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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Influence of Management Strategies on the Water Productivity in Dairy Farming and Broiler Production

Krauß, Michael 21 November 2017 (has links)
Die Wasserproduktivität in der Tierhaltung ist von vielen Faktoren abhängig. Die Futterproduktion hat den größten Anteil am Wasserbedarf von tierischen Produkten. Weitere Einflussfaktoren sind die Leistung, die Reproduktion und der Gesundheitsstatus der Tiere, das Management und die Haltungsbedingungen. In dieser Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, wie sich diese Faktoren auf die Wasserproduktivität von Milch und Geflügelfleisch in Nord-Ost-Deutschland auswirken. Zehn unterschiedliche Futtermittel wurden hinsichtlich ihres Wasserbedarfes untersucht. Aus diesen Futtermitteln wurden die Rationen für die Tiere erstellt. Die Milchleistung der Kühe wurde zwischen 4.000 und 12.000 kg Milch pro Kuh und Jahr in 2.000 kg Schritten variiert. Für jedes Leistungsniveau wurden zwölf verschiedene Fütterungsstrategien untersucht, welche auf der Erhöhung einzelner Bestandteile der Ration basieren. Der Wasserbedarf von Leitungswasser im Stall wurde mit 38 Wasserzählern ermittelt. Für die Wasserproduktivität des Geflügelfleisches wurden vier verschieden intensive Mastverfahren untersucht. Die Wasserproduktivität steigt mit steigender Milchleistung der Kühe. Das Maximum wird bei 10.000 kg Milch pro Kuh und Jahr und Rationen mit einem hohem Gras- bzw. Maissilageanteil erreicht. Die Kühe, die im automatischen Melksystem gemolken wurden, nahmen mehr Tränkwasser zu sich, als die Kühe im Fischgrätenmelkstand. Dies ist durch die höhere Milchleistung bedingt. Im automatischen Melksystem wurden im Mittel 28,6 Liter Reinigungswasser pro Kuh und Tag benötigt. Für die Reinigung des Fischgrätenmelkstandes wurden 33,8 Liter pro Kuh und Tag genutzt. Die untersuchten Broilermastverfahren zeigten keine Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Wasserproduktivität. Die intensivere Aufzucht und bessere Futterverwertung wurde durch eine niedrigere Wasserproduktivität des Futters kompensiert. Der Anteil des technischen Wassers macht in der Milchkuh- und Broilerhaltung nur einen kleinen Teil am Gesamtwasserbedarf aus. / Livestock production is the main user of water resources in agricultural production. Water is used in animal production for producing feed, watering the animals, and cleaning and disinfecting barns and equipment. The objective of this dissertation was to quantify the effects of management strategies, such as feeding, intensity of production and the replacement process on the water productivity of milk and poultry meat in Germany. Water productivity in milk and broiler production systems was calculated based on the methodology of Prochnow et al. (2012). Own measurements of the drinking and cleaning water demand in milk production were conducted in a dairy cow barn. The study was based on site conditions of North-East Germany with common variations in farm operations. The feed production is the main contributor to water input in dairy and poultry production. The water productivity of milk increased with an increasing milk yield. The most beneficial conditions related to water productivity in dairy farming were found to be with a milk yield of approximately 10,000 kg fat corrected milk and a grass silage and maize silage based feeding. The total technical water use in the barn makes only a minor contribution to water use. Former regression functions of the drinking water intake of the cows were reviewed and a new regression function based on the ambient temperature and the milk yield was developed. In broiler production the intensification of the fattening systems did not increase water productivity. An increase of water productivity in animal production can be achieved with various management strategies with their specific influence on the production process. The feed management should be a focus of the strategies.

Characteristics of the late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the South China block and geodynamic implications : Multi-approach study on the Qingyang-Jiuhua, Hengshan and Fujian coastal granitic massifs / Caractéristiques de l’évolution de la partie orientale du bloc de Chine du Sud au Mésozoïque supérieur et implications géodynamiques : Etude pluridisciplinaire de la mise en place des massifs granitiques de Qingyang-Jiuhua, Hengshan et de la côte du Fujian et des structures tectoniques associées

Wei, Wei 27 December 2013 (has links)
La vaste distribution géographique et la longue durée du magmatisme au Mésozoïque supérieur (Jurassique et Crétacé) en Chine du Sud présente le cas unique dans le monde. Ceci présente un laboratoire naturel très favorable a l’étude des processus de magmatogénèse, et des modes de mise place des plutons granitiques. Il permet également d’aborder l’analyse des relations magmatisme-tectonique et les contextes géodynamiques de la mise en place de magma dans leur cadre lithosphérique. Depuis les années 50, et surtout les années 90, des scientifiques ont mis un effort important sur la cartographie géologique, mené des études pétrologiques et géochronologiques et ainsi obtenu une base solide pour la compréhension de l’évolution tectonique du Bloc de Chine du Sud (SCB). Cependant, des questions fondamentales restent encore sans réponses ou vivement débattues. Dans le but de progresser sur ces sujets fondamentaux, nous avons mené des études pluridisciplinaires sur les massifs d’âge Mésozoïque supérieur de Qingyang-Jiuhua (Province d’Anhui), Hengshan (Province de Hunan) et certains plutons affleurant dans la zone côtière du Fujian. Le choix des massifs est fonde sur leur distance variable par rapport à la paléozone de subduction, les âges comparables de ces massifs et les déformations associées. Les méthodes d’étude comprennent l’observation de terrain, l’analyse microscopique de lames minces, la datation par U-Pb de monazite, l’ASM, le paléomagnétisme, la modélisation gravimétrique et la barométrie à partir de Al-total dans l’amphibole magmatique. Bien que chaque massif présente des caractéristiques distinctes, ils partagent des points communs du point de vue de leur orientation préférentielle, de la déformation de leurs encaissants et de l’influence de la tectonique régionale sur leur mise en place, D’après nos nouveaux résultats et en intégrant les données précédentes, nous discutons dans cette thèse les contextes tectoniques de mise en place de ces massifs granitiques et l’évolution géodynamique de SCB, et proposons un scénario géodynamique en 3 étapes. (1) Pendant la période 145-130 Ma, la subduction vers le NW de la plaque Paléo-Pacifique sous le continent asiatique fait rapprocher le micro-continent de l’Ouest-Philippines avec le continent de Chine du Sud, produisant l’important magmatisme d’arc et formant un régime tectonique en extension en SCB ? Dans l’arrière-arc; (2) Pendant la période 130-110 Ma, dûe à la collision entre le micro-continent de l’Ouest Philippines et SCB, une structure compressive vers le NW a été développée dans la zone de Changle Nan’ao, produisant des déformations ductiles. Cependant, l’intérieur de la partie orientale du SCB était encore en régime tectonique extensif de direction NW-SE; (3) Pendant la période 105-90Ma, une nouvelle zone de subduction a été développée au SE du micro-continent de l’Ouest Philippines, le panneau subductant atteint la zone de Changle-Nan’ao, avec probablement des morceaux de panneau cassé, provocant l’ascension de l’asthénosphère, responsable de la mise en place d’importants massifs granitiques et de filons. La tectonique de SCB pendant cette période est caractérisée par un système tectonique d’extension générale. Ce dispositif a été significativement perturbe par l’ouverture oligo-miocène de la mer de Chine du Sud et par la compression miocène de la marge à Taiwan. Ce modèle géodynamique reste à être amélioré par de futures investigations géologiques, géophysiques et géochimiques. / The vast distribution and long duration of the Late Mesozoic magmatism in the eastern part of South China presents a unique case in the world. This offers a natural laboratory to study the process of magma genesis, the magma emplacement mode, the relationship between magmatism and tectonics, the geodynamic role on the magma emplacement and lithospheric evolution. Since 50’s, particularly 90’s of the last century, geoscientists have made important efforts in geological cartography and carried out numerous studies with remarkable scientific achievements, building a solid background to understand the tectonic evolution of the South China Block (SCB). However, certain fundamental questions mentioned above remain unsolved and/or are in hot debate. In order to make progress in these scientific issues, we have carried out in a multi-disciplinary study in the Late Mesozoic Qingyang-Jiuhua massif, Hengshan massif and Fujian coastal zone according to their distance with respect to the paleo subduction zone of the Paleo-Pacific plate, the ages of granitic massifs and related tectonics, including field observation on the structure geology, micro-observation on thin section, U-Pb dating on monazite, AMS, paleomagnetism, gravity modeling and P condition concern the granite emplacement. In the view of deformation in these granitic massifs and their country rocks, mode and influence of regional tectonics on the emplacement, though each studied zone reveals its distinguished characteristics, they show some intrinsic and common relationships between them. With our new results and integrating previous data, in this thesis, we discuss the tectonic context of emplacement of these Late Mesozoic magmatic massifs and the geodynamic evolution of the SCB., We propose a 3-step geodynamic model: (1) during 145-130 Ma period, the Paleo-Pacific plate subducted northwestwardly, the West Philippines micro-continent, approaching to SCB, important subduction-related arc volcanism was produced in the coastal areas of Southeast China coast (Zhejiang-Fujian-Guangdong), forming a back-arc extension tectonic system in SCB; (2) during 130-110 Ma period, due to the collision between the West Philippines microcontinent and SCB, the compressional tectonic structures were developed in the Changle-Na’ao coastal zone, producing ductile deformation zones. However, the inland of the eastern part of SCB was under a NW-SE extensional tectonic regime; (3) during 105-90 Ma period, a new subduction zone was developed in the SE flank of the West Philippines micro-continent, the subducting slab reached the Changle-Nan’ao tectonic belt, with the possible break-off of slab, the asthenospheric ascent was responsible for the important emplacement of plutonic massifs and dykes. The tectonics of the eastern part of SCB was characterized by a general extensional system in this period. This tectonic pattern has been significantly disturbed by the Oligocene-Eocene opening of the South China sea,and the Miocene shortening of the SCB margin in Taiwan. Of course, this model should be improved by more geological, geophysical and geochemical investigations.

^<14>C実験室間の比較研究 : 名古屋大学と原子力機構むつAMSシステム

Ohta, Tomoko, Kabuto, Shoji, Tanaka, Takayuki, Nakamura, Toshio, 太田, 友子, 甲, 昭二, 田中, 孝幸, 中村, 俊夫 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

A Radio Frequency Quadrupole Instrument for use with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Application to Low Kinetic Energy Reactive Isobar Suppression and Gas–phase Anion Reaction Studies

Eliades, John Alexander 21 August 2012 (has links)
A radio frequency (rf) quadrupole instrument, currently known as an Isobar Separator for Anions (ISA), has been integrated into an Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) system to facilitate anion–gas reactions before the tandem accelerator. An AMS Cs+ sputter source provided > 15 keV ions that were decelerated in the prototype ISA to < 20 eV for reaction in a single collision cell and re-accelerated for AMS analysis. Reaction based isobar suppression capabilities were assessed for smaller AMS systems and a new technique for gas–phase reaction studies was developed. Isobar suppression of 36S– and 12C3– for 36Cl analysis, and YF3– and ZrF3– for 90Sr analysis were studied in NO2 with deceleration to < 12 eV. Observed attenuation cross sections, σ [x 10^–15 cm^2], were σ(S– + NO2) = 6.6, σ(C3– + NO2) = 4.2, σ(YF3– + NO2) = 7.6, σ(ZrF3– + NO2) = 19. With 8 mTorr NO2, relative attenuations of S–/Cl– ~ 10^–6, C3–/Cl– ~ 10^–7, YF3–/SrF3– ~ 5 x 10^–5 and ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 4 x 10^–6 were observed with Cl– ~ 30% and SrF3– > 90% transmission. Current isobar attenuation limits with < 1.75 MV accelerator terminal voltage and ppm impurity levels were calculated to be 36S–/Cl– ~ 4 x 10^–16, 12C3–/Cl– ~ 1.2 x 10^–16, 90YF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–15 and 90ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–16. Using 1.75 MV, four 36Cl reference standards in the range 4 x 10^–13 < 36Cl/Cl < 4 x 10^–11 were analyzed with 8 mTorr NO2. The measured 36Cl/Cl ratios plotted very well against the accepted values. A sample impurity content S/Cl < 6 x 10^–5 was measured and a background level of 36S–/Cl < 9 x 10^–15 was determined. Useful currents of a wide variety of anions are produced in AMS sputter sources and molecules can be identified relatively unambiguously by stripping fragments from tandem accelerators. Reactions involving YF3–, ZrF3–, S– and SO– + NO2 in the ISA analyzed by AMS are described, and some interesting reactants are identified.

A Radio Frequency Quadrupole Instrument for use with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Application to Low Kinetic Energy Reactive Isobar Suppression and Gas–phase Anion Reaction Studies

Eliades, John Alexander 21 August 2012 (has links)
A radio frequency (rf) quadrupole instrument, currently known as an Isobar Separator for Anions (ISA), has been integrated into an Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) system to facilitate anion–gas reactions before the tandem accelerator. An AMS Cs+ sputter source provided > 15 keV ions that were decelerated in the prototype ISA to < 20 eV for reaction in a single collision cell and re-accelerated for AMS analysis. Reaction based isobar suppression capabilities were assessed for smaller AMS systems and a new technique for gas–phase reaction studies was developed. Isobar suppression of 36S– and 12C3– for 36Cl analysis, and YF3– and ZrF3– for 90Sr analysis were studied in NO2 with deceleration to < 12 eV. Observed attenuation cross sections, σ [x 10^–15 cm^2], were σ(S– + NO2) = 6.6, σ(C3– + NO2) = 4.2, σ(YF3– + NO2) = 7.6, σ(ZrF3– + NO2) = 19. With 8 mTorr NO2, relative attenuations of S–/Cl– ~ 10^–6, C3–/Cl– ~ 10^–7, YF3–/SrF3– ~ 5 x 10^–5 and ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 4 x 10^–6 were observed with Cl– ~ 30% and SrF3– > 90% transmission. Current isobar attenuation limits with < 1.75 MV accelerator terminal voltage and ppm impurity levels were calculated to be 36S–/Cl– ~ 4 x 10^–16, 12C3–/Cl– ~ 1.2 x 10^–16, 90YF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–15 and 90ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–16. Using 1.75 MV, four 36Cl reference standards in the range 4 x 10^–13 < 36Cl/Cl < 4 x 10^–11 were analyzed with 8 mTorr NO2. The measured 36Cl/Cl ratios plotted very well against the accepted values. A sample impurity content S/Cl < 6 x 10^–5 was measured and a background level of 36S–/Cl < 9 x 10^–15 was determined. Useful currents of a wide variety of anions are produced in AMS sputter sources and molecules can be identified relatively unambiguously by stripping fragments from tandem accelerators. Reactions involving YF3–, ZrF3–, S– and SO– + NO2 in the ISA analyzed by AMS are described, and some interesting reactants are identified.

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