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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Medelyno išlaidų apskaitos modelis taikant ABC išlaidų apskaitos sistemą / Nursery Cost Accounting Model Using Activity-Based Costing

Stravinskaitė, Monika 21 June 2013 (has links)
Tinkamos išlaidų apskaitos sistemos pasirinkimui įtakos turi visa eilė veiksnių ir aplinkybių. Įmonėms, kurių produkcijos gamybai yra priskiriama daug netiesioginių išlaidų, buvo sukurta ABC (Activity-based costing) išlaidų apskaitos sistema, kuri padeda įvertinti veiklą, priimti valdymo sprendimus, kontroliuoti bei mažinti išlaidas, atsisakyti vertės nepridedančių veiklų. Atlikti tyrimai “N” medelyno pavyzdžiu parodė, kad netiesioginės sodmenų gamybos išlaidos paskirstomos miško sėjinukų, sodinukų ir dekoratyvinių sodinukų auginimo išlaidoms pagal tiesioginio darbo užmokesčio sumą. Toks netiesioginių išlaidų paskirstymas sodmenų grupėms iškraipo sodmenų savikainą, nes išanalizavus „N“ medelyno gamybos technologinį procesą, pastebėta, kad skirtingų grupių sodmenys kaupia ne vienodas išlaidas, t.y. jų poreikiai yra skirtingi ir reikalauja skirtingų veiklų. Todėl autorė siūlo medelyno gamybos procesą suskirstyti į tris pagrindinius etapus: produkto sukūrimą (idėją), produkto pagaminimą-išauginimą ir pardavimą, pagal šiuos etapus išskirti veiklas ir kaupti sodmenų auginimo išlaidas. / Choice of appropriate cost accounting system is influenced by a number of factors and circumstances. Companies whose production is attributed to a lot of indirect costs have set up ABC (Activity-Based Costing) cost accounting system, which helps to evaluate performance, make management decisions to control and reduce costs, to refuse activities of value decrease. The studies in nursery 'N' show that the indirect costs of seedlings are allocated to forest seedlings, plants and ornamental plants growing costs under the amount of direct salary. This allocation of indirect costs distorts the cost of seedlings, because the analysis of the nursery "N" production process technology shows that different groups of seedlings accumulate different costs because their needs are different and require different activities. Therefore, the author suggests three basic steps of nursery production process: creation of the product (the idea), production-cultivation and sales, to exclude activities and to collect costs of seedling production.

科技廠房建設產業實施成本控制之研究-以個案公司為例 / A study on the cost control practice in high-tech - an example of company

林中文, Lin, Chung Wen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技技術的發達,資訊科技的產品生命週期也相對縮短,電子產品製造 商為使能快速生產新產品以獲得市佔率賺取利潤,進而要求新廠建造工期快速完工且品質穩定以掌握市場趨勢,搶先競爭者發表新產品以站穩市場銷售地位。有鑑於此,本研究個案公司為科技廠房建造業者,在面臨超速競爭下之龐大壓力,需以快、狠、準的第一時間掌握顧客需求,同時,在科技廠房建造業之大量同業競爭下,價格之透明化也壓縮利潤空間。因此,本研究個案公司需能精準掌握成本,以最少的成本達到顧客對品質的需求,有鑑於此,擁有企業內部成本絕佳控制能力遂變成本研究個案公司之競爭優勢。 為重新找尋個案公司之競爭優勢,本研究率先透過SWOT 進行企業內部優劣勢與外部機會威脅之分析,探討現存企業之經營問題。本研究發現在外部環境變遷下低成本優勢已不復存,因此,解決此問題重新尋求新競爭優勢變得刻不容 緩之事,而其中個案公司內部「成本控制」就變得極為重要。接著,利用ABC 對個案公司之作業流程進行初步了解,發現個案公司需導入作業成本控制系統以 彌補傳統成本控制系統之不足,使成本資訊更加科學,真實呈現產品間之成本, 讓企業產銷決策更為合理。最後,本研究希冀未來個案公司能發展專屬自己之新 作業成本制度,以精準掌握各分公司間之成本,消滅不增值之作業,改進增值之 作業,以有效充分利用資源,健全公司成本控管系統,用最少成本發揮最大利潤, 獲得獨特競爭優勢,讓管理者能充分瞭解企業內部各產品間之營利狀況,重新定 位其策略方針並調整內部管理。 / The product life cycle in information technology industry has been getting shorter with the development of technology. It is clear to see that semiconductor manufacturing companies which can shorten the construction period in building high-tech construction plants to produce and release new products sooner than ever before are possible to grab more market share than competitors in boosting profits. The company discussed in this paper focuses on building high-tech construction plants. Faced with the price competition from competitors, low cost strategy simply does not offer an advantage. The company in this case study must establish the cost management system to analyze and predict the cost of each project accurately in advance that leads to spend the least expenditure to meet customer need.

Prevention and promotion activities-based costing of primary care unit: A case fo Salalumduan, Sakaeo province, Thailand /

Wannaporn Sopanna, KanKaani Chamroonsawasdi, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.P.H.M. (Primary Health Care Management))--Mahidol University, 2004.

Εφαρμογή των κοστολογικών συστημάτων στον τομέα των ξενοδοχειακών επιχειρήσεων

Ρούτση, Ελένη 28 September 2010 (has links)
Αναμφισβήτητα, τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες έχουν λάβει χώρα σημαντικές αλλαγές στο επιχειρησιακό περιβάλλον σε παγκόσμια κλίμακα, οι οποίες έχουν μεταβάλλει ριζικά τη δομή του. Παραδείγματα τέτοιων αλλαγών αποτελούν η εισαγωγή ευέλικτων συστημάτων παραγωγής, η εντατικοποίηση και η αυτοματοποίηση των παραγωγικών διαδικασιών, η αύξηση των γενικών εξόδων τόσο ως ποσό όσο και ως ποσοστό επί του συνολικού κόστους των προϊόντων, η μείωση του κόστους άμεσης εργασίας (κυρίως στη βιομηχανία ) ως ποσοστό του κόστους παραγωγής, η αύξηση της ποικιλίας προϊόντων που παράγονται σε μικρές ποσότητες και με διαφορετικές προδιαγραφές, η αύξηση του ρυθμού εισαγωγής νέων προϊόντων στην αγορά τα οποία έχουν μικρό κύκλο ζωής, η υιοθέτηση πελατοκεντρικού προσανατολισμού κ.α. Οι παραπάνω αλλαγές σε συνδυασμό με την αύξηση της έντασης του ανταγωνισμού και της συνεπακόλουθης μείωσης των περιθωρίων κέρδους, έχουν ανάγει σε πηγή ανταγωνιστικού πλεονεκτήματος την αποτελεσματική παρακολούθηση και, κυρίως, διοίκηση τους κόστους των ξενοδοχειακών επιχειρήσεων. Για τη λήψη ορθών επιχειρηματικών αποφάσεων απαιτείται ορθή πληροφόρηση, η οποία, σε μεγάλο βαθμό, στηρίζεται στα αριθμητικά μεγέθη που παράγει η κοστολογική οργάνωση των ξενοδοχειακών επιχειρήσεων. Εξάλλου, ο σωστός προγραμματισμός και η άσκηση της οικονομικής πολιτικής από το Κράτος απαιτεί επίσης σωστή και αντικειμενική πληροφόρηση, που στηρίζεται τα μέγιστα στα μεγέθη του κόστους. Η Κοστολόγηση είναι, δηλαδή, η διαδικασία που αριθμοποιεί τη ζωή των οικονομικών μονάδων, συγκεντρώνει, αναλύει, επεξεργάζεται, συσχετίζει τα αριθμητικά μεγέθη τα οποία συνοψίζει και παρουσιάζει καταλλήλως ώστε να είναι αξιοποιήσιμα από τους λήπτες των επιχειρηματικών αποφάσεων. Για να είναι όμως τα μεγέθη του κόστους αξιοποιήσιμα θα πρέπει, εκτός των άλλων, να τυγχάνουν μιας τέτοιας επεξεργασίας, κατάταξης και συσχετισμών ώστε να διασφαλίζεται η μέσω αυτών και δι’ αυτών κατάρτιση ορθών οικονομικών εκθέσεων και γενικά η άσκηση ελέγχου για την ορθότητα κάθε επιχειρηματικής απόφασης. Η σημαντικότητα του εργαλείου της κοστολόγησης για την παροχή αξιόπιστων πληροφοριών στη διοίκηση της ξενοδοχειακής επιχείρησης, για τη λήψη αποφάσεων αποτέλεσε έναυσμα για τη διενέργεια της παρούσας μελέτης η οποία αναφέρεται σε ένα από τα πλέον σύγχρονα πεδία έρευνας και ανάπτυξης της Λογιστικής Επιστήμης που συνδέεται με τη χρησιμοποίηση επιστημονικών μεθόδων, αρχών και κανόνων, στη Διοίκηση των επιχειρήσεων και ιδιαίτερα των ξενοδοχειακών. Όπως είναι γνωστό, η διοίκηση των επιχειρήσεων, πραγματοποιείται μέσω των λαμβανόμενων καθημερινά επιχειρηματικών αποφάσεων από τους υπεύθυνους φορείς εξουσίας – αρμοδιότητας και ευθύνης – που βρίσκονται σε όλα τα επίπεδα της Διοικητικής πυραμίδας. Αναλυτικότερα, οι επιμέρους στόχοι της παρούσας μελέτης είναι οι ακόλουθοι: Μέσα από την ανάλυση και την εμπειρική έρευνα των ξενοδοχείων να προκύψει μια πολιτική λογιστικής και κοστολογικής οργάνωσης αυτών, επισήμανση της σημασίας και του μεγέθους της τουριστικής ανάπτυξης της Ελλάδας, αναφορά στον εγχώριο και διεθνή ανταγωνισμό, παρουσίαση της κοστολογικής οργάνωσης των ξενοδοχείων και ανάλυση των κοστολογικών συστημάτων που χρησιμοποιούνται από αυτά, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τις ιδιαιτερότητες του κλάδου των ξενοδοχειακών επιχειρήσεων που έχουν αντίκτυπο στην κοστολόγηση (τιμολόγηση, εποχικότητα, κόστος αδράνειας- υπολειτουργίας, value added, non value added δαπάνες, κ.λπ.). Η παρούσα διπλωματική μελέτη αποτελείται από οκτώ (8) κεφάλαια στα οποία πραγματεύονται τα ακόλουθα : Στο Κεφάλαιο 1 αναλύεται η δομή του ξενοδοχειακού συστήματος, στο Κεφάλαιο 2 αναλύεται η δομή του Τουριστικού συστήματος, στο Κεφάλαιο 3 αξιολογείται και παρουσιάζεται η οργάνωση του κόστους ως μεταβλητής που στηρίζει απαραιτήτως κάθε επιχειρηματική απόφαση, στο Κεφάλαιο 4 παρουσιάζεται η κοστολογική οργάνωση των ξενοδοχειακών επιχειρήσεων, στο Κεφάλαιο 5 αναλύεται ένα από τα σημαντικότερα είδη Κοστολόγησης, η Κοστολόγηση ανά δραστηριότητα, στο Κεφάλαιο 6 παρουσιάζονται στατιστικά στοιχεία για την χρηματοοικονομική ανάλυση του κλάδου των ξενοδοχειακών μονάδων, στο Κεφάλαιο 7 παρουσιάζεται η κοστολογική ανάλυση του κλάδου και στο Κεφάλαιο 8 παρουσιάζονται τα βασικά συμπεράσματα της μελέτης καθώς και προτάσεις βελτίωσης της εφαρμογής της κοστολόγησης στην εποχή μας. / Undeniably, the last decades have taken place important changes in the operational environment in world scale, that have alter radically his structure. Examples of such changes constitute the import of flexible systems of production, the intensifying and the automation of productive processes, the increase of general expenses so much as sum what as percentage on the total cost of products, the reduction of cost of direct work (mainly in the industry) as percentage of cost of production, the increase of variety of products that is produced in small quantities and with different specifications, the increase of rhythm of import of new products in the market which have small circle of life, the adoption of orientation to the customers, etc. The above changes in combination with the increase of intensity of competition and subsequent reduction of margins of profit, have reduced in source of competitive advantage the effective follow-up and, mainly, their administration of cost of hotel enterprises. For the decision-making equitable enterprising is required equitable information, which, to a great degree, is supported in the numerical sizes that produces the cost estimating organization of hotel enterprises. Moreover, the correct planning and the exercise of economic policy from the State require also correct and objective information that supports biggest in sizes of cost. The cost accounting is, that is to say, the process that puts in a line the life of economic units, assembles, analyzes, processes, connects the numerical sizes which it summarizes and presents suitably so that they are exploitable from the recipients of enterprising decisions. In order to be the sizes of cost exploitable it will be supposed, except the other, that they enjoy a such treatment, classification and correlations so that is ensured via these and of these training of equitable economic reports and in general the exercise of control on the correctness of each enterprising decision. The importance of tool of cost accounting for the benefit of reliable information in the administration of hotel enterprise, for the decision-making constituted spark for the realization of present study which is reported in one of the most modern fields of research and growth of Accountant Science that is connected with the utilization of scientific methods, values and rules, in the Administration of enterprises and particularly of hotels. As it is known, the administration of enterprises, it is realized via the received daily enterprising decisions by the responsible institutions of power- competence and responsibility - that they are found in all levels of Administrative pyramid. More analytically, the individual objectives of present study are the followings: Through the analysis and the empiric research of hotels result a policy accountant and cost estimating organization of these, pointing out of importance and size of tourist growth of Greece, report in the domestic and international competition, presentation of cost estimating organization of hotels and analysis of cost estimating systems that is used by them, taking into consideration his particularities of branch of hotel enterprises that have impact in the cost accounting (pricing, cost of inactivity, value added, non value added expenses, etc.). The present diplomatic study is constituted from eight (8) capitals in which deal with following: In Capital 1 it is analyzed the structure of hotel system, in Capital 2 it is analyzed the structure of Tourist system, in Capital 3 it is evaluated and presents itself the organization of cost as variable that supports essentially each enterprising decision, in Capital 4 it is presented the cost estimating organization of hotel enterprises, in Capital 5 it is analyzed one of the most important types of Cost accounting, the Cost accounting per activity, in Capital 6 they are presented statistical elements for the financing analysis of branch of hotel units, in Capital 7 it is presented the cost estimating analysis of branch and in Capital 8 they are presented the basic conclusions of study as well as proposals of improvement of application of cost accounting in our period of time.

Integrated Model of the Urban Continuum with Dynamic Time-dependent Activity-Travel Microsimulation: Framework, Prototype, and Implementation

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: The development of microsimulation approaches to urban systems modeling has occurred largely in three parallel streams of research, namely, land use, travel demand and traffic assignment. However, there are important dependencies and inter-relationships between the model systems which need to be accounted to accurately and comprehensively model the urban system. Location choices affect household activity-travel behavior, household activity-travel behavior affects network level of service (performance), and network level of service, in turn, affects land use and activity-travel behavior. The development of conceptual designs and operational frameworks that represent such complex inter-relationships in a consistent fashion across behavioral units, geographical entities, and temporal scales has proven to be a formidable challenge. In this research, an integrated microsimulation modeling framework called SimTRAVEL (Simulator of Transport, Routes, Activities, Vehicles, Emissions, and Land) that integrates the component model systems in a behaviorally consistent fashion, is presented. The model system is designed such that the activity-travel behavior model and the dynamic traffic assignment model are able to communicate with one another along continuous time with a view to simulate emergent activity-travel patterns in response to dynamically changing network conditions. The dissertation describes the operational framework, presents the modeling methodologies, and offers an extensive discussion on the advantages that such a framework may provide for analyzing the impacts of severe network disruptions on activity-travel choices. A prototype of the model system is developed and implemented for a portion of the Greater Phoenix metropolitan area in Arizona to demonstrate the capabilities of the model system. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012

Análise do custo empresa e do benefício cliente como direcionador de investimentos nos requisitos do cliente : o caso de uma indústria alimentícia

Santos, Fernanda Cristina January 2015 (has links)
O acesso à informação formou um mercado altamente competitivo. Os clientes têm acessos a um número maior de marcas e produtos. Isso fez com que as empresas se preocupassem em agregar maior valor ao seu produto. Investir mais em desenvolvimento de produtos e em processos mais eficientes passou a ser um fator crítico para o sucesso das organizações. Neste trabalho, propõe-se um método para direcionar os investimentos da empresa para melhoria de um produto já existente, utilizando o método Quality Function Deployment (QFD) como base e incorporando um sistema de avaliação econômica a ele. Um estudo de caso foi realizado em uma empresa alimentícia da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. O produto escolhido foi a massa fresca alimentícia. Por meio do detalhamento dos requisitos do cliente e o estudo do processo produtivo foram elaboradas as matrizes tradicionais do QFD: matriz da qualidade, matriz de processos, matriz de recursos, matriz de matéria-prima. Informações importantes como os requisitos mais valorizados pelo cliente e os processos que mais impactavam para a melhora desses requisitos foram identificadas. A incorporação da análise de custos foi realizada através do Custeio Baseado em Atividades, direcionando-o para os requisitos do cliente. Assim, foi possível conhecer os custos de cada atividade do processo de produção da massa fresca alimentícia e, então, com o direcionamento dos custos às características, pôde-se conhecer também os custos de cada característica do produto. Os resultados mostraram que mais da metade dos custos do produto é para facilitar a sua compra (distribuição e armazenamento). Realizou-se uma validação do método com o objetivo de verificar se o consumidor estaria disposto a pagar pelo aumento da qualidade desse produto. Foi possível observar que o cliente deste tipo de massa aceita pagar até R$ 1,53 por um aumento do nível da consistência e R$ 1,56 por um sabor mais artesanal, que representa aproximadamente 38% e 39% a mais no preço deste produto respectivamente. Por fim, com os dados obtidos com a aplicação do método foi realizada uma simulação de um investimento para melhoria da consistência. O método mostrou-se eficaz como um direcionador inicial de investimentos. / Access to information formed a highly competitive market. Customers have access to a greater number of brands and products. This made companies to concern about adding more value to their product. More investment in product development and efficient processes has become a critical factor for the success of organizations. In this paper, we propose a method to direct the company's investments to improve an existing product, using the Quality Function Deployment method (QFD) as a base and incorporating an economic evaluation system to it. A case study was conducted at a food company in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre. The chosen product was the fresh pasta. Through the details of the customer requirements and the study of the production process were prepared traditional matrices of QFD: product planning, process planning, production planning and parts deployment. Relevant information such as the most important requirements for clients and the processes that most impacted to improve these requirements were identified. The incorporation of the cost analysis was performed using the Activity Based Costing, directing it to the customer's requirements. Thus, it was possible to know the costs of each activity of the fresh pasta production process and then directing the costs to the characteristics, we could also find the costs of each product feature. The results showed that more than half of the product cost is to facilitate your purchase (distribution and storage). The method was validated in order to check whether the consumer would be willing to pay for increased quality of the product. It was observed that the customer of this type of pasta agrees to pay up to R$ 1.53 per an increased level of consistency and R$ 1.56 for a more artisan flavor, which is approximately 38% and 39% more in the price of the product respectively. Finally, with the data obtained with the method a simulation of an investment to improve the consistency was performed. The method proved to be effective as an initial director of investments.

RCA : resource consumptions accounting

Freitas, Valeska Rodriguez Lucas de January 2013 (has links)
Devido à grande concorrência do mercado o controle de custos passa a ser peça fundamental no auxílio à tomada de decisão quanto à redução dos custos, visando uma lucratividade maior por parte das empresas. Essa dissertação trata sobre um novo modelo de custos, o RCA – Resource Consumption Accounting, que ainda não foi adotado por nenhuma empresa. Esse novo método de custeio foi aplicado como modelo piloto em uma empresa Americana onde os resultados foram favoráveis a ele em relação aos modelos existentes. Muitos autores defendem o RCA como sendo um grande aliado aos gestores e ao setor financeiro por ser de fácil entendimento, apurar a capacidade ociosa e principalmente por apurar os custos com maior precisão em relação aos métodos mais utilizados atualmente. O RCA deve superar ao método ABC – Activity Based Costing, pois ele possui algumas vantagens em relação a este, por exemplo, como tratar separadamente os custos fixos dos variáveis, evitando assim rateios arbitrários e gerando uma apuração dos custos dos produtos e das atividades com maior precisão, além de apurar a capacidade ociosa, auxiliando assim os gestores na tomada de decisão. O RCA, assim como o ABC, é caro de ser implantado, pois precisa ser utilizado junto com sistemas integrados, sendo a sua principal desvantagem. / Due to market competition, the cost control becomes a critical tool to assist managers in taking decisions pursuing the cost reduction improving the companies profitability. This dissertation is about a new cost management system, the RCA - Resource Consumption Accounting, which has not been adopted yet by any company. This new cost management system was applied as a pilot model for an American company and the results were favorable to him. Many authors support RCA as a great ally to managers and financial managers because it is easy to understand, work with embedded systems, and determine the idle capacity mainly determine costs with greater accuracy compared with the methods currently used. The RCA must overcome to ABC - Activity Based Costing, because presents some advantages over this, for example, treat separately the fixed costs of the variable ones, avoiding arbitrary apportionments and generating a calculation of the costs of products and activities more accurately, also determine the idle capacity, thereby assisting managers in taking decision. The RCA, as ABC, is expensive to deploy because it must be used with integrated systems, being its main disadvantage.

A Tour Level Stop Scheduling Framework and A Vehicle Type Choice Model System for Activity Based Travel Forecasting

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation research contributes to the advancement of activity-based travel forecasting models along two lines of inquiry. First, the dissertation aims to introduce a continuous-time representation of activity participation in tour-based model systems in practice. Activity-based travel demand forecasting model systems in practice today are largely tour-based model systems that simulate individual daily activity-travel patterns through the prediction of day-level and tour-level activity agendas. These tour level activity-based models adopt a discrete time representation of activities and sequence the activities within tours using rule-based heuristics. An alternate stream of activity-based model systems mostly confined to the research arena are activity scheduling systems that adopt an evolutionary continuous-time approach to model activity participation subject to time-space prism constraints. In this research, a tour characterization framework capable of simulating and sequencing activities in tours along the continuous time dimension is developed and implemented using readily available travel survey data. The proposed framework includes components for modeling the multitude of secondary activities (stops) undertaken as part of the tour, the time allocated to various activities in a tour, and the sequence in which the activities are pursued. Second, the dissertation focuses on the implementation of a vehicle fleet composition model component that can be used not only to simulate the mix of vehicle types owned by households but also to identify the specific vehicle that will be used for a specific tour. Virtually all of the activity-based models in practice only model the choice of mode without due consideration of the type of vehicle used on a tour. In this research effort, a comprehensive vehicle fleet composition model system is developed and implemented. In addition, a primary driver allocation model and a tour-level vehicle type choice model are developed and estimated with a view to advancing the ability to track household vehicle usage through the course of a day within activity-based travel model systems. It is envisioned that these advances will enhance the fidelity of activity-based travel model systems in practice. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil and Environmental Engineering 2014


Oliveira, Fabricio Costa de 11 May 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research work presents a model for a process and design improvement based on quality cost management into activity based management. The objective of this research is to develop a model that provides a quality cost reduction through processes and product improvement, identified and measured by the activity based cost system. The model has two combined phases, being the first: the quality cost measurement through the activity based cost, that allows the identification of product quality cost which was classified in prevention, appraisal and failure. This phase uses the vertical part of Activity Based Management (ABM), allocating the cost into products, through quality activities that were identified in the company, prioritizing those products in need of improvement in their process. With definition of products, follows to phase 2: internal processes analysis using quality cost, where it uses the model of critical analysis and internal processes control improvement. When the main problems are identified, as much on field product performance (external failure cost) as on internal problems within the company (internal failure cost), it is possible to make a correlation with the internal development product process. In this manner improvement opportunities are identified. Finally, it introduces a model of process and design improvement using the quality cost management into activity based management and the application of this model in the cutlery company. / Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta um modelo para melhoria de processos e projetos com base no gerenciamento dos custos da qualidade em um ambiente de gestão por atividades. O objetivo da pesquisa é desenvolver um modelo que proporcione uma redução dos custos da qualidade através da análise e melhoria dos processos, projetos e produtos, identificados e mensurados pelo sistema de custeio por atividades. O modelo contempla duas fases, interligadas, sendo a fase 1: a mensuração dos custos da qualidade através do custeio por atividades, o que permite a identificação dos custos da qualidade dos produtos, classificados em prevenção, avaliação e falhas. Nesta etapa utiliza-se a parte vertical do modelo de gerenciamento por atividades (ABM), através do qual aloca-se os custos aos produtos, através das atividades da qualidade, identificadas na empresa, priorizando-se aqueles produtos que devem ter seus processos melhorados. Com a definição dos produtos, parte-se para a fase 2: análise dos processos internos com base nos custos da qualidade, quando se utiliza o modelo para análise crítica e melhoria do controle dos processos internos. Identificando-se os principais problemas, tanto de desempenho dos produtos no campo (custos de falha externa), quanto de problemas internos na empresa (custo de falha interna), pode-se correlacioná-los com os processos internos de desenvolvimento dos produtos. Deste modo as oportunidades de melhoria são identificadas. Finalmente, apresenta-se uma proposta de implementação do modelo de melhoria de processos e projetos com base no gerenciamento dos custos da qualidade em um ambiente de gestão por atividades e a aplicação do modelo em uma empresa do setor de cutelaria.

ABC - Activity Based Costing e a gestão de projetos no gerenciamento dos custos de manutenção em transporte público de passageiros: um modelo estratégico a partir da cadeia de valor

Maracaja, Flavio 28 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2016-05-04T13:35:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 9161935 bytes, checksum: f754259723418e8bdd6374a6ee8b0b57 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-04T13:35:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 9161935 bytes, checksum: f754259723418e8bdd6374a6ee8b0b57 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-28 / Passenger transport by bus has a public and notorious importance. A complex logistics chain that by integrating the urban fabric, affects the productivity of production systems due to their own productivity. In this segment, business and government are challenged to fund transport systems that can meet their needs and those of the society. Increased competitiveness, combined with political and social challenges strategically focuses the measures on maintenance costs, still few explored. Traditional ways of funding do not consider all the complexity around its accuracy. In the era of knowledge, the activities managed by projects are the most whose added value. The Activity Based Costs, as most accurate method, details the complexity of these costs. As management support maintenance costs, the exploratory research applies a model, specifically developed, integrating the GP and the ABC. In this sense it has been developed a chain of Generic Value in Public Transport, and a chain of Specific Maintenance value. Maintenance operations and support activities were mapped and grouped into macro activities (set of services / maintenance tasks). The search database, contained in materials services and requisition orders was collected via SQL (Structured Query Language) and documentary research, and validated by interviews. Evidence from a case study in two companies of João Pessoa / Brazil validate the model, presenting management indicators and details the actual maintenance costs throughout its value chain in three stages: cost of services, cost of vehicles and cost of operating lines. Thus, from the case study it can be said that the model, not being single, not definitive, It is effective in maintenance of public transport processes, the accuracy of the results. Even not allowing full generalizations, it is adhering to processes of transport maintenance to keep similar aspects. The application of modern costing methods such as ABC associated with the Project Management (GP), in fact it resulted in a management support maintenance costs in public passenger transport. / O transporte de passageiros por ônibus é de importância pública e notória. Uma complexa cadeia logística que ao integrar o tecido urbano, afeta a produtividade dos sistemas de produção em razão de sua própria produtividade. Nesse segmento, empresas e governo são desafiados a custear sistemas de transportes que possam atender as suas demandas e as da sociedade. O aumento da competividade, aliado a desafios políticos e sociais focam estrategicamente as ações em torno dos custos de manutenção, parcela ainda pouco explorada. As tradicionais formas de custeio não consideram toda a complexidade em torno de sua acurácia. Na era do conhecimento as atividades gerenciadas por projetos são as que mais adicionam valor. O Activity Based Costs como método mais acurado detalha a complexidade desses custos. Como suporte ao gerenciamento dos custos de manutenção, a pesquisa de natureza exploratória aplica um modelo, especificamente desenvolvido, integrando o GP e o ABC. Nesse sentido foram desenvolvidas uma Cadeia de Valor Genérica em Transporte Público e uma Específica de Manutenção. As operações de manutenção e as atividades de apoio foram mapeadas e agrupadas em macroatividades (conjunto de serviços/tarefas de manutenção). A base de dados da pesquisa, contidos em Ordens de Serviços e Requisição de Materiais foi coletada via SQL (Structured Query Language) e pesquisa documental e validada por entrevistas. Evidências a partir de um estudo de caso, em duas empresas de João Pessoa/Brasil validam o modelo que apresenta indicadores de gerenciamento e detalha os reais custos de manutenção ao longo de sua cadeia de valor em três estágios: custos dos serviços, custo dos veículos e custo das linhas operacionais. Logo, a partir do caso em estudo é possível afirmar que o modelo, não se constituindo único, nem definitivo, ressalva-se, é eficaz em processos de manutenção de transporte público pela acuracidade dos resultados. Mesmo não permitindo generalizações plenas, é aderente a processos de manutenções de transportes que mantenham semelhantes aspectos. A aplicação de métodos de custeios modernos como ABC associado à Gestão de Projetos, de fato resultou um suporte ao gerenciamento dos custos de manutenção em transporte público de passageiros.

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