Spelling suggestions: "subject:"vida"" "subject:"sida""
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Effektiv omslagsdesign : En studie kring spelkaraktärens roll i omslag inom actiongenren / Effective Cover Design : A Study on the Game Character's Role in Art Covers for Games in the Action GenreRönnhede, Axel January 2014 (has links)
Denna studie fördjupar sig i att analysera och utvärdera olika omslagsdesigner för spel inom actiongenren. Framför allt fokuserar den på att undersöka vilken roll spelets protagonist spelar i spelomslaget och vilket typ av innehåll ett omslag bör ha för att ha som störst chans att attrahera konsumentens intresse. För att undersöka detta så producerades en kollektion på sammanlagt sju stycken omslag, som var tänkta att representera en fiktiv speltitel som togs fram till den här studien. Dessa sju omslag gick att dela in i tre kategorier. Tre omslag lade fokus på karaktären, tre omslag lade fokus på karaktären och spelmekanik och ett omslag som lade fokus på enbart spelmekanik. Det som undersöktes var om man kunde konstatera ifall en av dessa designmodeller var märkbart mer populär och därmed lämplig att använda till spel inom action-genren. Det undersöks även om betraktarens förhållningssätt till karaktären i omslagen skiljde sig beroende på vilket kön karaktären porträtteras som. Omslagen visades upp för en testpanel bestående av 20 stycken respondenter vars svar sedan analyserades.
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Fysiska modebutikers överlevnad : En studie på kvinnligt konsumentbeteendeEdlund, Emma, Nilsson, Emma, Jansson, Jennifer January 2016 (has links)
Inom en snar framtid förutspås en massiv butiksdöd för de fysiska modebutikerna. Anledningen till denna profetia tros vara den snabbt växande e-handeln. Utbudet av produkter har blivit allt större och allt fler konsumenter använder e-handel för att tillgodose sina behov av modevaror. Trots en ökad e-handel finns det undersökningar som visar att hela 90 % av de faktiska köpen fortfarande sker i fysiska butiker. Även om de faktiska köpen till stor del sker i fysiska butiker tampas fysiska butiker ständigt med höga personalomkostnader och dålig lönsamhet. I och med att fysiska modebutiker står inför en osäker framtid syftar denna studie till att undersöka kvinnligt konsumentbeteende samt vilka marknadsföringsaktiviteter som prefereras, detta i relation till fysiska modebutiker. Vi studerar även kvinnligt konsumentbeteende utifrån ett generationsperspektiv. Studiens resultat kan med fördel användas av företag för att stärka sin framtid och överleva den förutspådda butiksdöden. För att studera detta använder vi oss av Kotler och Kellers kommunikationsmix samt ramverket AIDA som representerar de olika steg som en konsument går igenom innan ett köp. Empiriskt material har samlats in genom en enkätundersökning publicerad på internet. Av totalt 506 svarande respondenter kunde 479 av dessa räknas till vårt urval. Genom enkätundersökningens resultat samt en analys via det statistiska dataprogrammet SPSS kan vi påvisa både skillnader och likheter i det kvinnliga konsumentbeteendet mellan olika generationer. Tydligt framkommande i vår studie är att kommunikationssätt, med tillhörande marknadsföringsaktiviteter, som sker i fysiska butiker skapar en positiv upplevelse som både prefereras och leder kvinnor till köp oavsett generation. Engelsk titel (kopiera från uppsats) *: Survival of physical fashion stores - A study on female consumer behaviour Engelska nyckelord *: Consumer behaviour, Physical fashion stores, AIDA, Generations, Personal serviceSustainable development anges som nyckelord på engelska?: NEJEngelsk sammanfattning *: It is predicted that in a near future physical retailers will be extinct. The reason for this prophecy is believed to be the fast growing e-commerce. The range of products is increasing and more consumers are turning to retailers within e-commerce to satisfy their needs for fashion products. In spite of the increasing e-commerce there are studies that demonstrate that as much as 90 percent of the actual purchases still take place in physical stores. But even if the actual purchase still occurs within the physical commerce the physical stores still struggles with high labour costs and weak profitability. Since the physical commerce stands in for an uncertain future this study aims to examine female consumer behaviour and which marketing activities that is preferred, this in relation to the physical fashion stores. We also examine female consumer behaviour from a generational perspective. The results from the study can be advantageously used by companies to ensure their future and survival against the predicted extinction of physical retailers. In order to examine this topic we use Kotler and Keller’s communication mix together with theoretical framework AIDA, which represent the stages a consumer go through before making an actual purchase. Empirical material has been gathered through questionnaires published on the Internet. Of the total 506 respondents 479 of them fitted our sample and were able to be analysed. Through the questionnaires result together with an analysis using the statistical data software SPSS we can demonstrate both differences and similarities in consumer behaviour between generations. In our study it is clear that communication methods with associated marketing activities, that take place within the actual physical store, create a positive experience that are both preferred by the female consumers and lead them to purchase regardless generation. This research paper is written in Swedish.
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Etik inom marknadsföring : Vilka effekter har stötande och diskriminerande reklambudskap på unga konsumenter?Astmo, Catharina, Lundsbakken, Lill Hege January 2009 (has links)
Konkurrensen för att synas på marknaden blir allt hårdare och metoderna för att sticka ut frånmängden blir mer och mer drastiska. Det blir viktigare för de olika företagen på marknaden attdra till sig uppmärksamheten till tänkbara konsumenter för att kunna öka försäljningen ochdärmed även lönsamheten. Ett sätt att skapa intresse på är att använda marknadskommunikationför att göra människor uppmärksamma på ett bestämt förmål eller varumärke. Metoderna somanvänds med avseende att skapa uppmärksamhet kan anses vara opassande att använda imarknadskommunikation, vad gäller stötande eller diskriminerande marknadsföring.I dagens samhälle kan det verka som om det inte finns några gränser för vad som anses varalämpligt att använda i marknadsföringssyfte. Vi har valt att undersöka vilken effekt denna typ avmarknadskommunikation har på unga konsumenter i vår uppsats. För att få svar påproblemställningen visade vi sex reklambilder som vi ansåg vara stötande eller diskriminerandeför en fokusgrupp med fem deltagare i åldrarna 20-25.Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på och beskriva hur marknadsföringens etik och moralpåverkar kunderna. Vi vill undersöka hur långt en marknadsförare kan eller bör gå för att fångakunders uppmärksamhet och få kunderna att komma ihåg reklambudskapen. Vi granskar dettautifrån kunders perspektiv.Uppsatsen visade att konsumenterna ansåg att reklambilderna inte var lämpliga att använda imarknadsföring. Reklambilderna bidrog till att skapa en viss frustation och avsky gentemotföretaget. Samt att konsumenterna inte ville skapa någon kontakt med företaget somreklambilderna representerade, i form av till exempel ett köp.
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Marknadskommunikation : Sinnesmarknadsföring inom klädbutiker beroende på om den är riktad mot män eller kvinnor / Marketing communications : Sensory marketing of clothing stores depending upon whether it is directed to men or womanWesterlund, Patrik, Nieminen, Tapani January 2011 (has links)
Genom att tillämpa sinnesmarknadsföring i butikens marknadskommunikation så kan konsumenterna bli mottagliga för det budskapet som sänds ut till dem. Däremot är det få marknadsförare som idag arbetar aktivt med sinnesmarknadsföring. Detär en viktig del i att driva en butik då denna kommunikation kan vara en helt avgörande faktor i hur människan upplever butiken och produkterna. Syftet meduppsatsen är att analysera hur butikschefer tillsammans med medarbetarna arbetar med sinnesmarknadsföring samt hur konsumenterna påverkas av detta. Uppsatsens undersökning kommer att ge svar på hur olika marknadsföringssätt skiljer sig beroende på vem den riktar sig mot. Frågan som kommer att besvaras i uppsatsen är: Hur reagerar män och kvinnor på budskap som har till avsikt att påverkaderas sinnen?
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Etik inom marknadsföring : Vilka effekter har stötande och diskriminerande reklambudskap på unga konsumenter?Astmo, Catharina, Lundsbakken, Lill Hege January 2009 (has links)
<p>Konkurrensen för att synas på marknaden blir allt hårdare och metoderna för att sticka ut frånmängden blir mer och mer drastiska. Det blir viktigare för de olika företagen på marknaden attdra till sig uppmärksamheten till tänkbara konsumenter för att kunna öka försäljningen ochdärmed även lönsamheten. Ett sätt att skapa intresse på är att använda marknadskommunikationför att göra människor uppmärksamma på ett bestämt förmål eller varumärke. Metoderna somanvänds med avseende att skapa uppmärksamhet kan anses vara opassande att använda imarknadskommunikation, vad gäller stötande eller diskriminerande marknadsföring.I dagens samhälle kan det verka som om det inte finns några gränser för vad som anses varalämpligt att använda i marknadsföringssyfte. Vi har valt att undersöka vilken effekt denna typ avmarknadskommunikation har på unga konsumenter i vår uppsats. För att få svar påproblemställningen visade vi sex reklambilder som vi ansåg vara stötande eller diskriminerandeför en fokusgrupp med fem deltagare i åldrarna 20-25.Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på och beskriva hur marknadsföringens etik och moralpåverkar kunderna. Vi vill undersöka hur långt en marknadsförare kan eller bör gå för att fångakunders uppmärksamhet och få kunderna att komma ihåg reklambudskapen. Vi granskar dettautifrån kunders perspektiv.Uppsatsen visade att konsumenterna ansåg att reklambilderna inte var lämpliga att använda imarknadsföring. Reklambilderna bidrog till att skapa en viss frustation och avsky gentemotföretaget. Samt att konsumenterna inte ville skapa någon kontakt med företaget somreklambilderna representerade, i form av till exempel ett köp.</p>
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Costume Design and Production for Aida, by Elton John, lyrics by Tim Rice, book by Linda Woolverton, Robert Falls, and David Henry HwangHouf, Barbara Shiree 22 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Pathogenesis and clinical significance of AIDA-I-positive <i>E. coli</i> in diarrhea of pigsRavi, Madhu Babu 03 July 2006
<i>Escherichia coli </i> remains a significant cause of diarrhea worldwide and in recent years a relatively high number of E. coli carrying gene for AIDA-I (adhesin involved in diffuse adherence) has been isolated from cases of neonatal and post-weaning diarr<i>Escherichia coli</i> remains a significant cause of diarrhea worldwide and in recent years a relatively high number of <i>E. coli</i> carrying gene for AIDA-I (adhesin involved in diffuse adherence) has been isolated from cases of neonatal and post-weaning diarrhea in pigs. AIDA-I adhesin and its gene aidA were first identified and characterized in <i>E. coli</i> isolated from a human case of infantile diarrhea. Recent studies have demonstrated a significant degree of homology between the AIDA-I adhesin isolated from porcine neonatal diarrheagenic <i>E. coli</i> isolates and that from a human <i>E. coli</i> isolate; however, the role of AIDA-I adhesin in the pathogenesis of diarrhea and the clinical significance of the AIDA-I <i>E. coli</i> virotype are unknown in humans or in animals. <p>First, in order to evaluate the role of AIDA-I adhesin, colostrum deprived newborn pigs were infected with: i) a wild strain PD20 (AIDA-I+/STb+) <i>E. coli</i>; ii) a mutant strain PD20M (AIDA-I-/STb+), generated by partial deletion of the aidA gene from the wild strain, iii) a complemented strain PD20C (AIDA-I+/STb+), generated by reintroducing the full length aidA gene into PD20M strain, and iv) a nonpathogenic <i>E. coli</i> strain PD71 used as negative control. Pigs infected with wild type (PD20) and complemented (PD20C) strains developed diarrhea between 15-19 h and 27-31 h after oral inoculation, respectively, in contrast to pigs infected with strains PD20M or PD71 that did not developed diarrhea. Intestinal colonization was evaluated by histology, imunohistochemistry (IHC), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), including immunogold electron microscopy (IGEM), and showed heavy bacterial colonization with biofilm formation in the large intestine with AIDA-I+ strains (PD20 and PD20C), but not in pigs infected with AIDA-I- strains (PD20M and PD71). In vitro assays showed marked diffuse adherence to HeLa cells, enhanced bacterial autoaggregation and significant biofilm formation by AIDA-I+ strains, when compared to AIDA-I- strains.<p>Second, 110 F4 negative <i>E. coli</i> isolates from problematic cases of diarrhea in pigs were subjected to multiplex polymerase chain reaction (M-PCR) for detection of the genes encoding the virulence factors F4, F5, F6, F18, F41, AIDA-I, EAE, STa, STb, LT, EAST1 and Stx2e. In this study, the prevalence of aidA gene among the 110 isolates was 8.2%, and the aidA gene was shown to be associated most commonly with EAST1 and STb genes. The genes for the F4, F5, F6 and F41 fimbriae were absent in all the AIDA-I+ <i>E. coli</i> isolates. <p>The clinical significance of the AIDA-I+ <i>E. coli</i> was studied using clinical data available for 35 of the 110 <i>E. coli</i> isolates, originating from 18 cases of diarrhea. Among these 18 diarrhea cases, 3 cases (5 isolates) were found to have AIDA-I+ <i>E. coli</i> and these were significantly associated with diarrhea cases of post-weaning age group. Enterotoxigenic <i>E. coli</i> strains were isolated from the majority (72.5%) of 18 diarrhea cases and a high proportion (23.1%) of these ETEC cases carried AIDA-I+ <i>E. coli</i>. <p>In conclusion, AIDA-I adhesin appears to be a significant virulence factor for intestinal colonization and induction of biofilm formation. Further, experimental studies and clinical data suggest that the AIDA-I/STb virotype may be important in the pathogenesis of pre-weaning and post-weaning diarrhea in pigs. Our results suggest that AIDA-I may play a significant role in the development of diarrhea in pigs. .hea in pigs. AIDA-I adhesin and its gene aidA were first identified and characterized in E. coli isolated from a human case of infantile diarrhea. Recent studies have demonstrated a significant degree of homology between the AIDA-I adhesin isolated from porcine neonatal diarrheagenic E. coli isolates and that from a human E. coli isolate; however, the role of AIDA-I adhesin in the pathogenesis of diarrhea and the clinical significance of the AIDA-I E. coli virotype are unknown in humans or in animals.
First, in order to evaluate the role of AIDA-I adhesin, colostrum deprived newborn pigs were infected with: i) a wild strain PD20 (AIDA-I+/STb+) E. coli; ii) a mutant strain PD20M (AIDA-I-/STb+), generated by partial deletion of the aidA gene from the wild strain, iii) a complemented strain PD20C (AIDA-I+/STb+), generated by reintroducing the full length aidA gene into PD20M strain, and iv) a nonpathogenic E. coli strain PD71 used as negative control. Pigs infected with wild type (PD20) and complemented (PD20C) strains developed diarrhea between 15-19 h and 27-31 h after oral inoculation, respectively, in contrast to pigs infected with strains PD20M or PD71 that did not developed diarrhea. Intestinal colonization was evaluated by histology, imunohistochemistry (IHC), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), including immunogold electron microscopy (IGEM), and showed heavy bacterial colonization with biofilm formation in the large intestine with AIDA-I+ strains (PD20 and PD20C), but not in pigs infected with AIDA-I- strains (PD20M and PD71). In vitro assays showed marked diffuse adherence to HeLa cells, enhanced bacterial autoaggregation and significant biofilm formation by AIDA-I+ strains, when compared to AIDA-I- strains.
Second, 110 F4 negative E. coli isolates from problematic cases of diarrhea in pigs were subjected to multiplex polymerase chain reaction (M-PCR) for detection of the genes encoding the virulence factors F4, F5, F6, F18, F41, AIDA-I, EAE, STa, STb, LT, EAST1 and Stx2e. In this study, the prevalence of aidA gene among the 110 isolates was 8.2%, and the aidA gene was shown to be associated most commonly with EAST1 and STb genes. The genes for the F4, F5, F6 and F41 fimbriae were absent in all the AIDA-I+ E. coli isolates.
The clinical significance of the AIDA-I+ E. coli was studied using clinical data available for 35 of the 110 E. coli isolates, originating from 18 cases of diarrhea. Among these 18 diarrhea cases, 3 cases (5 isolates) were found to have AIDA-I+ E. coli and these were significantly associated with diarrhea cases of post-weaning age group. Enterotoxigenic E. coli strains were isolated from the majority (72.5%) of 18 diarrhea cases and a high proportion (23.1%) of these ETEC cases carried AIDA-I+ E. coli.
In conclusion, AIDA-I adhesin appears to be a significant virulence factor for intestinal colonization and induction of biofilm formation. Further, experimental studies and clinical data suggest that the AIDA-I/STb virotype may be important in the pathogenesis of pre-weaning and post-weaning diarrhea in pigs. Our results suggest that AIDA-I may play a significant role in the development of diarrhea in pigs.
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Pathogenesis and clinical significance of AIDA-I-positive <i>E. coli</i> in diarrhea of pigsRavi, Madhu Babu 03 July 2006 (has links)
<i>Escherichia coli </i> remains a significant cause of diarrhea worldwide and in recent years a relatively high number of E. coli carrying gene for AIDA-I (adhesin involved in diffuse adherence) has been isolated from cases of neonatal and post-weaning diarr<i>Escherichia coli</i> remains a significant cause of diarrhea worldwide and in recent years a relatively high number of <i>E. coli</i> carrying gene for AIDA-I (adhesin involved in diffuse adherence) has been isolated from cases of neonatal and post-weaning diarrhea in pigs. AIDA-I adhesin and its gene aidA were first identified and characterized in <i>E. coli</i> isolated from a human case of infantile diarrhea. Recent studies have demonstrated a significant degree of homology between the AIDA-I adhesin isolated from porcine neonatal diarrheagenic <i>E. coli</i> isolates and that from a human <i>E. coli</i> isolate; however, the role of AIDA-I adhesin in the pathogenesis of diarrhea and the clinical significance of the AIDA-I <i>E. coli</i> virotype are unknown in humans or in animals. <p>First, in order to evaluate the role of AIDA-I adhesin, colostrum deprived newborn pigs were infected with: i) a wild strain PD20 (AIDA-I+/STb+) <i>E. coli</i>; ii) a mutant strain PD20M (AIDA-I-/STb+), generated by partial deletion of the aidA gene from the wild strain, iii) a complemented strain PD20C (AIDA-I+/STb+), generated by reintroducing the full length aidA gene into PD20M strain, and iv) a nonpathogenic <i>E. coli</i> strain PD71 used as negative control. Pigs infected with wild type (PD20) and complemented (PD20C) strains developed diarrhea between 15-19 h and 27-31 h after oral inoculation, respectively, in contrast to pigs infected with strains PD20M or PD71 that did not developed diarrhea. Intestinal colonization was evaluated by histology, imunohistochemistry (IHC), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), including immunogold electron microscopy (IGEM), and showed heavy bacterial colonization with biofilm formation in the large intestine with AIDA-I+ strains (PD20 and PD20C), but not in pigs infected with AIDA-I- strains (PD20M and PD71). In vitro assays showed marked diffuse adherence to HeLa cells, enhanced bacterial autoaggregation and significant biofilm formation by AIDA-I+ strains, when compared to AIDA-I- strains.<p>Second, 110 F4 negative <i>E. coli</i> isolates from problematic cases of diarrhea in pigs were subjected to multiplex polymerase chain reaction (M-PCR) for detection of the genes encoding the virulence factors F4, F5, F6, F18, F41, AIDA-I, EAE, STa, STb, LT, EAST1 and Stx2e. In this study, the prevalence of aidA gene among the 110 isolates was 8.2%, and the aidA gene was shown to be associated most commonly with EAST1 and STb genes. The genes for the F4, F5, F6 and F41 fimbriae were absent in all the AIDA-I+ <i>E. coli</i> isolates. <p>The clinical significance of the AIDA-I+ <i>E. coli</i> was studied using clinical data available for 35 of the 110 <i>E. coli</i> isolates, originating from 18 cases of diarrhea. Among these 18 diarrhea cases, 3 cases (5 isolates) were found to have AIDA-I+ <i>E. coli</i> and these were significantly associated with diarrhea cases of post-weaning age group. Enterotoxigenic <i>E. coli</i> strains were isolated from the majority (72.5%) of 18 diarrhea cases and a high proportion (23.1%) of these ETEC cases carried AIDA-I+ <i>E. coli</i>. <p>In conclusion, AIDA-I adhesin appears to be a significant virulence factor for intestinal colonization and induction of biofilm formation. Further, experimental studies and clinical data suggest that the AIDA-I/STb virotype may be important in the pathogenesis of pre-weaning and post-weaning diarrhea in pigs. Our results suggest that AIDA-I may play a significant role in the development of diarrhea in pigs. .hea in pigs. AIDA-I adhesin and its gene aidA were first identified and characterized in E. coli isolated from a human case of infantile diarrhea. Recent studies have demonstrated a significant degree of homology between the AIDA-I adhesin isolated from porcine neonatal diarrheagenic E. coli isolates and that from a human E. coli isolate; however, the role of AIDA-I adhesin in the pathogenesis of diarrhea and the clinical significance of the AIDA-I E. coli virotype are unknown in humans or in animals.
First, in order to evaluate the role of AIDA-I adhesin, colostrum deprived newborn pigs were infected with: i) a wild strain PD20 (AIDA-I+/STb+) E. coli; ii) a mutant strain PD20M (AIDA-I-/STb+), generated by partial deletion of the aidA gene from the wild strain, iii) a complemented strain PD20C (AIDA-I+/STb+), generated by reintroducing the full length aidA gene into PD20M strain, and iv) a nonpathogenic E. coli strain PD71 used as negative control. Pigs infected with wild type (PD20) and complemented (PD20C) strains developed diarrhea between 15-19 h and 27-31 h after oral inoculation, respectively, in contrast to pigs infected with strains PD20M or PD71 that did not developed diarrhea. Intestinal colonization was evaluated by histology, imunohistochemistry (IHC), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), including immunogold electron microscopy (IGEM), and showed heavy bacterial colonization with biofilm formation in the large intestine with AIDA-I+ strains (PD20 and PD20C), but not in pigs infected with AIDA-I- strains (PD20M and PD71). In vitro assays showed marked diffuse adherence to HeLa cells, enhanced bacterial autoaggregation and significant biofilm formation by AIDA-I+ strains, when compared to AIDA-I- strains.
Second, 110 F4 negative E. coli isolates from problematic cases of diarrhea in pigs were subjected to multiplex polymerase chain reaction (M-PCR) for detection of the genes encoding the virulence factors F4, F5, F6, F18, F41, AIDA-I, EAE, STa, STb, LT, EAST1 and Stx2e. In this study, the prevalence of aidA gene among the 110 isolates was 8.2%, and the aidA gene was shown to be associated most commonly with EAST1 and STb genes. The genes for the F4, F5, F6 and F41 fimbriae were absent in all the AIDA-I+ E. coli isolates.
The clinical significance of the AIDA-I+ E. coli was studied using clinical data available for 35 of the 110 E. coli isolates, originating from 18 cases of diarrhea. Among these 18 diarrhea cases, 3 cases (5 isolates) were found to have AIDA-I+ E. coli and these were significantly associated with diarrhea cases of post-weaning age group. Enterotoxigenic E. coli strains were isolated from the majority (72.5%) of 18 diarrhea cases and a high proportion (23.1%) of these ETEC cases carried AIDA-I+ E. coli.
In conclusion, AIDA-I adhesin appears to be a significant virulence factor for intestinal colonization and induction of biofilm formation. Further, experimental studies and clinical data suggest that the AIDA-I/STb virotype may be important in the pathogenesis of pre-weaning and post-weaning diarrhea in pigs. Our results suggest that AIDA-I may play a significant role in the development of diarrhea in pigs.
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Ritorna vincitor! : Interpretation of an aria in the opera Aida by VerdiHarinen, Armi January 2015 (has links)
This examination essay is a study of the aria Ritorna vincitor! from the opera Aida by composer Giuseppe Verdi. The aim of this study is to address the vocal and interpretational questions that may arise while learning the aria. My work with this essay has included searching for information about Verdi, the opera Aida and the cultural, political and musical climate wherein the opera was born. I have also watched the opera and listened to several versions of the aria. I concentrated especially on the interpretations of Mirella Freni, Leontyne Price and Maria Callas. I also created a musical analysis of the aria. Throughout the process of writing this essay I have kept in my mind my own perspective as a singer. I have formed my study from the information I find useful in the process of approaching a new piece of music. The process of writing this essay has provided me with a lot of insight into the musical ideals and ideas behind Verdi’s work. Writing this essay made me aware of the dilemma of fulfilling the vocal expectations of the tradition and at the same time interpreting the drama convincingly. I have found a lot of useful material for a singer’s artistic development and all that I have learned will certainly come into use in my future vocal studies.
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creativity in advertisement and the influences of message that advertisement appeals toward consumer¡¦s interestchang, shu-chen 20 July 2007 (has links)
Competitions between the brands of the real estate commodity are intense. With regard to sales, the advertisement must bring into full play in the marketing situation which engages in hand-to-hand combat. Goal of the creativity person in message designs of the advertisement is trying to have the consumers sharing same feeling. Allow the advertising creativity has more accurate effect, the appeal strategy complement each other reduces the advertisement being invalid and waste. This research is aimed at the advertisement of the real estate. It is to discuss what level does combination influence of the advertising creativity and the advertising appeals have effect on the consumer¡¦s interest in product.
There are two goals in this research, first is to discuss combination influence of the advertising creativity and the advertising appeal. How advertising creativity high-low level, different advertisement combinations of perceptual appeal and rational appeal show their effects. Second is to discuss how the consumer¡¦s interests are arisen from the advertisement combination of the advertising creativity and the advertising appeal. Through advertising creativity level, different advertisement combinations of perceptual appeal and rational appeal show their effects. To understand different interest degrees that the consumers have toward the product.
This research uses experimentation and profound interview, to discuss how interest effect that the advertisement combination of the advertising creativity and the advertising appeal has on the consumers. In order to understand how these four variables affect the consumers in product results the varying degree of interests, the partial experimentation was designed to 12 groups of hypothesized board advertisements, through out prior consumers 4 groups of hypothesized board advertisements combinations were selected, carries on the official experimentation. There are 111 questionnaires returned, 99 are valid, effective returns-ratio is 89%.
The material analysis adopts one way ANOVA analysis, finally conclude:
1.There are obviously differences toward trust attitude between four groups of different advertisements combinations.
2.There are obviously differences toward preference between four groups of different advertisements combinations.
3.The advertisement combination "High creativity - perception" effectively increase the consumer's interests surpasses "the low creativity-perception" the advertisement combination, "the high creativity-rationality" advertisement combination and "low creativity-rationality" advertisement combination.
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