Spelling suggestions: "subject:"alloy steel"" "subject:"lloy steel""
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Estudo da substituição de aço convencional por aço de baixa liga e alta resistência (BLAR) em módulo estruturalCruz, Magnus Geder Henz 26 June 2006 (has links)
Foram estudados dois tipos de aços, aço convencional ZAR 230 (ZAR - Zincagem de alta resistência) e aço microligado ZSTE 380 (segundo norma SEW 093), sendo que foram avaliadas as suas propriedades mecânicas visando a substituição do aço convencional por aço microligado na estrutura tubular de uma carroceria para veículos de transporte coletivo de passageiros. O aço convencional vem sendo utilizado pela indústria de carrocerias há vários anos, já o aço microligado é utilizado basicamente em estruturas específicas que requeiram boas propriedades mecânicas e conseqüentemente redução de peso. A análise de viabilidade para a substituição de aço convencional por aço microligado em um módulo estrutural completo requereu uma série de ensaios: ensaios padronizados em laboratório foram executados para avaliação de suas principais propriedades mecânicas e químicas; ensaios de nós estruturais submetidos a uma carga forneceram informações para o uso em software de elementos finitos tanto para execução de cálculos estruturais, quanto para calibração de resultados. Os módulos estruturais foram preparados de acordo com as regulamentações ECE R66-00 (mercado europeu) e CONTRAN 811/96 (mercado brasileiro) e foram ensaiados exaustivamente até se obter o melhor resultado de deslocamento comparativamente aos dois materiais analisados. A validação da estrutura tubular foi obtida com a utilização do software Ansys Workbench 9.0 e a confecção de estrutura representativa de uma carroceria ensaiada conforme regulamentação CONTRAN 811/96. / Two kinds of steel were studied, conventional steel ZAR 230 (a standard for high strength galvanizing) and microalloyed steel ZSTE 380 (according to the regulation SEW 093). The study of its mechanical properties aimed to replace the steel for microalloyed steel in bodywork s tubular structure for collective transport vehicles of passengers. The conventional steel has been used for the bodywork industry for years, and the microalloyed steel is basically used in specific structures, those who require good mechanical properties and mass reduction. The analysis of the feasibility for the replacement of conventional steel for microalloyed steel in a complete structural model requires a series of tests. Lab tests were done to evaluate their main mechanical and chemical properties. The tests of the structural nodes and the structural behaviour when subjected to a load provided information to be used in the finite elements method software to do structural calculation and to calibrate the results. The structural modules were prepared according to the regulations ECE R66-00 (European market) and CONTRAN 811/96 (Brazilian market) and these modules were tested exhaustively to achieve the best displacement between the two materials that were analysed comparatively. The validation of the tubular structure was obtained using the software Ansys Workbench 9.0 and the production of the representative structure of a bodywork tested according the regulation CONTRAN 811/96. Read more
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Svařování objímky z C-Mn oceli / Welding of socket from C-Mn steelBoček, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Final thesis, elaborated within the master study in the field of Manufacturing technology, deals with analysis and solving of weld cracking problem in welds of anti-roll bar socket for passenger car. Sockets material is fine-grained low-alloy steel S420MC. For better understanding of the problem, a literary study has been elaborated, describing the issue. Next, an analysis of parts material and its weldability, has been conducted, according to ČSN EN 1011-2 standard. After an analysis of cracks and considering current conditions of sockets welding a series of experiments has been designed to evaluate impact of different process parameters on final weld quality. Experiments results have been used to compile a series of recommendations for adjustment of the welding process and to eliminate weld cracking. The results of the experiments were used as a basis for elaboration of WPS protocol.
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Corrosion Resistant Weld Overlays for Pipelines, Oil and Gas, and Petrochemical InstallationsBabyak, Timothy Olegovich January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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On the Mechanism of the Ultrasonic-Assisted Drilling ProcessMoghaddas, Mohamad Amin January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Atlas microestrutural para otimização de procedimentos de soldagemAmaral, Thiago de Souza 08 January 2016 (has links)
More complex and bigger structures have increased the applicability of low alloy high
strength steels due to weight and cost reductions in these projects. One of the requirements
for the use of these materials is the preservation of performance after welding. Meanwhile, the
norms on which the Welding Procedures Specifications (WPS) are based have not yet
considered the development of modern steel and its new production process, resulting in
unnecessary welding costs that diminish the profits of the application of this type of steel. This
thesis aimed to develop and evaluate an experimental methodology to guide the creation and
control of welding procedures for structural steel through a microstructural atlas of the heat
affected zone (HAZ) in a thermomechanical control process (TMCP), 65 ksi steel (ASTM A572
Grade 65). This steel was used in the project of an industrial building for CBMM in Araxá,
Minas Gerais, Brazil.
It is proposed that through a microstructural atlas of a given steel, it is possible to
determine the range of cooling rates that the steel may suffer during welding without affecting
mechanical properties and without risking cold cracks. When comparing the microstructure of
steel welds performed in field conditions, it is possible to determine the heat input range for a
given process in the preparation of a WPS.
The selected case study is from a high strength low alloy class 65 ksi steel (ASTM A572
Grade 65) that was used in the structure of an industrial building. The steel was produced
using TMCP. The atlas was created via the construction of a continuous cooling transformation
diagram using physical simulation (dilatometer and Gleeble) of the coarse grain HAZ
(GCHAZ). The characterization of the simulated region was performed by metallography and
mechanical tests. The microstructure of real welds made by a qualified WPS were compared
to the atlas in order to certify the correct use of parameters and to validate the method. The
methodology was also qualified and the potential economic benefits were quantified (based
only on the reduction of consumables used and the increased availability of the welding
process machine) for the selected industrial project.
The mapped microstructures varied from martensite (at high cooling rates) to
pearlite/ferrite with large grain size (at low cooling rates). There was remarkable prevalence of
bainitic microstructure in a wide range of cooling rates, consistent with the chemical
composition of the steel studied. Comparisons with real weld microstructures showed the atlas
is compatible with them, and that it can more accurately describe the effective thermal cycle
that occurs in the coarse grain region of the HAZ (other regions were not included). The
application of this methodology in the development of new WPS would allow greater flexibility
in the welding procedures, including welding without preheating. In this respect alone, it was
possible to forecast savings of approximately R$200,000.00, 1,000 hours of processing and
172 tonnes of carbon equivalent emissions. / Estruturas cada vez mais complexas e de maiores dimensões vêm aumentando a
aplicabilidade de aços de baixa liga e alta resistência, devido à redução de peso e custo
dessas estruturas. Um dos requisitos para o uso desses materiais é a manutenção do
desempenho após soldagem. Entretanto, as normas em que se baseiam as Especificações
de Procedimentos de Soldagem (EPS) ainda não consideram aços mais modernos em termos
de rota de fabricação, o que pode fazer com que custos desnecessários de soldagem
minimizem os ganhos da aplicação desses aços.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma metodologia
para, experimentalmente, orientar a elaboração e o controle da aplicação de procedimentos
de soldagem para aços estruturais, através de atlas microestrutural de regiões da zona
afetada pelo calor (ZAC). Propõe-se que, através de um atlas microestrutural de um dado aço,
seja possível determinar a faixa otimizada de energia de soldagem para um dado processo
na elaboração e aplicação da EPS e, consequentemente, as velocidades de resfriamento que
o aço possa sofrer durante a soldagem, sem perder as propriedades mecânicas e sem colocálo
em risco quanto a trincas a frio.
Tomou-se como estudo de caso o aço produzido por laminação controlada de classe
de resistência de 65 ksi (ASTM A572 Grau 65), utilizado em um projeto de um prédio industrial
na empresa CBMM. Trata-se de um aço fabricado pelo processo TMCP com resfriamento
acelerado. A elaboração do Atlas se deu através da construção de um diagrama CCT, por
simulação física (dilatômetro e Gleeble), da região de grãos grosseiros da zona afetada pelo
calor (ZAC GG). Foram feitas caracterizações metalográficas e mecânicas das regiões
simuladas. Microestruturas de soldas realizadas com EPS qualificadas foram comparadas
com as do Atlas para se certificar da adequabilidade dos parâmetros utilizados e validação da
abordagem. Foram realizadas ainda a qualificação e quantificação de potenciais benefícios
econômicos no citado projeto industrial, obtidos pelo uso desta metodologia.
As microestruturas apresentadas no mapa variavam de martensíta, para altas taxas
de resfriamento, até perlita/ferrita de tamanho de grão elevado, para baixas taxas de
resfriamento. Observou-se notável predominância da microestrutura bainítica em uma larga
faixa de taxas de resfriamento, compatível com as propriedades e composição do aço
estudado (alta soldabilidade). As comparações com as microestruturas de soldas reais
mostraram que o Atlas pode descrever de forma precisa o ciclo térmico efetivamente imposto
na ZAC GG. Concluiu-se que a aplicação desta metodologia na elaboração de novas EPS
permitiria uma maior flexibilidade nos procedimentos de soldagem, admitindo inclusive
soldagem sem pré-aquecimento. Em relação a não necessidade de pré-aquecimento, podese
prever uma economia significante de custos e redução de emissão de gases que provocam
efeito estufa. / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica Read more
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Etude de la fissuration assistée par l'environnement des aciers peu alliés en situation de stockage géologique des déchets radioactifs / Study of environmental assisted cracking of carbon steels in radioactive wastes disposal conditionsBulidon, Nicolas 15 July 2019 (has links)
Le travail mené dans le cadre de cette thèse porte sur l’évaluation de la sensibilité à la fissuration assistée par l’environnement (FAE) d’aciers mis en œuvre pour le stockage géologique profond des déchets radioactifs selon un concept multi-barrières. On s’intéresse ici aux aciers faiblement alliés du conteneur et du chemisage qui seront placés dans des micro-tunnels creusés dans la roche à 500 mètres de profondeur. Le concept actuel prévoit un matériau de remplissage cimentaire entre l’argile et le chemisage afin de neutraliser l’acidité potentielle issue de la re-saturation en eau de la roche après le forage. Malgré la présence d’un milieu peu agressif (pH proche de la neutralité, faible teneur en carbonate), le choix des aciers a été dicté par leur sensibilité à la corrosion et à la FAE, qui est caractérisée dans ce travail. Les microstructures ferrito-perlitiques en bande ont ainsi été éliminées au profit de structures plus homogènes et deux aciers de référence ont été définis : l’API 5L X65 (ferrite-bainite) pour le chemisage et le P285NH (ferrite-perlite) pour le conteneur. Ces études ont également montré la formation de couches de produits de corrosion principalement composées de sidérite et de magnétite conférant une pseudo-passivité. Le caractère protecteur de ces couches vis-à-vis de la fissuration a été étudié et validé, sur la base d’une élaboration de couches représentatives par voie électrochimique. Enfin, les aciers de référence ont été caractérisés du point de vue de leur sensibilité à la corrosion et à la FAE en milieu cimentaire. Ils n’ont alors pas montré de sensibilité particulière du point de vue de la fissuration dans ces conditions, où la corrosion sous dépôt semble être la forme la plus présente en milieu aéré. Néanmoins, l’influence de la présence de faibles teneurs en oxygène dans le concept de stockage doit encore être explorée. / The aim of the work is to assess the susceptibility to environmental assisted cracking (EAC) of steels used for the deep geological storage of radioactive waste. The storage concept is based on the encapsulation of the waste in a carbon steel containers then placed in micro-tunnels drilled 500 meter deep in Clay. These micro-tunnels are built with a micro-alloyed casing steel. Recently, the storage concept has evolved with the injection of a cementitious bentonite grout between the clay and the casing to balance the potential acidity resulting from the excavation of the micro-tunnels and the gradual saturation of rock with water. Effect of this grout on the risk of corrosion and EAC is also evaluated in the PhD work. In the mild disposal environment considered (pH close to neutrality, low carbonate content), formation of a corrosion product scale composed of siderite and magnetite has been identified. This scale leads to a pseudo-passive state of both steel grades with thus a possible risk of EAC. The risk of EAC was thus first studied and a material selection for the disposal concept was thus first made accordingly. The protective nature of the siderite/magnetite corrosion scale was then studied and reproduced in laboratory using electrochemical techniques. This work allowed for the evaluation of the resistance of each selected steel with respect to general corrosion and EAC. The results did not underlined significant cracking susceptibility of the considered steel grades. Under deposit corrosion seems to be the main form of attack in aerated waste disposal environments but the influence of the presence of low oxygen levels has to be further explored. Read more
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Entwicklung von HT-Lötsystemen für artfremde WerkstoffverbundeBlank, Robin 06 February 2020 (has links)
In Gasturbinenbrennern kommen Nickelbasiswerkstoffe für thermisch hoch belastete Komponenten standardmäßig zum Einsatz. Die Bauteile liegen strömungstechnisch vor der stattfindenden Verbrennung, wodurch es zu einer stark einseitigen thermischen Belastung kommt. Ein wirtschaftlich effizienter Einsatz von Nickelbasiswerkstoffen kann daher in Kombination mit kostengünstigen warmfesten Stählen für die weniger stark thermisch belasteten Bauteilbereiche erreicht werden. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Prozessentwicklung zum Hochtemperaturlöten
von im Brennerbau häufig verwendeten Nickelbasislegierungen und dem niedriglegierten warmfesten Stahl 16Mo3 (1.5415). Im Entwicklungsprozess wurden die Mikrostruktur der Verbunde charakterisiert, die Auswirkungen thermischer Ausdehnungsunterschiede evaluiert und die erreichbare Festigkeit erfasst. An einem Demonstrator wurden die Erkenntnisse im Rahmen der industriellen Fertigung getestet.:1 Einführung
1.1 Einleitung und Motivation
1.2 Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik
1.3 Schlussfolgerungen und Zielsetzung
2 Technologische Grundlagen
2.1 Der Hochtemperaturlötprozess
2.2 Thermische Ausdehnung
2.3 Diffusion
2.4 Metallurgische Prozesse
3 Experimentelle Durchführung
3.1 Grund- und Lotwerkstoffe
3.2 Lötprozesse und Probengeometrien
3.3 Mikrostrukturelle, thermische und mechanische Charakterisierung
4 Ergebnisse und Diskussion
4.1 Mikrostrukturcharakterisierung
4.1.1 Grundwerkstoffe
4.1.2 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – INCONEL 625
4.1.3 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – Nimonic 75
4.1.4 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – Hastelloy X
4.1.5 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – INCONEL 718
4.1.6 Normalisierungsgefüge von 16Mo3
4.1.7 Zusammenfassung der Mikrostrukturcharakterisierung
4.2 Thermische Ausdehnung
4.2.1 Maßänderung
4.2.2 Eigenspannungen
4.3 Mechanische Eigenschaften
4.3.1 Zugversuch
4.3.2 Zugscherversuch
4.3.3 Ermittlung der kritischen Überlapplänge
4.4 Demonstrator
5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / Nickel-base alloys for thermally high loaded components are widely used for gas turbine burner parts. By means of flow direction burner parts are located prior to the combustion.
They are therefore one-sided thermally loaded. An economical efficient use of nickel based alloys can be achieved in combination with low alloyed steels for thermally less loaded components. The aim of this work is the development of brazing processes for GT-burner manufacturing related nickel based alloys and the low alloyed steel 16Mo3 (1.5415) using nickel
based filler materials. The development includes a microstructural characterization of the brazed compounds, the evaluation of thermal expansion behavior and the maximum strength. A final test examines the feasibility by means of industrial manufacturing.:1 Einführung
1.1 Einleitung und Motivation
1.2 Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik
1.3 Schlussfolgerungen und Zielsetzung
2 Technologische Grundlagen
2.1 Der Hochtemperaturlötprozess
2.2 Thermische Ausdehnung
2.3 Diffusion
2.4 Metallurgische Prozesse
3 Experimentelle Durchführung
3.1 Grund- und Lotwerkstoffe
3.2 Lötprozesse und Probengeometrien
3.3 Mikrostrukturelle, thermische und mechanische Charakterisierung
4 Ergebnisse und Diskussion
4.1 Mikrostrukturcharakterisierung
4.1.1 Grundwerkstoffe
4.1.2 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – INCONEL 625
4.1.3 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – Nimonic 75
4.1.4 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – Hastelloy X
4.1.5 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – INCONEL 718
4.1.6 Normalisierungsgefüge von 16Mo3
4.1.7 Zusammenfassung der Mikrostrukturcharakterisierung
4.2 Thermische Ausdehnung
4.2.1 Maßänderung
4.2.2 Eigenspannungen
4.3 Mechanische Eigenschaften
4.3.1 Zugversuch
4.3.2 Zugscherversuch
4.3.3 Ermittlung der kritischen Überlapplänge
4.4 Demonstrator
5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Read more
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Girth Welding of Internally Clad API 5L Grade X65 Pipes using Low Alloy Steel Filler MetalAlvarez, Alejandro January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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