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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förskola för hållbar utveckling : Förutsättningar för barns utveckling av handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling

Hedefalk, Maria January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of the thesis is to contribute with knowledge about the conditions for preschool children’s meaning making with regard to sustainable development. With a focus on critical actions, the thesis explores how education is executed and how a critical action may be conducted in a preschool practice. Different teaching situations in preschool have been analysed in order to determine how and which actions are privileged in the various situations, what the consequences of these actions are, and what kind of conditions that enable children to develop critical action competence. The results show that teachers affect children’s meaning making by directing actions toward a specific learning content. The conditions in which children learn action competences for sustainable development may be affected by which actions are privileged or excluded in the situation. The analyses of conditions for children to act critically in this thesis are when: the teacher aims the attention towards a pluralistic teaching content, where the content consists of value judgments. variations of views are highlighted – by the help of other children or from example different viewpoints in a book. children have the courage or/and feel safe expressing contradicting views. Although the situations in which children act critically are few and far between in the empirical material, they do exist and are important to highlight, especially as few other studies explore what meaning making processes look like when critical actions are privileged. The thesis therefore contributes to the research by providing analyses of situations in which children act critically in preschool.

How might participation in primary school eco clubs in England contribute to children's developing action-competence-associated attributes?

Lee, Elsa January 2014 (has links)
The literature pertaining to action competence in the field of environmental education (EE), and active citizenship in the field of citizenship education (CE), were reviewed for this research. This review reveals an indeterminate collection of attributes that are associated with both action competence and active citizenship. This research introduces the term action-competence-associated attributes to refer to them. The purpose of this research is to explore how children’s participation in primary school eco clubs might afford opportunities for the development of these attributes. The justifications for this purpose are founded in the literature in the fields of environmental and citizenship education, in current educational policy in England, in practice in primary schools in England and in my personal research interests and philosophical principles. A transactional methodology frames the research, which comprises a multiple case study using participant observation and interviews. The data gathered from the two cases of primary school eco clubs, were subjected to both theory- and data-led thematic analysis. The emergent themes suggest how participation in eco clubs affords opportunities that contribute to the on-going development of children’s action-competence-associated attributes. This research makes three distinct contributions to knowledge. The first concerns the potential for eco clubs to enable primary schools to address the non-statutory framework for CE. A variety of different contextual factors influence how this takes place. The second contribution is the development of an analytical framework from action competence that may be useful for other researchers seeking to use action competence research to interrogate their own data .The third is the application of Biesta’s (2011) concept of the ignorant citizen to the school teachers in this research. The ignorant school teacher, by her/his very ignorance, is shown to influence the development of particular action-competence-associated attributes that might otherwise not be effected.

How Ugandan children deal with emotions concerning local environmental problems

Gustavsson, Ellinor January 2013 (has links)
In current media and within coping research related to environmental problems many voices are emphasizing the danger of students being left in despair after have learned about environmental issues. The present study examined the effects on students who had participated in environmental education that originally was implemented through a sustainable development project. Qualitative interviews were conducted in order to investigate which environmental problems the students emphasized. The different coping strategies students used in order to deal with worries concerning these issues were identified through a thematic analysis of transcribed interviews. The findings of the present study showed that the Ugandan students were worried about themselves and their closest being affected by locally created environmental problems. They generally expressed to handle these worries by performing and planning for actions to decrease impact of the problems or by trusting politicians, environmental organizations and education and these actors ability to solve these issues. The Ugandan children showed to possibly have come some steps towards being action competent, were partly hopeful about the future environment and some of them possibly had a belief that they could make a difference to the outcome of these problems. The results were analyzed in relation to theories about coping and hope which could be related to environmental problems. The findings were also discussed in relation to a theory about action competence and similar studies about children’s coping with global issues made in countries all over the world. The importance of an environmental education that gives hope to students was highlighted. In parallel, a more local perspective in Swedish environmental education together with an enlargement of Swedish students’ relation to nature was suggested to improve students will and ability to act in solving environmental problems.

Økologiomlægning i et medarbejderperspektiv – vilje, viden og værktøjer / Employees’ perspective on organic food transition — will, knowledge and instruments

Husby, Sofie January 2014 (has links)
Formål: Dette studie havde til formål at få kundskab om køkkenmedarbejdernes oplevelse af og erfaringer med økologiomlægning i deres køkkener. Desuden var formålet at få indsigt i medarbejdernes oplevelse af undervisningens betydning i forhold til samarbejde og omlægningsningsprocessen. Metode: Der blev indsamlete valueringsskemaer med åbne svarmuligheder udfyldt af 327 kursusdeltagere, samt 50 lederevalueringer ligeledes med åbne besvarelser. Besvarelserne blev behandlet og analyseret med udgangspunkt i kvalitativ indholdsanalyse. Resultat: Studiet viste at medarbejderneoplever økologiomlægning, som en kompleks proces, der kræver ændringer af vaner og praksis. Samsyn blev nævnt somet væsentligt element, herunder en fælles målsætningpå medarbejdernes arbejdsplads, hvor økologien indgår,som en del af arbejdspladsens øvrige mål. Medarbejderneskal kunne se formåletmed økologien,både i relationtil eget køkken/arbejdeog gerne i en større helhed, ligesom de bør inddrages i processen. Samarbejde og kommunikation er gennemgående elementer i processen og bør understøttes. Bæredygtighed og sundhed nævntes, som motivation for hovedparten af medarbejderne. Viden og værktøjer er vigtige for at medarbejderne oplever håndterbarhed i forhold til processen, hvorfor medarbejdernes handlekompetencer og oplevede handlerum børstyrkes. Det gælder også i forhold til de strukturelle rammer,deropleves som udfordringeri forhold til økologiomlægning.Om økologiomlægning ses som mulighed eller udfordring, synes i en hvis grad at afhængeaf individet. Samlet synes undervisningen athave rustet medarbejderne i forhold til,og med bevidstgørelse om processen, men kan dog ikke stå alene, men der peges på behovet for en tydelig og opbakkende ledelse. Konklusion: Studiet viser,at medarbejderne er blevet styrket gennem undervisningsforløbet i forhold til incitament, viden og værktøjer omkring økologiomlægning. Økologien børvære et tydeligt fælles målsætning, som indgår i organisations øvrige mål. Det bør ses som løbende proces, som kontinuerligt skal styrkes blandt andet gennem viden samt opbakning fra en tydelig ledelse. Samtidig er der behov for at udfordre de eksisterende strukturelle rammer for at give større råderum / Aim: In this study,we aimed to learn how kitchen professionals perceiveand experience the transition to organic food. We also aimed to understand how employees view training in relation to collaboration and the transition process. Method: Participants attended a six-daycourse (two time three days) in organic food transition. The course was funded by governmental funds to promote organic food in public kitchens through training. After finished course the course participants (n=327) and leaders (n=50) completed evaluationforms comprising openended answers. All data was examined using qualitative content analysis. Result: Our participants described organic transition as a complex process that requires changesin habits and practice. Participants also mentioned the necessity of perceiving the organic food transition as a commongoal. Our data also shows that employees must be able to link the purpose of transitioning to organic food with their work and how it relates to the larger goal. Although most participants were motivated by sustainability and health issues, they reported that knowledge and instruments contribute importantly to making the process manageable. Participants expressed a need for their action competence and perceived action competency tobe strengthened. This was also mentioned in relation to structural framework, including economy, which were experienced as challenging in relation to the transition. If employees perceive transition as challenging or as opportunity for development likely will depend on the individual. Overall, the course seemed to prepare employees and increase awareness in relation to the process, but employees also expressed a need for a distinct and supportive leadership. Conclusion: We show here that training strengthens employees’ incentive, knowledge, and transitional instruments about the transition. Organic food must provide aclear and common goal that fits in to the overarching goal of the organization. This ongoing process requires continuous learning and distinct leadership support, as well as willingness to challenge the existing structural framework and gain increased latitude in the kitchens. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-90-4</p>

En aktionsforskningsstudie om undervisning och lärande för hållbar utveckling

Persson, Lena January 2011 (has links)
Researchers in environmental education and education for sustainable development (ESD) have discussed in what way young people’s experience impact their action competence (e.g. Almers 2009; Schnack 1996; Breiting &amp;Mogensen 1999; Lundegård 2007). In my research I wanted to study if and how action research (AR) including the students’ reflections may contribute to a pluralistic education in ESD. The AR was made together with a teacher at a secondary school in year 9. We worked on equal level in planning and often during the lessons, but I, as the researcher, was making the Analysis and the Questions of the interviews. I made three group interviews with five students. The other students were answering questions in logbooks. I also interviewed the teacher. Early on the class visited an exhibition at the National Museum of Science in Stockholm. During the next lesson the students wrote in their logbooks about their thoughts after visiting the museum, and I interviewed five students. The teacher and I read their reflections and observed what we had to pay attention to during the next lesson. Many students had been afraid of the future and started thinking that their children might not have a future; everything on the globe is spoilt, ice flows everywhere. The teacher and I decided to talk more about whose responsibility it is (Öhman 2006; Lundegård 2007). We found support in Ojala’s (2007) thesis.This was the first question we had to deal with in our Action Research. The teacher and I planned a new cycle of action, where we talked about the environment and whose responsibility is it.We talked about society, economy and politics, because we had noticed that the students were thinking that they were guilty for the global situation. Further on the students got more action competence and were more motivated and interested in environmental problems, and also critical in many ways about how societies and politicians were dealing with the environment issues. The next time the students were reflecting, they were not talking about worries for the future. Instead they had started to think about constructive actions favoring the globe’s future. Other things we took care of were when the students needed help with their studies about life-styles. They were working in groups, 3-5 members in each group, and they were taking initiatives, planning and acting and after the study they made presentations of their work in front of the whole class. I found that the Pluralistic way of education worked fine together with my action research and the students were able to take their own decisions in the environmental questions. They had gained action competence now and for the future. / Lärarforskarskolan Klimatutveckling och Vattenresurser

Sustainability in Action : Exploring Competences For Careers In Sustainability

Liang, Pei-Hung, Pelizzari, Beatrice January 2023 (has links)
In this thesis, we begin with a personal inquiry into “How can I make a sustainable impact?” and return to the moment when we discovered sustainability. Drawing on our personal background and reflection, we are curious to know "What competences are required for a career in sustainability?" To answer this question, we build our research upon the concept of Action Competence which articulates the necessary abilities to engage in solving sustainability issues. The action-oriented competences consist of motivation, skill and knowledge, as well as confidence, which collectively enable individuals to take responsible actions. Based on this concept, we interview alumni of the Master's Programme in Sustainable Management of Uppsala University, Campus Gotland, and identify the aspects required in a sustainable career. The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the desirable characteristics of sustainability professionals. Our research provided empirical evidence supporting the concept of Action Competence, in which the individuals under study demonstrated a high level of motivation, relevant knowledge and skills, and moderate confidence. Based on this theory, we introduce "The Egg Model," comprising the elements of hope, curiosity, and community. These additional elements contribute to a holistic understanding of the essential competences for a successful career in sustainability. The implications of our research aim to make meaningful contributions to the field of sustainability management. Individuals, higher education institutions, and companies can enhance their competences to a sustainable future.

Fysik och hållbar utveckling i förskolan : Handlingskompetens för samhällets yngsta medborgare / Physics and sustainable development in preschool : Action competence for society’s youngest citizens

Berglund, Sofie, Granqvist, Katarina January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to contribute with more knowledge about how  preschool educators experience children’s influence in relation to the preschool's curriculum goals regarding physics and sustainable development. The study method consists of two sub-studies, a questionnaire survey and an interview study. The questionnaire was answered by 30 active educators in the preschool and the interview study contains six semi-structured interviews with preschool teachers. To analyze collected data material, a phenomenographic method approach is applied. The results of the study show that there is a great variation in how preschool educators describe physics and sustainable development both for themselves and for the children. The physics teaching that the educators describe shows that physics in preschool is mostly about floating, sinking and friction. Sustainable development, on the other hand, is described less frequently. Participants have difficulty applying an interdisciplinary approach when it comes to these topics. On the other hand, they view a subject-integrated teaching regarding physics and sustainable development positively. In our study, we conclude that the educators during our interviews were interested in a broader view of how to connect subject-integrated teaching regarding physics and sustainable development in preschool. Action competence is a concept in sustainable development that is used to understand that human action has consequences in the areas that sustainable development affects. The study's conclusion is that children’s action competences was a new concept for most of the people who participated in the study, but it was a concept that they could relate to preschool teaching.

Environmental literacy : Att utveckla barns kunskaper och handlingskompetens genom miljöundervisning / Environmental literacy : To develop children's knowledge and action competence through environmental education

Silva, Joel, Lagerstedt, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Denna kunskapsöversikt syftar till att undersöka begreppet environmental literacy, en slags förståelse för och handlingskompetens inför olika miljörelaterade frågor och problem, samt dess betydelse inom undervisning. Vi använder det engelska begreppet för att det inte finns någon vedertagen svensk översättning. I dagens samhälle har frågor om miljö och hållbar utveckling blivit centralt vilket gör att elever som framtida samhällsmedborgare, behöver utveckla kunskaper och ökad handlingskompetens för att hantera dessa frågor. Syftet har således varit att undersöka hur lärares miljöundervisning kan bidra till att utveckla lågstadieelevers environmental literacy. För att kunna undersöka detta har tre delfrågor formulerats i syfte att ta reda på vad environmental literacy är, varför det är viktigt och hur undervisning kan se ut i relation till environmental literacy.  För att besvara dessa frågor har vi systematiskt sökt utifrån databaserna ERIC, ERC, Swepub, Libsearch och Google scholar genom att kombinera olika relevanta sökord. Främst har vi sökt utifrån begreppen sustainable development, environmental education och environmental literacy. Vi har även använt oss av sekundärsökningar för att finna ytterligare relevant forskning som kan belysa frågeställningen. Denna sökprocess gav oss 14 artiklar som underlag till kunskapsöversikten. Dock bör det lyftas att environmental literacy är ett begränsat begrepp, vilket kan bidra med brister i metoden.  Resultatet visar att environmental literacy består av flera förmågor som innefattar att ha kunskaper, ansvarskänsla och handlingskompetens inför att hantera miljöproblem och leva hållbart. Dessutom har det blivit tydligt att environmental literacy är viktigt att utveckla för att skolan ska kunna fostra framtida samhällsmedborgare till att verka för en hållbar miljö både för nutida och kommande generationer. Slutsatsen är således att environmental literacy är viktigt att utveckla redan i lågstadiet och att läraren får en avgörande roll i att anpassa undervisningen så att eleverna kan utveckla kritiskt tänkande och en självständighet inför att lösa miljöproblem. Däremot är environmental literacy ett begränsat begrepp inom den svenska skolan vilket gör att det kan vara intressant att forska vidare om dess betydelse och påverkan på undervisningen i Sverige.

Elevers röster gällande Hållbar utveckling

Hansson, Emily January 2017 (has links)
The concept Sustainable Development has a prominent role in today’s Swedish curricula for biology, geography, domestic science, chemistry and physics. The 20 years that education for sustainable development has been under discussion has resulted in many different interpretations of how the content takes shape when put into education. In this study I will discuss and examine some of these interpretations by recording interviews where students talk about and discuss sustainable development under influence of pictures and videos within the subject. The prior research presented show both critical but also constructive aspects on Teaching for Sustainable Development, and these will be put into relation to the statements the pupils who participated in this study expressed.

Barns meningsskapande i en undervisningsaktivitet om bin : En koja så det inte regnar på dem, för de dör, för regn dödar ju bin / Children's meaning making in a teaching activity about bees : A hut so it doesn't rain on them, because they die, because rain kills bees

Sjöblom, Annelie January 2024 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att synliggöra barns meningsskapande och handlingskompetens i en undervisningssituation om bin och binas relation till människa och samhälle. Studien analyseras utifrån praktisk epistemologisk analys (PEA) och ramverket Action Competence for Insect Conservation (ACIC). Resultatet i föreliggande studie visar hur barns meningsskapande och samtalets innehåll både påverkas och omformas genom barns språkliga handlingar. Språkliga handlingar visar sig genom det barnen säger, frågar om och diskuterar med varandra. Barnen visar på en utveckling i de språkliga handlingar som utförs och även tillämpning av olika strategier för biets levnadssätt. Genom att testa att placera ut mat, blommor och även bin tillämpar barnen handlingskompetenserna i linje med ACIC-ramverket. Studien bidrar med ett didaktiskt språk baserad på barnens handlingar, som kan kombineras med ACIC-ramverket och skapa en gemensam röd tråd för förskolans utbildning inom insekters biologiska mångfald. En röd tråd i form av ett gemensamt språk för förskollärarprofessionen inom undervisning om insekters biologiska mångfald. / The purpose of this study is to emphasize the meaning-making and action competence of children in a teaching session regarding bees and their relationship to humans and society. The study is analyzed based on practical epistemological analysis (PEA) and the Action Competence for Insect Conservation framework (ACIC). The result of the study shows how the meaning-making and subject of conversation is both affected by and shaped through the linguistic actions of children. The linguistic actions are manifested through what the children say, ask about and discuss with each other. The children demonstrate development in linguistic actions as well as in how to apply strategies to conservate the bees. By placing out food, flowers, and other bees the children are applying action competences in line with the ACIC framework. The study contributes with a didactic language based on the actions of the children. This can be used in combination with the ACIC framework to increase coherence in the preschool education regarding the biodiversity of insects. Coherence in the form of a common language within the preschool teaching profession regarding the biodiversity of insects.

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