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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

勞動市場彈性安全--荷蘭及丹麥經驗之省思 / What could Taiwan learn from the experience in the flexicurity of Netherlands and Denmark

徐嘉蔚, Hus, Chia Wei Unknown Date (has links)
全球化影響下,造成企業型態改變,並對生產技術、資本自由流通與勞動力流動有極大的影響,同時,也使得國與國之間的競爭愈形激烈。因此許多國家,特別是歐洲福利國家,開始對勞動市場進行調整,並且對社會福利而做大幅度的變革,期望能夠藉此提高國際競爭力。在這些改革國家當中,以荷蘭與丹麥受到最多的關注,兩國在歐盟會員國中,有相當好的經濟成長率並維持低失業率,且兩國的勞工皆處於彈性化勞動市場,卻都還能保有其社會安全,因此在國際社會中,被視為施行彈性安全模式的典範。 本研究發現,(1)社會福利部分,雖然外界對於彈性安全多有正面的評價,但是荷蘭與丹麥社會福利卻是不斷的在縮減,不論是在給付金額或是在給付期間;(2)勞動市場的雇用形式,兩國呈現出迥然不同的發展,荷蘭的勞動市場朝向部分工時的方向發展,丹麥則呈現出平均任期短、流動性高(即轉職頻繁)及全職雇用為主的勞動市場發展趨勢;(3)在勞動市場的所得分配部分,兩國的勞動市場的不平等現象增加。 本文必須要強調,彈性安全之間的抵換看似公平,但其實並不然,這是值得我們深思。若台灣未來朝向彈性安全的方向發展,本文提出的相關建議如下,集體協商的力量,在我國一直都不被重視,也常常被忽略,不論是荷蘭或丹麥,其都有相當強大的集體協商力量,我國應該更重視勞工集體協商的權利,努力朝此一集體協商方向發展。其次,對於台灣日益擴大的非典型勞動僱用,應該要有更具體與周延的保護措施,以確保這些類型勞工不會因此而被不公平的對待。最後,我國需進一步的加強社會安全體制,惟有完善完整的社會安全體制,才有資格與空間來進行彈性化,否則在現階段的社會安全體制下,放寬管制、推動彈性化,對於勞動者而言,無疑是走在一條幾乎沒有的安全網的鋼索上,稍有不慎,便是粉身碎骨。 / The business patterns, production technique, the free flow of capital and labour mobility have been changed because of the globalization. At the same time, competition among the countries is increasingly. Many countries, especially the European welfare state, have began relaxing the labour law, meaning deregulation the labour such as free dismissal, flexible working hours etc,. They also have changed the social welfare substantially, including the unemployment payment. Through these measures which expect the country competitions will be improved. Among these reform countries, Dutch and Denmark surprised other countries, when many countries are suffering from increasing unemployment rate and job decrease. The Netherlands and Denmark are renowned as success example of combining flexibility and security both at the same time, in other words, success example of flexicurity. Through this research, we found: 1.Social Welfare. Some international organizations deem flexicurity positive, however, in the Netherlands and Denmark, public welfare is reducing gradually, like social payment or the duration of payment. 2. Types of employ. The labor market in the Netherlands develops toward to part-time job hiring, but in Denmark shows short tenure, high labor mobility and full-time job hiring. These two countries show different developments. 3. Unfair earnings distributed in labor market, which occurs frequently in these two countries. This article emphasize the flexicurity which looks fair, however it is not. That is what we concern about now. If Taiwan forwards to develop flexicurity, there are some related suggestions provided down below. Taiwan should pay more attention on the right of collective bargaining. Take Dutch or Denmark for example, the right of collective bargaining is quite powerful. We ought to strengthen this right of collective bargaining in the future. Furthermore, there are more and more atypical labours hiring in Taiwan. Concerning about this situation, we must set up specific and sound protect measures to make sure these types of labors will not be tricked unfairly. Last, our country, Taiwan, needs to enhance social security system. Under the sound and perfect system of social security, we are able to think about flexicurity. Otherwise, with this kind of social security, trying to set flexicurity into motion, for labours, is definitely not appropriate which is like walking on the cable wire without a safety net.

Zaměstnávání osob se zdravotním postižením v České republice / Employment of persons with disabilities in the Czech Republic

Beneš, Josef January 2016 (has links)
Approximately every tenth citizen in the Czech Republic suffers from a disability. Persons with disabilities form a vulnerable group in the labour market, which is caused mainly by a lower level of their education. Therefore, it is important that legislation protects the disabled persons and encourages employers to their employment. Employing of disabled people is in the interest of entire society and also has an integrative dimension. The main objective of this thesis is to assess comprehensively the legal regulation of the employment of persons with disabilities in the Czech Republic, to reflect recent amendments to applicable legislation and simultaneously to verify the premise that these regulations are satisfactory and feasible in practice. The thesis consists of four parts. The first part focuses on the basic definitions and states in which aspects some similar terms are identical or different. Special attention is paid to the definition of a "disabled person" in all its major forms. The second part deals with international and European regulation, by which the Czech Republic is bound and with which the national legislation must be in accordance. The chapter focuses on a wide range of legal documents that give direction to Czech legislation and grant certain rights to disabled persons. The...

非典型僱用與彈性安全策略之研究 / A study of atypical employment and flexicurity

賴穎萱 Unknown Date (has links)
自1984年John Atkinson提出彈性公司模型,世界勞動市場趨勢果然如同他的理論發展-企業內的核心工作機會減少、非典型勞工逐年增加,而非典型勞工與一般勞工的勞動條件差異會逐漸擴大。單方面開放勞動市場彈性,所帶來結果必然是貧富不均的擴大、社會不公義的增加,再加上社會安全保障系統的不足,將使社會有越來越分化、兩極的風險。也因此宣稱能夠達成勞動市場彈性與社會安全保障平衡的彈性安全策略,在具有強烈社會連帶思想的歐洲國家,引起極大的重視。探究彈性安全之內涵,是指彈性勞動市場、積極勞動市場政策與慷慨失業保險體系三者的結合,而此三面向為本文跨國比較核心。   比較德國、荷蘭及我國的現行政策與法令,本文發現德國對於非典型僱用的立場為有限度的開放,2005年哈茲法案雖為德國近年最大規模勞動市場彈性化改革,仍是以保障、正名化、平等化非典型勞工為目的,在有完善的社會安全保障的前提下,才能擴大非典型僱用的使用,可看出德國在非典型僱用政策上,安全優於彈性的軌跡。荷蘭的非典型僱用已成為勞動市場主流,非典型勞工的權益已列入民法保障,並且另有許多法令層層保障非典型勞工,其政策方向由先彈性再安全,轉變成彈性兼安全。相較之下,我國對非典型勞工的保障仍不夠明確,相關法令保障其勞動權益與社會保險相對缺乏,因此本文建議:一、我國應正視非典型僱用成長趨勢,以完整的社會安全保障、更廣泛的積極勞動市場為前提,明確的將各種非典型工作納入勞動法及社會安全保障法令規範,勞動市場彈性化才不會對非典型勞工造成長遠、負面影響;二、應儘快實行勞基法派遣專章,使派遣勞工不再成為勞動市場弱勢;三、修正勞工保險與就業保險之薪資門檻,才有可能確實保障部分工時勞工權益。

Současné trendy ve vzdělávání nezaměstnaných v Dánsku a v České republice / Recent trends in education of the unemployed people in Denmark and the Czech Republic

Brand, Anežka January 2015 (has links)
The objective of master thesis "Recent trends in education of the unemployed people in Denmark and the Czech Republic" is to describe active labour market policy of Denmark and the Czech Republic. The focus is specifically on young unemployed people representing the group with the highest unemployment rate on the Europeans labour market. This master thesis introduces to the instruments of active labour market policy and focuses especially on education as the most effective instrument of active labour market policy. The thesis is a theoretical study, working with relevant information sources of these two countries and with documents of EU. The result of this thesis is to be acquainted with the recent trends of this area, e.g. support of the further education or internships as an instrument of education in praxis. Moreover the thesis contains inspiration for the Czech active labour market policy Keywords Unemployment, active labour-market policy, youth unemployment, education for unemployment people, internships, improvement of qualifications, further education

Ekonomika Slovenskej republiky s bližším zreteľom na analýzu trhu práce / Slovak economy with a closer analysis of the labour market

Ondrušová, Marcela January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis gives a detailed analysis of the Slovak labour market. The beginning of the thesis includes political and economic development of an independent Slovak state since the Czechoslovak separation until a current situation. The rest of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of the labour market situation. Since its major problem is a high unemployment rate, the thesis gives an overview and deeper analysis of its various aspects. Furthermore, the indicators which influence the existence of the unemployment rate are to be found. The end of the thesis sums up the most problematic areas of Slovak labour market. In addition, the necessary steps which need to be done in order to reach an improvement are mentioned.

Analýza dopadu demografického vývoje na zaměstnanost a politiku zaměstnanosti starších osob v České republice / Analysis of the influence of demographic development on employment and employment policy of elderly people in the Czech Republic

Špirková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The thesis "Analysis of the influence of demographic development on employment and employment policy of elderly people in the Czech republic" focuses on the specific position of elderly people in the labour market. In the event of redundancy, they tend to be under threat of long- term unemployment more often and to a greater extent than other groups in the labour market. The thesis describes in detail the current state of employment of elderly people in the Czech Republic and the European Union with respect to demographic trends, which - in addition to other consequences - also have a strong impact on the labour market. The aim of the thesis is to determine the main obstacles preventing greater involvement of elderly people in the labour market in the Czech Republic, and the direction employment policy should take in order to achieve greater efficiency. The basic hypothesis of the thesis is the idea that the implementation of an active employment policy in the Czech Republic is not effective enough in solving the unemployment issues of the elderly. Using four theoretical frameworks, the main deficiencies of the currently implemented employment policy with respect to elderly people and the causes thereof are identified. Theoretical foundations are also applied in discussing possible solutions to the...

Vliv Evropské strategie zaměstnanosti na aktivní politiku zaměstnanosti České republiky / The European Employment Strategy influence on the Czech active labour market policy

Jarolím, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to describe the influence of the European Union and especially the European employment strategy on the active employment policy in the Czech Republic. The thesis follows the development of the employment policy in both European Union and the Czech Republic. One part of the thesis is devoted to the pre-accession period and the other is concerned with the period after the Czech Republic has become a valid member of the EU. There were applied two theoretical concepts in the analysis of the European Union's influence on the Czech employment policy: social network theory and the concept of policy transfer. There are pointed out the changes that happened in both periods. The motivation of both parties to accept and implement the changes and to influence or to be influenced is described. The aim of this thesis is to prove that the Czech Republic has been influenced and to show the aspects of the influence: where, why and by whom.

Analýza chráněných pracovních míst v ČR podle jejich vzniku v občanském sektoru a v obchodních společnostech / Analyse of Protected Work-rooms with Regard to their Rise in Civic Sector and Trading Companies

Zajícová, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
Presented thesis deals with theme of protected employment of people with disabilities as one of the posssible ways of their integration into mainstream society. Unemployment, potential negative impacts of work in protected conditions and the risk of social exclusion are in this thesis presented as a social problem, in the solution of which are to some extent involved participants of all three sectors - the state as well as organizations of private profit- and non-profit sector. The theoretical part describes the current system of employment support for people with disabilities in our country and its effectiveness, and analyses the potential impact on lives of this group of citizens. The thesis also includes research conducted within protected workrooms, operated by the civic sector organizations and business companies. Its main objective is to determine whether and how the examined employers contribute to development of skills, vocational qualification and motivation of the disabled citizens for a possible moving into the open labor market and the mainstream society.

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