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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An age-related comparison of audio and audio plus video presentation modes for conveying technical information

Campbell, Regan Helen 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Aging and emotion : ratings of cartoons and the Survey of the quality of life of adult men and women

Barrick, Ann Louise J. January 1986 (has links)
This study was designed to measure differences between elderly and young adults in terms of their expression of positive and negative emotion. It was hypothesized that that there would be a difference between young and aged subjects in intensity of positive and negative emotional experience as measured by response to cartoons and the Survey of the Quality of Life of Adult Men and Women (SQLAMW, Malatesta & Kalnok, 1984). Sex differences as well as the effect of the sequence of cartoons were also tested.Emotions have been widely studied, yet researchers have rarely focused on the elderly population and those studies that do exist have methodological problems. Early research suggests a drift towards negative emotion with age, whereas more recent studies challenge this position.Volunteer subjects were 61 noninstitutionalized adults (24 males, 37 females) age 60 and over and 93 college undergraduates (36 males, 57 females) age 18-25. They met in groups of 2 to 10 to complete the research instruments.Positive and negative emotional reactions were obtained from ten point Likert scale ratings of 38 cartoons for funniness, pain, and hostility. Cartoons were presented in two sequences. Additional measurements of emotion were obtained from the SQLAMW.Four mean scores were calculated for each subject and served as dependent variables. Positive and negative affect on the SQLAMW generated two mean scores. A mean score for positive emotion on cartoons was calculated from ratings of funniness and for negative affect by combining ratings of pain and hostility. A 2 X 2 X 2 (Age x Sex x Cartoon Sequence) multivariate analysis of variance was conducted.Analysis for negative emotion resulted in a significant main effect for age on the SQLAMW and an age by sex interaction on cartoons. The young reported higher levels of negative emotion on the SQLAMW. However, cartoon ratings showed aged males higher than young males on negative emotion. For positive emotion, males scored higher than females on cartoons. All other effects were nonsignificant.

Percepção de papéis durante o ciclo vital da família:a perspectiva da mulher idosa / Perception of the roles played during the family life cicle: the perspective of the aged women

Tatiana de Carvalho Socorro 27 December 2006 (has links)
Sabe-se que é crescente a quantidade de pessoas idosas, na sociedade atual e, especialmente, de mulheres idosas, dado que a expectativa de vida é mais alta no sexo feminino. Participaram deste estudo 08 mulheres idosas, na faixa etária entre 74 e 93 anos, de padrão sócio-econômico médio ou alto, que residem em um lar para essa população, situado na cidade de Recife. Objetivou-se investigar os papéis que a mulher idosa vivenciou ao longo do ciclo vital da família. Realizaram-se entrevistas individuais, que foram gravadas e transcritas, sendo as respostas categorizadas por temas afins e, em seguida, construiram-se categorias de análise, baseando-se na Análise Temática. Os dados apontam que as idosas moldaram-se aos padrões estabelecidos pela sociedade do século XX, já que eram responsáveis pelos afazeres domésticos, bem-estar dos filhos e do esposo; abandonavam a vida profissional quando se casavam ou chegavam os filhos; adotavam um comportamento de subordinação, e seus maridos assumiam o papel de provedores, enfim, seguiam o modelo da família tradicional. Porém, duas idosas infringiram esses comportamentos ditados pela conjuntura social da época, o que mostra o estabelecimento de diferenças e indica os primórdios da evolução social da mulher. As participantes percebem que os idosos antigamente eram valorizados pela família e respeitados pela sociedade, apesar da escassez de leis que os protegessem. Hoje, elas afirmam que o tratamento dispensado pelo meio social e familiar permanece igual; também, perceberam seu relacionamento familiar como satisfatório. Salienta-se que todas as idosas assumiram os papéis de mãe, avó e, algumas, o de bisavó. Constata-se a importância dessas idosas na família, através desses papéis exercidos durante o Ciclo Vital, seja como cuidadoras e educadoras, seja como suporte afetivo e financeiro. Espera-se que este estudo contribua para o incremento de pesquisas acerca dos papéis vivenciados pela mulher, colabore com a bibliografia atual sobre o tema e proporcione uma reflexão sobre a velhice com o intuito de subsidiar projetos de melhoria da qualidade de vida para a mulher idosa / It is known that the number of old people is growing nowadays and, especially, that of old women due to the fact that life expectancy is higher among females. The 08 women that took part in this study are between 74 and 93 years old, belong to middle and upper class and live in a residential home for the elderly, placed in the Brazilian city of Recife. The aim of this work is to investigate the roles played by these women in the family life cycle. It has been possible thanks to the individual interviews that were recorded and transcribed in order to classify them according to the subjects first and then according to the categories of analysis, based on the Thematic Analysis. Collected data point out that these old women adjusted themselves to the standards of the twentieth century society. They were responsible for the housework and well-being of their children and husbands and gave up professional life when got married or had children. They adopted a subordinated behaviour and their husbands played the role of suppliers, that is, they followed the traditional family model. Nevertheless, two old women did not achieve the standards dictated by the social circumstances of that time. This fact points out the first steps forward the social evolution of women. The eight participants think that in the past old people were appreciated by their families and respected by society, despite the few laws existing to protect them. Today, they say the treatment given to them by social and family circles has not changed. However, they consider their family relationships to be satisfactory. It is important to say that the whole group of old women participating on this work played the roles of mother and grandmother and, some of them, great-grandmother. It must be highlighted the importance of these women in their families through the roles played during the life cycle, taking care and educating their relatives or giving affective and financial support. This work is expected to contribute to the increase of researches about the roles played by women during their lives and to contribute to the current bibliography about this subject. Finally, it is expected that this work make people reflect on old age so as to subsidize projects to improve the quality of life of old women

Saúde e qualidade na velhice : a percepção do idoso mais velho

Rennata Silva Carvalho 26 March 2012 (has links)
Atualmente observa-se um significativo crescimento da população de idosos, em números absolutos e relativos, com destaque para o expressivo incremento da população com idade superior a 80 anos. Um diagnóstico recente da população idosa no Brasil constatou que enquanto o conjunto dos idosos está aumentando em torno de 3,5% ao ano, o daqueles com mais de 80 anos está crescendo 4,7% ao ano. Diante do aumento da expectativa de vida, fenômeno vivenciado nos países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, o grande desafio que se apresenta é a manutenção da saúde e da qualidade de vida em indivíduos com idade avançada. Os conceitos de saúde e de qualidade de vida são amplamente discutidos e constantemente revisados, sobretudo no que se refere à população de idosos. Portanto, a investigação sobre as condições que permitem gozar de boa saúde e de qualidade de vida na velhice é de interesse científico e social. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral entender a percepção sobre saúde e qualidade de vida de homens idosos acima de 75 anos de idade, bem como investigar e compreender a velhice, incluindo conceito, mitos e desafios acerca desse processo. Esta dissertação está composta por dois artigos: o primeiro consiste em um estudo teórico e apresenta um panorama sobre a velhice, suas características, mitos e desafios. O segundo versa sobre saúde e qualidade de vida na perspectiva de homens mais idosos, ou seja, aqueles com idade acima de 75 anos, como foi referido. / Currently there is a significant growth of the elderly population, in absolute and relative numbers highlighting the significant increase of the population aged over 80 years. A recent diagnosis of the elderly population in Brazil found that while the number of elderly is increasing at around 3.5% a year, people over 80 years are increasing 4.7% per year. Given the increasing life expectancy, a phenomenon experienced in developed countries and developing countries, the challenge that presents itself is the maintenance of health and quality of life in individuals with advanced age. The concept of Health and Quality of Life is widely debated and constantly revised, particularly with regard to the elderly population. Therefore research on the conditions under which enjoy good health and quality of life in old age is scientific and social interest. This research aimed to understand the perception of health and quality of life of elderly men over 75 years of age and to investigate and understand old age, including concept, challenges and myths about this process. This dissertation is divided into two articles: the first article consists of a theoretical study and presents a panorama of old age, their characteristics, myths and challenges. The second deals with health and quality of life from the perspective of older men, if those aged over 75 years, as stated.

Caixa lúdica para idosos: uma nova proposta psicodiagnóstica

Liliana Cremaschi Leonardi 20 May 2011 (has links)
O envelhecimento implica em alterações bio-psico-sociais, que refletem um processo individual, podendo ser vivido e resolvido diferentemente de acordo com a possibilidade de articulação entre as capacidades do indivíduo e os recursos do meio. Em função do aumento da população idosa torna-se fundamental investigar as condições que interferem no bem-estar na senescência e os fatores associados à saúde dos idosos. O processo de diagnóstico psicodinâmico envolve uma situação bi-pessoal, com duração limitada de aproximadamente três encontros com o objetivo de descrição e compreensão da personalidade do participante, a mais completa e profunda possível. O objetivo do trabalho é o desenvolvimento de uma nova técnica de intervenção psicodinâmica, a caixa lúdica para idosos. Utilizando o modelo da caixa lúdica infantil, a técnica proposta possibilitou que cada um dos idosos depositasse em uma caixa vazia objetos de sua preferência, permitindo a expressão simbólica de conteúdos do mundo interno, circunstâncias de sua história pessoal e do grupo familiar e etário. Participaram da pesquisa oito idosos, distribuídos da seguinte forma: dois do Hospital Universitário da USP; dois da Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade; dois de Instituição Asilar Particular; e dois da Clínica Psicológica Durval Marcondes, do IPUSP. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital Universitário da USP filiada ao SISNEP/Conep e aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos do Instituto de Psicologia da USP. Foram utilizados a entrevista psicodiagnóstica semiestruturada; o mini-mental; a caixa lúdica para idosos; e a entrevista devolutiva. O procedimento da caixa lúdica para idosos permitiu a livre expressão de seu mundo interno através da manifestação de vivências, recordações, fantasias representadas pelos desejos inconscientes; medo, ansiedade e mecanismos de defesa. Além disso, o procedimento da caixa lúdica para idosos favorece a espontaneidade, a criatividade, a ousadia, a sensibilidade, o insight sobre novos sentidos para a história de vida, novas significações e a livre expressão de fantasias inconscientes, contribuindo assim para melhorar a compreensão psicodinâmica do idoso / Not informed by the author

Stress-related immunosuppression in the elderly : a life change perspective

Neser, C.A. 22 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / Clayton (1996) cites studies of stress experienced by the elderly, such as rape (Frank et al. 1984) o catastrophic financial loss (Ganzini et al. 1990) (such as in burglary or hijacking) that have indicate( that these stresses may result in the onset of major depressive disorder and generalised anxiety disorder response is depression. This study will attempt to compare elderly persons (Group 1) having been admitted to an old age facility less than two years prior, with a matched sample of same (Group 2) having been resident a the same facility for longer than that. This subdivision into Groups 1 and 2 will be the independen variable. The dependent variables will be various psychometric measures, being the Rotter Locus o Control Test, Beck Depression Test, Wallston Health Locus of Control Test and the Simmons Self. Image Scale. Respondents will also have an erythrocyte sedimentation test performed, which is simple non-specific blood test that is also an excellent measure of overall health and concomitarr stress levels. Manipulation of the results will support or refute the detailed hypotheses as set out it the Methodology chapter. The aim of this study is to build on studies such as those of Meyerson anc Haggerty (1962) (in Ader, 1981) and Heyman (1992) by introducing the differentiating factor 01 institutionalisation and locus of control as a factor to be considered in primary health care.

Residual Cognitive Functioning of Elderly Males

Forté, Beverly K. 12 1900 (has links)
The Aronson Cognitive Residual Evaluation Scale (ACRES), designed to assess residual cognitive functioning with potential loss due to age or CNS disorder, was examined with a male subject group. The five ACRES subtests were administered to 45 elderly males. Results were compared with a previously reported subject group of 48 elderly females. Measures of the subjects' levels of independent functioning and their performances on selected Wechsler Memory Scale Revised (WMS-R) subtests were related to ACRES scores. Intercorrelations among ACRES subtests suggest that more than one cognitive factor is assessed. WMS-R subtests showed moderately significant correlations with ACRES for verbal tasks and for nonverbal tasks. Findings were discussed within a framework of lateralization of CNS functions.

A Cross-Sectional Age Comparison of the Self-System Between Younger and Older Adults

Warner, Laura J. (Laura Jan) 12 1900 (has links)
One of the most perplexing problems in the psychology of aging is whether there are characteristic changes in aspects of personality over the life course. This study attempts to address issues relating to changes in the self-system believed to take place as individuals grow older. Of particular interest is what age differences exist in the four components of the objective self described by Atchley (1982): the ideal self, self-concept, self-esteem, and self-evaluation. In order to examine the differences in these components of the self between younger and older adults the following predictions are made: 1) the ideal self for older adults will be more highly interrelated to their present self-concept than will that of younger adults, 2) issues of self-esteem will be more salient in older versus younger adults, and 3) issues of self-evaluation will be more salient in older than in younger adults. A questionnaire developed by Dittmann-Kohli, (1990) containing 30 incomplete sentences asking for fears, desires, goals, time perspective, self-evaluation, and self-description was given to 110 individuals ranging in age from 17-43 and 89 persons ranging in age from 61-96. Results indicate only partial support for age changes in the self-system.

Qualitative measures of prose recall in young and older women

Achuff, Susan F. 01 January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

Developmental Tasks of Older People: Implications for Group Work Practice

Lang, Mitchell Alan 01 January 1978 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the ways in which a developmental approach to personality change can be applied to the later years in life. Chapter II is a brief introduction to the concept of development and its relation to aging. Chapter III contains a literature review of existing developmental theories of aging plus those theoeries which I feel can be integrated into a psychosocial developmental model. Chapter IV, a description of group work techniques with older people based on the developmental task approach , contains my own ideas for group practice. My primary intention throughout the paper is to conceptualize and seek ways of implementing the notion that personality growth can continue through old age; group social work practice is viewed as a way of facilitating such growth.

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