Spelling suggestions: "subject:"vida"" "subject:"sida""
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Caminhos da ficção cabo-verdiana produzida por mulheres: Orlanda Amarilis, Ivone Aida e Fátima Bettencourt / Paths of fiction produced by Cape Verdean women: Orlanda Amarilis, Aida Ivone and Fatima BettencourtPedro Manoel Monteiro 10 March 2014 (has links)
As produções literárias de Orlanda Amarílis, Ivone Aida e Fátima Bettencourt, sob a forma de conto, constituem o objeto central dessa pesquisa e, a partir do corpus selecionado, buscamos identificar e compreender as opções de construção de personagens e de narração que definem, nas coletâneas Cais-do-Sodré té Salamansa, Vidas vividas e Semear em pó, respectivamente, representações sociais de gênero e características do Bildung (formação da personagem), com base numa hermenêutica do cotidiano cabo-verdiano no arquipélago e na diáspora. No primeiro capítulo, procuramos estabelecer um campo teórico, de largo espectro, que pudesse dar suporte às nossas ilações, para tanto aplicando os vários conceitos que orientaram a nossa visada sobre o objeto da pesquisa, como: entre-lugar, póscolonialismo, hermenêutica do cotidiano, diáspora, Bildungsroman feminino; em seguida passamos a uma incursão no contexto histórico, na biobibliografia das autoras e na conformação das coletâneas, pretendendo situar as obras para o nosso leitor. Iniciamos o processo de análise, logo na primeira parte do segundo capítulo, procedendo a uma investigação sobre os títulos dos contos e sua representação na diegese. Na segunda parte, buscamos investigar com mais detalhe os processos de estruturação das personagens, empreendidos pelas três escritoras, com vista a compreendermos os diversos modos de apreensão e representação do universo cabo-verdiano, especialmente o de vivências femininas de submissão, resistência e emancipação. O terceiro capítulo, que complementa o de panorâmica da construção das personagens, será dedicado a examinar, de forma sucinta, a atuação dos(as) narradores(as), que, em conjunto com as personagens, revelam a mundividência que as escritoras querem registrar na ficção, no intuito de introduzir uma ótica feminina e, por vezes, feminista, ao cânone literário cabo-verdiano, predominantemente masculino. O quarto capítulo foi dedicado a uma sistematização das conclusões. / The central object of this research is based on Orlanda Amarílis, Ivone Aida and Fátima Bettencourts short story production from the selected corpus, we attempted to identify and understand the choice for constructing characters and narration that define in the collections Cais-do-Sodré té Salamansa, Vidas vividas and Semear em pó, respectively, social representations of gender and characteristics of the Bildung (character formation), based on Cape Verdeans hermeneutics of everyday life both in the archipelago and in the diaspora. On the first chapter we tried to establish a broad theoretical field that could support our inferences, thus applying various concepts that oriented our look at the researched object, such as: in-betweenness, post-colonialism, hermeneutics of everyday life, diaspora, the female Bildungsroman. Then we moved to the historical context at the authors bio-bibliography and in the conformation of the collections with the intention to locate the works for our readers. We began the analysis process, on the first part of the second chapter, investigating the titles of the stories and their representation in the diegesis. On the second part, we researched in more detail the processes of structuring characters, undertaken by the three writers, in order to understand the different modes of apprehension and representation of the universe of Cape Verde, especially the experiences of female submission, resistance and emancipation. The third chapter, which complements the overview of the construction of the characters, will be devoted to examine briefly the action of narrators, which together with the characters reveal the worldviews that the writers want to register in fiction in order to introduce a feminine viewpoint and sometimes feminist literary canon to Cape Verde still predominantly masculine. The fourth chapter is devoted to classifying the findings.
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Etude moléculaire et fonctionnelle des assemblages multiproteiques impliquant les proteines de la polarité planaire Vangl2 et Scribble1. / Molecular and functional studies of multiprotein assemblies involving planar polarity proteins Vangl2 and Scribble1.Blanc, Jean-Michel 03 December 2013 (has links)
Il existe de nombreux mécanismes impliqués dans le développement des tissus qui nécessitent que des cellules ou des groupes de cellules s’orientent et se polarisent. Les protéines de la voie de la polarité planaire (PP) s’associent pour former des complexes à la membrane et créer des asymétries proximo-distale. Vangl2 et Scrib1 ont été identifiés comme les deux premiers gènes impliqués dans la PP chez les mammifères. Lors de ma thèse, je me suis intéressé à ces deux protéines et à certains des complexes dans lesquelles elles sont impliquées. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré l’implication directe de Scribble1 dans le trafic après endocytose des récepteurs NMDA. Scrib1 interagit avec les récepteurs NMDA grâce à ses domaines PDZ. Scribble1 peut interagir avec le complexe AP2 qui intervient dans l’endocytose des récepteurs. Cette étude a permis de définir un nouveau mécanisme dans lequel Scrib1 régule la quantité de récepteurs NMDA à la membrane et donc participe à la plasticité synaptique. Vangl2 est l’une des protéines transmembranaires les plus en amont de la voie de la PP. Nous avons identifié un nouveau partenaire nommé "Axin Interaction partner and Dorsalization Antagonist" (AIDA). Nous avons montré, par double hybride en levure et pull down, l’interaction de Vangl2 avec les deux isoformes de AIDA et leur colocalisation en COS7 et neurones. Ensemble, ces données présentent AIDA comme un très bon candidat pour le maintien de Vangl2 aux jonctions adhérentes et/ou pour son adressage à la membrane. Ces études nous ont permis d’améliorer notre compréhension des mécanismes impliquant les protéines de la polarité planaire. / There are many mechanisms involved in the development of tissues that require cells or groups of cells orient and polarize. The proteins of the planar cell polarity (PCP) combine to form complexes with the membrane and create proximal-distal asymmetries. Vangl2 and Scrib1 have been identified as the first two genes involved in the PCP in mammals. In this study, I am interested in these two proteins and some of the complex in which they are involved. At first, using techniques of biochemistry, cell biology and biophysics, we showed the direct involvement of Scribble1 in traffic after endocytosis of NMDA receptors. Scrib1 interacts with NMDA receptors through its PDZ domains. Due to this binding motif between PDZ1 and PDZ2 of Scrib1, it can interact with the AP2 complex which is involved in receptor endocytosis. This study has identified a new mechanism in which Scrib1 regulates the amount of NMDA receptors on the membrane and is therefore involved in synaptic plasticity. Vangl2 is a transmembrane protein of the most upstream of the PCP pathway. We have identified a new partner named "Axin Interaction partner and Dorsalization Antagonist" (AIDA). We have shown, by yeast two-hybrid and pull down the interaction of Vangl2 with two isoforms of AIDA and collocation in COS7 and neurons. Together, these data show AIDA as a very good candidate for maintaining Vangl2 to adherens junctions and/or its membrane targeting. These studies have allowed us to improve our understanding of the mechanisms involving the planar polarity proteins.
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A Lighting Design Process for a Production of Aida, with Music by Elton John and Lyrics by Tim RiceWilson, Jarod Douglas 22 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Digital marknadskommunikation : ur ett konsumentperspektiv / Digital marketing communication : from a consumer perspectiveSundkvist, Christine January 2016 (has links)
Användningen av digitala medier ökar konstant. Onlinekulturen har kommit att bli en naturlig del av vardagen och konsumenter är dagligen aktiva på diverse sociala medier där de utbyter information och kommunicerar med andra individer. Digitala medier är även plattformar där konsumenter interagerar med modemärken. Den digitala marknadskommunikationen har kommit att bli en självklar del av ett företags marknadsföringsstrategier, inte bara i varumärkesbyggande syfte utan även exempelvis för att fungera som trafikdrivande till företagets onlinebutik. En förståelse för konsumenten är väsentlig för att framgångsrikt nå ut via dessa kanaler. Tidigare forskning visar dock på ett gap i forskningen om konsumentens upplevelser och mottagande av den digitala marknadskommunikationen, vilket indikerar på ett behov av fortsatt forskning. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka digital marknadskommunikation ur ett konsumentperspektiv. Studien ämnar få en förståelse för konsumentens mottagande av svenska modemärkens digitala kommunikation och vad som stimulerar konsumenten till att klicka sig vidare till modemärkets onlinebutik. Studien avgränsas till nyhetsbrev och Instagram, vilka är två vanligt förekommande digitala kanaler. Nio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med kvinnliga respondenter i åldrarna 25-30 år. Instagrambilder och nyhetsbrev inkluderades i intervjun från Totême, Rodebjer och Filippa K. Studien bygger på AIDA modellen som beskriver konsumentens steg i mottagandet av marknadskommunikation. Studiens resultat visar att konsumentens uppmärksamhet på digitala medier är svårfångad. Det existerar ett överflöd av digital marknadskommunikation, vilket gör konsumenten selektiv och kräsen. Konsumenten stimuleras av inspirerande bilder och en visuellt tilltalande helhet samt vill mottagaren kunna identifiera sig med det som kommuniceras. För att meddelandet inte ska stanna vid inspiration och framgångsrikt påverka konsumenten till att klicka sig vidare till onlinebutiken behöver konsumenten guidas av modemärket på ett enkelt och tydligt sätt. Konsumenten är bekväm och den digitala marknadskommunikationen får inte upplevas tidskrävande. Lyckas modemärket stimulera konsumenten visar studien att konsumenten är positivt inställd och mer frekvent besöker onlinebutiken. / The usage of digital media is constantly increasing. The online culture has become a part of our daily lives and consumers frequently engage in social media practices such as communicating with other individuals and sharing information. Digital media channels are also a way for consumers to interact and communicate with fashion brands. Digital marketing communication has become a natural part of a firm’s marketing strategies and communicating through digital channels offers advantages not only from a brand-building perspective but also drives traffic to the online store. An understanding of the consumer is essential to successfully reach out to the consumer in the digital sphere. Existing research is though limited within this field and further research concerning consumer perception of digital marketing communication is demanded. The study aims to examine digital marketing communication from a consumer perspective. The purpose is to get a deeper understanding of the consumer’s perception of digital marketing communication within the context of Swedish fashion brands. The study addresses consumer motivations and aspects that drive the consumer to visit the online store. The study is restricted to two widely used digital channels, newsletter and Instagram, and was conducted by nine semi-structured interviews with females between the age of 25-30. The interviews involved newsletters and Instagram pictures by Totême, Rodebjer and Filippa K. The study is based on the AIDA model, which describes stages that occur when a consumer receives marketing communication. Findings show that it is hard to catch the consumer’s attention. It exists an overload of information and fashion brands in the digital sphere bombard consumers with messages. The outcome is a “picky” consumer. The consumer demands inspiring and visually appealing pictures and content they can relate to and identify themselves with. Furthermore, the findings show that the fashion brand has to guide the consumer to an action. It is essential that the fashion brand communicate a message that is permeated by ease and simplicity. The consumer is a comfy individual and the digital marketing messages will not get the consumer to visit the online store if it feels time consuming. Lastly, the result shows that the consumer has a positive attitude and more frequently visits the online store when the fashion brand successfully reaches out and stimulates the consumer. This thesis is written in Swedish.
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Utveckling av displayställ för kreativa leksaker / Development of display stand for creative toysPhalén, Kajsa, Lövgren Berg, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
Designingenjörsstudenterna Kajsa Phalén och Emelie Lövgren Berg på Högskolan i Skövde har under våren 2016 arbetat med ett produktutvecklingsprojekt i samverkan med leksaksföretaget Strawbees. Företaget vill börja sälja sina kreativa leksaker i butik och vill därför utveckla ett säljande displayställ som ska bära produkterna. En grundläggande förstudie har gjorts för att definiera en målgrupp som består av kunder och andra intressenter. Förstudien täcker också marknadsförings-strategier i butik och undersökningar som gjorts för att öka förståelsen för målgruppens behov. Marknadsanalyser över konkurrenter gav inspiration från redan befintliga lösningar på problemet och kollage över färgkoder och formspråk gav resultatet den känsla som företaget vill förmedla. Antalet produkter displaystället skulle bära hade stort fokus för starten av konceptgenereringen och kombinationer av hur produkterna kan placeras lade grunden för displayställets utformning. Genom analyser kring hur konkurrenter löst visuell design för displayställ skapades visuella teman. De framtagna utformningarna ihop med visuella teman och den känsla som företaget vill förmedla skapade sedan olika koncept. De vidareutvecklade koncepten analyserades efter hur de passade in i dess rätta miljö, en leksaksbutik. Utefter upptäckta brister kunde antalet koncept begränsas till enbart två stycken som senare blev prototyper. Dessa prototyper testades i verklig storlek ihop med de produkter som displaystället skulle rymma. Ett koncept kunde därefter bestämmas och vidareutvecklas i detaljform för att på bästa sätt nå upp till krav och önskemål. / During spring 2016, the engineering students Kajsa Phalén and Emelie Lövgren Berg, at the University of Skövde, developed a product in cooperation with the toy company Strawbees. The company wants to sell their creative toys in stores and therefore wants to develop a sales display stand that will carry the products. A basic feasibility study has been done to define a target group of customers and other stakeholders. The feasibility study also covers marketing strategies in shops and studies were carried out to increase understanding of the target group needs. Market analysis of competitors gave inspiration from existing solutions of the problem and a collage over color codes and idioms gave the result the feeling that the company wants to convey. The number of products that the display stand would wear was a major focus in the beginning of the concept generation. Combinations of how the products can be placed laid the foundation for the design of the display stand. Through analysis of how competitors solved the visual design for the display stand some visual themes were created. The developed designs together with visual themes and the feeling that the company wants to convey created various concepts. The new concepts were analyzed for how they would fit into its natural environment, a toy store. Because of some shortcomings the number of concept could be limited to only two, who later became prototypes. These prototypes were tested in real size together with the products that the display stand would accommodate. A concept could then be determined and developed in detail as to the best way to reach up to the demands and wishes of the company.
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En el Vórtice cel Huracán. Reescrituras Oblicuas del Caribe Hispano en los Discursos Literarios de Virgilio Piñera y Aída Cartagena PortalatínFernández, Morbila January 2010 (has links)
An oblique reading of the European canon constitutes the discursive center for present day Caribbean literature. In doing this, authors question Eurocentric representational codes of Caribbean identity while they create their own discourses in "a certain way", that is, from a certain perspective and by means of hybrid appropriation and synchretization of the very models that feed their imagination. As this analysis purports to show, writers Virgilio Piñera (Cuba) and Aída Cartagena Portalatín (Dominican Republic), by their rereading of the canon, establish in their works hybrid dialogs between the European There and the Caribbean Here. In that line, among the canonical cultural signifiers that the authors adopt, they privilege the appropriation of Greek myths. Piñera does this in his theater piece Electra Garrigó, and Cartagena in her novel Escalera para Electra. In Piñera's work, the main devices utilized are humor, irony, and parody of the text by Euripides, obtained by the used of "choteo", a particular brand of Cuban parodic humor in the manner of Bakhtin's carnavalization. This technique is employed along with the use of heteroglossia, which is utilized by Cartagena as well in her novel. In her work, the Dominican author constructs a parallel and intertextual reading of the same play by the Greek dramatist from the positionality of a female subject. Although with different strategies and in different literary genres, Piñera and Cartagena structure their literary discourses with themes that reflect their cultural identities from the synchretism of difference and from the perspective of a Caribbean subject. This dissertation confirms the efficacy of the discursive strategies they utilize on taking the female subject and the family as the axis of their contesting, unofficial readings of the history and cultural identity of the Caribbean.
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The dilemmatic nature of luring communication: an action-implicative discourse analysis of online predator and P-J member interactionBuchanan, Lauren-Ashley 01 May 2016 (has links)
The occurrence of child sex abuse in the United States has long been considered a problem of paramount importance (e.g. Durkin, 2002; Howitt, 2008; Jenkins, 1998). Historically, the primary assumption was that the sexual solicitation of children occurred face-to-face. However, with the advent of communication technologies, people began to realize the internet's role in child solicitation. In an effort to combat this mode of child luring, a concerned citizen created P-J, an organization that seeks to identify and incriminate online predators (OPs). Members of this organization (PJMs) wait in online spaces for OPs to approach them. Then PJMs communicate as if they are minors to gather incriminating evidence against the OPs. PJMs and OPs have incompatible goals for their interactions. OPs' aim to foster a sexual relationship with a minor without being punished for it. PJMs' aim to gather enough evidence against OPs to convict them and prevent the future luring of children. To accomplish these goals, PJMs and OPs communicate with each other and face unique dilemmas in doing so.
The current dissertation employs Action-Implicative Discourse Analysis (AIDA; Tracy, 1995), a theory-method package that helps identify strategies used by interactants to address their institutionally based communicative dilemmas, to answer the research questions: 1) How do PJMs communicatively address their dilemma of encouraging online predators to pursue sexual contact without entrapping or making OPs suspicious, and 2) How do OPs communicatively address their dilemma of seducing their targets without getting caught or scaring off the presumed minor? By doing so, the project expands extant knowledge of grooming and computer-mediated self-presentation. It also extends the use of AIDA to contexts beyond organizations and formal institutions.
Through the sampling and constant comparison procedure of 40 PJM-OP instant messenger transcripts provided by the organization's website, the researcher identified four overarching categories of strategies that PJMs used to manage their dilemma: Target Presentation, OP Safety, Sexual/Relational Contribution Management, and Bust Facilitation. The researcher also identified five overarching categories of strategies for OPs: Identity Establishment, Relationship Management, Safety Precautions, Sexual Communication Engagement, and Meet Facilitation. Within these categories are many strategies PJMs and OPs utilized in an effort to address their dilemmas of attaining their goals while avoiding risks.
By identifying the aforementioned strategies, the researcher satisfied her primary goal of recognizing and understanding how PJMs and OPs attempt to reach their respective goals while avoiding risks. In addition to fulfilling this primary goal, the results of this project entail implications for several different lines of research. Specifically, the results of this dissertation extend research on traditional and online grooming, self-presentation online, and AIDA. The results also provide practical implications concerning what adolescents should be wary of when communicating with unknown others online. Additionally, the study has the capacity to help PJMs become more aware of OPs' strategies as well as their own. This awareness could help PJMs more efficiently train new PJMs and gain a deeper understanding of their interactions.
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Strategies for Residential Real Estate Professionals to Mitigate Declining SalesCornelius, Raven 01 January 2018 (has links)
Real estate sales significantly declined during and after the 2008 mortgage crisis. In the United States, real estate sales dropped 35% after the mortgage crisis. Guided by the attention, interest, desire, and action (AIDA) model, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies successful residential real estate organization managers use to mitigate sales decline in a postrecession environment. Three residential real estate organization managers in Southern Maryland and Northern Virginia participated in semistructured interviews. These participants are currently selling homes, worked in the real estate market before the 2008 mortgage crisis, and developed successful strategies to mitigate declining sales in a postrecession environment. The data collection process for this study included the semistructured interviews, review of archival documents, and member checking to explore successful strategies for mitigating declining sales for residential real estate organization managers. The data analysis included data coding, organizing, and making conclusions with the use of Yin's 5 phase process. During analysis, the 4 themes to emerge were customer service, consistent work ethic, innovation, and market specialization. By implementing the identified successful sales strategies, these residential real estate organization managers were able to mitigate a decline in sales in a postrecession environment. Real estate professionals may use these findings to decrease the delays in the home buying process and increase employees' sales performance. More home sales can improve local economies and the welfare of communities.
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Lead user-involvering i produktutvecklingen : en studie om kaffeförvaringJohansson, Erik, Olofsson, Martin, Cvetojevic, Aida January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera beteende hos lead users angående deras förvaring och</p><p>konsumtion av kaffe. Genom att göra en jämförelse med icke lead users har vi undersökt</p><p>om lead users uppvisar ett avvikande beteende. Vi har även utifrån svaren kunnat ge</p><p>förslag på lösningar om hur kaffeförvaring kan utformas och förbättras.</p><p>Utifrån 40 intervjuer med kaffekonsumenter har vi försökt urskilja lead users. Vi har</p><p>utgått från en modell som vi utvecklat tillsammans och som bygger på tidigare teorier. Vi</p><p>har poängsatt alla frågor och multiplicerat med viktningsgraden. Utifrån de summor vi</p><p>fick delade vi in grupperna i lead users och icke lead users. Gruppen emellan valde vi att</p><p>kalla gråzon.</p><p>Genom undersökningen har vi kommit fram till att det förekommer ett avvikande</p><p>beteende hos lead users. Lead users har ett utpräglat intresse för kaffe, kaffevaror samt</p><p>originalitet. De har ofta fler egna och unika idéer än icke lead users. Lead users har dock</p><p>de mest svårimplementerade idéerna och lösningarna. Icke lead users har inte ett</p><p>utpräglat intresse för kaffe och inte heller några idéer eller lösningar kring kaffeförvaring.</p><p>De som hamnade i vår gråzon är oftast personer med kaffeintresse men inga idéer kring</p><p>kaffeförvaring eller inget kaffeintresse men idéer som kan vara användbara.</p><p>Utifrån svaren har vi funnit att många skulle vilja se mindre kaffeförpackningar i en</p><p>större förpackning. Någon form av återförslutning har många önskat, t ex en plastremsa</p><p>som gör att man lätt kan stänga förpackningen. Vi har även funnit att många förvarar sitt</p><p>kaffe i en kaffeburk. För att aromen och smakämnena skall bevaras på bästa sätt skall inte</p><p>kaffet tas ur sin förpackning och därför anser vi att kafferosterier förslagsvis kan sälja</p><p>kaffeburkarna som en kringprodukt i livsmedelsbutikerna.</p> / <p>The aim with the essay is to study behavior of lead users concerning their storing and</p><p>consumption of coffee. By comparing lead users with non lead we will see if there is a</p><p>deviating behavior. On the basis of the research we can give solutions to how coffee</p><p>storing can be formulated and improved.</p><p>On the basis of 40 interviews with coffee consumers we have tried to distinguish lead</p><p>users. In doing so we started with a model that we developed together and that builds on</p><p>earlier theories. We have scored all questions and multiplied with the weighting degree.</p><p>On the basis of those totals, we divided the groups in lead users and non lead users. The</p><p>interviewees that didn’t fall into these categories we put in a group called the grey zone.</p><p>Through the survey we noticed a deviating behavior of lead users. Lead users have a</p><p>pronounced interest for coffee, coffee products and originality. They often have more of</p><p>their own and unique ideas than non lead users. However lead users have the most</p><p>difficult implemented ideas and solutions. Non lead users do not have a pronounced</p><p>interest for coffee and neither ideas or solutions around coffee storing. Those in our grey</p><p>zone are most often persons with coffee interests but no ideas around coffee storing, or no</p><p>coffee interest but ideas that can prove to be applicable.</p><p>On the basis of our research we found that many would like to see smaller coffee</p><p>packaging within a bigger package. Many also desired some type of resealable package,</p><p>perhaps a plastic zip lock that makes the package easy to reseal. We have also found that</p><p>many users stored their coffee in a coffee tin. In order to best preserve the aroma and</p><p>taste, the coffee should not be taken out of its packaging. Therefore we suggest that</p><p>coffee roasters sell the coffee tins as an accessory product in the food markets.</p>
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Lead user-involvering i produktutvecklingen : en studie om kaffeförvaringJohansson, Erik, Olofsson, Martin, Cvetojevic, Aida January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera beteende hos lead users angående deras förvaring och konsumtion av kaffe. Genom att göra en jämförelse med icke lead users har vi undersökt om lead users uppvisar ett avvikande beteende. Vi har även utifrån svaren kunnat ge förslag på lösningar om hur kaffeförvaring kan utformas och förbättras. Utifrån 40 intervjuer med kaffekonsumenter har vi försökt urskilja lead users. Vi har utgått från en modell som vi utvecklat tillsammans och som bygger på tidigare teorier. Vi har poängsatt alla frågor och multiplicerat med viktningsgraden. Utifrån de summor vi fick delade vi in grupperna i lead users och icke lead users. Gruppen emellan valde vi att kalla gråzon. Genom undersökningen har vi kommit fram till att det förekommer ett avvikande beteende hos lead users. Lead users har ett utpräglat intresse för kaffe, kaffevaror samt originalitet. De har ofta fler egna och unika idéer än icke lead users. Lead users har dock de mest svårimplementerade idéerna och lösningarna. Icke lead users har inte ett utpräglat intresse för kaffe och inte heller några idéer eller lösningar kring kaffeförvaring. De som hamnade i vår gråzon är oftast personer med kaffeintresse men inga idéer kring kaffeförvaring eller inget kaffeintresse men idéer som kan vara användbara. Utifrån svaren har vi funnit att många skulle vilja se mindre kaffeförpackningar i en större förpackning. Någon form av återförslutning har många önskat, t ex en plastremsa som gör att man lätt kan stänga förpackningen. Vi har även funnit att många förvarar sitt kaffe i en kaffeburk. För att aromen och smakämnena skall bevaras på bästa sätt skall inte kaffet tas ur sin förpackning och därför anser vi att kafferosterier förslagsvis kan sälja kaffeburkarna som en kringprodukt i livsmedelsbutikerna. / The aim with the essay is to study behavior of lead users concerning their storing and consumption of coffee. By comparing lead users with non lead we will see if there is a deviating behavior. On the basis of the research we can give solutions to how coffee storing can be formulated and improved. On the basis of 40 interviews with coffee consumers we have tried to distinguish lead users. In doing so we started with a model that we developed together and that builds on earlier theories. We have scored all questions and multiplied with the weighting degree. On the basis of those totals, we divided the groups in lead users and non lead users. The interviewees that didn’t fall into these categories we put in a group called the grey zone. Through the survey we noticed a deviating behavior of lead users. Lead users have a pronounced interest for coffee, coffee products and originality. They often have more of their own and unique ideas than non lead users. However lead users have the most difficult implemented ideas and solutions. Non lead users do not have a pronounced interest for coffee and neither ideas or solutions around coffee storing. Those in our grey zone are most often persons with coffee interests but no ideas around coffee storing, or no coffee interest but ideas that can prove to be applicable. On the basis of our research we found that many would like to see smaller coffee packaging within a bigger package. Many also desired some type of resealable package, perhaps a plastic zip lock that makes the package easy to reseal. We have also found that many users stored their coffee in a coffee tin. In order to best preserve the aroma and taste, the coffee should not be taken out of its packaging. Therefore we suggest that coffee roasters sell the coffee tins as an accessory product in the food markets.
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