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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chování spotřebitele na trhu potravin

Nevídalová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Análisis de rentabilida del proyecto “Bartender Box" / “Bartender Box” Project profitability analysis

Cano Rodríguez, Ruth Melissa, Espinoza Doig, Ana Paula, Goudey Pardo, Giancarlo Jesús, LLiuyacc Coripuna, Alberto Jesús, Murguia Anicama, Natali 27 October 2019 (has links)
Actualmente, el consumidor peruano promedio se le dificulta preparar cócteles variados en casa, debido a la falta de insumos y conocimiento para elaborarlos. Por ello, la mayoría necesita visitar bares o discotecas para consumir estas bebidas, las cuales tienen un costo elevado. Asimismo, no existe ninguna iniciativa en el mercado peruano de bebidas alcohólicas que ofrezca la venta de estas con los insumos exactos para elaborarlos. Por este motivo, hemos creado Bartender Box, la primera alternativa en el Perú que ofrece la venta de licores y complementos a delivery para la preparación de cócteles sin la necesidad de tener conocimientos de barman para elaborarlos. Nuestra idea de negocio funcionará a través del canal digital mediante nuestras redes sociales y página web, donde ofrecemos a nuestros consumidores diferentes combinaciones con las medidas exactas para preparar cócteles. Ellos podrán acceder a las recetas a través de un código QR que los dirige a nuestra web. Nuestro público objetivo son personas de 18 a 50 años de los sectores A y B que consumen alcohol. Los ingresos procederán de la venta de los paquetes. Nuestros insumos serán obtenidos de la compra a mayoristas. Dentro de los planes evaluados se obtuvo que El VAN anual proyectado es de S/ 114,968.0 soles y se tiene una TIR de 60%. En base a estos resultados, confiamos en que el proyecto podrá satisfacer la necesidad de nuestro público objetivo, así como incrementar el comercio en el Perú. / Currently, the average Peruvian consumer finds it difficult to prepare varied cocktails at home, due to the lack of inputs and knowledge to prepare them. Therefore, most need to visit bars or clubs to consume these drinks, which have a high cost. Similarly, there is no initiative in the Peruvian market for alcoholic beverages that offers the sale of these with the exact inputs to prepare them. For this reason, we have created Bartender Box, the first alternative in Peru that offers the sale of spirits and complements to the delivery for the preparation of cocktails without the need to have knowledge of bartender to prepare them. Our business idea will work through the digital channel through our social networks and website, where we offer our devices different combinations with the exact measures to prepare cocktails. They can access the recipes through a QR code that directs our website. Our target audience is people aged 18 to 50 in sectors A and B who consume alcohol. The income comes from the sale of the packages. Our supplies will be necessary to buy from wholesalers. Among the plans evaluated, the projected annual NPV is S / 114,968.00 soles and has an IRR of 44%. Based on these results, we are confident that the project will be able to meet the needs of our target audience, as well as increase trade in Peru. / Trabajo de investigación

Finanční analýza společností zabývajících se výrobou nealkoholických nápojů / Financial analysis of producer non-alcoholic drinks

Kotková, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
This thesis in considered on financial analysis of nine most important companies which are interested in production of non-alcoholic drinks in Czech republic. Most of them are subsidiaries of global corporations. In thesis is processed spatial resolution of this field in years 2008 and 2009. First part deals with methodology of spatial resolution (Spider analysis). Next is about the field of non-alcoholic drinks. In analysis were compared years 2008 and 2009 and the values of indicators and their change during the time and also competitiveness of the companies in 2009. Conclusion is global table and comments to each company and their result in Spider analysis.

Acciones de actuación del marketing experiencial asociados a la recompra de cervezas artesanales por parte de hombres y mujeres del Nivel Socioeconómico A, en bares de cerveza artesanal de cerveza artesanal en Lima Metropolitana / Experiential marketing related to the repurchase of craft beers from men and women that belong to the Socioeconomic level A, in Lima Metropolitan’s breweries

Palacios Guevara, Danitza Lucia 26 November 2019 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar la relación entre las variables marketing experiencial y la recompra de cervezas artesanales en los bares por parte de hombres y mujeres entre los 20 a 35 años. De esta manera, poder identificar qué variable tiene mayor correlación con la intención de compra. Esta investigación es de alcance correlacional, ya que busca describir y relacionar los motivos de intención de compra en base a las variables y dimensiones puestas en estudio. Asimismo, se decidió investigar antecedentes, entrevistar a tres expertos en el rubro y realizar dos focus group con el público objetivo. Se halló que las variables y dimensiones de mayor relación con la recompra son la experiencia, el producto, los precios y estilo de vida. Por último, a partir de la investigación, se ha conocido de forma más profunda al público objetivo. Los resultados con mayor relevancia son que el marketing experiencial junto a las acciones de actuaciones, son fundamentales para que el target recompre cervezas artesanales en los bares y que definitivamente, el precio influye en la decisión de compra. / The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the variables experiential marketing and the repurchase of craft beers in breweries by men and women between the ages of 20 and 35. In this way, to identify which variable has the greatest correlation with the purchase intention. This research is based on a scope of correlational, since it seeks to describe and relate the reasons for purchase intention based on the variables and dimensions put into study. Likewise, it was decided to investigate the background, interviewed three experts in the field and conducted two focus groups with the target audience. It was found that the variables and dimensions most related to the repurchase are the experience, product, prices and the target lifestyle. Finally, based on the research, the target has been known and studied more deeply. The results with greater relevance are that experiential marketing along with the actions of acts, are essential for the target to repurchase craft beers in the bars and that definitely, the price also influences on the purchase decision. / Trabajo de investigación

Packaging: Diseño y posicionamiento en las bebidas alcohólicas “ready to drink” y su relación con la intención de compra / Packaging: Design and positioning in “ready to drink” alcoholic beverages and their relationship with the purchase intention

Alarcón Laura, Eduardo Enrique 24 November 2019 (has links)
En los últimos años, el mercado de bebidas alcohólicas “ready to drink” ha crecido a pasos agigantados siendo el segmento dentro de la categoría de bebidas alcohólicas que mayor crecimiento ha tenido. Las empresas y emprendedores han notado esto y quieren ser participes del éxito de las “ready to drink”. Actualmente el mercado lo lideran las marcas Piscano y Smirnoff; sin embargo, las marcas más pequeñas pueden ganar terreno en el punto de venta si usan adecuadamente su etiqueta para comunicar el posicionamiento de la marca y llegar a su público objetivo. Según los expertos y los propios consumidores, el diseño de las etiquetas tiene un margen de mejora en el mercado peruano. Por ello es que se realiza la siguiente investigación, con el fin de conocer los lineamientos a tomar en cuenta para el diseño del packaging y de esta manera hacer más competitivo el mercado “ready to drink” en el Perú. La presente investigación busca relacionar la comunicación del posicionamiento en las etiquetas con la intención de compra. Para ello, se utilizaron técnicas de recolección de datos cuantitativos y cualitativos que luego de ser analizados se ha logrado obtener lineamientos a tomar en cuenta a la hora del diseño de la etiqueta como, los elementos más relevantes de la etiqueta, su influencia con en el consumidor y la intención de compra. / In recent years, the “ready to drink” alcoholic beverage market has grown by leaps and bounds, being the segment within the category of alcoholic beverages that has grown the most. Companies and entrepreneurs have noticed this and want to be part of the success of "ready to drink". The market is currently led by the Piscano and Smirnoff brands; however, smaller brands can gain ground at the point of sale if they properly use their label to communicate brand positioning and reach their target audience. According to experts and consumers, the design of the labels has a margin of improvement in the Peruvian market. That is why the following research is carried out, in order to know the guidelines to be taken into account for the design of the packaging and thus make the “ready to drink” market in Peru more competitive. The present investigation seeks to relate the communication of the positioning in the labels with the intention of purchase. For this, quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques were used that after being analyzed, it has been possible to obtain guidelines to be taken into account when designing the label as, the most relevant elements of the label, its influence with the consumer and the intention of purchase. / Trabajo de investigación

Implementación del Negocio “Sr. Shot” / Business implementation Sr. Shot

Cáceres Armas, Angela Sofia, Nuñez Poma, Emily Nicole, Cuneo Castillo, Francesco Alexei, De la Cruz Santillán, Lucia Antuane, Flores Otoya, Brunela Belén 02 July 2019 (has links)
Actualmente, el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas es cada vez más frecuente, ya que se pronostican incrementos en 10% para los próximos años en la industria. Asimismo, este mercado posee una gran acogida en horarios nocturnos. Sin embargo, las licorerías como tiendas retail no pueden abastecer en horarios de madrugada, ya que la venta de estas se encuentra prohibida pasada las 11:00 pm, según norma legal, por lo que muchos clientes deben comprar estos productos horas previas a iniciar un evento o bien se les hace imposible encontrar un establecimiento abierto con disponibilidad de vender estas bebidas. Lo que puede generar incomodidad por no continuar la reunión como esperaban. Es así que el presente proyecto, aborda esta problemática enfocándose en personas jóvenes entre las edades de 18 – 39 años de los NSE A y B que residan en Lima Metropolitana. Mediante un servicio de entrega de bebidas alcohólicas en los horarios de jueves a sábado de 09:00 pm a 04:00 am. El equipo de trabajo escoge este público objetivo, ya que este posee la capacidad adquisitiva para pagar los precios establecidos por Sr. Shot y se encuentra a la vanguardia de la tecnología del comercio electrónico para estar en contacto con alguno de los canales de venta del negocio. Para la inversión inicial se requerirá del aporte de S/ 42,396 por parte de los accionistas, donde se recibirá un COK del 14.73% con un retorno de la inversión a partir del tercer año. / Nowadays, the consumption of alcoholic drinks are more frequently, as increases of 10% were predicted for the coming years in the industry. In addition, this market has a great reception at night hours. However, liquor stores such as retail stores cannot supply at dawn hours because the sale of them are prohibited after 11:00 pm, according to legal regulations, so many customers must buy those products before starting an event or they find it impossible to find an open establishment with availability to sell these drinks. What it can generate discomfort for not continuing the meeting how people expected. Thus, this project takes in consideration this problem focusing in young people between the ages of 18 - 39 years of socioeconomic level A and B residing in Metropolitan Lima. Through a service delivery of alcoholic drinks in the hours from Thursday to Saturday from 09:00 pm to 04:00 am. The work team chooses this target because it has the purchasing power to pay established prices of “Sr. Shot” and is at the forefront of E-commerce technology to be in contact with any of the sales channels of the business. For the initial investment, a contribution of S/. 137,722 will be required from the shareholders, where a COK of 14.73% will be received with a return on investment from the third year. / Trabajo de investigación

O beber alcoolizado: uma análise semântico-histórica de comerciais de bebidas alcoólicas / The alcoholic drinks: a semantic-historical analisis of the advertising discourse about alcohol

Cortopassi, Leonardo Luiz Figueira 28 March 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca analisar processos de produção de sentidos sobre bebidas alcoólicas, utilizando os princípios da Semântica Histórica da Enunciação e da Análise de Discurso. Os usos da língua e os sentidos relacionados às bebidas alcoólicas são socialmente relevantes porque a produção e o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas constituem um setor significativo da economia, além de seus aspectos culturais, ou seja, o consumo tradicional de bebidas alcoólicas em certas ocasiões sociais, a polêmica sobre saúde e álcool e o simbolismo de algumas bebidas como bebidas nacionais. Para realizar nosso objetivo, selecionamos e analisamos um corpus de comerciais brasileiros e britânicos de bebidas alcoólicas para TV. Notando que os comerciais constituem sentidos evidentemente positivos para as bebidas, também incluímos um corpus de textos jurídicos brasileiros e britânicos, cujos sentidos tendem a apresentar as bebidas alcoólicas como perigosas. Para a Semântica Histórica da Enunciação, o sentido é constituído numa interação social que é historicamente determinada. Assim, os conceitos de designação (o sentido de um nome como relação histórico-lingüística) e enunciação (o acontecimento constituído pelo uso da língua), são importantes para esta análise. Apoiamo-nos, também, no diálogo estabelecido entre a Semântica Histórica com a Análise de Discurso, que busca (entre outras conexões) explicar a constituição do sujeito como um posicionamento do sujeito no interdiscurso ou memória discursiva. Este é um estudo contrastivo. Há uma comparação do funcionamento semânticodiscursivo de comerciais de TV que são produzidos e assistidos em duas sociedades diferentes. Portanto, os efeitos de sentido são muito diversos em alguns casos e semelhantes em outros. No caso dos textos jurídicos sobre álcool, também há algumas diferenças. No contraste entre os comerciais brasileiros e britânicos, observamos variações claras no modo de constituição de algumas posições de sujeito. Por exemplo, as posições de sujeito para homem e mulher. A posição de sujeito do consumidor de bebida alcoólica também está presente nos comerciais. Ambos os corpora tendem a sugerir um consumo intenso, mas o fazem de modos distintos. Os comerciais brasileiros apresentam o ato de beber principalmente como parte de celebrações coletivas. Os britânicos enfatizam mais um beber individual e utilizam efeitos especiais com mais freqüência. Analisamos outros aspectos dos comerciais com a inclusão dos códigos de auto-regulamentação publicitária na análise. O discurso jurídico funciona como uma espécie de contraponto ao discurso publicitário sobre a bebida alcoólica. O conflito das leis com os comerciais é sugerido, pois as leis brasileiras e britânicas punem certos casos de consumo e venda de bebidas alcoólicas, embora as infrações a essas leis no Reino Unido pareçam ter conseqüências ligeiramente diferentes no Brasil. A produção de sentidos nos corpora que analisamos é variável. A constituição de sentidos depende (entre outras razões) das relações interdiscursivas que se estabelecem. Destarte, os papéis e relações entre os discursos que analisamos podem ser interpretados de outras formas. / This dissertation aims at analysing the production of meaning about alcoholic drinks relying on the principles of Historical Semantics of the Utterance as well as those of Discourse Analysis. Language uses and meanings related to alcoholic drinks are socially relevant, as the production and consumption of alcoholic drinks are part of a significant sector of the economy, besides other aspects, i. e., the traditionally established consumption of alcohol on certain social occasions, the controversy over health and alcohol and the symbolic positioning of some alcoholic beverages as national drinks. To fulfill our purpose we selected and analysed a corpus of Brazilian and British alcoholic drink TV ads. Upon realization that the ads attached overwhelmingly positive meanings to the drinks, we also included a corpus of Brazilian and British legal texts whose meanings about alcoholic drinks tend to present them as dangerous. For Historical Semantics of the Utterance, meaning is constituted out of social interaction which is historically determined. Thus, the concepts of designation (meaning of a name as a linguistic, historical relation) and utterance production (the \"happening\" constituted by the use of language) are important for this analysis. This historical semantics establishes a dialog with Discourse Analysis as it (among other connections) seeks to account for the constitution of the subject as the occupation of a position in the interdiscourse or discursive memory. This study is contrastive in nature. It compares the semantic and discursive functioning of TV ads that are produced and viewed in two different societies. Therefore the meaning effects are sometimes similar and sometimes greatly different. In the case of legal texts about alcohol there are also some differences. In the contrast between Brazilian and British TV ads, we could observe clear variation in the way some subject positions are constituted, for instance, the subject positions for man and woman. The subject position of alcohol consumer is also at stake in the ads. Both TV ad corpora tend to suggestively stimulate intense consumption, but they do so in different ways. The Brazilian ads present the act of drinking, mainly as part of collective celebrations, whereas the British ads place more emphasis on individual drinking and use visual effects more frequently. Some other features of the ads are heeded as the Brazilian and British advertising self-regulated codes are included in the analysis. The laws function as a kind of counter-discourse to the advertising discourse about alcohol. The conflict of the laws with the ads is suggested as Brazilian and British laws punish certain instances of alcohol consumption and sale, although the consequences of breaching these laws in the UK seem slightly different in Brazil. The meaning production about alcoholic drinks in the corpora that we analysed are variable as meaning in general depends on the interdiscursive relations which are established, so that the roles and relations between the discourses that we analysed can be interpreted in other ways.

Novas configurações na publicidade: análise do uso de estratégias e táticas diferenciadoras na publicidade de bebidas alcoólicas destiladas / New advertising configurations: the use of differentiative strategies and tactics in distilled spirits advertising

Custodio, Luciana Freitas 13 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:18:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Freitas Custodio.pdf: 5848193 bytes, checksum: f845a7dd73fdc508723e1c85cd62ae97 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-13 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This paper studies the distilled spirits ad announcers that, having their ads restricted by the Regulation (BRA) No 9.294 and by CONAR, search for alternative ways of communication and persuation of their targets. It were examined the differentiative strategies and tactics of communication used by those ad announcers, once it is forbidden to advertise that kind of drink on radio and television networks between six AM and nine PM. Also the advertising shall not link alcohol consumption to sports or to driving nor create the impression that the consumption of alcohol contributes towards a better performance of any activity or social and sexual success. To avoid these restrictions the ads had the intention to produce sensation of innovation and unconventionality towards an effective idea for brand communication and product selling. The starting point was the notion of the conventional media banalization such as television, outdoor, magazine advertisement, etc. and as a consequence the indifference of the receivers to those advertising messages that use traditional media. The research adopted concepts such as guerrilla marketing, coined by J. Conrad Levinson and the studies of Bauman about the consumption in Liquid Life . The Peircean Semiotic method from the point of view of Lucia Santaella was adopted to analyze the advertising campaign in the last chapter. The corpus analysis is composed by campaigns that adopted differentiative communication strategies to communicate and promote the distilled spirits during the period 2000-2009 / Este trabalho estuda os anunciantes de bebidas alcoólicas destiladas que, tendo sua propaganda regulada pela Lei n° 9.294 e pelo CONAR procuram formas alternativas para comunicar e persuadir o público-alvo. Examinaram-se as estratégias e táticas diferenciadoras de comunicação utilizadas por estes anunciantes, uma vez que a veiculação nas emissoras de rádio e televisão da propaganda dessas bebidas durante o período compreendido entre as seis e as vinte e uma horas é proibida, bem como a associação do consumo desses produtos ao esporte, à condução de veículos, ao desempenho saudável de qualquer atividade e a imagens ou idéias de maior êxito pessoal ou de melhor desempenho sexual. Para evitar essas proibições, os anúncios buscaram produzir sentidos de inovação e de inusitado, em direção a uma idéia eficaz para a comunicação de marcas e venda de produtos. Partiu-se da noção de um estado de banalização das mídias convencionais, como televisão, outdoors, anúncios impressos em revistas, etc. e a consequente indiferença dos receptores a estas mensagens publicitárias veiculadas nos meios tradicionais. A pesquisa adotou conceitos, como o de marketing de guerrilha, cunhado por J. Conrad Levinson e os estudos de Bauman sobre o consumo na Vida Líquida . Do ponto de vista metodológico, na análise da campanha publicitária no último capítulo, foi empregada a semiótica peirceana, sob o ponto de vista de Lucia Santaella. O corpus de análise é composto por campanhas que adotaram estratégias de comunicação diferenciadas para comunicar e promover as bebidas alcoólicas destiladas no período de 2000 a 2009

O beber alcoolizado: uma análise semântico-histórica de comerciais de bebidas alcoólicas / The alcoholic drinks: a semantic-historical analisis of the advertising discourse about alcohol

Leonardo Luiz Figueira Cortopassi 28 March 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca analisar processos de produção de sentidos sobre bebidas alcoólicas, utilizando os princípios da Semântica Histórica da Enunciação e da Análise de Discurso. Os usos da língua e os sentidos relacionados às bebidas alcoólicas são socialmente relevantes porque a produção e o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas constituem um setor significativo da economia, além de seus aspectos culturais, ou seja, o consumo tradicional de bebidas alcoólicas em certas ocasiões sociais, a polêmica sobre saúde e álcool e o simbolismo de algumas bebidas como bebidas nacionais. Para realizar nosso objetivo, selecionamos e analisamos um corpus de comerciais brasileiros e britânicos de bebidas alcoólicas para TV. Notando que os comerciais constituem sentidos evidentemente positivos para as bebidas, também incluímos um corpus de textos jurídicos brasileiros e britânicos, cujos sentidos tendem a apresentar as bebidas alcoólicas como perigosas. Para a Semântica Histórica da Enunciação, o sentido é constituído numa interação social que é historicamente determinada. Assim, os conceitos de designação (o sentido de um nome como relação histórico-lingüística) e enunciação (o acontecimento constituído pelo uso da língua), são importantes para esta análise. Apoiamo-nos, também, no diálogo estabelecido entre a Semântica Histórica com a Análise de Discurso, que busca (entre outras conexões) explicar a constituição do sujeito como um posicionamento do sujeito no interdiscurso ou memória discursiva. Este é um estudo contrastivo. Há uma comparação do funcionamento semânticodiscursivo de comerciais de TV que são produzidos e assistidos em duas sociedades diferentes. Portanto, os efeitos de sentido são muito diversos em alguns casos e semelhantes em outros. No caso dos textos jurídicos sobre álcool, também há algumas diferenças. No contraste entre os comerciais brasileiros e britânicos, observamos variações claras no modo de constituição de algumas posições de sujeito. Por exemplo, as posições de sujeito para homem e mulher. A posição de sujeito do consumidor de bebida alcoólica também está presente nos comerciais. Ambos os corpora tendem a sugerir um consumo intenso, mas o fazem de modos distintos. Os comerciais brasileiros apresentam o ato de beber principalmente como parte de celebrações coletivas. Os britânicos enfatizam mais um beber individual e utilizam efeitos especiais com mais freqüência. Analisamos outros aspectos dos comerciais com a inclusão dos códigos de auto-regulamentação publicitária na análise. O discurso jurídico funciona como uma espécie de contraponto ao discurso publicitário sobre a bebida alcoólica. O conflito das leis com os comerciais é sugerido, pois as leis brasileiras e britânicas punem certos casos de consumo e venda de bebidas alcoólicas, embora as infrações a essas leis no Reino Unido pareçam ter conseqüências ligeiramente diferentes no Brasil. A produção de sentidos nos corpora que analisamos é variável. A constituição de sentidos depende (entre outras razões) das relações interdiscursivas que se estabelecem. Destarte, os papéis e relações entre os discursos que analisamos podem ser interpretados de outras formas. / This dissertation aims at analysing the production of meaning about alcoholic drinks relying on the principles of Historical Semantics of the Utterance as well as those of Discourse Analysis. Language uses and meanings related to alcoholic drinks are socially relevant, as the production and consumption of alcoholic drinks are part of a significant sector of the economy, besides other aspects, i. e., the traditionally established consumption of alcohol on certain social occasions, the controversy over health and alcohol and the symbolic positioning of some alcoholic beverages as national drinks. To fulfill our purpose we selected and analysed a corpus of Brazilian and British alcoholic drink TV ads. Upon realization that the ads attached overwhelmingly positive meanings to the drinks, we also included a corpus of Brazilian and British legal texts whose meanings about alcoholic drinks tend to present them as dangerous. For Historical Semantics of the Utterance, meaning is constituted out of social interaction which is historically determined. Thus, the concepts of designation (meaning of a name as a linguistic, historical relation) and utterance production (the \"happening\" constituted by the use of language) are important for this analysis. This historical semantics establishes a dialog with Discourse Analysis as it (among other connections) seeks to account for the constitution of the subject as the occupation of a position in the interdiscourse or discursive memory. This study is contrastive in nature. It compares the semantic and discursive functioning of TV ads that are produced and viewed in two different societies. Therefore the meaning effects are sometimes similar and sometimes greatly different. In the case of legal texts about alcohol there are also some differences. In the contrast between Brazilian and British TV ads, we could observe clear variation in the way some subject positions are constituted, for instance, the subject positions for man and woman. The subject position of alcohol consumer is also at stake in the ads. Both TV ad corpora tend to suggestively stimulate intense consumption, but they do so in different ways. The Brazilian ads present the act of drinking, mainly as part of collective celebrations, whereas the British ads place more emphasis on individual drinking and use visual effects more frequently. Some other features of the ads are heeded as the Brazilian and British advertising self-regulated codes are included in the analysis. The laws function as a kind of counter-discourse to the advertising discourse about alcohol. The conflict of the laws with the ads is suggested as Brazilian and British laws punish certain instances of alcohol consumption and sale, although the consequences of breaching these laws in the UK seem slightly different in Brazil. The meaning production about alcoholic drinks in the corpora that we analysed are variable as meaning in general depends on the interdiscursive relations which are established, so that the roles and relations between the discourses that we analysed can be interpreted in other ways.

Creación de Piscos Macerados – YAKU / Creation of Macerated Piscos - YAKU

Delgado Huambachano, Carlos Alberto, Fernández Córdova, Vanessa Stefany, Luque Lara, Giovanna Vanessa, Medina Orezano, Amador Enrique 18 July 2021 (has links)
El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es desarrollar y evaluar la factibilidad del negocio de delivery de macerados de piscos denominados: MACERADOS YAKU, el creciente consumo de bebidas alcohólicas de diferente origen y tipo, nos ha impulsado a elaborar este proyecto de negocio, cuyos insumos son frutas y hierbas netamente peruanas. En una primera etapa ofreceremos nuestro servicio a personas que residan o laboren en los distritos de San Isidro, Miraflores, San Borja, Surco y La Molina, el medio a utilizar para la comercialización será a través de una página web y App, las cuales ofrecen la alternativa de personalizar tanto el contenido como la presentación del producto. Nuestra estrategia de ventas hará énfasis en festividades, meses de verano, celebraciones por fiestas patrias, año nuevo y fin de año, entre otros, es un hecho demostrable el alza en ventas de productos en nuestro rubro, lo cual nos da un impulso extra y seguridad en nuestras operaciones de crecimiento. Nuestra principal preocupación será asegurarnos de la calidad de los productos, insumos e ingredientes, así como la eficiencia en el desarrollo de procesos, garantizando así un producto de calidad y a su vez clientes satisfechos. Consideramos este proyecto como un negocio con proyecciones de crecimiento que dejará ganancias, nuestros estudios indican flujos de caja y ratios de rentabilidad positivos lo que garantizará seguridad a los inversionistas, podemos calificar este proyecto como sustentable y viable para poner en marcha. / The objective of this research work is to develop and evaluate the feasibility of the pisco macerated delivery business called: MACERADOS YAKU, the growing consumption of alcoholic beverages of different origin and type, has prompted us to develop this business project, whose inputs they are distinctly Peruvian fruits and herbs. In a first stage we will offer our service to people who reside or work in the districts of San Isidro, Miraflores, San Borja, Surco and La Molina, the means to use for marketing will be through a web page and App, which offer the alternative of customizing both the content and the presentation of the product. Our sales strategy will emphasize holidays, summer months, celebrations for national holidays, the New Year and the end of the year, among others, it is a demonstrable fact the increase in sales of products in our field, which gives us an extra boost and safety in our growth operations. Our main concern will be to ensure the quality of the products, supplies and ingredients, as well as the efficiency in the development of processes, thus guaranteeing a quality product and at the same time satisfied customers. We consider this project as a business with growth projections that will leave profits, our studies indicate cash flows and positive profitability ratios which will guarantee security to investors, we can qualify this project as sustainable and viable to start up. / Trabajo de investigación

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