Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aandagtekort"" "subject:"aandagtekorte""
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Gesinsaanpassing, ouerskapstyle en hanteringstrategiee in gesinne met kinders met 'n aandagtekort/hiperaktiwiteitsversteuring (AT/HV)Tancred, Elise-Marie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterised by impulsiveness, an
inability to maintain attention and hyperactive behaviour. The presence of a child with
ADHD is a stressor that has a significant impact on family adaptation.
The purpose of this study was to identify associations between parenting styles, coping
strategies and the adaptation of families with children with ADHD from a family
resilience perspective. Family resilience refers to the ability of a family to re-evaluate
challenging life situations or stressors in such a manner as to develop resilience, so that
the family adapts, recovers and becomes stronger as a result of the experience.
Some 102 South African families with previously diagnosed children with ADHD
between the ages of 5 and 13 years participated in this study. A single cross-sectional
research method was used. Quantitative data was collected by means of a biographical
questionnaire and three self rapporting questionnaires.
The results of this study confirmed existing theories and previous research of a similar
nature. The Pearson correlation coefficient analysis revealed strong positive
correlations between dimensions of the authoritative parenting style (connection,
autonomy granting and regulation) and of re-evaluation and mobilisation (as coping
strategies). The authoritative parenting style also correlates strongly with family
The three dimensions of the authoritarian parenting style (physical coercion, verbal
hostility, and non-reasoning) have a strong negative correlation with family adaptation.
Physical coercion also has a positive correlation with the coping strategy looking for
spiritual support. The coping strategy passivity, in turn, showed a negative correlation
with the authoritarian parenting style. Also the permissive parenting style correlates
negatively with the coping strategy re-evaluation and passivity, while it also correlates
negatively with family adaptation. A regression analysis further revealed medication,
connection and regulation (as dimensions of the authoritative parenting style) as the
best subset predictable variables, with family adaptation as the dependent variable. A
mixed repetitive model with ANOVA-measures was used to identify differences between
parents. Mothers obtained higher scores for connection, autonomy granting and authoritative parenting than fathers. The biographical data generally supported previous
research findings. There was a strong genetic link between parents and children with
ADHD (51% of parents also indicated that they were diagnosed with ADHD), 78% of the
children used medication and 34% of the children had co-morbid conditions.
The findings of this study fill a gap in the literature about the impact of parenting styles
and coping strategies on the adaptation of families with children with ADHD. Further
research is urgently needed to help South African parents of children with ADHD learn
productive coping styles in order to improve family adaptation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aandagtekort/Hiperaktiwiteitsversteuring (AT/HV) word gekenmerk deur impulsiwiteit,
aandaggebrek en hiperaktiewe gedrag. Die teenwoordigheid van 'n kind met AT/HV is 'n
stressor wat 'n beduidende impak op gesinsaanpassing het. Die doel van hierdie studie
was om verbande te ondersoek tussen ouerskapstyle, hanteringstrategieë en die
aanpassing van gesinne met kinders met AT/HV vanuit 'n gesinsveerkragtigheidsperspektief. Gesinsveerkragtigheid verwys na 'n gesin se vermoë om uitdagende
lewenssituasies of stressors op só 'n manier te herbeoordeel dat weerstandigheid
gekweek word en dat die gesin aanpas, herstel en versterk word deur die ervaring.
Altesaam 102 Suid-Afrikaanse gesinne met vooraf gediagnoseerde kinders met AT/HV
tussen die ouderdom van 5 en 13 jaar het aan die studie deelgeneem. 'n Eenmalige
dwarssnitopname-navorsingsontwerp is gebruik. Kwantitatiewe data is ingesamel met
behulp van ’n biografiese vraelys en drie selfvoltooiingsvraelyste. Resultate van die
onderhawige ondersoek bevestig bestaande teorieë en soortgelyke vorige navorsing.
Pearson korrellasiekoëffisiëntontledings dui op sterk positiewe korrelasies tussen
dimensies van die gesaghebbende ouerskapstyl (konneksie, outonomie-gewendheid en
regulering) en herbeoordeling en mobilisering (as hanteringstyl). Die gesaghebbende
ouerskapstyl korreleer ook sterk met gesinsaanpassing.
Die outoritêre ouerskapstyl se drie dimensies - fisieke forsering, verbale vyandigheid en
geen verduideliking - het 'n sterk negatiewe statisties beduidende korrelasie met
gesinsaanpassing getoon. Fisieke forsering het ook 'n positiewe korrelasie getoon met
die hanteringstyl soeke na spirituele ondersteuning. Die hanteringstyl passiwiteit het
weer 'n negatiewe korrelasie getoon met die outoritêre ouerskapstyl. Ook die
permissiewe ouerskapstyl het negatiewe korrelasies getoon met die hanteringstyle
herbeoordeling en passiwiteit terwyl dit ook negatief gekorreleer het met
gesinsaanpassing. 'n Regressie-ontleding het medikasie, konneksie en regulering (as
dimensies van die gesaghebbende ouerskapstyl) as die beste substel voorspellerveranderlikes uitgewys met gesinsaanpassing as die afhanklike veranderlike.
'n Gemengde-herhalingsmodel met ANOVA-metings is gebruik om geslagsverskille
tussen ouers te ondersoek. Geslagsverskille tussen ma's en pa's het daarop gedui dat
ma's hoër tellings behaal het vir konneksie, outonomie-gewendheid en die gesaghebbende ouerskapstyl as pa's. Die biografiese data het meestal vorige
navorsingsbevindinge ondersteun. Daar is 'n sterk genetiese band gevind tussen ouers
en kinders met AT/HV (51% van ouers het ook aangedui dat hulle met AT/HV
gediagnoseer is), 78% van die kinders het medikasie gebruik en 34% van die kinders
het ko-morbiede toestande gehad.
Die bevindinge van hierdie ondersoek vul ’n leemte in die literatuur oor die verband
tussen ouerskapstyle en hanteringstrategieë en die aanpassing van gesinne met
kinders met AT/HV. Verdere navorsing word dringend benodig om Suid-Afrikaanse
ouers met kinders met AT/HV te help om 'n goed-georkestreerde ondersteuningsnetwerk te ontwikkel wat ouers, die kinders self, die gesin in sy geheel en hierdie
kinders se funksionering binne skole te kan bystaan.
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Die rol van die biokenetikus en die bestuur van aandagtekort-hiperaktiwiteitsversteuring (ATHV)Calitz, Margaretha January 2013 (has links)
Aandagtekort-hiperaktiwiteitsversteuring (ATHV) is een van die deeglikste
nagevorste opvoedkundig-sielkundige versteurings. Dit is ook een van die
versteurings waarvan die voorkoms drasties vermeerder het oor die laaste
drie dekades, met ʼn voorkoms by skoolkinders van 3 tot 17%. Dit kom ook by
volwassenes voor.
Stimulantmedikasie word algemeen in die behandeling van ATHV
voorgeskryf. Ander algemene behandelingsmodaliteite sluit onder andere
gedragsterapie, dieët aanpassings en arbeidsterapie in.
Oefening as hulpmiddel in die bestuur van ATHV, word goed in die literatuur
beskryf, maar word ten spyte hiervan nie algemeen voorgeskryf in die
behandeling van ATHV nie. Die primêre doel van die studie was om die rol
wat die biokinetikus as oefenkundige te speel het in die bestuur van ATHV, te
ondersoek. Die hipotese was dat ATHV-pasiënte wat deelneem aan ʼn
oefenprogram onder leiding van ʼn biokinetikus, ʼn verbetering sal toon in
akademiese prestasie en gedrag. Die verband tussen ATHV-simptome,
aërobiese fiksheid, soepelheid, liggaamsamestelling en balans is ook
Deur middel van ʼn meervuldige gevallestudieontwerp is die rol van die
biokinetikus in dié verband ondersoek. ʼn Gemengde benadering, met
kwantitatiewe sowel as kwalitatiewe elemente, is gebruik ten einde ʼn ryk en
omvattende studie te kon doen.
Riglyne vir die assessering van ATHV-pasiënte, asook beste oefenpraktyke,
is uit die literatuur afgelei.
Vyf deelnemers het vir ʼn tydperk van twee tot drie skoolkwartale aan die
studie deelgeneem. Die intervensie het bestaan uit ʼn oefenprogram van
ongeveer 30 minute per dag, vyf dae per week.
Al die deelnemers is vooraf, asook tydens en na die studie getoets aan die
hand van die volgende: Liggaamsamestelling, aërobiese fiksheid, soepelheid
en balans. Onderhoude met onderwyseresse en ouers, skoolrapporte en
vraelyste is verder gebruik om inligting in te samel. Deelnemers het ook
narratiewe verslae gelewer oor die belewenis van hulle deelname.
Die resultate van hierdie studie het die hipotese ondersteun. Die deelnemers
het verbeterings ten opsigte van akademiese prestasie en gedrag getoon.
Hulle aërobiese kapasiteit, liggaamsamestelling, soepelheid en balans het
ook verbeter en die verband tussen die onderskeie parameters en die ATHVsimptome
van elke deelnemer, is aangetoon en individueel bespreek. ʼn
Gedeelde sorgooreenkomsmodel is ontwikkel om die rol van die biokinetikus
duidelik aan te dui. ʼn Evaluasieprotokol vir gebruik deur biokinetici is
ontwikkel en riglyne vir programontwerp vir die ATHV-pasiënt is saamgestel.
Die gevolgtrekking van die studie is dat die biokinetikus ʼn besliste rol te speel
het in die bestuur van ATHV. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted
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Strategieë vir opvoeders van leerders met emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes binne insluitende onderwys, ontwikkel deur ʼn aksienavorsingsproses (Afrikaans)Potgieter-Groot, Lucia Christina 09 October 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In hierdie navorsing is deur aksienavorsing ondersoek ingestel na strategieë wat vir opvoeders bruikbaar is in die hantering van leerders met emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes binne die opset van insluitende onderwys. Leerders in Suid-Afrikaanse skole en klaskamers openbaar ʼn wye verskeidenheid emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes, en hierdie behoeftes word as een van die vernaamste knelpunte deur alle belanghebbendes in die land se onderwys uitgesonder. Anders as in die verlede word daar nou van opvoeders verwag om die primêre hulpverleners te wees van leerders met behoeftes in die konteks van die insluitende klaskamer. In die lig hiervan benodig opvoeders bemagtiging om die leerders te hanteer deur ’n verskeidenheid strategieë te kan gebruik. Die navorsing het deur verskeie fases verloop waar die aanvanklike behoeftes van die opvoeders bepaal is, asook die stand van sake voor die intervensie. Op grond hiervan is ʼn implementeringsprogram saamgestel wat gefokus het op die ontwikkeling van strategieë vir opvoeders van die twee skole, die toepassing daarvan in hul klasse/skool en die effek wat dit op die klasse/skool gehad het. Die implementering is op verskeie sistemiese vlakke gemoniteer – deur die opvoeders in hul eie klasse, maar ook deur eksterne waarnemers en die navorser. Gedurende die fases is die intervensie voortdurend aangepas namate nuwe behoeftes bekend geraak het. Die deelnemers het ook insette gelewer ten opsigte van strategieë en hoe dit aangepas kon word. Nuwe gemeenskaplike kennis van strategieë het tydens die intervensie ontstaan. Na afloop van die program het opvoeders die strategieë vir die hantering van leerders met emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes kwantitatief beoordeel, op grond van die bruikbaarheid daarvan in die skool- en klasopset. Uit my bevindinge het dit geblyk dat opvoeders bemagtiging benodig om met leerders met emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes te werk. Die indiensopleidings-program waaraan 47 opvoeders van twee skole deelgeneem het, het daartoe bygedra dat die opvoeders se ingesteldheid teenoor leerders verander het. Na die opleiding was hulle bekend met meer strategieë om leerdergedrag te hanteer en het ‘n gevoel van sukses beleef in die klas, wat bygedra het tot ‘n positiewe belewenis van die klassituasie. Van die strategieë wat as die bruikbaarste beoordeel is, het gehandel oor klaskamerpraktyke en strategieë om taakgerigtheid te bevorder. Ander strategieë het aspekte rondom skoolbestuur en ondersteuning aan ouers ingesluit. Enkele opvoeders het ook meer gevorderde strategieë, soos kognitiewe en gedragstegnieke gebruik. Opvoeders het positiewe reaksie aangemeld van leerders waar die strategieë toegepas is. Hierdie studie is deur ‘n proses van aksienavorsing uitgevoer en kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodes is gebruik. Die resultate is van toepassing binne hierdie bepaalde konteks. Volgens die navorser kan hierdie opleidingsprogram aangepas word om aan die behoefte vir indiensopleiding vir opvoeders te voorsien. Opleiding kan moontlik fokus op ʼn kleiner aantal strategieë wat deeglik ingeoefen en vasgelê kan word. Dit is verkieslik dat al die personeel van ‘n skool, insluitend die skoolbestuurspan, aan die opleiding moet deelneem om dit ‘n skoolontwikkelingsprojek te maak. Deur twee skole op verskillende vlakke van implementering saam op te lei, kan opvoeders mekaar stimuleer en kan die toepassing van idees bevorder word. ENGLISH: Learners who exhibit emotional and behavioural needs (e.g. ADHD and depression conduct disorder) seem to present a major challenge for educators in the inclusive mainstream class and educators feel that they are not adequately prepared and trained for these challenges. Action research was chosen as research method. The purpose of this research was to useful strategies which educators could implement in supporting and managing these learners, in the inclusive classroom environment. Learners with emotional and behavioural needs exhibit a wide variety of behaviours at school. In the inclusive education environment educators are expected to be the primary supporters of learners with needs. Although this expectation exists, up till now educators have received little or no training on how to support learners with needs. The research process conducted in this study followed different phases. Firstly, a needs analysis was conducted to determine the current state of affairs, the needs of educators, and strategies currently in use. Information that became evident through the needs analysis and literature research prescribed the format and aspects to be included in the initial intervention programme. During the execution of this programme, current strategies were adapted and new ones developed. Needs that came to the fore during the implementation were recognised and incorporated. The implementation was monitored on different levels, for example by teachers who implemented the strategies in their classrooms and provided feedback, by the researcher, and also by external observers. The focus was not only on the strategies, but also on processes. Changes that were observed in the different systems were assessed. During the final step of the implementation phase, educators, based on their practical experience, were required to rate the usefulness of all the different strategies that were either part of the initial presentation or were generated during the course of implementation. The qualitative as well as quantitative findings indicated that the educators became more capable of supporting these learners and implemented a wide variety of strategies. Classroom management strategies and strategies to support task behaviour were found to be the most helpful. Educators also gained more than merely knowledge. Changes in the relationship between educators and these learners were noticeable and they became aware of feelings of personal achievement and competency. Changes also occurred at other systemic levels, such as in the learners, the school, the community and even in the broader education system. This study was undertaken on a small group of educators in a particular context. Whilst the findings cannot be generalised, it is suggested that this programme may also be beneficial for educators to support learners with emotional and behavioural needs in other environments. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Psychology / unrestricted
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Effects of iron and omega–3 fatty acid supplementation on physical activity of iron deficient primary school children residing in KwaZulu–Natal / Greeff J.Greeff, Jani January 2011 (has links)
Background: Iron deficiency (ID) is the most prevalent nutritional deficiency in the world. In children, both inadequate iron and fatty acid (FA) status have been found to have an effect on cognitive and behavioural function, including physical activity behaviour and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)–related behaviour.
Aim: To investigate the effects of supplementation with iron and omega–3 fatty acids (n–3 FAs), alone and in combination, on spontaneous motor activity and ADHD–related behaviour in iron deficient primary school children in KwaZulu–Natal. An additional aim was to evaluate the use of the Actical accelerometer as a tool to assess physical activity behaviour.
Methods: The study design was a 2x2 factorial, randomized, double–blind and placebo–controlled trial. Iron deficient school children aged six to ten years with or without mild anaemia were included in the study (n = 321). Subjects were randomly assigned to receive one of the following supplement combinations: (1) 420mg docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)/80 mg eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) + 50mg of iron as ferrous sulphate (Fe); (2) 420mg DHA/80mg EPA + placebo; (3) 50mg of Fe + placebo; (4) placebo + placebo. Supplements were provided four times a week for a duration of 8.5 months (excluding school holidays). Physical activity of a subgroup of subjects (n=98) was recorded on four random school days at baseline, midpoint and endpoint (12 days in total) during three different time periods namely class time 1 (08h00-10h30), break time (10h30–11h00) and class time 2 (11h00–12h00). Classroom behaviour of study subjects was assessed by teachers at baseline and endpoint using the Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale–Revised: Short Forms (CTRS). Iron status indicators and red blood cell (RBC) FA composition were measured at baseline and endpoint. Treatment effects were assessed for activity and CTRS scores. Furthermore, the relationship between activity, CTRS scores and iron/FA status indicators was determined using bivariate correlation and multivariate linear regression analysis.
Results: Overall activity of all subjects varied over time from baseline and midpoint to endpoint. A significant cycle x age interaction (P = 0.005) as well as a significant cycle x time period x gender interaction (P = 0.036) was observed on overall activity. There were no significant interactions of cycle or time period with treatment. However, there was a significant main effect of DHA/EPA supplementation for lower class time 1 activity at endpoint (P = 0.014). Biological markers indicating better or poorer iron status were positively and negatively associated with activity at break time, respectively. Subjects in the group receiving both iron and DHA/EPA supplements showed a significant improvement from baseline to endpoint on the cognitive problems/inattention subscale (P = 0.005) of the CTRS. Hyperactivity scores increased
significantly from baseline to endpoint in all groups (P = 0.006). DHA (r = –.203; P = 0.040) and EPA (r = –.199; P = 0.044) content of RBC were negatively associated with activity at class time 1. No significant associations were observed between activity and CTRS scores at baseline. At endpoint, class time 1 activity was positively associated with all CTRS subscale scores except for the cognitive problems subscale, which only bordered significance (correlation, P = 0.051; regression, P = 0.073).
Conclusions: These findings suggest that n–3 FA supplementation may have an influence on ADHD–related behaviour during class time. During school break time when subjects were allowed to move around freely, iron status was positively associated with spontaneous motor activity. Furthermore, the accelerometer might be a useful complimentary tool for assessing both classroom and break time activity behaviour in school children. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Nutrition))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Effects of iron and omega–3 fatty acid supplementation on physical activity of iron deficient primary school children residing in KwaZulu–Natal / Greeff J.Greeff, Jani January 2011 (has links)
Background: Iron deficiency (ID) is the most prevalent nutritional deficiency in the world. In children, both inadequate iron and fatty acid (FA) status have been found to have an effect on cognitive and behavioural function, including physical activity behaviour and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)–related behaviour.
Aim: To investigate the effects of supplementation with iron and omega–3 fatty acids (n–3 FAs), alone and in combination, on spontaneous motor activity and ADHD–related behaviour in iron deficient primary school children in KwaZulu–Natal. An additional aim was to evaluate the use of the Actical accelerometer as a tool to assess physical activity behaviour.
Methods: The study design was a 2x2 factorial, randomized, double–blind and placebo–controlled trial. Iron deficient school children aged six to ten years with or without mild anaemia were included in the study (n = 321). Subjects were randomly assigned to receive one of the following supplement combinations: (1) 420mg docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)/80 mg eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) + 50mg of iron as ferrous sulphate (Fe); (2) 420mg DHA/80mg EPA + placebo; (3) 50mg of Fe + placebo; (4) placebo + placebo. Supplements were provided four times a week for a duration of 8.5 months (excluding school holidays). Physical activity of a subgroup of subjects (n=98) was recorded on four random school days at baseline, midpoint and endpoint (12 days in total) during three different time periods namely class time 1 (08h00-10h30), break time (10h30–11h00) and class time 2 (11h00–12h00). Classroom behaviour of study subjects was assessed by teachers at baseline and endpoint using the Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale–Revised: Short Forms (CTRS). Iron status indicators and red blood cell (RBC) FA composition were measured at baseline and endpoint. Treatment effects were assessed for activity and CTRS scores. Furthermore, the relationship between activity, CTRS scores and iron/FA status indicators was determined using bivariate correlation and multivariate linear regression analysis.
Results: Overall activity of all subjects varied over time from baseline and midpoint to endpoint. A significant cycle x age interaction (P = 0.005) as well as a significant cycle x time period x gender interaction (P = 0.036) was observed on overall activity. There were no significant interactions of cycle or time period with treatment. However, there was a significant main effect of DHA/EPA supplementation for lower class time 1 activity at endpoint (P = 0.014). Biological markers indicating better or poorer iron status were positively and negatively associated with activity at break time, respectively. Subjects in the group receiving both iron and DHA/EPA supplements showed a significant improvement from baseline to endpoint on the cognitive problems/inattention subscale (P = 0.005) of the CTRS. Hyperactivity scores increased
significantly from baseline to endpoint in all groups (P = 0.006). DHA (r = –.203; P = 0.040) and EPA (r = –.199; P = 0.044) content of RBC were negatively associated with activity at class time 1. No significant associations were observed between activity and CTRS scores at baseline. At endpoint, class time 1 activity was positively associated with all CTRS subscale scores except for the cognitive problems subscale, which only bordered significance (correlation, P = 0.051; regression, P = 0.073).
Conclusions: These findings suggest that n–3 FA supplementation may have an influence on ADHD–related behaviour during class time. During school break time when subjects were allowed to move around freely, iron status was positively associated with spontaneous motor activity. Furthermore, the accelerometer might be a useful complimentary tool for assessing both classroom and break time activity behaviour in school children. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Nutrition))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Gestaltterapeutiese intervensieplan wat gerig is op die kind met ATHV en sy steunstelselsVerster, Blanche 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / ADHD is a well-known disorder affecting approximately 8% of children in South Africa. Despite years of research and development re the disorder, it seems that parents and teachers sometimes do not have the ability to handle a child with ADHD. Since a lot of the information is contradictory, confusion exists among parents and teachers who act as the support system of the child with ADHD. ADHD is a serious and destructive disorder and can influence the child’s social functioning negatively. Due to continuous failure, the child with ADHD has a low self-esteem. These aspects are the point of reference for the aim of this study, namely the development and implementation of a Gestalt therapeutic intervention plan aimed at the empowerment of the child with ADHD in the middle childhood years, his supporting systems and the evaluation of the impact thereof.
The empirical data was gathered by a process of intervention research. A combination of the qualitative and quantitative approach was used. During the use of the qualitative method, a quasi-experimental one-group-pretest-posttest design was utilized. During the qualitative phase, the phenomenological perspective was used. An in-depth literature study was done in respect of ADHD, the theoretic basis of ADHD, the child with ADHD in the middle childhood years and the ADHD from a Gestalt therapeutic perspective. This literature study was the starting point for the development of the comprehensive holistic intervention plan.
The intervention plan consists of three programmes: Firstly an empowering program of six sessions aimed at the child in the middle childhood years with ADHD – attention was given to emotional awareness and the dealing with unfinished business. Secondly an empowering programme aimed at the parents consisting of four parental guidance sessions, and thirdly an empowerment programme aimed at the teachers, consisting of two workshops. / AandagTekortHiperaktiwiteitsVersteuring (ATHV) is 'n welbekende versteuring wat ongeveer 8% van SuidAfrikaanse
kinders be'invloed. Ten spyte van jarelange navorsing en die verbetering van begrip vir die
versteuring, blyk dit dat ouers en onderwysers steeds nie altyd oor die vermoe beskik om 'n kind met A THV
te hanteer nie. Aangesien daar baie teenstrydige inligting beskikbaar is, word verwarring geskep by ouers
en onderwysers, wat as die kind met A THV se steunstelsels moet dien. A THV is 'n ernstige en
verwoestende versteuring en kan die kind se maatskaplike funksionering negatief be'invloed. As gevolg van
voortdurende mislukking het die kind met ATHV dikwels 'n lae selfwaarde. Hierdie aspekte het as
uitgangspunt gedien vir die doel van die ondersoek, naamlik die ontwikkeling en implementering van 'n
Gestaltterapeutiese intervensieplan gerig op die bemagtiging van sowel die kind met A THV in die
middelkinderjare, asook sy steunstelsels, en om die impak daarvan te evalueer.
Tydens die ondersoek is 'n proses van intervensienavorsing gevolg wat 'n gekombineerde kwalitatiewe en
kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode is. In die benutting van die kwalitatiewe metode is 'n kwasie-eksperimentele
een-groep-voortoets-natoetsstrategie benut. By die kwalitatiewe metode is vanuit die fenomenologiese
perspektief gewerk. 'n Diepgaande literatuurstudie is gedoen ten opsigte van ATHV, die teoretiese
begronding van ATHV, die kind met ATHV in die middelkinderjare en ATHV vanuit 'n
Gestaltterapieperspektief. Hierdie literatuurstudie het as basis vir die ontwikkeling van 'n omvattende
holistiese intervensieplan gedien.
Die intervensieplan bestaan uit drie programme. Eerstens 'n bemagtigingsprogram van ses sessies gerig
op die kind met A THV in die middelkinderjare waar die klem geplaas is op emosionele bewuswording en
die hantering van onvoltooidhede. Tweedens 'n bemagtigingsprogram gerig op die ouers tydens vier ouerleidingsessies. Derdens 'n bemagtigingsprogram gerig op die onderwysers bestaande uit twee
Gestaltterapie het nie slegs as teoretiese verwysingsraamwerk tydens die ondersoek gedien nie, maar
Gestaltterapeutiesemetodes is ook benut tydens die implementering van die intervensieplan. Resultate
vanuit die empiriese gegewens dui aan dat die ouers en onderwysers se kennis ten opsigte van ATHV
verbeter het, want hulle het hanteringstrategiee aangeleer en begin toepas, en daar was beter begrip
tussen die skool en die ouers waarby die kinders gebaat het. Die kinders se selfwaarde is ook verhoog en
hulle maatskaplike funksionering het verbeter. / Social Work / D. Diac. (Play Therapy)
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Gestaltterapeutiese intervensieplan wat gerig is op die kind met ATHV en sy steunstelselsVerster, Blanche 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / ADHD is a well-known disorder affecting approximately 8% of children in South Africa. Despite years of research and development re the disorder, it seems that parents and teachers sometimes do not have the ability to handle a child with ADHD. Since a lot of the information is contradictory, confusion exists among parents and teachers who act as the support system of the child with ADHD. ADHD is a serious and destructive disorder and can influence the child’s social functioning negatively. Due to continuous failure, the child with ADHD has a low self-esteem. These aspects are the point of reference for the aim of this study, namely the development and implementation of a Gestalt therapeutic intervention plan aimed at the empowerment of the child with ADHD in the middle childhood years, his supporting systems and the evaluation of the impact thereof.
The empirical data was gathered by a process of intervention research. A combination of the qualitative and quantitative approach was used. During the use of the qualitative method, a quasi-experimental one-group-pretest-posttest design was utilized. During the qualitative phase, the phenomenological perspective was used. An in-depth literature study was done in respect of ADHD, the theoretic basis of ADHD, the child with ADHD in the middle childhood years and the ADHD from a Gestalt therapeutic perspective. This literature study was the starting point for the development of the comprehensive holistic intervention plan.
The intervention plan consists of three programmes: Firstly an empowering program of six sessions aimed at the child in the middle childhood years with ADHD – attention was given to emotional awareness and the dealing with unfinished business. Secondly an empowering programme aimed at the parents consisting of four parental guidance sessions, and thirdly an empowerment programme aimed at the teachers, consisting of two workshops. / AandagTekortHiperaktiwiteitsVersteuring (ATHV) is 'n welbekende versteuring wat ongeveer 8% van SuidAfrikaanse
kinders be'invloed. Ten spyte van jarelange navorsing en die verbetering van begrip vir die
versteuring, blyk dit dat ouers en onderwysers steeds nie altyd oor die vermoe beskik om 'n kind met A THV
te hanteer nie. Aangesien daar baie teenstrydige inligting beskikbaar is, word verwarring geskep by ouers
en onderwysers, wat as die kind met A THV se steunstelsels moet dien. A THV is 'n ernstige en
verwoestende versteuring en kan die kind se maatskaplike funksionering negatief be'invloed. As gevolg van
voortdurende mislukking het die kind met ATHV dikwels 'n lae selfwaarde. Hierdie aspekte het as
uitgangspunt gedien vir die doel van die ondersoek, naamlik die ontwikkeling en implementering van 'n
Gestaltterapeutiese intervensieplan gerig op die bemagtiging van sowel die kind met A THV in die
middelkinderjare, asook sy steunstelsels, en om die impak daarvan te evalueer.
Tydens die ondersoek is 'n proses van intervensienavorsing gevolg wat 'n gekombineerde kwalitatiewe en
kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode is. In die benutting van die kwalitatiewe metode is 'n kwasie-eksperimentele
een-groep-voortoets-natoetsstrategie benut. By die kwalitatiewe metode is vanuit die fenomenologiese
perspektief gewerk. 'n Diepgaande literatuurstudie is gedoen ten opsigte van ATHV, die teoretiese
begronding van ATHV, die kind met ATHV in die middelkinderjare en ATHV vanuit 'n
Gestaltterapieperspektief. Hierdie literatuurstudie het as basis vir die ontwikkeling van 'n omvattende
holistiese intervensieplan gedien.
Die intervensieplan bestaan uit drie programme. Eerstens 'n bemagtigingsprogram van ses sessies gerig
op die kind met A THV in die middelkinderjare waar die klem geplaas is op emosionele bewuswording en
die hantering van onvoltooidhede. Tweedens 'n bemagtigingsprogram gerig op die ouers tydens vier ouerleidingsessies. Derdens 'n bemagtigingsprogram gerig op die onderwysers bestaande uit twee
Gestaltterapie het nie slegs as teoretiese verwysingsraamwerk tydens die ondersoek gedien nie, maar
Gestaltterapeutiesemetodes is ook benut tydens die implementering van die intervensieplan. Resultate
vanuit die empiriese gegewens dui aan dat die ouers en onderwysers se kennis ten opsigte van ATHV
verbeter het, want hulle het hanteringstrategiee aangeleer en begin toepas, en daar was beter begrip
tussen die skool en die ouers waarby die kinders gebaat het. Die kinders se selfwaarde is ook verhoog en
hulle maatskaplike funksionering het verbeter. / Social Work / D. Diac. (Play Therapy)
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