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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estabilidade de modos quasinormais e uma possível interpretação na correspondência AdS/CFT / Quasinormal stability

Carlos Eduardo Pellicer de Oliveira 24 October 2011 (has links)
Esta tese é um estudo de estabilidade de modos quasinormais em um sistema que apresenta uma mudança de estabilidade ao variar continuamente os parâmetros físicos de um buraco negro. A mudança de estabilidade encontrada possui interpretações na correspondência AdS/CFT. A ferramenta principal utilizada neste trabalho para o cálculo de modos quasinormais foram métodos numéricos que podem ser utilizados em inúmeros trabalhos desta área de pesquisa, especialmente por não dependerem de suposições de simetria ou de comportamento conveniente do sistema físico. / This thesis is a study of stability of quasinormal modes in a system featuring a stability change if one continuously varies the physical parameters of a black hole. The stability change thus found has some possible interpretations in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main tool used in this study for calculating quasinormal modes are numerical methods that can be used in numerous works in this area of research, especially because they do not depend on assumptions of symmetry or any convenient behavior of the physical system.

Geometrias bubbling na correspondência AdS/CFT / Bubbling geometries in the AdS/CFT correspondence

Eiser Augusto Portilla Mosquera 30 September 2014 (has links)
O escopo deste mestrado é de se familiarizar com a chamada {\\it correspondência AdS/CFT}, que tem sido um dos mais importantes desenvolvimentos na física teórica nas últimas décadas. De acordo com essa correspondência, deformações das geometrias do lado da gravidade (ou lado \"AdS\") devem ser mapeadas para operadores das teorias de calibre duais (ou lado \"CFT\"). Em particular, nos temos estado interessados em explorar uma entrada particular no dicionário AdS/CFT, a relação entre os operadores 1/2 BPS em ${\\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills, e as chamadas {\\it geometrias bubbling} no lado da gravidade. A fim de fazer isso, apresentamos primeiramente as noções de ${\\cal N}=4$ SYM e soluções de Supergravidade. Portanto, podemos expor mais claramente o sentido da correspondência AdS /CFT, e depois mostrar a derivação das geometrias 1/2 BPS duais a estados 1/2 BPS em ${\\cal N}=4$ SYM como um exemplo. / The scope of this Master program was to get acquainted with the so-called {\\it AdS/CFT correspondence}, which has been one of the most important developments in theoretical physics in the last decades. According to this correspondence, deformations of the geometries in the gravity side (or \"AdS\" side) must be mapped to states of the dual gauge theories (or \"CFT\" side). In particular, we have been interested in exploring a particular entry in the AdS/CFT dictionary, namely, the relation between 1/2 BPS operators in ${\\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills, and the so-called {\\it bubbling geometries} on the gravity side. In order to do that, we first present the notions of N=4 SYM and Supergravity solutions. In this way, we can expose the statement of the AdS/CFT correspondence, and later show the derivation of 1/2 BPS geometries dual to 1/2 BPS states in N=4 SYM as an example of this one.

paving the fluid road to flat holography / La voie hydrodynamique vers l’holographie plate

Ciambelli, Luca 27 September 2019 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est l’étude de la correspondance fluide/gravité, réalisation macroscopique de la dualité AdS/CFT, à la limite où la constante cosmologique tend vers zéro (limite plate). La jauge de Fefferman-Graham, habituellement utilisée dans le dictionnaire holographique, est singulière à la limite plate. Ici, en passant par la formulation hydrodynamique de la théorie dubord, nous construisons une jauge, appelée jauge du développement en série dérivatif, où cette limite est bien définie. Sur la géométrie du bord, elle correspond en fait à faire tendre vers zéro la vitesse de la lumière, situation connue comme limite carrollienne. Un fluide relativiste admet une telle lim-ite, qui donne lieu à l’hydrodynamique carrollienne, étudiée ici en dimension arbitraire, parallèlement à son homologue galiléen. Ensuite, nous montrons spécifiquement en dimensions 4 et 3 du bulk qu’il est possible de construire des solutions asymptotiquement plates des équations d’Einstein partant de systèmes hydrodynamiques conformes carrolliens du bord, qui est ici l’hypersurface degenre lumière à l’infini. En 4 dimensions nous introduisons des conditions d’intégrabilité permettant de resommer la série dérivative sous formefermée. En 3 dimensions toute configuration fluide du bord aboutit à une solution exacte des équations d’Einstein. Les solutions de Bañados sont un sous-ensemble des solutions obtenues et identifiées au moyen de leurs charges de surface. Nous accordons une attention particulière au rôle du repère hydrodynamique, trop souvent ignoré en holographie. Pour terminer, nous nous concentrons sur la formulation de la AdS/CFT dans laquelle la symétrie de Weyl est explicite. Quoique cette symétrie soit un ingrédient incontournable de la correspondance fluide/gravité, elle n’est pas codée dans la formulation habituelle de l’holographie. Nous introduisons une nouvelle jauge et analysonsses conséquences. / In this thesis we discuss the limit of vanishing cosmological constant (flat limit) of the fluid/gravity correspondence, which is a macroscopic realization of the AdS/CFT. The holographic dictionary is usually implemented in a gauge(Fefferman-Graham), which does not admit a flat limit. In the hydrodynamic formulation of the boundary theory, we introduce a gauge, dubbed derivative expansion, where such a limit turns out to be smooth. In the boundary we show that this corresponds to a Carrollian limit, i.e. a limit where the speed of light vanishes. We present Carrollian hydrodynamics, together with its dual Galilean counterpart. Then, for 4 and 3 bulk dimensions, we exhibit a resummed line element, which provides an asymptotically flat bulk solution of Einsteinequations starting only from boundary (i.e. null infinity) conformal Carrollian hydrodynamic data. In 4 dimensions we exploit specific integrability conditions, which restrict the achievable class of solutions in the bulk. In 3 dimensions every boundary fluid configuration leads to an exact solution of Einstein’s equations. Bañados solutions are a subset of the solutions reached in this way. They are rigorously identified with their surface charges and the corresponding algebra. We emphasize the choice of hydrodynamic frame, often sidesteppedin holography. Finally, we focus on the formulation of AdS/CFT to encompass Weyl symmetry. This symmetry is a key ingredient of fluid/gravity but it is not naturally encoded in the usual formulation of holography. We introduce an appropriate gauge for realizing it, and analyze its far-reaching consequences.

I Want to Breathe You In : Data as Raw Commodity

Joakim, Aronsson January 2021 (has links)
In this paper, I look at the history of the internet and online advertising. The internet is inextricably linked to capitalism and is fueled by advertising. As a result, companies like Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon collect data in large volumes to improve targeted advertising. An investigation of new power structures has emerged with the internet and how they dominate its and our future. My creativity lies between art and technology. By merging new technologies like Artificial Intelligence with humor and graphic design, I try to shine a light on the subject.

Black-Hole Microstates in String Theory : Black is the Color but Smooth are the Geometries? / Les micro-états de trous noirs en Théorie des Cordes : noire est la couleur, régulières sont les géométries?

Heidmann, Pierre 27 June 2019 (has links)
Les trous noirs sont produits par effondrement gravitationnel d'étoiles supermassives et contiennent en leur centre une singularité de l'espace-temps habillée d'un horizon auquel rien ne peut s'échapper. Ils se situent à la frontière théorique commune entre la Relativité Générale et la Mécanique Quantique, ce qui en fait le principal laboratoire théorique et expérimental pour tester les théories quantiques de la gravité comme la Théorie des Cordes. L'entropie d'un trou noir est énorme, de l'ordre de sa masse au carré. Comme tout objet entropique, une description microscopique en termes de dégénérescence d'états devrait exister. De plus, le trou noir s'évapore par rayonnement d'Hawking et l'information à l'intérieur semble perdue, ce qui compromet la principe d'unitarité, pierre angulaire de la Mécanique Quantique. Par conséquent, la Théorie des Cordes doit fournir les degrés de liberté nécessaires pour décrire la nature de micro-état de trous noirs, elle doit également trouver un mécanisme résolvant la singularité et le paradoxe de la perte d'information. Cette thèse porte sur la physique des trous noirs à travers le "fuzzball proposal" et le "microstate geometry program". La majeure partie de la discussion se déroulera dans la limite de basse énergie de la Théorie des Cordes, c'est-à-dire en Supergravité. Le ``proposal" stipule qu'il existe "eS" solutions non singulières sans horizon qui ressemblent à un trou noir à large distance mais qui diffèrent à proximité de l'horizon. Sur la base de cette affirmation, la solution de trou noir classique correspond à la description statistique d'un système de solutions qui ont la même géométrie que le trou noir à l'extérieur de l'horizon, mais qui se terminent par des géométries régulières, dites "fuzzy". La proposition soulève plusieurs questions : Comment la singularité est-elle résolue ? De telles géométries peuvent-elles être construites en Supergravité ? Comment l'information s'échappe-t-elle de l'ensemble des micro-états ? La thèse est décomposée en trois parties. La première partie présente les bases et donne un aperçu du "microstate geometry program". La deuxième partie regroupe cinq travaux qui se consacrent à construire de larges familles de micro-états de trous noirs supersymétriques ou non supersymétriques. La dernière partie passe en revue deux travaux. L'un d'eux étudie le processus de diffusion dans les micro-états. Cela permet d'élucider comment le principe d'unicité est restaurée et comment l'information s'échappe des micro-états. La seconde traite du rôle des micro-états dans le contexte de la correspondance AdS2/CFT1 et donne l'ébauche d'une preuve pour le "fuzzball proposal". / Black holes are produced by gravitational collapse of supermassive stars and consist of a spacetime singularity dressed by a horizon from which nothing can escape. They lie at the common theoretical border between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, making them the main theoretical and experimental laboratory for testing quantum theories of gravity as String theory. The entropy of a black hole is huge, of the order of its mass squared. As any entropic object, a microscopic description in terms of large degeneracy of states should exist. Moreover, black hole evaporates through thermal Hawking's radiation and the information in the interior seems lost, that compromises the unitary principle, a cornerstone of Quantum Mechanics. Therefore, String Theory must provide the degrees of freedom necessary to describe the microstate nature of black holes, it must also find a mechanism resolving the singularity and the information loss paradox. This thesis addresses black-hole physics through the lens of the fuzzball proposal and the microstate geometry program. The major part of the discussion will be conducted in the low-energy limit of String Theory, that is in Supergravity. The proposal states that there exist "eS" horizonless non-singular solutions that resemble a black hole at large distance but differ in the vicinity of the horizon. Based on this statement, the classical black-hole solution corresponds to the average description of a system of solutions which match the black-hole geometry outside the horizon but cap off as ``fuzzy" smooth geometries in the infrared. The proposal leads to several questions: How is the singularity resolved? Can "eS" such geometries be built in Supergravity? How does the information escape from the ensemble of microstates?The thesis is decomposed in three parts. The first part introduces the basic materials and gives a review of the microstate geometry program. The second part gathers five works that all consist in constructing large classes of smooth horizonless microstate geometries of supersymmetric or non-supersymmetric black holes. The last part review two works. One is investigating the scattering process in microstate geometries. This helps to elucidate how unitarity is restored and how information escapes from black-hole backgrounds. The second one addresses the role of microstate geometries in the context of the AdS2/CFT1 correspondence and gives a beginning of proof for the fuzzball proposal.

Vybrané partie AdS/CFT duality / On The Aspects of AdS/CFT Duality

Hulík, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis we study various aspects of integrable methods in AdS3/CFT2 holog- raphy. These techniques come from exploiting special form of gauge compatible with asymptotic boundary conditions on the bulk fields in Chern Simons formulation of 3d gravity and higher spin theories. The integrable systems emerging are so called Toda field theories. The rigid structure of these theories allows us to learn more about certain gravitational solutions - multi centered solutions. One of the most interesting applications of the formalism developed is in the problem of black hole deconstruction and information paradox where we can read of the information about the temperature from the Toda field theory charges and. Aside of the gravitational applications we also study a vast generalization of the WZW to Toda field theory reduction and its connection to the Closed Toda systems. 1


Garnet, Beverly N. 20 April 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis of age-related differences in political message framing effects

Morrison, Hayli January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Journalism and Mass Communications / Louise Benjamin / This experimental research builds upon the health communications study completed by Rustam Haydarov in 2010, with a similar approach to ascertain how an individual’s age might influence their reaction to political messages. Using a typology of frames by Levin, Schneider and Gaeth (1998), the study utilizes an older demographic (ages 55-70) and a younger comparison group (ages 18-33) to determine a) if both groups find positive advertising messages more favorable than negative advertising messages and b) if the older demographic is more wary than younger counterparts when discussing current events and the future of America. The study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to determine reactions to goal-oriented and loss-oriented message framing in four mock print political campaign advertisements focusing on the topics of healthcare and college education financing. There was greater prevalence of strongly negative and strongly positive reactions among the younger demographic, except in the case of the loss-framed healthcare ad. The older group reacted more strongly to that particular ad, concerning an issue which had great relevance to them. Of the two age groups, the older demographic registered a more even-keeled reaction across the four ads. Overall, this study has focused on how message frame, topic and age of the message receiver combine to affect message resonance in the context of political communications.


Boying, Lu, Jun, Zhang, Shuhui, Nie, Xinjian, Huang 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 21, 2002 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / This paper presents the basic concept, construction principle and implementation work for the Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) system. As a part of ADS system, the ADS message processing system based on PC computer was given more attention. Furthermore, the paper introduces the ADS trial status and points out that the ADS implementation will bring tremendous economical and social efficiency.

Progress in Global Air Traffic Management (GATM) Avionics System Test at the Air Force Flight Test Center

Switzer, Earl R., Fleishans, Amy D. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 22-25, 2001 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / This paper presents a progress report on Global Air Traffic Management (GATM) avionic system test activities at the Air Force Flight Test Center. In many parts of the world today the continuing growth of commercial air traffic is running up against limits brought on by overuse of aviation resources. Air corridors in Europe and on transoceanic air routes are operating at maximum capacity. Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) are working these challenges on two levels—near-term incremental improvements and long-term visionary changes. Each country has a CAA; ours being the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Near-term solutions focus on better utilization of resources such as air space and frequency spectrum and improved performance of air traffic control facilities. Long-term visionary changes, such as free flight, could fundamentally change the current civil aviation business process model. CAA policies and standards are driving near-term improvements and migration toward long-term objectives. This initiative is referred as Communication Navigation Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM). Implementation of the U.S. military’s vision, Global Reach/Global Power, requires the ability to rapidly deploy armed forces to major regional conflicts anywhere in the world, and to sustain these forces for as long as it takes to resolve these conflicts. To achieve this goal and accomplish rapid deployments while at the same time minimizing costs, the Air Force has adopted a solution that makes extensive use of CNS/ATM. The Air Force calls its initiative Global Air Traffic Management (GATM). Air Force aircraft equipped with GATM avionics will be able to use CNS/ATM capabilities such as reduced vertical separation minimum (RVSM), 8.33 kHz data links, automatic dependent surveillance - broadcast (ADS-B), and global communication networks. These capabilities make possible improved flight safety, lower fuel costs, and quicker turn times. The Air Force Flight Test Center supports the GATM initiative by providing Air Traffic Control (ATC) Communications Test Facilities and Avionic System Test (ACTFAST) capabilities to support aircraft modification programs.

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