Spelling suggestions: "subject:"academic – UNF– educationization"" "subject:"academic – UNF– education.action""
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Predictive Utility and Achievement Outcomes of Two Simultaneous District-Developed Interim Assessment ProgramsChen, Tavymae W 01 January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the present correlational, ex post facto study was to evaluate the predictive ability and academic achievement criterion outcomes of two district-developed interim mathematics assessment programs for a sample of 5,801 grade 6 students in a large urban school district. Average scores for both interim assessment types were statistically significantly more related to 2013 FCAT 2.0 scores (r = .75 and .72; p < .001) than all other predictors (i.e., student demographics, Florida school grade, and student course GPA) except for 2012 FCAT 2.0 scores (r = .78; p < .001). Further, the newer interim assessment program with an instructional purpose and curriculum-based sequencing had slightly stronger overall predictive power (rs = .88) and a higher criterion mean score (M = 218.08) than the older, state-test mirror interim assessment program (rs = .85; M = 215.47). Regression models by prior year FCAT 2.0 Achievement Level yielded some predictor ranking discrepancies by prior achievement level. Although not statistically significant at the .01 level, groups of students with a more moderate total number of interim assessments outperformed groups with all or nothing.
Overall, the two types of interim assessment programs evaluated in the present study were good predictors of the state high-stakes test, 2012 Grade 6 Mathematics FCAT 2.0. However, more research must be done to identify with certainty whether or not the act of taking the interim tests and receiving feedback contributes to improved student learning.
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Role Tension in the Academy: A Philosophical Inquiry into Faculty Teaching and ResearchMichaud, Nicholas 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation seeks to understand the conjunction of faculty roles as teachers and as researchers. This understanding is pursued through philosophical analysis. Discourse ethics, in particular, is used as a framework by which to best understand the roles played by faculty and if the roles of teacher and researcher are, in fact, commensurable. The purpose of the work is two-fold: 1) to develop a construct that may be used by future researchers to better understand the roles played by faculty, and 2) to suggest a best-construct that enables future researchers to propose how actual lived roles should be instantiated in the world.
The dissertation reviews a series of university handbooks, professional association ethical guidelines, and philosophical arguments to establish how the roles of faculty are best understood. The investigation illuminates the tensions at the heart of faculty roles. This tension is not definitionally embedded in the roles of faculty as teacher and researcher. Rather, the tension emerges from the failure of institutions to fully actualize faculty roles as normatively grounded in human communicative interaction. As a result, the work suggests that in order to best resolve the cognitive dissonance that may be experienced as a result of role ambiguity, faculty should engage in a process of self-reflection and community dialectic in order to best determine how “faculty” can be actualized in a way that best benefits all stakeholders.
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Ecological Influences on Weight Status in Urban African-American Adolescent Females: A Structural Equation AnalysisStanford, Jevetta 01 January 2012 (has links)
The present study employed a quantitative, non-experimental, multivariate correlational research design to test a hypothesized model examining associative paths of influence between ecological factors and weight status of urban, African-American adolescent females. Anthropometric and self-report survey data of 182 urban, African- American adolescent females were collected during after-school programs, health and physical education classes, and community events in an urban area in northeast Florida. Descriptive analyses were conducted to characterize the study participants based upon their age, study setting, and weight status. A scale reliability analysis was conducted to assess the internal consistency reliability of the sample data using selected measures within the context of the study’s specific population and subsequently guided the structural equation model (SEM) analyses. The SEM path analysis was used to develop two measurement models to control for observed error variance for variables demonstrating poor internal consistency reliability (diet behaviors and nutrition selfefficacy) and a final structural model to test the associative paths of influence between latent (diet behaviors and nutrition self-efficacy) and manifest variables (teacher social support and friend social support) on weight status. The results of the path analysis indicated that both teacher social support and friend social support demonstrated a positive, indirect influence on child weight status through nutrition self-efficacy and diet behaviors following two different and specific paths of influence. Diet behaviors, in turn, demonstrated a positive, direct effect on child weight status. These findings provide clear implications for educational leaders that call for the integration of health behavior change theory into traditional education and leadership practice and actively addressing the childhood obesity epidemic in the school environment by implementing health behavior change strategies at various ecological environmental levels.
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Teachers' Perceptions of Cultural Change in a Challenged High School During the Implementation of the International Baccalaureate Diploma ProgrammeCrowell, Victoria 01 January 2013 (has links)
Academically failing schools are under scrutiny from government education administrators, policymakers, and the general public, due to chronic inabilities to lower dropout rates and to educate students who can pass high-stakes graduation assessments. States’ efforts to adhere to the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act have led to the development of accountability systems to determine adequate yearly progress (AYP) and to assign schools grades, as well as wholesale reassessment of current educational programs, which are often replaced with more rigorous curricula.
Among curricular programs that have been sought as reform measures for academically failing schools is the International Baccalaureate Program (IBP). The IBP’s exacting curriculum has attracted many schools to adopt it as an alternative course of study for advanced students, as well as a rigorous option to build academic capacity among students who have failed to make AYP.
This case study examined teachers’ perceptions of the effect the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) had on the culture of an academically underperforming high school in Valdosta, Georgia. Teacher volunteers from within the IBDP, in addition to teachers who taught standard classes, participated in a series of three semistructured interviews over 1.5 years, during which time the school made its initial application to the International Baccalaureate Organisation and subsequently began implementing the program with the school’s first cohort of students. Additionally, documents relating to the IB application process were examined, and observations of the IBDP teachers with students in their classrooms were conducted. Data analysis utilized the frameworks of educational criticism and narrative analysis.
Teachers within the IBDP reported feelings of increased self-efficacy resulting from their work with both students and community stakeholders. Participant teachers in both IB courses and other programs described an overall improvement in the school’s culture.
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Facility Matters: The Perception Of Academic Deans Regarding The Role Of Facilities in Higher EducationHarris, Wallace 01 January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how academic deans perceived the characteristics of facility built environment and its impact on learning in higher education. Q methodology was used as the means to explore the subjective opinions of academic deans within the State of Florida regarding the facility built environment’s impact on learning in higher education. For this Q study, the concourse statements were the result of communications taken from the subject literature and participant responses to this study’s online concourse questionnaire. The resulting 32 item Q sample was sorted online by 43 academic deans, associate and assistant deans. In completing the survey, the participants ranked statements representative of the characteristics of facility built environment according to their own beliefs and subjective opinions. From the resulting data and subsequent analysis, three distinct factors emerged that represented the collective opinions of this study’s participants. The emergent factors for this study were named Traditionalist – Focused on Functionality and Universal Rationality; Modernist – Technology Conscious Seeking Innovation and Flexibility; and Abstractionist – Contextual and Expressive.
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The Financial Implications and Organizational Cultural Perceptions of Implementing a Performance Management System in a Government EnterpriseSeaton, Hugh Van 01 January 2007 (has links)
Successful organizations continually seek ways to improve productivity, reduce and control costs, and increase efficiency. Governmental entities also are driven by the need for increased efficiency and accountability in public service for their constituents.There is a continuing need for better tools and a number of government entities have turned to performance management systems due to their promise of improvement in various areas of productivity and accountability. This research focused on one such system, Six Sigma, which has recently experienced widespread adoption in industry in the United States, internationally, and in some government organizations. In this study Six Sigma was compared and contrasted with several performance management systems, and its effects and organizational cultural impacts on one organization were examined.The study investigated the financial implications and perceptions of organizational cultural change resulting from the Six Sigma system implementation in a large government enterprise. The first part of the study used the organization’s published financial information from 1997 through 2006 to determine whether there was a tangible financial benefit of implementing Six Sigma. The analysis indicated that the financial implications were statistically significant and quantified them as material and relevant to the organization’s two major business units.The second component of the research explored differences in organizational culture and attitudes among and between selected employee groups through the use of interviews and a survey instrument. Interviews were also conducted with a purposive sample of the executives who were involved in the decisions to implement Six Sigma. The Organizational Culture Inventory© and Organizational Effectiveness Inventory™ survey instruments were used to measure the organizational culture perceptions of the employee groups. Discriminant function analysis results suggested that the various groups shared a common organizational culture, which supports the null hypothesis that there were no differences in the organizational cultural perceptions among the organizational groups investigated.
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Perceptions of School Performance Measures: A Study of Principals in the United States and Head Teachers in the United Kingdom Using Q MethodologyVelez, Rene 01 January 2006 (has links)
Performance measures have been used throughout the business sector as a means to assess productivity, allocate resources, and increase profitability. More recently, they have been utilized to answer increasing calls for accountability in public education. Legislation has been passed in both the United Kingdom and the United States that implements performance measures as a means to measure student achievement and assess school performance. This study, conducted both in the United States and the United Kingdom, examined the perceptions of 15 primary and 15 elementary school leaders with regard to the transnational issue of school performance measures.
Q methodology was used to examine the opinions and perceptions of these leaders for the purpose of providing insight for stakeholders and identifying future areas of research. The data from the participants revealed patterns of opinion within the head teacher group, the principal group, and the participants as a whole. Common opinions included the balanced use of performance measures, the political nature of school performance measures, the appropriate use of standardized test scores, and the consideration of economic and social factors. This study also demonstrated the use of Q methodology in qualitative educational research by both obtaining and analyzing rich and insightful participant data.
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Impact of READ 180 on Adolescent Struggling ReadersSmith, Kathy Joiner 01 January 2012 (has links)
The foundation for the present study was based on the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB, 2001), Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) 2004, and Florida Response to Intervention (RTI) (Florida RTI, 2009). In line with the NCLB Act, Florida requires students to pass the reading portion of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) on grade level in order to graduate (FL-DOE, 2001). In alignment with the RTI framework, READ 180 is presently being implemented as a Tier 2 intervention with adolescent struggling readers across the nation. The methodology for this research was a retrospective research design, with the use of multiple regression and logistic regression models which are consistent with the purpose. Neither of the analyses indicated a significant relationship between READ 180 and the attainment of the minimum yearly gain on the developmental scale score (DSS) of the reading portion of the FCAT. The data analyses supported previous research results indicating that students who are identified as White, from non-low SES families, and not identified with a disability, have more academic success. The results indicated that the regular classroom with reading strategies instruction was just as effective for promoting reading achievement as the separate classroom with specific reading instruction. Because students who participated in the intensive reading intervention forfeit the opportunity to participate in other courses, policy makers and educators need to weigh carefully the costs and benefits of such programs.
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Building a Professional Learning Community at the University Level: A Case Study of an Information Fluency InitiativeSlavicz, Susan Bennett 01 January 2014 (has links)
An examination of the research regarding the problems associated with student academic writing indicated that two abilities, writing abilities and information literacy skills, intersect, and that an accepted term for this intersection is information literacy. The University of Central Florida’s Information Fluency Initiative recognized information literacy as a key component in developing students’ information fluency skills. This qualitative case study of the initiative used semi-structured interviews, study of documents, and observations to gather data in order to describe how the university planned, developed, and implemented the initiative. Study of relevant literature, narrative analysis (Tierney & Lincoln, 1997), inductive analysis (Hatch, 2002) and the elements of educational criticism (Eisner, 1998) informed the analysis of data.
Participants in the Information Fluency Initiative identified as successful the creation of online information literacy modules by librarians and faculty, program-wide efforts to embed information fluency into curriculum, and individual faculty projects. Additionally, the initiative encouraged a scholarly approach to the study of information fluency with the implementation of an annual Information Fluency Conference held at the University of Central Florida and publication of a peer-reviewed Information Fluency Journal. Results from the study suggested that administrative support for the initiative and the leadership’s empowerment of faculty and librarians to undertake leadership roles were important factors in the initiative’s success. Results also suggested that collaboration between faculty, librarians, and instructional technologists to construct curriculum produced a professional learning community that proved valuable to participants both professionally and personally.
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Promoting Success in Developmental English: Student Life Skills Courses A Mixed-Methods Case StudyGreene, Richard Anthony 01 January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was threefold: (a) to describe the impact the SLS courses had on the retention and success rates of students who were taking developmental English courses at FSCJ-Kent Campus, (b) to explain how students taking developmental English felt the SLS courses impacted them, and (c) to find out what elements of the SLS program were most and least valued by students.
In order to understand how the SLS program impacted students in the developmental English program at FSCJ-Kent Campus, I conducted a mixed methods case study using FSCJ–Kent Campus as the research site. The case study included a quantitative stage, during which I examined archival data from fall 2008 to summer 2010 to determine the impact of the SLS program on student success and retention, and a qualitative stage, during which I conducted a survey and two focus groups to get an understanding of participants’ perspectives.
The evidence that the SLS program affected the success and retention rates of students in the developmental English classes at FSCJ-Kent Campus was not conclusive. However, students reported that the program was extremely beneficial to them and provided insight into why they thought the program contributed to their success. The study was significant because I was able to get a deeper understanding of students’ perspectives and provide a framework for understanding those perspectives. I concluded that the SLS program was a mechanism to transition and integrate students into the institution. This study may affect the way leaders in educational institutions approach developmental English, the SLS program, and all other developmental programs.
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