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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh a optimalizace provozu tepelného čerpadla / Design and optimization of heat pump operation

Bergr, Josef January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis "Design and optimization of the heat pump" is the project documentation for building permits, finding a suitable source of heat and cold. The problem is solved for a Tesco hypermarket. The device is designed to meet the health, performance and functional requirements for indoor climate. The task of this device is to transport fresh air into the interior cover heat losses in winter and coverage heat gains during the summer. The theoretical part deals with the problem of heat pumps. Special mention is about heat pump air x air. Calculation and design part is a specific proposal, two air conditioners and optimizing for winter. The experimental part deals with the processing of data on existing rooftop units.

Nepřímotopný ohřev vzduchu / Indirect air heating

Beneš, Josef January 2016 (has links)
The master Thesis deals with indirect air heating in air handling units. In the theoretical part of the thesis the categories of heat exchangers are defined according to their positioning in ventilation system, used material and type of heat transfer fluid. To the issue of calculating heat exchanges through heat exchangers and description of different kinds of regulation of primary heat transfer fluid is dedicated a separate chapter. The experimental part of the thesis deals with determining performance of current air heat exchanger at set thermal gradient with various heat transfer fluids. In the calculating part of the Thesis, based on measured values, are suggested two possible solutions for use of technological waste heat. Final evaluation of particular solutions was based on the criterion of efficiency usage and implementation investment costs.

Využití odpadního tepla / Use of residual heat

Vlasák, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the use of waste heat in the theoretical plane, where methods and possibilities of using this heat are described. Part Two, which is computational, deals with the suggestion of heating industrial halls with an adjacent, mostly office, building in two variants, then it goes on to also deal with the concept of equal pressure forced ventilation, a proposal of air curtains and preparation of hot water, where the heat source is a boiler. In the last part an experiment took place which investigated the conversion efficiency of thermal to electric energy.

Termisk komfort med golvvärme eller luftvärme / Thermal comfort with floor heating or air heating

Boåsen, Filip, Khaled, Stiven January 2018 (has links)
Då varje människa tillbringar större del av dagen inomhus så är det viktigt att ha en bra termisk komfort, efter som den termiska komforten påverkar upplevelsen på jobbet i hemmet eller i skolan. Människor kan påverkas negativt när den termiska komforten inte uppfyller kraven.   Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka hur lågtemperaturssystemens förmåga är med avseende på termisk komfort och om de uppfyller kraven. Undersökningen använder beräknings data från tidigare utfört arbete då beräkningarna valideras av jämförelse mot andra undersökningar.   I detta arbete undersöker vi skillnader mellan golvvärme och luftvärme, där vi ser hur de olika systemen jämförs mot varandra under kontrollerade förhållanden med avseende på termisk komfort. De olika systemen som undersöks är luftvärme som är placerad under tak, luftvärme placerad under ett fönster, golvvärme som är jämnfördelad över golvet och golvvärme jämnfördelad med extra slingor under fönster. I undersökningen utförs en litteraturstudie som kommer att ligga till grund för vad ämnet för lågtemperatur innefattar samt hur de olika systemen fungerar och hur dessa kan användas som lågtemperaturssystem. Då i denna undersökningen så beaktas operativa temperaturen PMV, PPD och dragindex för att få en bra uppfattning hur den termiska komforten upplevs med avseende på golvvärme och luftvärme. Undersökningen har gett goda resultat då skillnaden i termisk komfort mellan de olika systemen har varit minimala och uppfyllt alla krav enligt BBR. Resultaten har jämförts mot tidigare gjorda undersökningar av lågtemperaturteknik och resultaten sammanfaller bra med små avvikelser. För att välja ett av de fyra systemen som har visats bättre resultat med hänsyn på termisk komfort så har golvvärme med extra slingor under fönster bevisats vara det bättre alternativet, då PMV och PPD samt drag ligger under rekommendationen för termisk komfort. / When most people spend a larger part of the day indoors, it is important to have a good thermal comfort, as the thermal comfort affects the experience that you perceive when you are at work, at home or at school. This may then affect the health if the thermal comfort does not meet the requirements. The purpose of the survey is to investigate low temperature system performance in terms of thermal comfort and if it meets the requirements. The survey uses calculation data from previously performed surveys, as the calculations are validated by comparison with other surveys. In this survey we explore the differences between floor heating and air heating, where we look at how the different systems are compared to each other under controlled conditions regarding thermal comfort. The different systems under investigation are air heating placed on the wall, air heating placed under a window, floor heating evenly distributed over the floor and floor heating that has extra loops under windows. The study will carry out a literature study that will be based on the topic of low temperature and how the different systems work and how they can be used at low temperatures. In this survey, the operating temperature PMV, PPD and DR-index are considered to get a good idea of how thermal comfort is experienced regarding floor heating or air heating. The survey has given good results, since the difference in thermal comfort between the different systems has been minimal and fulfilled all BBR requirements. The results have been compared to previous studies of low temperature technology, as the results coincide well with minor deviations. To choose one of the four systems that have been shown superior in terms of thermal comfort, floor heating with extra loops under windows has been proven to be the better option, as PMV and PPD as well as values are below the recommendation for thermal comfort.

Etude d'un système combiné de ventilation et de chauffage au bois dans les bâtiments à basse consommation d'énergie / Study of a wook-based heating system combined with a heat recovery ventilation in low energy buildings

Peigné, Pierre 27 February 2012 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l’étude et le développement d’un système innovant de ventilation et de chauffage au bois dans les habitations à basse consommation d’énergie, qui sont appelées à devenir la référence constructive en France dès 2015. Dans ces habitations fortement isolées et particulièrement étanches à l’air, les besoins de chauffage sont très faibles et peuvent être couverts par une source de chaleur d’origine renouvelable, telle que le bois énergie. En outre, l’utilisation d’une ventilation performante s’impose comme étant un critère essentiel pour assurer la bonne qualité de l’air intérieur et peut même devenir l’unique vecteur de chauffage en apportant l’appoint de chaleur sur l’air insufflé dans les différentes pièces de l’habitation. Le système présenté dans cette étude propose ainsi de combiner les avantages d’un appareil de chauffage au bois de petite puissance, ici un poêle à granulés de bois, et ceux d’une ventilation à récupération de chaleur sur l’air extrait, grâce à un conduit échangeur intégré à la cheminée du poêle et relié au réseau de soufflage de la ventilation. Développé en partenariat avec l’industriel POUJOULAT, spécialisé dans la fabrication de conduits de cheminée métalliques, ce conduit échangeur permet de récupérer sur l’air neuf une partie de la chaleur initialement perdue par les fumées et de la distribuer dans toutes des zones de vie de l’habitation, même les plus éloignées de l’appareil au bois. Après avoir défini la configuration de couplage à adopter pour assurer le bon fonctionnement de l’ensemble et garantir à la fois la sécurité et le confort des occupants, les performances de plusieurs prototypes de conduit échangeur sont caractérisées expérimentalement. Les résultats obtenus lors des essais en laboratoire permettent alors d’orienter l’évolution des prochains prototypes et de souligner la nécessité de travailler avec un poêle à granulés de bois dont le cycle de combustion est étanche. Un modèle mathématique est également développé pour prédire les performances du dernier prototype de conduit échangeur à triple paroi non isolé sur sa surface extérieure et sa validation est obtenue suite au bon accord entre les résultats calculés et ceux mesurés lors des essais. L’ensemble du système combiné est ensuite installé dans deux habitations à basse consommation d’énergie situées près de Poitiers. L’exploitation des températures et des consommations recueillies pendant la première saison de chauffe montre la bonne tenue du système combiné, ses limites, ainsi que ses conditions d’appropriation par les occupants, dont le comportement apparaît jouer un rôle prédominant dans la réduction des consommations énergétiques. / This work is devoted to the study and development of an innovative wood-based air-heating system for energy-efficient dwellings, which are expected to become the building reference in France from 2015 onwards. As these kinds of homes are highly insulated and particularly airtight, heating requirements are very low and may be covered by a renewable energy source, such as wood energy. In addition, efficient ventilation is absolutely required to ensure indoor air quality and may even sometimes be use as the only way to provide heat into the various rooms of the house. In this context, the system presented in this study aims to combine advantages of a low power wood-burning appliance, as a wood-pellet stove, and those of a mechanical ventilation heat-recovery unit, thanks to a heat exchanger integrated into the chimney of the pellet stove and connected to the ventilation air supply network. Developed in partnership with POUJOULAT, a metallic chimneys manufacturer, this new heat exchanger recovers a part of the heat from flue gases and enables to warm up the fresh air distributed in each living zone of the house, even the most remote of the wood heating device. After defining the best coupling configuration to ensure the proper behaviour of the system, as well as both safety and comfort of the occupants, performances of several heat exchanger prototypes are characterized experimentally. The results from tests in laboratory are then used to guide prototypes development and they highlight the need to work with a room-sealed wood-pellet stove. Moreover, a mathematical model is developed to predict the performances of the latest prototype of triple concentric tube heat exchanger with no insulation at the outer surface. Then, the model validation is obtained following the good agreement between calculated results and those measured during the laboratory tests. The combined system is then installed in two energy-efficient dwellings near Poitiers. Operating temperatures and energy consumptions collected during the first heating season show the good reliability of the combined system, its limitations and its conditions of acceptance by the occupants, whose behaviour is pointed out as a major factor in reducing energy consumptions.

Využití odpadní vody v EDU pro vytápění / Use of Waste Water in Nuclear Power Dukovany for Heating

Bohůn, Vojtěch January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with various ways of energetically advantageous utilization of waste heat produced by industrial technologies. The focus of the diploma thesis is both to provide an overview of different ways and places of origin of waste heat in industrial technologies and of its possible reutilization, to suggest a concrete air heating system using waste heat and to propose a long-distance hot water pipe which supplies hot water pipe system with energy. First, technologies producing waste heat and some ways of regressing of heat in such technologies are theoretically described. Second, the equipment for transferring of heat and for adjustment of thermal energy parameters is described. A special focus is put on water supplies of the Nuclear Power Plant Dukovany and some selected parts of its secondary circuit, which is waste heat collected from. The analysis is supplemented by a calculation of theoretical quantity of waste heat. The aim of the calculation is to determine whether waste heat can be a source of energy for heating. Then, a current system of heating of three selected buildings in the area of the Nuclear Power Plant Dukovany is briefly described. Based on the gained knowledge, a project of air heating with two heat pumps type water – water, a heat receiver preparing warm service water and three recuperative units for preheating of fresh heating air is designed. The selection of main parts of the air heating is amended by a calculation of purchase costs and electric energy consumption. After that, the focus is placed on choice of type of hot water pipe – its trace is stated and an indicative estimation and a thermal-conditions calculation in the hot water pipe are made. The preliminary calculation serves as a source of information for a final project of air heating and calculation of changes of temperatures longwise the hot water pipe. The project contains also a calculation of pressure losses and an analysis of economical questions concerning hot water pipes. In conclusion, the results of project of air heating and hot water pipes are summarized.

Návrh teplovzdušného vytápění a větrání nízkoenergetického domku / Design of warm air heating system for low-energy house

Koutník, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with design of warm air heating and ventilating system for low energy house. Introduction of this thesis is focused on dividing residential buildings by their heat requirement. Then problems of residential building ventilation and possibilities of warm air heating systems including heat recovery are presented. In the next chapter summary of ventilating units with heat recovery and warm air heating units for residential low energy buildings and pasive family houses is presented. Calculation of low energy house heat losses, which is solved, is based on CSN 06 0210, CSN 73 0540 and CSN EN 12831 standards. Design and calculation of warm air heating and ventilation system and ground heat exchangers is also described. Floor heating system, fireplace insert and solar heating system are designed as supplementary systems. At the end of this thesis the control system is presented. Project documentation is enclosed in appendix.

Teplovzdušný vytápěcí a větrací systém pro nízkoenergetický rodinný dům / Warm-air heating and ventilating system for low-energy family house

Musil, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with warm-air heating and ventilation system of energyefficient family house. The part of thesis is theoretical introduction to low-energy and passive houses, ventilation and heating. The proposal itself is based on the applicable standards and includes all progressive steps, including the calculation of the thermal performance and sizing individual parts of the system. The drawing project documentation is listed in appendixes.

Návrh vytápění a ohřevu teplé vody v rodinném domě / Design of a space and DHW heating system for a detached dwelling

Záboj, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
The thesis aims to propose a system for heating and hot water for a family house, according to drawings supplied by the building architect. At the request of the investor as the primary object will be considered a variant of underfloor heating. For comparing the heat loss, economic and possibly to State subsidies system selected will be processed by an alternative option to the ventilation air heating. Underfloor heating and hot air are among the low-temperature heating system, which can use low temperature heat sources, such as heat pumps. This assumption corresponds to investor requests, the source of heat in a family house with a heat pump and gas boiler. For hot water will be used as an alternative to a fireplace in the living room. To use the results of the thesis is to calculate the heat loss and heat, according to current standards include design and hot-water heating system including hot-drawing documentation. Finally, the economic evaluation of different alternatives in terms of investment and operating costs.

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