Spelling suggestions: "subject:"allotment"" "subject:"allotments""
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Dinâmica sócio-espacial no loteamento Santa Terezinha em Porto Alegre/RS: entre a aparente permanência e a tênue mudançaSantos, Emilio Luis Silva Dos January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo central desta pesquisa é analisar a dinâmica sócio-espacial do Loteamento Santa Terezinha (antiga Vila Central dos Papeleiros e Vila da Ponte), no bairro Floresta em Porto Alegre/RS no período de 2006 a 2017, como forma de contribuir para o maior conhecimento da realidade de comunidades carentes e subsidiar futuras políticas públicas de inserção social em escala municipal. O Loteamento Santa Terezinha é constituído por 277 unidades residenciais na categoria habitação social e está localizado na área próxima ao centro de Porto Alegre. A gênese do Loteamento Santa Terezinha ocorre no início dos anos de 1980, como um aglomerado de casebres que vai se formando sob uma passagem de nível da avenida da Legalidade e da Democracia (antiga avenida Castelo Branco), crescendo e se expandindo para áreas adjacentes e formando o que se chamou na época de Vila dos Papeleiros, devido às atividades desenvolvidas por seus moradores, basicamente a coleta e triagem de papel, papelão e metais. O Loteamento Santa Terezinha foi formalmente entregue pela Prefeitura, através do Departamento Municipal de Habitação (DEMHAB), aos atuais moradores em 2006. A metodologia utilizada para obtenção dos dados deu-se, primeiramente, através da análise espacial com interpretação de fotografias aéreas e imagens de satélite de alta resolução como forma de se contemplar a dinâmica espacial do loteamento. Em uma segunda etapa, optou-se pela técnica de entrevistas com moradores, o que permitiu identificar as características do Loteamento Santa Terezinha pela percepção dos moradores entrevistados. Foram realizadas 30 entrevistas com moradores e quatro entrevistas com agentes externos (técnicos de saúde, voluntários e educadores). O modelo proposto foi o semiestruturado, pois permite uma flexibilidade maior em relação às respostas do entrevistado. Tendo um caráter qualitativo, muito embora tenha dados quantitativos (perfil socioeconômico dos entrevistados) que são complementares, optou-se por uma adaptação do método conhecido como análise de conteúdo para a interpretação e sistematização dos resultados. A partir da análise das unidades de registro, identificou-se cinco características dos moradores: ausência de liderança no Loteamento; resistência ao cooperativismo; ausência ou presença do Estado; pouca valorização da habitação ou casa e tráfico de drogas. Quando analisamos estas cinco características, que no seu conjunto formam um mosaico da realidade existente no Loteamento – evidenciando práticas espaciais que configuram e reconfiguram o espaço ao longo do tempo – podemos apontar para uma condição de dualidade entre permanência e mudança, dependendo da perspectiva do sujeito ou observador. Esta condição indica que, ao se olhar superficialmente para este espaço, não enxergamos alterações significativas ao longo dos anos, mas apenas a permanência da situação de enorme carência. Não obstante, as entrevistas com agentes externos revelam um otimismo quanto às melhorias nas condições de vida dos moradores desde a Vila dos Papeleiros até o momento atual, mas estas mudanças só são percebidas pelos que vivem o cotidiano do Loteamento, elas são graduais e muito lentas, imperceptíveis àqueles que só veem o Loteamento através da janela do ônibus, trem ou carro, ou do que é veiculado nos meios de comunicação. / The main goal of this research is to analyze the sociospatial dynamics of the Santa Terezinha Allotment (formerly known as Vila Central dos Papeleiros and Vila da Ponte), in the Floresta district of Porto Alegre/RS in the period from 2006 to 2017, as a way to contribute for a better understanding of the reality of underprivileged communities and subsidizing future public policies of social insertion in a municipal level. The Santa Terezinha Allotment is formed by 277 residential units categorized as social housing and it is located in an area near Porto Alegre’s downtown. The Santa Terezinha Allotment’s origins occur in the early 1980s, as a cluster of hovels that starts to form under a level crossing of the Legality and Democracy Avenue (formerly Castelo Branco Avenue), growing and expanding to adjacent areas and then forming what was called at that time as Vila dos Papeleiros, due to the activities performed by their residents, basically collecting and screening paper, cardboard, and metal. The Santa Terezinha Allotment was formally handed by the City Hall, through its Municipal Housing Department (DEMHAB), to the current residents in 2006. The methodology used to first retrieve data was a spatial analysis with the interpretation of aerial photographs and high-resolution satellite images as a way to contemplate the spatial dynamics of the Allotment. At a second stage, we opted by a technique of interviewing residents, which allowed us to identify some features of the Santa Terezinha Allotment through the perception of the interviewees. Thirty interviews were performed with residents and four interviews with external agents (health technicians, volunteers, and educators). The proposed model was semi-structured, because it allows more flexibility relative to the interviewee’s answers. As this is a qualitative research, although it also contains quantitative data (socioeconomic profile of the interviewees) that is complimentary, we opted by an adaptation of the method known as content analysis to interpret and systematize the results. Based on the analysis of the record units, we identified five features on the residents: lack of leadership in the Allotment; resistance to cooperative unions; absence or presence of the State; low appreciation of houses, and drug trafficking. When we analyze those five features, which together form a mosaic of the existing reality in the Allotment – emphasizing spatial techniques that configure and reconfigure space through time – we can point out to a condition of duality between permanence and change, depending on the perspective of the subject or observer. This condition indicates that, when looking superficially to that space, we do not see significant changes through the years, but only an enduring situation of people in need. However, the interviews with external agents reveal an optimism relative to the improvements in life conditions of the residents since the former Vila dos Papeleiros until now, but these changes are only perceived by those who live the Allotment’s daily routine, as they are gradual and very slow, imperceptible to those who only see the Allotment from a bus, car, or train window, or from what appears in the media.
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Sistemas de lazer e violência urbana: estudo da relação no município de Piracicaba-SP / Public open spaces and urban violence: study of its relationship in the municipality of Piracicaba - SPHelena Barone Freire 01 June 2005 (has links)
Esta pesquisa traz evidências sobre a relação entre a oferta de sistemas de lazer e a violência urbana, envolvendo crianças e adolescentes, no município de Piracicaba, estado de São Paulo. Em uma primeira etapa, definiu-se uma área de estudo através de dados de procedência de crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua, e de jovens infratores em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas, dados esses obtidos a partir de duas fontes indicadas pela Promotoria de Justiça da Infância e Juventude da Comarca de Piracicaba (projeto Acolhimento à criança e ao adolescente em situação de rua e organização não-governamental Serviço de Apoio ao Menor de Piracicaba - SEAME). Posteriormente, nessa área de estudo, analisou-se a disponibilidade e a situação atual dos sistemas de lazer à população local, e como tal, o Conjunto Habitacional Bosques do Lenheiro foi apontado para a realização desta pesquisa, por ser aquele de maior procedência de crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua - 34,5% do total analisado - e de jovens infratores em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas - 9,2% do total analisado. Este loteamento de interesse social caracterizou-se por ser o mais pobre da Região Norte do município, bastante populoso e com alta concentração de jovens, já que a faixa etária de 0 a 20 anos de idade representa quase 55% da população. Não há sistemas de lazer efetivamente implantados disponíveis aos moradores. Nenhuma das dez áreas públicas destinadas a esse fim recebeu algum tipo de tratamento pela Prefeitura, e estavam todas abandonadas. De maneira geral, a situação da arborização no loteamento mostrou-se crítica: além dos já referidos sistemas de lazer não implantados, as áreas de preservação permanente também não receberam a devida atenção e a arborização de ruas era praticamente inexistente. A revisão bibliográfica realizada neste estudo apontou para uma relação realmente consistente entre arborização, lazer e redução da violência, não só em países do Hemisfério Norte, como no Brasil. Embora a oferta de arborização e lazer representasse apenas uma pequena parcela das carências observadas na área de estudo, a implantação de sistemas de lazer poderia contribuir para que esta se tornasse, ambiental e socialmente, um local melhor para se viver. / This research brings evidence of the relationship between the availability of public open spaces and urban violence involving children and teenagers in the municipality of Piracicaba, São Paulo state. To start with, a study area was defined according to two data sources on violence made available by the public prosecutor of the judicial district of Piracicaba (project Shelter for children and teenagers in street situation and nongovernmental organization Service Support to the Underage of Piracicaba - SEAME) that showed where the neighborhoods children and teenagers in street situation and young offenders under alternative judicial sentence come from in the municipality. These findings analyzed the availability and actual situation of public open spaces for the population residing in that area. The Conjunto Habitacional Bosques do Lenheiro was identified in this research as the study area because this is the place most of the children and teenagers in street situation - 34,5% of the total analyzed - and young offenders under alternative judicial sentence - 9,2% of the total analyzed - came from. This social interest allotment was characterized as the poorest place in the North region in the municipality, very populated and its residents since the age between 0 to 20 years old represents almost 55% of the population. It was found that no public open spaces had been made available for the population. The ten areas that the local government was supposed to deal with, were abandoned. In addition, urban forestry in this allotment was very low: beyond those not implanted public open spaces, the planting along the permanent preservation areas had not been implemented and street trees were almost nonexistent. The literature reviewed in this research showed a consistent relationship between urban forestry, leisure and violence reduction in the Northern Hemisphere countries and also in Brazil. The lack of urban forestry and leisure represents a very small part of the privation observed in the study area, but the availability of public open spaces might turn it into an environmentally and socially a more supportive place to live.
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Dinâmica sócio-espacial no loteamento Santa Terezinha em Porto Alegre/RS: entre a aparente permanência e a tênue mudançaSantos, Emilio Luis Silva Dos January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo central desta pesquisa é analisar a dinâmica sócio-espacial do Loteamento Santa Terezinha (antiga Vila Central dos Papeleiros e Vila da Ponte), no bairro Floresta em Porto Alegre/RS no período de 2006 a 2017, como forma de contribuir para o maior conhecimento da realidade de comunidades carentes e subsidiar futuras políticas públicas de inserção social em escala municipal. O Loteamento Santa Terezinha é constituído por 277 unidades residenciais na categoria habitação social e está localizado na área próxima ao centro de Porto Alegre. A gênese do Loteamento Santa Terezinha ocorre no início dos anos de 1980, como um aglomerado de casebres que vai se formando sob uma passagem de nível da avenida da Legalidade e da Democracia (antiga avenida Castelo Branco), crescendo e se expandindo para áreas adjacentes e formando o que se chamou na época de Vila dos Papeleiros, devido às atividades desenvolvidas por seus moradores, basicamente a coleta e triagem de papel, papelão e metais. O Loteamento Santa Terezinha foi formalmente entregue pela Prefeitura, através do Departamento Municipal de Habitação (DEMHAB), aos atuais moradores em 2006. A metodologia utilizada para obtenção dos dados deu-se, primeiramente, através da análise espacial com interpretação de fotografias aéreas e imagens de satélite de alta resolução como forma de se contemplar a dinâmica espacial do loteamento. Em uma segunda etapa, optou-se pela técnica de entrevistas com moradores, o que permitiu identificar as características do Loteamento Santa Terezinha pela percepção dos moradores entrevistados. Foram realizadas 30 entrevistas com moradores e quatro entrevistas com agentes externos (técnicos de saúde, voluntários e educadores). O modelo proposto foi o semiestruturado, pois permite uma flexibilidade maior em relação às respostas do entrevistado. Tendo um caráter qualitativo, muito embora tenha dados quantitativos (perfil socioeconômico dos entrevistados) que são complementares, optou-se por uma adaptação do método conhecido como análise de conteúdo para a interpretação e sistematização dos resultados. A partir da análise das unidades de registro, identificou-se cinco características dos moradores: ausência de liderança no Loteamento; resistência ao cooperativismo; ausência ou presença do Estado; pouca valorização da habitação ou casa e tráfico de drogas. Quando analisamos estas cinco características, que no seu conjunto formam um mosaico da realidade existente no Loteamento – evidenciando práticas espaciais que configuram e reconfiguram o espaço ao longo do tempo – podemos apontar para uma condição de dualidade entre permanência e mudança, dependendo da perspectiva do sujeito ou observador. Esta condição indica que, ao se olhar superficialmente para este espaço, não enxergamos alterações significativas ao longo dos anos, mas apenas a permanência da situação de enorme carência. Não obstante, as entrevistas com agentes externos revelam um otimismo quanto às melhorias nas condições de vida dos moradores desde a Vila dos Papeleiros até o momento atual, mas estas mudanças só são percebidas pelos que vivem o cotidiano do Loteamento, elas são graduais e muito lentas, imperceptíveis àqueles que só veem o Loteamento através da janela do ônibus, trem ou carro, ou do que é veiculado nos meios de comunicação. / The main goal of this research is to analyze the sociospatial dynamics of the Santa Terezinha Allotment (formerly known as Vila Central dos Papeleiros and Vila da Ponte), in the Floresta district of Porto Alegre/RS in the period from 2006 to 2017, as a way to contribute for a better understanding of the reality of underprivileged communities and subsidizing future public policies of social insertion in a municipal level. The Santa Terezinha Allotment is formed by 277 residential units categorized as social housing and it is located in an area near Porto Alegre’s downtown. The Santa Terezinha Allotment’s origins occur in the early 1980s, as a cluster of hovels that starts to form under a level crossing of the Legality and Democracy Avenue (formerly Castelo Branco Avenue), growing and expanding to adjacent areas and then forming what was called at that time as Vila dos Papeleiros, due to the activities performed by their residents, basically collecting and screening paper, cardboard, and metal. The Santa Terezinha Allotment was formally handed by the City Hall, through its Municipal Housing Department (DEMHAB), to the current residents in 2006. The methodology used to first retrieve data was a spatial analysis with the interpretation of aerial photographs and high-resolution satellite images as a way to contemplate the spatial dynamics of the Allotment. At a second stage, we opted by a technique of interviewing residents, which allowed us to identify some features of the Santa Terezinha Allotment through the perception of the interviewees. Thirty interviews were performed with residents and four interviews with external agents (health technicians, volunteers, and educators). The proposed model was semi-structured, because it allows more flexibility relative to the interviewee’s answers. As this is a qualitative research, although it also contains quantitative data (socioeconomic profile of the interviewees) that is complimentary, we opted by an adaptation of the method known as content analysis to interpret and systematize the results. Based on the analysis of the record units, we identified five features on the residents: lack of leadership in the Allotment; resistance to cooperative unions; absence or presence of the State; low appreciation of houses, and drug trafficking. When we analyze those five features, which together form a mosaic of the existing reality in the Allotment – emphasizing spatial techniques that configure and reconfigure space through time – we can point out to a condition of duality between permanence and change, depending on the perspective of the subject or observer. This condition indicates that, when looking superficially to that space, we do not see significant changes through the years, but only an enduring situation of people in need. However, the interviews with external agents reveal an optimism relative to the improvements in life conditions of the residents since the former Vila dos Papeleiros until now, but these changes are only perceived by those who live the Allotment’s daily routine, as they are gradual and very slow, imperceptible to those who only see the Allotment from a bus, car, or train window, or from what appears in the media.
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Dinâmica sócio-espacial no loteamento Santa Terezinha em Porto Alegre/RS: entre a aparente permanência e a tênue mudançaSantos, Emilio Luis Silva Dos January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo central desta pesquisa é analisar a dinâmica sócio-espacial do Loteamento Santa Terezinha (antiga Vila Central dos Papeleiros e Vila da Ponte), no bairro Floresta em Porto Alegre/RS no período de 2006 a 2017, como forma de contribuir para o maior conhecimento da realidade de comunidades carentes e subsidiar futuras políticas públicas de inserção social em escala municipal. O Loteamento Santa Terezinha é constituído por 277 unidades residenciais na categoria habitação social e está localizado na área próxima ao centro de Porto Alegre. A gênese do Loteamento Santa Terezinha ocorre no início dos anos de 1980, como um aglomerado de casebres que vai se formando sob uma passagem de nível da avenida da Legalidade e da Democracia (antiga avenida Castelo Branco), crescendo e se expandindo para áreas adjacentes e formando o que se chamou na época de Vila dos Papeleiros, devido às atividades desenvolvidas por seus moradores, basicamente a coleta e triagem de papel, papelão e metais. O Loteamento Santa Terezinha foi formalmente entregue pela Prefeitura, através do Departamento Municipal de Habitação (DEMHAB), aos atuais moradores em 2006. A metodologia utilizada para obtenção dos dados deu-se, primeiramente, através da análise espacial com interpretação de fotografias aéreas e imagens de satélite de alta resolução como forma de se contemplar a dinâmica espacial do loteamento. Em uma segunda etapa, optou-se pela técnica de entrevistas com moradores, o que permitiu identificar as características do Loteamento Santa Terezinha pela percepção dos moradores entrevistados. Foram realizadas 30 entrevistas com moradores e quatro entrevistas com agentes externos (técnicos de saúde, voluntários e educadores). O modelo proposto foi o semiestruturado, pois permite uma flexibilidade maior em relação às respostas do entrevistado. Tendo um caráter qualitativo, muito embora tenha dados quantitativos (perfil socioeconômico dos entrevistados) que são complementares, optou-se por uma adaptação do método conhecido como análise de conteúdo para a interpretação e sistematização dos resultados. A partir da análise das unidades de registro, identificou-se cinco características dos moradores: ausência de liderança no Loteamento; resistência ao cooperativismo; ausência ou presença do Estado; pouca valorização da habitação ou casa e tráfico de drogas. Quando analisamos estas cinco características, que no seu conjunto formam um mosaico da realidade existente no Loteamento – evidenciando práticas espaciais que configuram e reconfiguram o espaço ao longo do tempo – podemos apontar para uma condição de dualidade entre permanência e mudança, dependendo da perspectiva do sujeito ou observador. Esta condição indica que, ao se olhar superficialmente para este espaço, não enxergamos alterações significativas ao longo dos anos, mas apenas a permanência da situação de enorme carência. Não obstante, as entrevistas com agentes externos revelam um otimismo quanto às melhorias nas condições de vida dos moradores desde a Vila dos Papeleiros até o momento atual, mas estas mudanças só são percebidas pelos que vivem o cotidiano do Loteamento, elas são graduais e muito lentas, imperceptíveis àqueles que só veem o Loteamento através da janela do ônibus, trem ou carro, ou do que é veiculado nos meios de comunicação. / The main goal of this research is to analyze the sociospatial dynamics of the Santa Terezinha Allotment (formerly known as Vila Central dos Papeleiros and Vila da Ponte), in the Floresta district of Porto Alegre/RS in the period from 2006 to 2017, as a way to contribute for a better understanding of the reality of underprivileged communities and subsidizing future public policies of social insertion in a municipal level. The Santa Terezinha Allotment is formed by 277 residential units categorized as social housing and it is located in an area near Porto Alegre’s downtown. The Santa Terezinha Allotment’s origins occur in the early 1980s, as a cluster of hovels that starts to form under a level crossing of the Legality and Democracy Avenue (formerly Castelo Branco Avenue), growing and expanding to adjacent areas and then forming what was called at that time as Vila dos Papeleiros, due to the activities performed by their residents, basically collecting and screening paper, cardboard, and metal. The Santa Terezinha Allotment was formally handed by the City Hall, through its Municipal Housing Department (DEMHAB), to the current residents in 2006. The methodology used to first retrieve data was a spatial analysis with the interpretation of aerial photographs and high-resolution satellite images as a way to contemplate the spatial dynamics of the Allotment. At a second stage, we opted by a technique of interviewing residents, which allowed us to identify some features of the Santa Terezinha Allotment through the perception of the interviewees. Thirty interviews were performed with residents and four interviews with external agents (health technicians, volunteers, and educators). The proposed model was semi-structured, because it allows more flexibility relative to the interviewee’s answers. As this is a qualitative research, although it also contains quantitative data (socioeconomic profile of the interviewees) that is complimentary, we opted by an adaptation of the method known as content analysis to interpret and systematize the results. Based on the analysis of the record units, we identified five features on the residents: lack of leadership in the Allotment; resistance to cooperative unions; absence or presence of the State; low appreciation of houses, and drug trafficking. When we analyze those five features, which together form a mosaic of the existing reality in the Allotment – emphasizing spatial techniques that configure and reconfigure space through time – we can point out to a condition of duality between permanence and change, depending on the perspective of the subject or observer. This condition indicates that, when looking superficially to that space, we do not see significant changes through the years, but only an enduring situation of people in need. However, the interviews with external agents reveal an optimism relative to the improvements in life conditions of the residents since the former Vila dos Papeleiros until now, but these changes are only perceived by those who live the Allotment’s daily routine, as they are gradual and very slow, imperceptible to those who only see the Allotment from a bus, car, or train window, or from what appears in the media.
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La nature en ville et le cas spécifique des jardins urbains : approche géographique et historique de la ville de Lyon et de son agglomération / Nature in urban areas and the specific case of urban gardens : geographical and historical approach of the city of Lyon and its metropolitan areaAsaad, Lama 15 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’évolution de la notion de jardin collectif et de leur place dans la ville. Elle s’appuie tout d’abord sur une mise en perspective historico-géographique de la notion de jardin dans le bassin méditerranéen, entre orient et occident, de l’antiquité à nos jours. La notion de jardin a pris, en effet, au cours du temps des acceptions très différentes, jardins nourriciers ou jardins d’agréments, mais aussi jardins privés, jardins publics et jardins collectifs. Nous resserrons ensuite notre approche sur les jardins collectifs, jardins ouvriers, jardins familiaux et aujourd’hui jardins partagés. Pour cela nous focalisons notre recherche sur l’agglomération lyonnaise de la fin du 19ème siècle à nos jours. Cette analyse historico-géographique s’appuie à la fois sur un travail d’archives et sur une cartographie des jardins. Pour associer, profondeur historique et approche spatiale, nous interrogeons les facteurs historiques, politiques, démographiques, économiques et sociaux qui, durant cette période, se révèlent déterminants dans la localisation et les usages des jardins collectifs. Cette analyse des dynamiques spatiales de création de jardins tout au long du 20ème siècle, reflète l’évolution de leur place et de leurs fonctions dans la ville. Ceci nous permet de révéler à la fois des valeurs et des fonctions attribuées aux jardins qui ont une forte stabilité dans le temps, alors que d’autres renvoient à des conceptions et à des préoccupations historiquement comme géographiquement situées. Pour cela, nous attachons une attention particulière à resituer la question des jardins collectifs dans les transformations des politiques urbaines, avec pour la période récente la montée en puissance des préoccupations liées au développement durable et à la place de la nature en ville. / This PhD thesis deals with the evolution of the notion of collective garden and their place and functions in the city. Firstly, on the basis of an historical and geographical perspective, it provides a background of the notion of garden in the Mediterranean area, between East and West, from the ancient world to the modern day. The concept of garden has taken over time very different meanings, food-producing garden or pleasure garden, but also private gardens, public and community gardens.Then our approach focuses on collective gardens, namely workers' gardens, family gardens and community gardens. Our research focuses on the city of Lyon and its metropolitan area from the late 19th century to today. This historical and geographical analysis is based on both an archival work and a cartographic approach. To mix historical depth and spatial approach we inquire about the historical, political, demographic, economic and social factors that determine the location and the uses of collective gardens. This analysis of the spatial dynamics throughout the twentieth century reflects the evolution of their place and their functions in the city. This allows us to identify the values and functions of collective gardens that have a high stability over time, while others refer to conceptions and concerns which are historically and geographically situated. We thus pay particular attention to place the issue of community gardens in transformations of urban policies, characterized for the recent period by the increasing influence of sustainable development concerns and emerging issues on the place of nature in cities.
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Případová studie zahrádkové osady Klecánky aneb není zahrádkář jako zahrádkář / Case study of Klecánky allotment site or there is not one gardener like the otherMatějovská, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
8 Abstract The diploma thesis Case study of Klecánky allotment site or there is not one gardener like the other is a case study of one of the huge allotment sites located near the village Zdiby on the north periphery of Prague. The aim of the thesis is to find out who the garden plot users are and what motivations for being in the allotment site they have. Furthermore to find out which concept of their garden plots they have chosen and which functions the allotment site satisfies. The thesis puts special emphasis on sustainable development aspects of gardening and on the values and value orientations of the garden plot users. The research was conducted with methods of participant observations and semi-structured interviews. In the course of the research it turned out that the gardeners demonstrate lots of common characteristics, however, their attitudes and values are different in substantial aspects. This is connected with the extent of their cultivation of fruits and vegetables. It also appeared that this fact is strongly related to the age and to the extent of busyness of the garden plot users. The analysis reflects these findings and besides the description of the gardeners as one social group it also refers deeply to each of the gardener groups. The outcomes of the thesis can help to understand to the...
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An Economic Analysis of Range Improvements on Saddle Creek Allotment and Curlew National Grasslands--With Special Consideration on the Effects of Improvements on Wildlife ManagementMeyers, Jerry Russell 01 May 1970 (has links)
Range improvements for livestock were analyzed for the Curlew National Grassland and Saddle Creek Allotment. Increases in aum's which were a result of range improvements were calculated and valued at $4.00 each. Internal rates of return for both study areas were computed with a 15-year project life span for estimated grazing capacity and permitted grazing. Rate of return was then set at 10 percent to calculate project life span for both permitted grazing and estimated grazing capacity for the two areas.
Effects of range improvements for livestock on wildlife habitat were studied. Due to a lack of quantitative data, values could not be placed upon benefits and detriments which improvements for livestock had on wildlife. Positive and negative effects which range improvements for livestock had on wildlife are given for both study areas.
An alternative grazing policy is suggested for both study areas. Internal rates of return for permitted grazing are calculated for a 15-year project life span. Internal rate of return was then set at 10 percent to calculate project life span necessary to provide that rate of return.
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En bit landsbygd i staden : Anna Lindhagen, koloniträdgårdsrörelsen och vad den influerades av mellan 1900 och 1920 / A piece of countryside in the city : Anna Lindhagen, The allotment garden movement of Sweden and what it has been influenced by between 1900 and 1920Holsti Heijbel, Hedvig January 2022 (has links)
This essay aims to study the Swedish allotment garden in the first two decades of the 20th century from an urbanization perspective with a special focus on Anna Lindhagen, one of the pioneers of the movement in Sweden. By doing an idea analysis of texts written by Anna Lindhagen, Rudolf Abelin and the allotment garden associations of Stockholm and Gothenburg the essay aims to examine what reactions of urbanization the Swedish allotment garden movement expressed. The essay furthermore aims to study how the movement relates to the English, German and French allotment garden movements with the help of previous research done by Micheline Nilsen. By using dimensions as analytical tools the essay examines the Swedish allotment garden movement with four dimensions, urban planning, nurture, family and work. Furthermore, it shed light on the allotment garden movement's reaction to urbanization with the help of an urbanization perspective. The study has shown that the Swedish allotment garden movement can be seen as a critique of urbanization. The source material corroborates a dichotomy between the city and the countryside and attributes danger to the city while it sees the countryside as a natural place to live. Sweden's allotment garden movement could also be seen as a way to nurture the inhabitants of the city by giving them a relationship with nature and keeping them away from dangers like alcohol. The essay also shows that the Swedish movement has been influenced by both the English and the German movements. Because the French movement is younger than the other two international movements it hasn’t influenced the Swedish allotments as much. Both the Swedish and German allotments are called colonies, which shows that both of them had a similar purpose to attract people back to the countryside. Lastly, the study has shown that the Swedish allotment garden movement was influenced by the English garden city movement and can be seen as a compromise to the dichotomy of city and countryside.
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The Euclid Heights Allotment: a Palimpsest of the Nineteenth Century Search for Real Estate Value in Cleveland's East EndBarrow, William C. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Marketizing the Arts: The Effect of Marketized Revenues on Constituency Size and CompositionMartin, Jason January 2013 (has links)
The nonprofit arts and culture sector in the United States is uniquely situated in tension between its not-for-profit status and its growing role as a catalyst for regional economic growth. Since the mid-20th century, for metropolitan areas in particular, these organizations have become an integral part of local economies and visible symbols of regions as robust cultural centers. Their growth is increasingly viewed as a significant contribution to regional economic development. But concomitant with their newly defined roles as regional "economic engines," nonprofit arts and culture organizations also are increasingly pressed to adopt a "market orientation" with respect to both their audiences and funders. This dissertation is an investigation into how these changes have shaped the organizational structures and processes of the sector. The guiding inquiry of this research is how an increased "market orientation" in the sector is affecting organizational operations (especially expenditures), and ultimately, their constituencies. More specifically, this analysis explores the effects of marketization, defined here as dependence on earned income, agenda-oriented local corporate sponsorship, and outcomes-based foundation support, on organizational expenditures and constituency levels and composition. The present research assesses the relative utility of three organizational growth theories- resource dependency theory, institutional theory, and urban growth agenda theory-on the one hand, and the "crowding-out" hypothesis on the other hand, in accounting for the effects of increasing marketization on the size and composition of organizational constituencies. The first three frameworks suggest a connection between marketized revenues and the prioritization of organizational visibility and legitimacy, organizational professionalization, and production quality, with the end goal of constituency growth. On the other hand, the crowding-out hypothesis, though it retains a focus on revenue sources, suggests that revenue from certain sources may lead to the stagnation or even reduction of deeper organizational affiliations such as membership. Specifically, the perspective suggests that a heightened market orientation conflicts with a not-for-profit or philanthropic orientation, thereby "crowding-out" potential members. The tension between these theoretical perspectives reflects the lack of solid empirical evidence regarding the effects of economic inputs (particularly those tied to marketization) on organizational outcomes (particularly constituency composition). The current research hypothesizes that marketized revenues will ultimately lead to audience growth and expansion while simultaneously leading to stagnation or decline in membership. This study focuses on museums and performing arts institutions located within the Pennsylvania portion of the Greater Philadelphia Area. The analysis utilizes survey data on revenues, expenditures, and other organizational characteristics collected on a continuing basis through the Cultural Data Project of the Pew Charitable Trusts, and audience data collected co-operatively by the arts and culture organizations. To test the competing theories listed above, this research uses structural equation modeling to estimate the effects of marketized revenues on organizational expenditures, and ultimately, on constituency composition. The current findings can be divided into three sections. The first central finding of the analysis is that marketized revenues tend to have a positive effect on attendance levels which provides support for resource dependency theory, institutional theory, and urban growth agenda theory in that the need for resources affects organizational expenditures and prioritization in such a way as to ultimately increase organizations' attendance size. The second central finding of the analysis is that the processes that lead to attendance growth in organizations do so, not through increased demographic diversity, but primarily through increases in attendance from communities and neighborhoods outside the region and communities and neighborhoods where there are already high levels of arts and culture participation. This finding is consistent with the critical metropolitan growth perspective that marketization in organizations leads to the establishment of growth over diversity as the absolute bottom line. According to this perspective, if the pursuit of attendance diversity, attendance expansion to local underserved communities, or new single site-attendees does not contribute to the bottom line of attendance growth, then marketized revenues and those who control their flow will not encourage these priorities. The third central finding of the analysis deals with the crowding-out perspective. This analysis shows some degree of support for the crowding-out hypothesis. The results show that membership is decreasing as a result of marketization, and this effect is explained, in part, by differences in organizational prioritization and orientation reflected in organizational expenditure allocation. The implications of this research are extensive for individual organizations, their urban areas, and the future of the sector. As the sector evolves, arts and culture organizations inevitably face the task of balancing their goals and missions with the demands that accompany revenue acquisition. Furthermore, as urban areas continue to emphasize their role as cultural centers which also foster economic development, they will need to consider the balance between the economic and public service functions of arts and culture organizations. Finally, the trend of greater marketization may encourage organizational growth even while it increasingly alienates the sector's not-for-profit identity and, with it, its most ardent supporters. / Sociology
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