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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optical-SZE scaling relations for DES optically selected clusters within the SPT-SZ Survey

Saro, A., Bocquet, S., Mohr, J., Rozo, E., Benson, B. A., Dodelson, S., Rykoff, E. S., Bleem, L., Abbott, T. M. C., Abdalla, F. B., Allen, S., Annis, J., Benoit-Levy, A., Brooks, D., Burke, D. L., Capasso, R., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Chiu, I., Crawford, T. M., Cunha, C. E., D'Andrea, C. B., da Costa, L. N., Desai, S., Dietrich, J. P., Evrard, A. E., Neto, A. Fausti, Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., Gangkofner, C., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Giannantonio, T., Grandis, S., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gupta, N., Gutierrez, G., Holzapfel, W. L., James, D. J., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Lima, M., Marshall, J. L., McDonald, M., Melchior, P., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Ogando, R., Plazas, A. A., Rapetti, D., Reichardt, C. L., Reil, K., Romer, A. K., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, R. C., Soares-Santos, M., Soergel, B., Strazzullo, V., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., Vikram, V., Walker, A. R., Zenteno, A. 07 1900 (has links)
We study the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE) signature in South Pole Telescope (SPT) data for an ensemble of 719 optically identified galaxy clusters selected from 124.6 deg(2) of the Dark Energy Survey (DES) science verification data, detecting a clear stacked SZE signal down to richness lambda similar to 20. The SZE signature is measured using matched-filtered maps of the 2500 deg(2) SPT-SZ survey at the positions of the DES clusters, and the degeneracy between SZE observable and matched-filter size is broken by adopting as priors SZE and optical mass-observable relations that are either calibrated using SPT-selected clusters or through the Arnaud et al. (A10) X-ray analysis. We measure the SPT signal-to-noise zeta - lambda relation and two integrated Compton-y Y500-lambda relations for the DES-selected clusters and compare these to model expectations that account for the SZE-optical centre offset distribution. For clusters with lambda > 80, the two SPT-calibrated scaling relations are consistent with the measurements, while for the A10-calibrated relation the measured SZE signal is smaller by a factor of 0.61 +/- 0.12 compared to the prediction. For clusters at 20 < lambda < 80, the measured SZE signal is smaller by a factor of similar to 0.20-0.80 (between 2.3 sigma and 10 sigma significance) compared to the prediction, with the SPT-calibrated scaling relations and larger lambda clusters showing generally better agreement. We quantify the required corrections to achieve consistency, showing that there is a richness-dependent bias that can be explained by some combination of (1) contamination of the observables and (2) biases in the estimated halo masses. We also discuss particular physical effects associated with these biases, such as contamination of. from line-of-sight projections or of the SZE observables from point sources, larger offsets in the SZE-optical centring or larger intrinsic scatter in the lambda-mass relation at lower richnesses.


García Pérez, Ana E., Prieto, Carlos Allende, Holtzman, Jon A., Shetrone, Matthew, Mészáros, Szabolcs, Bizyaev, Dmitry, Carrera, Ricardo, Cunha, Katia, García-Hernández, D. A., Johnson, Jennifer A., Majewski, Steven R., Nidever, David L., Schiavon, Ricardo P., Shane, Neville, Smith, Verne V., Sobeck, Jennifer, Troup, Nicholas, Zamora, Olga, Weinberg, David H., Bovy, Jo, Eisenstein, Daniel J., Feuillet, Diane, Frinchaboy, Peter M., Hayden, Michael R., Hearty, Fred R., Nguyen, Duy C., O’Connell, Robert W., Pinsonneault, Marc H., Wilson, John C., Zasowski, Gail 23 May 2016 (has links)
The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) has built the largest moderately high-resolution (R approximate to 22,500) spectroscopic map of the stars across the Milky Way, and including dust-obscured areas. The APOGEE Stellar Parameter and Chemical Abundances Pipeline (ASPCAP) is the software developed for the automated analysis of these spectra. ASPCAP determines atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances from observed spectra by comparing observed spectra to libraries of theoretical spectra, using. 2 minimization in a multidimensional parameter space. The package consists of a FORTRAN90 code that does the actual minimization and a wrapper IDL code for book-keeping and data handling. This paper explains in detail the ASPCAP components and functionality, and presents results from a number of tests designed to check its performance. ASPCAP provides stellar effective temperatures, surface gravities, and metallicities precise to 2%, 0.1 dex, and 0.05 dex, respectively, for most APOGEE stars, which are predominantly giants. It also provides abundances for up to 15 chemical elements with various levels of precision, typically under 0.1 dex. The final data release (DR12) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III contains an APOGEE database of more than 150,000 stars. ASPCAP development continues in the SDSS-IV APOGEE-2 survey.


Manseau, P. M., Bergeron, P., Green, E. M. 13 December 2016 (has links)
We present a detailed search and analysis of chemically stratified hybrid (traces of helium and hydrogen) white dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Only one stratified white dwarf, PG 1305-017, was known prior to this analysis. The main objective is to confirm the existence of several new stratified objects. We first describe our new generation of stratified model atmospheres, where a thin hydrogen layer floats in diffusive equilibrium on top of a more massive helium layer. We then present the results of our search for hot (T-eff > 30,000 K) white dwarfs with a hybrid spectral type among the similar to 38,000 white dwarf spectra listed in the SDSS. A total of 51 spectra were retained in our final sample, which we analyze using spectroscopic fits to both chemically homogeneous and stratified model atmospheres. We identify 14 new stratified white dwarfs in the SDSS sample. From these results, we draw several conclusions regarding the physical processes that might explain the presence of helium in the atmospheres of all the stars in our sample.

"Um Estudo Espectroscópico da Nova Velorum 1999 (V382 Vel)" / Spectral Evolution of Nova Velorum 1999 (V382 Vel)

Augusto, Anselmo 30 July 2002 (has links)
O estudo da envoltória de novas clássicas permite diagnosticar com precisão aceitável as condições físicas nos estágios avançados do fenômeno de nova. A Nova Velorum 1999, foi a mais brilhante em 24 anos, sendo um ótimo caso para este estudo. Trata-se de uma nova de neônio, formada em um sistema onde se acredita que a primária seja uma anã branca massiva de O-Ne-Mg. Neste trabalho seguimos a evolução espectral deste objeto nos primeiros três anos após sua erupção verificando um aumento da ionização aproximadamente 200 dias após o máximo visual. A partir de 565 dias após o máximo observamos um aumento do continuo azul que provavelmente reflete o restabelecimento do disco de acréscimo. Derivamos uma velocidade de ejeção do envelope da ordem de aproximadamente 1600 km/s e a escala de tempo de amortecimento no meio interestelar (aproximadamente 10 anos). Os principais resultados desta análise sugerem uma envoltória heterogênea sem simetria esférica. Estimamos também a densidade e temperatura eletrônica da envoltória bem como a evolução da temperatura da fonte central. Com estes dados estimamos limites inferiores para as abundâncias numéricas de He, N, O, Ne, S, Ar e Fe, confirmando ser uma nova de neônio. As abundâncias de oxigênio e neônio foram relativamente baixas se comparadas a outras novas de neônio, embora a abundância numérica deste último tenha sido a maior entre os elementos pesados desta nova. Outro fato relevante foi encontrar uma abundância de ferro bastante alta se comparada com o valor solar. / The study of the classical novae shells allows to diagnosis with accuracy the physical conditions of the advanced phases in nova phenomenum. Nova Velorum 1999 (V382 Vel) was the brightest nova in the last 24 years being a good candidate to this study. This object probably is a neon nova wich is formed in a system where, according to theoretical models, there is an O-Ne-Mg white dwarf primary. In this work we present the spectral evolution of Nova Velorum 1999 shell during the first 3 years after the visual maximum. We verified an increase in ionization about 200 days after the outburst. In addition, 565 days after the outburst an increase in the blue continuum was observed, which is probably due to the reestablishment of the accretion disk. A shell ejection velocity of 1600 km/s and a damping time-scale of about 10 years were observed. The main results suggested that the shell is inomogeneous and non-spherical. We also estimated shell eletronic temperatures and densities as well as the central source temperature. With these data we estimated lower limits to He, N, O, Ne, S, Ar and Fe numerical abundances. The results confirmed that this nova is a neon nova. The oxygen and neon abundance limits were relatively low when compared to other neon nova, but the neon abundances in this nova were high when compared with other heavy element abundances in this object. It was also found that iron is enhanced in the shell, when compared to solar value.

Star formation, quenching and chemical enrichment in local galaxies from integral field spectroscopy

Belfiore, Francesco M. C. January 2017 (has links)
Within the currently well-established ΛCDM cosmological framework we still lack a satisfactory un- derstanding of the processes that trigger, regulate and eventually quench star formation on galactic scales. Gas flows (including inflows from the cosmic web and supernovae-driven outflows) are con- sidered to act as self-regulatory mechanisms, generating the scaling relations between stellar mass, star formation rate and metallicity observed in the local Universe by large spectroscopic surveys. These surveys, however, have so far been limited by the availability of only one spectrum per galaxy. The aim of this dissertation is to expand the study of star formation and chemical abundances to resolved scales within galaxies by using integral field spectroscopy (IFS) data, mostly from the ongoing SDSS- IV MaNGA survey. In the first part of this thesis I demonstrate the ubiquitous presence of extended low ionisation emission-line regions (LIERs) in both late- and early-type galaxies. By studying the Hα equivalent width and diagnostic line ratios radial profiles, together with tracers of the underlying stellar popula- tion, I show that LIERs are not due to a central point source but to hot evolved (post-asymptotic giant branch) stars. In light of this, I suggest a new classification scheme for galaxies based on their line emission. By analysing the colours, star formation rates, morphologies, gas and stellar kinematics and environmental properties of galaxies with substantial LIER emission, I identify two distinct popula- tions. Galaxies where the central regions are LIER-like, but show star formation at larger radii are late types in which star formation is slowly quenched inside-out. This transformation is associated with massive bulges. Galaxies dominated by LIER emission at all radii, on the other hand, are red-sequence galaxies harbouring a residual cold gas component, acquired mostly via external accretion. Quiescent galaxies devoid of line emission reside in denser environments, which suggests environmental effects as a likely cause for the existence of line-less galaxies on the red sequence. In the second part of this dissertation I focus on the study of resolved chemical abundances by characterising the gas phase oxygen and nitrogen abundance gradients in a large sample of star forming galaxies. I analyse the deviations from an exponential profile at small and large radii and the dependence of the gradients on stellar mass. These findings are interpreted in the context of the inside-out paradigm of disc growth. I then demonstrate the necessity of gas flows, which are responsible for the observed flattening of the metallicity and N/O ratio gradients at large radii. Finally, I present a case study based on one nearby galaxy (NGC 628), in which I combine IFS and cold gas data to derive a spatially resolved metal budget and estimate the mass of metals lost by the galaxy throughout its life- time. By using simple physically-motivated models of chemical evolution I infer the average outflow loading factor to be of order unity.

Formação e evolução de galáxias: populações estelares na Via Láctea, galáxias elípticas e propriedades de galáxias em grupos / Galaxy Formation and Evolution: From the Milky Way to Galaxies in Groups

Trevisan, Marina 13 March 2012 (has links)
Entender como as galáxias se formam e evoluem ao longo do tempo é um dos maiores desafio da cosmologia moderna. Vários processos estão presentes na formação de galáxias, tais como o feedback de supernovas e núcleos galácticos ativos, evolução química e dinâmica, e também efeitos ambientais. Esta tese abrange estes processos, a partir de um ponto de vista observacional. A Via Láctea tem um papel fundamental na compreensão dos vários processos envolvidos na formação de uma galáxia, e começamos nosso projeto estudando nossa própria galáxia. Diferentes processos deixam assinaturas típicas na distribuição de velocidades e metalicidades das estrelas. Por esta razão, combinando cinemática e abundâncias químicas, foi possível determinar a origem de uma amostra de estrelas velhas e ricas em metais. Compreender como e onde essas estrelas se formaram está intimamente relacionado com mecanismos presentes na evolução do disco Galáctico. Apesar de não podermos observar estrelas individuais em galáxias distantes, somos capazes de inferir a história de formação destas galáxias combinando modelos de população estelar simples, de forma a reproduzir o espectro observado. Usando esta metodologia, foi possível traçar a história de formação estelar de galáxias elípticas, e dessa forma restringir os mecanismos de feedback que regulam a formação de estrelas em halos. No cenário Lambda-CDM, as estruturas menores são formadas primeiro, e então elas se agrupam, formando assim estruturas cada vez maiores. As galáxias, ao serem incorporadas à sistemas maiores, sofrem os efeitos de diversos processos que atuam em ambientes de alta densidade, mudando assim suas propriedades. Desta forma, a evolução das galáxias e a formação de estruturas em grande escala andam lado a lado, como mostramos em nosso estudo de propriedades de galáxias em grupos. Exploramos a distribuição espacial das galáxias na vizinhança de grupos, e também usamos a distribuição de velocidades das galáxias para determinar o estágio evolutivo do grupo. Foram encontradas correlações importantes entre o estágio evolutivo do grupo e as populações de galáxias que nestes residem. / Understanding the way galaxies form and evolve throughout the cosmic time remains one of the greatest challenges of modern cosmology. Several processes are known to play a role in the formation of galaxies, such as feedback from supernovae and active galactic nuclei, chemical and dynamical evolution and environmental effects. This thesis encompasses these processes, from an observational point of view. The Milky Way plays a pivotal role in understanding the various processes involved in the formation of a galaxy, and we start our understanding program by studying our own Galaxy. Different formation processes leave typical signatures in the velocity and metallicity distribution of stars. For this reason, we were able to trace the origin of old and metal-rich stars by combining their kinematics and chemical abundances. Understanding how and where these stars were formed is closely related to mechanisms driving the evolution of the Galactic disk. Although we cannot observe individual stars in distant galaxies, only the integrated spectra, we are able to infer the mass assembly history of galaxies by combining single stellar population (SSP) models that reproduce the observed spectrum. Using this methodology, we traced the star formation history of elliptical galaxies and, by studying the signatures left in the star formation history, we were able to constrain the feedback mechanisms regulating the star formation within halos. In the LCDM scenario, small scale structures are formed first, and then they merge forming larger and larger structures. Therefore, galaxies grow into more and more massive systems, and processes operating in these high-density environments change their properties. For this reason, galaxy evolution and formation of large-scale structures go hand in hand, as we show in our study of properties of galaxies in groups. We explored the spatial distribution of galaxies within and in the surrounding of groups, and we also used the velocity distribution of galaxies as a probe of the evolutionary stage of the group. We found important correlations between the evolutionary stage of the group and the population of galaxies residing within it.

Test de la technique de marquage chimique avec des amas ouverts / Testing the chemical tagging technique with open clusters

Blanco-Cuaresma, Sergi 30 September 2014 (has links)
Contexte. Les étoiles naissent ensemble dans des nuages moléculaires géants. Si nous faisons l’hypothèse qu’ils étaient à l’origine chimiquement homogènes et bien mélangés, nous nous attendrions à ce que les étoiles issues d’un même nuage aient la même composition chimique. La plupart des groupes d’étoiles sont perturbés lors de leur évolution dans la galaxie et l’information dynamique est perdue. Ainsi la seule possibilité que nous ayons de reconstruire l’histoire de la formation stellaire est d’analyser les abondances chimiques que l’on observe aujourd’hui.But. La technique de marquage chimique a pour but de retrouver les amas d’étoiles dissociés en se basant uniquement sur leur composition chimique. Nous évaluons la viabilité de cette technique pour retrouver les étoiles qui sont nées dans un même amas mais qui ne sont plus gravitationnellement liées.Méthodes. Nous avons créé une librairie de spectres stellaires de haute qualité afin de faciliter l’évaluation des analyses spectrales. Nous avons développé notre propre outil d’analyse spectrale, nommée iSpec, capable d’homogénéiser les spectres stellaires venant de tous types d’instruments et de dériver les paramètres atmosphériques et les abondances chimiques. Finalement, nous avons compilé des spectres stellaires d’étoiles de 32 amas ouverts, nous avons dérivé de façon homogène les paramètres atmosphériques et les abondances de 17 espèces, et nous avons utilisé des algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique pour grouper les étoiles en se basant sur leur composition chimique.Résultats. Nous avons trouvé que les étoiles à des étapes d’évolution différentes ont des motifs chimiques distincts qui peuvent être dus à des effets NLTE,de diffusion atomique, de mélange et de corrélation à partir des déterminations de paramètres atmosphériques. Quand nous séparons les étoiles suivant leur stade d’évolution, nous observons qu’il y a un important degré de recouvrement dans la détermination des signatures chimiques des amas ouverts. Ceci rend difficile de retrouver les groupes d’étoiles nées ensemble en utilisant la technique de marquage chimique. / Context. Stars are born together from giant molecular clouds and, if weassume that they were chemically homogeneous and well-mixed, we expect them toshare the same chemical composition.Most of the stellar aggregates are disrupted while orbiting the Galaxy and thedynamic information is lost, thus the only possibility to reconstruct the stellarformation history is to analyze the chemical abundances that we observe today.Aims. The chemical tagging technique aims to recover disrupted stellarclusters based merely on their chemical composition. We evaluate the viability of thistechnique to recover conatal stars that are not gravitationally bound anymore.Methods. We built a high-quality stellar spectra library to facilitate theassessment of spectral analyses. We developed our own spectral analysisframework, named iSpec, capable of homogeneizing stellar spectra and derivingatmospheric parameters/chemical abundances. Finally, we compiled stellar spectrafrom 32 Open Clusters, homogeneously derived atmospheric parameters and 17abundance species, and applied machine learning algorithms to group the starsbased on their chemical composition. This approach allows us to evaluate theviability of the chemical tagging technique.Results. We found that stars in different evolutionary stages havedistinguished chemical patterns may be due to NLTE effects, atomic diffusion, mixingand correlations from atmospheric parameter determinations. When separating starsper evolutionary stage, we observed a high degree of overlapping among OpenCluster’s chemical signatures, making it difficult to recover conatal aggregates byapplying the chemical tagging technique.

Chemical gradients in the Milky Way from unsupervised chemical abundances measurements of the RAVE spectroscopic data set

Boeche, Corrado January 2011 (has links)
The present thesis was born and evolved within the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) with the goal of measuring chemical abundances from the RAVE spectra and exploit them to investigate the chemical gradients along the plane of the Galaxy to provide constraints on possible Galactic formation scenarios. RAVE is a large spectroscopic survey which aims to observe spectroscopically ~10^6 stars by the end of 2012 and measures their radial velocities, atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances. The project makes use of the UK Schmidt telescope at Australian Astronomical Observatory (AAO) in Siding Spring, Australia, equipped with the multiobject spectrograph 6dF. To date, RAVE collected and measured more than 450,000 spectra. The precision of the chemical abundance estimations depends on the reliability of the atomic and atmosphere parameters adopted (in particular the oscillator strengths of the absorption lines and the effective temperature, gravity, and metallicity of the stars measured). Therefore we first identified 604 absorption lines in the RAVE wavelength range and refined their oscillator strengths with an inverse spectral analysis. Then, we improved the RAVE stellar parameters by modifying the RAVE pipeline and the spectral library the pipeline rely on. The modifications removed some systematic errors in stellar parameters discovered during this work. To obtain chemical abundances, we developed two different processing pipelines. Both of them perform chemical abundances measurements by assuming stellar atmospheres in Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE). The first one determines elements abundances from equivalent widths of absorption lines. Since this pipeline showed poor sensibility on abundances relative to iron, it has been superseded. The second one exploits the chi^2 minimization technique between observed and model spectra. Thanks to its precision, it has been adopted for the creation of the RAVE chemical catalogue. This pipeline provides abundances with uncertains of about ~0.2dex for spectra with signal-to-noise ratio S/N>40 and ~0.3dex for spectra with 20>S/N>40. For this work, the pipeline measured chemical abundances up to 7 elements for 217,358 RAVE stars. With these data we investigated the chemical gradients along the Galactic radius of the Milky Way. We found that stars with low vertical velocities |W| (which stay close to the Galactic plane) show an iron abundance gradient in agreement with previous works (~-0.07$ dex kpc^-1) whereas stars with larger |W| which are able to reach larger heights above the Galactic plane, show progressively flatter gradients. The gradients of the other elements follow the same trend. This suggests that an efficient radial mixing acts in the Galaxy or that the thick disk formed from homogeneous interstellar matter. In particular, we found hundreds of stars which can be kinetically classified as thick disk stars exhibiting a chemical composition typical of the thin disk. A few stars of this kind have already been detected by other authors, and their origin is still not clear. One possibility is that they are thin disk stars kinematically heated, and then underwent an efficient radial mixing process which blurred (and so flattened) the gradient. Alternatively they may be a transition population" which represents an evolutionary bridge between thin and thick disk. Our analysis shows that the two explanations are not mutually exclusive. Future follow-up high resolution spectroscopic observations will clarify their role in the Galactic disk evolution. / Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit wurde im Rahmen des RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) angefertigt. Ihr Ziel ist es, chemische Elementhäufigkeiten an RAVE-Spektren zu messen und zur Untersuchung chemischer Gradienten in der Milchstrassenebene zu benutzen, um verschieden Szenarien der Galaxienentstehung einzugrenzen. RAVE ist eine große spektrokopische Durchmusterung, deren Ziel es ist, bis zum Ende des Jahres 2012 insgesamt 10^6 Sterne zu spektroskopieren, um deren Radialgeschwindigkeiten, sternatmosphärische Parameter und chemische Häufigkeiten zu messen. Das Projekt benutzt das UK Schmidt Teleskop am Australian Astronomical Observatory (AAO) in Siding Spring, Australien, welches mit dem Multiobjekt-Spektrographen 6dF bestückt ist. Bis heute hat RAVE die Spektren von mehr als 450,000 Sternen gesammelt und untersucht. Die Genauigkeit, mit der die Elementhäufigkeiten abgeschätzt werden können, hängt von der Zuverlässigkeit der verwendeten Parameter, (insbesondere der Oszillatorstärken der Absorptionslinien sowie von der effektiven Temperatur, Schwerebeschleunigung und der Metallizität des gemessenen Sterns) ab. Daher identifizierten wir zunächst 604 Absorptionslinien im Wellenlängenbereich von RAVE und verbesserten deren Oszillatorstärken durch eine inverse Spektralanalyse. Dann wurden die stellaren Parameter von RAVE verbessert, indem die RAVE Pipeline und die stellaren Parameter, auf denen sie beruht, modifiziert wurden. Die Änderungen eliminierten einen Teil der systematischen Fehler von stellaren Parametern, die im Laufe dieser Arbeit gefunden wurden. Um Elementhäufigkeiten zu bestimmen, haben wir zwei verschiedene Prozessierungs-Pipelines entwickelt. Beide berechnen die Elementhäufigkeiten unter der Annahme von Sternatmosphären im lokalen thermischen Gleichgewicht (local thermal equilibrium, LTE). Die erste Pipeline berechnete Elemenhäufigkeiten anhand der Äquivalentbreiten von Absorptionslinien. Da diese Methode eine geringe Empfindlichkeit für die Elementhäufigeiten relativ zu Eisen erreichte, wurde sie ersetzt. Die neue Pipeline benutzt chi^2-Fits von Modellspektren an die beobachteten Spektren. Dank Ihrer Präzision wurde diese für die Erstellung des RAVE-Katalogs von Elementhäufigkeiten verwendet. Diese Pipeline liefert Elementhäufigkeiten mit einer Genauigkeit von ~0.2dex, während für Spektren mit 20>S/N>40 immerhin noch ~0.3dex Genauigkeit erreicht werden. Für die vorliegende Arbeit wurden für 217.358 Sterne die Häufigkeiten von sieben chemischen Elementen bestimmt. Mit diesen Daten wurde der radiale chemische Gradient unserer Milchstraße untersucht. Wir finden, dass Sterne mit kleinen vertikalen Geschwindigkeiten |W|, die also nahe der galaktischen Ebene bleiben, einen radialen Gradienten der Eisenhäufigkeit zeigen, der mit früheren Studien übereinstimmt (~-0.07 dex Kpc^-1), während Sterne mit großen |W|, also solche, die größere galaktische Höhen erreichen, einen progressiv flachere Gradienten zeigen. Die Gradienten der anderen Element folgen dem gleichen Trend. Das lässt darauf schließen, dass entweder die Durchmischung der galaktischen dicken Scheibe effizient arbeitet oder aber dass die dicke Scheibe aus interstellarer Materie gebildet wurde, die chemisch recht homogen war. Speziell fanden wir hunderte von Sternen, die zwar kinematisch als zur dicken Scheibe zugehörig klassifiziert werden können, die aber die typische chemische Zusammensetzung der dünnen Scheibe aufweisen. Einige wenige dieser Sterne wurden bereits von anderen Autoren entdeckt, aber ihre Herkunft bleibt immer noch unklar. Eine Möglichkeit ist, dass die Sterne der dünnen Scheibe kinematische geheizt werden, sodass sie effizienter radial gemischt werden, was die chemischen Gradienten verwischt und auch flacher macht. Alternativ dazu könnten diese Sterne einer "Übergangspopulation" angehören, welche hinsichtlich der Scheibenevolution die Verbindung zwischen der dünnen und der dicken Scheibe darstellt. Unsere Untersuchung zeigt, dass sich diese beiden Erklärungen gegenseitig nicht ausschließen. Künftige Nachspektroskopierung mit hoher Auflösung wird die Rolle dieser Sterne in der Entwicklungsgeschichte der galaktischen Scheibe aufklären.

Multi-dimensional simulations of mixing in classical novae

Casanova Bustamante, Jordi 03 November 2011 (has links)
Classical nova explosions are stellar explosions that take place in close binary systems with an energy release only exceeded by gamma-ray bursts and supernova explosions. Matter from the white dwarf flows through the inner lagrangian point and spirals in towards the white dwarf for about 10^4-10^5 years, forming an accretion disk around it. Ultimately, part of this hydrogen-rich matter piles-up on top of the compact object and becomes partially degenerate due to the high densities attained. Consequently, temperature is allowed to rise, but the envelope does not experience any expansion. Actually, this is the key mechanism that controls the subsequent phases and powers a thermonuclear runaway, which is followed by an ejection of part of the accreted envelope. The ejecta are enriched with the products from the nuclear processes, presenting a final metallicity much above solar. This model, introduced in the early 70s, is a solid theory that can account for the gross scenario of nova explosions. Nevertheless, the theory relies on the fact that a mixing episode with matter from the white dwarf core has to take place at the core-envelope interface to successfully account for the high metallicities inferred from observations. During the past 40 years, theoreticians have performed many one-dimensional simulations, which can reproduce the abundances in the ejecta and other important observational properties. However, these calculations performed in spherical symmetry cannot study the mixing process, since they exclude a suite of very important multi-dimensional effects, such as convection. Therefore, multi-dimensional calculations are required to shed light into the mixing episode. In this thesis we have performed two- and three- dimensional simulations of CO novae to study the mixing mechanisms operating at the core-envelope interface, how convection sets in and how the deflagration spreads over the domain, by means of the Eulerian, parallelized, hydrodynamical FLASH code. The two-dimensional results show how convection sets in at the innermost envelope layers, after the appearance of temperature fluctuations that arise from the interface. Convection, in turn, powers the formation of kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities, which efficiently dredge-up 12C from the core and carry it into the envelope, reproducing correctly the high metallicity found in the ejecta. This result solves the controversy generated by the two existing two-dimensional calculations up-to-date. We have also realized a sensitivity study to analyze the impact of some initial parameters, such as the temperature perturbation, resolution of the simulations and the size of the computational domain. The results point out that these parameters have a negligible impact on the degree of mixing and, therefore, the calculations are not affected by numerical artifacts. Although two-dimensional calculations can quantitatively reproduce the mixing episode, they cannot describe correctly the convective pattern due to conservation of vorticity, which translates into recombination of the convective cells. Therefore, we have extended the work to three dimensions and performed the first three-dimesional model of mixing in classical novae up-to-date. These calculations can successfully reproduce the intermittency present in turbulent convection, with an energy cascade into smaller scales which clearly fulfills the Kolmogorov theory, while the thermonuclear runaway continues propagating with almost spherical symmetry. Mixing proceeds through the filamentary structure powered by robust kelvin-Helmholtz instabilitites that arise from the interface, resulting in a CNO enhancement which agrees with observations. This convective profile also generates density contrasts that could be the origin of the inhomogeneous distribution of chemical species. / Les explosions de noves tenen lloc en un sistema estel.lar binari, on un dels estels ha arribat a la fi de la seva vida convertit en una nana blanca. En sistemes binaris molt propers, l'estel acompanyant cedeix part del seu gas (material ric en hidrogen), el qual s'arremolina al voltant de la nana blanca durant prop de 10^4 - 10^5 anys. Una fracció d'aquest material acaba apilant-se a la superfície de l'objecte compacte i esdevé parcialment degenerat com a conseqüència de l'elevada densitat. Aquest fet és clau en el procés, ja que permet que la temperatura augmenti sense que es produeixi una expansió de l'embolcall, desencadenant un allau termonuclear i finalment, l'ejecció de matèria. El material ejectat està enriquit amb els isòtops processats en les reaccions nuclears, presentant una metal.licitat molt superior a la solar. Aquest model, presentat a principis dels anys 70, és una teoria sòlida que explica raonablement l'explosió de noves. No obstant, la teoria rau en el fet que s'ha de produir un procés de barreja entre el material de la nana blanca i el material de les capes més internes de l'embolcall per poder explicar l'alta metal.licitat que s'observa en el material ejectat. Durant els últims 40 anys, s'han fet molts estudis en una dimensió que aconsegueixen reproduir correctament les abundàncies del material ejectat i altres importants propietats observacionals, però que no poden explicar com es produeix el procés de barreja, ja que aquests càlculs amb simetria esfèrica exlouen tota una sèrie d'importants fenòmens multidimensionals. Per tant, per estudiar aquests aspectes de la teoria es requereixen estudis multidimensionals. En aquesta tesi hem realitzat simulacions en dues i tres dimensions de noves de CO per estudiar els mecanismes de barreja que es produeixen a la interfície del nucli de la nana blanca i l'embolcall, com s'estableix la convecció i com es propaga el front deflagratiu, mitjançant el codi hidrodinàmic FLASH, que és Eulerià i està paral.lelitzat. Els resultats en dues dimensions mostren com es genera convecció a les capes més internes de l'embolcall, després de la formació de fluctuacions de temperatura a la interfície. La convecció, al seu torn, origina inestabilitats Kelvin-Helmholtz que transporten eficientment 12C del nucli cap a l'embolcall, aconseguint reproduir correctament el grau de metal.licitat observat. Aquest resultat resol la controvèrsia generada pels dos estudis en dues dimensions realitzats fins ara. També hem realitzat un estudi per analitzar l'impacte dels paràmetres inicials tals com la perturbació inicial, la resolució de les simulacions o les dimensions del domini computacional. Els resultats indiquen que cap d'aquests paràmetres influeix en el grau de barreja final i, per tant, que els càlculs no estan condicionats per aspectes numèrics. Finalment, hem presentat el primer model tridimensional de barreja de noves fet fins ara. Aquest càlcul és necessari, ja que les simulacions bidimensionals, tot i que quantitativament reprodueixen la barreja esperada, no poden representar el patró convectiu correctament, degut a la conservació de la vorticitat, fent que les cel.les convectives esdevinguin cada cop més grans. El nostre càlcul aconsegueix reproduir el comportament intermitent de la turbulència, amb una cascada d'energia que flueix cap a escales cada cop més petites, tal i com prediu la teoria de Kolmogorov, alhora que el front convectiu avança pràcticament amb simetria esfèrica. La barreja procedeix a través de l'estructura filamentosa originada per l'aparició de potents inestabilitats Kelvin-Helmholtz a la interfície, obtenint-se una metal.licitat final a l'embolcall que concorda amb els valors observacionals. Aquest patró convectiu també genera contrastos de densitat que podrien ser l'origen de la distribució inhomogènia que presenten les espècies químiques.

Evoliuciniai cheminės sudėties pokyčiai helį centre deginančių žvaigždžių atmosferose / Evolutionary effects in helium core burning star atmospheres

Puzeras, Eduardas 02 November 2011 (has links)
Šiuolaikiniai astronominiai stebėjimai leidžia įtarti, kad „standartinis“ žvaigždžių evoliucijos modelis yra nepilnas ir turi būti patikslintas, įvedant „papildomą“ maišymąsi. Disertacija yra skirta Galaktikos raudonosios sankaupos žvaigždžių cheminės sudėties tyrimui ir maišymosi procesų sukeltų cheminės sudėties pokyčių mažos masės žvaigždžių atmosferose tyrimui bei papildomo maišymosi teorinių modelių įvertinimui. Tam tikslui buvo gauti ir ištirti 62-jų Galaktikos raudonosios sankaupos žvaigždžių ir 9 padrikojo spiečiaus NGC 7789 žvaigždžių didelės skiriamosios gebos spektrai, nustatyti žvaigždžių pagrindiniai parametrai ir cheminė sudėtis. Tyrimas patvirtino hipotezę, kad Galaktikos sankaupos žvaigždės yra santykinai jauni Saulės metalingumo objektai, susiformavę per pastaruosius keletą milijardų metų. Tirtose žvaigždėse buvo įvertintos maišymosi procesų pasekmėje pasikeitusių anglies ir azoto gausų vertės. Pademonstruota, kad sankaupos žvaigždės gali būti išskirtos į skirtingas evoliucines grupes pagal 12C/13C kriterijų. Nustatyta, kad anglies izotopų santykių vertes Galaktikos sankaupos žvaigždžių atmosferose gerai aprašo šaltojo žemutinių sluoksnių papildomo maišymosi modelis, tuo tarpu termohalinio papildomo maišymosi modelis turi būti papildytas, kad sutaptų su visais stebėjimų rezultatais. Nustatyta, kad anglies izotopų santykiai spiečiaus žvaigždėse yra labiau paveikti maišymosi procesų nei numato dabartiniai teoriniai žvaigždžių evoliucijos modeliai. / Modern observations provide evidences that the ‘standard’ stellar evolution model is incomplete and should take into account ‘extra’-mixing processes. This dissertation is dedicated to an observational study of the Galactic red clump as well as to investigations of evolutionary effects in atmospheres of low-mass helium-core burning stars and evaluation of theoretical models of extra-mixing processes in interiors of stars. For this purpose, the high-resolution spectra of 62 Galactic red clump stars and 9 evolved stars of the old open cluster NGC 7789 have been analysed and the main atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions were determined. The investigation confirmed the hypothesis that clump stars of the Galaxy are relatively young objects, reflecting mainly the near–solar metallicities developed in the local disk during the last few billion years of its history. Mixing induced carbon and nitrogen abundance modifications in the Galactic clump stars were investigated. The clump stars can be divided into distinct evolutionary groups using the 12C/13C criterion. The carbon isotope ratios of the Galactic clump stars are consistent with the Cool Bottom Processing (CBP) extra-mixing model; the Thermohaline extra-mixing model needs to be complemented in order to agree with observational data. The carbon isotope ratios in the NGC 7789 stars indicate a larger extra–mixing than it is foreseen by theoretical models.

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