Spelling suggestions: "subject:"acute stroke"" "subject:"scute stroke""
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Sergančiųjų galvos smegenų insultu kineziterapijos efektyvumas ankstyvuoju ligos laikotarpiu / The effectiveness of physiotherapy in acute stroke patientsKailiūtė, Laura 21 August 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: Veiksnių, įtakojančių kineziterapijos efektyvumą, sergantiesiems GSI, ankstyvuoju ligos laikotarpiu, nustatymas. Kontingentas. Tyrimas buvo atliktas Kauno medicinos universiteto klinikų (KMUK) neurologijos skyriuje. Tyrime dalyvavo 25 ligoniai (17 moterų ir 8 vyrai), kuriems buvo diagnozuotas išeminis galvos smegenų insultas, ūmus ligos laikotarpis. Reabilitologas buvo paskyręs kineziterapiją. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas 2007 m. spalio – 2008 kovo mėn. Pacientai vidutiniškai skyriuje praleido 14 dienų. Tiriamieji buvo suskirstyti į keletą grupių: pagal lytį – vyrai ir moterys, pagal amžių – 50-69 bei 70-87 metų, bei pagal galvos smegenų pusrutulio pažeidimo pusę – kairės ir dešinės. Tyrimo metodai. Reabilitacijos veiksmingumui vertinti pasirinkta paciento bendros funkcinės būklės ( Bartelio indeksas), motorinės funkcijos (Rivermedo judesių įvertinimo skalė), bei pažintinių funkcijų (Trumpas protinės būklės tyrimo testas) pokytis po reabilitacijos. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad ankstyva sergančiųjų galvos smegenų insultu kineziterapija statistiškai reikšmingai pagerino pacientų bendrąją funkcinę būklę, motorinę funkciją bei pažintines funkcijas visose grupėse (pagal amžių, lytį ir galvos smegenų pažeidimo pusę)(p<0,05). Tačiau statistiškai reikšminga lyties, amžiaus, bei galvos smegenų pažeidimo pusės įtaka bendrai funkcinei būklei, motorinei, bei pažintinėms funkcijoms nenustatyta, kaip manoma dėl mažo tiriamųjų skaičiaus. / Aim of the research: Establishment of factors influencing the effectiveness of physiotherapy of people sick with stroke in the early period of illness.
Contingent. The research was performed in the Division of Neurology of Kaunas University of Medicine Hospital. 25 patients took part in the research (17 women and 8 men) with the diagnosis of (išeminis) stroke, acute period of the illness. The rehabilitation physician had prescribed physiotherapy. The research was performed in October 2007 – March 2008. The patients spent in the Section on the average 14 days. The exploratory people were divided into several groups: according to the sex – men and women, according to the age – 50-69 and 70-87 years old, and according to the side of the hemisphere of head brains affection – left and right.
Methods of the research. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation the alteration of patent’s general state (Barthel Index), motor functions (Rivermead Motor Assessment scale) and cognitive functions (Mini-Mental State Examination) after the rehabilitation were chosen.
The results of the research have shown that the early physiotherapy of people sick with stroke statistically significantly improved patients’ general functional state, motor function and cognitive function in all groups (according to the age, sex and the side of the hemisphere of head brains affection) (p<0,05). However statistically significant influence of age, sex and the side of the hemisphere of head... [to full text]
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A push for change: a review of the sue of advanced neuroimaging in the urgent evaluation of acute stroke, and the impact on clinical guidelinesMcFarland, Darryl Edward 22 January 2016 (has links)
In 1996, the United States Food and Drug Administration officially approved the use of intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator for treatment of acute ischemic stroke, with the requirement that a baseline computed tomography (CT) scan be performed to rule out acute intracerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Today, the American Heart Association (AHA) Stroke Council acknowledges magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as more sensitive to the detection of ischemia, and yet, guidelines released by the group suggest that either CT or MRI may serve as the primary, hyperacute imaging modality. The AHA recommends that for most cases, non-contrast-enhanced CT scans provide sufficient information for medical management decisions. A systematic review of published literature was conducted to compare current capabilities of CT and MRI in an effort to determine which imaging modality should be used in the setting of acute ischemic stroke. Current research indicates that MRI is comparable to CT in the detection of acute hemorrhage, but superior in the detection of acute ischemia. In addition, MRI has demonstrated the ability to not only identify suitable patients for treatment, but also identify patients whose treatment would be unnecessary and potentially dangerous. Therefore, the hope is that clinical guidelines, like those released by the AHA Stroke Council, will be modified to promote MRI as the primary imaging modality. A modification to the major clinical guidelines will initiate a change in the approach of acute stroke evaluation across all clinical stroke centers.
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Cognitive and Associated Communication Impairments Following Unilateral Acute Ischemic Stroke: Frequency, Predictors, and Clinical OutcomesHour, Povkannika 17 January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Närståendes upplevelser av akut strokevård / Experiences of relatives in connection with acute stroke careArkved, Pernilla, Drozdz, Agnieszka January 2024 (has links)
Introduktion: Stroke är den främsta orsaken till invaliditet globalt samt den näst vanligaste dödsorsaken. Upplevelsen av en stroke påverkar inte bara patienten utan också de närstående, vilket leder till att de hamnar i en helt ny roll. Professionellt omhändertagande av de närstående och tillgodoseende av deras stöd- och informationsbehov är av högsta betydelse vilket kan underlätta anpassningen till den nya rollen som anhörigvårdare. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa närståendes upplevelser av akut strokevård. Metod: Allmän litteraturöversikt baserad på sjutton vetenskapliga artiklar både kvalitativa och kvantitativa som har analyserats och sammanställts. Artiklarnas kvalitet granskades med hjälp av en bedömningsmall och en integrerad innehållsanalys i fyra steg utfördes. Resultat: Fyra huvudkategorier framkom: Information, Krisreaktioner och behov av stöd, Anpassning till den nya rollen samt Relation till vårdpersonal. Litteraturöversikten belyste vikten av information för närstående för att kunna förstå och känna trygghet. Det var även betydelsefullt att informationen kommunicerades på ett stödjande sätt. Behovet av information var dynamiskt under den akuta strokevården. Det beskrevs svårigheter att både tillgå men även att söka efter information på egen hand. Det akuta insjuknandet innebar många olika känslor för de närstående. Stöd från familj och socialt nätverk bidrog till närståendes välbefinnande. Flera upplevde osäkerhet, bristande förberedelse och medvetenhet om sina fysiska begränsningar vid utskrivningen från sjukhuset inför vården i hemmet. Anpassningen till den nya rollen som anhörigvårdare var komplex. Närstående hade skiftande förväntningar på vårdteamet och behovet av stöd varierade under tidens gång. Respektfullt och empatiskt bemötande samt medicinsk kunskap betonades som avgörande faktorer i vårdrelationen. Slutsats: Studien framhöll behovet av anpassad information som kommuniceras på ett stödjande sätt. Delaktighet och relationell vård för att möta närståendes behov under den akuta fasen av strokevård. Det multidisciplinära vårdteamets professionella och empatiska agerande var centralt för att skapa en trygg och stödjande miljö för de närstående. / Introduction: Stroke is the leading cause of disability globally and the second leading cause of death. The experience of a stroke affects not only the patient but also those close to them, which leads to them ending up in a completely new role. Professional care of the relatives and meeting their needs for support and information is of the utmost importance, which can facilitate the adaptation to the new role of family carer. The aim of this study was to shed light on relatives' experiences of acute stroke care. Method: General literature review based on seventeen scientific articles, both qualitative and quantitative, which have been analyzed and compiled. The quality of the articles was reviewed using an assessment template and a four-step integrated content analysis was performed. Results: Four main categories emerged: Information, Crisis reactions and need for support, Adaptation to the new role and Relationship with healthcare staff. The literature review highlighted the importance of information for relatives in order to understand and feel safe. It was also important that the information was communicated in a supportive way. The need for information was dynamic during acute stroke care. Difficulties were described in both accessing but also searching for information on one's own. The acute illness meant many different emotions for the relatives. Support from family and social networks contributed to the well-being of relatives. Several experienced uncertainty, lack of preparation and awareness of their physical limitations upon discharge from the hospital before home care. Adapting to the new role as family carer was complex. Relatives had changing expectations of the care team and the need for support varied over time. Respectful and empathetic treatment as well as medical knowledge were emphasized as decisive factors in the care relationship. Conclusion: The study highlighted the need for customized information that is communicated in a supportive way. Participation and relational care to meet the needs of relatives during the acute phase of stroke care. The professional and empathetic actions of the multidisciplinary care team were central to creating a safe and supportive environment for the relatives.
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The study protocol of: 'initiating end of life care in stroke: clinical decision-making around prognosis'Burton, C.R., Payne, S., Turner, M., Bucknall, T., Rycroft-Malone, J., Tyrrell, P.J., Horne, Maria, Ntambwe, L.I., Mitchell, H., Williams, S., Elghenzai, S. 27 November 2014 (has links)
Yes / The initiation of end of life care in an acute stroke context should be focused on those
patients and families with greatest need. This requires clinicians to synthesise information on
prognosis, patterns (trajectories) of dying and patient and family preferences. Within acute
stroke, prognostic models are available to identify risks of dying, but variability in dying
trajectories makes it difficult for clinicians to know when to commence palliative
interventions. This study aims to investigate clinicians’ use of different types of evidence in
decisions to initiate end of life care within trajectories typical of the acute stroke population.
This two-phase, mixed methods study comprises investigation of dying trajectories in acute
stroke (Phase 1), and the use of clinical scenarios to investigate clinical decision-making in
the initiation of palliative care (Phase 2). It will be conducted in four acute stroke services in
North Wales and North West England. Patient and public involvement is integral to this
research, with service users involved at each stage.
This study will be the first to examine whether patterns of dying reported in other diagnostic
groups are transferable to acute stroke care. The strengths and limitations of the study will be
considered. This research will produce comprehensive understanding of the nature of clinical
decision-making around end of life care in an acute stroke context, which in turn will inform
the development of interventions to further build staff knowledge, skills and confidence in
this challenging aspect of acute stroke care.
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A descriptive study on doctors' practices regarding different aspects of stroke rehabilitation in private acute-care hospitals situated in the Western Cape metropoleLeichtfuss, Ute 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / A research assignment submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in
rehabilitation at Stellenbosch University / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: Stroke is a growing healthcare problem in South Africa. It contributes
significantly to the burden of disease and is the largest cause of disability. Rehabilitation
can significantly improve recovery and outcomes of stroke survivors particularly if
implemented in the correct manner and through using certain approaches.
The aim of this study was to examine the practice of doctors with regards to stroke
rehabilitation in private acute-care hospitals in the Western Cape Metropole. In particular,
attention has been given to the degree to which doctors in the private health care sector
shared information with first time stroke patients.
The study design was retrospective and descriptive in nature.
Data collection was primarily of a quantitative nature although some qualitative data has
been collected to elaborate on quantitative findings. Two self-designed questionnaires
were used to collect data. Data from doctor-participants were collected to examine the
use of care protocols. Data from both groups of participants were collected to determine
which practices were prefered. In particular it was sought to ascertain what team work
approach was favoured by doctors. To do this the method of communication among team
members was examined. It was also sought to ascertain how information regarding
diagnosis, prognosis, risk factors, post–acute rehabilitation options and discharge planning
was shared. In total thirty-five doctors and forty-eight patients were interviewed.
Quantitative data was captured on an excel spreadsheet and analysed with the help of a
STATISTICA software package. A p value of less than 0.05 was deemed statistically
Results showed that none of the doctor participants had any formal rehabilitation
qualification. It was found that stroke care protocols were used by 46% of doctor
participants, while 89% acknowledged the advantages of a set protocol. The majority of
doctors (57%) operated as part of a multidisciplinary team. Communication between team
members regarding the patient’s management plan was done on a very informal basis with
only 11% of doctors using ward rounds and none using team meetings for this purpose.
Opinions differed between the two study groups on the frequency of information sessions
(p = .00039). Only six % of doctors included the patient and family in the rehabilitation
team. A large discrepancy was seen when it came to opinions on sharing information
regarding diagnosis, prognosis, stroke risk factors, post-acute rehabilitation and discharge planning. P values ranging from 0.00013 to 0.0041 showed that the difference between
the opinions of patients and doctors on these issues was statistically significant. Opinions
also differed between the two groups when the frequency of information sessions was
compared (p = 0.00039). Only 28% of patient participants were included in the decisionmaking
process regarding further post-acute rehabilitation and in most cases the final
decision was made by the doctor or the medical insurance company. Qualitative data
highlighted some patients’ dissatisfaction regarding the post-acute rehabilitation process
and indicated a problem with regard to the recognition of early stroke warning signs by
general practitioners and the emergency treatment of these.
The conclusion was that there is a great need for further motivation and education of
doctors with respect to advanced research projects, further specialisation as well as the
implementation of important rehabilitation modalities. It is also important that the patient
himself acts as a fully-fledged team member.
Recommendations were that administrators in both, the private and public health care
sectors as well as non-government organisations and government welfare organisations
identify the reasons for doctors’ hesitation to implement existing knowledge; that they
make stroke rehabilitation training available and that they ensure that doctors implement
the existing and new knowledge on all aspects of acute and post-acute stroke
rehabilitation i.e. use of set care protocols, team work approach and sharing information
on diagnosis, prognosis, risk factors, post–acute rehabilitation options and discharge
planning when managing stroke patients. It was also recommended to promote more
research projects which are implemented in the private health care sector. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Beroerte is reeds die grootste enkele oorsaak van gestremdheid in Suid Afrika en steeds
aan die toeneem in insidensie. Navorsing het bewys dat rehabilitasie geskoei op
wetenskaplik bewese metodes die uitkomste van beroerte lyers beduidend kan verbeter.
Daarom was dit die doel van die studie om vas te stel tot watter mate dokters, werksaam
in die privaat sektor in die Wes Kaapse Metropool, bewese rehabilitasie metodes
implimenteer tydens behandeling van akute beroerte pasiënte. Spesifieke areas waaraan
aandag geskenk is, was die gebruik van beroerte protokolle, die volg van die
interdissiplinêre spanwerk benadering, kommunikasie metodes tussen spanlede en die
deurgee van inligting met betrekking tot die diagnose, prognose, risiko faktore, opvolg
rehabilitasie en ontslag beplanning aan pasiënte na `n eerste beroerte.
Die studie was retrospektief en beskrywend van aard. Daar was primêr kwantitatiewe data
ingesamel met behulp van twee self ontwerpde vraelyste. ‘n Klein hoeveelheid
kwalitatiewe data is aanvullend ingesamel om kwantitatiewe bevindings toe te lig. 35
dokters en 48 pasiënte het aan die studie deelgeneem. ‘n STATISTICA sagteware pakket
is gebruik vir die analise van kwalitatiewe data. ‘n P waarde van minder as 0.05 is as
statisties beduidend beskou.
Nie een van die dokters wat aan die studie deelgeneem het, het nagraadse opleiding in
rehabilitasie gehad nie. 46% van dokters het beroerte protokolle gebruik in hulle praktyke,
terwyl 89% gevoel het dat die gebruik van protokolle voordele inhou. Waar spanwerk
gebruik was (57% van dokters), is die multidissiplinêre benadering gevolg. Kommunikasie
tussen spanlede het meesal op `n informele basis geskied. Geen dokter het
spanvergaderings gehou nie. 11% van dokters het saalrondtes gehou waartydens met
spanlede gekommunikeer is. 6% van dokters het die pasiënt en familie ingesluit in die
rehabilitasie span. Volgens dokters was daar beduidend meer inligting sessies met
pasiënte gehou as volgens pasiënte (p = 0.00039). Die verskil in mening tussen die twee
groepe is ook waargeneem met betrekking tot die hoeveelheid inligting wat verskaf is oor
diagnose, prognose, risiko faktore, post akute rehabilitasie en onslag beplanning (P
waardes het gewissel van 0.00013 tot 0.0041). 25% van pasiënte het deelgeneem aan
die besluitnemings proses oor opvolg rehabilitasie. Die finale besluit hieroor was in die
meerderheid van gevalle deur die dokter en die mediese versekeringsskema geneem. Dit het uit die kwalitatiewe data geblyk dat van die pasiënte ongelukkig was met die opvolg
rehabilitasie wat hulle ontvang het. Voorts het pasiënte gevoel dat algemene praktisyns
beter ingelig behoort te wees oor die vroeë waarskuwingstekens van beroerte sowel as die
noodbehandling van die tekens.
Die navorser het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat dokters oortuig moet word van die
belang van verdere navorsing, spesialisasie in rehabilitasie en die implementasie van
bewese beroerte rehabilitasie metodes. Sy beveel aan dat administrateurs van beide die
privaat en staatssektor sowel as verteenwoordigers van nie regerings organisasies
betrokke raak om bogenoemde te bewerkstellig. Daar moet vasgestel word waarom
dokters huiwerig is om bestaande kennis te implemteer. Beroerte rehabilitasie opleiding
moet beskikbaar gestel word aan dokters en dokters moet aangemoedig word om bewese
kennis soos die gebruik van protokolle, interdissiplinêre spanwerk en verskaffing van
inligting oor diagnose, prognose, risiko faktore, opvolg rehabilitasie en ontslag beplanning
toe te pas in die praktyk. Die doen van meer navorsing in die privaat sektor word ook
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Untersuchungen zum prognostischen Wert der Ganzhirn-Volumen-Perfusions-CT bei Patienten mit akuter zerebraler Ischämie / Prognostic value of the whole-brain volume perfusion CT in acute stroke < 6 hours after symptom onsetFinger, Sarah 03 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Planejamento de ensaio clínico randomizado para avaliação da eficácia do uso de alopurinol no acidente vascular encefálico agudoAraujo, Carolina Fumico Massuda January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Edison Iglesias de Oliveira Vidal / Resumo: O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é uma das mais importantes afecções clínicas atualmente. A Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) define o AVC como sendo um comprometimento neurológico focal ou global que subitamente ocorre com sintomas persistindo para além de 24 horas, ou levando à morte, com provável origem vascular. O AVC agudo é responsável por uma carga substancial de morbidade e mortalidade no mundo representando a segunda causa global de anos de vida perdidos por incapacidade e respondendo por cerca de 10% de todas as mortes. No Brasil e nos Estados Unidos, o risco estimado de AVC ao longo da vida foi de 19,1% e 23,7%, respectivamente. A doença pode gerar sequelas e incapacidades resultando em grande impacto econômico e social. O alopurinol é uma droga inibidora da xantina oxidase (XO), a enzima que catalisa a conversão da hipoxantina em xantina e da xantina em ácido úrico a partir da degradação de purinas. Trata-se de medicamento antigo, seguro, disponível amplamente e com custo baixo utilizado principalmente para a prevenção de crises de gota. Além de seus efeitos sobre a redução dos níveis séricos de ácido úrico, sabe-se que o alopurinol também possui efeitos promissores em condições cardiovasculares. Esses efeitos têm o potencial de contribuírem para o tratamento de pacientes com AVC isquêmico agudo. Atualmente, o alopurinol não faz parte do tratamento padrão de pacientes com esse quadro no SUS ou internacionalmente, porém constitui um medicamento promissor a ser m... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Stroke is one of the most important clinical conditions currently. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines stroke as a focal or global neurological impairment that suddenly occurs with symptoms persisting beyond 24 hours or leading to death with probable vascular origin. Acute stroke accounts for a substantial burden of morbidity and mortality in the world accounting for the second overall cause of Disability-Adjusted Life Year and accounting for about 10% of all deaths. In Brazil and the United States, the estimated lifetime risk of stroke was 19.1% and 23.7%, respectively. The disease can generate sequelae and incapacities resulting in great economic and social impact. Allopurinol is a xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibitor, the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of hypoxanthine to xanthine and xanthine to uric acid from purine degradation. It is an old, safe, widely available and low cost drug used primarily for the prevention of gout attacks. In addition to its effects on the reduction of serum uric acid levels, it is known that allopurinol also has promising effects under cardiovascular conditions. These effects have the potential to contribute to the treatment of patients with acute stroke. Currently, allopurinol is not part of the standard treatment of patients with this condition in Brazilian Public Health System or internationally, but it is a promising drug to be better studied. It is known that the conduct of clinical trials with old medicines to discover new applic... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Efektivita roboticky asistované terapie prostřednictvím přístroje Armeo Spring u osob po cévní mozkové příhodě na akutních lůžkách včasné rehabilitace / Efficiency of Robot-assisted Therapy through the Device Armeo Spring in Patients after Stroke in Acute Phase of Early RehabilitationBocanová, Renata January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of robotic-assisted therapy, namely with the mechanical exoskeleton robotic device Armeo Spring, and it is focused on an acute stroke population. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of a robotic-assisted therapy using Armeo Spring device and to compare it with the efficiency of a common individual occupational therapy focused on improving motor function of upper extremity of patients with the acute stroke. There were 19 patients involved in the research, who were hospitalized in early rehabilitation acute beds. They were selected on the basis of entry criteria and further divided into two groups. An experimental group included 10 participants (n=10), a control group included 9 participants (n=9). The patients in the experimental group using Armeo Spring device underwent four to five 30-minutes therapies per week for three week period, the control group underwent the same amount of individual occupational therapies focused on improving motor function of a paretic upper limp. Each participant, evaluated before and after the intervention, underwent the total number of 12 therapy sessions. In the face of the determined hypothesis, following methods were used to evaluate the sample of patients: Function Independence Measure (FIM) for evaluating...
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Efektivita roboticky asistované terapie prostřednictvím přístroje Armeo Spring u osob po cévní mozkové příhodě na akutních lůžkách včasné rehabilitace / Efficiency of Robot-assisted Therapy through the Device Armeo Spring in Patients after Stroke in Acute Phase of Early RehabilitationBocanová, Renata January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of robotic-assisted therapy, namely with the mechanical exoskeleton robotic device Armeo Spring, and it is focused on an acute stroke population. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of a robotic-assisted therapy using Armeo Spring device and to compare it with the efficiency of a common individual occupational therapy focused on improving motor function of upper extremity of patients with the acute stroke. There were 19 patients involved in the research, who were hospitalized in early rehabilitation acute beds. They were selected on the basis of entry criteria and further divided into two groups. An experimental group included 10 participants (n=10), a control group included 9 participants (n=9). The patients in the experimental group using Armeo Spring device underwent four to five 30-minutes therapies per week for three week period, the control group underwent the same amount of individual occupational therapies focused on improving motor function of a paretic upper limp. Each participant, evaluated before and after the intervention, underwent the total number of 12 therapy sessions. In the face of the determined hypothesis, following methods were used to evaluate the sample of patients: Function Independence Measure (FIM) for evaluating...
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