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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atuação administrativa consensual: estudo dos acordos substitutivos no processo administrativo sancionador / Consensual administrative action: study of the substitutive agreements in administrative process for imposition of sanction

Palma, Juliana Bonacorsi de 26 February 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação se propõe a analisar a atuação administrativa consensual, com enfoque nos acordos substitutivos no processo administrativo sancionador. A questão que se pretende responder consiste em verificar se há necessário relacionamento entre prerrogativas públicas e desenvolvimento das atividades administrativas. Para respondê-la, a consensualidade administrativa é trabalhada em três frentes: normativa, teórica e prática. Na primeira parte, realiza-se a reconstrução do modelo de atuação administrativa típica, formalizada em atos unilaterais e imperativos, a fim de estabelecer o paradigma com o qual a atuação administrativa consensual dialoga. Na seqüência, há a análise do modelo de atuação administrativa consensual, repartida em dois capítulos. No primeiro, são mapeados os debates doutrinários a respeito do tema, indicados os pressupostos teóricos da consensualidade no Direito Administrativo e enfrentada a questão da viabilidade de a Administração Pública transacionar pela análise crítica dos princípios da supremacia e da indisponibilidade do interesse público. No segundo capítulo, é identificado o modelo de consensualidade adotado pelo Direito Administrativo brasileiro com base na apreciação das normas que prevêem instrumentos consensuais levantadas. A terceira parte da dissertação destina-se a avaliar o plano prático da atuação administrativa consensual por meio do estudo empírico do compromisso de cessação, na qualidade de acordo substitutivo no processo administrativo sancionador do CADE. Neste capítulo, são depreendidos os principais impasses relacionados à atividade sancionatória e a forma de emprego do referido acordo administrativo pela autoridade antitruste a fim de verificar os efeitos da consensualidade na prática do Direito Administrativo. Ao final, são analisados os principais vetores dos acordos substitutivos, quais sejam, legalidade, negociação das prerrogativas públicas, controle judicial e cultura repressiva prevalecente na Administração Pública. Na conclusão, a questão é retomada e as hipóteses lançadas - viabilidade da negociação das prerrogativas públicas e preferência dos acordos substitutivos pelo Poder Público em razão dos expressivos efeitos positivos que detêm - testadas. / This essay intends to analyze the consensual administrative action, approaching to the substitutive agreements in the administrative process for imposition of sanctions. The question to be answered herein is to verify if there is a necessary relation between public prerogatives and development of administrative activities. To answer it, the administrative consensus is worked in three perspectives: normative, theoretical and practical. In the first part, it is done the reconstruction of the typical administrative actions model, formalized in unilateral and imperative acts, in order to establish the paradigm to which the consensual administrative action dialogues. After that, it is done the analysis of the consensual administrative action, distributed in two chapters. In the first, doutrinariess debates involving the theme are identified, consensuss theoretical premises in Administrative Law are indicated and the issue of availability of transaction in Public Administration is faced by the principles of supremacy and non-availability of public interests critical analysis. In the second chapter, it is identified the model of consensus adopted by brazilian Administrative Law through appreciation of the norms that dispose about consensual instruments. The essays third part intends to evaluate the practical field of the consensual administrative action through empirical study of the consent decree, as a substitutive agreement, in the CADEs administrative process for imposition of sanctions. In this chapter, it is recognized the main problems with the imposition of sanctions and the use of that administrative agreement by the antitrust authority, in order to discover the consensus effect in Administrative Law. Finally, substitutive agreements main guides are analyzed, which are: legality, public prerogatives negotiation, judicial control and repressive culture that prevails into Public Administration. In the conclusion, the question is retaken and the hypotheses exposed - negotiation of the public prerogatives availability and preference of the substitutive agreements bi Public Power because of its expressive positive effects - tested.

Atuação administrativa consensual: estudo dos acordos substitutivos no processo administrativo sancionador / Consensual administrative action: study of the substitutive agreements in administrative process for imposition of sanction

Juliana Bonacorsi de Palma 26 February 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação se propõe a analisar a atuação administrativa consensual, com enfoque nos acordos substitutivos no processo administrativo sancionador. A questão que se pretende responder consiste em verificar se há necessário relacionamento entre prerrogativas públicas e desenvolvimento das atividades administrativas. Para respondê-la, a consensualidade administrativa é trabalhada em três frentes: normativa, teórica e prática. Na primeira parte, realiza-se a reconstrução do modelo de atuação administrativa típica, formalizada em atos unilaterais e imperativos, a fim de estabelecer o paradigma com o qual a atuação administrativa consensual dialoga. Na seqüência, há a análise do modelo de atuação administrativa consensual, repartida em dois capítulos. No primeiro, são mapeados os debates doutrinários a respeito do tema, indicados os pressupostos teóricos da consensualidade no Direito Administrativo e enfrentada a questão da viabilidade de a Administração Pública transacionar pela análise crítica dos princípios da supremacia e da indisponibilidade do interesse público. No segundo capítulo, é identificado o modelo de consensualidade adotado pelo Direito Administrativo brasileiro com base na apreciação das normas que prevêem instrumentos consensuais levantadas. A terceira parte da dissertação destina-se a avaliar o plano prático da atuação administrativa consensual por meio do estudo empírico do compromisso de cessação, na qualidade de acordo substitutivo no processo administrativo sancionador do CADE. Neste capítulo, são depreendidos os principais impasses relacionados à atividade sancionatória e a forma de emprego do referido acordo administrativo pela autoridade antitruste a fim de verificar os efeitos da consensualidade na prática do Direito Administrativo. Ao final, são analisados os principais vetores dos acordos substitutivos, quais sejam, legalidade, negociação das prerrogativas públicas, controle judicial e cultura repressiva prevalecente na Administração Pública. Na conclusão, a questão é retomada e as hipóteses lançadas - viabilidade da negociação das prerrogativas públicas e preferência dos acordos substitutivos pelo Poder Público em razão dos expressivos efeitos positivos que detêm - testadas. / This essay intends to analyze the consensual administrative action, approaching to the substitutive agreements in the administrative process for imposition of sanctions. The question to be answered herein is to verify if there is a necessary relation between public prerogatives and development of administrative activities. To answer it, the administrative consensus is worked in three perspectives: normative, theoretical and practical. In the first part, it is done the reconstruction of the typical administrative actions model, formalized in unilateral and imperative acts, in order to establish the paradigm to which the consensual administrative action dialogues. After that, it is done the analysis of the consensual administrative action, distributed in two chapters. In the first, doutrinariess debates involving the theme are identified, consensuss theoretical premises in Administrative Law are indicated and the issue of availability of transaction in Public Administration is faced by the principles of supremacy and non-availability of public interests critical analysis. In the second chapter, it is identified the model of consensus adopted by brazilian Administrative Law through appreciation of the norms that dispose about consensual instruments. The essays third part intends to evaluate the practical field of the consensual administrative action through empirical study of the consent decree, as a substitutive agreement, in the CADEs administrative process for imposition of sanctions. In this chapter, it is recognized the main problems with the imposition of sanctions and the use of that administrative agreement by the antitrust authority, in order to discover the consensus effect in Administrative Law. Finally, substitutive agreements main guides are analyzed, which are: legality, public prerogatives negotiation, judicial control and repressive culture that prevails into Public Administration. In the conclusion, the question is retaken and the hypotheses exposed - negotiation of the public prerogatives availability and preference of the substitutive agreements bi Public Power because of its expressive positive effects - tested.

Software livre no Brasil : que política para a inovação?

Guerrini, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho discutem-se as políticas de implementação de software livre no Brasil dos governos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, do Paraná e da União Federativa, de 2002 a 2008. O objetivo foi compreender os procedimentos de legitimação pública destas políticas. E para esta análise focou-se a atuação dos gestores das políticas, cujos objetivos mais destacados eram o de alcançar a autonomia tecnológica e o de instituir práticas colaborativas para o desenvolvimento. Como referencial teórico, discutiu-se a inovação técnica situada como parte da teoria habermasiana sobre a racionalização moral-prática das relações sociais institucionalizadas de uma sociedade histórica. Coletou-se, para tanto, material jornalístico e documentos disponíveis na internet, que contivessem os discursos dos gestores em busca da legitimação pública das políticas analisadas. Com o material empírico se pôde observar uma ação administrativa, no que diz respeito ao discurso dos gestores, para a legitimação das políticas. Entre as instâncias observadas, que validaram tal hipótese, está a predominância da atuação do Poder Executivo na condução das políticas, a identificação das qualidades técnicas do software livre com a solução de problemas sociais e a assimilação imediata de uma ética particular no âmbito da vida pública. Conclui-se que as políticas de implementação do software livre no Brasil, sem passarem pelo crivo de uma justificação pública e racional, não engendraram um ambiente autônomo de inovação para este setor da economia informacional. Elas tiveram por base a conquista de privilégios políticos por um grupo particular da sociedade civil, em um país de marco institucional historicamente refratário à autonomia dos sujeitos. / In this article we discussed the free software implementation policies in Brazil in the federal government, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná, from 2002 to 2008. The aim of this study is to comprehend the procedure behind the public legitimation of these policies. In order to develop this analysis, we have focused on the action of the managers of these policies, whose most highlighted objectives were those of trying to achieve technological autonomy and of establishing collaborative practices towards economic growth. As a theoretical framework, the technical innovation debate was placed as part of Habermas' theory about the moral-practical rationalization of a society. Journalistic material available on the Internet which contained those managers' discourse to pursue the public legitimation of the analysed policies was therefore gathered. Thus it was possible to observe an administrative action towards the legitimations of the policies. Among the observed instances that have validated such hypothesis are the predominant action of the Executive Branch in dealing with the policies and the identification of the technical qualities of the free software with the solution of social problems. The conclusion that can be drawn from this is that the policies of implementation of the free software in Brazil did not create an autonomous environment of innovation for this sector of the national informational economy. Those policies were based on the achievements of political privileges by a particular group of the civil society, in a country of institutional framework historically contrary to citizen’s public autonomy.

The constitutionality of sections 88 and 90 of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 / by Jason Scholtz

Scholtz, Jason January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to determine to what extent sections 88 and 90 of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 comply with the constitutional right to just administrative action, read with the provisions of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000. As international trade increases, it is increasingly important that the provisions of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 which regulate the industry are regarded as constitutional as potential trade between South Africa and other countries may be lost if the said provisions are not seen as promoting administrative justice. As wide and far-reaching powers are conveyed upon an administrator acting in accordance with the provisions of sections 88 and 90 of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964, it is important that the said provisions are regarded as constitutional. As not only goods, but also vessels, vehicles and other property used in connection with the suspected goods may be seized in terms of the aforementioned sections, the danger of potential large-scale pecuniary losses to the trader immediately becomes evident. As the current provisions do not allow an affected party to state his or her case before the action in terms of sections 88 and 90 is taken by an administrator, nor require the administrator to provide reasons for his or her action, the legality of the said provisions are tested against the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, as effected by the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000. The remedies available to an affected party of an action in terms of the relevant sections of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 are discussed in depth, together with the issue of the determination of the procedural fairness of such action. Certain practical guidelines in the exercising of powers in terms of the aforementioned sections are also given, providing an administrator with a minimum framework of responsibilities and guidelines in order to ensure that the legality of his or her action cannot be brought into dispute. As is evident from the content of this paper, the constitutionality of any action in terms of the relevant sections of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 will almost always depend on the circumstances of the individual case. It is therefore of the utmost importance that an administrator applies his or her mind in a reasonably acceptable manner in order to ensure compliance with the administrative justice provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. The dissertation consists of a literary study, focusing on the latest developments regarding the promotion of justice in the international trade industry in South Africa, taking into account statutory provisions, case law, text books, journal articles as well as internet sources. / Thesis (LL.M. (Import and Export Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

The constitutionality of sections 88 and 90 of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 / by Jason Scholtz

Scholtz, Jason January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to determine to what extent sections 88 and 90 of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 comply with the constitutional right to just administrative action, read with the provisions of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000. As international trade increases, it is increasingly important that the provisions of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 which regulate the industry are regarded as constitutional as potential trade between South Africa and other countries may be lost if the said provisions are not seen as promoting administrative justice. As wide and far-reaching powers are conveyed upon an administrator acting in accordance with the provisions of sections 88 and 90 of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964, it is important that the said provisions are regarded as constitutional. As not only goods, but also vessels, vehicles and other property used in connection with the suspected goods may be seized in terms of the aforementioned sections, the danger of potential large-scale pecuniary losses to the trader immediately becomes evident. As the current provisions do not allow an affected party to state his or her case before the action in terms of sections 88 and 90 is taken by an administrator, nor require the administrator to provide reasons for his or her action, the legality of the said provisions are tested against the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, as effected by the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000. The remedies available to an affected party of an action in terms of the relevant sections of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 are discussed in depth, together with the issue of the determination of the procedural fairness of such action. Certain practical guidelines in the exercising of powers in terms of the aforementioned sections are also given, providing an administrator with a minimum framework of responsibilities and guidelines in order to ensure that the legality of his or her action cannot be brought into dispute. As is evident from the content of this paper, the constitutionality of any action in terms of the relevant sections of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 will almost always depend on the circumstances of the individual case. It is therefore of the utmost importance that an administrator applies his or her mind in a reasonably acceptable manner in order to ensure compliance with the administrative justice provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. The dissertation consists of a literary study, focusing on the latest developments regarding the promotion of justice in the international trade industry in South Africa, taking into account statutory provisions, case law, text books, journal articles as well as internet sources. / Thesis (LL.M. (Import and Export Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Software livre no Brasil : que política para a inovação?

Guerrini, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho discutem-se as políticas de implementação de software livre no Brasil dos governos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, do Paraná e da União Federativa, de 2002 a 2008. O objetivo foi compreender os procedimentos de legitimação pública destas políticas. E para esta análise focou-se a atuação dos gestores das políticas, cujos objetivos mais destacados eram o de alcançar a autonomia tecnológica e o de instituir práticas colaborativas para o desenvolvimento. Como referencial teórico, discutiu-se a inovação técnica situada como parte da teoria habermasiana sobre a racionalização moral-prática das relações sociais institucionalizadas de uma sociedade histórica. Coletou-se, para tanto, material jornalístico e documentos disponíveis na internet, que contivessem os discursos dos gestores em busca da legitimação pública das políticas analisadas. Com o material empírico se pôde observar uma ação administrativa, no que diz respeito ao discurso dos gestores, para a legitimação das políticas. Entre as instâncias observadas, que validaram tal hipótese, está a predominância da atuação do Poder Executivo na condução das políticas, a identificação das qualidades técnicas do software livre com a solução de problemas sociais e a assimilação imediata de uma ética particular no âmbito da vida pública. Conclui-se que as políticas de implementação do software livre no Brasil, sem passarem pelo crivo de uma justificação pública e racional, não engendraram um ambiente autônomo de inovação para este setor da economia informacional. Elas tiveram por base a conquista de privilégios políticos por um grupo particular da sociedade civil, em um país de marco institucional historicamente refratário à autonomia dos sujeitos. / In this article we discussed the free software implementation policies in Brazil in the federal government, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná, from 2002 to 2008. The aim of this study is to comprehend the procedure behind the public legitimation of these policies. In order to develop this analysis, we have focused on the action of the managers of these policies, whose most highlighted objectives were those of trying to achieve technological autonomy and of establishing collaborative practices towards economic growth. As a theoretical framework, the technical innovation debate was placed as part of Habermas' theory about the moral-practical rationalization of a society. Journalistic material available on the Internet which contained those managers' discourse to pursue the public legitimation of the analysed policies was therefore gathered. Thus it was possible to observe an administrative action towards the legitimations of the policies. Among the observed instances that have validated such hypothesis are the predominant action of the Executive Branch in dealing with the policies and the identification of the technical qualities of the free software with the solution of social problems. The conclusion that can be drawn from this is that the policies of implementation of the free software in Brazil did not create an autonomous environment of innovation for this sector of the national informational economy. Those policies were based on the achievements of political privileges by a particular group of the civil society, in a country of institutional framework historically contrary to citizen’s public autonomy.

Software livre no Brasil : que política para a inovação?

Guerrini, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho discutem-se as políticas de implementação de software livre no Brasil dos governos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, do Paraná e da União Federativa, de 2002 a 2008. O objetivo foi compreender os procedimentos de legitimação pública destas políticas. E para esta análise focou-se a atuação dos gestores das políticas, cujos objetivos mais destacados eram o de alcançar a autonomia tecnológica e o de instituir práticas colaborativas para o desenvolvimento. Como referencial teórico, discutiu-se a inovação técnica situada como parte da teoria habermasiana sobre a racionalização moral-prática das relações sociais institucionalizadas de uma sociedade histórica. Coletou-se, para tanto, material jornalístico e documentos disponíveis na internet, que contivessem os discursos dos gestores em busca da legitimação pública das políticas analisadas. Com o material empírico se pôde observar uma ação administrativa, no que diz respeito ao discurso dos gestores, para a legitimação das políticas. Entre as instâncias observadas, que validaram tal hipótese, está a predominância da atuação do Poder Executivo na condução das políticas, a identificação das qualidades técnicas do software livre com a solução de problemas sociais e a assimilação imediata de uma ética particular no âmbito da vida pública. Conclui-se que as políticas de implementação do software livre no Brasil, sem passarem pelo crivo de uma justificação pública e racional, não engendraram um ambiente autônomo de inovação para este setor da economia informacional. Elas tiveram por base a conquista de privilégios políticos por um grupo particular da sociedade civil, em um país de marco institucional historicamente refratário à autonomia dos sujeitos. / In this article we discussed the free software implementation policies in Brazil in the federal government, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná, from 2002 to 2008. The aim of this study is to comprehend the procedure behind the public legitimation of these policies. In order to develop this analysis, we have focused on the action of the managers of these policies, whose most highlighted objectives were those of trying to achieve technological autonomy and of establishing collaborative practices towards economic growth. As a theoretical framework, the technical innovation debate was placed as part of Habermas' theory about the moral-practical rationalization of a society. Journalistic material available on the Internet which contained those managers' discourse to pursue the public legitimation of the analysed policies was therefore gathered. Thus it was possible to observe an administrative action towards the legitimations of the policies. Among the observed instances that have validated such hypothesis are the predominant action of the Executive Branch in dealing with the policies and the identification of the technical qualities of the free software with the solution of social problems. The conclusion that can be drawn from this is that the policies of implementation of the free software in Brazil did not create an autonomous environment of innovation for this sector of the national informational economy. Those policies were based on the achievements of political privileges by a particular group of the civil society, in a country of institutional framework historically contrary to citizen’s public autonomy.


Sáez, Andrea Bueno 04 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:15:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andrea1.pdf: 1376021 bytes, checksum: 42ce82f6c0239d8efb5f222aa4d81bbd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-04 / In a sociological perspective, this work aims to identify the profile of the supervisor of education that serves the Secretary of State for Education of São Paulo, checking that their actions are dedicated to teaching or administrative, and what the political and educational concepts these professionals. Supporting up to Tragtenberg, Silva Jr and Huert among other authors who deal specifically, the supervision of teaching, it is making a historical review of the legislation, spreadsheets and data that were collected through depositions and interviews with supervisors, Effective teaching of three Diretorias of Education of Greater Sao Paulo. The result of the research points to the predominance of a profile and bureaucratic oversight in the action of the supervisor of education, as well as implementing public policies and not partícipe their development. The supervisor of education is a representative of a political power that favors a certain order, even if there is an attempt to overrun a unilateral representation in the supervision of education.(AU) / Numa perspectiva sociológica, este trabalho tem o objetivo de identificar o perfil profissional do supervisor de ensino que atua na Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo, verificando se sua atuação está voltada ao pedagógico ou ao administrativo e qual o compromisso político e as concepções educacionais destes profissionais. Apoiando-se em Tragtenberg, Silva Jr e Huert, entre outros autores que abordam, especificamente, a supervisão de ensino, procurou-se fazer uma analise histórica da legislação, de planilhas e dos dados que foram colhidos através de depoimentos e entrevistas com supervisores de ensino efetivos de três Diretorias de Ensino da Grande São Paulo. O resultado da pesquisa aponta para a predominância de um perfil burocrático e de fiscalização na ação do supervisor de ensino, bem como de executor das políticas públicas e não partícipe da sua elaboração. O supervisor de ensino é um representante de um poder político que favorece uma determinada ordem, mesmo que exista uma tentativa de superação de uma representatividade unilateral dentro da supervisão de ensino.(AU)

Devido processo legal e redução da discricionariedade administrativa

Costa, Angelo Augusto 15 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:27:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Angelo Augusto Costa.pdf: 2058806 bytes, checksum: 2de38ac3bf800d2685f0bcb29a8f6c55 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-15 / The main goal of this work is to explore normative connections between the due process clause, as stated in the Brazilian Constitution (CF 5º, LIV), and the reduction of administrative discretion when it comes to deciding particular cases. The relevance of the subject lies on the need of defining criteria for judicial review of discretionary administrative action, in order to secure and preserve both administrative decision-making and judicial reviewing powers. The working hypothesis is that due process of law provides a sound normative basis for a rule forbidding arbitrary display of powers in Brazilian law. This is so because due process clause requires in decision-making a kind of cognitive, volitive and argumentative process with the basic attribute of rationality. Thus all the limits imposed by the law on administrative discretion could be placed under the due process clause. Furthermore, due process could be viewed as grounds for a systematic exposition of vicious discretionary actions, including not giving reasons for action and poor correlation of fact-findings and legal norms. Robert Alexy's theory of legal principles was adopted as a landmark. Brazilian and foreign production on administrative discretion was taken into account as well, in an attempt to overcome the loopholes of legal positivism's description of how the law is applied. Whenever it was possible, we managed to use case study methods to uncover legal argumentation structures and the way fact-findings and legal norms correlate. As a result, we built a system of vicious discrectionary actions / O objetivo do trabalho é o de explorar as conexões normativas entre a cláusula do devido processo legal (CF 5º, LIV) e o fenôneno da redução da discricionariedade administrativa nos casos concretos. A importância do tema reside na necessidade de definir critérios sistemáticos para o exercício do controle jurisdicional dos limites da discricionariedade a fim de preservar as competências decisórias da Administração Pública e, ao mesmo tempo, assegurar a plenitude da revisão judicial. A hipótese geral é a de que o devido processo legal proporciona o fundamento normativo da proibição da arbitrariedade no direito brasileiro por exigir a adoção de um processo de cognição, volição e argumentação com o atributo fundamental da racionalidade. Desse modo, todos os limites à discricionariedade administrativa, cuja violação resulta em arbitrariedade proibida, podem ser reconduzidos à cláusula do devido processo. Além disso, o devido processo legal serve de base para a construção de um sistema dos vícios do exercício da discricionariedade administrativa, em especial dos vícios de ausência de motivação e de relacionamento defeituoso entre os elementos fáticos e normativos relevantes. Adotou-se, como referência, a teoria dos princípios de Robert Alexy, assim como a produção nacional e estrangeira sobre discricionariedade administrativa, no marco das tentativas de superação das lacunas do positivismo jurídico na descrição do processo de aplicação do direito. Empregou-se, sempre que possível, a metodologia de estudo de casos para revelar as estruturas de argumentação jurídica e o modo como se relacionam os elementos fáticos e normativos. O resultado foi a construção de um sistema de vícios do exercício da discricionariedade administrativa

The development of a new expropriation framework for South Africa / by Bianca Breedt

Breedt, Bianca January 2009 (has links)
The word expropriation is used in South Africa to describe the process whereby a public authority or institution takes property from a private person for public purposes against payment of compensation. The current Act regulating expropriations in South Africa is known as the Expropriation Act 63 of 1975. However, it has three primary inconsistencies with the Constitution. Firstly it predates the Constitution - therefore, it does not infuse the values of equality, human dignity and the achievement of freedom. Secondly it is not consistent with comparable modem statutes elsewhere in the world. The last issue is that this Act is inconsistent with the Constitution in the sense that the Act only provides for expropriation for public purposes and the Constitution provides for expropriation in the public interest as well as for a public purpose. For these reasons it is crucial to establish a new legislative framework. In an attempt to rectify the above difficulties, an expropriation policy and a draft Bill were introduced. The primary purpose of the Bill is to harmonise the considerable amount of legislation in South Africa on the subject of expropriation, and to fill the gaps of the current Act. However, the new proposed Bill was referred back to cabinet as it had various difficulties. According to newspaper commentators, one of these reasons was that market value would not be used when determining the amount of compensation. This is not true, as market value is one of the listed factors in section 25(3) of the Constitution, and it is provided for in the Bill. Another reason was that the role of the courts will also be restricted in the new Bill. Parties will no longer be able to refer disputes concerning the amount of compensation to court. Once again this is not true, the courts role is only restricted in the sense that it would no be able to determine the amount of compensation as provided for in the Constitution, but will only be allowed to approve or decline the amount the Minister determined. This is one of the aspects that may be debatable constitutionally. After an in-depth study of the proposed Bill, the author came to the conclusion that there are actually only three aspects that might be unconstitutional namely; the definition of public interest which is to be included that widens the capacity to expropriate; departure from the notice procedure; and the fact that the courts may no longer determine the amount of compensation, but only approve or decline. Expropriation is one of the most important tools to speed up land reform in South Africa, and it is, therefore, of the utmost importance that the procedure must take place in a fair, equitable and constitutional manner. The purpose of this study will be to identify the aspects which result in expropriations that is not done on this basis, to scrutinize them and to make recommendations to these aspects. / Thesis (LL.M. (Law)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

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