Spelling suggestions: "subject:"adverbiale"" "subject:"adverbiales""
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Q-adverbs as selective binders : the quantificational variability of free relatives and definite DPs /Hinterwimmer, Stefan. January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Berlin, Humboldt-Univ., Diss., 2006.
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Circonstances et compléments circonstancielsGosselin, Laurent, January 1986 (has links)
Th. univ.--Linguist. fr.--Caen, 1986.
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Argument and rhetoric : adverbial connectors in the history of English /Lenker, Ursula. January 2010 (has links)
Zugl. München, University, Habil.-Schr., 2007.
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Q-adverbs as selective binders the quantificational variability of free relatives and definite DPsHinterwimmer, Stefan January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Berlin, Humboldt-Univ., Diss., 2006
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Souvýskyt primárních předložek v soudobých publicistických textech (korpusová sonda) / Cooccurrence of Primary Prepositions in Contemporary News Texts (Corpus Survey)Komrsková, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis is concentrated on the phenomenon called coocurance of primary prepositions. It is a construction of two prepositions directly standing next to each other, where each of them is part of another prepositional phrase. The first preposition is not directly in front of its phrases, but there is the second prepositional phrase inserted between the first preposition and its phrases. The aim of the thesis was to find these structures in the corpus SYN2009PUB, and their description of the semantic and formal aspects. Inserted phrase is in most cases syntactically incorporated into sentence, where takes the adverbial or object distinction. Comparison in length (in number of words) of inserted phrase with the phrases, which can be inserted, showed that during insertion depends on the length of the transferred phrases. The paper outlines other factors affecting coocurence, e. g. pronounceability.
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Anglické participiální polovětné konstrukce a jejich české překladové protějšky / English participial clauses and their Czech translation counterpartsMašková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse and describe the Czech translation counterparts of English present- and perfect-participial clauses which function as postmodifiers and adverbials. Although there is a formal counterpart of the English participle - the transgressive - this form is considered very marked and archaic in Czech. Therefore, based on an analysis of 210 sentences excerpted from three American works of contemporary fiction, the thesis describes the recurrent patterns used in the translation of the forms in question. The analysis confirmed the findings of previous studies that while English prefers nominal and verbo- nominal means of expressions, Czech relies rather on verbal expression. The majority of the translation counterparts are divergent correspondences, above all finite clauses connected paratactically to the counterpart of the matrix clause. Although the translation of a participle by a finite verb form is more explicit, the coordinative relation makes it possible to retain the semantic indeterminacy of the relation between the clauses which is specific for participial constructions. Key words: participle, participial clause, transgressive, postmodifier, adverbial, translation counterparts
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Aspekte adverbialer Subordination im Hausa, Fulfulde und Kanuri /Ziegelmeyer, Georg. January 2008 (has links)
Dissertation. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 231-240).
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Negatie met het werkwoord hebben in het Nederlands en ha in het Zweeds : Een contrastieve corpusstudie / Negation with the verb hebben in Dutch and ha [have] in Swedish : A contrastive corpus studyDalle, Tilda January 2024 (has links)
In this thesis, different negation strategies used with the verbs hebben in Dutch and ha [have] in Swedish are examined. In both languages, pronominal negation with a negative indefinite pronoun (geen for Dutch and ingen for Swedish) or adverbial negation with a negative adverb (niet for Dutch and inte for Swedish) are common negation strategies. Sometimes it can be difficult to choose between the two and the question of when to use which method of negation arises. By using corpus data from newspapers in Dutch and Swedish, the frequency and use of both methods is studied. In particular, the contexts in which pronominal negation and adverbial negation respectively are found are analysed in a qualitative study of randomly selected examples from the corpora. The study shows that, based on the data, pronominal negation seems to be the most frequent method with the verb hebben/ha. Furthermore, adverbial negation with the verb ha seems to be slightly more common in Swedish than in Dutch. The methods seem to be mostly used in the same contexts in both languages in the data, however, in Swedish, adverbial negation is sometimes used together with some nouns in the indefinite form without the indefinite article which does not occur in the Dutch data. / In deze scriptie wordt negatie met het werkwoord hebben in het Nederlands en ha [hebben] in het Zweeds bestudeerd. In beide talen kunnen zowel pronominale ontkenning met een negatief onbepaald voornaamwoord (geen in het Nederlands en ingen in het Zweeds) als adverbiale negatie met een negatief bijwoord (niet in het Nederlands en inte in het Zweeds) gebruikt worden om negatie uit te drukken. Soms ligt de keuze tussen de twee methodes niet voor de hand. Een corpusonderzoek met data uit krantenteksten en nieuwsberichten in het Nederlands en het Zweeds wordt uitgevoerd om de frequentie en het gebruik van de twee methodes te onderzoeken. Om te zien in welke contexten pronominale ontkenning en adverbiale ontkenning voorkomen wordt een kwalitatieve studie op basis van een willekeurig gekozen steekproef van de corpusdata uitgevoerd. De studie toont dat het blijkt alsof pronominale negatie de meest frequente methode samen met hebben/ha is in de data. Verder blijkt adverbiale negatie met ha iets meer frequent te zijn in het Zweeds in vergelijking met in het Nederlands. De twee methodes blijken op basis van de studie in meestal dezelfde contexten worden gebruikt. Maar in het Zweeds kan adverbiale negatie soms met sommige zelfstandige naamwoorden in de onbepaalde vorm zonder lidwoord worden gebruikt, terwijl er geen voorbeelden van dit zijn in de Nederlandse data.
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Adverbiale Kasus des Deutschen / eine Untersuchung der Genitive und Akkusative in adverbialer FunktionEgorova, Olga 16 August 2006 (has links)
Adverbiale Kasus sind Substantivgruppen ohne Präposition, die im Satz die Funktion einer temporalen, lokalen oder modalen Adverbialbestimmung erfüllen. Im Satz treten sie in der Regel als Adjunkte auf und sind in ihrer Form syntaktisch unabhängig. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation ist, adverbiale Kasus des Deutschen anhand zahlreicher Belege sowohl synchron als auch diachron aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zu beschreiben. In den älteren Sprachstufen sind adverbiale Kasus häufig belegt. Bis zum Gegenwartsdeutschen wurden viele davon adverbialisiert, durch Präpositionalphrasen ersetzt oder sind zu Phraseologismen erstarrt. In dieser Arbeit wird auf die semantisch-lexikalischen Restriktionen, Struktur, interne Ausfüllung bzw. Besetzung, Bezugsmöglichkeiten, Bedeutungen und die stilistischen Besonderheiten adverbialer Kasus ausführlich eingegangen. / Adverbial case is a noun phrase without preposition, functioning as the adverbial modifier of time, place or manner in a sentence. Syntactically they usually serve as adjuncts and are independent in their form. The aim of the present investigation was to describe the German adverbial case synchronically and diachronically on the basis of a large number of speech samples from different points of view. Adverbial cases have been very frequent at the earlier stages of German. Many of them have been adverbialised, replaced by prepositional phrases or have turned into phraseologisms in the course of language development up to the modern German. The present doctor thesis provides a detailed study of the lexical-semantic restrictions of the adverbial cases as well as of their structure and inner filling, their relation to other sentence constituents, aspects of their meaning and stylistic peculiarities.
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Le morphème d= en araméen-syriaque : étude d’une polyfonctionalité à plusieurs échelles syntaxiques / The morpheme d= in Aramaic-Syriac : a study on multifunctionality at several syntactic scalesSkaf, Roula 13 November 2015 (has links)
Le fonctionnement du morphème polyfonctionnel d= en syriaque des Évangiles de la Peshiṭta est décrit morphosyn-taxiquement et dans une perspective typologique, en synchronie et par comparaison, pour certains points, avec d’autres versions et avec d’autres langues sémitiques. Ancien démonstratif en proto-sémitique, d= est un relateur à plusieurs niveaux syntaxiques : support de détermination, marqueur des relations génitivales et relatives, introducteur de complétives et adverbiales. Un critère syntaxique distingue sémantiquement les syntagmes génitivaux aliénables et inaliénable même si cette distinction tend à s’estomper, à des degrés différents selon les catégories sémantiques d’inaliénables, termes de parentés et parties du corps. Si les structures syntaxiques sont semblables pour les relatives restrictives et les non-restrictives, il est impossible de relativiser ces dernières pour les relatives objet, dative et adjointe. La stratégie à trou syntaxique constitue la stratégie primaire dans la hiérarchie d’accessibilité, et toutes les fonctions de la tête dans la matrice, sauf l’objet de comparaison, sont relativisables.Les fonctions de complémenteur de d= sont plus larges qu’en sémitique ancien. d= s’emploie avec 12 des 14 types de prédicats de la classification typologique de Noonan au lieu de 3 en sémitique ancien. Le syriaque est conforme à la hiérarchie implicationnelle, Complement Deranking-Argument Hierarchy. Le critère syntaxique de saturation de la valence verbale et des critères sémantiques et contextuels permettent de distinguer les adverbiales des complétives. Lorsque d= forme des locutions conjonctives avec des prépositions ou des adverbes, la polysémie des valeurs est désambigüisée grâce au contexte, à l’exception de la conjonction monosémique temporelle mo d=. Dans le discours rapporté, le discours Reproduit est majoritairement introduit sans d=, alors qu’il l’est avec d= pour le discours Reformulé. Le grec n’a eu aucune influence sur son utilisation. / The behaviour of the polyfunctional morpheme d= in the Syriac language of the Gospels of the Peshiṭta is described in a typological perspective, in synchrony and in comparison, for some properties, with other varieties of Syriac and with other Semitic languages. d=, a former demonstrative in Proto-Semitic, is a relator at various syntactic levels: a determination place-holder, a genitival and relative marker, an introducer of completive and adverbial clauses.Chapter 1 introduces the topic of the study and the theoretical framework and chapter 2 discusses the state of art.Chapter 3 is dedicated to the study of the genitive phrase. We discovered that a syntactic criterion allows to distinguish semantically between alienable and inalienable phrases, to different degrees according to the semantic categories of the inalienable set, i.e. kinship and body part terms.In chapter 4, we showed that even though syntactic structures are similar for restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses, it is impossible to relativize the latter for object, dative and adjoint relatives clauses. The syntactic gap strategy constitutes the primary strategy in the accessibility hierarchy and all the functions of the head in the main clause, except the object of comparison, are relativizable.Chapter 5 deals with the functions of d= as a complementizer and an introducer of adverbial clauses. The complementizer uses are wider than in Old Semitic. d= is employed with 12 of the 14 types of predicates of Noonan's typological classification as against 3 in Old Semitic. Syriac conforms to the implicational hierarchy named Complement Deranking-Argument Hierarchy. For adverbial clauses, the syntactic criterion of saturation of the verbal valency as well as semantic and contextual criteria permit to distinguish adverbial clauses from complement clauses. When d= forms conjunctive locutions with prepositions or adverbs, the polysemy of values is disambiguated thanks to the context. Only the conjunction mo d= is monosemous (with a temporal meaning).In the last chapter (chap. 6) on reported speech, we showed that direct reported speech is mostly introduced without d=, whereas it is always the case for indirect speech. Greek did not have any influence on the use of d=. / Il funzionamento del morfema polifunzionale d= del siriaco nei Vangeli della Peshiṭta è descritto in una prospettiva tipologica, in sincronia e attraverso la comparazione, in alcuni punti, con altre versioni e con altre lingue semitiche. Tale morfema deriva dal pronome dimostrativo proto-semitico *ḏV e funge da relatore in diversi livelli sintattici: supporto di determinazione, indicatore delle relazioni genitivali e relative, introduttore delle proposizioni completive e avverbiali. Il capitolo 1 introduce la problematica della ricerca e dell’ambito teorico; il capitolo 2 presenta uno stato dell’arte sull’argomento.Il capitolo 3 è consacrato allo studio del sintagma genitivale. Un criterio sintattico ha permesso di distinguere semanticamente i sintagmi genitivali alienabili e inalienabili, anche se questa distinzione tende ad attenuarsi, in diversi punti, secondo le categorie semantiche d’inalienabile, termini di parentela e parti del corpo.Nel capitolo 4 abbiamo mostrato che, se da una parte le strutture sintattiche sono simili per le relative restrittive e le non-restrittive, dall’altra è impossibile relativizzare le ultime per le relative complemento oggetto, complemento di termine e complemento circostanziale. La strategia con gap sintattico è la strategia primaria nella gerarchia d’accessibilità e tutte le funzioni della testa nella proposizione matrice, tranne l’oggetto della comparazione, sono relativizzabili.Il capitolo 5 tratta le funzioni di d= come complementatore e introduttore di proposizioni avverbiali. Gli impieghi del complementatore sono più ampi rispetto al semitico più antico. Il morfema d= si impiega infatti per 12 dei 14 tipi di predicato della classificazione tipologica di Noonan invece dei 3 del semitico più antico. Il siriaco è conforme alla gerarchia implicativa, Complement Deranking-Argument Hierarchy. Per le proposizioni avverbiali, il criterio sintattico di saturazione della valenza verbale e dei criteri semantici e contestuali permettono di distinguere le avverbiali dalle completive.Quando d= forma delle locuzioni congiuntive con delle preposizioni o degli avverbi, la polisemia dei valori è disambiguato grazie al contesto, fatta eccezione della congiunzione monosemica temporale mo d=Nell’ultimo capitolo, sul discorso indiretto, mostriamo che il discorso “riprodotto” è introdotto senza d= nella maggior parte dei casi, mentre si usa d= nel discorso “riformulato”. Il greco non ha alcuna influenza sul suo utilizzo.
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