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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

E-Waste Recycling: The Dirty Trade Between the United States and China

Edwards, Laura 01 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores the environmental and public health damages associated with the informal e-waste recycling industry in China and provides an overview of Chinese policies regulating e-waste. Furthermore, the thesis examines how the United States has contributed to these ecological and human health damages by exporting e-waste to China and failing to regulate the US e-waste recycling industry.

Compositional symbolic execution with memoized replay

Qiu, Rui, active 21st century 18 September 2014 (has links)
Symbolic execution is a powerful, systematic analysis that has received much visibility in the last decade. Scalability however remains a major challenge for symbolic execution. Compositional analysis is a well-known general purpose methodology for increasing scalability. This thesis introduces a new approach for compositional symbolic execution. Our key insight is that we can summarize each analyzed method as a memoization tree that captures the crucial elements of symbolic execution, and leverage these memoization trees to efficiently replay the symbolic execution of the corresponding methods with respect to their calling contexts. Memoization trees offer a natural way to compose in the presence of heap operations, which cannot be dealt with by previous work that uses logical formulas as summaries for composi- tional symbolic execution. Our approach also enables an efficient treatment of error traces by short-circuiting the execution of paths that lead to them. Our preliminary experimental evaluation based on a prototype implementation in Symbolic PathFinder shows promising results. / text

Velocity distributions in conical hoppers

Cleaver, James Arnold Stafford January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

European police co-operation : its development and impact between 1967-1997 in an Anglo/French trans-frontier setting

Gallagher, Derek F. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Robot tracking with advanced ultrasonics

Kuang, Wen-Tao January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Influence of workplace and task factors on seated working postures

Li, Guangyan January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Application of Mathematical Programming to Short-Term Operation Planning of Hydrothermal Power System

Habibollahzadeh, Hooshang January 1984 (has links)
The thesis contains the results of a reseach project on application of mathematical programming methods to short-term operation planning of large hydrothermal power systems. The project was aimed at devoeloping efficient solution techniques that are practially applicable to large systems. The problem is modeled as a large mixed integer program. / This thesis contains the results of a research project on application of mathematical programming methods to short-term operation planning of large hydrothermal power systems. The work was carried out at the Department of Electric Power System Engineering of the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.   The project was aimed at developing efficient solution techniques that are practically applicable to large scale power systems. The thesis consists of seven chap­ters and four appendices.   The increasing importance and the magnitude of the expenditures associated with it have created an urgent necessity to operate the electric energy systems in an optimal economic manner. The optimal operation planning, as explained in chapter 1, can be divided into several subproblems which are more computationally manageable. The short-term operation planning contains two of these subproblems, namely; weekly and daily operation planning.   The problem, as modeled in chapter 2 for systems with a considerable amount of hydro, is a large mixed integer program. The objective for this problem is the produc­tion cost of the thermal plants. The optimization hori­zon varies from one week to one day, and the discretiza­tion intervals are normally chosen between one to several hours.   In chapter 3, Lagrangian relaxation technique and Benders' method are introduced to decompose the problem with re­spect to hydro and thermal systems. This makes it poss­ible to exploit the special characteristics of each system.   The hydro problem is a large linear program with embedded network structure. In chapter 4, several solution techniques are introduced that exploit this special structure of the large number of constraints involved. The small nonlinearities of hydro problem and· head variation are also treated in this chapter.   The thermal problem involves integer variables. In cha­ter 5, the special structure of this problem is consider­ed, which results in a considerable amount of reductions. Branch and bound, shortest path, and discrete dynamic programming methods are considered for solution of thermal system. This chapter is extended to consider hydro­thermal power system with low amounts of hydro.   Chapter 6 concerns network labeling system, network flow algorithms, and sparsity techniques, which were considered in the implementation of the algorithms.   Finally, the test results and conclusions from application of different techniques are considered and discussed in chapter 7. The Swedish System has been used to prove the applicability and efficiency of the developed techniques. The short-term model can be used in operation, as an engineering tool for decision making, and in planning, to analyze alternative planning schemes. / <p>QC 20161206</p>

Patienters livskvalitet efter coronar arteriell bypass-operation : En litteraturstudie / Patients' quality of life after coronary artery bypass-surgery : A literature study

Danielsson, Rebecca, Kampman, Marie January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion: Coronar arteriell bypass-operation (CABG) är en stor operation som ofta innebär större livsstilsförändringar för patienten. Sjuksköterskan behöver vara medveten om de delar i livskvaliteten som påverkas efter CABG för att kunna förebygga eventuella försämringar i livskvaliteten. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa livskvaliteten hos patienter som genomgått coronar arteriell bypass-operation. Metod: Litteraturstudien genomfördes enligt Polit &amp; Becks niostegsmodell. Litteratursökningar genomfördes i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Artiklarna genomgick en urvalsprocess och kvalitetsgranskning. Vid slutförd granskning återstod 10 artiklar där två huvudteman växte fram. Resultat: Resultatet redovisades i två huvudteman med tillhörande underteman. Det första huvudtemat var Patientens funktionalitet med undertemana Förekomst eller frånvaro av kroppsliga symtom och Känslor, ångest och depression. Det andra huvudtemat var Patientens sociala tillvaro med undertemana Stöd och förtroende och Socioekonomisk status. Slutsats: Många patienter upplevde en förbättring i livskvaliteten. Patienternas livskvalitet innan operationen hade betydelse för hur livskvaliteten blev efter. Sjuksköterskan behöver fokusera på att patienten får tillräckligt med information och stöd innan och efter operationen för att patienten inte ska ha orealistiska förväntningar av hur livskvaliteten kommer att bli efter operationen.

Einfluss der erfolgreichen Trabekulektomie auf Fluktuation und Spitzenwerte des intraokularen Druckes im Tag-Nacht-Vergleich / Influence of successful trabeculectomy to the diurnal and nocturnal maximal IOP and IOP fluctuation.

Praetorius, Stefanie January 2010 (has links)
Glaukomerkrankungen verlaufen progressiv und sind weltweit die zweithäufigste Ursa-che für Erblindung. Die einzig wirksame Therapie ist bisher die Senkung des IODs un¬ter eine individuelle Grenze. Dabei ist die Trabekulektomie diejenige Therapie mit dem stärksten drucksenkenden Effekt. Intraokulare Druckspitzen scheinen im Zusammen-hang mit progressiven Gesichtsfeldverlusten zu stehen. Die erfolgreiche Trabekulekto-mie senkt in dieser Arbeit den maximalen IOD nach einem Nachbeobachtungsintervall von 2,1 ± 1,7 Jahre auf durchschnittlich 16,0 ± 4,4 mmHg im Tagprofil und 16,0 ± 5,4 mmHg im Nachtprofil. Im Tagprofil bewirkt sie eine signifikante Senkung des maxi-malen IODs von 40 % vom präoperativen maximalen IOD (26,5 ± 5,9 mmHg), im Nachtprofil eine signifikante Senkung von 32 % des entsprechenden präoperativen Werts (23,4 ± 5,2 mmHg). Damit liegt der maximale IOD nach 2,1 ± 1,7 Jahren im Tagprofil bei 80 % der Patien-ten (bei 71 % ohne Medikamente) und im Nachtprofil bei 69 % (63 % ohne Medika-mente) unter oder bei 21 mmHg mit einer Reduktion gegenüber dem präoperativen IOD-Wertes von mindestens 20 %. Bei 60 % (54 % ohne Medikamente) im Tagprofil und bei 63 % (57 %) im Nachtprofil liegt der maximale IOD 2,1 ± 1,7 Jahre nach erfolgreicher Trabekulektomie unter 18 mmHg. Der erhöhte IOD ist nachweislich ein Risikofaktor für die Entstehung und die Progres-sion von Glaukomen. In den letzten Jahren zeigten einige Studien, dass die Fluktuation des IODs ein unabhängiger Risikofaktor für die Progression von Gesichtsfeldausfällen zu sein scheint. Die Auswirkung der erfolgreichen Trabekulektomie auf die Fluktuation ist bisher wenig untersucht. Die präoperative Fluktuation von 12,1 ± 4,2 mmHg im Tagesprofil beträgt 2,1 ± 1,7 Jahre nach erfolgreicher Trabekulektomie 5,6 ± 2,2 mmHg, das entspricht einer signifikanten Senkung von 54 % (6,5 ± 4,6 mmHg). Im Nachtprofil wurde eine Untergruppe betrachtet. Die präoperative Fluktuation von 7,1 ± 4,5 mmHg im Nachtprofil beträgt 2,1 ± 1,7 Jahre nach erfolgreicher Trabekulektomie 3,9 ± 4,1 mmHg, das entspricht einer nicht signifikanten Senkung von 46 % (3,3 ± 6,8 mmHg). Die Signifikanz in der Untergruppe wurde durch die geringe Fallzahl in der Untergruppe beeinträchtigt. Der IOD folgt einem circadianen Rhythmus. Einige Studien berichten von Unterschie-den im Tag-Nacht-Verhalten, weshalb in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Tagprofil und das Nachtprofil getrennt ausgewertet wurden. Der präoperative maximale IOD des Tagpro-fils lag 3,1 ± 6,1 mmHg (12 %) signifikant höher als der des Nachtprofils und wurde durch die erfolgreiche Trabekulektomie um 3,1 ± 6,6 mmHg (30 %) signifikant stärker gesenkt als der des Nachtprofils. Der postoperative maximale IOD war im Tag- und Nachtprofil im Durchschnitt fast identisch. In allen weiteren Auswertungen konnte kein signifikanter Unterschied im Tag-Nacht-Verhalten des IODs festgestellt werden. Antimetaboliten werden im Rahmen fistulierender Operationen zur Verminderung der natürlichen Wundheilung eingesetzt und erhöhen nachweislich die Erfolgsrate der Operation. Einige Studien haben festgestellt, dass die subkonjunktivale Applikation von Antimetaboliten ohne weitere Intervention drucksenkende Eigenschaften hat. In der vorliegenden Studie konnte dieser Effekt nicht bestätigt werden. Diese Studie liefert interessante Erkenntnisse zum Verhalten des IODs, insbesondere der Fluktuation des IODs nach erfolgreicher Trabekulektomie bei einer relativ langen Nachbeobachtungszeit. Über die Auswirkung der Trabekulektomie in Bezug auf die Fluktuation des IODs ist bisher wenig bekannt. Die Signifikanz der Ergebnisse könnte durch eine prospektive Studie mit größeren Fallzahlen erhöht werden. Eine wichtige Beschränkung der Aussagekraft der Ergebnisse liegt darin, dass das Verhalten des IODs bisher nicht an einem kontinuierlich erfassten IOD untersucht werden kann. / High intraocular pressure (IOP) is a major risk factor for glaucoma, which is among the three most prevalent causes for blindness. Trabeculectomy (TET) is widely accepted as one of the best methods in lowering the IOP. Diurnal fluctuations of the IOP seem to be an indepentent risk factor for progression in visual field loss in case of glaucoma. In this thesis the effect of successful TET on the maximal values and the fluctuations of the IOP and the influence of intra- and postoperative use of antimetabolites (mitomycin C, 5-fluoruoracil) were studied and compared between day and night. Data were acquired retrospectively from documented diurnal and nocturnal IOP-measurements of 35 patients with medicially not controlled glaucoma who underwent successful trabeculectomy at the University of Wuerzburg and who had at least one diurnal and one nocturnal measurement of IOP before and after TET. We find that successful TET reduces the mean diurnal maximal IOP (mIOP maxD) by 40% (26,5 ± 5,9 mmHg to 16,0 ± 4,4 mmHg) (p<0,001) and the mean nocturnal maximal IOP (mIOPmaxN) by 32% (23,4 ± 5,2 mmHg to 16,0 ± 5,4 mmHg) (p<0,001). The mean diurnal pressure fluctuation after successful TET is significantly reduced by 54% (12,1 ± 4,2 mmHg to 5,6 ± 2,2 mmHg) (p<0,001). To calculate the nocturnal pressure fluctuation a smaller sub-group (7 patients) had to be built, in this group the nocturnal fluctuation is reduced by 46% (7,1 ± 4,5 mmHg to 3,9 ± 4,1 mmHg) but due to the small amount of patients the reduction is not significant (p=0,270). In this sub group the reduction of the diurnal fluctuation is averaged 49% (12,0 ± 6,1 mmHg to 6,1 ± 1,6 mmHg) with marginally significance (p<0,05). There is no significant difference between the reduction of the diurnal and nocturnal fluctuation. No influence of the intra- or/and postoperative use of antimetabolites to the maximal IOP was found in this study. For future studies larger numbers of cases, ideally deploying new techniques for continuous IOD measurement are desirable.

Estudo das eficiências de operação e consumo de energia em plantas de produção de biodiesel. / Operation efficiency evaluation and energy consumption assessment at a biodiesel production plant.

Costa, Regiane Adelina Borella 01 December 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho visa contribuir para o conhecimento dos consumos de energia em uma planta típica de produção de biodiesel. A energia consumida no processo de produção de um combustível deve ser compatível com aquela por ele disponibilizada em suas utilizações. Assim, avaliou-se a energia térmica teórica em kJ/kg envolvida na produção de uma unidade de massa de biodiesel comparando-a com o seu poder calorífico inferior (PCI). Às operações unitárias deste processo, foram aplicados os balanços de materiais e de energia como método para calcular a carga térmica em cada operação para determinar o consumo de energia. Para tanto foi necessário encontrar uma fórmula molecular representativa para o óleo e uma para o biodiesel, com cálculos partindo da massa molar de cada um. A aplicação dos cálculos do balanço de entalpia em algumas operações unitárias dependia dos valores das entalpias de formação do óleo e do biodiesel, que foram calculadas pelo princípio de Hess, através das reações de combustão. O consumo de vapor da planta de biodiesel foi calculado através da massa de vapor consumida em todo o processo sendo comparada com o consumo de biodiesel necessário para a produção desse vapor. O processo analisado consome 25% do biodiesel produzido para gerar suas necessidades de aquecimento, confirmando a utilização do biodiesel como combustível em termos energéticos. / This work aims at contributing to the knowledge of energy consumption in a typical plant of biodiesel production. The energy consumed in the production of fuel must be compatible to the one available in its updating. Therefore, the theoretical thermal energy involved in the production of a biodiesel mass unit in kJ/kg has been evaluated compared to its lower heat value (LHV). To the unitary operations of this process, the balance of materials and energy has been applied as a method to calculate the thermal charge in each operation to determine the energy consumption. To do so, it was necessary to find representative molecular formulas for both oil and biodiesel, with calculations based on the molar mass of each. The application of the calculations of the enthalpy balance in some unitary operations depended on the values of the formation enthalpies of oil and biodiesel, which have been calculated through the principle of Hess, by means of the reactions of combustion. The consumption of steam from the biodiesel plant has been calculated through the steam mass consumed all over the process being compared to the necessary consumption of biodiesel to produce this steam. The analyzed process consumes 25% of the biodiesel produced to generate its heating necessities, confirming the use of biodiesel as fuel in energy terms.

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