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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structure sociale et stratégies de reproduction chez la fourmi hautement polygyne Crematogaster pygmaea / Social structure and reproductive strategies in the highly polygynous ant Crematogaster pygmaea.

Hamidi, Rachid 16 July 2010 (has links)
La stratégie de reproduction est l’un des principaux facteurs responsables du maintien de l’eusocialité et du succès écologique des fourmis. Chez les fourmis monogynes, la fondation solitaire induit de forts degrés d’apparentement entre les membres de la colonie, ce qui garantit la fitness indirecte des ouvrières. Par ailleurs, la territorialité assure le maintien de l’intégrité de la colonie. Par contre, chez les fourmis polygynes, l’ouverture sociale est plus importante, les reines ont perdu la capacité à fonder de manière indépendante et la présence de plusieurs lignées maternelle peut faire chuter les degrés d’apparentement, ce qui à terme, pourrait pousser les membres de la colonie au népotisme. Crematogaster pygmaea est une fourmi hautement polygyne dont la biologie la rapproche paradoxalement des fourmis monogynes. Dès lors, elle représente un modèle intéressant pour tester ces différentes prédictions, qui dans un cadre plus large, contribuent à une meilleure compréhension de l’évolution et de la maintenance de la coopération des reines chez les fourmis.<p>A l’aide de confrontations en milieu naturel, nous avons montré que C. pygmaea est clairement une espèce multicoloniale. Les confrontations traditionnelles en boîte de Pétri se sont avérées insuffisantes pour déterminer le degré d’ouverture des colonies de C. pygmaea. Le profil d’hydrocarbures cuticulaires des ouvrières est simple mais présente quelques alcanes branchés et quelques alcènes qui pourraient suffire au codage de l’odeur coloniale. Les colonies de C. pygmaea sont formées de plusieurs calies qui s’échangent des ouvrières. Ces échanges contribueraient à l’homogénéité et à l’intégrité génétique et chimique des colonies au sein des populations. <p>Contrairement à ce qui est observé chez d’autres fourmis, la forte polygynie de C. pygmaea n’est pas associée à l’incapacité d’une fondation solitaire. En effet, le dimorphisme reines-ouvrières est très marqué, l’haplométrose et la pléométrose sont possibles en laboratoire et des essaimages et tentatives de fondations solitaires ont été observés dans la nature. La dissémination des colonies par essaimage pourrait avoir lieu sur de courtes distances, comme le suggère la corrélation positive entre les distances génétique et géographique qui séparent les colonies. <p>Les reines sont capables de suivre des pistes, ce qui pourrait favoriser leur pénétration dans une colonie existante. Néanmoins, les ouvrières sont capables de reconnaître une reine étrangère et les degrés d’apparentements au sein des colonies sont élevés. Les analyses génétiques ont montré que les colonies forment des unités familiales dont les reines sont recrutées au sein d’une même génération. Ces reines sont à l’origine des ouvrières présentes dans la colonie. Chez les colonies pérennes, la présence d’un bottleneck royal pendant la saison sèche, associée à des accouplements intranidaux, devraient atténuer l’érosion des degrés d’apparentement liée au chevauchement entre les générations. Par ailleurs, nos résultats montrent aussi que les ouvrières peuvent produire des mâles fertiles. Le maintien de forts degrés d’apparentement et la présence de worker policing devraient garantir la fitness indirecte des ouvrières. <p>Enfin, nous montrons dans cette étude que les profils cuticulaires des individus pondeurs et non pondeurs diffèrent par la présence de quatre alcènes. L’accouplement ne modifie par le profil cuticulaire. Le profil des reines matures, très attractives vis-à-vis des ouvrières, est paradoxalement plus proche des individus non pondeurs. Néanmoins, le pentacosene présent uniquement chez les individus fertiles, pourrait être interprété comme un signal de fertilité par les ouvrières.<p>Dans cette étude, nous montrons que C. pygmaea bien que hautement polygyne possède plusieurs caractéristiques typiques des espèces monogynes. Sa stratégie de reproduction différenciée (la philopatrie des sexués et les essaimages) permet vraisemblablement à la fois la production massive d’ouvrières lors de la dilatation des colonies à la saison des pluies et la colonisation de territoires plus éloignés. La flexibilité de la gynie et de la polydomie de C. pygmaea contribueraient à une meilleure adaptation des colonies face aux saisons marquées du Nordeste brésilien/<p><p>Reproductive strategy is one of the main factors explaining eusociality and the ecological success of ants. In monogynous ants, independent foundation lead to high levels of relatedness between workers, ensuring their indiret fitness. Territoriality helps to maintain the social cohesion of the colony. In polygynous ants, nestmate recognition is generally less efficient, queens have lost the capability of solitary foundation and several maternal lineages lead to lower degrees of relatedness. Although highly polygynous, Crematogaster Pygmaea seems to share several biological traits with monogynous ants. These characteristics make this species a particularly interesting model to test several of the assumptions proposed to explain the origin and maintenance of polygyny in ants.<p><p>In the field, our results reveal that workers of this species are clearly aggressive towards non-nestmates. Populations of C. pygmaea are therefore multicolonial. Traditional Petri dish confrontations were insufficient to determine colonies’ degree of openness. Despite a simple cuticular hydrocarbon profile, alkenes and branched alkanes could be sufficient to support the colonial odor. Colonies of C. pygmaea consist of thousands of workers exchanged between different calies. Genetic and chemical data show that these exchanges contribute to the homogeneity and integrity of the colonies within populations.<p><p>Queen-worker dimorphism is pronounced in C. pygmaea and, in the laboratory, young mated queens are able to initiate a new colony by claustral foundation (in haplometrosis and pleometrosis). In the field, nuptial flights were noted at the beginning of the rain season and several young mated queens were observed digging the wet soil actively, confirming that solitary foundation is likely in this species. Swarming may occur over short distances, as suggested by the positive correlation between genetic and geographic distances among colonies.<p>Queens are able to follow chemical trails. Therefore, they could enter in established colonies. Nevertheless, since (i) workers are able to discriminate and kill foreign queens and (ii) relatedness is strong within colonies, adoption of foreign queens is probably rare. Genetic analysis rather suggest that colonies form family units in which the queens are recruited within a single generation and produce the workers of this generation. <p>Our results also show that workers are able to produce fertile males in the absence of queens. Despite this ability to reproduce, reproductive altruism in workers is probably maintain by high degree of relatedness between colony members and worker policing behaviours.<p><p>Our data show that cuticular lipid of non-fertile individuals (workers and winged virgin queens) differ from those of fertile ones by the presence of four alkenes. Mating does not alter the cuticular profile. Surprisingly, the cuticular lipid profile of mature queens is more similar to those of infertile individuals than to those of young egg-laying queens, although mature laying queens are twice as attractive as young laying queens. However, the relative proportion of one alkene (pentacosene) is clearly higher in mature queens than in their non-laying nestmates. It is therefore suggested that alkenes, and more particularly pentacosene, could be involved in fertility signalling but that queen attractiveness to workers could be released by other, non-cuticular compounds. <p><p>The biological traits of C. pygmaea have been interpreted in terms of adaptation to its environment characterized by sharply contrasting seasons. It is suggested that high number of related queens and polydomy ensure a rapid expansion of the colonies during the rainy season, allowing this species to exploit available resources with efficiency.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Regulation of reproduction in polygynous ants (Dolichoderinae): queen fertility signal and adult polyploidy / Régulation de la reproduction de fourmis polygynes (Dolichoderinae): signal royal de fertilité et polyploïdie des adultes

Cournault, Laurent 29 May 2009 (has links)
Regulation of reproduction is one central feature of social life. In particular, only a few individuals are in charge of producing offspring in eusocial species. This division of the reproductive labour is mainly mediated by pheromones emitted by the queens in social insects. These queen pheromones may signal the presence of a fertile queen so that workers react accordingly by taking care of her and not reproducing. <p><p>Here I investigated two aspects of the reproduction of two polygynous ant species. The first one, Linepithema humile, is a unicolonial, highly polygynous and invasive species. It has been the focus of numerous studies about queen pheromones; in particular, it has been reported that queen cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) profile is related to queen fertility. The other one, Tapinoma erraticum, is a multi-colonial, weakly polygynous and native species. Workers can lay haploid eggs in the absence of the queens which is impossible for Linepithema workers.<p><p>The major part of my thesis dealt with the queen fertility signalling issue. In the first two chapters I demonstrate the link between queen fertility and queen pheromone output. I first study a queen releaser pheromone, the queen retrieval behaviour. This behaviour is performed by the workers who lay a chemical trail toward a queen located outside the nest. I successfully show this behaviour to be related to queen fertility, and not mating status, in L. humile and T. erraticum since only fertile queens (mated or not) induce such recruitment. I then highlight the role of queen fertility in the prevention of worker reproduction in T. erraticum. Again, mated fertile queens and unmated fertile queens are both able to induce such primer effect. In a third chapter I report that CHC profiles may discriminate female castes (workers, queens, virgin queens, and virgin egg-laying queens) in T. erraticum. Finally, chapter 4 summarizes my attempts to prove that CHC may be involved in queen retrieval or queen attraction. None of the various bioassays tested allows me to demonstrate the putative role of CHC as queen pheromone.<p><p>In a second part, I was interested in the consequences of sex determination in T. erraticum. Chapter 5 presents the flow cytometry methodology (FC) which allowed me to score the number of sperm cells from spermathecae of several ant species, and to demonstrate that polygynous species (such as L. humile and T. erraticum) store less sperm than monogynous ones. FCM also allows determining the ploidy of sperm and adult somatic cells and chapter 6 which presents a large survey on the ploidy level within the species T. erraticum. This species displays diploid males that may produce diploid sperm which in turn can father a viable triploid female progeny. I report differences in the frequency of triploidy among female castes, the proportion of triploid workers being more important than triploid virgin queens whereas I never observed triploid mated fertile queens. Such results greatly suggest a putative regulatory mechanism involved in the rearing of triploid females. In the last chapter I investigated two populations that differ in the occurrence of triploid workers. I report these populations to vary in the number of queens and workers per nest.<p>/La régulation de la reproduction est un aspect essentiel de la vie sociale. En particulier, chez les espèces eusociales, seuls quelques individus sont impliqués dans la production de la descendance. Dans les sociétés d’insectes, une telle division du travail reproducteur est principalement assurée par l’émission de phéromones par les reines. Ces phéromones royales renseignent les membres de la colonie sur la présence d’une reine fertile, de telle sorte que les ouvrières réagissent en s’occupant d’elle et en s’abstenant de se reproduire. <p>Au cours de ce travail, je me suis intéressé à deux aspects de la reproduction au sein de deux espèces de fourmis polygynes. La première espèce, Linepithema humile, est invasive, unicoloniale et hautement polygyne dans les régions à climat méditerranéen. Elle a fait l’objet de nombreuses études portant notamment sur les phéromones royales. En particulier, il a été montré que le profil d’hydrocarbures cuticulaires (HCC) des reines est corrélé à leur fertilité. La seconde espèce, Tapinoma erraticum, est une espèce indigène, multi-coloniale et faiblement polygyne. Ses ouvrières sont capables de pondre des œufs mâles en absence de reines, ce dont sont incapables les ouvrières de Linepithema. <p>Je me suis principalement intéressé à la question de la signalisation de la fertilité des reines. Dans les deux premiers chapitres, je démontre le lien existant entre la fertilité des reines et la production de phéromone royale. J’ai d’abord étudié une phéromone incitatrice (releaser) qui provoque un recrutement royal. Ce comportement collectif très caractéristique correspond à la mise en place d’une piste chimique en direction d’une reine découverte par les ouvrières en dehors du nid. Je montre que ce comportement est lié à la fertilité de la reine chez les espèces L. humile et T. erraticum car seules les reines fertiles (fécondées ou non) sont capables de d’induire le recrutement royal. Je mets ensuite en évidence le rôle de la fertilité des reines dans la régulation de la reproduction des ouvrières de T. erraticum. A nouveau, les reines fécondées fertiles et les reines vierges fertiles sont toutes deux capables d’induire un même effet déclencheur (primer), en l’occurrence, l’inhibition de la reproduction des ouvrières. Dans un troisième chapitre, je montre que les profils d’hydrocarbures (HCC) permettent de distinguer sans ambiguïté les différentes castes femelles (ouvrières, reines fertiles, reines vierges et reines vierges pondeuses) chez T. erraticum. Enfin, le chapitre 4 résume mes tentatives pour démontrer le rôle des HCC dans les phénomènes de recrutement royal ou d’attractivité des reines. Aucun des bio-essais réalisés ne me permet de démontrer l’implication des HCC dans la phéromone royale. <p>Dans une seconde partie, je me suis intéressé aux conséquences du déterminisme du sexe chez T. erraticum. Le chapitre 5 présente cytométrie de flux (CF), une méthode qui me permet de compter les spermatozoïdes stockés dans les spermathèques de quelques espèces de fourmis et de montrer que les reines des espèces polygynes (telles que L. humile et T. erraticum) stockent moins de sperme que les espèces monogynes. La CF permet aussi de déterminer le niveau de ploïdie des cellules spermatiques ou somatiques chez l’adulte. Je me sers de cette application dans le chapitre 6 afin d’étudier le niveau de ploïdie au sein de l’espèce T. erraticum. Je montre que, dans les populations étudiées, il existe des mâles diploïdes et que ces mâles peuvent produire du sperme diploïde fertile, capable d’engendrer une descendance femelle triploïde. Je note des différences dans la fréquence des femelles triploïdes :la proportion d’ouvrières triploïdes est significativement plus importante que celle des reines vierges triploïdes. De plus, je n’ai jamais observé la présence de reines fécondées fertiles triploïdes. De tels résultats suggèrent fortement la présence d’un phénomène de régulation au cours de l’élevage du couvain triploïde. Dans le dernier chapitre, j’ai étudié deux populations de T. erraticum qui diffèrent au niveau de la proportion d’ouvrières triploïdes. Ces populations présentent des différences significatives dans le nombre de reines et d’ouvrières par nid. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Movimento de malhas e remalhamento de malhas superficiais / Mesh motion and surface remeshing

Soares, Igor Prata 08 February 2007 (has links)
Malhas dinâmicas são comumente utilizadas em problemas de simulação sobre dominios cuja geometria varia com o tempo. Sempre que o domínio onde a malha está definida é alterado, as molas são acionadas movimentando os vértices para que estes se conformem com a nova descrição do domínio. Os tipos de molas mais utilizadas são: as longitudinais, as torcionais e as semi-torcionais. Nesta tese uma nova mola é proposta, a mola altura, que além de evitar sobreposição de elementos, é conceitualmente simples e fácel de ser implementada. Outra contribuição desse trabalho é o mecanismo de vértices ativos, que permite economia de processamento durante a resolução da malha dinâmica. Quando a fronteira do domínio sofre grandes alterações, o processo dinâmico pode não ter êxito na correção da malha. Para contornar esse problema, a fronteira deve ser alterada aos poucos. Uma nova estratégia para realizar grandes deformações em pequenos passos é introduzida nesta tese. Em algumas aplicações, o movimento da fronteira da malha pode comprometer células da própria fronteira. A correção da fronteira e um processo delicado, já que em muitos casos ele implica em alterar a descrição do domínio. Um novo método para efetuar a correção da fronteira é apresentado neste trabalho. Ele é baseado em malhas dinâmicas e utiliza um novo conceito de molas, as molas conservativas. Todas as contribuições citadas acima tiveram aplicação prática na industria aeronáutica, sendo utilizadas na implementação de uma metodologia inovadora para acoplar um simulador de escoamento de fluidos tridimensional com uma ferramenta de projeto inverso de aerofólios que roda em um contexto bidimensional. O outro assunto abordado e o remalhamento de triangulações superficiais. Foi proposto um novo método, chamado ANTS (Anisotropic Triangulations on Surfaces) que produz triangulações anisotrópicas de qualidade sobre superfícies descrevendo objetos com geometria complexa. O método ANTS é caracterizado por efetuar o remalhamento diretamente na triangulação inicial, isto é, ele não faz uso de qualquer tipo de parametrização, seja global ou local. O processo de remalhamento é feito por meio de quatro operadores: inserção, remoção e movimento de vértices e alternância de arestas. Os operadores de inserção e remoção de vértices possibilitam controlar a densidade de vértices no domínio, permitindo que nós sejam inseridos em regiões com densidade baixa ou eliminados onde a densidade é alta. A qualidade dos triângulos é controlada por meio dos operadores de movimento de vértices e de alternância (flipping) de arestas. O operador de movimento é utilizado no núcleo do processo de remalhamento. Para evitar que o remalhamento danifique a forma original da superfície, as quinas e os córneres são detectados no inicio do processo e preservados durante o remalhamento. A densidade de vértices sobre o domínio é controlada por uma função de espalhamento. Tal função pode ser passada como entrada para o ANTS ou calculada pelo próprio método. O ANTS foi aplicado com êxito em diversos exemplos gerando malhas de boa qualidade / This thesis intends to make a contribution on the field of dynamic meshes. Dynamic meshes are commonly used in the simulation of problems on domains whose geometry varies in time. Virtual springs are placed in the mesh to rearrange its vertices whenever the domain is changed. The most commonly used types of springs are: longitudinal, torsional and semi-torsional. In this thesis a new type of spring is introduced, the height spring, that is conceptually simple but produces good results. Another contribution of this thesis is the active vertices mechanism, that can improve the CPU processing time of the dynamic mesh. When the mesh domain undergoes large deformations, the proposed dynamic mesh algorithm may fail in correcting the mesh. A solution to this problem is perform large deformations in smal steps. A new strategy for this purpose is presented. Sometimes the motion of the mesh boundary can damage cells on the boundary itself. This is a trick problem to solve since the correction of boundary might change the domain geometry. A new method to correct the boundary cells is also presented in this study. The method is based on the dynamic mesh concept and uses a new type of spring, the conservative spring. All the mentioned contributions had been applied in the aeronautics industry. The techniques developed here has been used to implement an innovative methodology to couple a three-dimensional fluid dynamic solver with a two-dimensional inverse design tool for airfoils. This thesis also deals with remeshing. It is presented the ANTS, a practical method for remeshing anisotropic triangulations on surfaces of complex geometry. The method is capable of performing refinement and coarsening during the same process using the well-known remeshing operators: vertex motion, vertex deletion (by collapsing edges), vertex insertion, and edge flipping. An interesting feature is that vertex motion is used in the core of the process instead of in a post-processing smoothing step. The ANTS uses the input mesh as the geometrical description and works directly on the surface mesh without using any other auxiliary structure (besides the input mesh itself) to preserve the geometrical shape. Moreover, neither global nor local parameterization are applied. Sharp edges and points are identified at the beginning and kept during the process in order to preserve ridges and details. The method has been successfully applied to several examples producing high quality meshes

Movimento de malhas e remalhamento de malhas superficiais / Mesh motion and surface remeshing

Igor Prata Soares 08 February 2007 (has links)
Malhas dinâmicas são comumente utilizadas em problemas de simulação sobre dominios cuja geometria varia com o tempo. Sempre que o domínio onde a malha está definida é alterado, as molas são acionadas movimentando os vértices para que estes se conformem com a nova descrição do domínio. Os tipos de molas mais utilizadas são: as longitudinais, as torcionais e as semi-torcionais. Nesta tese uma nova mola é proposta, a mola altura, que além de evitar sobreposição de elementos, é conceitualmente simples e fácel de ser implementada. Outra contribuição desse trabalho é o mecanismo de vértices ativos, que permite economia de processamento durante a resolução da malha dinâmica. Quando a fronteira do domínio sofre grandes alterações, o processo dinâmico pode não ter êxito na correção da malha. Para contornar esse problema, a fronteira deve ser alterada aos poucos. Uma nova estratégia para realizar grandes deformações em pequenos passos é introduzida nesta tese. Em algumas aplicações, o movimento da fronteira da malha pode comprometer células da própria fronteira. A correção da fronteira e um processo delicado, já que em muitos casos ele implica em alterar a descrição do domínio. Um novo método para efetuar a correção da fronteira é apresentado neste trabalho. Ele é baseado em malhas dinâmicas e utiliza um novo conceito de molas, as molas conservativas. Todas as contribuições citadas acima tiveram aplicação prática na industria aeronáutica, sendo utilizadas na implementação de uma metodologia inovadora para acoplar um simulador de escoamento de fluidos tridimensional com uma ferramenta de projeto inverso de aerofólios que roda em um contexto bidimensional. O outro assunto abordado e o remalhamento de triangulações superficiais. Foi proposto um novo método, chamado ANTS (Anisotropic Triangulations on Surfaces) que produz triangulações anisotrópicas de qualidade sobre superfícies descrevendo objetos com geometria complexa. O método ANTS é caracterizado por efetuar o remalhamento diretamente na triangulação inicial, isto é, ele não faz uso de qualquer tipo de parametrização, seja global ou local. O processo de remalhamento é feito por meio de quatro operadores: inserção, remoção e movimento de vértices e alternância de arestas. Os operadores de inserção e remoção de vértices possibilitam controlar a densidade de vértices no domínio, permitindo que nós sejam inseridos em regiões com densidade baixa ou eliminados onde a densidade é alta. A qualidade dos triângulos é controlada por meio dos operadores de movimento de vértices e de alternância (flipping) de arestas. O operador de movimento é utilizado no núcleo do processo de remalhamento. Para evitar que o remalhamento danifique a forma original da superfície, as quinas e os córneres são detectados no inicio do processo e preservados durante o remalhamento. A densidade de vértices sobre o domínio é controlada por uma função de espalhamento. Tal função pode ser passada como entrada para o ANTS ou calculada pelo próprio método. O ANTS foi aplicado com êxito em diversos exemplos gerando malhas de boa qualidade / This thesis intends to make a contribution on the field of dynamic meshes. Dynamic meshes are commonly used in the simulation of problems on domains whose geometry varies in time. Virtual springs are placed in the mesh to rearrange its vertices whenever the domain is changed. The most commonly used types of springs are: longitudinal, torsional and semi-torsional. In this thesis a new type of spring is introduced, the height spring, that is conceptually simple but produces good results. Another contribution of this thesis is the active vertices mechanism, that can improve the CPU processing time of the dynamic mesh. When the mesh domain undergoes large deformations, the proposed dynamic mesh algorithm may fail in correcting the mesh. A solution to this problem is perform large deformations in smal steps. A new strategy for this purpose is presented. Sometimes the motion of the mesh boundary can damage cells on the boundary itself. This is a trick problem to solve since the correction of boundary might change the domain geometry. A new method to correct the boundary cells is also presented in this study. The method is based on the dynamic mesh concept and uses a new type of spring, the conservative spring. All the mentioned contributions had been applied in the aeronautics industry. The techniques developed here has been used to implement an innovative methodology to couple a three-dimensional fluid dynamic solver with a two-dimensional inverse design tool for airfoils. This thesis also deals with remeshing. It is presented the ANTS, a practical method for remeshing anisotropic triangulations on surfaces of complex geometry. The method is capable of performing refinement and coarsening during the same process using the well-known remeshing operators: vertex motion, vertex deletion (by collapsing edges), vertex insertion, and edge flipping. An interesting feature is that vertex motion is used in the core of the process instead of in a post-processing smoothing step. The ANTS uses the input mesh as the geometrical description and works directly on the surface mesh without using any other auxiliary structure (besides the input mesh itself) to preserve the geometrical shape. Moreover, neither global nor local parameterization are applied. Sharp edges and points are identified at the beginning and kept during the process in order to preserve ridges and details. The method has been successfully applied to several examples producing high quality meshes

Weed seed predation by ants in the crop growing areas of Western Australia

Minkey, David Mark January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] In the crop growing areas of Western Australia, two economically important weed species, Lolium rigidum Gaud. (annual ryegrass) and Raphanus raphanistrum L. (wild radish), have evolved widespread herbicide resistance to multiple chemistry groups. Consequently, grain growers in the region have adopted an integrated approach to weed management that includes many non herbicide tools, however many more are needed as these weed species become increasingly more difficult to control. This thesis examines, in a series of field trials carried out in the Western Australian crop growing area, the potential for weed seed predation of annual ryegrass and wild radish by naturally occurring granivores as a new weed management tool for grain growers . . . The study discusses the implications of these results with the view to manipulating predation of weed seed through agricultural management practices. Ants were shown to be the dominant seed predator in this environment, especially in the centre of fields. The study has identified that the ant species Melophorus turneri (Forel), Monomorium rothsteini (Forel), Pheidole hartmeyeri (Forel) and Rhytidoponera metallica (Smith) are potential biological control agents for annual ryegrass seeds while P. hartmeyeri was identified as the only species suitable for biological control of wild radish seed pods. Ants were found to be sensitive to disturbance and some to crop residue type and these effects are discussed in relation to seed removal. This study of weed seed predation in agricultural fields is the most complete in this environment and can be used to inform further work in this area. It has identified that naturally occurring granivores can be used as a weed management tool.

Food flow and stock management in an ant colony / Flux alimentaire et gestion des stocks dans une colonie de fourmis

Buffin, Aurélie 14 October 2011 (has links)
The organization of complex societies requires constant information to flow between individuals. Because of their elaborated social structures and principally because of the division of labor, social insects depend on the efficacy of their information web in order to adapt the colony activity to its needs. Although many studies focused on understanding the regulation of the foraging activity, little is known about the intranidal food distribution and stock management regulation. The aim of this thesis is to quantify and describe the dynamics of the food flow and its regulation in an ant colony. A medical imagery technique, scintigraphy, was adapted to follow the propagation of radio-labeled nutrients inside the nest. This technique allowed spatiotemporal dynamics quantification of the food flow and led to the enunciation of simple yet robust regulation rules that are at work during the colony feeding process.<p>The dynamics of the harvest is regulated by the coupling of a positive and negative feedbacks. The harvest acts as both: negative and positive feedbacks. Entering food-loads trigger foragers to exploit the newly discovered food source through the well-known recruitment process. At the same time, the harvest proportionally reduces the entering food flow until the complete stop of the foraging activity when the colony reaches satiety. Surprisingly, the positive feedback (that is the recruitment) is not responsible for a faster entering food flow and is not influenced by the colony needs while the exploring activity is. The spatial dynamics of the food exchange network revealed stable patterns and fine tuning regulation of the feeding process. Spatial analysis of the food distribution showed that sucrose is heterogeneously stored among individuals and also heterogeneously consumed. We observed a regular spatial structure leading to centralization of the stocks: heavy loaded individuals being at the center of the cluster and weakly loaded individuals at its periphery.<p>The spatiotemporal quantification of the food flow allowed describing and understanding the flexibility of the colony to adapt its working force according to its nutritional requirements.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Etude des dynamiques et des mécanismes de l'agrégation dans les sociétés de fourmis en particulier chez Lasius niger / Study of dynamics and mechanisms of aggregation in Lasius niger (L.) and other ant species

Depickere, Stéphanie 03 November 2003 (has links)
Ce travail est dédié à l'étude du comportement agrégatif chez la fourmi Lasius niger afin de caractériser le phénomène au niveau collectif, par l'étude de la dynamique et de la structure agrégative, et au niveau des mécanismes sous-tendant le phénomène par l’analyse des comportements individuels des fourmis. Nous avons montré expérimentalement et vérifié par la modélisation que l’agrégation est essentiellement liée à un phénomène amplificateur :plus l’agrégat est de grande taille, plus les fourmis y restent longtemps. Nos résultats indiquent que le niveau d’agrégation et la structure formée sont dépendants de plusieurs facteurs comme la densité et la surface disponible :une évolution de la structure agrégative des nourrices est observée, passant d’un grand agrégat stable pour les petites densité-surface à plusieurs agrégats à hiérarchie de taille moins marquée pour les grandes densité-surface. L’agrégation est aussi influencée par la caste éthologique des fourmis, les nourrices s’agrégeant en un agrégat stable de grande taille, les fourrageuses en quelques petits agrégats instables. Cette différence s’explique par une probabilité plus faible des fourrageuses à rester dans l’agrégat. Dans les groupes mixtes, les fourmis gardent les caractères propres à leur caste, ne semblant pas influencées par la caste de l’individu rencontré. Enfin, l’agrégation diffère quantitativement mais non qualitativement selon l’espèce utilisée :nos études sur Crematogaster scutellaris, Atta sexdens-rubropilosa, Solenopsis invicta, Pheidole pallidula, Linepithema humile, Myrmica rubra et M. ruginodis montrent une grande variété de réponses, en nombre et en taille d’agrégats, qui est aussi fonction de la caste de fourmis utilisée. Une constance, cependant, apparaît dans nos résultats :les nourrices paraissent mieux s’agréger que les fourrageuses. Ces résultats sont discutés en fonction de leur valeur adaptative pour la colonie et d’un lien possible avec la distribution spatiale des individus à l’intérieur du nid./This work is dedicated to the study of the aggregative behaviour in the ant Lasius niger in order to characterize the phenomenon at the collective level by a study of the dynamic and the collective structure, and at the individual level to understand the mechanisms underlying the phenomenon. We demonstrated experimentally and verified by a model that aggregation is essentially due to an amplificatory phenomenon: the greater the ant numbers in a cluster, the greater the time spent by an ant inside this cluster. Our results indicate that the aggregation level and the form of the collective structure depend on different factors such as the density and the surface: for brood-tenders, an evolution of the aggregative structure is observed shifting from a large stable aggregate for low density-surface to several smaller clusters with a less pronounced hierarchical size for the greater density-surface. Aggregation is also influenced by the ethological caste of the ant: the brood-tenders aggregate in a big stable cluster and the foragers in some unstable clusters. This difference is explained by a smaller probability of foragers to stay inside the cluster. In mixed groups, ants keep their own characteristics, not appearing to be influenced by the caste of the individual encountered. Finally, aggregation is influenced by the ant species: our studies on Crematogaster scutellaris, Atta sexdens-rubropilosa, Solenopsis invicta, Pheidole pallidula, Linepithema humile, Myrmica rubra and M. ruginodis show us a large variety of responses, in the number and the size of the clusters, which is also a function of the caste of ants which is used. A constant result, nevertheless, appears in our results: brood-tenders seem to aggregate better than foragers. These results are discussed in term of their adaptive value for the colony and a possible link with the spatial distribution of ants inside the nest. / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation biologie animale / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Ants as flower visitors : floral ant-repellence and the impact of ant scent-marks on pollinator behaviour

Ballantyne, Gavin January 2011 (has links)
As flower visitors, ants rarely benefit a plant, commonly disrupting pollination by deterring other flower visitors, or stealing nectar. This thesis examines three aspects of ant-flower interactions, focusing on the occurrence of floral traits that prevent disruption of pollination and a novel means by which ants may influence pollinator behaviour. To assess which types of plant species possess ant-repelling floral traits I carried out a survey of 49 Neotropical plant species. Around a third of these species were repellent to the common generalist ant Camponotus novograndensis (Formicinae). This repellence was positively correlated with large nectar volumes within individual flowers. It appears that there has been selection for floral ant-repellence as a defence against ant thieves in plant species that invest in large volumes of nectar. In some cases these repellent traits were effective against a wide range of ant species. However, in no plant species were predacious ants particularly repelled, indicating that there may be little selective pressure on non-ant-plants to defend potential pollinators from aggressive ants. To investigate the importance of coevolution in determining the effectiveness of ant-repellents, a small but diverse range of Mediterranean plant species were tested with the invasive nectar thieving ant Linepithema humile (Dolichoderinae) and the native but non-nectar thieving ant Messor bouvieri (Myrmecinae). Responses of both ant species to floral traits were very similar. The ability of some plants to restrict access to ant species with which they have no evolutionary history may help to reduce the impact invasive species, as nectar thieves, have on plant-pollinator interactions. It is reported that flowers recently visited by bees and hoverflies may be rejected for a period of time by subsequent bee visitors through the detection of scent-marks. Nectar-thieving ants could potentially influence the foraging decisions of bees in a similar way if they come to associate ant trail pheromones or footprint hydrocarbons with poor reward levels. However, my empirical work found no differences were found in bee visitation behaviour between flowers of Digitalis pupurea (Plantaginaceae), Bupleurum fruticosum (Apiaceae) or Brassica juncea (Brassicaceae) that had been in contact with ants and control flowers. Ant-attendance at flowers of these species may not reduce reward levels sufficiently to make it worthwhile for bees to incorporate ant scent-marks into foraging decisions. Investigations like these into the interactions between ants, flowers and other flower visitors are essential if we hope to understand the part ants play in pollination ecology, and determine how ants have helped shape floral evolution.

Etude des dynamiques et des mécanismes de l'agrégation dans les sociétés de fourmis, en particulier chez Lasius niger (L.)/Study of dynamics and mechanisms of aggregation in Lasius niger (L.) and other ant species

Depickère, Stéphanie S. 03 November 2003 (has links)
Ce travail est dédié à l'étude du comportement agrégatif chez la fourmi Lasius niger afin de caractériser le phénomène au niveau collectif, par l'étude de la dynamique et de la structure agrégative, et au niveau des mécanismes sous-tendant le phénomène par l’analyse des comportements individuels des fourmis. Nous avons montré expérimentalement et vérifié par la modélisation que l’agrégation est essentiellement liée à un phénomène amplificateur : plus l’agrégat est de grande taille, plus les fourmis y restent longtemps. Nos résultats indiquent que le niveau d’agrégation et la structure formée sont dépendants de plusieurs facteurs comme la densité et la surface disponible : une évolution de la structure agrégative des nourrices est observée, passant d’un grand agrégat stable pour les petites densité-surface à plusieurs agrégats à hiérarchie de taille moins marquée pour les grandes densité-surface. L’agrégation est aussi influencée par la caste éthologique des fourmis, les nourrices s’agrégeant en un agrégat stable de grande taille, les fourrageuses en quelques petits agrégats instables. Cette différence s’explique par une probabilité plus faible des fourrageuses à rester dans l’agrégat. Dans les groupes mixtes, les fourmis gardent les caractères propres à leur caste, ne semblant pas influencées par la caste de l’individu rencontré. Enfin, l’agrégation diffère quantitativement mais non qualitativement selon l’espèce utilisée : nos études sur Crematogaster scutellaris, Atta sexdens-rubropilosa, Solenopsis invicta, Pheidole pallidula, Linepithema humile, Myrmica rubra et M. ruginodis montrent une grande variété de réponses, en nombre et en taille d’agrégats, qui est aussi fonction de la caste de fourmis utilisée. Une constance, cependant, apparaît dans nos résultats : les nourrices paraissent mieux s’agréger que les fourrageuses. Ces résultats sont discutés en fonction de leur valeur adaptative pour la colonie et d’un lien possible avec la distribution spatiale des individus à l’intérieur du nid./This work is dedicated to the study of the aggregative behaviour in the ant Lasius niger in order to characterize the phenomenon at the collective level by a study of the dynamic and the collective structure, and at the individual level to understand the mechanisms underlying the phenomenon. We demonstrated experimentally and verified by a model that aggregation is essentially due to an amplificatory phenomenon: the greater the ant numbers in a cluster, the greater the time spent by an ant inside this cluster. Our results indicate that the aggregation level and the form of the collective structure depend on different factors such as the density and the surface: for brood-tenders, an evolution of the aggregative structure is observed shifting from a large stable aggregate for low density-surface to several smaller clusters with a less pronounced hierarchical size for the greater density-surface. Aggregation is also influenced by the ethological caste of the ant: the brood-tenders aggregate in a big stable cluster and the foragers in some unstable clusters. This difference is explained by a smaller probability of foragers to stay inside the cluster. In mixed groups, ants keep their own characteristics, not appearing to be influenced by the caste of the individual encountered. Finally, aggregation is influenced by the ant species: our studies on Crematogaster scutellaris, Atta sexdens-rubropilosa, Solenopsis invicta, Pheidole pallidula, Linepithema humile, Myrmica rubra and M. ruginodis show us a large variety of responses, in the number and the size of the clusters, which is also a function of the caste of ants which is used. A constant result, nevertheless, appears in our results: brood-tenders seem to aggregate better than foragers. These results are discussed in term of their adaptive value for the colony and a possible link with the spatial distribution of ants inside the nest.

Factors affecting possible management strategies for the Namib feral horses / Telané Greyling

Greyling, Telané January 2005 (has links)
Demographic, biological and behavioural knowledge, together with information on the ecological interactions and impact of a species is fundamental to effective management of most mammal species. In this study, these aspects were investigated for a population of feral horses in the Namib Naukluft Park of Namibia, which lies within a part of the Namib Desert. An attempt was made to evaluate the justification of the continued existence of this exotic species in a conservation area, as well as to provide baseline information and recommendations regarding management of these horses. The study investigated the botanical component and grazing capacity of the area inhabited by the horses, as well as the demography and quality of life of the horses. The study further examined the possible negative impact the horses may have on the natural biodiversity of the area. Finally, it looked at the historic, scientific, aesthetic and economic values of the horses. The collected data was then used as a technical basis for the development of a draft management plan during a stakeholder workshop. The study proposed a range of grazing capacity values related to the total rainfall of the preceding twelve months, based on grass production in response to rainfall in different plant communities. The horses, as well as the native large herbivores, utilized the study area according to the patchy rainfall patterns typically found in the Namib Desert. The population size of the horses fluctuated between 89 and 149 over a ten year period. The social structure of the population was more significantly influenced by artificial interference than natural disasters which had implications on natality, mortality and genetic viability. Termite activity, measured as utilization of grass provided in bait boxes, did not correlate with horse density and seems, instead, to be influenced by soil properties. The results of ant and tenebrionid beetle species composition surveys and analyses did not indicate a significant negative impact from the horses on the study area. No indication could be found that the horses threaten the survival of any native species in the area or that they change the vegetation structure. It appears as if the biodiversity of the area is subjected to large natural stresses due to the continued and frequent desiccation in the desert environment. The impact of the horses is therefore probably minor to that of the climatic stochasticity. It also became apparent that the horses have developed significant historical, scientific and tourism value. The general public opinion is that the horses should be managed as a wild population with minimal artificial interference. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Zoology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

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