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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vem är en lämplig läkarkandidat? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om läkarstudenters erfarenheter av alternativt urval / Who is a suitable medical candidate? : A qualitative interview study about medical students’ experience of alternative admission

Löfqvist, Hampus, Sandhu, Saqib January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att få en fördjupad kunskap kring alternativt urval genom en ökad förståelse för antagna läkarstudenters upplevda navigering genom den alternativa urvalsprocessen. Frågeställningarna har därför undersökt vilka strategier sökande använder vid antagningsintervjuerna. Och hur de två urvalskriterierna lämplighet och motivation upplevs i relation till den tidigare genomgångna antagningsprocessen samt vad läkarstudenterna menar var viktiga framgångsfaktorer för att lyckas vid intervjuerna. Tidigare forskning har visat att alternativt urval är vanligt förkommande ur en internationell kontext på det medicinska utbildningsfältet, och att studenter som har föräldrar med högskoleutbildning nyttjar utbildning på ett mer obundet sätt, där kapitaltillgångar visat sig vara viktiga i navigeringen av det svenska utbildningssystemet. Det som saknas i den tidigare forskningen är de antagna studenternas självupplevda perspektiv på alternativt urval. En kvalitativ intervjustudie har därför använts som metod för att lyfta fram dessa perspektiv. Studiens resultat har visat att de antagna läkarstudenterna har använt sig av olika strategier, en viktig sådan var att de konverterade tidigare utbildning och erfarenheter till styrkor. Lämplighet och motivation framkom som viktiga begrepp där förmedlingen av hur och varför var centrala i navigeringen. Framgångsfaktorer som lyftes fram i relation till antagningsprocessen var uppväxtmiljö, att lyckas förmedla sin person och skapa en relation till intervjuarna. Resultatet har analyserats med hjälp av ett bourdieuskt perspektiv där intervjupersonernas kapitaltillgångar, strategier och förhållningssätt till det medicinska fältet och rådande doxa varit centrala punkter. Studiens resultat har bidragit till ny kunskap och insyn i en annars tämligen outforskad värld kring det alternativa urvalet, genom de antagna läkarstudenternas perspektiv. Studien har också pekat på vikten av mer specifik studie- och yrkesvägledning för att fler med olika bakgrund ska kunna få de redskap som krävs för att navigera sig genom antagningsprocessen. / The aim of the study was to gain a deeper knowledge about alternative admission through a better understanding of admitted medical students’ navigation throughout the admission process. It has therefore been explored which strategies applicants use during the admission interviews. And how the two selection criteria aptitude and motivation are perceived in relation to the previously experienced admission process, as well as what medical students point out as important factors to succeed with the interviews. Previous research has shown that alternative admission is commonly used internationally in the medical field of education, and that students who have parents with higher level of education use education in a more unbound way where capital assets have shown to be important in the navigation of the Swedish educational system. What is less known in earlier research is the selfperceived perspective of the admitted students in relation to alternative admission. A qualitative interview study has therefore been conducted. The study result showed that the admitted medical students used different strategies – a critical one being the converting of previous education and experiences to strengths. Aptitude and motivation also emerged as important terms where the mediation of how and why was fundamental in the navigation. The success factors that were raised in relation to the admission process were the upbringing environment, achieving to mediate one’s personality, and to create a relation with the interviewer. The results were analysed with a Bourdieuan perspective where the interviewee’s capital assets, strategies and attitudes toward the medical field of education and existing doxa emerged as key points. The study results have contributed with new knowledge and insight in the so far unexplored field that is alternative admission, from the medical students’ perspective. The results also indicate the importance of more specific study and career guidance, which could lead to that more students with adverse backgrounds learn which tools that are helpful while navigating through the alternative admission process.

Utvärdering av en inskrivningsprocess : Hur fungerar interaktionen mellan sjuksköterskor, journalsystem och arbetsorganisation / Evaluation of the admission process : How does the interaction between nurses, medical records and the organization work?

Nyman, Stina, Fälteke, Märta January 2016 (has links)
Background: In recent years’ complaints on medical IT-systems has been seen in scientific journals concerning lack of usability, non-adequacy and deficiency of adaptation to the work activity. With a take-off point in safety work, MTO (Man - Technology - Organization), the nurses’ work in admission process has been studied in relation to a medical IT-system (Cosmic) and the routines of the organisation. Purpose: The purpose is to evaluate the nurses work process during admission patients in interaction with the medical IT-system (Cosmic). The strengths and weakness of the work process is mapped out and important protection barriers are shown with aim to enhance the work process with regards to nurses’ well-being and patient safety. Method: A qualitative field study was conducted at a ward at an emergency hospital. Observations of the nurses’ work process has been made as well as six interviews with nurses and one with their unit manager. In addition to that 13 nurses answered a questionnaire. Collected data has been categorized aided by a hierarchic task analysis and barrier analysis. Results: During interviews it was phrased that nurses mainly perceived the admission process well-functioning and Cosmic as a good work tool. However, there was a dissatisfaction with the number of clicks required to fulfil a task and a certain inconsistency with menus in Cosmic. It took long time to learn how to use Cosmic for the nurses. The biggest strength in Man - Technology - Organization identified as nurses work along with templates created by organization and used by nurses. The nurses make the process work despite deficits in Cosmic. Even tough templates exist because of deficits in Cosmic they are important complements that aids nurses collecting patient information in a standardized way. Nurses work process as well as complementary aid was identified as a barrier for information loss. A barrier for protecting nurses from frequent interruption in the work process was identified lacking. Conclusion: Technical systems (T) are available for the work process but these systems are not completely purposive. It is with the complementary aid (T) that nurses (M) through the organisations routines (O) make the admission process to work well. Keywords: MTO, usability, healthcare, nurses, Cosmic, admission process, work process, interactions, IT-system. / Bakgrund: Till grund för studien ligger klagomålen på medicinska IT-system i fackpress och vetenskapliga artiklar när det gäller bristande användarvänlighet, icke ändamålsenliga. Med utgångspunkt i ett synsätt på säkerhetsarbete, MTO, har sjuksköterskornas arbete i inskrivningsprocessen studerats i relation till ett medicinskt IT-system (Cosmic) och organisationens rutiner. Syfte: Syftet är att utvärdera hur sjuksköterskornas arbetsprocess vid inskrivning av patienter fungerar i förhållande till ett medicinskt journalsystem (Cosmic). Genom att kartlägga vilka styrkor och svagheter som finns i sjuksköterskors arbetsprocess i interaktion med journalsystemet påvisas viktiga skyddsbarriärer samtidigt som förslag till förbättringar presenteras. Metod: En kvalitativ fältstudie har utförts på en vårdavdelning på ett akutsjukhus i Stockholm. Sex timmars observationer av sjuksköterskors arbete har genomförts. Sex sjuksköterskor och deras chef har intervjuats. Därtill har 13 stycken sjuksköterskor svarat på en enkät. Insamlad data har kategoriserats och analyserats med hjälp av barriäranalys och hierarkisk uppgiftsanalys. Resultat: Under intervjuerna framkom att sjuksköterskorna överlag upplevde att inskrivningsprocessen fungerade bra och att Cosmic var ett bra arbetsredskap. Dock uppfattades en viss tröghet i Cosmic: många klick krävdes för att hitta rätt rubrik, rubriker var inte alltid konsekventa och det tog lång tid att lära sig. De största styrkorna i människa-teknik-interaktionen identifierades som sjuksköterskans arbete samt organisationens arbete i form av mallar. Sjuksköterskorna får inskrivningsprocessen att fungera trots vissa brister i Cosmic. Trots att mallar finns på grund av brister i Cosmic är de ändå viktiga komplement som hjälper sjuksköterskor att samla in nödvändig information på ett standardiserat sätt. En barriär som saknas är skydd mot att sjuksköterskorna blir avbrutna i inskrivningsprocessen. Avbrott i arbetsprocesser har kopplats samman med felhandlingar och därför rekommenderas åtgärder och barriärer mot detta. Slutsats: Tekniska system finns att tillgå vid arbetsprocessen men dessa system är inte helt ändamålsenliga. Det är kompletterande hjälpmedel (T) och sjuksköterskor (M) som genom organisationens rutiner (O) får inskrivningsprocessen att fungera bra. Nyckelord: MTO, användbarhet, sjukvård, sjuksköterskor, Cosmic, inskrivning, arbetsprocess, interaktioner, IT-system.

大學入學考試制度之研究:以台灣與法國為例 / A Study of College Admission: The Case of Taiwan and France

白美恩, Marion Baudry Unknown Date (has links)
隨著高等教育的大眾化發展,臺灣與法國的大學招生制度經過幾次變革,以期滿足招生需求。大學學位不僅是學歷的一紙證明,更是臺灣與法國高等教育標準化歷程的體現。從高中過渡到大學,是每個學生學術生涯中關鍵且費神的階段,並與未來的成功息息相關。因此,無論在臺灣或法國,學生高中階段的學術能力測驗至關重要,可謂從青春期過渡到成年期的重要指標。學術能力測驗成績影響著絕大多數畢業生的大學申請和錄取機會。雖然臺灣和法國有不少關於兩國大學教育的研究,但對於高中學生進入大學前的學術能力測驗甚少探討。本研究旨在探討臺、法國大學申請的入學先決條件和要求,以期進一步瞭解大學入學機制。本研究透過對臺灣和法國大學系統中錄取要求,如臺灣的先修課程測驗和法國的一般入學要求等規定進行對比分析,找出各自的優缺點。研究方法包括文獻綜述,以及對兩國高中生進行問卷調查和深度訪談。研究發現,目前兩國的大學入學系統的主要難題之一是缺乏相應的學術指導機制。臺灣方面在於過分強調大學入學考試測驗,法國則與之相反,學生因為過高的升學率而缺乏學習動機。本研究建議,今後臺法兩國如何面對高教入學機會中重新出現的不公與文憑貶值等新挑戰,是雙方大學入學體系需要解決的共同問題。 / With the massification of their higher education systems, Taiwan and France have experienced several changes in their college admission processes in order to meet the increasing demand of enrollment into higher education. A university degree has become more than just a certificate of academic achievement but a normalized process in Taiwan and France. The transition from high school to university has become a pivotal yet nerve-racking period in a student’s academic career and is considered as one of the most crucial factor of the student’s future success. In Taiwan and France, the academic abilities of students tested during the senior high school are the most important and significant indicators of students’ transition from adolescence to adulthood. It leads a vast majority of graduates to apply to university and to undertake college admission process. Although several studies have been done in Taiwan and France, only few have previously analyzed a student’s journey through the college admission process in the two countries. The current study intends to investigate the prerequisites and requirements that college applicants in Taiwan and France are required to meet in order to access the college and university systems. By comparing and analyzing the massification of the two systems, as well as Taiwan and France college admission’s requirements such as the Scholastic Ability Test and the Advanced Subjects Test in Taiwan, and the French General Baccalaureate; the study seeks to identify the crucial pro and cons that arise in each system in order to give recommendations on improvements that can be made. Data has been collected through literature reviews, in-depth interviews as well as surveys among former senior high school students in both countries. The results of the present study show that one of the main dilemmas of today’s education systems is the lack of academic guidance. While one of the main problems of Taiwanese education is its emphasis on testing, France education, on the contrary, is facing issues due to its excessive accessibility of universities which leads students to enroll in degrees without real motivations behind their choice. The shift of inequalities in educational opportunities is also one of the new concerns that Taiwanese and French education systems are facing as well as the depreciation of diplomas.

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