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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Histochemical localization of choline acetyltransferase in the deep cerebellar nuclei of the rat

Petrali, Elena Harriet January 1972 (has links)
A histochemical method for the localization of choline acetyltransferase, the synthesizing enzyme of acetylcholine has been recently developed. Conditions of the method were first investigated and optimized in the spinal cord of the rat where cholinergic neurones are known to be present. Following standardization of the method the localization of the enzyme was studied in the deep cerebellar nuclei. A series of transverse sections were stained to facilitate, allocation of cells demonstrating enzyme activity to their respective nuclei as described in the literature. The presence of choline acetyltransferase was used as a direct indication of a cholinergic neurone, and was found predominantly in the cells in the ventral portion of the lateral nucleus, on the border of the interpositus and lateral nuclei and in the caudal portion of the medial nucleus. The results obtained are consistent with other studies indicating that a portion of the cerebello-thalamic pathway is cholinergic. / Medicine, Faculty of / Cellular and Physiological Sciences, Department of / Graduate

Regulation and function of CD2 in the mouse

Keogh, Michael-Christopher January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

N-acetyl Transferase (nat1&amp / nat2) And Glutathione-s Transferase (gstm1&amp / gstt1) Genetic Polymorphisms In Breast Cancer

Atalay, Aycin 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Breast cancer is the most frequent malignancy among women, especially in Western societies. Highly penetrant genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, together with the reproductive history can constitute only 30% of the cause, so there should be other common genes, which may play a role in breast carcinogenesis according to one&#039 / s lifestyle. In our case, the effect of N-acetyl transferases (NAT1, NAT2) and glutathione-S transferases (GSTM1&amp / GSTT1) were investigated, since variations in these genes may alter their enzymatic activity and therefore their capacity to biotransform xenobiotic compounds. To evaluate the potential association between NAT1, NAT2, GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes and development of breast cancer, a hospital based case-control study was conducted in a Turkish study population consisting of 37 histologically confirmed incident breast cancer cases and 34 control subjects with no present or previous history of cancer. The only recognizable difference between case and control groups is the percentage of GSTM1 deletion, 67.6% and 44.1% respectively (p=0.047). The frequency of rapid NAT2 acetylator genotype is 44.4% in cases and 23.5% in controls. Especially, women with NAT2 rapid acetylator and GSTM1 null genotypes were at the elevated risk (OR, 3.8 / CI, 0.9-15.4). NAT1 rapid acetylator genotype showed no association with breast cancer. These results suggest that GSTM1 null genotype is a susceptibility factor for breast cancer, particularly in the presence of NAT2 rapid acetylator genotype.

Characterization of a novel lysine acetylation site in the N-terminal domain of the centromeric histone variant Cse4 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Pöpsel, Juliane 14 October 2015 (has links)
Die zentromerischen Regionen eukaryotischer Chromosomen sind notwendig für die Segregation der Schwesternchromatiden während der Zellteilung. In den Nukleosomen in diesen Regionen ist das kanonische Histon H3 durch die zentromerische Histon H3 Variante CENP-A ersetzt. Diese wird in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cse4 genannt. Indem CENP-A die geordnete Assemblierung einzelner Untereinheiten des Kinetochors vermittelt, spezifiziert es die zentromerische Chromosomenregion und ist damit essentiell für die korrekte Segregation der Chromosomen während der Zellteilung. Kürzlich wurde gezeigt, dass Cse4 posttranslational modifiziert wird. Von Bedeutung für diese Arbeit sind die in der essentiellen Domäne des N-terminus liegenden Methylierung von Arginin 37 und die Acetylierung von Lysin 49, die durch phänotypische Suppression eine genetische Interaktion und eine antagonistische Funktion bei der epigenetischen Regulation in der korrekten Assemblierung der Kinetochoruntereinheiten zeigen. In dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass die Acetylierung an Cse4K49 von der Histonacetyltransferase Gcn5 abhängt, und dass dieses Enzym Komponenten des SAGA-Komplexes, aber nicht des ADA-Komplexes benötigt. Außerdem konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass die Acetylierung von K49 in der frühen S-Phase ansteigt und zum Ende der S-Phase abnimmt. Es konnte weiterhin eine biochemische Interaktion der N-terminalen Domäne von Cse4 mit der COMA-Untereinheit Ctf19, der zentralen Region des Kinetochors, nachgewiesen werden, möglicherweise mit einer Präferenz zu einer nicht acetylierten Form von Cse4K49. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Transkriptions-Co-Aktivator Komplex SAGA eine Funktion an der zentromerischen Region in S. cerevisiae aufweist. Des Weiteren ist die Acetylierung an Cse4K49 in die Rekrutierung der Kinetochoruntereinheit Ctf19 involviert, und gibt damit einen Hinweis auf einen epigenetischen Regulationsmechanismus während der Chromosomensegregation. / The centromeric regions of eukaryotic chromosomes are essential for proper chromosome segregation. The nucleosomal composition in these regions differs from that of canonical nucleosomes in that histone H3 is replaced by the H3 variant CENP-A, which is termed Cse4 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. CENP-A is the most important epigenetic mark on centromeres and essential for accurate kinetochore establishment at centromeric sites, which in turn are necessary to connect the centromeric sites to the microtubules. Whereas the histone fold domain of Cse4 shares a sequence homology with canonical histone H3, the N-terminal domain is rather long as compared to canonical histone tails and the centromeric histone variants of higher eukaryotes. One part of this flexible, positively charged histone tail has been shown to represent an essential N-terminal domain (END). Lysine 49 was defined as an acetylation site in this region, but the modification remains to be characterized in detail. In this study, we found that the Cse4K49 acetylation is dependent on the histone acetyltransferase Gcn5, and that the enzyme in this context acts within the SAGA/SLIK complex, whereas an involvement of the smaller ADA complex was not observed. Furthermore, we addressed the cell-cycle dependence of the K49 acetylation and found an increase in early S-phase and a decrease in late S-phase, whereas the R37 methylation persisted throughout S-phase. Ctf19 was found to bind acetylated and unacetylated Cse4K49 with a preference for unacetylated Cse4. The findings presented here show that the transcriptional co-activator complex SAGA functions at centromeric regions in S. cerevisiae, and that the Cse4K49 acetylation has an influence on the recruitment of the kinetochore subunit Ctf19. This suggests an epigenetic regulatory mechanism involving a specific acetylation on the N-terminus of Cse4 in chromosome segregation.

Modulation par approches microbiologique et génétique de la synthèse d'acide acétique lors de la production d'éthanol sous métabolisme oxydo-réductif chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Modulation by microbiological and genetical approaches of the synthesis of acetic acid during the production of ethanol under oxido-reductive metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Marc, Jillian 26 September 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de ces travaux de thèse était de rechercher un potentiel effet inhibiteur de l’acide acétique endogène sur le métabolisme oxydo réductif de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, afin d’évaluer la pertinence d’une stratégie d’amélioration des capacités de production d’éthanol par la modulation de la synthèse de cet acide. Ces travaux devaient également permettre d’approfondir la compréhension des principaux facteurs commandant la synthèse de l’acide acétique et plus largement des acides organiques. La stratégie de modulation de la synthèse d’acide acétique mise en place reposait sur des approches microbiologique et génétique, consistant en l’ajout d’acide oléique et / ou de carnitine dans le milieu de culture ainsi que la surexpression du gène CIT2 ou la suppression du gène ALD6.Cette démarche a permis de montrer que, contrairement à la version exogène, l’acide acétique endogène ne présentait pas d’effet inhibiteur du métabolisme oxydo réductif de Saccharomyces cerevisiae ou qu’il était négligeable par rapport au stress éthanol. En outre, la modulation de la production de cet acide ne semble pas être une stratégie envisageable en vue de l’amélioration des capacités de production d’éthanol de cette levure, bien qu’une corrélation ait été observée entre les titres finaux de ces deux molécules.En outre, il a été montré que l’isoforme 6 de l’acétaldéhyde déshydrogénase (Ald6p) était essentiel pour assurer la croissance cellulaire normale ainsi que les mécanismes de résistance au stress éthanol dans ces conditions de culture. Plus largement, l’interrelation entre les différents isoformes ne paraissait pas aussi flexible qu’en anaérobiose. Saccharomyces cerevisiae semblait également présenter un métabolisme flexible en réponse à une modulation de la synthèse d’acide acétique. La voie des pentoses phosphates serait ainsi capable de prendre le relais de l’Ald6p pour assurer la régénération du NADPH cytosolique, bien que le flux à travers cette voie semble avoir été limité par le ratio NADP+ / NADPH. Enfin, les cellules paraissaient capables de réguler la synthèse de l’acétyl coA à partir d’acide acétique en réaction à une évolution des besoins anaboliques lors de la fin de la phase de croissance. Elles seraient toutefois incapables de pallier le manque d’acétyl coA suite à la suppression du gène ALD6. La modulation de la synthèse des acides pyruvique et succinique a également fait l’objet de discussions. / The aim of this work was to investigate a potential inhibitory effect of endogenous acetic acid on the oxido-reductive metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, to assess the relevance of a strategy based of the modulation of the synthesis of this acid, to improve ethanol production capacities. This work should also help to broaden the understanding of the main factors controlling the synthesis of acetic acid, and more generally organic acids. The strategy to modulate the synthesis of acetic acid was based on microbiological and genetic approaches, consisting in the addition of oleic acid and / or carnitine in the medium as well as the overexpression of the gene CIT2 or the deletion of the gene ALD6.This approach has shown that, contrary to exogenous version, endogenous acetic acid did not induce inhibitory effects on the oxido-reductive metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or was negligible compared to stress caused by ethanol. Moreover, the modulation of the synthesis of this acid appear to be not an attractive strategy to improve ethanol production capacities of the yeast, although a correlation was observed between the end-culture titer of these two molecules.In addition, it has been shown that the isoform 6 of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (Ald6p) was essential to ensure regular growth and mechanisms of ethanol stress resistance under these conditions of culture. More broadly, the interrelation between the different isoforms did not seem as flexible as under anaerobic conditions. Saccharomyces cerevisiae also seemed to have a flexible metabolism in response to a modulation of the synthesis of acetic acid. The pentose-phosphate way would be able to take over from Ald6p for regeneration of cytosolic NADPH, although the ratio NADP+ / NADPH seemed to lessen the flux through this pathway. Finally, the cells appeared to be able to regulate the synthesis of acetyl-CoA from acetic acid in response to changing in anabolic needs at the end of the growth phase. However, yeasts would be unable to overcome the lack of acetyl-CoA following the suppression of the gene ALD6. The modulation of the synthesis of pyruvic and succinic acids has also been discussed.

Caractérisation chez schizosaccharomyces pombe du rôle d’un complexe sérine/thréonine phosphatase de type 4 dans la régulation de la cohésion des chromatides soeurs / Characterization of a type 4 serine/threonine phosphatase complex in the regulation of sister-chromatid cohesion in schizosaccharomyces pombe

Eguienta, Karen 17 December 2015 (has links)
La cohésion des chromatides sœurs est assurée par un complexe protéique en forme d’anneau assurant leur capture topologique. Ce complexe est constitué par des protéines conservées de la levure à l’Homme regroupées sous le terme « cohésine » : Smc1, Smc3 et la phosphoprotéine Scc1 fermant l’anneau (respectivement Psm1, Psm3 et Rad21 chez Schizosaccharomyces pombe). Les protéines régulatrices Rad61-Wapl, Pds5 et Scc3 (Wpl1,Pds5 et Psc3 respectivement chez S. pombe) interagissent avec l’anneau via Scc1. Il a été proposé que la capture de l’ADN par les cohésines nécessite l’ouverture transitoire de l’interface Smc1/Smc3. La réaction de dissociation fait quant à elle intervenir le sous-complexe Wapl/Pds5/Scc3 entraînant vraisemblablement l’ouverture de l’interface Scc1/Smc3. Le mécanisme par lequel la cohésion est créée et celui par lequel Wapl promeut la dissociation des cohésines des chromosomes, sont encore inconnus. Parmi les mutants de cohésion chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae, la mutation thermosensible eco1-1 affecte le gène ECO1 codant une acétyl-transférase, essentielle à la viabilité cellulaire, conservée de la levure à l’Homme (Eco1 « Establishment of Cohesion » chez S. cerevisiae, Eso1 chez S.pombe, ESCO1-2 chez l’Homme) et ayant Smc3 pour substrat. Il a été montré que l’acétyl-transférase s’oppose à l’action de dissociation de Wapl. C’est un crible génétique réalisé par plusieurs équipes, visant à trouver des mutants suppresseurs d’eco1-1, qui a permis d’identifier les gènes codant les protéines Wapl, Pds5, Scc3 et Smc3 comme composants du mécanisme d’ouverture de l’anneau de cohésine. Un crible similaire a été réalisé chez S.pombe dans notre laboratoire, dans le but de trouver des suppresseurs de la mutation thermosensible eso1-H17. Ce crible a identifié les gènes orthologues à ceux trouvés chez la levure : wpl1, pds5, psc3 et psm3 mais aussi le gène codant la sous-unité catalytique du complexe sérine/thréonine phosphatase de type IV (PP4), noté pp4c. Nous avons alors mis en œuvre des expériences pour caractériser PP4c ainsi que sa sous-unité régulatrice Psy2 qui s’est révélée être également impliquée dans la cohésion des chromatides soeurs. Nous avons également identifié la protéine Rad21 comme substrat du complexe PP4, puis identifié les phosphosites potentiellement cibles de PP4, pour ensuite cribler et analyser des phosphomutants de Rad21 récapitulant l’effet suppresseur de la délétion de PP4. / Sister-chromatid cohesion is ensured by a ring shape protein complex which is in charge of their topological embrace. This complex consists of proteins which are conserved from yeast to human and grouped under the term “cohesin”: Smc1, Smc3 and the phosphoprotein Scc1 which closes the ring (respectively Psm1, Psm3 and Rad21 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe). The regulatory proteins Rad61-Wapl, Pds5 and Scc3 (Wpl1,Pds5 and Psc3 respectively in S. pombe) interact with the ring via Scc1. It has been suggested that DNA capture by the cohesin complex involves the transient opening of the Smc1/Smc3 interface. The dissociation reaction involves the sub-complex Wapl/Pds5/Scc3 which likely causes the opening of the Scc1/Smc3 interface. The mechanisms by which cohesion is created and by which Wapl promotes the cohesin dissociation from chromosomes are still unknown. Among the cohesion mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the thermosensitive eco1-1 mutation affects the ECO1 gene encoding an acetyl-transferase essential for cell viability and conserved from yeast to human (Eco1 « Establishment of Cohesion » in S.cerevisiae, Eso1 in S. pombe and ESCO1-2 in human) and whose substrate is Smc3. It has been shown that the acetyl-transferase counteracts the dissociation action of Wapl. A genetic screen carried out by several teams in order to find suppressors of the eco1-1 mutation has led to the identification of the genes encoding the Wapl, Pds5, Scc3 and Smc3 proteins as components of the opening mechanism of the cohesin ring. A similar screen was carried out in S. pombe in our lab to find suppressors of the thermosensitive mutation eso1-H17. This screen identified the orthologous genes to those found in the budding yeast: wpl1,pds5, psc3 and psm3 and also the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the type 4 serine/threonine phosphatase complex (PP4) named pp4c. We have therefore carried out experiments to characterize PP4c and its regulatory subunit Psy2 which has also been found to be involved in sister-chromatid cohesion. We have likewise identified the Rad21 subunit as a PP4 substrate and identified phosphosites as potential targets of PP4. We have then screened and analyzed Rad21 phosphomutants which were able to mimic the suppressor effect of the deletion of pp4c.

Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors and SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibitors

Banerjee, Riddhidev 11 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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