Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amerika."" "subject:"berika.""
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Obchodní politika EU vůči zemím Latinské Ameriky / The EU Trade policy applied to Latin america countriesMrnuštík, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The EU Trade policy applied to Latin america countries. The examination of present situation, prognosis and trends.
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Zahraniční politika Mexika vůči zemím Latinské Ameriky / Foreign policy of Mexico towards Latin AmericaŠkodová, Eva January 2010 (has links)
Latin America has been declared by the actual Mexican administrative a priority area; however, that declaration does not reflect the reality. Why is that so? The objective of this thesis is to explain the principles, the acts and the obstacles of Mexican foreign policy towards Latin America. At the same time, the author aims to reveal whether Mexico is a Latin American country and what is its role in that region. First chapter deals with Mexican identity and its determination in the region, the following chapter then describes the evolution of Mexican foreign policy focusing on the actual government. The third and the fourth chapter are dedicated, respectively, to the multilateral and bilateral aspects of Mexican foreign policy towards Latin America. In the last part, the author gives a summary of the main deficits and challenges of Mexican foreign policy towards Latin America and the perspective areas are pointed out. The thesis is complemented with a case study which is meant to show the strengths and weaknesses of Mexican foreign policy towards the region.
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Rozvojová spolupráce České republiky se zaměřením na region Latinské Ameriky / Development Assistance of Czech Republic in Latin AmericaFričová, Iva January 2010 (has links)
This final thesis describes new transformed system of development assistance in Czech Republic and provided forms of assistance in Latin America. In firs theoretic chapter we can read about this current system. Secon part is dedicated to concrete forms of development assisance in each state in LA. Other part describes economic relations with Czech Republic measured by turnover.Finaly there is summary informing about influence of commerece realtions on providing the development assistance.
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A Handful of World: The Figure of the Hand in Franz Kafka's WritingsInbal, Dalia January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation examines the figure of the hand in Kafka’s literary, professional and personal writings and ties that figure to the contemporary contexts of (1) industrial labor, (2) the statistical, depersonalized perspective on the subject and its body in the modern social and insurance state, and (3) the exacerbation of these conditions during World War One. I show that hands occur in Kafka’s oeuvre wherever the subject’s identity, agency, and physical integrity is under negotiation. The first chapter analyzes Kafka’s novel Der Verschollene. It links the figure of the hand with the contexts of manual labor and industrial work practices, especially Taylorism, and shows that hands emerge when there is a tension between the worker viewed as an individual and the worker as part of the larger machinery of production. The second chapter describes Kafka’s professional background and his responsibilities at the Bohemian Workmen’s Accident Insurance Institute, thereby providing the biographical context for Kafka’s use of the hand trope. It traces the origins of social accident insurance and its inherent tension between two opposing views on the subject--the subject as impersonal part of a collective versus the subject as an individual. The chapter then provides a close reading of one of Kafka’s office writings, an illustrated report about how to prevent work accidents and in particular hand injuries. This text reveals that, even in the professional context, Kafka uses the hand as a metonymy of the threatened body, both of the worker and of its administrator. The third chapter examines the novel Der Proceß as an illustration of the abstract and anonymous worldview dominant in the insurance state, which threatens not only the blue-collar worker but also the white collar employee. Hands appear as random and arbitrary signs of an incomprehensible court system and are at the same time used by the protagonist to establish connections to the court and “grasp” his situation. In addition, the hand represents the writing and creating hand; by connecting the dimension of writing with the figure of the hand as primary political trope in Der Proceß, Kafka shows that the private and public are inseparable. The fourth chapter shows how the short but paradigmatic text “Meine zwei Hände begannen einen Kampf” draws together themes of blue-collar manual labor, white-collar responsibility and authorship by imagining a violent battle between the narrator’s left and right hand, a display of violence that should be read in the context of World War One. In his position at the insurance institute, Kafka was responsible for wounded veterans and traces of his work with amputations and prosthetics show clearly in his later texts. The dissertation will conclude with a brief analysis of “Ein Bericht Für eine Akademie” to show that the hand is the quintessentially human body part that encapsulates the violence and crises that the modern subject has to undergo in order to be a member of (human) society.
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Role Evropské unie v Latinské Americe: změna po riodejaneirském summitu? / Role of the European Union in Latin America: a Change after the Rio Summit?Bakule, Martin January 2002 (has links)
The thesis "Role of the European Union in Latin America: a Change after the Rio Summit?" focuses on alternations of the position of the European Union (EU) in Latin America after the Rio Summit (1999) which was supposed to be a milestone in European-Latin-American relations. The main objective is to identify and explore the EU role and its trends which result not only from the economic links but also the actions of the EU institutions. Factors of unequal position of Latin America in mutual relations, as well as the impact of the interregional strategy of the EU are of special focus. The thesis is organized as follows. The chapter 1 lays conceptual and theoretical grounds and develops the methodology of "the Atlantic triangle" to frame the issue in interregional relations concepts. The chapter 2 analyses the EU and Latin America as subjects of interregional relations. As for the Latin-American region, its social-economic features, development strategy orientation and its impacts and subregional integration are examined. The EU region subchapter is focused on the interregional strategy, its design and development, as well as the multidimensional nature of the relations and its component dynamics (trade, political dialogue, development cooperation). The Chapter 3 identifies and explores external factors which influence the European-Latin-American ties. According to the triangle methodology, the inevitable influence of the United States (the Anglo-American region in the thesis concept) is studied separately from the global environment and other regions. The Chapter 4 quantifies the economic links of the Latin-American region. It examines the shares and trends in trade, investment, development cooperation transfers and migration. The Chapter 5 studies the institutionalised relations within the Atlantic triangle. It classifies the existing links of the Latin-American region (treaties, fora), assesses the role of interregional summits, compares the political approaches from the United States (US) and the EU in trade, development and security areas and studies in detail the EU impact on several aspects of Latin-American institutional configuration (e.g. regional integration). Among others, the most important conclusions drawn in the last chapter are the following: The unequal position of Latin America in relations with the EU can be attributed to its development characteristics as well as its fragmentation that has recently been progressing. It results in week coordination capability of Latin-American countries on the subregional level and absence of effective coordination on regional level. The interregional strategy of the EU aimed at building "Birregional Strategic Partnership" has not met Latin-American expectations. Although the situation in both regions and global environment has changed substantially from the strategy initiation, the strategy concept remains unaltered which is reflected the mutual relation stagnation. The EU strategy has not proved to be effective in fostering the EU role in Latin America. The free trade negotiation balance of the EU and the US is unfavorable to the EU which has not been able to conclude the association agreements (a basic tool to build the partnership) with its major Latin-American partners (MERCOSUR). The mid/long-term trends in the economic positions on the Latin-American markets have been also unfavorable to the EU in favor to the US and Asian partners. The ineffective strategy did not reverse nor stop such trends. However, the EU role is still not negligible in Latin-American aspirations to diversify its external links from the US influence. The relations with the EU display evident counter-balancing features. The EU also plays the role of "external federator" on subregional level but its influence is rather limited. The overall conclusion is that the Rio Summit did not start closer cooperation. The weakening economic relations are not supported by an effective interregional strategy from the EU. The role of the EU is therefore diminishing.
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Mezinárodní námořní kontejnerová přeprava se zaměřením na relaci Latinská Amerika - EU / International maritime container transportation with a focus on session Latin America – EUKršňáková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
In its theoretical -- methodical part, the thesis is focusing on the subject of containerization, characterizes the liner sea transportation (shipping lines), describes the current situation on the sea freight market, characterizes selected shipping lines operating on the trade: Latin America -- EU and describes the ports on the export side: Callao and Paita. In the practical part, it addresses the progression of the transportation chain, beginning with the client's inquiry and ending with delivering the cargo at the consignee's premises. I am also presenting the transportation string through an actual shipment from the Peruvian port of Callao to Prague.
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Ekonomická diplomacie Číny v Latinské Americe / China's Economic Diplomacy in Latin AmericaChervets, Tamara January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of this paper is to summarize the diverse and often controversial information in order to identify and describe the specific features of Chinese economic activities and approaches related to Latin America. The secondary objective is to analyze whether China's involvement in Latin American region is mutually beneficial, or whether the cooperation with the PRC threatens the future development of the region.
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Sociálne ekonomické dopady legalizácie drog v Latinskej Amerike / Socio-economic impact of legalizing drugs in Latin AmericaMatejovičová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to analyzing the market of drugs coming from Latin American countries, their production, distribution as well as final consumption. It focuses on the impact of the current state of drug prohibition and the possible effects of legalization of drugs in the country of production and consumption.
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Återvändarna : en undersökning av hur det svenska samhället påverkades av återvändande emigranter 1860-1940Blidberg, Anders January 2013 (has links)
Between 1860 and 1940 approximately 1,1 million Swedish citizens emigrated to North America. But over 200 000 of them returned to Sweden. In this essay I have tried to estimate the impact of these people on the Swedish society. To make a deeper analyze possible, I have studied the parish of Glimåkra in southern Sweden and tried to trace the immigrants’ lives after their return to Sweden and thus estimate their impact on society. By statistical analysis of migrants between Sweden and USA and between the parish of Glimåkra and USA I have concluded that the result can be used as a model for Sweden on a national basis. The impact of returned emigrants on the parish of Glimåkra is significant. I have been able to identify important areas in the development of the local society that are clearly linked to these people, returning with new knowledge, ideas and money. This is especially obvious in the establishment of independent religious congregations and in the organizations for sobriety.
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"Det står i Bibeln" : Ku Klux Klan och religion över tid.Karlsson, Marcus January 2011 (has links)
Denna C-uppsats bär titeln ”Det står i Bibeln”: Ku Klux Klan och religion över tid och är skriven av Marcus Karlsson. Studien belyser Ku Klux Klans utveckling från bildandet under 1800-talet till 2000-talets början, med hänseende till deras religiösa ståndpunkt i en värld av skiftande religiositet. De frågeställningar som bearbetas ämnar besvara hur Ku Klux Klan motiverar sina åsikter och existens utifrån en teologisk ideologi. Syftet är även att belysa deras ursprungliga förhållande till religion och religiösa institutioner samt eventuell utveckling som har skett över tid. Metoden som har använts i försök att besvara dessa frågor är litteraturstudier. Resultatet visar på att Ku Klux Klans ursprungliga åsikter var väl förankrade i det amerikanska samhällets och den kristna kyrkans värderingar men har över tid förpassats till marginalen. De har gått från att företräda en allmän teologisk hållning till att bli en anhängare av alternativa bibeltolkningar.
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