Spelling suggestions: "subject:"abundances"" "subject:"abundance's""
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Evoliuciniai cheminės sudėties pokyčiai helį centre deginančių žvaigždžių atmosferose / Evolutionary effects in helium core burning star atmospheresPuzeras, Eduardas 02 November 2011 (has links)
Šiuolaikiniai astronominiai stebėjimai leidžia įtarti, kad „standartinis“ žvaigždžių evoliucijos modelis yra nepilnas ir turi būti patikslintas, įvedant „papildomą“ maišymąsi. Disertacija yra skirta Galaktikos raudonosios sankaupos žvaigždžių cheminės sudėties tyrimui ir maišymosi procesų sukeltų cheminės sudėties pokyčių mažos masės žvaigždžių atmosferose tyrimui bei papildomo maišymosi teorinių modelių įvertinimui. Tam tikslui buvo gauti ir ištirti 62-jų Galaktikos raudonosios sankaupos žvaigždžių ir 9 padrikojo spiečiaus NGC 7789 žvaigždžių didelės skiriamosios gebos spektrai, nustatyti žvaigždžių pagrindiniai parametrai ir cheminė sudėtis. Tyrimas patvirtino hipotezę, kad Galaktikos sankaupos žvaigždės yra santykinai jauni Saulės metalingumo objektai, susiformavę per pastaruosius keletą milijardų metų. Tirtose žvaigždėse buvo įvertintos maišymosi procesų pasekmėje pasikeitusių anglies ir azoto gausų vertės. Pademonstruota, kad sankaupos žvaigždės gali būti išskirtos į skirtingas evoliucines grupes pagal 12C/13C kriterijų. Nustatyta, kad anglies izotopų santykių vertes Galaktikos sankaupos žvaigždžių atmosferose gerai aprašo šaltojo žemutinių sluoksnių papildomo maišymosi modelis, tuo tarpu termohalinio papildomo maišymosi modelis turi būti papildytas, kad sutaptų su visais stebėjimų rezultatais. Nustatyta, kad anglies izotopų santykiai spiečiaus žvaigždėse yra labiau paveikti maišymosi procesų nei numato dabartiniai teoriniai žvaigždžių evoliucijos modeliai. / Modern observations provide evidences that the ‘standard’ stellar evolution model is incomplete and should take into account ‘extra’-mixing processes. This dissertation is dedicated to an observational study of the Galactic red clump as well as to investigations of evolutionary effects in atmospheres of low-mass helium-core burning stars and evaluation of theoretical models of extra-mixing processes in interiors of stars. For this purpose, the high-resolution spectra of 62 Galactic red clump stars and 9 evolved stars of the old open cluster NGC 7789 have been analysed and the main atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions were determined. The investigation confirmed the hypothesis that clump stars of the Galaxy are relatively young objects, reflecting mainly the near–solar metallicities developed in the local disk during the last few billion years of its history. Mixing induced carbon and nitrogen abundance modifications in the Galactic clump stars were investigated. The clump stars can be divided into distinct evolutionary groups using the 12C/13C criterion. The carbon isotope ratios of the Galactic clump stars are consistent with the Cool Bottom Processing (CBP) extra-mixing model; the Thermohaline extra-mixing model needs to be complemented in order to agree with observational data. The carbon isotope ratios in the NGC 7789 stars indicate a larger extra–mixing than it is foreseen by theoretical models.
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Evolutionary effects in helium core burning star atmospheres / Evoliuciniai cheminės sudėties pokyčiai helį centre deginančių žvaigždžių atmosferosePuzeras, Eduardas 02 November 2011 (has links)
Modern observations provide evidences that the ‘standard’ stellar evolution model is incomplete and should take into account ‘extra’-mixing processes. This dissertation is dedicated to an observational study of the Galactic red clump as well as to investigations of evolutionary effects in atmospheres of low-mass helium-core burning stars and evaluation of theoretical models of extra-mixing processes in interiors of stars. For this purpose, the high-resolution spectra of 62 Galactic red clump stars and 9 evolved stars of the old open cluster NGC 7789 have been analysed and the main atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions were determined. The investigation confirmed the hypothesis that clump stars of the Galaxy are relatively young objects, reflecting mainly the near–solar metallicities developed in the local disk during the last few billion years of its history. Mixing induced carbon and nitrogen abundance modifications in the Galactic clump stars were investigated. The clump stars can be divided into distinct evolutionary groups using the 12C/13C criterion. The carbon isotope ratios of the Galactic clump stars are consistent with the Cool Bottom Processing (CBP) extra-mixing model; the Thermohaline extra-mixing model needs to be complemented in order to agree with observational data. The carbon isotope ratios in the NGC 7789 stars indicate a larger extra–mixing than it is foreseen by theoretical models. / Šiuolaikiniai astronominiai stebėjimai leidžia įtarti, kad „standartinis“ žvaigždžių evoliucijos modelis yra nepilnas ir turi būti patikslintas, įvedant „papildomą“ maišymąsi. Disertacija yra skirta Galaktikos raudonosios sankaupos žvaigždžių cheminės sudėties tyrimui ir maišymosi procesų sukeltų cheminės sudėties pokyčių mažos masės žvaigždžių atmosferose tyrimui bei papildomo maišymosi teorinių modelių įvertinimui. Tam tikslui buvo gauti ir ištirti 62-jų Galaktikos raudonosios sankaupos žvaigždžių ir 9 padrikojo spiečiaus NGC 7789 žvaigždžių didelės skiriamosios gebos spektrai, nustatyti žvaigždžių pagrindiniai parametrai ir cheminė sudėtis. Tyrimas patvirtino hipotezę, kad Galaktikos sankaupos žvaigždės yra santykinai jauni Saulės metalingumo objektai, susiformavę per pastaruosius keletą milijardų metų. Tirtose žvaigždėse buvo įvertintos maišymosi procesų pasekmėje pasikeitusių anglies ir azoto gausų vertės. Pademonstruota, kad sankaupos žvaigždės gali būti išskirtos į skirtingas evoliucines grupes pagal 12C/13C kriterijų. Nustatyta, kad anglies izotopų santykių vertes Galaktikos sankaupos žvaigždžių atmosferose gerai aprašo šaltojo žemutinių sluoksnių papildomo maišymosi modelis, tuo tarpu termohalinio papildomo maišymosi modelis turi būti papildytas, kad sutaptų su visais stebėjimų rezultatais. Nustatyta, kad anglies izotopų santykiai spiečiaus žvaigždėse yra labiau paveikti maišymosi procesų nei numato dabartiniai teoriniai žvaigždžių evoliucijos modeliai.
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Konvekcijos ir nepusiausvirosios spinduliuotės pernašos efektai žvaigždžių atmosferose / Effects of convection and non-equilibrium radiation transfer in stellar atmospheresDobrovolskas, Vidas 16 December 2013 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjama konvekcijos ir nelokalios termodinaminės pusiausvyros (NLTP) įtaka įvairių cheminių elementų spektro linijų formavimuisi skirtingo metalingumo pagrindinės sekos posūkio taško (PSPT) bei raudonųjų milžinių sekos (RMS) žvaigždžių atmosferose. Konvekcijos įtaka spektro linijų formavimuisi buvo tirima analizuojant cheminių elementų gausos įverčių, gaunamų taikant 3D hidrodinaminius ir 1D hidrostatinius PSPT bei RMS žvaigždžių atmosferų modelius bei lokalios termodinaminės pusiausvyros (LTP) artinį, skirtumus. Gauti rezultatai rodo, jog konvekcijos įtaka C, O, Si, Ti, Fe, and Ni spektro linijų formavimuisi yra didžiausia mažiausio metalingumo PSPT ir RMS žvaigždžių atmosferose, o gausų skirtumai tarp 3D hidrodinaminių ir 1D hidrostatinių modelių prognozuojamų cheminių elementų gausų gali siekti atitinkamai iki –1.1 ir –0.8 dex. 3D hidrodinaminių ir NLTP reiškinių analizė Galaktikos kamuoliniams spiečiams 47 Tuc ir NGC 6752 priklausančių žvaigždžių atmosferose parodė, jog NLTP efektų įtaka deguonies ir natrio spektro linijų formavimuisi šių žvaigždžių atmosferose yra žymiai didesnė už konvekcijos įtaką. Disertacijoje taip pat gauti lengvųjų cheminių elementų (Li, O ir Na) bei bario gausų įverčiai Galaktikos kamuolinių spiečių 47 Tuc ir NGC 6752 žvaigždžių atmosferose, ištirtos cheminių elementų gausų tarpusavo sąsajos, bei aptarti galimi spiečių cheminės raidos scenarijai. / We study the influence of convection and non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) on the formation of spectral lines of different chemical elements in the atmospheres of different metallicity main sequence turn-off (MSTO) and red giant branch (RGB) stars. The influence of convection is assessed by analyzing differences in the elemental abundances obtained by using 3D hydrodynamical and 1D hydrostatic stellar model atmospheres of MSTO and RGB stars, within the framework of spectral line formation under the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). We find that the influence of convection on the formation of spectral lines of C, O, Si, Ti, Fe, and Ni is largest at lowest metallicities, both in the atmospheres of TO and RGB stars: the differences in the abundaces predicted by the 3D hydrodynamical and 1D hydrostatic stellar model atmospheres may reach to –1.1 and –0.8 dex in the TO and RGB stars, respectively. The analysis of 3D hydrodynamical and NLTE effects in the atmospheres of stars that belong to Galactic globular clusters 47 Tuc and NGC 6752 shows that NLTE effects have significantly larger impact on the formation of O and Na spectral lines than the effects related to convection do. Finally, we determine 3D + NLTE abundances of Li, O, Na, and Ba in the atmospheres of TO and RGB in Galactic globular clusters 47 Tuc and NGC 6752, investigate the connections between the abundances of different chemical species, and discuss the possible chemical evolution... [to full text]
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Effects of convection and non-equilibrium radiation transfer in stellar atmospheres / Konvekcijos ir nepusiausvirosios spinduliuotės pernašos efektai žvaigždžių atmosferoseDobrovolskas, Vidas 16 December 2013 (has links)
We study the influence of convection and non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) on the formation of spectral lines of different chemical elements in the atmospheres of different metallicity main sequence turn-off (MSTO) and red giant branch (RGB) stars. The influence of convection is assessed by analyzing differences in the elemental abundances obtained by using 3D hydrodynamical and 1D hydrostatic stellar model atmospheres of MSTO and RGB stars, within the framework of spectral line formation under the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). We find that the influence of convection on the formation of spectral lines of C, O, Si, Ti, Fe, and Ni is largest at lowest metallicities, both in the atmospheres of TO and RGB stars: the differences in the abundaces predicted by the 3D hydrodynamical and 1D hydrostatic stellar model atmospheres may reach to –1.1 and –0.8 dex in the TO and RGB stars, respectively. The analysis of 3D hydrodynamical and NLTE effects in the atmospheres of stars that belong to Galactic globular clusters 47 Tuc and NGC 6752 shows that NLTE effects have significantly larger impact on the formation of O and Na spectral lines than the effects related to convection do. Finally, we determine 3D + NLTE abundances of Li, O, Na, and Ba in the atmospheres of TO and RGB in Galactic globular clusters 47 Tuc and NGC 6752, investigate the connections between the abundances of different chemical species, and discuss the possible chemical evolution... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjama konvekcijos ir nelokalios termodinaminės pusiausvyros (NLTP) įtaka įvairių cheminių elementų spektro linijų formavimuisi skirtingo metalingumo pagrindinės sekos posūkio taško (PSPT) bei raudonųjų milžinių sekos (RMS) žvaigždžių atmosferose. Konvekcijos įtaka spektro linijų formavimuisi buvo tirima analizuojant cheminių elementų gausos įverčių, gaunamų taikant 3D hidrodinaminius ir 1D hidrostatinius PSPT bei RMS žvaigždžių atmosferų modelius bei lokalios termodinaminės pusiausvyros (LTP) artinį, skirtumus. Gauti rezultatai rodo, jog konvekcijos įtaka C, O, Si, Ti, Fe, and Ni spektro linijų formavimuisi yra didžiausia mažiausio metalingumo PSPT ir RMS žvaigždžių atmosferose, o gausų skirtumai tarp 3D hidrodinaminių ir 1D hidrostatinių modelių prognozuojamų cheminių elementų gausų gali siekti atitinkamai iki –1.1 ir –0.8 dex. 3D hidrodinaminių ir NLTP reiškinių analizė Galaktikos kamuoliniams spiečiams 47 Tuc ir NGC 6752 priklausančių žvaigždžių atmosferose parodė, jog NLTP efektų įtaka deguonies ir natrio spektro linijų formavimuisi šių žvaigždžių atmosferose yra žymiai didesnė už konvekcijos įtaką. Disertacijoje taip pat gauti lengvųjų cheminių elementų (Li, O ir Na) bei bario gausų įverčiai Galaktikos kamuolinių spiečių 47 Tuc ir NGC 6752 žvaigždžių atmosferose, ištirtos cheminių elementų gausų tarpusavo sąsajos, bei aptarti galimi spiečių cheminės raidos scenarijai.
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Exploring the Chemical Evolution of Globular Clusters and their Stars : Observational Constraints on Atomic Diffusion and Cluster Pollution in NGC 6752 and M4Gruyters, Pieter January 2014 (has links)
Through the cosmic matter cycle, the chemical evolution of the Milky Way is imprinted in the elemental abundance patterns of late-type stars (spectral types F to K). Due to their long lifetimes ( 1 Hubble time), these stars are of particular importance when it comes to studying the build-up of elements during the early times of our Galaxy. The chemical composition of the atmospheric layers of such stars is believed to resemble the gas from which they were formed. However, recent observations in globular clusters seem to contradict this assumption. The observations indicate that processes are at work that alter the surface compositions in these stars. The combined effect of processes responsible for an exchange of material between the stellar interior and atmosphere during the main sequence lifetime of the star, is referred to as atomic diffusion. Yet, the extent to which these processes alter surface abundances is still debated. By comparing abundances in unevolved and evolved stars all drawn from the same stellar population, any surface abundance anomalies can be traced. The anomalies, if found, can be compared to theoretical predictions from stellar structure models including atomic diffusion. Globular clusters provide stellar populations suitable to conduct such a comparison. In this thesis, the results of three independent analyses of two globular clusters, NGC 6752 and M4, at different metallicities are presented. The comparison between observations and models yields constraints on the models and finally a better understanding of the physical processes at work inside stars.
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The interstellar medium at high redshift: the sub-DLA at z=2.06 towards the quasar J2123−0050Milutinovic, Nikola 01 September 2009 (has links)
DLAs are the primary reservoirs of neutral gas available for star formation at high redshift. However, DLAs are metal poor and lack molecular gas. In this thesis, I present a study of an extraordinary case of a z=2.06 sub-DLA towards the quasar J2123−0050, which is characterized by a metallicity that approaches solar, and a high H2 molecular fraction (log f(H2) = −2.54). Furthermore, this SDLA harbors HD molecules, only the third such detection at high redshift, and with the highest (HD/2H2) fraction of -2.75. To understand these observations, I study the effects of dust depletion and photoionization on the interpretation of raw abundance measurements. I find that the magnitude of photoionization and dust depletion effects has a profound impact on the interpretation of this SDLA. The calculated corrections lower the elemental and molecular abundances suggesting that the ISM in the SDLA towards J2123−0050 exhibits properties similar to the
gas in the local sightlines.
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Reproducing the chemical composition of R Coronae Borealis stars from nucleosynthesis in post double degenerate white dwarf mergersMenon, Athira A. 17 December 2012 (has links)
The R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars are an enigmatic class of hydrogen-deficient supergiant stars, which along with the companion classes of Hydrogen-deficient Carbon (HdC) stars and Extreme Helium (EHe) stars, have been touted as being a result of mergers of low mass carbon-oxygen (CO) and helium (He) white dwarfs. Such mergers of white dwarfs are expected to be the genesis of several interesting stellar objects such as Type Ia supernovae, neutron stars and AM CVn stars, amongst others. The RCBs, HdCs and EHes are mostly near-solar mass single stars, which along with having predominantly helium atmospheres that are extremely exhausted in hydrogen and rich in carbon, are also host to some extraordinary nuclear isotopic ratios. The RCBs and EHes have 12C/13C >= 100, enhancements of up to 3 orders in fluorine compared to solar and significant amounts of s-process elements. The most outstanding characteristic of RCBs is that they, along with the HdCs, have the lowest O-isotopic ratios measured in any star in the Universe viz., 16O/18O ~ 1-10. We perform nucleosynthesis calculations with conditions found in the three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of CO and He WD mergers and compare the nuclear yields thus obtained with those measured in the surfaces of RCB stars. We do not find an agreement between the calculated yields and the measured ones and thus conclude that RCBs are not formed immediately after the merger of the white dwarfs. This leads us to surmise that the surface chemical composition of RCBs may be due to the result of nuclear processes occuring in a longer evolutionary period following the merger. To this end, we first construct chemical compositions of the merged white dwarfs based on the results of the hydrodynamic simulations. We then impose these compositions on homogeneous, spherically symmetric, one-dimensional stellar models and evolve these models through the giant phase of RCBs. Along with convection zones that develop in the stellar envelope, we induce a continuous envelope mixing profile that is meant to represent processes related to rotation in these merged objects. We then analyse the nuclear yields from the surface of these models and compare them with those of RCBs. Our models achieve the aforementioned striking characteristics of RCBs, viz., the low O-isotopic ratios, high C-isotopic ratios, high fluorine and s-process element enhancments. Along with these, for the first time, we have reproduced simultaneously, the range in observations of almost all the other elements measured in RCBs. Moreover, our one-dimensional models also place useful constraints on so far unexplored three-dimensional processes, thus providing directives for future studies about them. / Graduate
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Solar Type Stars as Calibrators : A Photometric and Spectroscopic Study on the Atmospheric Properties of Late-type StarsÖnehag, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Detailed knowledge of solar-type stars is essential in the understanding of the evolutionary past, presence and future of the Sun as well as the formation of its planetary system. Moreover, solar-type stars are of key significance for the study of the evolution of the Galaxy. The ages of solar-type stars map the full galactic evolution. Their surface layers are well mixed and just little affected by the interior nuclear processes. They may therefore be used as samples of the gas from which the stars were once formed. Models of stellar atmospheres are used to derive fundamental stellar quantities such as chemical composition, effective temperature, surface gravity, age and rotation. It is therefore also important to investigate the progress and shortcomings of the atmospheric models and the reliability of calibrations based upon these. In this thesis we explore the potential of synthetic uvbyHβ colours for deriving atmospheric parameters. The theoretical colours are derived using high-resolution synthetic spectra based on 1D atmosphere models of late-type stars. Furthermore, possible applications of the established synthetic colours on globular stellar clusters are tested. Observations of solar-type stars have demonstrated the existence of stars very similar to the Sun, so-called solar twins. A detailed chemical analysis of these stars, however, shows that most solar-twins are systematically richer, as compared with the Sun, in refractory elements such as Fe, Ni and Al, relative to volatile elements like C, N and O. This chemical abundance pattern has been suggested to be related to the formation of planets or the birth environment of the respective star. In this thesis we present a high-accuracy study on a solar-twin star in the old open cluster M67. We find that the star is very similar to the Sun when comparing their atmospheric parameters, effective temperature, surface gravity and metallicity. Remarkably enough, unlike most solar twins observed in the solar vicinity, the cluster twin shows the same refractory to volatile pattern as the Sun.The reason for this similarity is still unknown but further observations of the cluster will help to clarify the matter. M dwarfs constitute a large fraction of the detectable baryonic matter. In spite of this, detailed knowledge on the numerous neighbouring low-mass stars is still not available. The presence of strong molecular features in the spectra, and incomplete line lists for the corresponding molecules have made metallicity determinations of M dwarfs difficult. Furthermore, the faint M dwarfs require long exposure times for a signal-to-noise ratio sufficient for detailed spectroscopic abundance analysis. In this thesis we present a high resolution spectroscopic study of early-type M dwarfs in the infrared. The lack of prominent molecular bands in parts of the infrared J-band (1100--1400 nm) allows a precise continuum placement. Furthermore, we verify the adequacy of using the model atmospheres for abundance determination by observing a set of binary systems with a solar-type primary and an M dwarf companion. We present a reliable zero-point for the metallicity scale of early-type M dwarfs and verify the reliability of spectroscopic abundance analyses in the infrared.
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The chemically peculiar nature of stars with planets : searching for signatures of accretion in stellar photospheres /Laws, Christopher S., January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2004. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 136-144).
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Importance de la diffusion atomique et de ses conséquences hydrodynamiques sur la structure interne et les paramètres observationnels des étoiles / Importance of atomic diffusion and of its hydrodynamic consequences on internal structure and observational parameters of starsDeal, Morgan 20 September 2016 (has links)
La diffusion atomique doit être prise en compte dans les modèles d'évolution stellaire car il s'agit d'une conséquence directe du fait que les étoiles sont des sphères auto-gravitantes composées d'un mélange de différents gaz (les éléments chimiques). L'équilibre des étoiles conduit à des gradients internes de pression, de densité et de température ainsi qu'à un transfert radiatif, l'ensemble produisant un effet sélectif sur les éléments (dans la plupart des cas dominé par la compétition entre le triage gravitationnel et les accélérations radiatives).Les interactions entre la diffusion atomique et les processus hydrodynamiques tels que la convection dynamique et la perte de masse sont étudiées depuis longtemps. Un processus important a cependant été oublié dans les modèles. Il s'agit de la convection double diffusive (ou thermohaline) induite par un gradient de μ instable, qui peut être produite par une accumulation locale d'éléments lourds à l'intérieur des étoiles due aux accélérations radiatives. Contrairement aux autres processus de mélange, il s'agit d'une conséquence directe de la diffusion atomique. Un effet similaire se produit à la base de la zone convective de surface en cas d'accrétion d’éléments lourds à la surface de l'étoile.Nous avons étudié la convection thermohaline induite par l'accrétion dans le cas du système 16 Cygni et les propriétés de ces deux étoiles avec le code TGEC. Nous avons inclus la prescription de Brown et al. 2013 pour la convection thermohaline. Nous avons ensuite calculé les fréquences d'oscillations de ces modèles à l'aide du code PULSE pour les comparer aux fréquences observées par Kepler. A partir de ces modèles, nous avons pu montrer qu'en accrétant 2/3 de la masse terrestre au début de la séquence principale (sur le modèle 16 Cyg B), la convection thermohaline induite par l'accrétion mélangeait l'étoile suffisamment profondément pour atteindre la zone de destruction du lithium et ainsi obtenir des abondances de lithium cohérentes avec les observations de 16 Cyg A et B.Nous avons étudié l'accumulation d’éléments lourds et l'effet de la convection thermohaline dans le cas des étoiles de type A. Dans ces étoiles, des abondances "particulières" (par rapport au soleil) ont été observées. Ceci est dû aux effets de la diffusion atomique qui sont très importants dans ces étoiles. Cependant, la diffusion atomique seule produit des variations d'abondances trop importantes et un moyen de reproduire les observations est de mélanger l'étoile assez profondément. Nous avons ensuite calculé des modèles incluant la diffusion atomique et la convection thermohaline en utilisant le code TGEC. Nous avons montré que ce processus pouvait modifier la structure interne de ces étoiles, et aussi les abondances de surface. Nous avons aussi inclus la convection thermohaline et l'accrétion dans le code de Montréal/Montpellier. Nous avons modifié plusieurs parties de ce code afin de pouvoir faire des comparaisons avec le TGEC pour comparer les résultats. Les résultats obtenus sont très similaires.Nous avons aussi déterminé les paramètres de l'étoile 94 Ceti à partir d'observations obtenues avec un instrument au sol. Cette étoile à une masse de 1.44 MΘ et est une bonne cible pour étudier l'effet des accélérations radiatives (qui ont un effet non négligeable pour des masses supérieures à 1.2 MΘ). Nous avons aussi comparé des modèles incluant des atmosphères complets afin d'en déterminer l'impact sur les fréquences.Nous avons travaillé sur les étoiles du halo pauvres en métaux pour lesquelles est observé une dispersion inexpliquée des abondances de lithium pour les métallicité très faible. Nous avons étudié la possibilité d'une accrétion sur ces étoiles qui pourrait produire de la convection thermohaline et détruire du lithium. / Atomic diffusion must be taken into account in the computations of stellar structure and evolution as it is a direct consequence of the fact that stars are self-gravitating spheres composed of a mixture of different gases (the chemical elements). The stellar equilibrium leads to internal gradients of pressure, density and temperature as well as an upward radiative transfer which produces a selective effect on the elements (in most cases dominated by the competition between gravitational settling and radiative acceleration).The interactions between atomic diffusion and well-known hydrodynamical processes like dynamical convection and mass loss have been studied for a long time. An important process was however forgotten in these computations. This is the double-diffusive (or fingering or thermohaline) convection induced by unstable μ-gradients, which can be produced by the local accumulation of heavy elements inside stars due to radiative acceleration. Contrary to the other hydrodynamical processes, fingering convection is not arbitrarily added in the computations. It is directly induced by atomic diffusion itself and cannot be avoided. It is thus very important to add this hydrodynamical process in stellar evolution modelling, which has never been done before our work. A similar effect occurs below the convective zone in case of accretion of heavy matter onto a star.We studied the accretion-induced fingering convection in the case of the stellar system 16 Cygni. We studied the properties of these two stars by computing models with the Toulouse Geneva Evolution Code (TGEC). We included the Brown et al. 2013 prescription for the computations of fingering convection in the code. We computed oscillation frequencies of these models using the PULSE code to compare it with Kepler observations. We found that if 2/3 of Earth mass is accreted at the beginning of the main sequence (on 16 Cyg B model), the accretion-induced fingering convection mixes the star deep enough to destroy the lithium and obtain the observed difference between 16 Cyg A and B.We studied the heavy element accumulation and the induced fingering convection in the case of Am stars. In these stars, peculiar surface abundances are observed (compared to the sun). This peculiarity is related to the effect of atomic diffusion, very important in these types of stars. However, atomic diffusion alone leads to abundance variations which are too large and one way to reproduce the observed abundance quantitatively is to assume mixing deep enough inside the star. We computed models including atomic diffusion (with radiative acceleration) and fingering convection with this prescription using the TGEC code. We find than this process may change the internal structure of the stars, and also the surface abundances. We also included fingering convection and the accretion process in the Montreal/Montpellier code. We modified some parts of this code (e.g. turbulence profiles) to compare the results obtained with the two codes. We computed some models and I found that the results are quite similar.We determined the stellar parameters of the star 94 Ceti (by using similar seismic computations as for 16 Cyg A and B) using ground-based observations. This star has a mass of 1.44 MΘ and is a good target to study the effect of radiative accelerations (which occur for masses larger than 1.2-1.3 MΘ). We also compared models with full atmosphere with the observations to determine the impact on oscillation frequencies.We worked on metal poor halo stars for which a dispersion of lithium surface abundance is observed for very small metallicities. We studied the possibility of an accretion of matter that can trigger fingering convection and destroy lithium.
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