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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Darstellung der Africa : Typologie und Ikonographie einer römischen Provinzpersonifikation /

Domes, Ingeborg. January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Mainz, Universiẗat, Diss., 2003. / Zsfassung in engl. und franz. Sprache.

Living with ambiguity integrating an African elite in French and Portuguese Africa, 1930-61 /

Keese, Alexander. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Freiburg, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [307]-334) and index.

Living with ambiguity integrating an African elite in French and Portuguese Africa, 1930-61 /

Keese, Alexander. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Freiburg, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [307]-334) and index.

Petro-Democracy / Oil, Power and Politics in Niger

Schritt, Jannik 22 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

The biodiversity of epiphytic lichens in Pretoria (South Africa) and its value for ecological indication

Maphangwa, Khumbudzo Walter 11 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Venda / The purpose of this study was to assess the diversity of epiphytic lichens growing on Acacia karroo, A. caffra and Jacaranda mimosifolia trees in Pretoria, and to investigate the influence of air pollution, land use, altitude and climate on lichen diversity. Lichen diversity was first studied at 12 sampling sites under different land use types (high traffic areas, residential areas and industrial areas) and in protected areas (open-air museums and nature reserves). The “European guidelines for monitoring lichen diversity as an indicator of environmental stress” were then tested in 29 sites using the same tree species and under two main land use types (“Industrial areas and busy roads” and “Parks and nature reserves”). Lichen Diversity Values (LDVs) were calculated for 164 trees. Correlations of LDVs and single lichen species with environmental parameters were studied by descriptive statistics, univariate analysis, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Generalized Linear Models (GLM). A naturality/alteration interpretative scale based on the percentile deviation of LDVs from natural conditions was developed for the first time in South Africa. Altogether 25 taxa, predominantly foliose and subtropical to tropical species, were recorded and are reported with their ecology and distribution. An identification key was developed for easy identification of species in the field. The highest lichen diversity was found in protected areas. The LDVs of Jacaranda are lower than values for both Acacia species. “Parks and nature reserves” have significantly higher LDVs than “industrial areas and busy roads”, as demonstrated by the PCA. The GLM models were significant for LDV and some lichen species. Sampling sites in industrial areas and the proximity of busy roads are negatively related to LDV and with the frequency of many lichen species. Higher atmospheric concentrations of NOx were negatively related to LDV and to the frequency of the species Candelaria concolor, Lepraria spp. and Pyxine cocoes. Culbersonia nubila and Lepraria spp. were respectively positively and negatively correlated with atmospheric SO2. The intensity of land use appears to have a negative impact on lichen diversity. In conclusion, lichens respond well to human disturbances in Pretoria and can be used as bioindicators of naturality/alteration. The European standardised monitoring method can be applied to estimate the degree of environmental alteration in South Africa, by adopting a stratified random sampling and a more flexible strategy for tree selection. / Die doel van hierdie studie is om die diversiteit van die epifitiese ligene op Acacia Karoo, A. caffra en Jacaranda mimosifolia bome in Pretoria te bepaal, en die uitwerking van lugbesoedeling, grondgebruik, hoogte en klimaat op die ligeendiversiteit te ondersoek. Die ligeendiversiteit is by 12 monsterneemterreine bestudeer. Sommige terreine het op grond met uiteenlopende gebruike (drukverkeergebiede, woongebiede en nywerheidsgebiede) en ander in beskermende gebiede (opelugmuseums en natuurreservate) voorgekom. Die “Europese riglyne vir die monitering van ligeendiversiteit as aanduiding van omgewingstres” is telkens by dieselfde boomspesies op 29 terreine gevolg. Die hoofsoorte grondgebruik van hierdie terreine was “nywerheidsgebiede en besige paaie” en “parke en natuurreservate”. Die ligeendiversiteitswaardes (LDW’s) van 164 bome is bereken. Die korrelasies tussen LDW’s, enkelligeenspesies en omgewingsparameters is aan die hand van beskrywende statistiek, eenveranderlikeontleding, ʼn hoofkomponentanalise (HKA) en veralgemeende lineêre modelle (VLM’s) bestudeer. ʼn Verklarende naturaliteit-/wysigingskaal wat op die persentielafwyking van LDW’s in natuurlike omstandighede berus, is vir die eerste keer in Suid-Afrika ontwikkel. Altesame 25 taksa, oorwegend digblarige en subtropiese tot tropiese boomspesies, tesame met die ekologie en verspreiding van elk, is geboekstaaf. ʼn Kensleutel waarmee spesies maklik in die veld uitgeken kan word, is ontwikkel. Die grootste ligeendiversiteit het in beskermde gebiede voorgekom. Die LDW’s van Jacaranda was laer as dié van die twee Acacia-spesies. Volgens die HKA het “parke en natuurreservate” beduidend hoër LDW’s as “nywerheidsgebiede en besige paaie” gehad. Die VLM’s vir LDW en sommige ligeenspesies was veelseggend. In nywerheidsgebiede en naby besige paaie was die LDW en die voorkoms van verskeie ligeenspesies laag. ʼn Hoë konsentrasie van NOx het ʼn negatiewe verband getoon met die LDW en die voorkoms van die spesies Candelaria concolor, Lepraria spp. en Pyxine cocoes. Daarteenoor het Culbersonia nubila en Lepraria spp. onderskeidelik positief en negatief met atmosferiese SO2 gekorreleer. Die intensiteit van grondgebruik benadeel blykbaar ligeendiversiteit. Ten slotte reageer ligene goed op menslike versteurings in Pretoria. Hulle kan as bioaanwysers van naturaliteit/wysiging gebruik word. Die gestandaardiseerde Europese moniteringsmetode kan toegepas word om die mate van omgewingswysiging in Suid-Afrika te skat deur gestratifiseerde, ewekansige steekproewe te neem en ʼn buigsame strategie in boomkeuring te volg. / Ndivho ya ngudo idzi ho vha u ela ha phambano ya nzulatshinya dza epiphytic lichens dzi aluwaho kha Muunga wa Sogani, Caffra na Muṱonḓowa wa Piṱori, u sedzulusa ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya tshikafhadzo, u shumiswa ha mavu, vhunṱha na kilima kha u fhambana ha nzulatshinya. Phambano ya nzulatshinya yo thoma u gudiwa kha saithi dza 12 dza sambula nga fhasi ha tshaka dzo fhambanaho dza tshumiso ya mavu (vhupo ha vhuendi, vhupo ha vhudzulo na vhupo ha dzifeme) na kha vhupo ho tsireledzwaho (miziamu yo vuleaho na kha tsireledzo ya mupo). Nyendedzi dza Yuropa dza u lavhelesa phambano ya nzulatshinya sa tsumbo ya “mutsiko kha mupo” dzo lingiwa kha saithi dza 29 hu tshi khou shumiswa miri ya tshaka dzi fanaho nga fhasi ha tshaka mbili dza ndeme dza tshumiso ya mavu (“vhupo ha dzifemeni na bada dzi re na vhuendi ho tsitsikanaho” na “phakha na fhethu ha tsireledzo ya mupo”). Ndeme dza Phambano ya Nzulatshinya (LDV) dzo rekanywa u itela miri ya 164. U elana ha LDV na tshaka dza nzulatshinya na phimo dza mupo zwo gudiwa nga mbalombalo dza ṱhalutshedzo, musaukanyo nga phambano nga nthihi, Musaukanyo wa Zwipiḓa zwa Ndeme (PCA) na Tshiedziswa Tswititi tsho Angaredzwaho (GLM). Tshikalo tsha ṱhalutshedzo ya tshanduko ya mupo zwo ḓisendeka nga u fhambana ha phesenthe ya LDV u ya kha nyimele ya mupo tsho bveledzwa lwa u thoma kha ḽa Afrika Tshipembe. Zwo ṱangana zwoṱhe, tshaka dza 25, dzine nnzhi dza vha nzulatshinya dza tshaka dza fhasi ha ṱiropika na kha ṱiropika dzo rekhodiwa na u vhigiwa na saintsi ya mupo yadzo ya phaḓaladzo. U topola ha ndeme ho bveledzwa u itela u kona u ḓivha dzitshaka nnḓa. Phambano khulwane ya nzulatshinya yo wanala kha vhupo ho tsireledzeaho. LDV dza muṱonḓowa dzi fhasi kha ndeme u fhira u itela tshaka dza Muunga. “Phakha na fhethu ha tsireledzo ya mupo” hu na LDV dza nṱha u fhira “vhupo ha dzifemeni na bada dzi re na vhuendi vhunzhi”, sa zwe zwa sumbedziswa nga kha PCA. Zwiedziswa zwa GLM zwo vha zwi zwa ndeme u itela LDV na tshaka dza nzulatshinya. Saithi dza tsumbonanguludzwa kha vhupo ha dzifemeni na u vha tsini ha bada dzi re na vhuendi ho tsitsikanaho dzi elana lu sa takadzi na LDV na tshivhalo tsha tshaka nnzhi dza nzulatshinya. Pfutelelo ya nṱha ya dzingamufhe ya NOx yo vha i sa elani zwavhuḓi na LDV na tshivhalo tsha dzitshaka dza Candelaria concolor, Lepraria spp. na Pyxine cocoes. Culbersonia nubila na Lepraria spp. dzo vha dzi tshi livhanywa zwavhuḓi na lu si lwavhuḓi na SO2 ya dzingamufhe. Kushumiselwe kwa mavu ku nga ku na masiandaitwa a si avhuḓi kha mutevhe wa nzulatshinya. Ndi tshi fhedzisa, nzulatshinya dzi fhindula zwavhuḓi u thithiswa nga vhathu Piṱori nahone dzi nga zwisumbedza vhutshilo ha tshanduko/mupo. Ngona ya tshilinganyo ya vhulavhelesi ya Yuropa i nga shumisa u anganyela tshikalo tsha tshanduko dza vhupo kha ḽa Afrika Tshipembe. Nga u dzhia tsumbonanguludzwa dzo dzudzanywaho nga zwigwada zwa tshayandivhiswa na tshiṱirathedzhi tshi shandukiseaho tsha munanguludzo wa miri. / Environmental Sciences / D. Phil. (Environmental Science)

Evaluation of medicinal turpentine used for the prevention of bovine babesiosis in southern KwaZulu-Natal and the eastern Free State

Biggs, L.J. (Louise Joanne) 24 May 2012 (has links)
Medicinal turpentine has been used extensively in the eastern Free State and KwaZulu-Natal in the belief that it is able to prevent and treat redwater in cattle. A number of commercial beef farmers have been using it for many years and the information has been passed down through generations. Redwater is often a fatal disease in cattle and results in losses of large numbers every year in South Africa. In this study redwater is used to describe both Babesia bigemina (African redwater) and Babesia bovis (Asiatic redwater). Redwater is also known as babesiosis. Medicinal turpentine is obtained by the distillation of resin obtained from numerous pine tree species as a by-product during the production of chemical wood pulp9,72. The use of turpentine for the treatment of redwater is, however, yet to be scientifically validated. This study was initiated in an attempt to investigate the validity in the use of the turpentine as a medicinal agent. For this study the use of turpentine was evaluated in three parts. The first component of the study involved a detailed survey with ten commercial farmers from KwaZulu-Natal and the eastern Free State who were known to be proponents for the use of turpentine. The second part of the study made use of a screening assay of Babesia caballi in a red cell culture which was exposed to various concentrations of turpentine in comparison to Diminazene and Imidocarb. Both of these drugs are used on a large scale in the conventional treatment of redwater and are at this point in time the most effective treatments available in South Africa. In the third part a tolerance study was undertaken. Twenty four cattle were treated with turpentine. Three different volumes were used and a control group was treated with saline. Blood was then drawn from these animals at specified intervals and pre-determined parameters were measured. These included obtaining serum for Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina serology to determine whether the animals used had ever been exposed to either one of these parasites. Temperatures, weights, pregnancy status and injection site reactions were also monitored. From the information gathered farmers are using turpentine in a fairly consistent manner so it was relatively straight forward to design a treatment protocol for the tolerance study that could be representative of what was being done in the field. The cultures indicated that turpentine may have a delayed static effect on parasite growth or it may have an indirectly cidal effect. This effect was most obvious at certain concentrations. It was not seen with all the concentrations used in the cultures. The tolerance study revealed that a significant effect was seen in the protein levels and no deleterious effects were noted either in liver or kidney function. Further studies will need to be undertaken to determine the exact effect turpentine has on the immune response and whether this response is in fact adequate to protect animals from redwater. AFRIKAANS : Die gebruik van medisinale terpentyn is ekstensief in KwaZulu-Natal en die oos Vrystaat gebruik vir die voorkoming van beide Afrika en Asiatiese rooiwaterstamme. Hierdie gebruik is reeds geslagte lank vir die behandeling en voorkoming van rooiwater deur boere gebruik. Rooiwater is n toenemende probleem vir kommersiële boere en daar kom jaarliks groot veeverliese voor. Medisinale terpentyn is die byproduk van sekere denneboomspesies. Die harpuis verkry tydens die vervaardiging van houtpulp met die Kraftproses, word gedistilleer9,72. Tydens die ondersoek na die gebruik van terpentyn deur sekere boere is eerstens tien boere van KwaZulu-Natal en die oos Vrystaat betrek. ‘n Vraelys is opgestel waarin die betrokke boere oor die gebruik van terpentyn gevra is. Tweedens is kulture van Babesia caballi in die laboratorium gekweek en met verskillende konsentrasies van terpentyn behandel. Diminazene en Imidocarb is as die positiewe kontroles gebruik. Beide hierdie produkte word op groot skaal met sukses deur boere gebruik om beide rooiwaterspesies te bestry. Huidiglik is dit die mees effektiewe behandeling van rooiwater in Suid Afrika. Derdens is die verdraagsaamheidstudie onderneem en vier en twintig beeste is in die proef gebruik. Terpentyn is teen drie verskillende konsentrasies gebruik. Die kontrole groep is met soutwater behandel. Bloed is met verskillende intervalle van die beeste getrek en vooraf bepaalde parameters is vir meting gebruik. Dié oefening het ingesluit die verkryging van serum om te bepaal of die diere voorheen blootgestel was aan enige van die rooiwaterspesies. Temperatuur, gewigte, dragtigheidstatus en reaksie op die inspuitplekke is gemonitor. Die gegewens ingewin by die boere wat terpentyn gebruik, was voor die handliggend om toleransie daarvan in die praktyk te bepaal. Die kweking van die parasiete dui daarop dat verskillende konsentrasies van terpentyn die groei daarvan vertraag en moontlik vernietig. Hierdie effek is nie by al die konsentrasies waargeneem nie. Die toleransie studie het aan die lig gebring dat dit ‘n effek op die proteïenvlakke gehad het maar geen newe-effekte op die lewer en nierfunksie gehad het nie. Verdere studies sal onderneem moet word om te bepaal watter effek terpentyn op die immuunstelsel het en of dit genoegsaam is om diere teen rooiwater te beskerm. Copyright / Die gebruik van medisinale terpentyn is ekstensief in KwaZulu-Natal en die oos Vrystaat gebruik vir die voorkoming van beide Afrika en Asiatiese rooiwaterstamme. Hierdie gebruik is reeds geslagte lank vir die behandeling en voorkoming van rooiwater deur boere gebruik. Rooiwater is n toenemende probleem vir kommersiële boere en daar kom jaarliks groot veeverliese voor. Medisinale terpentyn is die byproduk van sekere denneboomspesies. Die harpuis verkry tydens die vervaardiging van houtpulp met die Kraftproses, word gedistilleer9,72. Tydens die ondersoek na die gebruik van terpentyn deur sekere boere is eerstens tien boere van KwaZulu-Natal en die oos Vrystaat betrek. ‘n Vraelys is opgestel waarin die betrokke boere oor die gebruik van terpentyn gevra is. Tweedens is kulture van Babesia caballi in die laboratorium gekweek en met verskillende konsentrasies van terpentyn behandel. Diminazene en Imidocarb is as die positiewe kontroles gebruik. Beide hierdie produkte word op groot skaal met sukses deur boere gebruik om beide rooiwaterspesies te bestry. Huidiglik is dit die mees effektiewe behandeling van rooiwater in Suid Afrika. Derdens is die verdraagsaamheidstudie onderneem en vier en twintig beeste is in die proef gebruik. Terpentyn is teen drie verskillende konsentrasies gebruik. Die kontrole groep is met soutwater behandel. Bloed is met verskillende intervalle van die beeste getrek en vooraf bepaalde parameters is vir meting gebruik. Dié oefening het ingesluit die verkryging van serum om te bepaal of die diere voorheen blootgestel was aan enige van die rooiwaterspesies. Temperatuur, gewigte, dragtigheidstatus en reaksie op die inspuitplekke is gemonitor. Die gegewens ingewin by die boere wat terpentyn gebruik, was voor die handliggend om toleransie daarvan in die praktyk te bepaal. Die kweking van die parasiete dui daarop dat verskillende konsentrasies van terpentyn die groei daarvan vertraag en moontlik vernietig. Hierdie effek is nie by al die konsentrasies waargeneem nie. Die toleransie studie het aan die lig gebring dat dit ‘n effek op die proteïenvlakke gehad het maar geen newe-effekte op die lewer en nierfunksie gehad het nie. Verdere studies sal onderneem moet word om te bepaal watter effek terpentyn op die immuunstelsel het en of dit genoegsaam is om diere teen rooiwater te beskerm. / Dissertation (MMedVet)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Production Animal Studies / unrestricted

Utata wa kutumia lugha kama Kibainishi cha utambulisho wa mzungumzaji

Msanjila, Yohana P. January 2011 (has links)
This paper discusses the problems caused by the linguistic features used by speakers as the basis of determining their social identity. The concept of identity is broad and closely related with socio-cultural and eco-spheres environment of the speakers. The speaker’s identity is determined by employing both social and linguistic features in the overall analysis. The linguistic features include the whole range of language use, from phonetic features to lexical units, syntactic structures and family names. This paper therefore argues that the speaker’s linguistic features pose some problems in determining the speaker’s identity. The first problem concerns the concepts of language and dialect which are defined differently by different scholars. The second problem refers to multilingual speakers with diversified linguistic competence, and lastly, it has been noted with concern that some speakers use artificial family names which are not from their ethnic origin, hence complicating the process of determining the identity of the speakers.

Working paper series / DFG Priority Programme 1448 Adaptation and Creativity in Africa: adaptation and creativity in Africa - technologies and significations in the production of order and disorder

Engel, Ulf, Rottenburg, Richard 21 January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

China-Africa Relations and Imperialism: Towards an End of the Debate : Testing Imperialism Theory on The Case Of China And Angola

Gustavsson, Benjamin January 2021 (has links)
This study assesses the popular claim that Chinese engagement in Africa is imperialism through a case study of relations between China and Angola. Using Marxist imperialism theory as point of departure, it develops a comprehensive theoretical framework for testing the hypothesis that China is imperialist in its relations with Angola. This necessitates two areas of examination: the export of capital as the principal method of expansion, exploitation and extraction, and neocolonialism as the principal mode of control and domination. Whereas the former must in effect cause underdevelopment, the latter must in effect facilitate and maintain the current order. The empirical assessment finds no substantial support for the hypothesis that China is imperialist in Angola. Although multiple problematic aspects are identified in terms of debt levels, resource dependence, employment patterns and capacity building, no strong causal link is found between Chinese capital export and underdevelopment in Angola, or strong indication of neo-colonialist means of control and domination for the facilitation and maintenance of such relations. Rather, the assessment finds more empirical support for China-Angola relations being of mutual benefit development-wise, as their principal arrangement of oil-backed loans for infrastructure projects guarantees China a relatively stable market for oil import in exchange for sorely needed national reconstruction following decades of civil war. Although China and Angola are unequal powerwise, the conclusion is that they do engage on fairly equal terms in a way that cannot be deemed imperialist. This puts the general applicability of imperialism theory on China-Africa relations into question, inferring that they may indeed be more beneficial than regularly assumed. It also signals that a more careful, critical and evidence-based approach must be demanded from those that are quick to assert Chinese engagement in Africa as imperialist based on unfounded, biased or dogmatic notions rather than theoretical-empirical consideration. More case studies based on a framework such as the one developed here are encouraged to substantiate these results, with the hope of finally reaching a constructive end to this debate.

A forensic assessment model for the sexually abused child in the South African context / Sufran Smith

Smith, Sufran January 2014 (has links)
Currently no guidelines exist for South African professionals that work with sexually abused children. Professionals in this field are in desperate need of such guidelines. Section A refers to the problem statement, research objectives, research procedures and research methodology. The keywords as well as the limitations of the research are investigated. The research was conducted in two phases. In phase one the researcher compared international forensic assessment models and protocols and compared it with what is relevant in South Africa and in phase two the development, implementation, and evaluation of the forensic assessment model took place. The problem statement in section A is based on the following: Currently no guidelines exist for professionals in South Africa that work with children that have been sexually abused. There is a misconception, even among social workers, that all social workers are equipped to work with sexually abused children. Often the child and the offender are the only witnesses to the crime and therefore it is crucial that the investigation must be conducted effectively. If untrained professionals conduct such an investigation it can lead to a child that is at risk of being sexually abused not being protected because it seems that no abuse had taken place, or it can lead to an innocent person being wrongfully accused of sexual abuse. It is important for professionals to use scientific and legally defensible models and protocols when conducting forensic investigation. As previously mentioned, no such guidelines exist for South Africa. At this stage, any professional can conduct such an investigation. This problem statement resulted in the following research goal, namely to develop and evaluate a forensic assessment model for the assessment of the sexually abused child in South Africa. It further resulted in the four research objectives indicated below: * To investigate by means of a literature study the specialised knowledge a forensic investigator must possess before interviewing a sexually abused child (Article 1). * To identify by means of a literature study as well as an empirical investigation, international forensic models and protocols and to evaluate their use in the South African context (Article 2). * To identify by means of a literature study as well as the information gathered from experts in the field of forensic investigations during the previous phase, the content of a South African forensic assessment model for children in middle childhood (Article 3). * To evaluate the developed forensic assessment model by means of an empirical study with professional role players in cases of child sexual abuse (Article 4). The Design and Development model (D & D) was implemented. The model comprises six phases, which all have been used during this study. Qualitative as well as quantitative data were utilized. The literature studies focused on important child developmental aspects forensic investigators should be knowledgeable about before they can conduct forensic investigations as well as the process that needs to be followed during forensic investigations. Section B consists of the four articles in which the research goals and research outcomes are reported. Each article is dealt with as a self-contained unit focusing on specific research objectives achieved via specific research methods. These methods were employed to collect the necessary data for designing and evaluating the forensic assessment model. Article 1 - The objective of this article was to identify and discuss, by means of a literature study, the most important developmental aspects that have an influence on the investigation of child sexual abuse of children in middle childhood. An investigation into the existing literature on important developmental aspects of children in middle childhood was carried out, which could possibly influence the outcome of a forensic investigation. The results of this research indicated cognitive, sexual and language development as being important developmental aspects that forensic investigators must be knowledgeable about, as this can influence the outcome of a forensic investigation. Interviewing protocols were also reviewed. Article 2 - There are mainly four scientific forensic models that form the basis of a forensic investigation. A second important aspect is the forensic interviewing protocol forensic investigators employ during their investigations. It was important to establish what model and protocol would be the most suitable in the South African context, since currently, no such model or protocol exists for the South African context. The objective of this article was to compare and evaluate by means of a literature study as well as an empirical investigation, effective international forensic models and protocols and to evaluate it in the South African context. In this article the researcher presented, analysed and interpreted research findings based on responses provided by 18 (N=18) experts from the country in the field of forensic investigations into child sexual abuse. The research questions focused on how they conduct forensic investigations as well as what models and protocols they employ during their forensic investigations. The purpose was to determine what protocols and models will be suitable for the South African context. In this research, Exponential Non-Discriminative Snowball Sampling was applied in order to identify participants. The results of this research indicated that the comprehensive assessment model, as well as the NICHD forensic protocol, will be the best to employ in the South African context. Article 3 - The research goal of this article was to develop a forensic assessment model for the South African context. This assessment model consists of different phases and will guide forensic investigators from the moment they receive a referral, until the cases is closed. The model was developed from the results obtained during the previous article, as well as in-depth literature study. Article 4 - The purpose of this article was to evaluate the developed forensic assessment model. This was done by a panel of respondents that consisted of four (N=4) state prosecutors, seven (N=7) forensic experts, as well as 12 (N=12) postgraduate students doing their Master‟s degree in Forensic Practice. This was done by means of semi-structured interviews, as well as self-structured questionnaires. The state prosecutors were selected by means of the Exponential Non-Discriminative Snowball Sampling method and the forensic experts were selected by means of judgemental sampling. The total population of the postgraduate students was involved and therefore no sampling method was employed. The results of this research indicated that this developed forensic assessment model is effective for investigating cases of child sexual abuse. It correlates with the expectations of state prosecutors, it is in line with what literature recommends and how experts in the field are currently conducting forensic investigations and it equipped post-graduate students with the necessary skills, knowledge and expertise in order to conduct forensic investigations. In Section C is a summary of the findings and conclusions of the research report are drawn and some recommendations are made. Section D consists of various addenda such as questionnaires that were used. Section E contained an integrated bibliography. / PhD (Social Work), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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