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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design of a low-power 60 GHz transceiver front-end and behavioral modeling and implementation of its key building blocks in 65 nm CMOS

Kraemer, Michael 03 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Worldwide regulations for short range communication devices allow the unlicensed use of several Gigahertz of bandwidth in the frequency band around 60 GHz. This 60GHz band is ideally suited for applications like very high data rate, energy-autonomous wireless sensor networks or Gbit/s multimedia links with low power constraints. Not long ago, radio interfaces that operate in the millimeter-wave frequency range could only be realized using expensive compound semiconductor technologies. Today, the latest sub-micron CMOS technologies can be used to design 60GHz radio frequency integrated circuits (RFICs) at very low cost in mass production. This thesis is part of an effort to realize a low power System in Package (SiP) including both the radio interface (with baseband and RF circuitry) and an antenna array to directly transmit and receive a 60GHz signal. The first part of this thesis deals with the design of the low power RF transceiver front-end for the radio interface. The key building blocks of this RF front-end (amplifiers, mixers and a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO)) are designed, realized and measured using the 65nm CMOS technology of ST Microelectronics. Full custom active and passive devices are developed and characterized for the use within these building blocks. An important step towards the full integration of the RF transceiver front-end is the assembly of these building blocks to form a basic receiver chip. Circuits with small chip size and low power consumption compared to the state of the art have been accomplished. The second part of this thesis concerns the development of behavioral models for the designed building blocks. These system level models are necessary to simulate the behavior of the entire SiP, which becomes too complex when using detailed circuit level models. In particular, a novel technique to model the transient, steady state and phase noise behavior of the VCO in the hardware description language VHDL-AMS is proposed and implemente d. The model uses a state space description to describe the dynamic behavior of the VCO. Its nonlinearity is approximated by artificial neural networks. A drastic reduction of simulation time with respect to the circuit level model has been achieved, while at the same time maintaining a very high level of accuracy.

Parameter estimation for nonincreasing exponential sums by Prony-like methods

Potts, Daniel, Tasche, Manfred 02 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
For noiseless sampled data, we describe the close connections between Prony--like methods, namely the classical Prony method, the matrix pencil method and the ESPRIT method. Further we present a new efficient algorithm of matrix pencil factorization based on QR decomposition of a rectangular Hankel matrix. The algorithms of parameter estimation are also applied to sparse Fourier approximation and nonlinear approximation.


Nakamura, Toshio, 中村, 俊夫 03 1900 (has links)

長崎県鷹島沖海底から採取された元寇関連資料の14C 年代 : 船材付着貝殻類とその他の遺物

Matsuo, Akiko, Ueda, Naomi, Yamada, Tetsuya, Hayashi, Seiji, Nakamura, Toshio, 松尾, 昭子, 植田, 直見, 山田, 哲也, 林, 誠司, 中村, 俊夫 03 1900 (has links)

Alojamento e deformação de plútons graníticos da extremidade nordeste da Suíte Intrusiva Cunhaporanga (Domínio Apiaí - Faixa Ribeira, PR) / Emplacement and deformation of granitic plutons from northeast of Cunhaporanga Intrusive Suite (Apiaí Domain - Ribeira Belt, PR)

Fabrizio Prior Caltabeloti 29 April 2011 (has links)
Plútons graníticos (Patrimônio Santo Antônio, São Domingos, Ouro Verde e Santa Rita) alojados na porção nordeste da Suíte Intrusiva Cunhaporanga (c. 620-590 Ma) intrudiram metassedimentos pelíticos e carbonáticos de baixo grau metamórfico do Grupo Itaiacoca. Os plútons são isótropos, de coloração cinza a rósea e composição monzo- a sienogranítica, predominando granitóides porfiríticos grossos e, secundariamente, tipos inequigranulares a equigranulares. A cartografia regional mostrou que a foliação das rochas metassedimentares encaixantes mergulha dominantemente para NE e contém uma lineação (interseção, mineral) de direção NNW-SSE. A trama metamórfica das encaixantes assume progressivamente a direção NE-SW conforme se aproxima da zona de cisalhamento transcorrente de Itapirapuã, onde quartzo-milonitos verticalizados exibem uma cinemática sinistral. A trama dos plútons foi estudada pela técnica da anisotropia de suscetibilidade magnética (ASM). Foram amostradas 40 estações (300 espécimes) no granito porfírítico Patrimônio Santo Antônio, 7 estações (48 espécimes) no granito equigranular fino de São Domingos, 9 estações (67 espécimes) no granito inequigranular de Ouro Verde e 14 estações (92 espécimes) no granito porfiritico foliado de Santa Rita. A suscetibilidade magnética média (k) do granito Patrimônio Santo Antônio é da ordem de 23,29 x \'10 POT.-3\' SI, enquanto nos granitos Santa Rita (k = 11,85 mSI), São Domingos (k = 7,43 mSI) e Ouro Verde (k = 7,46 mSI) são menores. Por outro lado, a anisotropia magnética (P = \'k IND.max\'/\'k IND.min\', onde \'k IND.max\' > \'k IND.int\' > \'k IND.min\') é menor em Patrimônio Santo Antônio (P = 1,09 ± 0,04) do que no São Domingos (P = 1,21 ± 0,09), Ouro Verde (P = 1,19 ± 0,07) e Santa Rita (P = 1,23 ± 0,11). Estudos termomagnéticos e de magnetização remanente isotermal mostraram que as propriedades magnéticas dos granitoides são dominadas pela magnetita (pobre em Ti) e, secundariamente, Ti-hematita. Sulfetos de Fe (pirita, calcopirita) ocorrem como acessórios. Os óxidos de Fe estão frequentemente associados à titanita, biotita e anfibólio e suas microestruturas são tipicamente magmáticas, exceto no granito Santa Rita onde a microestrutura apresenta evidência de recristalização pós-magmática. A foliação magnética dos maciços graníticos mergulha suave a moderadamente e, no plúton Patrimônio Santo Antônio, exibe um padrão tipicamente dômico. A lineação magnética subhorizontal orienta-se na direção NNW-SSE paralelamente ao eixo do dobramento regional das rochas metassedimentares encaixantes. Esta característica indica que os granitos são sin-tectônicos a um evento deformacional cujo controle está aparentemente relacionado ao funcionamento das grandes transcorrências regionais de direção NE-SW. A ocorrência de domos graníticos (Patrimônio Santo Antônio) e elipsóides magnéticos dominantemente prolatos (São Domingos) sugerem que a trama NNW teria sido formada por uma tectônica que combina transcorrência e extensão. Uma idade concordante U-Pb (SHRIMP) em zircão de 589 ± 6 Ma, atribuída à cristalização do plúton Patrimônio Santo Antônio, indica que a deformação que afetou o granito no estado magmático bem como suas encaixantes ocorreu nos estágios finais da formação da Suíte Intrusiva Cunhaporanga. / Granite plutons located on the northeast of Cunhaporanga Intrusive Suite (Patrimônio Santo Antônio, Ouro Verde, São Domingos and Santa Rita) are emplaced into low grade metasedimentary rocks (Itaiacoca Group) of the Apiaí Domain (Ribeira Belt). Most of these plutons are isotropic with pinkish to grey colors and their compositions vary from monzogranite to sienogranite. They are usually porphyritic and locally inequigranular and equigranular. Regional mapping revealed that the foliation of the metasedimentary host rocks dips mainly to NE while the lineation (intersection, mineral) strikes in the NNW-SSE direction. The host rocks metamorphic fabric rotates progressively to become parallel to the NE-trending Itapirapuã transcurrent shear zone. Kinematic markers such as elongated quartz grains and mica-fish from quartz-milonites indicate the Itapirapuã shear records a sinistral movement. The fabric of the plutons was studied by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) technique. Forty sites (300 specimens) were sampled at the Patrimônio Santo Antônio granite, 7 sites (48 specimens) at São Domingos, 9 sites (67 specimens) at Ouro Verde and 14 sites (92 specimens) at Santa Rita granite. The mean of magnetic susceptibility (k) is higher in Patrimônio Santo Antônio granite (k = 23,29 x \'10 POT.-3\' SI) and lower in the granites of Santa Rita (k = 11,85 mSI), São Domingos (k = 7,43 mSI) and Ouro Verde (k = 7,46 mSI). In contrast the magnetic anisotropy (P) is lower in the Patrimônio Santo Antônio granite (P = 1,09 ± 0,04) and higher in the granites São Domingos (P = 1,21 ± 0,09), Ouro Verde (P = 1,19 ± 0,07) and Santa Rita (P = 1,23 ± 0,11). Thermomagnetic and Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (IRM) studies show that Ti-poor magnetite is the principal carrier of rock magnetic properties but that includes minor contributions of Ti-hematite. Iron oxides are frequently associated with titanite, biotite and amphibole. Microstructures are typically magmatic, except for Santa Rita granite which shows post-magmatic recrystallized microstructures. The magnetic foliation of granitic plutons dips smooth to moderately and for the Patrimônio Santo Antônio body it exhibits a typical dome pattern. The subhorizontal magnetic lineation strikes NNW-SSE parallel to regional folding axe of the metasedimentary rocks. This feature shows that the granites are syntectonic to a deformation event apparently connected to NE-trending transcurrent shears. The occurrence of a foliation dome in the Patrimônio Santo Antônio pluton and prolate magnetic ellipsoids in São Domingos pluton suggest that the NNW-trending structures includes, besides a strike-slip shear fabric, a component of extension that probably assisted the emplacement of the plutons. A U-Pb (SHRIMP) determination in the Patrimônio Santo Antônio zircons have produced a concordia age of 589 ± 6 Ma attributed to the crystallization of the granite. These results indicate that in the latest stages of the development of the Cunhaporanga Intrusive Suite the Apiaí Domain was submitted to a regional strain field recording transcurrent simple shear and extension.

Anisotropia de suscetibilidade magnética dos plútons Ribeirão Branco, Sguário e Capão Bonito e implicações tectônicas para a Faixa Ribeira (Domínio Apiaí, SP) / Magmatic susceptibility anisotropy of plutions Ribeirão Branco, Sguário and Capão Bonito and tectonic implication for Ribeirão belt (Apiaí Domain, SP)

Carlos Alejandro Salazar 19 May 2010 (has links)
A trama de magmas graníticos alojados na crosta intermediária e superior pode-se originar pela ação de forças de corpo (ascensionais, convectivas) e/ou tectônicas. Diferentes mecanismos podem concorrer para a formação de tramas, embora a interação entre a deformação magmática e a tectônica regional seja um dos mecanismos fundamentais, notadamente nos granitos alojados em faixas orogênicas. No Domínio Apiaí da Faixa Ribeira (SP - PR), os batólitos graníticos alongados têm sido historicamente classificados como sintectônicos, ou seja, colocados durante o desenvolvimento de um arco magmático continental neoproterozóico. Os plútons menores, de forma circular a ovalada, geralmente discordantes e com típica coloração avermelhada, são considerados pós-tectônicos ou alojados após a colisão continental entre os diferentes blocos litosféricos que formaram a Faixa Ribeira. Essa classificação esquemática tem sido baseada em geoquímica e geocronologia dos granitos. Este trabalho identificou e mapeou a trama interna dos plútons sin-tectônicos (Ribeirão Branco) e pós-tectônicos (Capão Bonito e Sguário) utilizando a anisotropia de suscetibilidade magnética (ASM), de forma a inserí-los propriamente nos modelos de classificação tectônica, cujas premissas básicas são de natureza estrutural. Os granitos porfiríticos (Ribeirão Branco e Itaóca) possuem uma elevada suscetibilidade magnética (k 10-2 SI), a qual é menor (k 5 x 10-3 SI) nos granitos vermelhos (Capão Bonito e Sguário). A suscetibilidade dos granitos porfiríticos é proveniente de óxidos ferromagnéticos, notadamente magnetita pobre em Ti, que encontra-se frequentemente associada com titanita, biotita e anfibólio. Nos granitos vermelhos a suscetibilidade é gerada por magnetita, variavelmente oxidada (maghemita) e Ti-hematita (hemo-ilmenita), havendo também significativa contribuição da fração paramagnética (biotita cloritizada) à suscetibilidade total nas rochas, quando k < 10-3 SI. O grau de anisotropia magnética (P) tanto nos granitos porfiríticos como nos vermelhos é variável, porém tipicamente maior nos porfiríticos (P = 1,14, dp. 0,08), se comparado aos vermelhos (P = 1,07, dp. 0,05). A maior anisotropia de suscetibilidade no plúton Ribeirão Branco é atribuída a uma incipiente foliação detectada em vários setores do granito, que contrasta com a microestrutura aparentemente isótropa dos granitos vermelhos. O estudo da trama de silicatos no granito porfirítico Itaóca e no granito Capão Bonito mostrou que os eixos principais de anisotropia de suscetibilidade magnética e da orientação preferencial de forma (OPF) de feldspato e de biotita, são correspondentes, porém, comumente oblíquos. Essa obliquidade entre eixos é atribuída às características físicas próprias (forma, tamanho e anisotropia) dos minerais marcadores da trama. O estudo combinado da ASM e da OPF revelou ainda que P tende a crescer com a intensidade da orientação preferencial de silicatos, o que permitiu identificar os domínios de maior deformação magmática e correlacioná-los com a estrutura regional. A trama magnética do granito Ribeirão Branco organiza-se em coerência com uma tectônica regional transcorrente sinistral. Na margem ocidental deste granito, contudo, a orientação da trama é diferente do restante do maciço, tendo sido aparentemente afetada pela intrusão do granito Sguário. A trama magnética do Ribeirão Branco contrasta com a do plúton Itaóca, este último exibindo um padrão concêntrico que antecedeu ao desenvolvimento da deformação transcorrente regional. Zircões do Itaóca forneceram uma idade U-Pb (SHRIMP) concordante de 623 ± 10 Ma, atribuída à cristalização deste plúton. Dados da literatura indicam que o granito Capão Bonito é aproximadamente 15 Ma mais jovem que os batólitos de granito porfirítico. O Capão Bonito, entretanto, apresenta uma trama muito bem organizada, típica de intrusões sin-tectônicas, destacando-se excelente alinhamento da lineação magnética. No granito Sguário, o arranjo da trama é tipicamente helicoidal e, junto com a estrutura do Capão Bonito, podem ter sido organizadas em resposta a uma deformação transcorrente E-W destral. Este evento tardio estaria associado à reativação da zona de cisalhamento Ribeira, que afetou a borda sul do granito Itaóca e que contém uma componente extensional. A deformação transtensiva E-W, que favoreceu a injeção dos granitos vermelhos no Domínio Apiaí, sucederia a um evento tectonomagmático principal, que teria sido responsável pela colocação e deformação dos batólitos de granito porfirítico. A intrusão dos grandes corpos graníticos ocorreu em torno de 615 Ma e foi relacionada à convergência crustal e estiramento subparalelo à Faixa Ribeira, com a deformação localizada notadamente nas estruturas transcorrentes de direção NE-SW. / The fabric of granitic magmas emplaced in the middle and upper crustal levels can be caused by the stress action during the ascension and convection of plutons and/or tectonic strain. Several mechanisms can contribute for the previous thing, nevertheless the interaction between the distortions and tectonic is the domineering one, principally in granites located in orogenic belts. In the Apiaí domain of the Ribeira belt (SP-PR) the elongated granitic batholiths have been historically classified like syn-tectonic and them was emplaced during the development of a neoproterozoic continental magmatic arch. Small Plutons with subcircular to oval forms generally discordant with regard to the disposition of the regional structures and that in turn possess feldspars of reddish typical colour, had been considered pos-tectonic, and therefore, emplaced after the collision that joined the different litho-tectonic units that constitute the Ribeira orogenic belt. This schematic classification of these granites relicts on geochemistry and geochronology data. In this study was identified and recorded in map the internal fabric of the syn-tectonic Ribeirão Branco granite and of the pos-tectonic Capão Bonito and Sguário granites using the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) with the aim of inserting them appropriately in the models of tectonic classification whose basic premises are of structural nature. The porphyritic Ribeirão Branco and Itaóca granites have a high magnetic susceptibility (k = 10-2 SI), which is minor than (k = 5 x 10-3 SI) in the red granites (Capão Bonito, Sguário). In the first ones the poor Ti magnetite is the main source of susceptibility, commonly associated to titanite, biotite and amphibole. In the red granites, the susceptibility is provided by magnetite variability rusty (maghemite) and Ti - hematite (hemo-ilmenite), in addition to the significant contribution of biotite altered by hydrothermal processes. The grade of anisotropy rise (P) in the porphyritic granites (P = 1,14 SD. 0,08) and this is bigger than in the red ones (P = 1,07, SD. 0,05). In the Ribeirão Branco pluton, the high value of P is attributed to an incipient foliation detected in several sectors, which contrasts with the microstructure seemingly isotropic of the red granites. The study of the fabrics of silicates in the porphyritic granites Ribeirão Branco and Itaóca revealed that the orientations of the main axes of AMS and of shape preferred orientation (SPO) of feldspar and mafic silicates (biotite + amphibole) are congruent, nevertheless some obliquities occur. Those obliquities are attributed to the influence of the proper characteristics (form, size, anisotropy) of the marker minerals of the respective sub fabrics. In the same way, the above-mentioned study of silicates fabric demonstrated that P tends to grow up with the intensity of the SPO of silicates, which allowed to identify domains with major magmatic distortion into de granitic bodies and to correlate them with the regional structure. In general, the magnetic fabric of the Ribeirão Branco granite is organized coherently with the tectonic regional sinestral strike-slip shear zones; nevertheless, in the western sector the orientation of the magnetic fabric was likely modified by the accommodation of the Sguário granite. In the Itaóca granite, the organization of the magnetic fabric is different if compared with fabrics of the previous pluton. In Itaóca granite was recorded a fabric with a concentric organization in 623 ± 10Ma. (MSWD 0,31), according to the concordant U-Pb (SHRIMP) age in zircons obtained for the crystallization of the granite, that seems to be occurred before the strain related with the activation of the regional strike-slip shear zones. Geochronology data of the literature indicates that the Capão Bonito granite is approximately 15 Ma. younger than the batholiths of porphyritic granite. The Capão Bonito granite has an organized fabric typical of syn-tectonic intrusions that has an excellent alignment of the magnetic lineation. In the granite Sguário, the fabric has a spiral organization, in the same way as recorded in Capão Bonito, like response to a strain associated with to a small strike-slip shear zone with W-E direction. This event would be related to the reactivation of the Ribeira strike-slip shear zone, which affected the south sector of the Itaóca granite, with the participation of an extensional component. The W-E transtensive deformation that favoured the injection of the red granites in the Apiaí Domain likely was subsequent to a main tetonomagmatic event and this should have been the responsible by the emplacement and strain in the porphyritic granites. The intrusion of the big granitic bodies ~ 615 Ma. and could be it related to the convergence between crustal blocks and to the consequent stretching sub parallel of the Ribeira belt, in which the distortion was located remarkably in the strike-slip shear zones with NE-SW direction.


田中, 茂信 25 January 2010 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(工学) / 乙第12423号 / 論工博第4033号 / 新制||工||1480(附属図書館) / 27519 / (主査)教授 寶 馨, 教授 岡田 憲夫, 教授 角 哲也 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当

Parameter estimation for nonincreasing exponential sums by Prony-like methods

Potts, Daniel, Tasche, Manfred January 2012 (has links)
For noiseless sampled data, we describe the close connections between Prony--like methods, namely the classical Prony method, the matrix pencil method and the ESPRIT method. Further we present a new efficient algorithm of matrix pencil factorization based on QR decomposition of a rectangular Hankel matrix. The algorithms of parameter estimation are also applied to sparse Fourier approximation and nonlinear approximation.

Temperature Compensation in CMOS Ring Oscillator

Wei, Xiaohua, Zhang, Dingyufei January 2022 (has links)
A digital system is often required to operate under a specific frequency. A ring oscillator can be helpful in this circumstance because it can generate a signal with a specific frequency. However, a ring oscillator is also sensitive to the environment temperature. With the increasing requirement of accuracy and stability, many approaches appear worldwide to make a temperature-insensitive ring oscillator. This thesis project presents an approach to compensate the temperature effect on a Current Starved Ring Oscillator(CSRO). More concretely, we researched how to achieve temperature compensation for CSRO in a digitally-controlled configuration. A Phase Frequency Detector (PFD) block is adapted to sense the frequency difference between the reference frequency and CSRO frequency. Two Charge Pumps (CP)are used to quantify the difference in voltage signal. A Dynamic Comparator block compares the signals from CPs. A following Bidirectional Counter block can count up or down to change the current in CSRO by a four-bit signal. In the end, the CSRO can generate an oscillating signal at the appropriate frequency after some adaptation time. This proposed circuit was realized with AMS 0.35 um CMOS technology and simulated using the Cadence tools. Power consumption, temperature compensation analysis and voltage supply compensation analysis under different temperatures are also performed in the project.

Dark Matter Indirect Detection with charged cosmic rays / Parcellisation de la surface corticale basée sur la connectivité : vers une exploration multimodale

Giesen, Gaelle 25 September 2015 (has links)
Les preuves pour l'existence de la matière noire (MN), sous forme d'une particule inconnue qui rempli les halos galactiques, sont issues d'observations astrophysiques et cosmologiques: son effet gravitationnel est visible dans les rotations des galaxies, des amas de galaxies et dans la formation des grandes structures de l'univers. Une manifestation non-gravitationnelle de sa présence n'a pas encore été découverte. L'une des techniques les plus prometteuse est la détection indirecte de la MN, consistant à identifier des excès dans les flux de rayons cosmiques pouvant provenir de l'annihilation ou la désintégration de la MN dans le halo de la Voie Lactée. Les efforts expérimentaux actuels se focalisent principalement sur une gamme d'énergie de l'ordre du GeV au TeV, où un signal de WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) est attendu. L'analyse des mesures récentes et inédites des rayons cosmiques chargés (antiprotons, électrons et positrons) et leurs émissions secondaires et les améliorations des modèles astrophysiques sont présentées.Les données de PAMELA sur les antiprotons contraignent l'annihilation et la désintégration de la MN de manière similaire (et même légèrement meilleurs) que les contraintes les plus fortes venant des rayons gamma, même dans le cas où les énergies cinétiques inférieures à 10 GeV sont écartées. En choisissant des paramètres astrophysiques différents (modèles de propagation et profils de MN), les contraintes peuvent changer d'un à deux ordres de grandeur. Pour exploiter la totalité de la capacité des antiprotons à contraindre la MN, des effets précédemment négligés sont incorporés et se révèlent être importants dans l'analyse des données inédites de AMS-02 : ajouter les pertes d'énergie, la diffusion dans l'espace des moments et la modulation solaire peut modifier les contraintes, même à de hautes masses. Une mauvaise interprétation des données peut survenir si ces effets ne sont pas pris en compte. Avec les flux de protons et d'hélium exposé par AMS-02, le fond astrophysique et ces incertitudes du ratio antiprotons sur protons sont réévalués et comparés aux données inédites de AMS-02. Aucune indication pour un excès n'est trouvé. Une préférence pour un halo confinant plus large et une dépendance en énergie du coefficient de diffusion plus plate apparaissent. De nouvelles contraintes sur l'annihilation et la désintégration de la MN sont ainsi dérivés.Les émissions secondaires des électrons et des positrons peuvent aussi contraindre l'annihilation et la désintégration de la MN dans le halo galactique : le signal radio dû à la radiation synchrotron des électrons et positrons dans le champs magnétique galactique, les rayons gamma des processus de bremsstrahlung avec le gas galactique et de Compton Inverse avec le champs radiatif interstellaire sont considérés. Différentes configurations de champs magnétique galactique et de modèles de propagation et des cartes de gas et de champs radiatif interstellaire améliorés sont utilisées pour obtenir des outils permettant le calculs des émissions synchrotrons et bremsstrahlung venant de MN de type WIMP. Tous les résultats numériques sont incorporés dans la dernière version du Poor Particle Physicist Coookbook for DM Indirect Detection (PPPC4DMID).Une interprétation d'un possible excès dans les données de rayons gamma de Fermi-LAT au centre galactique comme étant dû à l'annihilation de MN en canaux hadronique et leptonique est analysée. Dans une approche de messagers multiples, le calcul des émissions secondaires est amélioré et se révèle être important pour la détermination du spectre pour le canal leptonique. Ensuite, les limites provenant des antiprotons sur l'annihilation en canal hadronique contraignent sévèrement l'interprétation de cet excès comme étant dû à la MN, dans le cas de paramètres de propagation et de modulation solaire standards. Avec un choix plus conservatif de ces paramètres elles s'assouplissent considérablement. / Overwhelming evidence for the existence of Dark Matter (DM), in the form of an unknownparticle filling the galactic halos, originates from many observations in astrophysics and cosmology: its gravitational effects are apparent on galactic rotations, in galaxy clusters and in shaping the large scale structure of the Universe. On the other hand, a non-gravitational manifestation of its presence is yet to be unveiled. One of the most promising techniques is the one of indirect detection, aimed at identifying excesses in cosmic ray fluxes which could possibly be produced by DM annihilations or decays in the Milky Way halo. The current experimental efforts mainly focus in the GeV to TeV energy range, which is also where signals from WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) are expected. Focussing on charged cosmic rays, in particular antiprotons, electrons and positrons, as well as their secondary emissions, an analysis of current and forseen cosmic ray measurements and improvements on astrophysical models are presented. Antiproton data from PAMELA imposes contraints on annihilating and decaying DM which are similar to (or even slightly stronger than) the most stringent bounds from gamma ray experiments, even when kinetic energies below 10 GeV are discarded. However, choosing different sets of astrophysical parameters, in the form of propagation models and halo profiles, allows the contraints to span over one or two orders of magnitude. In order to exploit fully the power of antiprotons to constrain or discover DM, effects which were previously perceived as subleading turn out to be relevant especially for the analysis of the newly released AMS-02 data. In fact, including energy losses, diffusive reaccelleration and solar modulation can somewhat modify the current bounds, even at large DM masses. A wrong interpretation of the data may arise if they are not taken into account. Finally, using the updated proton and helium fluxes just released by the AMS-02 experiment, the astrophysical antiproton to proton ratio and its uncertainties are reevaluated and compared to the preliminarly reported AMS-02 measurements. No unambiguous evidence for a significant excess with respect to expectations is found. Yet, some preference for thicker halos and a flatter energy dependence of the diffusion coefficient starts to emerge. New stringed constraints on DM annihilation and decay are derived. Secondary emissions from electrons and positrons can also be used to constrain DM annihilation or decay in the galactic halo. The radio signal due to synchrotron radiation of electrons and positrons on the galactic magnetic field, gamma rays from bremsstrahlung processes on the galactic gas densities and from Inverse Compton scattering processes on the interstellar radiation field are considered. With several magnetic field configurations, propagation scenarios and improved gas density maps and interstellar radiation field, state-of-art tools allowing the computaion of synchrotron and bremssttrahlung radiation for any WIMP DM model are provided. All numerical results for DM are incorporated in the release of the Poor Particle Physicist Coookbook for DM Indirect Detection (PPPC4DMID). Finally, the possible GeV gamma-ray excess identified in the Fermi-LAT data from the Galactic Center in terms of DM annihilation, either in hadronic or leptonic channels is studied. In order to test this tantalizing interprestation, a multi-messenger approach is used: first, the computation of secondary emisison from DM with respect to previous works confirms it to be relevant for determining the DM spectrum in leptonic channels. Second, limits from antiprotons severely constrain the DM interpretation of the excess in the hadronic channel, for standard assumptions on the Galactic propagation parameters and solar modulation. However, they considerably relax if more conservative choices are adopted.

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