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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo e desenvolvimento de lipossomas com potencial para aplicação em base cosmética / Study and development of liposomes with potencial cosmetic application

Farkuh, Laura 04 February 2016 (has links)
A acne vulgar é uma das doenças cutâneas mais comuns, apresentando como um de seus fatores fisiopatológicos primários a colonização pelo microrganismo Propionibacterium acnes. Atualmente, têm-se buscado terapias alternativas para o combate ao P. acnes, destacando-se alguns ácidos graxos, como o ácido laúrico (LA). O LA é uma molécula pouco solúvel em água, sendo possível sua incorporação em lipossomas. Os lipossomas apresentam capacidade de encapsulação/ liberação de ativos e impedem a desidratação da pele, tornando-se ingredientes inovadores na área de cosméticos. Foram preparados lipossomas de dipalmitoilfosfatidilcolina (DPPC) contendo diferentes concentrações de LA, que variaram de 0 a 50% da concentração total em mol, em quatro pHs: 9,0, 7,4, 5,0 e 3,0. Nestes pHs o estado de protonação do LA muda variando de 0 a -1. Os lipossomas foram extrusados por filtros com poros de 100 nm de diâmetro visando à obtenção de vesículas unilamelares grandes (LUV). As LUV foram caracterizadas quanto a sua estabilidade em condições de prateleira, temperatura de transição de fase da bicamada, encapsulamento no interior aquoso, liberação do LA, difusão das vesículas na pele e seus aspectos morfológicos foram caracterizados por espalhamento de raios-X a baixo ângulo (SAXS) e crio-microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Estudos de estabilidade mostraram que independentemente da concentração de LA, as formulações são mais estáveis em pHs mais altos, quando LA está em sua maioria na forma de laurato. Os experimentos de DSC revelaram que em pHs 3,0 e 5,0 e concentrações maiores de LA, a interação deste ácido graxo com as bicamadas é favorecida, havendo um aumento da temperatura de transição de fase (Tm) e diminuição da cooperatividade. Análises de taxa de incorporação de sondas hidrofílicas confirmaram a presença de um compartimento aquoso interno para as vesículas de DPPC:LA. O LA conseguiu permear a pele no período avaliado e pouco LA foi liberado das vesículas em condições de temperatura ambiente. A morfologia das LUV se mostrou bem diferente da esperada e se observaram vesículas com mais de uma bicamada e outros formatos que não o esférico. Estes resultados podem auxiliar na otimização das condições para uma formulação que poderá ser usada no tratamento da acne, aumentando a eficácia do LA no sítio alvo. / Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin diseases, presenting as one of its causes the microorganism Propionibacterium acnes colonization. Currently, it has been sought alternatives therapies against P. acnes, especially some fatty acids, like the lauric acid (LA). LA is a molecule with low water solubility, allowing its incorporation in liposomes. Liposomes have encapsulation/release capacity of drugs and promote skin lipids regeneration, becoming an innovative ingredient in cosmetics area. Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicles containing different LA concentrations were prepared at pHs: 9.0, 7.4, 5.0 and 3.0. At these pHs the LA protonation changes and its charge varies from 0 to -1. The vesicles were extruded through filters containing pores of 100 nm to obtain large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) that were characterized for stability in shelf conditions, bilayer phase transition temperature, aqueous internal compartment encapsulation, LA release and in vitro skin permeation. Its morphological features were characterized by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and cryo-electron transmission microscopy. Stability assays showed that, regardless LA concentration, formulations were more long-term stable in higher pHs, when LA is mostly in the form of laurate. The differential scanning calorimetry, DSC, experiments showed that, at pHs 3.0 and 5.0 and higher LA concentrations, the interaction between the bilayer and LA is favored, increasing phase transition temperature (Tm) and reducing cooperativity. Incorporation of hydrophilic probes confirmed the presence of an internal aqueous compartment in DPPC:LA vesicles. The LA managed to permeate the skin on the period evaluated and, in ambient conditions, low LA concentration was released from the vesicles. LUV containing more than one bilayer and non-spherical structures were observed. The obtained results may help in the optimization of the conditions for a formulation that can be used in the treatment of acne and improving the effectiveness of LA delivery to the target site.

Estudo clínico e histopatológico das cicatrizes de acne em pacientes fototipo II-V após irradiação com o laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm / Non-ablative 1064 nm Nd:Yag in the treatment of facial atrophic acne scars in patients with skin types II-V: histological and clinical analysis

Keller, Raquel 09 January 2007 (has links)
Introdução: As cicatrizes de acne representam um problema difícil para médico e paciente. Os tratamentos das cicatrizes atróficas, embora numerosos, têm sido dificultados pelas inadequadas respostas clínicas e prolongados períodos de pós-opératório. O tratamento com os lasers não-ablativos tem mostrado significante efeito na remodelação do colágeno com mínimos efeitos colaterais pós-tratamento. Objetivos: Avaliar a eficácia e segurança do laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm no tratamento das cicatrizes de acne. Casuística e Método: Doze patientes (fototipo II-V) apresentando cicatrizes de acne, moderadas a severas, foram submetidos a cinco sessões mensais com o laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm (120J/cm2, pulso triplo, 7.0/7.0/7.0 milisegundos de duração e intervalo entre os pulsos de 75 milisegundos). Os pacientes foram avaliados por três dermatologistas, através de fotografias digitais que foram tiradas antes, no meio do tratamento e 6 meses após o último tratamento realizado. Avaliações histológicas de biópsias cutâneas foram obtidas antes do tratamento e 1 mês após a última sessão. A quantificação das fibras colágenas e elásticas, por área, antes e depois do tratamento foi feita pela morfometria com a análise de imagens analisadas por computador (método digital). A satisfação do patiente usando uma escala de graduação foi obtida no final do estudo. Resultados: Melhora suave a moderada foi observada depois dos cinco tratamentos na maioria dos pacientes estudados. A avaliação objetiva comparando as fotografias antes e depois do tratamento revelou melhora cosmética visível em 11 dos pacientes. A quantificação das fibras colágenas pela morfometria mostrou aumento delas após o tratamento, com significância estatística. Os efeitos colaterais foram limitados a um eritema transitório e suave, além de um aumento na sensibilidade da pele logo após o procedimento. Conclusões: O laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm é uma técnica não-ablativa, segura e eficaz para o tratamento das cicatrizes de acne. Ele pode ser usado em peles escuras e se constitui numa alternativa para pacientes que não desejam passar por um longo período de recuperação e estão satisfeitos com resultados menores que os obtidos com as técnicas de resurfacing / troduction: Post-acne scarring is a very distressing and difficult problem for both physicians and patients. Atrophic scar revision techniques, although numerous, have been hampered by inadequate clinical responses and prolonged postoperative recovery periods. Nonablative laser treatment has shown significant effect on dermal collagen remodeling with minimal posttreatment side effects. Objectives: To study the efficacy and safety of the nonablative 1064 nm neodymium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:Yag) laser in the treatment of facial atrophic scars: a histological and clinical analysis. Casuistry and Method: Twelve subjects (skin phototypes II-V) with mild to severe atrophic facial acne scars received five-monthly treatment with 1064 nm Nd:Yag laser (120 J/cm², triple pulse, 7.0/7.0/7.0- millisecond pulse duration, 75-millisecond delay). Patients were evaluated by using digital photography that were taken before treatment, in the middle of the treatment and 6 months after the last treatment was performed. Histologic evaluations of cutaneous biopsies were obtained before treatment and 1 month after the last session.The quantification of collagen and elastic fibers, per area, was carried out through the use of morphometry before and after the treatment, with image analysis by computer (digital method). Patient satisfaction surveys and clinical assessment by three dermatologists using a standard grading scale were obtained at the end of the study. Results: Mild to moderate clinical improvement was observed after the series of five treatments in the majority of patients studied. Objective assessment of scar improvement by comparing baseline to posttreatment photographs reported visible cosmetic improvement in eleven patients. All patients were satisfied with the treatment. The collagen quantification, per morphometry, showed a statistically significant increase after treatment. Side effects were limited to mild transient erythema and an increase in skin sensibility after the procedure. Conclusions: The 1064 nm Nd:Yag laser is a safe and effective nonablative modality for the treatment of atrophic scars. It can be safely used in darker skin. It could be an alternative in pacients who do not want a long downtime recovery and are satisfied with less significant results than those obtained by the resurfacing techniques

Estudo clínico e histopatológico das cicatrizes de acne em pacientes fototipo II-V após irradiação com o laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm / Non-ablative 1064 nm Nd:Yag in the treatment of facial atrophic acne scars in patients with skin types II-V: histological and clinical analysis

Raquel Keller 09 January 2007 (has links)
Introdução: As cicatrizes de acne representam um problema difícil para médico e paciente. Os tratamentos das cicatrizes atróficas, embora numerosos, têm sido dificultados pelas inadequadas respostas clínicas e prolongados períodos de pós-opératório. O tratamento com os lasers não-ablativos tem mostrado significante efeito na remodelação do colágeno com mínimos efeitos colaterais pós-tratamento. Objetivos: Avaliar a eficácia e segurança do laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm no tratamento das cicatrizes de acne. Casuística e Método: Doze patientes (fototipo II-V) apresentando cicatrizes de acne, moderadas a severas, foram submetidos a cinco sessões mensais com o laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm (120J/cm2, pulso triplo, 7.0/7.0/7.0 milisegundos de duração e intervalo entre os pulsos de 75 milisegundos). Os pacientes foram avaliados por três dermatologistas, através de fotografias digitais que foram tiradas antes, no meio do tratamento e 6 meses após o último tratamento realizado. Avaliações histológicas de biópsias cutâneas foram obtidas antes do tratamento e 1 mês após a última sessão. A quantificação das fibras colágenas e elásticas, por área, antes e depois do tratamento foi feita pela morfometria com a análise de imagens analisadas por computador (método digital). A satisfação do patiente usando uma escala de graduação foi obtida no final do estudo. Resultados: Melhora suave a moderada foi observada depois dos cinco tratamentos na maioria dos pacientes estudados. A avaliação objetiva comparando as fotografias antes e depois do tratamento revelou melhora cosmética visível em 11 dos pacientes. A quantificação das fibras colágenas pela morfometria mostrou aumento delas após o tratamento, com significância estatística. Os efeitos colaterais foram limitados a um eritema transitório e suave, além de um aumento na sensibilidade da pele logo após o procedimento. Conclusões: O laser Nd:Yag 1064 nm é uma técnica não-ablativa, segura e eficaz para o tratamento das cicatrizes de acne. Ele pode ser usado em peles escuras e se constitui numa alternativa para pacientes que não desejam passar por um longo período de recuperação e estão satisfeitos com resultados menores que os obtidos com as técnicas de resurfacing / troduction: Post-acne scarring is a very distressing and difficult problem for both physicians and patients. Atrophic scar revision techniques, although numerous, have been hampered by inadequate clinical responses and prolonged postoperative recovery periods. Nonablative laser treatment has shown significant effect on dermal collagen remodeling with minimal posttreatment side effects. Objectives: To study the efficacy and safety of the nonablative 1064 nm neodymium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:Yag) laser in the treatment of facial atrophic scars: a histological and clinical analysis. Casuistry and Method: Twelve subjects (skin phototypes II-V) with mild to severe atrophic facial acne scars received five-monthly treatment with 1064 nm Nd:Yag laser (120 J/cm², triple pulse, 7.0/7.0/7.0- millisecond pulse duration, 75-millisecond delay). Patients were evaluated by using digital photography that were taken before treatment, in the middle of the treatment and 6 months after the last treatment was performed. Histologic evaluations of cutaneous biopsies were obtained before treatment and 1 month after the last session.The quantification of collagen and elastic fibers, per area, was carried out through the use of morphometry before and after the treatment, with image analysis by computer (digital method). Patient satisfaction surveys and clinical assessment by three dermatologists using a standard grading scale were obtained at the end of the study. Results: Mild to moderate clinical improvement was observed after the series of five treatments in the majority of patients studied. Objective assessment of scar improvement by comparing baseline to posttreatment photographs reported visible cosmetic improvement in eleven patients. All patients were satisfied with the treatment. The collagen quantification, per morphometry, showed a statistically significant increase after treatment. Side effects were limited to mild transient erythema and an increase in skin sensibility after the procedure. Conclusions: The 1064 nm Nd:Yag laser is a safe and effective nonablative modality for the treatment of atrophic scars. It can be safely used in darker skin. It could be an alternative in pacients who do not want a long downtime recovery and are satisfied with less significant results than those obtained by the resurfacing techniques

The acne problem amongst the youth in Hong Kong and its dietary relationship from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective. / 香港青年人暗瘡問題以及由中醫角度探討暗瘡與飲食之關係 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Xianggang qing nian ren an chuang wen ti yi ji you Zhong yi jiao du tan tao an chuang yu yin shi zhi guan xi

January 2010 (has links)
Acne is prevalent amongst youth in Hong Kong and has considerable psychological effects. The application of a TCM approach led to the detection of significant associations between diet and the occurence of acne. TCM-syndrome-tailored dietary manipulation was effective in reducing the clinical severity of acne for patients with imbalance of chong-ren subtype. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) / In (1), 1068 Chinese subjects were sampled from the general health evaluation and eight governmental secondary schools in Hong Kong were assessed for their clinical severity of acne. Over 93% of the subjects had a certain degree of acne and the prevalence of clinical acne was of 40.4% and coexisted with a high frequency of acne disability. Assessment of the clinical severity of acne did not correlate strongly with the effect on QOL (gammas= 0.445, P < 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression showed that female gender (P = 0.002), higher GAGS score (P < 0.001), higher perceived stress (P = 0.01) and willingness to pay Hong Kong $15,000 for a hypothetical permanent cure (P = 0.03) were positive predictors for acne disability. / In (2), 322 university entrants completed a dietary questionnaire capturing 11 categories of food intake and were examined for body constitutions of yin-predominance or yang-predominance with a published TCM diagnostic assessment procedure/method. There were 155 (48.1%) participants in the yin-predominant group and 167 (51.9%) in the yang-predominant group. No association of diet and acne was found when the participants were considered as a whole group. In yin-predominant group, intake of foods from street stalls (P = 0.04) was significantly associated with a lower likelihood of acne occurence. In yang-PG, the intake of desserts (P = 0.04) and fresh fruit juices (P = 0.02) was significantly associated with a higher likelihood of acne occurence, whereas the intake of dairy and soy products (P = 0.04) was significantly associated with a lower likelihood of acne occurence. / In (3), 233 students with clinical acne as assessed by GAGS were diagnosed for his or her TCM syndrome subtype, namely wind-heat subtype, damp-heat subtype, stagnant blood or phlegm subtype, and imbalance of chong-ren subtype. They were then randomly assigned to either intervention group (IG) or control group (CG). There were respectively 60 students belonged to each of the wind-heat, damp-heat, and stagnant blood or phelgm subtypes, and 53 students belonged to imbalanced of chong-ren subtype. With the use of a computer generated randomisation list using blocks of six, 30 (50%) students were assigned to either IG or CG for wind-heat, damp-heat, and stagnant blood or phelgm subtypes accordingly, whilst 26 (49%) and 27 (51%) students were assigned to either IG or CG for imbalance of chongren subtype. TCM-syndrome-tailored diet advice plus standard medical advice were given to IG whilst standard medical advice alone was given to CG over 12-week study period. The primary analysis was to compare the percentage change of GAGS from baseline to 12 weeks between the groups using univariate analysis for each TCM syndrome, controlling for the variation in the dependent variables due to gender, age, BMI, schools, physical exercise, and female contraceptive use. Within the imbalance of chong-ren subtype, there was a significant reduction of acne severity in IG compared with that in CG (-11.8% vs 2.1%; p=0.046), after adjusting for gender, age, body mass index, schools, physical exercise, and female contraceptive use. In the other three subtypes, there were no significant differences of acne severity between IG and CG / This research was composed of three major parts: (1) a cross-sectional study investigating the prevalence of acne and the acne disability amongst adolescents and young adults from August 2006 to March 2008 in Hong Kong; (2) a cross sectional study investigate the diet-acne connection from a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) perspective performed amongst young adults in August 2006; and (3) a randomised controlled trial on the effectivenss of TCM-syndrome-tailored dietary advice for adolescents implemented between November 2007 and March 2008 in Hong Kong. / Law, Pui Man. / Adviser: Albert Lee. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 72-04, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 140-154). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese; appendix 2-3 in Chinese.

Tradução, adaptação cultural e validação para o português falado no Brasil do instrumento Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI)

Grando, Luciana Rosa January 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI) é um instrumento originalmente desenvolvido na língua inglesa para mensurar a qualidade de vida de pacientes com acne. Considerando o impacto psicossocial desta doença, é importante dispormos de instrumentos culturalmente e linguisticamente validados para o uso em adolescentes brasileiros. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é traduzir o CADI para o Português falado no Brasil (CADI-PB), adaptá-lo culturalmente e determinar sua confiabilidade e validade em pacientes adolescentes com acne. Métodos: 1) Etapa 1 – Tradução e validação cultural: O CADI foi traduzido e validado linguisticamente para o Português brasileiro (CADI-PB) de acordo com as diretrizes internacionais publicadas. 2) Etapa 2 – Validação: O CADI-PB, juntamente com os escores CDLQI (Índice de Qualidade de Vida em Dermatologia Infantil) e DLQI (Índice de Qualidade de Vida em Dermatologia) foram aplicados em paciente adolescentes (12-20 anos) portadores de acne. O Índice Global de Classificação da Acne (GAGS) foi utilizado para medir a gravidade clínica da doença. A consistência interna do CADI-PB foi avaliada pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach e a validade concorrente foi medida pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e Teste T de Student para amostras pareadas. A validade de construto foi examinada por análise fatorial. Resultados: Um total de 100 adolescentes respondeu ao questionário. A versão CADI-PB apresentou boa confiabilidade e consistência interna (coeficiente alfa de Cronbach = 0,73). A validade concorrente da escala foi sustentada por uma correlação forte e significativa com os instrumentos CDLQI/DLQI (rs=0,802;p<0,001). A análise fatorial explanatória revelou a presença de duas dimensões subjacentes que explicam a escala. Conclusões: A versão CADI-PB é uma ferramenta confiável, válida e valiosa para mensurar o impacto da acne na qualidade de vida de pacientes adolescentes. / Background: The Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI) is an instrument originally developed in English language for measuring quality of life of acne patients. Considering the psychosocial impact of this disease, it is important to have instruments culturally and linguistically validated for use in Brazilian adolescents. Objective: The aim of this study was to translate the CADI into Brazilian Portuguese (CADI - PB), culturally adapt it, and verify its reliability and validity in adolescent patients with acne. Methods: 1) Step 1 - Translation and cultural validation: The CADI was translated and linguistically validated for Brazilian Portuguese (CADI - PB) in accordance with international guidelines published. 2) Step 2 - Validation: The CADI-PB, along with the CDLQI (Index of Quality of Life in Children's Dermatology) and DLQI (Index of Quality of Life in Dermatology) scores were applied to adolescents (12-20 years) patients with acne. The Global Acne Grading System (GAGS) was used to measure the clinical severity of the illness. The internal consistency of the CADI-PB was assessed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and the concurrent validity was measure by the Spearman correlation coefficient and Student's t test for paired samples. Construct validity was assessed by factor analysis. Results: A total of 100 adolescents completed the questionnaire. The CADI-PB version showed good reliability and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0,73). The concurrent validity of the scale was supported by a strong and significant correlation with CDLQI / DLQI instruments (rs=0.802;p<0.001). Factor analysis revealed the presence of two underlying factor structure of the scale dimensions. Conclusions: CADI-PB version is a reliable, valid and valuable tool to measure the impact of acne on quality of life in adolescent patients.

Tradução, adaptação cultural e validação para o português falado no Brasil do instrumento Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI)

Grando, Luciana Rosa January 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI) é um instrumento originalmente desenvolvido na língua inglesa para mensurar a qualidade de vida de pacientes com acne. Considerando o impacto psicossocial desta doença, é importante dispormos de instrumentos culturalmente e linguisticamente validados para o uso em adolescentes brasileiros. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é traduzir o CADI para o Português falado no Brasil (CADI-PB), adaptá-lo culturalmente e determinar sua confiabilidade e validade em pacientes adolescentes com acne. Métodos: 1) Etapa 1 – Tradução e validação cultural: O CADI foi traduzido e validado linguisticamente para o Português brasileiro (CADI-PB) de acordo com as diretrizes internacionais publicadas. 2) Etapa 2 – Validação: O CADI-PB, juntamente com os escores CDLQI (Índice de Qualidade de Vida em Dermatologia Infantil) e DLQI (Índice de Qualidade de Vida em Dermatologia) foram aplicados em paciente adolescentes (12-20 anos) portadores de acne. O Índice Global de Classificação da Acne (GAGS) foi utilizado para medir a gravidade clínica da doença. A consistência interna do CADI-PB foi avaliada pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach e a validade concorrente foi medida pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e Teste T de Student para amostras pareadas. A validade de construto foi examinada por análise fatorial. Resultados: Um total de 100 adolescentes respondeu ao questionário. A versão CADI-PB apresentou boa confiabilidade e consistência interna (coeficiente alfa de Cronbach = 0,73). A validade concorrente da escala foi sustentada por uma correlação forte e significativa com os instrumentos CDLQI/DLQI (rs=0,802;p<0,001). A análise fatorial explanatória revelou a presença de duas dimensões subjacentes que explicam a escala. Conclusões: A versão CADI-PB é uma ferramenta confiável, válida e valiosa para mensurar o impacto da acne na qualidade de vida de pacientes adolescentes. / Background: The Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI) is an instrument originally developed in English language for measuring quality of life of acne patients. Considering the psychosocial impact of this disease, it is important to have instruments culturally and linguistically validated for use in Brazilian adolescents. Objective: The aim of this study was to translate the CADI into Brazilian Portuguese (CADI - PB), culturally adapt it, and verify its reliability and validity in adolescent patients with acne. Methods: 1) Step 1 - Translation and cultural validation: The CADI was translated and linguistically validated for Brazilian Portuguese (CADI - PB) in accordance with international guidelines published. 2) Step 2 - Validation: The CADI-PB, along with the CDLQI (Index of Quality of Life in Children's Dermatology) and DLQI (Index of Quality of Life in Dermatology) scores were applied to adolescents (12-20 years) patients with acne. The Global Acne Grading System (GAGS) was used to measure the clinical severity of the illness. The internal consistency of the CADI-PB was assessed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and the concurrent validity was measure by the Spearman correlation coefficient and Student's t test for paired samples. Construct validity was assessed by factor analysis. Results: A total of 100 adolescents completed the questionnaire. The CADI-PB version showed good reliability and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0,73). The concurrent validity of the scale was supported by a strong and significant correlation with CDLQI / DLQI instruments (rs=0.802;p<0.001). Factor analysis revealed the presence of two underlying factor structure of the scale dimensions. Conclusions: CADI-PB version is a reliable, valid and valuable tool to measure the impact of acne on quality of life in adolescent patients.

Tradução, adaptação cultural e validação para o português falado no Brasil do instrumento Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI)

Grando, Luciana Rosa January 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI) é um instrumento originalmente desenvolvido na língua inglesa para mensurar a qualidade de vida de pacientes com acne. Considerando o impacto psicossocial desta doença, é importante dispormos de instrumentos culturalmente e linguisticamente validados para o uso em adolescentes brasileiros. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é traduzir o CADI para o Português falado no Brasil (CADI-PB), adaptá-lo culturalmente e determinar sua confiabilidade e validade em pacientes adolescentes com acne. Métodos: 1) Etapa 1 – Tradução e validação cultural: O CADI foi traduzido e validado linguisticamente para o Português brasileiro (CADI-PB) de acordo com as diretrizes internacionais publicadas. 2) Etapa 2 – Validação: O CADI-PB, juntamente com os escores CDLQI (Índice de Qualidade de Vida em Dermatologia Infantil) e DLQI (Índice de Qualidade de Vida em Dermatologia) foram aplicados em paciente adolescentes (12-20 anos) portadores de acne. O Índice Global de Classificação da Acne (GAGS) foi utilizado para medir a gravidade clínica da doença. A consistência interna do CADI-PB foi avaliada pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach e a validade concorrente foi medida pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e Teste T de Student para amostras pareadas. A validade de construto foi examinada por análise fatorial. Resultados: Um total de 100 adolescentes respondeu ao questionário. A versão CADI-PB apresentou boa confiabilidade e consistência interna (coeficiente alfa de Cronbach = 0,73). A validade concorrente da escala foi sustentada por uma correlação forte e significativa com os instrumentos CDLQI/DLQI (rs=0,802;p<0,001). A análise fatorial explanatória revelou a presença de duas dimensões subjacentes que explicam a escala. Conclusões: A versão CADI-PB é uma ferramenta confiável, válida e valiosa para mensurar o impacto da acne na qualidade de vida de pacientes adolescentes. / Background: The Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI) is an instrument originally developed in English language for measuring quality of life of acne patients. Considering the psychosocial impact of this disease, it is important to have instruments culturally and linguistically validated for use in Brazilian adolescents. Objective: The aim of this study was to translate the CADI into Brazilian Portuguese (CADI - PB), culturally adapt it, and verify its reliability and validity in adolescent patients with acne. Methods: 1) Step 1 - Translation and cultural validation: The CADI was translated and linguistically validated for Brazilian Portuguese (CADI - PB) in accordance with international guidelines published. 2) Step 2 - Validation: The CADI-PB, along with the CDLQI (Index of Quality of Life in Children's Dermatology) and DLQI (Index of Quality of Life in Dermatology) scores were applied to adolescents (12-20 years) patients with acne. The Global Acne Grading System (GAGS) was used to measure the clinical severity of the illness. The internal consistency of the CADI-PB was assessed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and the concurrent validity was measure by the Spearman correlation coefficient and Student's t test for paired samples. Construct validity was assessed by factor analysis. Results: A total of 100 adolescents completed the questionnaire. The CADI-PB version showed good reliability and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0,73). The concurrent validity of the scale was supported by a strong and significant correlation with CDLQI / DLQI instruments (rs=0.802;p<0.001). Factor analysis revealed the presence of two underlying factor structure of the scale dimensions. Conclusions: CADI-PB version is a reliable, valid and valuable tool to measure the impact of acne on quality of life in adolescent patients.

Estudo e desenvolvimento de lipossomas com potencial para aplicação em base cosmética / Study and development of liposomes with potencial cosmetic application

Laura Farkuh 04 February 2016 (has links)
A acne vulgar é uma das doenças cutâneas mais comuns, apresentando como um de seus fatores fisiopatológicos primários a colonização pelo microrganismo Propionibacterium acnes. Atualmente, têm-se buscado terapias alternativas para o combate ao P. acnes, destacando-se alguns ácidos graxos, como o ácido laúrico (LA). O LA é uma molécula pouco solúvel em água, sendo possível sua incorporação em lipossomas. Os lipossomas apresentam capacidade de encapsulação/ liberação de ativos e impedem a desidratação da pele, tornando-se ingredientes inovadores na área de cosméticos. Foram preparados lipossomas de dipalmitoilfosfatidilcolina (DPPC) contendo diferentes concentrações de LA, que variaram de 0 a 50% da concentração total em mol, em quatro pHs: 9,0, 7,4, 5,0 e 3,0. Nestes pHs o estado de protonação do LA muda variando de 0 a -1. Os lipossomas foram extrusados por filtros com poros de 100 nm de diâmetro visando à obtenção de vesículas unilamelares grandes (LUV). As LUV foram caracterizadas quanto a sua estabilidade em condições de prateleira, temperatura de transição de fase da bicamada, encapsulamento no interior aquoso, liberação do LA, difusão das vesículas na pele e seus aspectos morfológicos foram caracterizados por espalhamento de raios-X a baixo ângulo (SAXS) e crio-microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Estudos de estabilidade mostraram que independentemente da concentração de LA, as formulações são mais estáveis em pHs mais altos, quando LA está em sua maioria na forma de laurato. Os experimentos de DSC revelaram que em pHs 3,0 e 5,0 e concentrações maiores de LA, a interação deste ácido graxo com as bicamadas é favorecida, havendo um aumento da temperatura de transição de fase (Tm) e diminuição da cooperatividade. Análises de taxa de incorporação de sondas hidrofílicas confirmaram a presença de um compartimento aquoso interno para as vesículas de DPPC:LA. O LA conseguiu permear a pele no período avaliado e pouco LA foi liberado das vesículas em condições de temperatura ambiente. A morfologia das LUV se mostrou bem diferente da esperada e se observaram vesículas com mais de uma bicamada e outros formatos que não o esférico. Estes resultados podem auxiliar na otimização das condições para uma formulação que poderá ser usada no tratamento da acne, aumentando a eficácia do LA no sítio alvo. / Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin diseases, presenting as one of its causes the microorganism Propionibacterium acnes colonization. Currently, it has been sought alternatives therapies against P. acnes, especially some fatty acids, like the lauric acid (LA). LA is a molecule with low water solubility, allowing its incorporation in liposomes. Liposomes have encapsulation/release capacity of drugs and promote skin lipids regeneration, becoming an innovative ingredient in cosmetics area. Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicles containing different LA concentrations were prepared at pHs: 9.0, 7.4, 5.0 and 3.0. At these pHs the LA protonation changes and its charge varies from 0 to -1. The vesicles were extruded through filters containing pores of 100 nm to obtain large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) that were characterized for stability in shelf conditions, bilayer phase transition temperature, aqueous internal compartment encapsulation, LA release and in vitro skin permeation. Its morphological features were characterized by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and cryo-electron transmission microscopy. Stability assays showed that, regardless LA concentration, formulations were more long-term stable in higher pHs, when LA is mostly in the form of laurate. The differential scanning calorimetry, DSC, experiments showed that, at pHs 3.0 and 5.0 and higher LA concentrations, the interaction between the bilayer and LA is favored, increasing phase transition temperature (Tm) and reducing cooperativity. Incorporation of hydrophilic probes confirmed the presence of an internal aqueous compartment in DPPC:LA vesicles. The LA managed to permeate the skin on the period evaluated and, in ambient conditions, low LA concentration was released from the vesicles. LUV containing more than one bilayer and non-spherical structures were observed. The obtained results may help in the optimization of the conditions for a formulation that can be used in the treatment of acne and improving the effectiveness of LA delivery to the target site.

Treatment of Acne Vulgaris by Biofeedback-Assisted Cue-Controlled Relaxation and Guided Cognitive Imagery

Brown, Barry W. 05 1900 (has links)
The primary purpose of the present study is to demonstrate that acne vulgaris can be reduced by psychological treatment. A cognitive-behavioral adjunctive intervention involving biofeedback-assisted relaxation and cognitive imagery procedures for the treatment of acne vulgaris was investigated in this study with 30 patients, already receiving traditional dermatological treatment, as participants. A three-group design was used which consisted of a treatment (relaxation-imagery), a rational behavior group therapy attention-comparison, and a medical intervention control (medication and lesion extraction) group.

The cause and treatment of acne vulgaris: fact versus fiction

Wan, Steven Guo 03 November 2015 (has links)
Acne vulgaris is a complicated disease. It is primarily caused by dead skin, excessive sebum, and bacteria proliferation, all of which clogs hair follicles. The nature of this disease can start as comedone acne that affects young children, which progress into inflammatory acne in adolescent. The disease can persist into adulthood and is even reported to affect those 40 years of age. In adulthood, acne is more prevalent in women than in men. In addition to scarring and other physical damage, acne can also be psychologically damaging, especially in adolescents and adults. This paper will attempt to elucidate the causes of acne which includes: hormone, diet, smoking, environment, and human biology. Then this paper will explain common treatments that include: oral antibiotics, isotretinoin, topical treatment, hormone therapy, and light and laser therapy. After establishing researched causes and treatments, this paper will look into misconceptions regarding acne. Since there are many myths surrounding acne, this paper will only visit a few well documented misconceptions. Finally, this paper will formulate some new areas of research that acne literature is lacking. Acne is a serious disease and new information and research must be done in order to clear up misconceptions and allow physicians to provide better treatment.

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