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Evidence for Scattering of Electroweak Gauge Bosons in the W±Z Channel with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron ColliderBittrich, Carsten 04 September 2020 (has links)
The Standard Model (SM) is the fundamental theory describing elementary particles and their main interactions at typical energy scales at collider experiments, the electromagnetic, the weak, and the strong interactions. The more complex underlying structure describing the weak and the strong interactions in the SM compared to the electromagnetic interaction necessitates direct three-point and four-point interactions among the mediators of the weak and strong interactions, called gauge bosons. Such self-interactions do not exist for the gauge boson of the electromagnetic interaction, the photon. While the three-point interaction was studied in detail in earlier collider experiments, the four-point interaction is a fundamental prediction of the SM, which was not observed for the weak interaction when starting this study. One process, where both the three-point as well as the four-point interactions contribute is the scattering of electroweak gauge bosons W, Z, γ also referred to as vector boson scattering (VBS). In the SM, this scattering is mediated by gauge boson self-interactions, or via the exchange of a Higgs boson. The scattering contributions mediated by a Higgs boson are sensitive to the properties of the Higgs boson and the details of the mechanism in which the W and Z bosons acquire their masses, called electroweak symmetry breaking. At hadron colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), VBS is observable in a final state with the decay products of two gauge bosons in combination with two jets. These jets have a distinct signature allowing for good suppression of backgrounds and consequently for studies of the complex final state despite the low cross-sections. The first evidence for a VBS process was presented based on the Run 1 dataset alone by the ATLAS collaboration in the WW → WW channel in the fully leptonic final state. The CMS collaboration published the first observation of VBS in the same channel using data from 2015 and 2016 of Run 2, which was later confirmed by the ATLAS collaboration with contributions by the author, e.g. in the modelling of WZ background processes and associated uncertainties. The second boson channel for which VBS was observed was the WZ/γ → WZ boson channel in the fully leptonic final state. This observation was published by the ATLAS collaboration with significant contributions by the author. The studied dataset was collected with the ATLAS detector at a centre-of-mass energy √s = 13 TeV during 2015 and 2016 of Run 2 of the LHC and amounts to an integrated luminosity of 36.1/fb. In this study, the dataset was re-analysed following the same overall approach but with improvements in several key aspects. A comprehensive overview of available setups for reliable simulations of the signal process is presented. In a modelling study of the available setups, modelling issues in the parton shower simulation of SHERPA and earlier versions of PYTHIA observed in earlier studies are confirmed. The best matrix-element accuracies in available setups are leading-order for the full VBS signal process and next-to-leading-order in the VBF approximation. For upcoming analyses, a leading-order calculation of the full process including an additional QCD emission merged with parton shower simulations is found to be most promising, before full next-to-leading order calculations become available for all boson channels in VBS. Additional emphasis is set on the modelling of backgrounds, mainly WZ diboson production in association with additional QCD emissions as well as the experimental background due to misidentified leptons. A data-driven approach is applied and studied in detail for a reliable estimate of the latter background. Significant improvements to the estimate, e.g. in the form of additional corrections, are found via dedicated tests of the self-consistency of the approach using simulations. Machine-learning algorithms in the form of Boosted-Decision-Trees (BDT) are trained and optimized for improved separation of the background and signal processes. Evidence for the signal process is found with a significance of 3.44 σ using the profile likelihood method in a binned maximum-likelihood fit. The fiducial cross-section is measured to be σ= 1.41 + 0.46 - 0.40(stat) + 0.38 - 0.28 (theo) ± 0.13 (sys) fb , which is in good agreement with the leading-order SM prediction of σ = 1.33 + 0.14 -0.15 fb.:1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Framework
3 Simulations and Modelling Studies
4 Experiment
5 Object and Event Selection
6 Background Estimation
7 Multi-variate Event Classification
8 Uncertainties
9 Cross-section Measurement
10 Conclusions & Outlook
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ATLAS : Search for Supersymmetry and optimization of the High Granularity timing detector / ATLAS : recherche de la supersymétrie et optimisation du détecteur de temps fortement segmentéAllaire, Corentin 27 September 2019 (has links)
Le Modèle Standard de la physique des particules a jusqu’alors extrêmement bien réussi à décrire les particules élémentaires et leurs interactions. Malgré cela, il demeure toujours des questions ouvertes. La possibilité de répondre à ces questions grâce la Supersymétrie est actuellement à l’étude dans les collisions proton-proton à 13 TeV dans le cadre de l’expérience ATLAS au LHC. Cette thèse présente la recherche de la production de paires de particules colorées dans ATLAS, ces dernières se désintégrant en paires de jets. Pour ce faire, les données de 2016, 2017 et 2018 ont été utilisées. De telles particules échappent aux recherches standards de la Supersymétrie du fait de l’absence d’énergie transverse manquante dans l’état final. Deux signatures furent considérées, la désintégration de stops via des couplages violant la R-parité et la production de sgluon, le partenaire scalaire du gluino. En l’absence de signal, une amélioration de 200 GeV sur la masse maximum exclue est attendue. Le HL-LHC augmentera la luminosité intégrée délivrée afin de nous permettre de rechercher des particules plus massives et d'améliorer les mesures de précision du Modèle Standard. La luminosité instantanée augmentera d’un facteur 5 et une luminosité intégrée de 4000 fb⁻¹ devrait pouvoir être atteinte à la fin du LHC en 2037.Cette thèse présente également une étude des perspectives de mesure des couplages du Higgs au HL-LHC effectuée à l’aide de SFitter. Il est démontré que dans le cadre des Delta et d’une EFT, l’augmentation de la luminosité génère une amélioration de la précision de la mesure des couplages. Finalement, le Détecteur de temps fortement segmenté, qui sera installé dans ATLAS au HL-LHC, est présenté. La simulation de ce détecteur a été développée pour prendre en compte la résolution temporelle du détecteur et fut utilisée pour optimiser sa géométrie. Les performances de ce détecteur ont été étudiées, plus de 80 % des traces ont leurs temps correctement associés avec une résolution de 20 ps avant irradiation de 50 ps après. En utilisant les informations temporelles, l’isolation des électrons peut être amélioré de 10 %. / The Standard Model of particle physics has been extremely successful in describing the elementary particles and their interactions. Nevertheless, there are open questions that are left unanswered. Whether supersymmetry can provide answers to some of these is being studied in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. In this thesis a search for pair produced colored particles in ATLAS decaying into pairs of jets using data from 2016, 2017 and 2018 is presented. Such particles would escape standard Supersymmetry searches due to the absence of missing transverse energy in the final state. Stops decaying via a R-parity violating coupling and sgluon, scalar partners of the gluino, were considered. In the absence of a signal, an improvement of 200 GeV on the limit on the stop mass is expected. The HL-LHC will increase the integrated luminosity delivered to probe even higher mass ranges as well as improving the precision of Standard model measurements. The instantaneous luminosity will be increased by a factor 5 and an integrated luminosity of 4000 fb⁻¹ should be reached by the end of the LHC in 2037.A study of the Higgs coupling measurement prospects at the HL-LHC using SFitter is performed. Using the Delta and EFT framework shows that the increase in luminosity will result in a significant improvement of the precision of the measurement of the couplings. The High granularity timing detector detector will be installed in ATLAS for the HL-LHC. A simulation of the detector that takes into account the timing resolution was developed and used to optimize its layout. The detector performance was studied. More than 80 % of the tracks have their time correctly reconstructed with a resolution of 20 ps before irradiation and 50 ps after. Using the timing information, the electron isolation efficiency is improved by 10 %.
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[pt] Com uma perspectiva estética, filosófica e antropológica, a tese ora apresentada propõe atenção especial à produção audiovisual realizada em instituições formais de ensino, procurando perceber uma imagem dialética da educação a partir de uma seleção de 251 vídeos produzidos em escolas do estado
do Rio de Janeiro e exibidos no segmento infanto-juvenil do Festival do Rio, a Mostra Geração, entre os anos de 2000 e 2014. Entendendo a noção benjaminiana da dialética das imagens como dinâmica que conflagra uma experiência, a constituição de um olhar crítico que observa a imagem e que também é afetado por ela, a autora acredita que as imagens nos levam a experimentar um tipo diferenciado
de conhecimento. Deste ponto de vista, portanto, surge a relevância de tentar, dentro do contexto acadêmico, uma aproximação sensível (estética) com a escola, para enriquecer as reflexões, a ciência e a imaginação sobre as instituições sociais de formação. Dividida em três fases, a pesquisa teve como principal objetivo testar uma combinação de estratégias da arte, da filosofia e das ciências sociais na
produção de conhecimento para o campo da educação. Após uma categorização básica do material empírico com o auxílio de um software de análise quantitativa (ATLAS.ti), a pesquisadora segue um percurso analítico aberto por sua apropriação pessoal dos escritos de Georges Didi-Huberman. A segunda fase, que se desenvolveu concomitantemente às demais, é uma experiência estética/criativa de
edição de partes dos audiovisuais escolares, utilizando a montagem como método investigativo e reflexivo para compor um instrumento de consulta que atendesse adois objetivos adicionais: a) compreender e estranhar a imagem de escola partilhada nos vídeos; b) conceber imagens-pensamento com e a partir dos planos que a escola põe em circulação. Em um terceiro momento, a autora produz um discurso como
método de desconstrução de um ponto de vista e de (re)constituição de um outro olhar-saber, uma tese, sobre a aparição da escola no material construído. O Atlas do Audiovisual Escolar, Territórios da Mostra Geração: Rio de Janeiro, 2000 a 2014, composto por um filme e um ensaio, reflete paixões e inquietações; emoções e sonhos despertados no encontro com a amostra do imaginário audiovisual escolar
abordado. Violência, drogas, corrupção, poluição, mídias e inovação são os problemas que ocupam a imagem de escola formada. Conclui-se que encarar o audiovisual escolar com responsabilidade é, obrigatoriamente, interrogar imagens que nos olham e imaginar, com as escolas, novas imagens por vir. / [en] With an aesthetic, philosophical and anthropological perspective, her doctoral research proposes special attention to the moving imagens of the video production carried out in educational institutions, analyzing a selection of 251 videos produced by schools in the state of Rio de Janeiro and exhibited in the Generation Programme - the Rio Int l Film Festival s Segment for Children and Young People, between the years 2000 and 2014. The study starts from the Benjaminian concept of dialectic images understooded as a dynamic that constitutes a critical gaze that look to an image while the observer is also looked by the image (Benjamin). Believing that images can lead us to experience a peculiar kind of knowledge, emerges the relevance of attempting, within the academic context, a sensitive (aesthetic) approach with the school, to contribute to reflections, to the science and the imagination on the educational institutions. Divided into three phases, the main objective of the research is to test a combination of strategies of art, philosophy and social sciences in the construction of knowledge for the educational research field. The first approach of the data collected was a categorization of the empirical material with the aid of quantitative analysis
software (ATLAS.ti). Then the researcher follows an analytical path opened by her personal appropriation of the writings of Georges Didi-Huberman. The second phase, which develops concomitantly to the others, is an aesthetic / creative experience of editing parts of the school-produced videos, using montage and remix
as investigative and reflexive methods to compose a query instrument that serves two additional objectives: a) to compreheend and to strange the image of school that is shared by the videos of this study; b) to conceive Thought-Images (Denkbilder) with and from the frames that the schools put into circulation. In a third moment, the author discuss what was visualized, by producing a discourse as
a method of deconstructing a point of view and (re) constitution of another gazeknowledge,
a thesis about the school s appearance in the builded material. The Atlas of the School-produced Video: territories of Generation Programme/Rio de Janeiro Int l Film Festival (2000-2014), composed of a film and an essay, reflects passions and anxieties; emotions and dreams awakened in the encounter with the sample of the studied video-imaginary. Violence; Drugs; Corruption; Pollution; Media and Innovation are issues that occupy the school image formed in the remix produced by the research. It is concluded that video remix is a methodology that supports creation of knowledge in both Media Education and Educational fields, since it is a way to manipulate and, hence, is a form of material engagement with the data.
Finally, the researcher states that to see school-produced videos, with responsibility in fact, necessarily is to ask questions to the images that affect us and to imagine with the schools new images to come.
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Jet activity in top-quark events at √s = 13 TeV using 3.2 fb-1 data collected by the ATLAS detectorEckardt, Christoph 27 March 2020 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird die Messung des normalisierten differentiellen Wechselwirkungsquerschnitts von Top Quark Produktionen mit zusätzlichen Jets präsentiert. Es werden Proton-Proton Kollisionsdaten des ATLAS Experiments am Large Hadron Collider bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 13 TeV mit einer Luminosität von 3.2 fb-1 verwendet. Die Top Quark Ereignissen werden durch ein entgegengesetzt geladenes Elektron-Muon Paar und zwei b-tagged Jets selektiert. Der differentielle Wechselwirkungsquerschnitt wird als Funktion von Observablen, die sensitiv auf zusätzliche Jets sind, gemessen: der Jetmultiplizität, des transversalen Impulses der zusätzlichen Jets, der Summe der transversalen Impulse aller Objekte im Ereignis und räumlichen Korrelationen zwischen den zwei Jets mit dem größten Impulsen. Die gemessenen Daten werden auf Teilchen-Level korrigiert und mit verschiedenen Vorhersagen für detailierte Studien des Monte Carlo QCD Models verglichen. / In this thesis, the measurement of the normalised differential cross-sections of top quark pair production in association with jets using 3.2 fb-1 of proton-proton col- lision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC are presented. Jets are selected from top events which are defined by an opposite-charge electron-muon pair and two b-tagged jets in the final state. The cross-sections are measured as functions of several observables are sensitive to ad- ditional jets: jet multiplicities, transverse momentum of additional jets, transverse momentum sum of all objects in the event and spatial correlations of the two high- est momentum additional jets. The data are corrected to obtain particle-level fidu- cial cross-section. The resulting measurements are compared to several predictions allowing detailed studies of Monte Carlo QCD modelling.
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Search for fourth Generation down-type quarks in the same-sign dilepton channel with ATLAS at a centre-of-mass-energy, sqrt(s) = 7 TeVMandrysch, Rocco 20 June 2013 (has links)
Das Modell einer vierten Familie konnte bis heute aufgrund von theoretischen Argumenten nicht ausgeschlossen werden. In dieser Arbeit wird die Suche nach einem Down-artigen Quark der vierten Familie mit dem folgenden angenommenen Zerfall: pp -> b''b''bar+X -> t+W+tbar+W+X -> bbar+W+W+W+W+X vorgestellt. Für diese Analyse wird eine integrierte Luminosität von 2.05 fb−1 verwendet, aufgenommen mit dem ATLAS Experiment bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von sqrt(s) = 7TeV für die Proton-Proton Kollisionen am Large Hadron Collider. In der Analyse werden Ereignisse mit zwei gleich geladenen Leptonen (e oder mu) in den Endzuständen selektiert, was eine seltene Signatur im Standard Modell darstellt. Neben einer verwendeten Standardselektierung für die Ereignisse, entnommen aus der ATLAS Top-Quark Analyse, wird eine Optimierung der Schnitte mit einer multivariaten Analyse durchgeführt. Des Weiteren werden systematische Unsicherheiten studiert, die durch die Partonendichteverteilungsfunktion sowie durch Abstrahlung von Teilchen wie Gluonen im Anfangs- und im Endzustand bei der Simulation mit dem Monte Carlo Generator entstehen. Mit den selektierten Ereignissen in der Signalregion von zwei gleich geladenen Leptonen wird durch eine Zählanalyse die Anzahl gemessener Signalereignisss extrahiert. Mit diesen Signalereignissen wird dann die untere Massenausschlussgrenze des b''-Quarks mit einer modifizierten Frequentistmethode bestimmt. Das Ergebnis zeigt, dass mit einem angenommenem Verzweigungsverhältnis von 100 % für den Zerfall b'' -> t + W alle Massen unterhalb einer Grenze von 461 GeV mit einem 95 % Konfidenzintervall ausgeschlossen sind. / The model of a fourth generation is currently not excluded by theoretical arguments. In this thesis a search for a fourth generation down-type quark is presented with the decay hypothesis: pp -> b''b''bar+X -> t+W+tbar+W+X -> bbar+W+W+W+W+X The search is performed with an integrated luminosity of 2.05 fb−1 , obtained with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider running proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s) = 7TeV. Events for the analysis are selected with a search signature of two same-sign charged leptons (e or mu) in the final state, which is a rare Standard Model signature. Beside using the standard event selection from ATLAS top analyses, the event selection criteria are optimized with a multivariate analysis in order to maximize the significance. Furthermore, systematic uncertainties are studied coming from the parton distribution function as well as the initial and final state radiation. With the selected events in the signal region of two same-sign leptons, the signal is extracted via a counting method. The extracted signal is used for the determination of the mass limit of the fourth generation down-type quark with a modified frequentist method. Assuming a branching ratio of 100 % for the decay b'' -> t+W , b'' masses below 461 GeV are excluded at 95 % confidence level.
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A search for the single production of vector-like quarks decaying to a W-boson and a b-quark in the leptonic final state with the ATLAS detector.Schenck, Ferdinand 19 April 2024 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation wird eine Suche nach vektorartigen Quarks (VLQs) beim Zerfall in ein W-Boson und ein b-Quark vorgestellt. Die Suche wird mit Proton-Proton-Kollisionsdaten durchgeführt, die vom ATLAS-Detektor am CERN bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von √s = 13 TeV zwischen 2015 und 2018 während dem LHC Run II gesammelt wurden. Die Existenz von VLQs wird von mehreren Theorien jenseits des Standardmodells postuliert, zudem sind VLQs ein einfaches Beispiel für Fermionen mit Farbladung, die immer noch mit experimentellen Beobachtungen konsistent sind. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf den Fall, dass ein einzelnes VLQ erzeugt wird und in ein b-Quark und ein W-Boson zerfällt, das dann wiederum in ein geladenes Lepton und ein Neutrino zerfällt. Diese Suche schließt sich an mehrere Suchen nach einzeln und paarweise erzeugten VLQs am LHC an, die sowohl bei ATLAS als auch bei CMS durchgeführt wurden und deren Existenz bis zu einer Masse von über 1 TeV ausgeschlossen haben. Bei einer Masse von etwa 1.8 TeV wird ein Überschuss von 3.7 σ gegenüber der Vorhersage des Standardmodells beobachtet. Einige mögliche Masse/Kopplungskombinationen werden durch diese Analyse ausgeschlossen. Dies ist jedoch weniger Parameterraum als aufgrund eines unerwarteten Überschusses an
beobachteten Ereignissen erwartet wurde. / In this thesis, a search for vector-like quarks (VLQs) decaying into a W-boson and a b-quark is presented. The search is performed on proton-proton collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at CERN at a center-of-mass energy of √s = 13 TeV between 2015 and 2018, during Run II of the LHC. The existence of VLQs is consistent with several Beyond the Standard Model theories and VLQs are a simple example of coloured fermions that are still consistent with experimental observations. This work focuses on the case where a single VLQ is produced and decays to a b-
quark and a W-boson, which then decays to a charged lepton and a neutrino. This search follows on several searches for singly- and pair-produced VLQs at the LHC from both ATLAS and CMS, which have excluded their existence up to over 1 TeV, and this search considers VLQs in a mass range from 1 TeV to 2.7 TeV. An excess over the Standard Model (SM) prediction of 3.7 σ is observed at a mass of around 1.8 TeV. Some possible mass/coupling combinations are excluded by this analysis. However, this is less parameter space than was expected due to an unexpected excess
of observed events.
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From luminosity to cross-section measurements / Inclusive measurement of the ttbar cross-section using proton-proton collisions at √s =13.6 TeV with the ATLAS detectorHügli, Cédrine 12 February 2025 (has links)
Die Messung des inklusiven ttbar-Wirkungsquerschnitts bei 13.6 TeV wird anhand von 29 fb⁻¹ an Daten des ATLAS-Detektors am LHC aus dem Jahr 2022 präsentiert. Für diese Messung sind das Zählen der Ereignisse und die genaue Bestimmung der Luminosität erforderlich, wobei die Luminositätsunsicherheit die größte Unsicherheitsquelle darstellt. Die Luminositätsbestimmung erfolgt nach dem etablierten Verfahren aus Run 2 in drei Schritten: absolute Kalibrierung mit van der Meer Scans, Transfer dieser Kalibrierung auf die physikalischen Datenaufnahmebedingungen und Stabilitätsüberprüfung. Die vorläufige Luminositätsunsicherheit für 2022 beträgt 2.2 %, hauptsächlich bedingt durch den Kalibrierungstransfer und Nicht-Faktorisierbarkeits-Effekte. Der ttbar-Wirkungsquerschnitt wird mit der b-Jet-Zählmethode im Dilepton-Endzustand gemessen und ergibt sigma(ttbar) = 850 ± 3 (stat.) ± 18 (syst.) ± 20 (lumi.) pb, was 1.5 Sigma unter der Standardmodellvorhersage liegt. Das Verhältnis der Z-Produktion zum ttbar-Wirkungsquerschnitt, sensitiv auf das Gluon-zu-Quark-PDF-Verhältnis, beträgt R(ttbar/Z) = 1.145 ± 0.003 (stat.) ± 0.021 (syst.) ± 0.002 (lumi.) und stimmt mit dem Standardmodell überein. Zusätzlich wird das Verhältnis des Wirkungsquerschnitts bei 13.6 TeV zu 13 TeV gemessen: R(13.6/13) = 1.0253 ± 0.0347, 2.4 Sigma von der Vorhersage entfernt. Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen das Standardmodell und unterstreichen die Bedeutung präziser Luminositäts- und Wirkungsquerschnittsmessungen in der Teilchenphysik. / The inclusive ttbar cross-section measurement at 13.6 TeV, based on 29 fb⁻¹ of data recorded by ATLAS at the LHC in 2022, is presented. This measurement requires event counting and accurate luminosity determination, with luminosity uncertainty as the largest source of error. The luminosity calibration follows the established Run 2 procedure, involving three stages: absolute calibration via van der Meer scans, calibration transfer from specific scan conditions to physics data-taking conditions, and stability checks. The preliminary luminosity uncertainty for 2022 is 2.2%, mainly due to calibration transfer and non-factorisation effects. The ttbar cross-section is measured using b-jet counting in the dilepton final state, yielding sigma(ttbar) = 850 ± 3 (stat.) ± 18 (syst.) ± 20 (lumi.) pb, which is 1.5 sigma below the Standard Model prediction. The ratio of Z production to the ttbar cross-section, sensitive to the gluon-to-quark PDF ratio, is R(ttbar/Z) = 1.145 ± 0.003 (stat.) ± 0.021 (syst.) ± 0.002 (lumi.), consistent with the Standard Model.
Additionally, the cross-section ratio between 13.6 TeV and 13 TeV is R(13.6/13) = 1.0253 ± 0.0347, 2.4 sigma from the predicted value. These results support the Standard Model and emphasize the importance of precise luminosity and cross-section measurements in particle physics.
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Extending the limits in the hunt for long-lived heavy neutral leptons with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERNAppelt, Christian 15 May 2024 (has links)
Eine Suche nach langlebigen, schweren neutralen Leptonen ($\mathcal{N}$)
in 139~fb$^{-1}$ mit $\sqrt{s}=13$~TeV $pp$ Kollisionsdaten der Jahre 2015-2018 mit Hilfe des ATLAS-Detektors am Large Hadron Collider ist präsentiert.
Die $\mathcal{N}$ werden in $W \rightarrow \mathcal{N} \mu$ oder $W \rightarrow \mathcal{N} e$ produziert und zerfallen in zwei geladene Leptonen und ein Neutrino. Die Zerfallsprodukte des $\mathcal{N}$ bilden eine einzigartige versetzte Vertex-Signatur.
Die $\mathcal{N}$ Masse wird mit Hilfe einer neuartigen Technik rekonstruiert und genutzt, um zwischen Signal- und Untergrundereignissen zu differenzieren.
Es wurden keine Signalereignisse beobachtet, Sensitivitätsgrenzen werden auf die quadrierten Mischungsparameter zwischen rechtshändigen und linkshändigen Neutrinos für den $\mathcal{N}$ Massenbereich von $3$~GeV~$< m_{\mathcal{N}} < 15$~GeV gesetzt.
Zum ersten Mal werden diese Sensitivitätsgrenzen für Kopplungen für einen Neutino-Flavour, aber auch für Kopplungen für mehrere Neutrino-Flavour-Mischungsverhältnisse angegeben, die mit den gemessenen Neutrino-Oszillationsdaten für die invertierte und normale Massenhierarchie übereinstimmen.
Zusätzlich zu der bereits abgeschlossenen Suche nach $\mathcal{N}$ werden laufende Aktivitäten skizziert, die 66~fb$^{-1}$ und $\sqrt{s}=13.6$~TeV $pp$ Kollisionsdaten der Jahre 2022-2023 des ATLAS-Detektors und semi-leptonische $\mathcal{N}$ Zerfälle in ein geladenes Lepton und ein geladenes Pion einbeziehen. / A search for a long-lived, heavy neutral lepton ($\mathcal{N}$)
in 139~fb$^{-1}$ of $\sqrt{s}=13$~TeV $pp$ collision data collected between 2015 and 2018 by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is presented.
The $\mathcal{N}$ is assumed to be produced via $W \rightarrow \mathcal{N} \mu$ or $W \rightarrow \mathcal{N} e$ and decays into two charged leptons and a neutrino, forming a unique displaced vertex signature.
A novel technique is used to reconstruct the $\mathcal{N}$ mass that discriminates between signal and background.
No signal is observed, and limits are set on the squared mixing parameters of the $\mathcal{N}$ with the left-handed neutrino states for the $\mathcal{N}$ mass range $3$~GeV~$< m_{\mathcal{N}} < 15$~GeV.
For the first time, limits are given for both single-flavour and multi-flavour mixing scenarios motivated by neutrino-flavour oscillation results for both the normal and inverted neutrino-mass hierarchies.
In addition to the concluded search for $\mathcal{N}$, ongoing efforts are outlined that include 66~fb$^{-1}$ of $\sqrt{s}=13.6$~TeV $pp$ collision data collected between 2022 and 2023 by the ATLAS detector and semileptonic $\mathcal{N}$ decays into a charged lepton and a charged pion.
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A search for massive resonances decaying to top quark pairs and jet trigger performance studies with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron ColliderFajardo, Luz Stella Gomez 17 July 2014 (has links)
Diese Arbeit behandelt die Suche nach neuen Teilchen, die in Top-Quark-Paare zerfallen (t¯t). Die Analyse beruht auf Daten des ATLAS-Experiments von Proton- Proton-Kollisionen am LHC bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von p s = 7 TeV und einer Gesamtluminosität von 2.05 fb−1. Hierzu wird der Lepton+Jets Endzustand im t¯t ! WbWb Zerfallskanal verwendet, worin ein W-Boson leptonisch und das andere hadronisch zerfällt. Das t¯t -Ereignis wird sowohl in aufgelösten als auch geboosteten Zerfallstopologien rekonstruiert. Zum ersten Mal werden die Korrelationen beider Kanäle in Form einer dritten Kategorie nutzbar gemacht, welche aus Ereignissen besteht, die in beiden Topologien selektiert wurden. Die Sensitivität der Analyse wird hierdurch erhöht. Obere Schranken bei 95% Vertrauensniveau auf den Wirkungsquerschnitt multipliziert mit der Zerfallsbreite für massive Zustände großer und kleiner Zerfallsbreite werden berechnet. Diese werden aus der Kombination der beiden Ansätze der t¯t -Rekonstruktion gewonnen. Für die Z0-Resonanz kleiner Breite reicht die beobachtete (erwartete) obere Grenze auf den Wirkungsquerschnitt von 4.85 (4.81) pb, für eine Masse von 0.6 TeV, bis 0.21 (0.13) pb, für eine Masse von 2 TeV. Eine schmale leptophobische Topcolor-Z0-Resonanzen mit einer Masse unterhalb von 1.3 TeV kann ausgeschlossen werden. Weiterhin konnten beobachtete (erwartete) obere Grenzen auch für eine breite Farboktett-Resonanz berechnet werden. Diese liegen zwischen 2.52 (2.59) pb und 0.37 (0.27) pb für Massen von 0.7 TeV bzw. 2 TeV. Breite Kaluza-Klein-Gluon-Resonanzen mit einer Masse unter 1.65 TeV können ausgeschlossen werden. / This thesis presents the search for new particles that decay into top quark pairs (t¯t). The analysis is performed with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, using an integrated luminosity of 2.05 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data, collected at a center-of-mass energy of p s = 7 TeV. The lepton plus jets final state is used in the t¯t ! WbWb decay, where one W boson decays leptonically and the other hadronically. The t¯t system is reconstructed using both resolved and boosted topologies of the top-quark decay. For the first time, correlations between the two search channels have been employed by creating a third channel with the events selected by both analyses. The sensitivity to new physics phenomena is thereby improved. Upper limits are derived on the production cross-section times branching ratio for narrow and wide massive states, at the 95 % confidence level. These are extracted by combining the two approaches of the t¯t reconstruction. For a narrow Z0 resonance, the observed (expected) upper limits range from 4.85 (4.81) pb for a mass of 0.6 TeV, to 0.21 (0.13) pb for a mass of 2 TeV. A narrow leptophobic topcolor Z0 resonance with a mass below 1.3 TeV is excluded. Observed (expected) limits are also derived for a broad color-octet resonance. They vary between 2.52 (2.59) pb and 0.37 (0.27) pb for a mass of 0.7 TeV and 2 TeV, respectively. The wide Kaluza-Klein gluon with a mass below 1.65 TeV is excluded. Another aspect of this thesis are performance studies of the level-1 jet trigger. Trigger efficiencies have been measured, using data collected by the ATLAS detector in 2010 at p s = 7 TeV. The turn-on curves obtained for a variety of jet triggers, showed good agreement between data and simulation in the plateau region. The efficiency results were used at the first stage of analyses for multi-jet cross-section measurements.
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Search for charged Higgs bosons decaying into top and bottom quarks with single-lepton final states using pp collisions collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV by the ATLAS detectorPeri, Francesco 05 March 2019 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird die Suche nach geladenen Higgs Bosonen (H±) vorgestellt. Dafür wurden
Proton–Proton Kollisionen, die bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 13 TeV in den Jahren
2015 und 2016 mit einer integrierten Luminosität von 36.1 fb−1 mit dem ATLAS-Experiment
produziert wurden, untersucht. Die Existenz solcher geladener Higgs Bosonen wird in verschiedenen Modellen jenseits des Standardmodells vorhergesagt und ist auch dadurch motiviert, das dass Standardmodell nicht immer eine Erklärung für verschiedenste beobachtete
Phänomene liefern kann. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf geladene Higgs Bosonen, die eine
höhere Masse als das top Quark besitzen und über H± → tb zerfallen. Die H± Produktion, in
Verbindung mit einem top und einem bottom Quark pp → tbH±, wird im Massenbereich von
200 bis 2000 GeV untersucht. Die Suche nach H± in dieser Arbeit beschränkt sich auf Endzustände mit einem geladenen Lepton und mehreren Jets. Mit Hilfe eines boosted decision trees werden verschiedenste kinematische Variablen miteinander kombiniert, um dadurch das H± Signal besser von dem Standardmodell Untergrund unterscheiden zu können. Es wurde kein signifikanter Unterschied zum vorhergesagten Standardmodell-Untergrund gemessen und deshalb Ausschlussgrenzen für den Produktionswirkungsquerschnitt mal Verzweigungsverhältnis dieses H± Zerfalls berechnet. Weitere Ausschlussgrenzen wurden für den tanβ Parameter des MSSM Modells für die mhmod− und hMSSM Benchmark-Szenarien bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit übertreffen alle bisherigen Ausschlussgrenzen - insbesondere werden zum ersten Mal Erkenntnisse über den Massenbereich bis zu 2000 GeV gewonnen. / This thesis presents a search for charged Higgs bosons produced in proton–proton collisions
at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, using 36.1 fb−1 of data collected by the ATLAS detector
at the LHC in 2015 and 2016. The existence of charged Higgs bosons is predicted by various
theories Beyond the Standard Model and it is motivated by the inadequacy of the Standard
Model to explain some observed experimental phenomena. The work focuses on charged Higgs
bosons heavier than the top quark and decaying via H± → tb. The production in association
with a top and a bottom quark (pp → tbH±) is investigated in the mass range between 200
and 2000 GeV. A final state containing one charged lepton and jets is considered. Multiple
kinematic variables are combined using a boosted decision tree (BDT) in order to separate
signal and background. The output of the BDT is used to perform a profile likelihood fit
of the Monte Carlo predictions to the observed data. No significant excess of events above
the expected Standard Model background is observed, therefore upper limits are set for the
cross-section of the charged Higgs boson production times the branching fraction of its decay.
Limits are also provided for the tanβ parameter of the MSSM, in the mhmod− and hMSSM
benchmark scenarios. The work improves the reach of all previous searches, including for the
first time masses ranging up to 2000 GeV.
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