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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asociación entre Altitud y Suicidio a nivel distrital entre los años 2017 y 2019 en Perú

Horruitiner Mendoza, Andrés Alonso, González Valle, Alonso Franco 17 July 2020 (has links)
Introducción: El suicidio afecta la salud pública a nivel mundial, cerca de 800 000 personas cometen suicidio anualmente. Diversos estudios han demostrado una asociación positiva entre altitud y suicidio. Se han encontrado factores ambientales relacionados con un comportamiento suicida. Este estudio buscó evaluar la asociación entre altitud y suicidio a nivel distrital en el periodo 2017-2019 en Perú. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio ecológico basado en el análisis de las bases de datos del Sistema Informático Nacional de Defunciones (SINADEF) y del Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI) a nivel distrital en el Perú entre los años 2017-2019. Los análisis se hicieron con el paquete estadístico STATA 14®. Se calculó la tasa de incidencia por 10 000 habitantes, tanto a nivel nacional como departamental. Además, se empleó la prueba de Kruskall-Wallis y se ejecutó un análisis de regresión múltiple tipo binomial negativo. Resultados: Se incluyeron 1661 reportes de suicidios en 530 distritos. La tasa de incidencia de suicidio fue 0,57 por cada 10 000 habitantes a nivel nacional. Se encontró una asociación positiva entre altitud y suicidio (p<0,05) con la altitud de residencia de 1499 a 3499 m.s.n.m (RRa: 2,1) y con la altitud de 3500 a 5000 m.s.n.m (RRa: 1,9) en comparación con la altitud de 0 a 1499 m.s.n.m respectivamente, ajustada por quintiles de pobreza y la proporción de hombres del total de suicidios. Conclusiones: Se halló una asociación positiva entre altitud y suicidio en el Perú luego de ser ajustada por potenciales variables confusoras. / Introduction: Suicide affects public health worldwide, about 800,000 people commit suicide annually. Various studies have shown a positive association between altitude and suicide. Environmental factors related to suicidal behavior have been found. This study sought to evaluate the association between altitude and suicide at the district level in the period 2017-2019 in Peru. Material and methods: An ecological study was carried out based on the analysis of the databases of the National Information System of Deaths (SINADEF) and the National Institute of Statistics and Information (INEI) at the district level in Peru between the years 2017-2019. The analyzes were made with the statistical package STATA 14®. The incidence rate per 10,000 inhabitants was calculated, both at the national and departmental levels. In addition, the Kruskall-Wallis test was used and a negative binomial type multiple regression analysis was performed. Results: 1661 suicide reports were included in 530 districts. The suicide incidence rate was 0.57 per 10,000 inhabitants nationwide. A positive association was found between altitude and suicide (p <0.05) with the residence altitude of 1499 to 3499 masl (RRa: 2.1) and with the altitude of 3500 to 5000 masl (RRa: 1.9) in comparison with altitude from 0 to 1499 masl respectively, adjusted for poverty quintiles and the proportion of men in total suicides. Conclusions: A positive association between altitude and suicide was found in Peru after adjusting for potential confounding variables. / Tesis

Vegetation, climate and fire dynamics of Upper Montane Forest and Campos de Altitude during the Holocene in southeastern Brazil

Guarinello de Oliveira Portes, Maria Carolina 23 September 2019 (has links)
O bioma Mata Atlântica é mundialmente reconhecido como uma das regiões de maior diversidade biológica do planeta, abrigando elevada riqueza de espécies e um elevado número de espécies endêmicas, se estendendo por cerca de 1.300.000 km2 ao longo da costa brasileira, entre as latitudes 3º e 33º S e longitudes 35º e 57º L. Como resultado do incremento das atividades humanas de uso da terra e, consequentemente, de ampla modificação da paisagem ao longo dos séculos, cerca de apenas 10-15% do bioma Mata Atlântica ainda se encontra em estado natural ou próximo ao natural, sendo considerados áreas prioritárias para conservação. Devido à grande variedade climática e geomorfológica, o bioma Mata Atlântica é um complexo mosaico de diferentes ecossistemas. Dentre estes, a floresta com Araucária (Floresta Ombrófila Mista), a floresta nebular (Floresta Ombrófila Densa Altomontana) e os campos de altitude ocupam as médias e altas altitudes da Serra do Mar, que se estende por cerca de 1000 km paralela à costa, do sul ao sudeste brasileiro. A distribuição da floresta com Araucária está relacionada ao clima úmido e relativamente frio, entre 400 e 1400 m s.n.m. no sul do Brasil e em fragmentos menores entre as altitudes de 1400 a 1800 m s.n.m. no Sudeste. Atualmente, está reduzida a não mais do que 7% da sua distribuição original. A floresta nebular se estende nas encostas do alto da Serra do mar, normalmente acima de 1100 m s.n.m. no Sul e acima de 1500 m s.n.m. no sudeste do Brasil, nos pequenos vales e sítios protegidos. Os campos de altitude são uma vegetação tipicamente herbácea, restrita aos cumes e picos da serra e aos platôs mais elevados. Estudos paleoecológicos demonstraram que, apesar deste mosaico de ecossistemas ter persistido durante o Holoceno, a perpetuação dos campos de altitude é muito frágil. Como a vegetação campestre se expande em condições climáticas mais frias e secas e parece ser adaptada ao fogo, sugere-se que a presente área de campos de altitude é maior do que esperada sobre as condições climáticas atuais, especialmente em locais mais quentes em altitudes mais baixas. Além disso, estudos de mudanças climáticas preveem um clima mais quente e úmido durante o século 21, que provavelmente irá intensificar a migração da floresta atlântica para maiores altitudes, em detrimento da vegetação campestre. Nesta pesquisa, as relações passadas e presentes do mosaico de campos de altitude e florestas altomontanas (floresta com Araucária e floresta Atlântica nebular) são exploradas por meio de análises palinológicas. Inicialmente, foi investigada a correlação atual entre cobertura vegetal e produção de pólen. Observou-se que os taxa arbóreos são superestimados no conjunto de pólen de campos de altitude, constituindo uma área muito maior de captação de pólen do que no conjunto de pólen arbóreos. Sendo assim, o conjunto de pólen que caracteriza a vegetação de campos de altitude apresenta uma grande proporção de taxa de vegetação arbórea. Posteriormente, um sedimento de quase 10.000 anos foi analisado, demonstrando que, apesar dos taxa representantes da floresta altomontana estarem presentes na região de estudo durante todo o Holoceno, a vegetação florestal expandiu majoritariamente durante o Holoceno Tardio. Até cerca de 1350 cal a AP, a vegetação de campos de altitude ocupava áreas mais extensas. Em geral, os resultados demonstraram que o aumento de temperatura e precipitação ao longo do Holoceno favoreceram a migração da floresta para altitudes mais elevadas. Além disso, a pesquisa indicou que o fogo já estava presente na região antes da chegada dos primeiros humanos no Sudeste do Brasil, implicando na adaptação da vegetação campestre ao fogo. Por último analisou-se a dinâmica da vegetação nos últimos sete séculos. Os resultados indicaram que interferências antropogênicas como fogo, pastoreio e exploração madeireira desempenharam um importante papel na relação campos-floresta na Serra do Mar do Sudeste do Brasil. Com base nestes estudos, sugere-se que a manutenção do mosaico de campos de altitude e floresta no clima presente e futuro depende tanto de um manejo ativo quanto da mudança de foco da conservação de ambientes florestais para ambientes campestres.

Effect of low-level flying military aircraft on the behaviour of spring staging waterfowl at Lac Fourmont ashkui, Labrador, Canada

Newbury, Tina L. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Development of an Installation to Emulate Altitude, Ambient Temperature, and Ambient Humidity on Thermal Engines. Application to the Study of the Impact over E6 Engine Performance

Tabet Aleixandre, Roberto 27 June 2022 (has links)
[ES] Las normativas cada vez más restrictivas sobre las emisiones contaminantes de los vehículos de motor impuestas por la Unión Europea han obligado a los fabricantes de equipos originales (OEM) a proporcionar a los centros de investigación herramientas e instalaciones que pueden reproducir de forma precisa y repetida diferentes condiciones atmosféricas durante las primeras etapas del desarrollo del motor. En la actualidad la legislación europea incluye pruebas de emisiones reales en conducción (RDE) en diferentes condiciones atmosféricas, con altitudes de hasta 1300 metros sobre el nivel del mar y temperaturas que alcanzan los -7 ºC. Esto se ha hecho típicamente utilizando cámaras climáticas y altimétricas que permiten la reproducción de las condiciones atmosféricas en toda la celda de prueba, y más recientemente conectando a motor simuladores de altitud acoplados con unidades de tratamiento de aire (AHU). En esta Tesis Doctoral, se presenta la mejora del simulador de altitud comercializado por la empresa HORIBA denominado MEDAS, utilizando procedimientos tanto inductivos como deductivos, con el objetivo de ampliar el rango de prestaciones de la instalación, así como mejorar la precisión del control de la presión del aire comburente y reducir el consumo energético global. Además, durante esta fase, se lleva a cabo el desarrollo de un modelo 1D del simulador de altitud, con el que es posible obtener resultados precisos sobre el desempeño de la instalación para diferentes condiciones de contorno, como puede ser el punto operativo del motor, la presión de la sala o la temperatura del agua de refrigeración. A continuación, se han desarrollado dos nuevos equipos: el Módulo de Temperatura del MEDAS (MTM) y el Módulo de Humedad del MEDAS (MHM); mejorando las estrategias de control y algunos componentes clave (por ejemplo, la columna de agua de burbujas) para controlar con precisión la temperatura y la humedad del aire de combustión. Estos dos junto con el MEDAS crean un simulador de atmósfera completo, que permite el control independiente de las tres variables psicrométricas del aire de combustión del motor: presión, temperatura y humedad. Por último, el simulador de atmósfera desarrollado se utiliza para estudiar el efecto que las tres variables psicométricas del aire ambiente tienen sobre el rendimiento y las emisiones contaminantes de un motor Diesel Euro 6 turboalimentado, demostrando el gran efecto que tiene la humedad ambiental sobre las emisiones contaminantes de los motores Diesel y la necesidad de considerar este parámetro en las estrategias de calibración. Algunos resultados obtenidos podrían ser la reducción de potencia que el motor sufre al operar en condiciones de altitud, los cambios que la temperatura ambiente causa en el punto de operación del turbo grupo o como las emisiones de NOx se reducen cuando la humedad ambiente aumenta. / [CA] Les normatives cada vegada més restrictives sobre les emissions contaminants dels vehicles de motor imposades per la Unió Europea han obligat als fabricants d'equips originals (OEM) a proporcionar als centres d'investigació eines i instal·lacions que poden reproduir de manera precisa i repetida diferents condicions atmosfèriques durant les primeres etapes del desenvolupament del motor. En l'actualitat la legislació europea inclou proves d'emissions reals en conducció (RDE) en diferents condicions atmosfèriques, amb altituds de fins a 1300 metres sobre el nivell de la mar i temperatures que aconsegueixen els -7 °C. Això s'ha fet típicament utilitzant cambres climàtiques i altimètriques que permeten la reproducció de les condicions atmosfèriques en tota la cel·la de prova, i més recentment connectant a motor simuladors d'altitud acoblats amb unitats de tractament d'aire (AHU). En aquesta Tesi Doctoral, es presenta la millora del simulador d'altitud comercialitzat per l'empresa HORIBA denominat MEDAS, utilitzant procediments tant inductius com deductius, amb l'objectiu d'ampliar el rang de prestacions de la instal·lació així com millorar la precisió del control de pressió de l'aire de combustió i reduir el consum energètic global. A més, durant aquesta fase, es du a terme el desenvolupament d'un model 1D del simulador d'altitud, amb el qual és possible obtindre resultats precisos sobre l'acompliment de la instal·lació per a diferents condicions de contorn, com pot ser el punt d'operació del motor, l'altitud d'instal·lació o la temperatura de l'aigua de refrigeració. A continuació, s'han desenvolupat dos nous equips: el Mòdul de Temperatura del MEDAS (MTM) i el Mòdul d'Humitat del MEDAS (MHM); millorant les estratègies de control i alguns components clau (per exemple, la columna d'aigua de bambolles) per a controlar amb precisió la temperatura i la humitat de l'aire de combustió. Aquests dos juntament amb el MEDAS creen un simulador d'atmosfera complet, que permet el control independent de les tres variables psicromètriques de l'aire de combustió del motor: pressió, temperatura i humitat. Finalment, el simulador d'atmosfera desenvolupat s'utilitza per a estudiar l'efecte que les tres variables psicomètriques de l'aire ambient tenen sobre el rendiment i les emissions contaminants d'un motor Dièsel Euro 6 *turboalimentado, demostrant el gran efecte que té la humitat ambiental sobre les emissions contaminants dels motors Dièsel i la necessitat de considerar aquest paràmetre en les estratègies de calibratge. Alguns resultats obtinguts podrien ser la reducció de potència que el motor pateix en operar en condicions d'altitud, els canvis que la temperatura ambient causa en el punt d'operació del turbo grup o com les emissions de NOx es redueixen quan la humitat ambiente augmenta. / [EN] Increasingly restrictive regulations on pollutant emissions for motor vehicles imposed by the European Union have forced original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to provide research centers with tools and facilities that can accurately and repeatedly reproduce different atmospheric conditions during the early stages of engine development. Nowadays, the European legislation includes real driving emissions (RDE) tests at different atmospheric conditions, with altitudes up to 1300 meters above sea level and temperatures reaching -7 ºC. This has been done typically using altimetric and climatic chambers, which allow the reproduction of the atmospheric conditions in the whole test cell. More recently, connecting to the engine altitude simulators coupled with air handling units (AHU). In this Ph.D. Thesis, the improvement of the altitude simulator commercialized by the company HORIBA called MEDAS, carried out by inductive and deductive procedures, is presented to extend the installation's performance range, improve the combustion air pressure control accuracy, and reduce the installation global energy consumption. Furthermore, during this phase, the development of a 1D model of the altitude simulator is carried out, with which it is possible to obtain accurate results about the performance of the installation for different boundary conditions such as the engine operation point, the room pressure, or the cooling water temperature. Following, two new pieces of equipment have been developed: MEDAS Temperature Module (MTM) and MEDAS Humidity Module (MHM), improving the control strategies and some key components (i.e., the bubbles water-column) to increase the accuracy of the combustion air temperature and humidity control. Together with the MEDAS, these two create a complete atmosphere simulator, which allows the independent control of the three psychrometric variables of the engine combustion air: pressure, temperature, and humidity. Lastly, the atmosphere simulator developed is used to study the effect that the three psychometric variables of the ambient air have on the performance and the pollutant emissions of a Euro 6 turbocharged diesel engine, proving the significant effect that the ambient humidity has on the diesel engines pollutant emissions and the necessity of considering this parameter in the calibration strategies. Some results could be the reduction in power that the engine suffers when operating in altitude conditions, the changes that the ambient temperature causes at the turbocharger operative point, or the decrease in NOx emissions that happen when the ambient humidity increases. / Tabet Aleixandre, R. (2022). Development of an Installation to Emulate Altitude, Ambient Temperature, and Ambient Humidity on Thermal Engines. Application to the Study of the Impact over E6 Engine Performance [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183753 / TESIS

The Use of High Altitude Photography As An Improved Data Source For Drainage System Analysis

Edwards, Peter 10 1900 (has links)
<p> Studies to date involving the network properties of drainage systems have been theoretical in nature; and the environmental implications of these network characteristics have not been exploited to the extent that would appear warranted. This situation exists due to the lack of an accurate data source. Many studies have recognized this. inadequacy of the conventional data sources to meet the necessary requirements of efficiency (in data production and handling), accuracy, consistency and uniformity. </p> <p> The present study demonstrates that high altitude, small scale colour infrared photography is capable of providing drainage network data that fulfill all these basic requirements. Data derived from the three drainage basins, mapped from a variety of data sources, demonstrate three important points. The level of detail obtained from the small scale colour infrared photography far exceeds that available from more traditional data sources. Secondly, these network data are statistica+ly consistent with the traditional data sources. Thirdly, the basin characteristics derived from the high altitude data source show a marked association with the known surficial environments and an expected variation from one surficial environment to another. </p> / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)

Using CFD to analyze thermal and optical influence on a zero pressure balloon at floating condition

Woldu, Yared, Fritz, Anton January 2018 (has links)
The ability to control the trajectory and understanding the atmospheric effects on the flight performance of a scientific high altitude balloon has long been an aspiring ambition. This thesis work analyses the thermal and optical environments at float using the simulation software, ANSYS FLUENT. The objectives for this thesis were to evaluate how the solar angle, sunshine factor and the ground emissivity altered the altitude for the balloon during floating condition in Steady-state simulations. A transient simulation was conducted to evaluate the diurnal cycle effects on the altitude of the balloon. The understanding of how the parameters influence the altitude will make it possible to autonomously route the balloon to desired altitudes where you have a favorable wind direction. Performing steady-state simulations showcased the significance of certain parameters. Different solar angles greatly influenced the temperature gradient on the balloon and hence a larger lifting force acted on the balloon when the sun was at its highest point. Varying the cloudiness mostly affected the maximum temperature distribution and did not affect the minimum temperature distribution. The steady-state simulations also indicated a limited but noticeable dependence on the ground emissivity. From the transient simulations it was further enhanced how great of influence the solar angle have, which was illustrated by running diurnal cycles. It was also apparent that there are great differences depending on the seasons. For future applications, it would be of interest to investigate the effects caused by wind velocities in the steady-state case. A comparative analytic solution should be performed in order to validate the simulation results.


Bliss, Matthew Vern 16 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

GPS/Optical/Inertial Integration for 3D Navigation and Mapping Using Multi-copter Platforms

Dill, Evan T. 24 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The Modeling, Simulation, and Operational Control of Aerospace Communication Networks

Barritt, Brian James 29 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Joint Beamforming and User Association in Cloud-Enabled High-Altitude Platform Station

Alghamdi, Rawan 07 1900 (has links)
Driven by the surging need for seamless connectivity, research in the wireless communication area has dramatically evolved over the years to meet the increasing demand for data rate and seamless coverage. Such evolvement concurs with a notable increase in data traffic and the widespread of data-hungry devices, thereby inflicting stringent requirements on terrestrial networks. Despite the tremendous advances achieved through the past generations of wireless systems, almost half of the world's population remains unconnected, leading to an accentuated digital divide problem. Therefore, this work invigorates a new connectivity solution that integrates aerial and terrestrial communications with a high-altitude platform station (HAPS) to promote a sustainable connectivity landscape. The connectivity solution adopted in this thesis specifically integrates terrestrial base stations with hot-air balloons under the framework of a cloud-enabled HAPS via a data-sharing fronthauling strategy. The aerial (hot-air balloons) and terrestrial base stations, grouped into disjoint clusters, coordinate their mutual transmission to serve aerial (i.e., drones) and terrestrial users. This work studies the downlink communication from the cloud-enabled HAPS to the aerial and terrestrial users under practical system considerations, namely the limited transmit power and the limited-capacity fronthaul link, per-base station. To this end, the first part of the thesis devises a specific optimization problem that maximizes the network sum-rate while accounting for system design constraints to determine the user association strategy, i.e., user to terrestrial clusters or user to air clusters, and the associated beamforming vectors. The second part of the thesis, then, designs a different resource allocations optimization problem that accounts for the fairness among the users, thus adopting a proportionally fair scheduling scheme to assign users on frequency tones to maximize the log of the long-term average rate. On this account, the work solves a handful of non-convex intricate optimization problems using techniques from optimization theory, namely, fractional programming and $\ell_0$-norm approximation. The work consequently outlines the gains realized by providing on-demand coverage in crowded and unserved areas. Moreover, the thesis illustrates the benefits of coordinating the operations of aerial and terrestrial base stations for interference management, load-balancing, and fairness measures.

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