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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A proposta comercial como boundary object no processo projetual

Lesnovski, Melissa Merino 16 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-06-26T14:17:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Melissa Merino Lesnovski_.pdf: 6981013 bytes, checksum: 5a4fdef4e856d56ef0f8a2d47fa6bf60 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-26T14:17:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Melissa Merino Lesnovski_.pdf: 6981013 bytes, checksum: 5a4fdef4e856d56ef0f8a2d47fa6bf60 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-16 / Nenhuma / Esta investigação abordou o papel da proposta comercial de serviços de design dentro do contexto de subdeterminação do problema de design, analisando-a como um possível boundary object que media e articula os interesses e relações de atores dentro e fora da organização de design, tanto na etapa comercial quanto ao longo do projeto. O percurso metodológico compreendeu a elaboração de um modelo analítico da jornada da proposta comercial ao longo do projeto, a partir de entrevistas com especialistas, seguido por três estudos de casos onde tal modelo foi aplicado criticamente na análise dos processos, traduções e artefatos de cada situação. Com base nos resultados obtidos, discutiu-se os boundary objects como promotores de abertura e fechamento de perspectivas, as relações da proposta comercial com a cartografia e dispositivos de agência, a controvérsia e a pontualização como o inesperado em relatos e, por fim, o problema de design em um crescente de complexidade. Tais reflexões deram margem para enquadrar a venda de serviços de design por uma perspectiva de acoplamento à complexidade residente na organização, realizada através de um coletivo de boundary objects influenciado pela visão de um agente-cartógrafo comercial. / The present investigation approaches the role of the design services business proposal inside contexts where the design problem is ill-structured, as a possible boundary object that mediates and articulates interests and relationships among actors both inside and outside of the design organization. Methodological procedures involved the elaboration of an analytical model of the business proposal journey throughout the project, based on interviews with specialists, followed by three case studies in which said model was critically applied to analyse processes, translations and artifacts belonging to each situation. Based on the findings of each case study, a discussion has evolved around boundary objects as promoters of opening and closing of perspectives, relationships mediated by the business proposal, cartography of controversies and agency devices, controversy and punctualization as the unexpected in accounts and the design problem in increased complexity settings. These discussions lead to the framing of the design services selling process as a way of coupling with an organization’s resident complexity, enacted through a collective of boundary objects influenced by the vision of a commercial cartographer agent.
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Sobre novas tecnologias de gestão que se articulam a repertórios históricos: um estudo sobre o trabalho voluntário na área da saúde / On new management technologies that articulate the historical repertoires: a study on volunteer work in health-care institutions

Pereira, Camila Claudiano Quina 03 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:30:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Camila Claudiano Quina Pereira.pdf: 1296127 bytes, checksum: ebfc01c05c8e0c1e41db06cd160faea1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-03 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Volunteer work in health-care institutions is an expanding activity that responds to, public policies that promote incentives for donations from individuals as well as private corporations with double benefits: exemption from income tax and accountability as to social responsibility programs.. Various community sectors and government agencies are involved in volunteer activities in health services. Moreover, we cannot deny the benefits that this practice offers for people who are under hospital care and are vulnerable due to illness. Based on these premises, this research has focused on the effects that the managerial theories, laws, historical repertoires and governmental interest have in volunteer work in hospital settings. Taking as a point of departure the assertion that volunteers are polissemic actors that are performed by a variety of materialities ans socialities, the aim of this research was to understand how the volunteers are performed in a public hospital in the city of São Paulo. For this purpose, we accepted the methodological challenge of adopting a constructionist approach in dialogue with Actor Network Theory's proposals that enabled us to work with the complexity and the multiple versions of volunteer activity and also suggest that the society, institutions, technologies, architecture, among others actors, are an effect or a product of a heterogeneous network of human and nonhuman. To achieve this goal we started with a literature review that enabled us to understand the complex network in wich volunteer activity in hospitals is enmeshed. The study was conducted with the collaboration of the Volunteer Association of the Institute of Infectious Diseases Emilio Ribas and, in order to understand the procedures, social and material, that make up the voluntary practice in this hospital, we followed them in their daily routine. The various sources of information used in this study led us to argue that the volunteer work in healthcare is a social product, contextually located that sets in motion historical repertoires within the a heterogeneous network composed of human actors and non-humans / O trabalho voluntário na área da Saúde é uma atividade em expansão, comprometida com políticas públicas que, atualmente, movimenta recursos financeiros, desde doações de pessoas físicas até valores provenientes de empresas privadas, seja para contribuir, seja para isenção do imposto de renda ou ainda para promover um programa de responsabilidade social. Diversos setores da comunidade e órgãos públicos estão envolvidos na atividade voluntária desenvolvida nos serviços de saúde. Ademais, não podemos negar os benefícios que tal prática oferece a pessoas hospitalizadas e fragilizadas em decorrência do adoecimento. Dessas constatações chegamos à indagação sobre os efeitos que a gestão, as leis, os repertórios históricos e o interesse governamental têm no trabalho voluntário. Trata-se de uma figura polissêmica que é performada por materialidades e sociabilidades distintas. Por isso, nossa questão para este trabalho foi observar como o voluntário é performado no hospital. Acatamos o desafio metodológico de partir da postura construcionista para um diálogo com a proposta da Teoria Ator Rede que nos permitiu trabalhar com a complexidade e a multiplicidade de versões da atividade voluntária, além de sugerir que a sociedade, as instituições, as tecnologias, a arquitetura, dentre outros, são vistos como um efeito ou um produto de uma rede heterogênea de humanos e não humanos. Para consecução desse objetivo iniciamos com uma pesquisa bibliográfica que nos possibilitou entender a complexa trama na qual se insere a atividade de voluntários na área hospitalar. Para ser foco desse estudo, selecionamos a Associação dos Voluntários do Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas, no qual acompanhamos o cotidiano dos voluntários para compreender os procedimentos, as materialidades e socialidades que compõem a prática voluntária nesse hospital e que performam o voluntário. As diversas fontes de informação utilizadas nesse estudo nos propiciaram argumentar que o voluntário na área da Saúde é um produto social, contextualmente localizado, performado pelos repertórios históricos e pela complexa rede heterogênea, composta por atores humanos e não humanos em que está inserido
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Diversité culturelle et innovation organisationnelle en contexte de coopération internationale : le cas d’un Plan de Contrôle Qualité dans un projet international d’infrastructure de transport / Cultural diversity and organizational innovation in the context of international cooperation : the case of a Quality Control Plan in an international transport infrastructure project

Khalfaoui, Liece 10 December 2018 (has links)
Les équipes internationales de projet sont aux prises avec des situations complexes tant au plan technique qu’au plan organisationnel. Les projets se démarquent de la production ordinaire par le caractère unique du résultat et d’inévitables imprévus qui exigent la résolution de problèmes émergents chemin faisant. La recherche de solutions débouche sur la mise en œuvre d’innovations. Le contexte international des projets ajoute à la diversité de métiers et de profils des membres une diversité culturelle qui implique que les acteurs ne partagent pas les mêmes références pour donner du sens aux situations qu’ils vivent. Pour certains chercheurs, la diversité culturelle dans une équipe favorise la créativité et l’innovation. Pour d’autres, la diversité soulève des difficultés pour diffuser et concrétiser des innovations, elle est instrumentalisée pour construire des frontières artificielles et stratégiques qui servent les intérêts des acteurs. Cette recherche doctorale ne vise pas à trancher entre les différentes thèses mais elle propose, sur la base d’un travail empirique dans un contexte international, des éléments d’explication sur les relations entre les différences des cultures d’une part et la capacité à produire et diffuser une innovation organisationnelle d’autre part. Cette recherche s’appuie sur une étude de cas unique, un Plan de Contrôle Qualité dans un projet international d’infrastructure de transport réalisé par un consortium constitué de firmes algérienne, française et italienne. Notre étude révèle que l’examen des constructions culturelles en lien avec les rapports de pouvoir, et de l’articulation des cultures nationales avec les cultures professionnelles, est essentiel pour comprendre les mécanismes expliquant les liens entre diversité culturelle et innovation organisationnelle. Ni les cultures en présence, ni les rapports de pouvoir en œuvre ne sont suffisants pour expliquer la dynamique d’un processus d’innovation organisationnelle ; c’est bien l’articulation de ces dimensions qui joue dans les interactions. Notre contribution managériale s’accentue sur la prise en compte des contextes socioculturels des projets internationaux, et le renforcement du cadre formel et légal dans ces rapprochements inter-organisationnels. / International project development teams confront complex technical and organizational situations. The objective of the projects differs from the ordinary production by the uniqueness of the outcome and the inevitable unexpected events which require the resolution of emerging problems during the realization process. The search for solutions leads to innovations. The international context of projects adds cultural diversity to the diversity of the professions and profiles of the members, which means that the actors do not share the same references to give meaning to the situations they live in. For some researchers, cultural diversity within a team promotes creativity and innovation. For others, diversity raises difficulties that slow down the diffusion and realization of innovations. It is only the instrument to construct strategic artificial borders that protect the profits of the actors. This doctoral research is not intended to decide between the various theses but proposes, on the basis of an empirical work in an international context, elements of explanation to the relations between the differences of cultures on one hand, and the ability to generate and spread an organizational innovation on the other hand. This research is based on a single multicultural case study “the Quality Control Plan” in an international transport infrastructure project carried out by a consortium made up of Algerian, French and Italian firms. Our study reveals that examining cultural constructs in relation to power relations, and the articulation of national cultures with professional cultures, is crucial to understand the mechanisms explaining the links between cultural diversity and organizational innovation. Neither the cultures in presence, nor the power relationships are sufficient to explain the dynamics of an organizational innovation process; it is the articulation of these dimensions that plays into the interactions. Our managerial contribution is accentuated by taking into account the socio-cultural contexts of international projects, and reinforcing the formal and legal framework in these inter-organizational linkages.
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Film and the production of knowledge at the Manchester Museum : a practice-based study

Everest, Sophie January 2018 (has links)
Non-fiction film shares a long and relatively uncharted history with the museum. Today, filmmaking is a widespread yet critically neglected area of modern museological practice. This practice-based PhD situates itself within these critical gaps to examine the knowledge producing potential of film archives and film practice at the Manchester Museum. Its primary historical sources are a group of taxidermy objects at the Manchester Museum, an archive of 16mm acetate films at the North West Film Archive and a collection of travel journals at Cheshire Archives and Local Studies. These diverse collections were generated by Maurice Egerton, the 4th Baron of Tatton in Cheshire during his travels in Africa in the first decades of the twentieth century. This thesis brings all three together for the first time since their moment of production. These collections recur throughout the thesis as I ask how film archives can complicate and enrich our understanding of collections and how filmmaking practice might continue to bring new types of knowledge into the museum and archive. Two research films are submitted with and discussed within the thesis. The first, 'Living Worlds at the Manchester Museum', adapts observational methods from visual anthropology to record objects and staff during the re-display of the mammal gallery at the Manchester Museum in 2011. The second, 'Articulating Archives' is the result of a creative collaboration in 2014 with Year 8 secondary school students and the institutions and archives named above. Within the production and analyses of these films I draw on diverse critical sources to suggest that film can illuminate properties of materiality, embodied knowledge and performed engagement that textual accounts fall short of capturing.
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Från vision till integration : infusion av telemedicin : en översättningsprocess / From vision to integration : Infusion of telemedicine : a process of translation

Linderoth, Henrik January 2000 (has links)
During the 1990's high expectations were put on telemedicine technology in health care organizations, which can be seen as a reflexion of the society's interest in IT. The use of tele-medicine is expected to improve the quality and decrease costs of health care services. However, if these expectations are to be attained the visions have to be translated into fields of application in local settings where the technology would be used. This could be seen as an infusion process, which means that the technology would incrementally be used in a comprehensive and integrated manner. In this thesis, four Swedish telemedicine projects are analyzed. The approach used is that of Actor network theory (ANT), which has enabled the development of a theory of the infusion process, implementation of IT-projects, and parts of ANT, e.g. the model of the translation process and the notion of inscription. By using the concept of translation, it is possible to see the infusion process as a process where the generic features of the technology (transmitting sound and pictures in real time) are translated into concrete activities in local settings. These fields of application are realized by the mobilization of different task-based networks, where the roles of the actors are defined by the task to be solved. An iterated mobilization of the network implies further that the network will become stabilized, which is a central dimension in the process of infusion. Another way to understand the process of infusion is to describe it as cycles of implementation, where one cycle symbolizes the implementation of a field of application, which is a result of the translation of the generic features of the technology. The inscriptions in the studied technology allow a high degree of flexibility of use and flexibility of action. The flexibility means that fields of application ought to be developed in interaction between actors in local settings, and supporting programs of action are to be identified, or developed, in order to integrate technology use into daily routines. The considerable numbers of failed of IT-project implementations can be explained by the fact that a traditional planning perspective has been used on technologies, which allow a high degree of flexibility of use and flexibility of action. However, by categorizing inscriptions in technological artifacts, it becomes possible to predict what kinds of implementation strategies are appropriate for different kinds of technologies. By viewing the implementation of open networking technologies as a process of translation, the infusion process will be facilitated and a comprehensive and integrated use of technology will be enabled. / digitalisering@umu
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Ciências e mundos aquecidos: narrativas mistas de mudanças climáticas em São Paulo / Sciences and heated worlds: mixed narratives of climatic changes in São Paulo

André Sicchieri Bailão 13 October 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação teve como objetivo descrever, à luz da obra de Bruno Latour, as construções de natureza e sociedade pelas redes de humanos e não-humanos da ciência das mudanças climáticas em São Paulo. As mudanças climáticas estão no olho do furacão de um dos debates científicos e sociopolíticos mais importantes da atualidade pelo risco que representam às antigas classificações das ciências modernas, que distinguem totalmente os domínios do humano e do natural. Este estudo buscou contribuir para o avanço teórico e etnográfico nas áreas de mudanças climáticas, da antropologia da ciência e da tecnologia, dos estudos sociais de ciência e tecnologia (science studies). O projeto teve início com o mapeamento da rede paulista de pesquisadores de mudanças climáticas dedicados à produção, ao desenvolvimento e ao uso da modelagem climática computacional, assim como o levantamento bibliográfico de antropologia e história das ciências e das ciências das mudanças climáticas. A partir da seleção de entrevistas com alguns informantes mapeados e da leitura do material bibliográfico levantado, o trabalho realizou uma discussão, seguindo a teoria do ator-rede, da história das classificações de humano e natural em risco na ciência de mudanças climáticas e uma discussão dos diferentes elementos e relações sociotécnicas produzidos e que a compõem. / This study concerns a description of nature and society production, according to Bruno Latour, in the human and non-human networks of climate change science in Sao Paulo. Climate change is at the eye of the storm in one of the most important scientific and sociopolitical debates of our time, due to the risks it presents to the old classifications of modern science, which distinguish the human and natural dominions. This study aimed at promoting developments in anthropological theory and ethnography in the fields of climate change, anthropology of science and technology, science studies, and actor-network-theory. The research started with mapping the network of climate change scientists in Sao Paulo dedicated to the production, development, and use of computer climate models and with selecting the literature concerning anthropology and history of science and climate change science. Based on interviews of mapped researchers and the selected literature, this study discusses following actor-network-theory the history of human and natural classifications at risk in climate change science and the different sociotechnical elements and relations that compose it and are produced by it.
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O trabalho voluntário de tradução e suas implicações socioculturais / The volunteer work of translation and its sociocultural implications

Narjara Ferreira Mitsuoka 13 April 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende analisar os aspectos do trabalho voluntário de tradução e, em qual medida, ele interfere nas relações socioculturais e sociedade. Para tanto, tomaremos como objeto de estudo um grupo de tradutores voluntários que atuam na Organização Não-Governamental Soka Gakkai Internacional. Como se pretende estudar os agentes que participam desse processo, como parte de uma estrutura social, utilizaremos a teoria de actor-network de Bruno Latour (2005). Com o intuito de analisar a função e o desenvolvimento dos tradutores voluntários envolvidos no processo, sua experiência pessoal e profissional e suas relações socioculturais, utilizaremos a noção de habitus discutida por Pierre Bourdieu (1972; 1990; 2003). Com base nos estudos preliminares, pressupõe-se que os atores que desenvolvem esse trabalho voluntário de tradução compartilham princípios e disposições semelhantes, ou seja, possuem basicamente os mesmos habitus e negociam as regras que regem o seu trabalho de acordo com a prática, e não partindo da teoria. Finalmente, busca-se confirmar a premissa de que, para o grupo em questão, os valores que permeiam o seu trabalho, a despeito da recompensa financeira, agregam novas características ao trabalho de tradução, sob uma concepção mais humanista e social. / This article aims to analyze translation as volunteering work as long as to what extent it influences socio-cultural relations and society. Thus, the object of our study is a group of volunteers who work as translators for the Non-Governmental Organization Soka Gakkai International. As we intend to study the agents who participate in this process, considering them to be part of a social structure, the empirical data are discussed against the background of the Actor-Network-Theory by Bruno Latour (2005). We also intend to analyze the role and development of the volunteering translators involved in the process, their background and socio-cultural relations, which will be framed in terms of Pierre Bourdieus concept of habitus (1972; 1990; 2003). Based on preliminary studies, we may argue that the actors who take part in this translation volunteering work share similar principles and dispositions, that is, they have the same habitus and their starting point is not the theory, but they negotiate the rules of translation according to their practice. Finally, we intend to confirm the hypothesis that, for this group, the value of their job is beyond the financial reward, and bring new characteristics to translation.
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Redes hipertextuais: um panorama sobre os aspectos cognitivos da organização da informação na internet

Pascoal, Roger 08 April 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:23:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Roger Pascoal.pdf: 1291326 bytes, checksum: 3a4f477cf8aa5729a12847efeabd81cd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-08 / The multiplication and diversity of new devices connected to computer networks in recent years, as well as new software platforms, become even more complex landscape formed by the signs presented by digital interfaces. Over the past 25 years, the rapid pace of spread and diversification of Internet connection devices lead us to question the cognitive impact of their presence in urban settings, now hyper-by computerized machines. The objective of this research is to deepen the understanding of communication on digital platforms connected by extending the concept of 'hypertext'. For this, we try to find it in a complex perspective of the study of networks, which considered authors from different areas of study: Duncan Watts and Albert-László Barabási in Science Network; Manuel Castells, sociology and studies on the Information Society; Edgar Morin, and his notion of knowledge and complexity; Bruno Latour and other assets authors in the development of Actor-Network Theory and its precursors, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. The research followed methodological indications of Actor-Network Theory and, through observations on different actors, mapped human and non-human interaction as a way to provide an overview of the dynamics of hypertext networks. The question raised by this situation is the concept of hypertext can be applied to analysis of communication mediated by systems connected in multiple platforms interconnected by global computer networks / A multiplicação e a diversidade de novos aparelhos conectados às redes de computadores nos últimos anos, bem como novas plataformas de softwares, tornaram ainda mais complexa a paisagem constituída pelos signos apresentados pelas interfaces digitais. Nos últimos 25 anos, o ritmo acelerado da disseminação e a diversificação dos dispositivos de conexão à Internet nos levam a questionar os impactos cognitivos de sua presença nos cenários urbanos, agora hiperconectados por aparelhos computadorizados. O objetivo desta pesquisa é aprofundar a compreensão sobre a comunicação em plataformas digitais conectadas por meio da extensão do conceito de 'hipertexto'. Para isso, procuramos localizá-lo sob uma perspectiva complexa do estudo das redes, que considerou autores de diferentes áreas de estudo: Duncan Watts e Albert-Lászlo Barabási, na Ciência das Redes; Manuel Castells, na Sociologia e estudos sobre a Sociedade da Informação; Edgar Morin, e sua noção sobre conhecimento e complexidade; Bruno Latour e outros autores ativos no desenvolvimento da Teoria Ator-Rede, bem como seus precursores, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari. A pesquisa seguiu indicações metodológicas da Teoria Ator-Rede e, por meio de observações sobre diferentes atores, mapeou humanos e não-humanos em interação como forma de constituir um panorama sobre a dinâmica das redes hipertextuais. A questão apresentada por esse panorama é se o conceito de hipertexto pode ser aplicado para análise da comunicação mediada pelos sistemas conectados nas múltiplas plataformas interligadas pelas redes mundiais de computadores
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Narrativas artísticas em ambientes heterogêneos: uma análise do projeto Global Strike

Vicente, Clayton Policarpo Barbosa 22 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:23:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Clayton Policarpo Barbosa Vicente.pdf: 12052423 bytes, checksum: 41d80125cbcf32362131b71fa31cde00 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In every step in ways of producing language, we started to live in new communicative and cultural ecologies, that present themselves in an increased semiodiversity (Santaella, 2010, p. 63). New environments are configured, leaving sometimes to the art the role of mediating and reach new limits that broaden the understanding of the generated changes by the emerging possibilities. In order to trace reflections and propose a theoretical and methodological basis concerning the creation of the artistic narratives on digital platforms, this paper seeks, from monitoring the several steps of a developed network project, the Global Strike (globalstrike.net), to prepare a critical repertoire for analysis and creation of aesthetic manifestations that use hypermedia languages. We start from an ecological perspective, when different agents tend to be articulated in interactive processes and produce a reticular and flat organized flows. Definitions are traced that we hope to strengthen the understanding about works that are limited in such model. To clarify terms like communication s ecology and interstitial narratives, we seek to restructure concepts like author, work and observer. By the time we identify a political dimension in such experiences, as these constitute temporary practice and through heterogeneous associations / A cada avanço nos modos de produzir linguagem, passamos a habitar novas ecologias comunicacionais e culturais que se apresentam em uma semiodiversidade cada vez maior (Santaella, 2010, p. 63). Novos ambientes se configuram, cabendo por vezes à arte o papel de mediar e alçar novos limites que ampliem a compreensão das alterações geradas pelas possibilidades que emergem. Com o intuito de traçar reflexões e propor uma base teórica e metodológica acerca do modo de produção de narrativas artísticas em plataformas digitais, o presente trabalho busca, a partir do acompanhamento das diversas etapas de um projeto desenvolvido em rede, o Global Strike (globalstrike.net), elaborar um repertório crítico para análise e criação de manifestações estéticas que utilizam linguagens hipermidiáticas. Partimos de uma perspectiva ecológica, em que diferentes agentes tendem a se articular em processos interacionais e produzir fluxos reticulares e horizontalmente organizados. São traçadas definições que esperamos que fortaleçam a compreensão de obras que se circunscrevem em tal modelo. Ao elucidar termos como ecologia da comunicação e narrativas intersticiais, buscamos reestruturar conceitos como autor, obra e observador. Ao tempo que identificamos uma dimensão política em tais experiências, visto que estas se constituem provisórias e por meio de associações heterogêneas
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Performances do vínculo na política de assistência social : um objeto múltiplo

Rodrigues, Luciana January 2017 (has links)
O vínculo familiar e comunitário é um operador importante da Política Nacional de Assistência Social (PNAS). Segundo um de seus documentos, ele é uma meta que perpassa todas as suas normatizações. Frente a essa centralidade, esta tese buscou investigar, a partir das proposições dos Estudos da Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade e da Teoria Ator-Rede, as redes de práticas heterogêneas pelas quais o vínculo é performado (enacted) como objeto da Política. Nesse sentido, o vínculo não se constitui como um mero laço ou associação entre diferentes elementos, mas como um objeto imaterial que só ganha existência na PNAS porque constantemente sustentamos e cultivamos redes de práticas que o produzem. Ou seja, ele só passa a existir porque diferentes atores atuam incessantemente para sua fabricação. Desse modo, a primeira parte do trabalho é uma aposta política em traçar um caminho investigativo, ao campo das políticas públicas/sociais, que se distancia dos estudos foucaultiano – perspectiva já consolidada em pesquisas sobre o tema. Na segunda parte a construção da tese se organiza em quatro movimentos de análise. O movimento 1mostra a rede de práticas que performa o vínculo como objeto da Política em sua forma documental (domínio da política), através da análise do Caderno “Concepção de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculos”; o movimento 2 descreve as redes de práticas que advém do campo de conhecimento da Psicologia (domínio teórico-científico) e que compõe o vínculo como objeto da PNAS; o movimento 3 discute as práticas cotidianas de um Serviço de Proteção e Atendimento Integral à Família (PAIF) da cidade de Porto Alegre e, finalmente, o movimento 4 se detém a relação/implicação da performance do vínculo com o exercício da cidadania. Nesse sentido, o percurso dessa tese busca fomentar o exercício ético de pensarmos sobre o que realmente queremos para o coletivo com o qual trabalhamos. Portanto, uma provocação, que busca abrir brechas para que possamos olhar para as práticas desse campo de modo a ver mais possibilidades do que impossibilidades ao trabalho cotidiano. / The family and community bond is an important operator of the National Social Assistance Policy (PNAS). According to one of its documents, it is a goal that pervades all its norms. In view of this centrality, this thesis sought to investigate, from the propositions of the Science and Technology Studies and of the Actor-Network Theory, the networks of heterogeneous practices by which the bond is performed (enacted) as object of the Policy. In this sense, the bond does not constitute a mere link or association between different elements, but as an immaterial object that only obtain existence in the PNAS because we constantly sustain and cultivate networks of practices that produce it. Thereby, it only comes into existence because different actors act ceaselessly for its fabrication. In this way, the first part of this work is a political commitment to draw an investigative path, in the field of public / social policies, which distances itself from Foucualtian studies - a perspective already consolidated in research on this subject. In the second part the construction of the thesis is organized in four analysis movements. Movement 1 shows the network of practices that enact the bond as object of the Policy in its documents (domain of politics), through the analysis of the Notebook "Conception of Living Together and Strengthening of Bonds"; The movement 2 describes the networks of practices that come from the field of knowledge of Psychology (theoretical-scientific domain) and that composes the bond as object of the PNAS; The movement 3 discusses the daily practices of a Service of Protection and Integral Assistance to the Family (PAIF) of the city of Porto Alegre and, finally, the movement 4 focuses in the relation/implication of the peformance of the bond with the exercise of citizenship. In this sense, the course of this thesis seeks to promote the ethical exercise of thinking about what we really want for the collective with which we work. Therefore, a provocation, that tries to open gaps from which we can look at the practices of this field in order to see more possibilities than impossibilities to the daily work.
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