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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating the role of bovine herpesvirus-1 in abortion and systemic disease in cattle

Crook, Tara Catherine January 2011 (has links)
Bovine herpesvirus-1 (BoHV-1) is a pathogen of cattle, which most commonly affects the upper respiratory tract to cause infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR). It can also spread systemically to cause fatalities in calves and abortion in pregnant cattle. The virally encoded mechanisms of this systemic spread are poorly understood and therefore have been addressed by comparing isolates from the respiratory form of disease with isolates that have previously demonstrated systemic spread. A survey of 400 bovine abortions in Scotland from 2007-2009 demonstrated a BoHV-1 prevalence of 2.5%. It also demonstrated the importance of real-time PCR as a diagnostic technique when analysing samples from natural cases. The study of BoHV-1 distribution in the placenta and foetal tissue provided support for a haematogenous route of viral spread. Whole genome sequencing of 11 BoHV-1 isolates using Illumina Solexa technology was completed and added significantly to the sequencing data of BoHV-1. In terms of identifying genetic variation between isolates causing respiratory infection and those causing systemic infection, no differences were observed by SNP or phylogenetic analysis. However, there were significant differences in the extent of variation between essential and non-essential genes, which may reflect the evolution of BoHV-1. An in vivo challenge of the natural host to compare two isolates representing the respiratory and systemic forms of infection showed differences in clinical presentation, histopathological analysis, viral distribution and viral transcript expression, measured throughout the infection period. In particular, it was noted that a more severe ocular infection, rather than respiratory based infection was caused by infection with the ‘systemic’ isolate. Differences in the tropism of the virus were observed early in the infection with the ‘systemic’ isolate showing more association with the nasal mucosa than the trachea. The tonsils demonstrated different responses to the virus and differences in viral transcript expression. However, this may simply represent different stages of virus infection. Both isolates demonstrated spread to the brain at day 10 post infection. In vitro methods were used to study the differences in transcript expression in more detail. In a bovine turbinate cell infection faster replication of the respiratory isolate was observed by a significantly faster development of cytopathic effect. This was also reflected in the higher gene expression levels of the respiratory isolate in the first 12 hours of infection. More isolates were studied to investigate whether these differences were consistent, or as suggested by the sequencing, random differences between isolates. Six isolates were used to infect bovine lung slices. Differences in transcript expression were minimal between the two isolate groups. Immunofluorescence did not provide the sensitivity to detect virus in all samples where PCR showed replication. This compromised the study of co-localization but did show promise as a model to study the tropism of respiratory viruses. Overall, this work has showed that systemic spread of BoHV-1 does not appear to be controlled by virally encoded mechanisms. The in vivo experimental infection suggested host factors may play a large part. Further work is also needed to consider any differences that may exist between reactivated virus and the original infecting isolate.

Discursive constructs of abortion amongst a group of male and female students at the University of the Witwatersrand.

Ronco, Chandelle 27 February 2014 (has links)
Abortion is a very controversial topic and over the years, many different attitudes have been formed around it. Previous studies have looked at people’s attitudes towards abortion in relation to gender, age, race, socio-economic background, religion, education and even marital status. The current study aimed to investigate the change of attitudes that students would have towards abortion given a range of circumstances (from serious to less serious). The role of gender in these attitudes was also looked at. This study conducted two separate semi-structured focus groups for each gender (6 males and 5 females). In the two focus groups, each vignette with a particular circumstance was read out to the students followed by questions. These follow up questions were discussed amongst the students present in the focus group. The responses from the students were recorded using a Dictaphone. From the Dictaphone, the information received from these interviews was transcribed. Thereafter, content analysis was used to analyse the findings which aimed to identify different themes. Following this, discursive constructs around abortion as well as conclusions were formed and discussed.

Understanding sexuality following a voluntary termination of pregnancy.

Boffard, Catriona 21 February 2013 (has links)
Although much research has been conducted on termination of pregnancy, there is a paucity of information regarding women’s sexuality after such a procedure, and in particular, how a woman understands her sexuality following a termination of pregnancy or what influences such an understanding. This research aimed to investigate how women understand their sexuality following a voluntary termination of pregnancy through the examination of the interaction between personal and broader social views on sexuality. Seven women who had undergone the procedure at two private termination clinics in Johannesburg were interviewed, using a semi-structured, open-ended interview schedule. The data was analysed according to thematic analytic methods. Based on the results, it was clear that the way in which women understand their sexuality following a termination of pregnancy is complex and multi-faceted. Particular themes emerged that were in line with the debates raised in the current literature. It became evident that these views were intricate and multi-faceted. Heteronormativity and heterosexuality proved particularly influential in how women understand their sexuality following a termination of pregnancy, and which further related to points raised throughout the literature. It was clear through the analysis that each theme could be seen to stand alone, or alternatively be represented through other themes and sub-themes.

Identificação de infecção por protozoários da família Sarcocystidae em sistema nervoso central de equinos com sinais clínicos neurológicos e reprodutivos / Infection by protozoa of Sarcocystidae family in central nervous system from equine presenting neurological and reproductive symptomatology

Villalobos, Eliana Monteforte Cassaro 27 April 2012 (has links)
Pela grande produção de equinos no Brasil, perdas econômicas causadas por mortalidade ou perdas reprodutivas neste plantel simbolizam grandes prejuízos, tanto na produção para o mercado interno quanto para a exportação. Necessário se faz o acompanhamento de enfermidades que afetam o sistema nervoso desta espécie. Agentes virais e bacterianos causando problemas neurológicos e reprodutivos, nesta espécie, são amplamente estudados no Brasil. Pouco se conhece sobre o papel dos protozoários da família Sarcocystidae em determinar sinais clínicos neurológicos e reprodutivos. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar protozoários formadores de cistos, com potencial para causar doença neurológica e reprodutiva, em amostras de tecido encefálico de equinos com diagnóstico clínico de encefalopatias e de fetos abortados. Foram analisadas 165 amostras de SNC e 21 amostras de feto abortado de equinos, enviados ao Instituto Biológico para realização de exames laboratoriais. As amostras foram submetidas à nested PCR-ITS1 com primers direcionados às regiões conservadas do lócus ribossômico de protozoários da família Sarcocystidae. Após confirmação do resultado, os produtos de amplificação foram sequenciados para a determinação das sequências ITS1, discriminatórias entre as diversas espécies de protozoários da família Sarcocystidae. Das 15 amostras positivas (duas de feto abortado e 13 de SNC de equino com sintomatologia neurológica) em 14 o protozoário envolvido foi Toxoplasma gondii e em uma delas Sarcocystis neurona. Para Neospora spp não foi encontrada nenhuma amostra positiva. Nas amostras de SNC também foi realizado o exame histopatológico para análise das alterações histopatológicas. Todos os materiais positivos para S. neurona ou T. gondii apresentaram algum tipo de alteração (infiltrado inflamatório meníngeo/neurópilo), congestão/edema, hemorragia, necrose, malácia, indicando a ação de patógeno neurotrópico. A frequência de amostras positivas pela nested PCR-ITS1, para a presença de protozoários foi 7,9% (13/165) e de abortamento por protozário (T. gondii) foi de 9,5% (2/21). Sarcocystis neurona foi encontrado em apenas uma amostra de SNC. Pelos resultados é possível inferir que a ocorrência de mieloencefalite e abortamentos causados pelos protozoários Sarcocistideos em equinos pode revelar-se maior do que se considera atualmente, caso o estudo do SNC nesta espécie seja executado rotineiramente para a conclusão de casos clínicos. / Regarding the importance of equine husbandry in Brazil, economic losses due to mortality or reproductive failures within these herds could mean significant problems for national and international trade market. Therefore, it is necessary to research for diseases affecting the central nervous system (CNS). In Brazil, a broad amount of studies has been made concerning viral and bacterial neurvous and/or reproductive diseases. Although, little is stablished about the rule of protozoan from Sarcocystidae family leading to that kind of symptomatology. This study aimed to identify cystic protozoa which are potentially pathogenic for reproductive and neural tracts using samples from equine encephalic tissue of animals diagnosed with clinical encephalopathy and aborted fetuses. 165 samples of equine CNS and 21 aborted fetuses of this same species were analyzed in the Instituto Biológico facilities. They were submitted to nested PCR-ITS1 using primer to conserved regions from ribosomal locus of Sarcocystidae family protozoa. After confirmatory results, amplified samples were submitted to sequencing for determination of ITS-1 sequences, which are discriminatory concerning the several species of protozoan from Sarcocystidae family. Among the 15 positive identified samples (2 from aborted fetuses and 13 from adult equine CNS), in 14 were detected Toxoplasma gondii as the protozoa involved with the symptoms and in one of them Sarcocystis neurona was detected. None was found positive for Neospora spp. All samples collected were examined using histopathological techniques looking for disease findings. Positive samples for S. neurona or T. gondii showed varied types of alteration (neutrophilic/meningeal inflammatory infiltrate), congestion/edema, hemorrhage, necrosis and malacia, indicating that they were affected by a neurotropic pathogen. The frequency of parasitic equine encephalitis using nested PCR-ITS1 was 7,9% (13/165) and abortion by protozoa (T. gondii was 9,5% (2/21). The incidence of these diseases may be higher than registered nowadays if equine CNS could be analyzed during clinical diagnosis routine for case conclusion.

Atenção à saúde da mulher em situação de abortamento:experiências de mulheres hospitalizadas e práticas de profissionais de saúde / Attention to the health of woman in abortion situation: experiences of hospitalized women and the practices of health professionals.

Aquino, Elaine Lopes de 17 October 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo compreender a atenção à saúde da mulher em situação de abortamento, à luz da proposta de humanização do atendimento preconizada pelo Ministério da Saúde Norma Técnica Atenção Humanizada ao Aborto (NTAHA), de 2005, em que o aborto é reconhecido como problema de saúde pública e que aponta orientações legais, éticas e práticas para a assistência às mulheres em processo de abortamento. Visando a apreender a realidade por meio da interpretação dos sujeitos que a vivenciam, o estudo baseou-se nos pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com nove mulheres atendidas no centro obstétrico de um hospital municipal da cidade de São Paulo, com diagnóstico de abortamento incompleto ou complicações decorrentes de abortamento, e oito profissionais de saúde envolvidos no atendimento. Os resultados indicaram que: 1. os profissionais participantes desconhecem a Norma Técnica de Atenção Humanizada ao Abortamento; 2. a condição de ilegalidade compromete o atendimento, à medida que impele profissionais ao julgamento velado de todas as mulheres que recorrem ao hospital, em decorrência de aborto, seja espontâneo ou provocado; 3. a assistência da equipe se limita a procedimentos técnicos, e não há atenção psicossocial; 4. pacientes mencionam a falta de informação e de diálogo com os profissionais como os principais problemas no atendimento; 5. no que tange à polêmica sobre a descriminalização e legalização do aborto, as opiniões das mulheres e dos profissionais entrevistados transcendem a polarização entre ser contra ou a favor do aborto, revelando-se uma diversidade de opiniões, por vezes, ambíguas e contraditórias. Em face dessa realidade, a humanização da assistência a mulheres em situação de abortamento configura-se como desafio para a saúde pública. É urgente a capacitação dos profissionais de saúde acerca da NTAHA, além da necessidade de mudança na lei que criminaliza o aborto, apontando para políticas públicas que respeitem a autonomia da mulher em decidir sobre o próprio corpo / This study had the purpose to understand the attention to the health of woman in abortion situation, from the perspective the service humanization proposal envisioned by the Health Department Technical Standard Humanized Attention to Abortion (NTAHA), 2005, in which the abortion is recognized as a public health matter, and points to legal, ethical and practical orientation to assist women in the abortion process. Aiming to comprehend the reality through the interpretation of individuals who experience it, the study was based on the assumption of qualitative research. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with nine women attended at the obstetric Center at a municipal hospital in the city of São Paulo, with the diagnosis of incomplete abortion or complications resultant from an abortion, and eight health professionals involved in the service. The results indicated: 1. the participant professionals are not familiar with the Technical Standard of Humanized Attention to Abortion (NTAHA); 2. The condition of illegality undermines the service, because it leads the professionals to the veiled judgment of all women who make use of the hospital, due to the abortion, spontaneous or not; 3. the assistance of the team is limited to technical procedures and there is no psychosocial attention; 4. patients mention the lack of information and dialogue with the professionals, as the main service problems; 5. concerning the controversy about the decriminalization and legalization of the abortion, the opinion of the interviewed women and professionals go beyond the polarization between being against or favorable, proving to be a diversity of opinions, at times, ambiguous and contradictory. In the face of this reality, the humanization of women assistance in abortion situation is considered a challenge to public health. It is urgent to train the health professionals regarding the NTAHA, besides the need to change the law that incriminates the abortion, pointing to public politics that respects women autonomy to decide about their own bodies

Sex Education and Contraceptive Acceptance: From the Soviet Union to Russia

Lipton, Miriam 17 June 2014 (has links)
In Russia today women use traditional forms of birth control at unusually high rates, whereas, conversely their use of modern contraceptives is unusually low. During the Soviet period, women's access to modern contraceptive methods may have been limited. However, one would postulate that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the nature of the new reforms that developed would have lent itself to an increase in modern contraception usage on par with other countries. In Russia today there is not a lack of availability of modern contraceptives. Yet, women are still not using modern contraception at a rate that is congruent with an increase in availability. What then is influencing Russian women's decisions? The contraceptive acceptance of Russian women today is shaped by cultural legacies of the Soviet Union surrounding both contraceptives themselves and sex and sex education.

Choices and Persuasion: A Rhetorical Analysis of Abortion Minded Social Media Content

Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis project seeks to answer the question of how visual rhetoric put forward in social media content by pro-life and pro-choice organizations may persuade their audiences’ perspective on abortion. Using Sonja Foss’s guidelines for analysis of visual rhetoric, I analyze 24 selected examples of Facebook content posted by two pro-life organizations (Human Coalition and Feminists for Life) and two pro-choice organizations (Planned Parenthood Action and NARAL Pro-Choice America) in 2017. My analysis found that the visual rhetoric posted by both organizations on social media can and does function as a form of visual metonymy. Because of this, these visual strategies can stand in for more complex arguments in dramatic ways. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2018. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Ciberativismo em defesa do parto humanizado e da descriminalização do aborto: as diferenças na defesa dos direitos reprodutivos / Cyberactivism in defense of humanized childbirth and the decriminalization of abortion: differences in the fight for reproductive rights

Raquel de Almeida Marques 08 October 2013 (has links)
Ciberativismo em defesa do parto humanizado e da descriminalização do aborto: as diferenças na defesa dos direitos reprodutivos Parto e aborto fazem parte do escopo dos direitos reprodutivos e existem diversas organizações que trabalham estas questões, seja entendendo-os como uma questão de saúde e direitos humanos, seja focada em uma ou outra pauta especificamente. A defesa destes dois direitos possuem inúmeras similaridades em sua forma de articulação, rede de apoio e discursos, mas em alguns momentos se afastam. Este trabalho tem o objetivo analisar exclusivamente as diferenças no ciberativismo de movimentos organizados da sociedade civil em defesa do parto humanizado e pela descriminalização do aborto. Através das informações publicadas nos sites e utilizando análise de conteúdo, foram analisadas as categorias religião, classe social, mortalidade e consumo. Avaliando o conteúdo dos nove sites analisados concluímos que religião e classe social são pouco mencionadas quando relacionadas ao parto, mas frequentemente mencionadas na discussão pela descriminalização do aborto. A mortalidade materna é uma preocupação nas duas causas e a questão do / Childbirth and abortion fall under the scope of reproductive rights, and a number of organizations address these issues, by understanding them both as a public health and human rights issues, or by focusing on one or the other specifically. The defense of these two rights has numerous similarities: similarities in terms of how they are articulated, their support networks, and discourse. However, on some occasions they drift apart. This study aims to analyze not the similarities but the differences of the cyberactivism in defense of humanized childbirth and decriminalization of abortion practiced by a number of organized groups in society privileging one of these issues. Through the information published on websites and using content analysis, this study focuses on the following categories: religion, social class, maternal mortality, and consumption. Evaluating the content of nine websites this study found that religion and social class are mentioned little when related to childbirth, but often mentioned in discussions for the decriminalization of abortion. Maternal mortality is a concern expressed in both causes and the issue of

The Paradox of Post-Abortion Care: A Global Health Intervention at the Intersection of Medicine, Criminal Justice and Transnational Population Politics in Senegal

Suh, Julia January 2014 (has links)
Sociologists have used boundary work theory to explore the strategies deployed by professionals to define and defend jurisdictional authority in the arenas of the public, the law and the workplace. My dissertation investigates how medical providers and public health professionals negotiate authority over abortion in Senegal. Although induced abortion is prohibited in Senegal, medical providers are permitted to treat complications of spontaneous and induced abortion, known as post-abortion care (PAC). Introduced to Senegal in the late 1990s, the national PAC program is primarily supported by American development aid. This study explores how medical providers manage complications of abortion and in particular, how they circumvent the involvement of criminal justice authorities when they encounter suspected cases of illegal abortion. I also study how boundary work is accomplished transnationally through the practice of PAC within the policy framework of American anti-abortion population assistance and the national prohibition on abortion. Findings are based on an institutional ethnography of Senegal's national PAC program conducted over a period of 19 months between 2009 and 2011. Data collection methods included in-depth interviews with 89 individuals, observation of PAC services, and review of PAC records at three hospitals. I also conducted an archival review of abortion and PAC in court records, the media, and public health literature. Findings show that medical providers and public health professionals perform discursive, technical and written boundary work strategies to maintain authority over PAC. Although these strategies have successfully integrated PAC into maternal health care, they have reinforced the stigma of abortion for women and health professionals. They have also reproduced gendered disparities in access to quality reproductive health care. PAC has been implemented in nearly 50 countries worldwide with varying legal restrictions on abortion. This study illustrates not only how medical professionals practice abortion care in such settings, but also how they navigate a precarious array of medical, legal and global health obligations.

Ciberativismo em defesa do parto humanizado e da descriminalização do aborto: as diferenças na defesa dos direitos reprodutivos / Cyberactivism in defense of humanized childbirth and the decriminalization of abortion: differences in the fight for reproductive rights

Marques, Raquel de Almeida 08 October 2013 (has links)
Ciberativismo em defesa do parto humanizado e da descriminalização do aborto: as diferenças na defesa dos direitos reprodutivos Parto e aborto fazem parte do escopo dos direitos reprodutivos e existem diversas organizações que trabalham estas questões, seja entendendo-os como uma questão de saúde e direitos humanos, seja focada em uma ou outra pauta especificamente. A defesa destes dois direitos possuem inúmeras similaridades em sua forma de articulação, rede de apoio e discursos, mas em alguns momentos se afastam. Este trabalho tem o objetivo analisar exclusivamente as diferenças no ciberativismo de movimentos organizados da sociedade civil em defesa do parto humanizado e pela descriminalização do aborto. Através das informações publicadas nos sites e utilizando análise de conteúdo, foram analisadas as categorias religião, classe social, mortalidade e consumo. Avaliando o conteúdo dos nove sites analisados concluímos que religião e classe social são pouco mencionadas quando relacionadas ao parto, mas frequentemente mencionadas na discussão pela descriminalização do aborto. A mortalidade materna é uma preocupação nas duas causas e a questão do / Childbirth and abortion fall under the scope of reproductive rights, and a number of organizations address these issues, by understanding them both as a public health and human rights issues, or by focusing on one or the other specifically. The defense of these two rights has numerous similarities: similarities in terms of how they are articulated, their support networks, and discourse. However, on some occasions they drift apart. This study aims to analyze not the similarities but the differences of the cyberactivism in defense of humanized childbirth and decriminalization of abortion practiced by a number of organized groups in society privileging one of these issues. Through the information published on websites and using content analysis, this study focuses on the following categories: religion, social class, maternal mortality, and consumption. Evaluating the content of nine websites this study found that religion and social class are mentioned little when related to childbirth, but often mentioned in discussions for the decriminalization of abortion. Maternal mortality is a concern expressed in both causes and the issue of

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