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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den som står bredvid dig behöver inte alltid stå dig nära : Stödnätverkets betydelse för ungdomars välbefinnande

Perandersdotter, Emelia January 2008 (has links)
<p>Forskning visar att ungdomar verkar må allt sämre. Undersökningen testade eventuella samband mellan ungdomars stödnätverk och deras känsla av sammanhang (KASAM), språk/kulturs påverkan på dessa faktorer, samt vad som är viktigt hos en stödperson. Enkätfrågor om det sociala nätverket, för att fastställa KASAM samt om vem man vänder sig till i olika situationer besvarades av 147 gymnasieungdomar från Mälardalen. Positivt samband mellan KASAM och ungdomarnas stödnätverk påvisades. Ungdomarna vände sig främst till familjen vid behov av stöd, men kompisar var också viktiga, speciellt för tjejer. Det viktigaste hos en stödperson var att lyssna, vara förstående, finna lösningar, att den känner individen, samt att den är snäll. Tidigare forskning verkar kunna befästas - att ungdomar med ett starkt stödnätverk mår bättre.</p>

Ecstasy - en kartläggning av riskgrupper, riskfaktorer och risker bland ungdomar, ur ett globalt, socialt och kulturellt perspektiv.

Olofsson, Kenneth January 2008 (has links)
<p>I media talas det ofta om att antalet ungdomar vilka provar och använder sig av drogen Ecstasy i samband med dans- och ravepartyn ökar drastiskt runt om i vår värld. Målet med denna forskningsöversikt är därför att med hjälp av forskningsstudier från 2003 och framåt, söka få en bild av viken grupp av ungdomar som befinner sig i riskzonen för att hamna i ett missbruk av Ecstasy, samt vilka riskfaktorer och risker som berör dessa ungdomar.</p><p>Metoden som använts för att besvara dessa frågor är en forskningsöversikt som bygger på elva forskningsartiklar i ämnet. Studien berör i huvudsak tre olika länder i var sina världsdelar. Den teori som används i analysen av studien är ett globalt, socialt och kulturellt perspektiv, som inkluderar såväl sociala som kulturella teorier. Sammanfattningen av studien visar att såväl de psykiska, fysiska och sociala riskfaktorerna i stort sett är likartade för de berörda ungdomsgrupperna i samtliga av dessa länder. Det vill säga att ungdomar som brukar Ecstasy, eller ligger i riskzonen för ett missbruk av drogen, möter ungefär samma sociala problematik och att de psykiska och fysiska biverkningarna av drogen är de samma oavsett vilket land de bor i.</p><p>Då det gäller sociala riskgrupper på global nivå, har det i översikten visat sig att den övervägande delen är de ungdomar som deltar i dans- och ravepartyn, oavsett etnisk bakgrund och kön, vilka under barndomen uppvisat symptom på ångest och/eller depression och kommer från medel- eller övre medelklass, löper störst risk att komma i kontakt med Ecstasy. Av dessa anledningar ökar även risken för dessa ungdomar att hamna i ett missbruk av drogen. En annan orsak till denna utsatthet beror på att ungdomar från denna samhällsklass i högre utsträckning deltar i så kallade ravepartyn och liknande tillställningar, än ungdomar från andra samhällsklasser.</p>

CIRKUS I GRUNDSKOLA OCH GRUNDSÄRSKOLA - samspel, omgivningsfaktorer och relevanta krav i en träningssituation

Lauruschkus, Katarina January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study looked at two groups of adolescents aged 12-17 years who had participated in circus training. One group had some form of disability while the other had none. The study was carried out as a qualitative study with observations, interviews and a questionnaire used as methods of gathering data. A small part of the study was quantitative and an observation chart was used. The purpose was to examine the importance of teamwork, environmental factors and the necessary requirements during a learning situation. The results of the study showed that all of the factors, in combination with one another, were important during the learning situation. If the participants worked well together, the circus teacher was able to use relevant demands and the environment was stimulating and not stressful. The negative attitude towards the failure of others in the group became less prevalent and the participants felt more responsible with increased self esteem. Different approaches or theories about disability, or being different, were observed and had an effect on the participants’ self-esteem. The main conclusion was that a training situation is complex and that participants should be met with respect and with an attitude that no one should be afraid of failure. Another conclusion was that the approaches or theories about disability do not have to concur but should complement each other.</p>

Övervikt hos barn och ungdomar, psykiska och sociala orsaker och konsekvenser samt förebyggande åtgärder. En litteraturstudie.

Clavebro, Maria, Brodin, Carola January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to describe the mental and social causes to obesity among children and adolescents, their consequences and what preventive interventions that are used. The method used by the authors was to search for scientific articles in the database Medline, using the keywords: obesity, overweight, child, body image, social, family, school, depression, nursing, quality of life, social support, prevention and support. The study was performed as a literature review, with a descriptive design, and the result contained 22 scientific articles. The main result of this study showed that obesity among children and adolescents is not only an individual problem, it affects the whole family. The main causes to obesity among children and adolescents are the socioeconomic status of the family, their lifestyle, and even gender to a certain degree. The main consequences were that the quality of life for the obese children and adolescents has worsened, and they are less active. The main preventive interventions were that breast-feeding had a positive effect, as well as physical activity, and support for the whole family. Obesity among children and adolescents is an increasing problem in the Western world. There are many factors involved, which makes it a very complicated and difficult problem to solve.</p> / <p>Syftet med studien var att beskriva de psykiska och sociala orsakerna till övervikt hos barn och ungdomar, samt dess konsekvenser och vilka förebyggande åtgärder som används. Metoden som författarna använde sig av var att i databasen Medline söka vetenskaplig litteratur, utifrån sökorden: obesity, overweight, child, body image, social, family, school, depression, nursing, quality of life, social support, prevention och support. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design, och i resultatet inkluderades 22 vetenskapliga artiklar. Huvudresultatet av studien visade att övervikt hos barn och ungdomar inte bara är ett problem för individen själv, utan påverkar hela familjen. De viktigaste orsakerna till övervikt hos barn och ungdomar är familjens socioekonomiska status, deras livsstil och i viss mån också genus. De främsta konsekvenserna av övervikt hos barn och ungdomar var att de får en försämrad livskvalitet, och blir mer inaktiva. De åtgärder som framkom tydligast i resultatet var att amning var positivt, liksom fysiska aktiviteter, samt riktade stödåtgärder till hela familjen. Övervikt hos barn och ungdomar är ett ökande problem i västvärlden. Det är många faktorer inblandade, vilket gör det till ett mycket komplicerat, och svårlöst problem.</p>

Livskvalitet hos ungdomar En beskrivande och jämförande studie

Antonsson, Camilla, Kavallin, Kjerstin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur ungdomar i åldersgruppen 16-19 år upplever sin</p><p>livskvalitet samt att undersöka om det finns skillnader i hur flickor och pojkar upplever sin</p><p>livskvalitet. Studien genomfördes på en gymnasieskola i Mellansverige i januari 2008 och är</p><p>en empirisk kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie med beskrivande och jämförande design. Sammanlagt</p><p>deltog 90 elever, 47 flickor och 43 pojkar. Författarna använde sig av instrumentet Life</p><p>Satisfaction Questionnaire (LSQ). Huvudresultatet visade att hela undersökningsgruppen</p><p>skattade högst livskvalitet i faktorn fysiska symtom. Lägst livskvalitet upplevde eleverna sig</p><p>ha i faktorerna kvaliteten i vardagslivets meningsfulla och roliga aktiviteter. I jämförelsen</p><p>mellan könen, fanns signifikanta skillnader i upplevd livskvalitet. Pojkarna upplevde</p><p>signifikant färre fysiska symtom än flickorna. Flickorna i sin tur upplevde kvaliteten i</p><p>relationer till vänner och närstående signifikant högre än pojkarna. Ungdomarna bedömde</p><p>sina studieresultat och sin förmåga att klara av studierna som goda, flickor hade på dessa</p><p>frågor skattat signifikant högre värden än pojkarna. De flesta eleverna upplevde sig inte som</p><p>mobbade. På frågan om nedstämdhet hade en tredjedel av ungdomarna uppgett att de i viss</p><p>utsträckning eller mer känt sig nedstämda. På denna fråga hade pojkarna skattat signifikant</p><p>högre värden än flickorna.</p><p>Nyckelord: Livskvalitet,</p> / <p>The purpose of this study was to describe how adolescents in the age of 16-19 experience</p><p>their quality of life and to explore if there are any differences between the sexes.</p><p>The study was carried out at a high school in Sweden during January 2008 and is an</p><p>empirical, quantitative cross sectional study with a descriptive and comparative design. The</p><p>final sum of participants were 90, 47 girls and 43 boys. The authors used the Life Satisfaction</p><p>Questionnaire. The results of the study showed that the highest scores were found in physical</p><p>symptoms. The teenagers scored lowest in the everyday life’s fun and meaningful activities.</p><p>The result showed differences between the sexes, boys rated significantly higher quality of</p><p>life than girls in physical symptoms, whereas girls rated their quality of life significantly</p><p>higher in relations to family members and friends. The teenagers estimated their study result</p><p>and their ability to manage their studies as rather good, in these subjects, the girls rated</p><p>significantly higher scores than the boys. The majority of the students did not feel harassed. A</p><p>third of the adolescents stated that they had felt depressed in some degree or higher. In this</p><p>question, the boys rated significantly higher scores than the girls.</p><p>Keywords: Quality</p>

Physical activity assessed by accelerometry in children

Nilsson, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Physical activity (PA) is likely to constitute an important aspect of health-related behaviour in growing children. However, the knowledge on levels and patterns of PA in children is limited, due to the difficulty of precisely measuring this complex behaviour in normal daily living. Information on variables that significantly contributes to the variability in PA patterns is warranted as it may inform strategies for promoting physically active lifestyles in school-age youth. The overall purpose of the present studies was to increase the knowledge about the use of accelerometry when assessing PA in children, and examine sources of variability in objectively assessed PA behaviour in children. The study samples included 1954 nine- and 15-year-old children from four geographical locations in Europe (Norway, Denmark, Estonia and Portugal), and additionally 16 Swedish seven-year-old boys and girls. PA was assessed by the MTI accelerometer during free-living conditions, including both weekdays and weekend days. A part of the PA assessment was conducted using different time sampling intervals (epochs). Predictions of estimates of daily energy expenditure from accelerometer output were calculated using previously published equations. Potential correlates of PA behaviour were assessed by self-report. The main findings were; a) the epoch setting had a significant effect when interpreting time spent at higher intensities of PA in young children, b) predicted energy expenditure differed substantially between equations, c) between- and within-day differences in overall levels of PA, time spent at moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity and time spent sedentary differed between age, gender and geographical location, d) outdoor play and sports participation were differentially associated with objectively measured PA in 9- and 15-year-old children. It is concluded that the sporadic nature of children’s physical activity require very short epoch settings for detecting high intensity PA, and that different published equations for estimations of daily energy expenditure cannot be used interchangeably. The interpretations of average energy expenditure from available equations should be made with caution. Based on a large sample of children of different ages, weekend days and leisure time during weekdays seem appropriate targets when promoting PA in order to increase the proportion of children achieving current recommendations on health enhancing PA. Further, significant correlates of PA behaviour dependent on age group are presented, which should be considered when planning interventions for promoting PA in school-age youth.</p>

The Effects of Physical Activity on Adolescents Long- Term Memory

Bäck, Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
<p>There is a body of research on the effect of physical activity oncognition in the old adult population. Less research areconducted on adolescents. The aim for this study is to find out ifadolescents long-term memory is affected by physical activity.144 pupils were asked to rate their physical activity each week.Thereafter their long- term memory was tested through tests onepisodic- and semantic memory. The results showed that thosewho are physically active more than 4 hours had a better scoreon part of the semantic test but no effect was found in theepisodic test. This result indicates that physical activity not onlyaffects working memory, as was shown by previous research butalso has an effect in parts of the semantic long-term memory.</p>

Ungas syn på integration : En kvalitativ studie om invandrarungdomars syn på integration

Awad, Hanna January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this essay was to acquire an enhanced knowledge about young immigrants’ point of view of integration. During a former practical training semester I became interested in what the young immigrants thought about their own integration, what their conception was about this issue. I found that it had different meaning to different persons, to some it meant assimilation, to others it meant being able to interact with the opposite gender. To examine this I used interviews and interviewed an amount of young immigrants in different stages of their studies in Swedish. The essential theme throughout the work was to determine what the young people’s point of view was. I found that there is a profound interest from the professionals working with integration, to make the integration process as good as possible for the individuals undergoing it. But the most frequent opinion was that communication is most essential in this issue, the newly arrived young people couldn’t learn Swedish fast enough so that they would be able to communicate with there peers and the rest of the society.</p>

Muskuloskeletal smärta hos barn och ungdomar med övervikt eller fetma : Förekommer det och hindrar det i så fall aktivitetsnivån?

Jingfors, Lisa, Norman, Petter January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att undersöka förekomst av smärta som hindrade aktivitet hos barn och ungdomar med övervikt eller fetma. Samt att se förekomst av obehagskänslor inför och under fysisk aktivitet. Studien gjordes på 26 barn och ungdomar i åldrarna 8-19 år med övervikt eller fetma samt en grupp med 26 normalviktiga barn och ungdomar i åldrarna 10-19 år. Data samlades in genom en enkätundersökning på Överviktsenheten för barn och ungdomar på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala och genom dietister i primärvården i Uppsala läns landsting samt genom personliga kontakter. Studien visade att smärta förekom i båda grupperna och ingen skillnad kunde påvisas mellan de båda. Däremot visade resultaten  att barnen och ungdomarna med övervikt eller fetma skattade att de inte kunde delta i aktivitet på grund av smärta i större utsträckning än barnen och ungdomarna med normalvikt. Barnen och ungdomarna med övervikt eller fetma skattade också mer obehag inför och under fysisk aktivitet i jämförelse med normalviktiga barn och ungdomar.</p>

Recurrent Headache among Swedish Adolescents : Psychosocial Factors, Coping and Effects of Relaxation Treatment

Fichtel, Åsa January 2003 (has links)
<p>Overall aims of the present thesis were to study the prevalence and psychosocial impact of recurrent headache within a school population in comparison with other types of pain and to examine the use and efficacy of various coping strategies. Further aims were to compare the effects of relaxation treatment among adolescents with recurrent headache to a waiting-list control group, and finally to examine the efficacy of relaxation training administered in a school setting.</p><p>From 8 schools, 793 adolescents were recruited to a questionnaire study. The results showed that headache is a very common health complaint particularly among girls. Subjects with frequent headache also reported higher levels of depressive symptoms, anxiety, functional disability and other types of recurrent pain, than those with infrequent headache.</p><p>A Swedish version of the pain coping questionnaire (PCQ) was translated and administered to the same sample of 793 adolescents. Its psychometric properties were replicated and problem solving was regarded to be the most effective coping strategy.</p><p>In a treatment study 36 subjects suffering from migraine and tension-type headache were randomized to either relaxation treatment or a waiting list control group. Results showed that half of the adolescents were clinically improved after treatment. In a final effectiveness study 63 subjects were randomized to one of two types of relaxation training, administered by school nurses. The results showed similar positive outcomes but small differences compared to a non-treated post hoc comparison group. Positive outcomes of relaxation treatment were predicted by one pain coping strategy, positive self-statements but also by higher functional disability before treatment.</p><p>In conclusion, more active strategies such as positive self-statements and problem solving were found to co-vary with a better efficacy or outcome after relaxation training. A further exploration of how to optimize treatment for adolescent headache is warranted in future studies. Generally a broader perspective including social, psychological as well as biological factors could give more information on the complex mechanisms behind headache.</p>

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