all neutrino flavors are obtained from neutral current interactions. Methods for reconstructing cascades were further improved or newly developed. Where possible, the performance of the reconstruction was tested with in-situ light sources. A Monte Carlo generator was developed, which allows state-of-the-art simulation of all-flavor neutrino events. A dedicated filter was designed which aimed at reducing the large background of atmospheric muons, while keeping a high efficiency for neutrino-induced cascades. The first year of data collected with the AMANDA-II detector has been analyzed. The observed event rates are consistent with the expected rate of neutrinos and muons produce by cosmic ray interaction in the Earth atmosphere. Upper limits on a diffuse flux of extraterrestrial electron, tau and muon neutrinos are presented. A flux of neutrinos following an E^-2 spectrum and consisting of an equal mix of all flavors is limited to E^2 phi(E) < 9 10^-7 GeV s^-1 sr^-1 cm^-2 (at 90 % CL) for a neutrino energy range 50 TeV to 5 PeV. In this energy range the limits are currently the most stringent available and rule out several existing flux predictions for extraterrestrial neutrinos.

Search for neutrino-induced cascades with 5 years of the AMANDA-II data

Actis, Oxana 12 November 2008 (has links)
Das Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA) ist ein Cherenkov Detektor, der sich im Gletscher der Antarktis am Südpol befindet. Wir präsentieren die Analyse von Daten, die in den Jahren 2000 bis 2004 gesammelt wurden, die einer effektiven Detektorlaufzeit von 1001 Tagen entsprechen. Die Suche zielt auf den Nachweis von elektomagnetische und hadronische Teilchenschauern, so gennante Kaskaden, die durch Elektron- und Tauneutrinowechselwirkung produziert werden können. Die hadronischen Kaskaden können auch über neutrale Ströme Wechselwirkung von Neutrinos aller Arten produziert werden. Der Kaskadenkanal hat einige Vorteile in der Suche nach einem diffusen Fluss von astrophysikalischen Neutrinos. Durch die gute Energieauflösung des AMANDA Detektors kann man zwischen einem harten astrophysikalische Spektrum und einem weichen atmosphärischen Spektrum unterscheiden. Außerdem ist der atmosphärischen Elektronneutrinos Fluss um eine Gößenordnung kleiner als der atmosphärische Myonneutrinofluss. Der Untergrund von atmosphärischem Myonen aus Luftschauern kann unterdrückt werden, weil diese als Spuren im Detektor erscheinen und leicht zu identifizieren sind. Mit der hohen Untergrundunterdrückung ist es möglich die Analyse über einen Raumwinkel von 4pi für Energien gegen 50 TeV zu erstrecken. Die Anzahl von gefundenen Ereignissen in dieser Analyse stimmt mit der Erwartung von Hintergrundereignissen überein. Deshalb berechnen wir eine obere Grenze für den diffusen Neutrinofluss aller Neutrinoarten, unter der Annahme, dass alle Neutrinoarten im Verhältnis 1:1:1 auftreten. Die obere Grenze für einen Nuetrinofluss im Energiebereich von 40 TeV bis 9 PeV mit einem Spektrum von E-2 ist 3.96x10-7 GeV s-1 sr-1 cm-2 bei einem Konfidenzniveau von 90%. Dies ist momentan die niedrigste Grenze für einen diffusen Neutrinoflüss aller Neutrinoarten. / The Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA) is a Cherenkov detector deployed in the Antarctic ice cap at the South Pole. We present the analysis of the AMANDA data collected during 1001 effective days of the detector lifetime be tween the years 2000 and 2004. We focus our search on electromagnetic and hadronic cascades which are produced in charged-current interactions of high-energy electron or tau neutrinos and in neutral-current interactions of neutrinos of any flavor. There are several advantages associated with the cascade channel in the search for a "diffuse" flux of astrophysical neutrinos. The AMANDA''s energy resolution allows us to distinguish between a hard astrophysical spectrum and a soft atmospheric spectrum. In addition, the flux of atmospheric electron neutrinos is lower than that of atmospheric muon neutrinos by one order of magnitude, and the background from downward-going atmospheric muons can be suppressed due to their track-like topology. The low background in this channel allows us to attain a 4pi acceptance above energies of about 50 TeV. The number of events observed in this analysis is consistent with the background expectations. Therefore, we calculate an upper limit on the diffuse all-flavor neutrino flux assuming a flavor ratio 1:1:1 at the detection site. A flux of neutrinos with a spectrum falling as E-2 is limited to 3.96x10-7 GeV s-1 sr-1 cm-2 at 90% C.L. for a neutrino energy range spanning from 40 TeV to 9 PeV. This upper limit is currently the most sensitive limit on the diffuse all-flavor astrophysical neutrino flux.

A search for ultra-high energy neutrinos with AMANDA-II

Wiedemann, Christin January 2007 (has links)
High-energy neutrinos are capable of carrying information over vast distances, and neutrino telescopes such as AMANDA-II provide the means to probe deep inside the violent and energetic interior of the universe. AMANDA-II is located in the glacial ice at South Pole in Antarctica and is optimised to detect Cherenkov emission from neutrino-induced muon tracks with energies above 100 GeV. Data acquired in 2003 with the AMANDA-II detector were searched for a non-localised flux of neutrinos with energies in excess of 1 PeV. Because of the energy dependence of the neutrino mean free path, the Earth is essentially opaque to neutrinos above PeV energies. Combined with the limited overburden of the AMANDA-II detector (about 1.5 km), this means that a potential ultra-high energy neutrino signal will be concentrated at the horizon. The background for the analysis consists of large bundles of muons produced in atmospheric air showers. Owing to their energy losses, muons cannot penetrate the Earth, and the background will be downwards moving. After applying different selection criteria, one event was observed in the final data sample, while 0.16±0.04 background events are expected. The corresponding 90% confidence level upper limit is 4.3. The expected number of neutrino signal events for a 10-6 E-2 GeV/(s sr cm2 ) flux assuming a Φ(νe) : Φ(νμ) : Φ(ντ) = 1:1:1 flavour ratio is 4.1±0.2, yielding an upper limit on the all-flavour neutrino flux of E2 Φ90 ≤ 1.1∙10-6 GeV/(s sr cm2 ), including systematics and with the central 90% of the signal found in the energy range 480 TeV - 1.6 EeV.


Gonzales, Amanda V 01 June 2017 (has links)
The following study attempted to operationalize the willingness to work hard component of Hogan’s RAW model of employability. Willingness to Work Hard, the W in the model, appears to be multi-faceted; a qualitative synthesis of themes suggests that the construct may be dispositional. I examined proactive personality by using the G ProACT scale to help understand the multi-dimensionality of Willingness to Work Hard. Taking initiative, rigidness, planning, and anticipating opportunities were the four subscales that emerged. The purpose of my study was to collect evidence of construct validity for the proposed measure. I examined the relationship between the G ProACT measure and discriminant and convergent variables. A survey was distributed among CSUSB students that contained the G ProACT measure, demographic related items, and other established measures to gather construct validity. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with 488 participants indicated a lack of support for the hypothesized model. Specifically, the CFA revealed that three of the four factors did not relate to the presumed construct of proactive personality. Rigidness showed no relationship whereas anticipating opportunities and planning demonstrated marginal relationships to the underlying construct. Follow-up analyses indicated that taking initiative was the only subscale deemed as strongly factorable. Findings suggest a need to further explore taking initiative to determine if the measure appropriately captures the dispositional nature of Willingness to Work Hard. Future research should continue to examine if proactive personality or other motivational constructs are an appropriate fit for the RAW model.

A search for ultra-high energy neutrinos with AMANDA-II

Wiedemann, Christin January 2007 (has links)
<p>High-energy neutrinos are capable of carrying information over vast distances, and neutrino telescopes such as AMANDA-II provide the means to probe deep inside the violent and energetic interior of the universe. AMANDA-II is located in the glacial ice at South Pole in Antarctica and is optimised to detect Cherenkov emission from neutrino-induced muon tracks with energies above 100 GeV. </p><p>Data acquired in 2003 with the AMANDA-II detector were searched for a non-localised flux of neutrinos with energies in excess of 1 PeV. Because of the energy dependence of the neutrino mean free path, the Earth is essentially opaque to neutrinos above PeV energies. Combined with the limited overburden of the AMANDA-II detector (about 1.5 km), this means that a potential ultra-high energy neutrino signal will be concentrated at the horizon. The background for the analysis consists of large bundles of muons produced in atmospheric air showers. Owing to their energy losses, muons cannot penetrate the Earth, and the background will be downwards moving. </p><p>After applying different selection criteria, one event was observed in the final data sample, while 0.16±0.04 background events are expected. The corresponding 90% confidence level upper limit is 4.3. The expected number of neutrino signal events for a 10<sup>-6</sup> <i>E</i><sup>-2</sup> GeV/(s sr cm<sup>2</sup> ) flux assuming a Φ(ν<sub>e</sub>) : Φ(ν<sub>μ</sub>) : Φ(ν<sub>τ</sub>) = 1:1:1 flavour ratio is 4.1±0.2, yielding an upper limit on the all-flavour neutrino flux of <i>E</i><sup>2</sup> Φ<sub>90</sub> ≤ 1.1∙10<sup>-6</sup> GeV/(s sr cm<sup>2</sup> ), including systematics and with the central 90% of the signal found in the energy range 480 TeV - 1.6 EeV. </p>

Search for low mass WIMPs with the AMANDA neutrino telescope

Davour, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>Recent measurements show that dark matter makes up at least one fifth of the total energy density of the Universe. The nature of the dark matter is one of the biggest mysteries in current particle physics and cosmology.</p><p>Big Bang nucleosynthesis limits the amount of baryonic matter that can exist, and shows that the dark matter has to be non-baryonic. Particle physics provides some candidates for non-baryonic matter that could solve the dark-matter problem, weakly interacting massive</p><p>particles (WIMPs) being the most popular. If these particles were created in the early Universe a substatial relic abundance would exist today. WIMPs in our galactic halo could be gravitationally bound in the Solar System and accumulate inside heavy bodies like the Earth. Supersymmetric extensions to the Standard Model give a viable WIMP dark matter candidate in the form of the lightest neutralino. This thesis describes an indirect search for WIMPs by the neutrino signature from neutralino annihilation at the core of the Earth using the AMANDA detector. As opposed to previous dark matter searches with AMANDA, this work focuses on the hypothesis of a relatively light WIMP particle with mass of 50-250GeV/c<sup>2</sup></p><p>The AMANDA neutrino telescope is an array of photomultiplier tubes installed in the clear glacier ice at the South Pole which is used as Cherenkov medium. Data taken with AMANDA during the period 2001-2003 is analyzed. The energy threshold of the detector is lowered by the use of a local correlation trigger, and the analysis is taylored to select vertically upgoing low energy events. No excess above the expected atmospheric neutrino background is found. New limits on the flux of muons from WIMP annihilations in the center of the Earth are calculated.</p>

Rebel Girls: Feminist Punk for a New Generation

Bodansky, Rachel L 01 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the Riot Grrrl bands of the 1990s, as well as Amanda Palmer today, as examples of feminist punk artists. Rather than focusing on Riot Grrrl as a unique musical episode, this thesis argues that all punk is activist in nature, and that Riot Grrrl was building on this activist tradition while challenging the misogyny implicit in punk culture. Likewise, Amanda Palmer uses similar punk strategies (such as a DIY approach to music production, and direct interaction with fans) to create political music.

Kaluza Klein Dark Matter Analysis with the AMANDA Neutrino Telescope

Han, Kahae January 2010 (has links)
In this work the search for the dark matter arising from a model of extra dimensions, otherwise known as Kaluza Klein WIMPs, on the data taken with the AMANDA neutrino telescope in the South Pole is presented. The limit on the dark matter from the Kaluza Klein Solar WIMPs analysis on the data taken from year 2001 to 2003 is derived.

Askungen en prinsessa som ingen annan : En komparativ studie om Askungens förändring, ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv

Huss, Jessica January 2015 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker Askungens förändring genom tiderna via ett intersektionellt perspektiv, där analys av maktförhållanden i sagan ingår. Analysen går igenom tre olika versioner av Askungen som jämförs med varandra. Jag har tagit hjälp av den tidigare forskningen som Jack Zipes och Bruno Bettelheim har ägnats sig åt inom detta område. Simone de Beauvoir och Michel Foucault teorier används i uppsatsen för att öppna upp sagan från flera håll.

O acontecimento e a influência dos circuitos comunicacionais: o caso da professora potiguar Amanda Gurge

Medeiros, Riccelli De Araújo 05 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automação e Estatística (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-08-02T15:35:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RiccelliDeAraujoMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 18597261 bytes, checksum: 74b5151015c00fe55e1b3876ca1e2d2f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by clediane guedes (clediane@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-08-03T12:04:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RiccelliDeAraujoMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 18597261 bytes, checksum: 74b5151015c00fe55e1b3876ca1e2d2f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T12:04:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RiccelliDeAraujoMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 18597261 bytes, checksum: 74b5151015c00fe55e1b3876ca1e2d2f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-05 / A pesquisa busca o entendimento dos circuitos comunicacionais na produção de sentidos a partir de um acontecimento envolvendo a imagem de uma professora da rede pública estadual do RN, chamada Amanda Gurgel, que protagonizou um fenômeno comunicacional por meio de uma narrativa durante uma audiência pública na Assembleia Legislativa do Rio Grande do Norte, em maio de 2011. No momento que ocorria um movimento paredista entre professores da rede estadual de ensino e o poder público, o relato da professora alcançou vários espaços a partir de um vídeo postado no Youtube. Com interesse de compreender o espalhamento de notícias, a pesquisa objetiva-se também entender de que maneira a identidade da personagem foi enquadrada no universo midiático. A proposta visa ao mesmo tempo identificar a representatividade da professora como fenômeno comunicacional, buscando embasamento nas discussões sobre acontecimento do filósofo francês Louis Quéré e da pesquisadora brasileira Vera Regina Veiga França; das proposições sobre os circuitos comunicacionais do pesquisador José Luiz Braga; nas teorias de representação e enquadramento de Erving Goffman e de identidade de Stuart Hall. / The present research seeks the understanding of communication circuits in the production of meaning from an event involving the image of Amanda Gurgel, teacher of a public school of Rio Grande do Norte. The teacher starred a communication event through a narrative at a public hearing happened in the Legislative Assembly of the RN on May 10th, 2011. At the time, it happened a striker movement among teachers of state schools and the government. The teacher's report reached several media spaces started from a video posted on Youtube as a live interview of the teacher on the news RNTV 1st Edition on May 19th of that year, broadcast by InterTV Cabugi, an affiliate of the Globo Television Network. She has also participated for 25 minutes live on “Domingão do Faustão” a Globo Television program broadcasted on 22nd May of that year. With interest to understand the circulation of news around this event, the research aims to check how the image of Amanda Gurgel was framed by local television news and also on entertainment programs with national coverage. The proposal aims to identify the representativeness of the teacher in communication circuits, seeking theoretical basis in discussions about events of the French philosopher Louis Quéré and Brazilian researcher Vera Regina Veiga France, the propositions on the communication circuits of the researcher José Luiz Braga, theories representation and framing of Canadian anthropologist and sociologist Erving Goffman, in studies of image from professor Adilson Citelli, and the contribution of Henry Jenkins and Clifford Geertz discussions.

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