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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effets du chaulage sur le fontionnement de l'écosystème prairial en moyenne montagne / Effects of liming on the multifunctionality of upland grasslands

Lochon, Iris 19 December 2018 (has links)
La mise en place d’une agriculture plus durable nécessite une compréhension de l’impact des pratiques de gestion sur le fonctionnement des agroécosystèmes et sur la fourniture de services écosystémiques. En représentant près de 68% des terres agricoles mondiales et contribuant à la subsistance de plus de 800 millions de personnes, les prairies sont l’un des agroécosystèmes où l’optimisation des pratiques agricoles apparaît comme cruciale. Ce travail de thèse porte sur le chaulage, une pratique agricole connue pour lutter contre les effets de l’acidification des sols – qu’elle soit naturelle ou induite par la gestion – mais dont l’efficacité est variable en prairie permanente. De fait, la littérature documentant l’impact du chaulage en prairie permanente est limitée et ne prend en compte que rarement la multifonctionnalité de ces agroécosystèmes. Par une approche intégrant différents types d’expérimentations, mon travail de thèse a cherché à répondre à ce besoin et à renforcer les connaissances du chaulage sur le fonctionnement de l’écosystème prairial. Le développement d’expérimentations au champ (in situ), en conditions semi-contrôlées (mésocosmes) et d’incubations de sol au laboratoire (microcosmes) a permis d’explorer les effets du chaulage sur les différents compartiments de l’écosystème prairial (végétation, microorganismes, sol) ainsi que l’influence de facteurs modulant ces effets. Dans l’ensemble des expérimentations, le chaulage a effectivement augmenté le pH des sols. Toutefois, cette amélioration du statut acido-basique du sol ne s’est pas toujours traduite par une augmentation de la productivité du fourrage ou des biomasses microbiennes et racinaires. Mes travaux ont montré que le chaulage contribue aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre par différentes voies (réémission du carbone apporté sous forme de chaulage et stimulation de la minéralisation) et peut potentiellement réduire les émissions de CO2 à l’échelle de la respiration de l’écosystème. Collectivement mes résultats soulignent l’importance du contexte pédoclimatique sur l’impact du chaulage en prairie permanente, et la difficulté d’extrapoler les effets du chaulage, en particulier sur la production de fourrage et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, d’une échelle d’étude fine à l’échelle de la parcelle en prairie permanente. L’efficacité du chaulage semble dépendre du type d’amendement et de son dosage et peut également interagir avec d’autres pratiques de gestion telles que la fertilisation azotée et le niveau d’intensité de gestion. / The development of sustainable agriculture requires greater understanding of the impact of management practices on agroecosystem functioning, and on the ecosystem services provided by these agroecosystems. Representing nearly 68% of world's agricultural surfaces and contributing to the livelihoods of more than 800 million people, grasslands are one of the major agroecosystems where optimized agricultural practices are of concern. This PhD focuses on liming, a well-known practice for counteracting soil acidification (due to ongoing natural processes or accelerated by management practices), but which has variable efficiency in permanent grasslands. Indeed, liming effects on grassland are poorly documented and existing studies rarely take into account grassland multifunctionality. My thesis uses an integrated approach to improve the knowledge of liming impacts on grassland functioning. Different types of experiments – in the field (in situ), in semi-controlled conditions (mesocosms) and laboratory soil incubations (microcosms) – were used to study liming effects on different grassland compartments (vegetation, microorganisms, soil) along with possible interacting factors. Liming effectively increased soil pH in all the experiments. However, improving pH status did not always lead to greater forage production or increases in microbial and root biomass. My results showed that liming can enhance greenhouse gas emissions through several pathways (reemission of lime-derived carbon or stimulation of carbon mineralization), but may also reduce CO2 emissions from ecosystem respiration. Collectively, my findings emphasize the importance of pedoclimatic conditions for liming impacts on permanent grasslands and highlight the difficulty of upscaling liming effects, particularly on forage production and greenhouse gas emissions. The efficiency of liming appears to depend on the type and dose of soil improvers and can also interact with other management practices such as nitrogen fertilization and management intensification.

Dispersion des graines de colza (Brassica napus L.) et origines des populations férales dans un agroécosystème / Dispersal of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) seeds and feral populations origins in an agroecosystem

Bailleul, Diane 02 April 2012 (has links)
Les agroécosystèmes sont des mosaïques d’espaces cultivés, d’espaces naturels et semi-naturels et d’infrastructures humaines fortement imbriqués et donc intrinsèquement liés et dépendants. Les espaces semi-naturels sont confinés généralement aux bordures de champs et aux bordures de route où se côtoient biodiversités végétales cultivées et sauvages. Cette thèse se concentre principalement sur la dispersion des graines de colza (Brassica napus L.) vers ces espaces qui peut conduire à la formation de populations de colza dites férales. A l’échelle d’un agroécosystème, l’étude de données génotypiques couplées à des méthodes d’assignations aux variétés commerciales existantes, a permis de mettre en évidence un lien entre la diversité variétale des champs de colza cultivés et la diversité variétale des populations férales de l’année suivante. De surcroît, l’étude de ces diversités variétales a montré que les champs ne sont pas des entités uniformes comportant des plantes d’une seule variété et que les populations férales accumulent les variétés au fil des années grâce aux apports annuels des champs récoltés, à la survie dans la banque de graines et à l’autorecrutement au sein des populations férales. La modélisation des flux efficaces de graines par une méthode de maximum de vraisemblance a permis d’identifier des dynamiques de dispersion locales au sein des agroécosystèmes. Suivant la zone considérée et les axes de circulation vers le silo de récolte, les sources locales de graines varient et les apports extérieurs de graines sont plus ou moins importants. Nos données nous ont permis d’estimer que les semis de la même année (n), les champs récoltés l’année antérieure ou même les années précédentes (jusqu’à n-2) pouvaient contribuer de manière significative à la présence de populations férales (l’année n). Les distances moyennes de dispersion estimées varient de la dizaine de mètres au kilomètre. Enfin, une expérimentation in-situ nous a permis de quantifier les pertes de graines pendant la récolte liées aux bennes de récolte. Nous avons évalué ces pertes à 400 graines par m2 et nous avons mis en évidence de rares évènements de pertes massives de graines. L’analyse statistique des résultats de ces pertes nous a permis de les mettre en relation avec des caractéristiques du paysage, notamment les surfaces des champs et les axes de circulations principaux et secondaires. Dans le contexte de mise en culture de plantes transgéniques, ces résultats impliquent de prendre en compte la complexité du paysage dans les modèles qui prédisent les flux de transgènes à l’échelle des agroécosystèmes. / Agroecosystems are mosaics of cultivated areas where natural and semi-natural areas and human infrastructures are strongly nested and intrinsically linked and dependent. Semi-natural areas are generally confined to field edges and roadsides where wild and cultivated plants biodiversity are combined. This thesis focuses mainly on seed dispersal of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) towards semi-natural areas which can lead to establishment of feral oilseed rape populations. At the agroecosystem scale, the study of genotypic data coupled with assignment methods to existing commercial cultivars has highlighted the link between diversity of cultivars of oilseed rape cultivated fields with diversity of cultivar of feral populations the following year. Furthermore, the study of cultivar diversity revealed that fields are not uniformly composed of plants of a unique cultivar and that feral populations accumulate different cultivars over years consecutive of annual seeds rain of harvested fields, survival in the seed bank and self-recruitment in feral populations. Modeling the effective seed flow with maximum likelihood method revealed local dispersal dynamics within the agroecosystem. Local and extern sources of seeds differ according the area studied and the traffic roads to the silo. Our data have shown that both sowing of the same year (n), the fields harvested the previous year or even in previous years (up to n-2) could significantly contribute to the presence of feral populations (year n). The average dispersal distances estimated range from ten meters to kilometers. Finally, an in-situ experiment enabled us to quantify seed losses during harvest related to grain trailers. We evaluated these losses to 400 seeds per m2 and we highlighted rare events of massive seed deposition. Statistical analysis of these losses enabled us to relate them with landscape elements, including the traffic roads and. In the context of GM crops cultivation in agroecosystems, these results emphasize the need to introduce the landscape complexity in models predicting the presence and persistence of GM OSR feral populations.

Predator interactions within a trophic level : Phalangium opilio L. (Arachnida: Opiliones) and mites (Arachnida: Acari)

Merfield, C. N. January 2000 (has links)
This study investigated commensal feeding interactions between the European harvestman (P. opilio L.) and the predatory mites Balaustium spp. and Anystis baccarum L. It also investigated the feeding behaviour of P. opilio. Experiments were conducted in the laboratory using standardised temperature, humidity, photoperiod and experimental arenas, with eggs of the brown blowfly (Calliphora stygia F.) as prey facsimiles. Due to initial difficulties in obtaining enough predatory mites, mite feeding was manually simulated piercing blowfly eggs with a minuten pin. P. opilio consumed significantly more freeze-killed than live blowfly eggs, indicating that freezing induced chemical and/or physical changes to blowfly eggs that are detected by P. opilio. Significantly more manually pierced eggs were consumed by P. opilio compared with unpierced ones, demonstrating that piercing caused a chemical and/or physical to the egg and increased the feeding rates of P. opilio. Different densities of eggs had no effect on the numbers eaten by P. opilio and placing single pierced eggs next to groups of unpierced eggs also had no effect on the numbers of unpierced eggs eaten. These results suggest that P. opilio does not exhibit klinokinesis or orthokinesis to intensify its search for prey around the area where previous prey were located. P. opilio ate significantly more brown blowfly eggs that had previously been fed on by mites, demonstrating that a short term commensal interaction existed. However, further work is required to demonstrate if the relationship is commensal in the longer term. A comparison between hand-pierced and mite-pierced eggs showed that P. opilio ate significantly more of the former indicating that mite and hand piercing were quantitatively different. The potential for, and importance of, other commensal or mutual relationships between predators in agroecosystems is discussed. The lack of klinokinesis and orthokinesis in P. opilio is compared with other predators and parasitoids that do exhibit these behaviours. The means by which prey are detected by P. opilio are discussed in relation to interpreting behaviours such as prey inspection. Concerns about the effect of pre-treatment and handling of sentinel prey and the problems of using prey facsimiles are raised.

Biodiverzita epigeických brouků na vybraných polních kulturách - vliv managementu na strukturu společenstev / Biodiversity of epigeic beetles on selected field crops - effects of management on the structure of communities

SVOBODA, Richard January 2012 (has links)
Epigeických beetle communities were studied on four agroecosystems with different crops grown. All four agroecosystems were located in the vicinity of Czech Budejovice (South Bohemia). The first agroecosystem is conventionally grown corn. On the second one agroecosystem it was conventionally grown wheat. The third agroecosystem was barley and the fourth was permanent grassland. Individual agroekosystems differed not only in crops but also in agrotechnical operations during the capture. In all agroecosystems was for capture of the material used method of pitfall traps. Subsequently, those types have been studied. Then was studied degree of human impact on the biodiversity of species of different ecological groups found in these locations.Beetle activity was highest in the maize agroecosystem. There was found almost half of all captured individuals. In all agroecosystems was activity affected by management of agrotechnic operations and also by for that year specific weather. All sites were completely dominated by expansive species (E - types of deforested habitats strongly influenced by human activities)

Patterns of cropland management systems for assessments of global change

Porwollik, Vera 20 January 2023 (has links)
Die Landwirtschaft liefert einen Großteil der Nahrungsmittel und Rohstoffe für den menschlichen Verbrauch und wird aufgrund globaler Dynamiken des Bevölkerungswachstums, Änderungen der Ernährungszusammensetzung und Auswirkungen des Klimawandels herausgefordert. Gleichzeitig hat die intensive landwirtschaftliche Produktion oft erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Leistungen und Funktionen von Ökosystemen. Agrarökosystemmodelle können verwendet werden, um Auswirkungen der Landwirtschaft über verschiedene zeitliche und räumliche Skalen zu quantifizieren. Globale Bewertungen werden jedoch durch die begrenzte Verfügbarkeit von Daten einzelner agronomischer Maßnahmen und dem Wissen über die damit verbundenen biophysikalischen und biogeochemischen Prozesse erschwert. Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit ist es, das Verständnis über Anforderungen an Daten von landwirtschaftlichen Produktionssystemen und deren Anwendungsmethoden in globalen Modellierungsstudien zu erweitern. Darüber hinaus zielt diese Doktorarbeit darauf ab die Arten, räumliche Ausdehnung, Umweltwirkung und Potenziale von unterschiedlichen Bewirtschaftungsmethoden auf globalem Ackerland abzuschätzen. Die Ergebnisse der ersten Studie zeigen, inwiefern die Aggregation von rasterzellenbasiert simulierten Ernteerträgen zu national und globalen Durchschnittserträgen mit vier unterschiedlichen Datenprodukten zu Unsicherheiten von ~10 % führen kann. Der zweite Forschungsartikel präsentiert eine Klassifikation von sechs Bodenbearbeitungssystemen, deren Kartierung und ermittelten Merkmale zur Parametrisierung in globalen Agrarökosystemmodell verwendet werden können. Zuletzt werden mit Hilfe des globalem Modells LPJml5.0- tillage-cc die biophysikalischen Auswirkungen von Zwischenfruchtanbau im Vergleich zu Schwarzbrache auf die Kohlenstoff-, Stickstoff- und Wasserdynamiken abgeschätzt. Die Ergebnisse der Thesis zeigen Potenziale von und Trade-offs zwischen ackerbaulichen Bewirtschaftungsmethoden und deren globaler Modellierung auf. / Agricultural production provides a major share of food, feed, fiber, and fuel for anthropogenic usage, and is challenged by projected increasing demand due to dynamics of population growth, changes in dietary compositions, and climate change impacts. At the same time, intensive agricultural production practices have environmental externalities, which negatively affect ecosystems’ services and functions. Agroecosystem models can be used to quantify impacts of cropland use across various temporal and spatial scales, but global assessments are hampered by the limited availability of land management data and of knowledge regarding associated biophysical and biogeochemical processes and functions. The objective of the thesis is to increase the understanding of agricultural management data requirements and implications for their usages in global modeling studies. Further, the thesis aims to identify types, spatial distribution, as well as to estimate impacts, and potentials of cropland management practices to support sustainable development. In the first study, it was assessed in which way the application of different harvested crop area datasets for the national and global aggregation of modeled crop yield outputs from the grid cell to country and global scale, induces average uncertainty of ~10 % to the results. The second study presents a global classification of six soil management systems whereas the derived mapping and characteristics can be used for parameterization across a range of intensity levels in global land use modeling studies. In the third study different cropland management practices were assessed using LPJml5.0-tillage-cc, with a modified code for the representation of cover crops growing as grass on cropland between two consecutive main crop growing seasons. The thesis’ findings reveal potential and trade-offs of land management practices and their impact assessment using global agroecosystem models.

Distribucija i dinamika populacija najznačajnijih grupa polinatora u agroekosistemima Vojvodine / Distribution and dynamics of populations of the most important groups pollinators in the agro-ecosystems of Vojvodina

Mudri Stojnić Sonja 29 August 2018 (has links)
<p>U&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; prikazana&nbsp; distribucija,&nbsp; dinamika&nbsp; i&nbsp; diverzitet&nbsp; insekata opra&scaron;ivača iz reda Hymenoptera&nbsp; -&nbsp; Apiformes (Anthophila) i Diptera Syrphidae)&nbsp; na&nbsp; stepskim&nbsp; fragmentima&nbsp; i&nbsp; na&nbsp; suncokretu&nbsp; u agroekosistema&nbsp; Vojvodine.&nbsp; U&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; uvida&nbsp; u&nbsp; strukturu&nbsp; predela&nbsp; injenog&nbsp; uticaja&nbsp; na&nbsp; sastav&nbsp; i&nbsp; brojnost&nbsp; polinatora,&nbsp; kartirani&nbsp; su&nbsp; tipovistani&scaron;ta&nbsp; oko&nbsp; svakog&nbsp; stepskog&nbsp; fragmenta.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; podataka dobijenih kartiranjem, odabrano je sedam stepskih fragmenata kojiu&nbsp; svom&nbsp; okruženju&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; visok&nbsp; udeo&nbsp; suncokreta&nbsp; kao&nbsp; masovnocvetajuće&nbsp; kulture&nbsp; i&nbsp; sedam&nbsp; stepskih&nbsp; fragmenata&nbsp; koji&nbsp; su&nbsp; bez&nbsp; ili&nbsp; saniskim&nbsp; udelom&nbsp; suncokreta.&nbsp; Iz&nbsp; reda&nbsp; Hymenoptera&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; Apoideazabeleženo&nbsp; je&nbsp; &scaron;est&nbsp; familija:&nbsp; Andrenidae,&nbsp; Apidae,&nbsp; Colletidae,Halictidae,&nbsp; Melittidae&nbsp; i&nbsp; Megachilidae,&nbsp; 114&nbsp; vrsta,&nbsp; a&nbsp; iz&nbsp; reda&nbsp; Diptera(Syrphidae),&nbsp; registrovano&nbsp; je&nbsp; ukupno&nbsp; 11&nbsp; vrsta.&nbsp; Predstavnici&nbsp; familija Andrenidae, Apidae i Halictidae su distribuirani na svim lokalitetima,predstavnici&nbsp; familije&nbsp; Megachilidae&nbsp; su&nbsp; distribuirani&nbsp; na&nbsp; 15&nbsp; od&nbsp; 16lokaliteta,&nbsp; a&nbsp; najmanje&nbsp; su&nbsp; zastupljene&nbsp; jedinke&nbsp; familija&nbsp; Colletidae&nbsp; i<br />Melittidae,&nbsp; distribuirane&nbsp; na&nbsp; pet&nbsp; lokaliteta.&nbsp; Polinatori&nbsp; reda&nbsp; Diptera familije&nbsp; Syrphidae&nbsp; su&nbsp; distribuirani&nbsp; na&nbsp; svim&nbsp; lokalitetima.&nbsp; Rezultati Kruskal-Volisovog H testa ukuzuju da je tokom sve tri sezone (2011.,2012.,&nbsp; 2013.)&nbsp; na&nbsp; stepskim&nbsp; fragmentima&nbsp; najvi&scaron;e&nbsp; bilo&nbsp; zastupljeno vrsta&nbsp; solitarnih&nbsp; pčela,&nbsp; zatim&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; osolikih&nbsp; muva,&nbsp; a&nbsp; najmanje&nbsp; vrsta bumbara.&nbsp; Istim&nbsp; testom&nbsp; je&nbsp; dobijano&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; tokom&nbsp; sve&nbsp; tri&nbsp; sezone&nbsp; na stepskim&nbsp; fragmentima,&nbsp; registrovano&nbsp; najvi&scaron;e&nbsp; jedinki&nbsp; osolikih&nbsp; muva,<br />zatim&nbsp; medonosne&nbsp; pčele,&nbsp; solitarne&nbsp; pčele,&nbsp; a&nbsp; najmanje&nbsp; jedinki bumbara.&nbsp; Fridmanovim&nbsp; testom&nbsp; su&nbsp; utvrđene&nbsp; razlike&nbsp; u&nbsp; brojnosti (dinamici)&nbsp; polinatora&nbsp; kroz&nbsp; sezone,&nbsp; uočen&nbsp; je&nbsp; porast&nbsp; broja&nbsp; jedinki medonosne pčele i opadanje broja jedinki solitarnih pčela.Rezultati&nbsp; dobijeni&nbsp; Man-Vitnijevim&nbsp; U-testom&nbsp; pokazuju&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; na<br />stepskim&nbsp; fragmentima&nbsp; koji&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; niži&nbsp; udeo&nbsp; suncokreta&nbsp; u&nbsp; predelu zastupljeno&nbsp; vi&scaron;e&nbsp; jedinki&nbsp; i&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; bumbara.&nbsp; Istim&nbsp; testom&nbsp; je&nbsp; dobijen rezultat&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; na&nbsp; stepskim&nbsp; fragmentima&nbsp; sa&nbsp; visokim&nbsp; udelom suncokreta&nbsp; ima&nbsp; vi&scaron;e&nbsp; jedinki&nbsp; medonosne&nbsp; pčele.&nbsp; Vilkoksonovim testom&nbsp; sume&nbsp; rangova&nbsp; je&nbsp; pokazano&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp; jedinke&nbsp; i&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; bumbara zastupljenije na stepskim fragmentima nakon cvetanja suncokreta, za&nbsp; vreme&nbsp; cvetanja&nbsp; suncokreta&nbsp; na&nbsp; stepskim&nbsp; fragmentima&nbsp; je registrovano&nbsp; vi&scaron;e&nbsp; jedinki&nbsp; <em>Apis&nbsp; mellifera</em>,&nbsp; osolikih&nbsp; muva&nbsp; i&nbsp; solitarnih pčela.&nbsp; Modeli&nbsp; regresionih&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; linearnih&nbsp; me&scaron;ovitih&nbsp; modela&nbsp; su pokazali&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; sa&nbsp; porastom&nbsp; udela&nbsp; suncokreta&nbsp; u&nbsp; predelu&nbsp; smanjuje broj jedinki divljih pčela i jedinki i vrsta bumbara. Sa porastom udela polu-prirodnih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; u&nbsp; predelu&nbsp; i&nbsp; većom&nbsp; cvetnom&nbsp; pokrovnosti, povećava se udeo jedinki i vrsta osolikih muva.</p> / <p>This&nbsp; paper&nbsp; shows&nbsp; distribution,&nbsp; dynamic&nbsp; and&nbsp; pollinator&nbsp; diversity Hymenoptera&nbsp; -&nbsp; Apiformes&nbsp; (Anthophila)&nbsp; and Diptera (Syrphidae)&nbsp; in semi-natural&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; and&nbsp; in&nbsp; sunflower&nbsp; crops&nbsp; in&nbsp; Vojvodina&nbsp; agroecosystems.&nbsp; Around&nbsp; each&nbsp; of&nbsp; 16&nbsp; selected&nbsp; steppe&nbsp; fragments,&nbsp; habitat types&nbsp; were&nbsp; mapped&nbsp; to&nbsp; test&nbsp; how&nbsp; do&nbsp; landscape&nbsp; structure&nbsp; affects pollinator&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; and&nbsp; abundance&nbsp; in&nbsp; semi&nbsp; natural&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; and&nbsp; in sunflower&nbsp; crops.&nbsp; Based&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; results&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; by&nbsp; mapping,&nbsp; seven study sites with high % of sunflower like mass flowering crops, and eight&nbsp; study&nbsp; sites&nbsp; with&nbsp; no&nbsp; or&nbsp; low&nbsp; %&nbsp; of&nbsp; mass&nbsp; flowering&nbsp; crops&nbsp; are selected. In total, there were 114 species from 6 families&nbsp; from order Hymenoptera-Apiformes:&nbsp; Andrenidae,&nbsp; Apidae,&nbsp; Colletidae, Halictidae, Melittidae and Megachilidae, and 11 species from order Diptera&nbsp; (Syrphidae).&nbsp; Insects&nbsp; from&nbsp; families:&nbsp; Andrenidae,&nbsp; Apidae, Colletidae&nbsp; and&nbsp; Halictidae&nbsp; were&nbsp; distributed&nbsp; on&nbsp; all&nbsp; study&nbsp; sites,&nbsp; while insects&nbsp; from&nbsp; family&nbsp; Megachilidae&nbsp; were&nbsp; distributed&nbsp; almost&nbsp; on&nbsp; all study&nbsp; sites&nbsp; (15&nbsp; sites).&nbsp; At&nbsp; least&nbsp; only&nbsp; on&nbsp; five&nbsp; study&nbsp; sites&nbsp; were distributed insects from family: Colletidae and Melittidae. Hoverflies were distributed on all study sites.&nbsp; Kruskal-Wallis H test shows that an&nbsp; all&nbsp; three&nbsp; seasons&nbsp; (2011.,&nbsp; 2012.,&nbsp; 2013.)&nbsp; in&nbsp; semi&nbsp; natural&nbsp; habitats wild bees species were most abundant, followed by hoverfly species, and bumblebee species at the end. Same test&nbsp; shows that&nbsp; in all three seasons in semi natural habitats individuals of hoverflies were more abundant than individuals of honey bees, wild bees&nbsp; and individuals of&nbsp; bumblebees,&nbsp; which&nbsp; were&nbsp; least&nbsp; abundant.&nbsp; Friedman&nbsp; test&nbsp; shows differences in densities of pollinator through the seasons, and these results&nbsp; shows&nbsp; increasing&nbsp; in&nbsp; Apis&nbsp; mellifera&nbsp; densities&nbsp; and&nbsp; decline&nbsp; of wild bees densities through seasons. Man-Whitney&nbsp; U-test&nbsp; shows&nbsp; that&nbsp; there&nbsp; were&nbsp; more&nbsp; species&nbsp; and individuals of bumble bees in semi-natural habitats which landscapes are without&nbsp; or low % of sunflower. Same test shows that there were more&nbsp; individuals&nbsp; of&nbsp; honey&nbsp; bees&nbsp; in&nbsp; semi-natural&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; which landscapes&nbsp; have&nbsp; high&nbsp; %&nbsp; of&nbsp; sunflower.&nbsp; Wilcoxon&nbsp; signed-rank&nbsp; test shows&nbsp; that&nbsp; in&nbsp; semi-natural&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; species&nbsp; and&nbsp; individuals&nbsp; of bumblebees&nbsp; were&nbsp; more&nbsp; abundant&nbsp; after&nbsp; blooming&nbsp; sunflower,&nbsp; while species&nbsp; and&nbsp; individuals&nbsp; of&nbsp; wild&nbsp; bees&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; individuals&nbsp; of hoverflies and&nbsp; <em>Apis mellifera</em>&nbsp; were&nbsp; more abundant during blooming sunflower.&nbsp; Linear mixed-effect model shows that with increase of % of&nbsp; sunflower&nbsp; in&nbsp; landscape&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; individuals&nbsp; of&nbsp; wild&nbsp; bees&nbsp; and species and individuals of bumblebees decreasing, and individuals of hoverflies increasing. With an increase of % of semi natural habitats and&nbsp; increase&nbsp; of&nbsp; flower&nbsp; cover,&nbsp; abundance&nbsp; and&nbsp; species&nbsp; of&nbsp; hoverflies<br />increases.</p>

Visualizing and Quantifying a Normative Scenario for Agriculture in Northeast Ohio

Kolbe, Elizabeth Leigh 06 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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