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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using Scientific Teaching Principles to Teach Genetic Modification

Brock, Orion D. 25 February 2020 (has links)
No description available.

<strong>impact of scientific inquiry case studies on  students’ experience in an introductory animal agriculture course</strong>

Elizabeth Christine Ragland (16384434) 16 June 2023 (has links)
<p>The attached thesis consists of a literature review of inquiry-based learning levels and two studies examining the impact of inquiry-based learning levels on student engagement, interest, and motivation in an animal science context. </p>

Innovations pédagogiques et culture disciplinaire en enseignement supérieur

Walder, Anne Mai 03 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche qualitative porte sur les innovations pédagogiques utilisées à l’Université de Montréal en contexte de cultures disciplinaires. La recherche visait à étudier les innovations pédagogiques, entendues comme tout enseignement dispensé de manières différentes de la pratique traditionnelle du cours magistral, proposées par les professeurs dans une université fortement engagée en recherche. ll nous a paru utile de contribuer à compléter les savoirs existants dans ce domaine peu exploré, particulièrement lorsque nous savons que les innovations pédagogiques en contexte de cultures disciplinaires n’ont encore pas été étudiées à l’Université de Montréal. D’un point de vue social, la pertinence de cette recherche réside dans le cadre de la valorisation de l’enseignement universitaire souhaitée tant par les politiques, les institutions et la société que les professeurs et, au-delà, elle invite au rééquilibrage des deux piliers indispensables à l’université centrée sur la recherche qui laisse paraître une relation dichotomique marquée entre enseignement et recherche. Deux modes de cueillettes de données ont été privilégiés : les entrevues individuelles semi-structurées et un entretien de groupe auprès de trente-deux professeurs lauréats du Prix d’excellence en enseignement de l’Université de Montréal. Pour cette recherche, nous avons employé la théorisation ancrée comme méthode d’analyse de données recueillies selon d’autres approches. En d’autres mots, nous avons souhaité utiliser la théorisation ancrée comme un « processus » (Paillé, 1994, p. 149) d’analyse des données avec pour objectif d’approfondir l’objet de notre recherche par-delà la simple analyse descriptive sans pour autant prétendre à une théorisation avancée. En premier lieu, nos résultats nous ont permis de connaître les innovations pédagogiques utilisées dans l’enceinte de notre terrain de recherche, l’Université de Montréal et de dresser un portrait actualisé de leurs innovateurs. Nous avons aussi exploré les raisons qui amènent les professeurs à innover, décrit le processus nécessaire à l’innovation pédagogique et expliqué les freins s’opposant à cette dernière. En second lieu, nos résultats énumèrent les différences liées à la matière d’enseignement, au champ de recherche et soulignent le rapport de la discipline à l’innovation comme critère déterminant à son implication. En dernier lieu, nos résultats révèlent l’existence d’une expertise pédagogique partagée au sein de l’Université de Montréal qui permet de rompre la solitude des professeurs par un soutien entre pairs et favorise la transférabilité des innovations pédagogiques d’une culture disciplinaire à une autre. Finalement, nous présentons une théorisation actualisée des paramètres constituant une innovation pédagogique et détaillons les nouveaux paramètres qui influent sur la construction d’une innovation pédagogique. Nous concluons cette thèse par des recommandations et des pistes de recherches. / This qualitative research focuses on educational innovations utilized at the University of Montreal in the context of disciplinary cultures. The research aimed to study the pedagogical innovation, understood as teaching in ways that are different from the traditional practice of lecture course, proposed by teachers in a university strongly committed to research. It seemed useful to supplement existing knowledge in this not much explored area, especially when we know that educational innovations have not yet been studied at the University of Montreal from the perspective of the disciplinary culture. From a social point of view, the relevance of this research lies in the framework of the valorization of higher education as required as much by the politics, institutions, society and teachers and, beyond, it invites the rebalancing of the two essential pillars of the universities focused on research that suggest a marked dichotomous relationship between teaching and research. Two methods of data gathering were privileged: semi-structured individual interviews and a group interview among thirty-two faculty laureates of the award of Excellence in Teaching from the University of Montreal. For this research we used grounded theory as a method of analysis of data collected by other approaches. In other words, we wanted to use grounded theory as a data analysis "process" (Paillé, 1994, p. 149) with the aim to deepen the object of our search beyond the simple descriptive analysis without professing for an advanced theory. Firstly, our results allowed us to inventory pedagogical innovations utilized at the University of Montreal and draw an updated portrait of their innovators. We have also explored the reasons which bring the faculty to innovate, described the necessary process to pedagogical innovation and explained the restraints opposing it. Secondly, our results enumerate the differences in terms of teaching matter, field research and emphasize the relationship of the discipline to innovation as the criterion for its involvement. Lastly, our results reveal the existence of a shared pedagogical expertise at the University of Montreal which helps breaking the solitude of faculty members through peer support and promotes transferability of educational innovations from a culture of discipline to another. Finally, we present an updated theory of the parameters constituting a pedagogical innovation and detail the new parameters that influence the construction of a pedagogical innovation. We conclude this thesis with recommendations and avenues of research.

Innovations pédagogiques et culture disciplinaire en enseignement supérieur

Walder, Anne Mai 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Realizing Promising Educational Practices in Academic Public Health: A Model for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Neubauer, Leah C., Merzel, Cheryl, Weist, Elizabeth M., Corvin, Jaime A., Forsman, Allan, Fraser, Jacquie, Henderson, Heather L., Hinyard, Leslie J., Opacich, Karin J., Runnerstrom, Miryha G. 01 January 2021 (has links)
This paper presents a conceptual framework and critical considerations for the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) in academic public health. Academic education for public health has undergone significant transformation over the last two decades as the demand for responsive and innovative public health pedagogy and training for preparing graduates to deploy an increasing array of skills has grown. The authors suggest that the role of schools, administrators, faculty, and educational staff in developing promising practices for teaching and learning in public health involves an articulated conceptual framework to guide the development and dissemination of scholarly, pedagogical innovations. Building on seminal philosophical foundations of SoTL, the authors conceptualize SoTL from the foundational belief that knowing and learning are communal tasks and that faculty are both scholars and learners in the practice of education. The paper advocates for SoTL as a form of engaged practice and scholarly inquiry that exists in contextually rich, diverse educational environments that abounds with uncertainty. SoTL is guided by an educational philosophy, values, and learning theories that envision educators critically examining themselves, their teaching practice, scholarly literature, and students' learning to improve their teaching, enhance learning, and promote further inquiry. The authors suggest that SoTL involves the search for multiple forms of evidence and fosters dialogues on multiple interpretations and perspectives of the most promising practices of teaching and learning. The authors advocate for the term promising practices as an outcome of SoTL that supports and nurtures ongoing scientific discovery and knowledge generation, instead of supporting the search for best-ness in teaching and learning endeavors. SoTL should occur across formal, informal, and nonformal education.

Akademiskt lärarskap för utveckling av interprofessionellt lärande : Universitetslärares kompetensutveckling och systematiska undersökande av pedagogisk praktik / The Development of Interprofessional Education and Learning through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning : Scholars’ faculty development and continuing inquiry of pedagogical practice

Andersson, Lina January 2022 (has links)
Internationella studier visar att lärare inom hälso- och medicinutbildningar saknar kompetens att främja studenters interprofessionella lärande. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur lärare, inom ramen för ett akademiskt lärarskap, arbetar med sin kompetensutveckling för att främja studenters interprofessionella lärande. Fallstudien genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer av 17 lärare vid Linköpings universitet. Data analyserades med tematisk analys. Resultaten visade på behov av ökade kunskaper om akademiskt lärarskap samt samsyn kring lärarens roll och uppdrag. Kompetensutveckling genomfördes på generell nivå och ej utifrån identifierade lärbehov. Den systematiska och kontinuerliga uppföljningen av studenternas interprofessionella lärande försvårades då det saknades kompetens samt tid att kritiskt granska pedagogisk praktik. / International studies show that teachers in health and medical education needs more competence to promote students' interprofessional learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate how teachers, within the framework of scholarhip of teaching and learning work with their faculty development to promote students' interprofessional learning. The case study was conducted with semistructured interviews of 17 teachers at Linköping University. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The results showed a need for increased knowledge of scholarship of teaching and learning as well as consensus regarding the teacher's role and responsibility. Competence development was carried out on a general level and not based on identified learning needs. The systematic and continuous follow-up of the students' interprofessional learning was difficult as there was a lack of competence and time to critically examine pedagogical practice.

Role Tension in the Academy: A Philosophical Inquiry into Faculty Teaching and Research

Michaud, Nicholas 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation seeks to understand the conjunction of faculty roles as teachers and as researchers. This understanding is pursued through philosophical analysis. Discourse ethics, in particular, is used as a framework by which to best understand the roles played by faculty and if the roles of teacher and researcher are, in fact, commensurable. The purpose of the work is two-fold: 1) to develop a construct that may be used by future researchers to better understand the roles played by faculty, and 2) to suggest a best-construct that enables future researchers to propose how actual lived roles should be instantiated in the world. The dissertation reviews a series of university handbooks, professional association ethical guidelines, and philosophical arguments to establish how the roles of faculty are best understood. The investigation illuminates the tensions at the heart of faculty roles. This tension is not definitionally embedded in the roles of faculty as teacher and researcher. Rather, the tension emerges from the failure of institutions to fully actualize faculty roles as normatively grounded in human communicative interaction. As a result, the work suggests that in order to best resolve the cognitive dissonance that may be experienced as a result of role ambiguity, faculty should engage in a process of self-reflection and community dialectic in order to best determine how “faculty” can be actualized in a way that best benefits all stakeholders.

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