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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A qualidade do atletismo de alta competição em Portugal-estudo da satisfação de atletas e treinadores

Matos, António Jorge Afonso Abreu January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Federação Portuguesa de Hóquei-estudo de caso

Oliveira, José Alípio Ferreira de January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Collaborative regional organisational networks : cultivating regional knowledge diffusion to become globally competitive

Fourie, Colin Ralph 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The thesis takes as its focus collaborative regional organisational networks. It is argued that in knowledge intensive sectors, such collaboration clusters are an important factor for being competitive in a global economy. To substantiate this claim, both a regional case study of the KwaZulu-Natal Information and Communications and Electronics Technology (ICTE) cluster forum is undertaken and a single firm case of MicroVision Software, a member of the cluster forum. The introductory chapter provides background about the global extent of collaborative activity especially in the high technology and knowledge-intensive sectors. Chapter 2 examines how regions across the world have developed strategies to grow and maintain their economic strengths in the knowledge economy. This is primarily described through two reference cases studies. The case of the Humberside Training and Enterprise Council (TEC) conducted by Fryer, comprising around 70 organisations, is an example of how the principles of complexity theory can be implemented to yield a network model based on autonomy, connectivity, feedback, community and leadership. This case provides a reference model for how to provide an enabling environment for collaborative knowledge networks. The flat panel display (FPD) research done by Spencer demonstrates the effectiveness of successful regional strategies for convergent, knowledge-diffusion networks. Spencer’s work shows that whilst most FPD technologies were initially invented in US laboratories in the 1960s, all portable computers produced after 1989 contained Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screens that were primarily manufactured in Asia. Spencer found that regions were most competitive when the regional knowledge-diffusion networks are at their highest density levels and when guided by a strategic centre. Chapter 3 turns to the macro case study of the KZN ICTE Cluster Forum. The forum was established to address factors identified in a study commissioned by the KZN DEDT, which found that whilst the electronics sector in KZN has many innovative firms and skilful graduates, knowledge diffusion networks are virtually non-existent. The case study shows how this forum tried to encourage collaboration, but failed to accomplish most of its goals. Chapter 4 provides a micro case study of a particular organisation, MicroVision Software, that participated in the KZN ICTE Cluster Forum. The case takes the form of participatory or action research, because it is about the author's own journey as an entrepreneur. The case study shows the critical role that network ties and networked organisation played in the projects undertaken. It is shown how the organisation underwent many phases of re-invention as a result of changes in the ICT environment. It is argued that the various education management systems developed, which involve large systems integration challenges, can only succeed if a clustered organisation is developed around it. The concluding chapter considered how the ICTE Cluster Forum could be re-invigorated, given the lessons from the reference case studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis fokus op organisatoriese streeksamewerkingsnetwerke. Hierin word daar argumenteer dat in kennis intensiewe sektore in die globale ekonomie sulke samewerkingsnetwerke ‘n sentrale kompeterende faktor is. Om hierdie stelling te bevestig word twee gevallestudies ondersoek, naamlik die KwaZulu-Natal Information and Communications and Electronics Technology (ICTE) groepsforum en ‘n enkele firma, MicroVision Software, wat ‘n lid is van hierdie forum. Die inleidende hoofstuk skets die agtergrond van die globale omvang van samewerkingsnetwerke met die klem op die hoë tegnologie- en kennis- intensiewe sektore. Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek hoe streke wêreldwyd strategieë ontwikkel het om hulle ekonomieë te groei en hulle ekonomiese voordeel te handhaaf in die kennis- ekonomie. Dit word hoofsaaklik beskryf met die hulp van twee gevallestudies wat as verwysingspunt dien vir die latere gevallestudies wat uitgevoer is. Die geval van Humberside Training and Enterprise Council (TEC), ‘n ondersoek van ongeveer 70 organisasies deur Fryer, is ‘n voorbeeld van hoe die beginsels van kompleksiteitsteorie geimplimenteer kan word om ‘n netwerkmodel te vestig wat geskoei is op outonomie, konneksies, terugvoerlusse, en leierskap. Die geval bied ‘n verwysingsraamwerk vir die skep van ‘n vrugbare omgewing vir samewerkende kennisnetwerke. Die platpaneelskerm (Flat Panel Display) industrie navorsing deur Spencer demonsteer die effektiwiteit van suksesvolle streekstrategieë vir uiteenlopende, kennisgebaseerde verspreidingsnetwerke. Spencer se werk illustreer dat alhoewel die meeste platpaneelskerm-navorsing aanvanklik in Amerikaanse laboratoria plaasgevind het, alle skootrekenaars wat na 1989 vervaardig is, vloeikristalskerms (LCD) wat van Asië afkomstig was bevat het. Spencer het bevind dat areas hoogs kompeterend was wanneer kennisgebaseerde verspreidingsnetwerke op sy hoogste digtheidsvlakke was en deur ‘n strategiese sentrum bestuur is. Hoofstuk 3 fokus op die makro gevallestudie van die KZN ICTE groepsforum. Die forum is gestig om kwessies wat geїdentifiseer is in ‘n studie aangevra deur die KZN DEDT aan te spreek. Dié studie het bevind dat alhoewel die elektronika sektor in KZN bestaan uit baie innoverende firmas en bedien is deur bekwame graduandi, het kennisgebaseerde verspreidingsnetwerke feitlik nie bestaan nie. Die studie toon hoe hierdie forum samewerking aangemoedig het, maar tog gefaal het in die meeste van sy doelwitte. Hoofstuk 4 bied ‘n mikro gevallestudie van ‘n spesifieke maatskappy, Microvision Software, wat deel was van die KZN ICTE groepsforum. Dit handel oor die outeur se eie wedervaringe as ‘n entrepreneur en is dus aksie navorsing. Dié gevallestudie belig die kritiese rol wat netwerke gespeel het in die sukses van die projekte wat die maatskappy onderneem het. Dit wys hoe die maatskappy verskillende fases van herontdekking en herposisionering as gevolg van voortdurende verandering in die inligtingstegnologie-landskap ondergaan het. Daar word geargumenteer dat die verskeie opvoedkundige bestuurstelsels ,wat grootskaalse integrasieuitdagings bied, slegs suksesvol kan wees wanneer daar ‘n samewerkingsnetwerk daar rondom gevestig word. Die finale hoofstuk oorweeg die moontlikhede van herlewing en bemagtiging van die ICTE groepsforum.

Alianças estratégicas de bancos com seguradoras no Brasil : análise de cinco casos

Pagnussatt, Vinícius January 2010 (has links)
O avanço da consolidação nos setores bancário e segurador brasileiro, o acirramento da concorrência com a disputa pela liderança, as mudanças regulatórias e a crescente participação dos seguros no resultado dos conglomerados bancários têm estimulado a revisão das estratégias de atuação pelos bancos. Dentro desta perspectiva, as alianças estratégicas com seguradoras surgem como um importante meio para alcançar vantagem competitiva. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e analisar as características das alianças estratégicas entre empresas dos setores bancário e segurador no Brasil. Neste contexto, foram mapeados os tipos de alianças e as principais movimentações ocorridas após o Plano Real, em 1994. Para identificar os objetivos e fatores motivadores das diferentes alternativas de alianças, os critérios utilizados para seleção dos parceiros e as principais características destas operações foram realizados estudos de casos em cinco instituições. O método de estudo de casos foi escolhido por mais se adequar ao tipo de questões formuladas, “como” e “por que”. Complementarmente, foram utilizadas fontes secundárias de dados, visando dar maior consistência aos resultados obtidos nos estudos de casos. Os resultados evidenciam o domínio do mercado segurador brasileiro pelas seguradoras controladas por conglomerados bancários, especialmente nos segmentos com maior afinidade com os produtos e serviços bancários: previdência, capitalização e seguro de pessoas. Os resultados também sugerem fatores que influenciam as alternativas de atuação pelos bancos através de: seguradoras próprias, participações acionárias, joint ventures, acordos de cooperação exclusivos ou acordos com diversas seguradoras. As alianças estratégicas com seguradoras são uma alternativa especialmente relevante para os bancos que não dispõem de recursos, tecnologia ou a escala necessária para atuar, de maneira competitiva, com seguradoras próprias. / The progress of consolidation in the banking and insurance in Brazil, the increase in competition with the leadership contest, the regulatory changes and the increasing participation of insurance in the outcome of banking conglomerates have encouraged the review of strategies by banks. Within this perspective, strategic alliances with insurers emerge as an important means to achieve competitive advantage. This paper aims to describe and analyze the characteristics of strategic alliances between banks and insurers in Brazil. Thus, were mapped the types of alliances and major movements occurred after the Real Plan, in 1994. To identify the goals and motivating factors of the alternative alliances, the criteria used for selection of partners and the main characteristics of these operations were carried out case studies at five institutions. The case study method was chosen because it most fit the type of questions, "how" and "why". In addition, were used secondary data sources in order to give greater consistency to the results obtained in the case studies. The results show the dominance of the Brazilian insurance market by insurance companies controlled by banking conglomerates, especially in segments with higher affinity for the financial services: retirement savings, “capitalization” (combines lottery-based drawings with an incentive savings product) and life insurance. The results also suggest factors that influence the choices of action by the banks through: own insurance companies, equity investments, joint ventures, exclusive cooperation agreements or agreements with several insurers. Strategic alliances with insurance companies are an alternative especially relevant for banks that lack the resources, technology or scale needed to operate in a competitive manner, with insurers themselves.

Alianças estratégicas de bancos com seguradoras no Brasil : análise de cinco casos

Pagnussatt, Vinícius January 2010 (has links)
O avanço da consolidação nos setores bancário e segurador brasileiro, o acirramento da concorrência com a disputa pela liderança, as mudanças regulatórias e a crescente participação dos seguros no resultado dos conglomerados bancários têm estimulado a revisão das estratégias de atuação pelos bancos. Dentro desta perspectiva, as alianças estratégicas com seguradoras surgem como um importante meio para alcançar vantagem competitiva. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e analisar as características das alianças estratégicas entre empresas dos setores bancário e segurador no Brasil. Neste contexto, foram mapeados os tipos de alianças e as principais movimentações ocorridas após o Plano Real, em 1994. Para identificar os objetivos e fatores motivadores das diferentes alternativas de alianças, os critérios utilizados para seleção dos parceiros e as principais características destas operações foram realizados estudos de casos em cinco instituições. O método de estudo de casos foi escolhido por mais se adequar ao tipo de questões formuladas, “como” e “por que”. Complementarmente, foram utilizadas fontes secundárias de dados, visando dar maior consistência aos resultados obtidos nos estudos de casos. Os resultados evidenciam o domínio do mercado segurador brasileiro pelas seguradoras controladas por conglomerados bancários, especialmente nos segmentos com maior afinidade com os produtos e serviços bancários: previdência, capitalização e seguro de pessoas. Os resultados também sugerem fatores que influenciam as alternativas de atuação pelos bancos através de: seguradoras próprias, participações acionárias, joint ventures, acordos de cooperação exclusivos ou acordos com diversas seguradoras. As alianças estratégicas com seguradoras são uma alternativa especialmente relevante para os bancos que não dispõem de recursos, tecnologia ou a escala necessária para atuar, de maneira competitiva, com seguradoras próprias. / The progress of consolidation in the banking and insurance in Brazil, the increase in competition with the leadership contest, the regulatory changes and the increasing participation of insurance in the outcome of banking conglomerates have encouraged the review of strategies by banks. Within this perspective, strategic alliances with insurers emerge as an important means to achieve competitive advantage. This paper aims to describe and analyze the characteristics of strategic alliances between banks and insurers in Brazil. Thus, were mapped the types of alliances and major movements occurred after the Real Plan, in 1994. To identify the goals and motivating factors of the alternative alliances, the criteria used for selection of partners and the main characteristics of these operations were carried out case studies at five institutions. The case study method was chosen because it most fit the type of questions, "how" and "why". In addition, were used secondary data sources in order to give greater consistency to the results obtained in the case studies. The results show the dominance of the Brazilian insurance market by insurance companies controlled by banking conglomerates, especially in segments with higher affinity for the financial services: retirement savings, “capitalization” (combines lottery-based drawings with an incentive savings product) and life insurance. The results also suggest factors that influence the choices of action by the banks through: own insurance companies, equity investments, joint ventures, exclusive cooperation agreements or agreements with several insurers. Strategic alliances with insurance companies are an alternative especially relevant for banks that lack the resources, technology or scale needed to operate in a competitive manner, with insurers themselves.

“Friendship Jealousy”: An (Overlooked) Emotion for Friendship Maintenance?

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Friendships make us happy, keep us healthy, and can even facilitate our reproductive fitness. But most friendships are not forever—even when we want them to be. How do people maintain valued friendships? I propose that “friendship jealousy” arises when people perceive others as posing threats to valued friendships, and that this response can function to prevent friendship loss and friend defection. In preliminary experiments, I tested predictions derived from this functional view. As predicted, I found, first, that friendship jealousy is calibrated to friend value. Second, friendship jealousy predicts intentions to “friend guard” (i.e., engage in behavior to protect the friendship). Third, friendship jealousy has sex-differentiated features, which are consistent with sex differences in friendship structures and ancestral friendship functions. The present work pits against one another intuitive and functional predictions as to what drives friendship jealousy. Although intuition might lead one to expect greater jealousy when a friend spends more time with a new person, a functional view suggests greater jealousy when that new person threatens to fulfill the same function for one’s friend that one is currently fulfilling (i.e., to “replace” him/her). Preliminary studies revealed that greater friendship jealousy is evoked when friends form new same-sex friendships (which presumably pose greater replacement threat, but lesser time threat) versus new romantic relationships (which presumably pose lesser replacement threat, but greater time threat). The focal experiment explicitly and experimentally manipulates a version of “replacement threat” (whether the best friend “chooses” the new friend over you) and “time threat” (how much time the best friend spends with the new friend). In line with functional predictions, the amount of time the best friend spends with a new friend drives friendship jealousy—but only when direct information about replacement threat is unavailable. Regardless of the time threat posed, participants report high friendship jealousy when replacement threat is high, and low friendship jealousy when replacement threat is low. Results imply that friendship jealousy is calibrated to replacement threat (over time threat). Overall, findings suggest that friendship jealousy might be a functional response aimed at facilitating friendship maintenance. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Psychology 2018

Alianças estratégicas de bancos com seguradoras no Brasil : análise de cinco casos

Pagnussatt, Vinícius January 2010 (has links)
O avanço da consolidação nos setores bancário e segurador brasileiro, o acirramento da concorrência com a disputa pela liderança, as mudanças regulatórias e a crescente participação dos seguros no resultado dos conglomerados bancários têm estimulado a revisão das estratégias de atuação pelos bancos. Dentro desta perspectiva, as alianças estratégicas com seguradoras surgem como um importante meio para alcançar vantagem competitiva. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e analisar as características das alianças estratégicas entre empresas dos setores bancário e segurador no Brasil. Neste contexto, foram mapeados os tipos de alianças e as principais movimentações ocorridas após o Plano Real, em 1994. Para identificar os objetivos e fatores motivadores das diferentes alternativas de alianças, os critérios utilizados para seleção dos parceiros e as principais características destas operações foram realizados estudos de casos em cinco instituições. O método de estudo de casos foi escolhido por mais se adequar ao tipo de questões formuladas, “como” e “por que”. Complementarmente, foram utilizadas fontes secundárias de dados, visando dar maior consistência aos resultados obtidos nos estudos de casos. Os resultados evidenciam o domínio do mercado segurador brasileiro pelas seguradoras controladas por conglomerados bancários, especialmente nos segmentos com maior afinidade com os produtos e serviços bancários: previdência, capitalização e seguro de pessoas. Os resultados também sugerem fatores que influenciam as alternativas de atuação pelos bancos através de: seguradoras próprias, participações acionárias, joint ventures, acordos de cooperação exclusivos ou acordos com diversas seguradoras. As alianças estratégicas com seguradoras são uma alternativa especialmente relevante para os bancos que não dispõem de recursos, tecnologia ou a escala necessária para atuar, de maneira competitiva, com seguradoras próprias. / The progress of consolidation in the banking and insurance in Brazil, the increase in competition with the leadership contest, the regulatory changes and the increasing participation of insurance in the outcome of banking conglomerates have encouraged the review of strategies by banks. Within this perspective, strategic alliances with insurers emerge as an important means to achieve competitive advantage. This paper aims to describe and analyze the characteristics of strategic alliances between banks and insurers in Brazil. Thus, were mapped the types of alliances and major movements occurred after the Real Plan, in 1994. To identify the goals and motivating factors of the alternative alliances, the criteria used for selection of partners and the main characteristics of these operations were carried out case studies at five institutions. The case study method was chosen because it most fit the type of questions, "how" and "why". In addition, were used secondary data sources in order to give greater consistency to the results obtained in the case studies. The results show the dominance of the Brazilian insurance market by insurance companies controlled by banking conglomerates, especially in segments with higher affinity for the financial services: retirement savings, “capitalization” (combines lottery-based drawings with an incentive savings product) and life insurance. The results also suggest factors that influence the choices of action by the banks through: own insurance companies, equity investments, joint ventures, exclusive cooperation agreements or agreements with several insurers. Strategic alliances with insurance companies are an alternative especially relevant for banks that lack the resources, technology or scale needed to operate in a competitive manner, with insurers themselves.

Integração da cadeia de suprimentos no Brasil: um estudo em empresas de grande porte / Supply chain integration in Brazil: a study in large companies

Fernando Scandiuzzi 14 December 2011 (has links)
As empresas enfrentam hoje um ambiente complexo e altamente competitivo, com os consumidores cada vez mais exigentes e os ciclos de vida dos produtos cada vez menores. Para reagir a estas forças, são necessárias mudanças radicais nas organizações, de forma a tornarem as empresas mais competitivas. Entretanto, os recursos e competências para que isto ocorra são frequentemente difíceis de serem obtidos por uma única empresa. Neste contexto, para se manterem competitivas, as empresas buscaram juntar esforços para conseguirem uma maior coordenação e colaboração entre os parceiros na cadeia de suprimentos em uma abordagem chamada Gerenciamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos (Supply Chain Management). Na literatura estudada, enquanto vários autores afirmaram que uma maior integração entre as empresas participantes de uma cadeia resulta em melhores desempenhos para estas empresas, outros mostraram que os benefícios dessa integração não puderam ser confirmados. Por outro lado, alguns autores afirmaram que os benefícios deveriam ocorrer por toda a cadeia e não apenas para algumas empresas participantes. Neste contexto, torna-se claro a importância da mensuração do desempenho, tanto das empresas como das cadeias as quais elas pertencem, e também relacioná-lo com o nível de integração da cadeia. Assim, este presente trabalho estudou a relação entre a integração da cadeia de suprimentos e o desempenho, tanto das empresas isoladamente quanto da cadeia como um todo, de empresas nacionais de grande porte. O presente estudo é do tipo quantitativo e descritivo, utilizando o método de levantamento (survey) transversal auto-administrado, onde o questionário ficou disponível on line. Foram estudadas 135 empresas, de 13 setores diferentes, selecionadas por uma amostragem não-probabilística por julgamento. Os dados obtidos foram analisados de duas formas: na primeira forma foi utilizada a Análise Fatorial (para reduzir os número de variáveis) seguido pela análise por Regressão Linear (para verificar a relação entre os constructos) e na segunda forma a análise foi realizada pela técnica de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (Structural Equation Modeling - SEM). Foram propostas três hipóteses a serem verificadas - Hipótese 1 (H1): Existe uma relação positiva entre integração da cadeia de suprimentos e desempenho organizacional individual; Hipótese 2 (H2): Existe uma relação positiva entre integração da cadeia de suprimentos e desempenho global da cadeia de suprimentos e a Hipótese 3 (H3): Existe uma relação positiva entre desempenho organizacional individual e desempenho global da cadeia de suprimentos. Como resultado final, as três hipóteses foram confirmadas, tanto pela Análise de Regressão, quanto pela Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Também verificou-se o comportamento dos três constructos de acordo com os setores estudados. Observou-se a existência de diferença de entre os setores apenas para o constructo \"integração da cadeia de suprimentos\". Assim, os setores estudados são estatisticamente semelhantes nos constructos \"desempenho individual\" e \"desempenho da cadeia de suprimentos\". / Today, companies face a complex and highly competitive environment, with consumers increasingly more demanding and products life cycles shrinking. To fight these forces, radical changes are needed in organizations in order to make companies more competitive. However, the resources and skills for this are often difficult to obtain by a single company. In this context, to remain competitive, companies have joined efforts to achieve greater coordination and collaboration among supply chain partners in an approach called Supply Chain Management. The literature, while several authors stated that further integration among the companies of a chain results in better performance for them, others have shown that the benefits of integration could not be confirmed. On the other hand, some authors stated that the benefits should occur throughout the chain and not just for some participating companies. In this context, it is clear the importance of performance measurement, both businesses and chains which they belong, and also relate it to the level of integration of the chain. Thus, this present work studied the relationship between supply chain integration and performance, both individually and corporate chain as a whole, of large national companies. This study is quantitative and descriptive, using the method of transverse self-administered survey, that the questionnaire was available online. We studied 135 companies from 13 different sectors, selected by a non-probability sampling for trial. Data obtained were analyzed in two ways: first a Factor Analysis was used (to reduce the number of variables) followed by linear regression analysis (to check the relationship between the constructs) and the second way the analysis was performed using the technique Structural Equation Modeling - SEM. We proposed three hypotheses to be verified - Hypothesis 1 (H1): There is a positive relationship between supply chain integration of organizational and individual performance; Hypothesis 2 (H2): There is a positive relationship between supply chain integration and overall performance of the chain supply and Hypothesis 3 (H3): There is a positive relationship between individual organizational performance and global performance of the supply chain. As a final result, the three hypotheses were confirmed, both by Regression Analysis, and by Structural Equation Modeling. It was observed the behavior of the three constructs according to the sectors studied. It was observed that there are differences between sectors only for the construct \"integration of the supply chain.\" Thus, the sectors studied are statistically similar in constructs \"individual performance\" and \"supply chain performance.\"

Partnering for engineering construction projects

Baloyi, Mukelani Aubrey 16 January 2012 (has links)
M.Phil. / Procurement, design and construction of an engineering or building project is a process that involves the broadest range of engineering and construction skills. There are risks throughout that can lead to a strategy that cannot succeed in terms of time, cost effectiveness, quality and profitability. There are also various contracting approaches employed in both building and engineering construction projects. Each has its own advantages, disadvantages, degree of flexibility, incentives and allocation of risks. A risk profile leads to important aspects considered in selecting a suitable contracting strategy for a construction project. The risk considered includes among others the design and functionality, variations, errors and/or omissions, budget overruns, price fluctuations, project timing, change in quantities, design and construction defects, etc (Morton and Jagger, 1995). In South Africa's tradition, the responsibilities of design and construction of projects have been separated, where the contractors undertake to provide the works in accordance with employer's and/or employer's agent's design and specifications. Disadvantages of this strategy include among others the fact that the design and specifications may not suit the construction process in terms of time cost savings. More than often this approach results in an adversarial relationship between the professional team and the contractor, and between professional team members. Globally, especially in developed countries, projects were executed using design and build strategy (Construction world, April 2006). This is an arrangement whereby the contractor assumes the responsibility of producing the design and the works. Recently the construction industry has been experiencing an unprecedented high level of economic growth both locally and in the global arena. In an attempt by construction stakeholders to redefine the approach to contracting to facilitate delivery, partnering evolved to bring all parties together to form common goals, to integrate design and construction into a collaborative working by involving contractors at an earlier stage, to set up mechanisms to resolve disputes and to share the risk and rewards of projects (Gould and Joyce, 2003).

The alliances of a regional power : the case of Syria, 1970-1989

Belcastro, Francesco January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this dissertation is the alliances of a regional power. The framework used to explain this central aspect of International Relations is the realist one, and particularly the work of the Classical Realist Arnold Wolfers. The regional, state and domestic dimension are integrated in order to provide an “updated realist” interpretation of alliances, why states form them, maintain them or break them. This dissertation seeks to recover the concept of state's goals that was central to Classical Realism and then “abandoned” when Neorealism became the dominant Realist paradigm. The case studies used in this research is Syria during the 1970-1989 phase and particularly five pivotal relations: the Egypt 1973 war alliance, the 1978 failed détente with Iraq, the 1979 Damascus-Tehran alliance, the regional client-superpower alliance with the USSR and finally the relation with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. By analysing Syria's foreign policy and particularly these five relations this dissertation show how a framework based on realism provides a coherent and insightful interpretation of a regional power's foreign policy.

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