Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amerika."" "subject:"berika.""
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Integrace učiva zeměpisu a přírodopisu na druhém stupni základní školy na příkladu živé přírody Ameriky / Geography and natural history curriculums integration for secondary schools - example of the living nature of AmericaSovičková, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Classical frontal teaching, where pupils are supposed to listen to the teacher and make notes is becoming stereotypical. Therefore I decided to focus on a topic where I can apply more teaching methods both in Geography lessons and Biology ones. The goal of this work was to create a teaching guide including necessary materials covering the topic of American natural lanscapes and afterwards to evaluate the contribution of these activities. The teaching materials were tested in two classes in The Basic School in Dolní Břežany. Both classes underwent a pretest, the first posttest (immediately after the experimental lessons), the second posttest (six weeks after the experimental lessons) and pupils also tried activities in which they had to apply their achieved knowledge. The data were evaluated using statistical analyses where the results showed a progress of gained knowledge between the pretest and the first posttest, whereas their knowledge did not significantly differ between the first and second posttest. It can be concluded that pupils broadened their knowledge, which was deeper than at the beginning and the pupils were able to retain this knowledge for a longer time. Key words: North America, South America, natural lanscapes, Biology, Geography, activating teaching methods, curriculum integration
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Ufundishaji wa kiswahili Marekani: maendeleo na changamotoWaNjogu, John Kiarie 03 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Kiswahili ni mojawapo ya lugha za Kiafrika zinazofundishwa nchini Marekani. Baada ya Vita Baridi kuisha na kuvunjika kwa muungano wa Sovieti, Marekani ilihimiza lugha fulani zifundishwe kwa maslahi ya mahitaji yake ya kiuchumi na usalama. Kutokana na kuanzishwa kwa lugha za Kiafrika katika elimu ya juu, vyuo vinavyofundisha lugha ya Kiswahili Marekani vimeongezaka kufikia zaidi ya hamsini. Katika makala hii tutaelezea ufundishaji wa lugha ya Kiswahili, utayarishaji wa walimu na vifaa, na matatizo yanayokumba ufundishaji wa Kiswahili (na lugha zingine za Kiafrika kwa jumla) kama lugha ya kigeni. Mwisho tutapendekeza njia za kusuluhisha kwa matatizo haya.
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Of Legal Roulette and Eccentric Clients - Contemporary TV Legal Drama as (Post-)Postmodern Public SphereKanzler, Katja January 2012 (has links)
This article explores the specific capacity of TV courtroom drama to dramatize civic issues and to seduce viewers to an active engagement with such issues. I argue that television series of this genre eyploit the apparent theatricality of their subject matter-trials-to invite their audiences to the deliberation of social or political issues, issues that they negotiate in their courtroom plots. contemporary courtroom dramas amend this issue orientation with a self-reflexive dimension in wich they encourage viewers to also reflect on how the dramatic construction of 'issues' shapes their civic debate. I unfold this argument through a reading of episodes from two very different legal dramas, Boston Legal (2004-2008) and The Good Wife (2009-).
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Ufundishaji wa kiswahili Marekani: maendeleo na changamotoWaNjogu, John Kiarie 03 December 2012 (has links)
Kiswahili ni mojawapo ya lugha za Kiafrika zinazofundishwa nchini Marekani. Baada ya Vita Baridi kuisha na kuvunjika kwa muungano wa Sovieti, Marekani ilihimiza lugha fulani zifundishwe kwa maslahi ya mahitaji yake ya kiuchumi na usalama. Kutokana na kuanzishwa kwa lugha za Kiafrika katika elimu ya juu, vyuo vinavyofundisha lugha ya Kiswahili Marekani vimeongezaka kufikia zaidi ya hamsini. Katika makala hii tutaelezea ufundishaji wa lugha ya Kiswahili, utayarishaji wa walimu na vifaa, na matatizo yanayokumba ufundishaji wa Kiswahili (na lugha zingine za Kiafrika kwa jumla) kama lugha ya kigeni. Mwisho tutapendekeza njia za kusuluhisha kwa matatizo haya.
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Mokinių, turinčių nežymiai sutrikusį intelektą, Pietų Amerikos geografijos mokymas / SOUTH AMERICA GEOGRAPHY TEACHING FOR THE STUDENTS WITH A SLIGHT MENTAL DISORDERJankauskienė, Sonata 07 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro darbo santrauka
Bakalauro darbą sudaro įvadas, du skyriai ir išvados. Įvade pateikta tyrimo metodika, tikslas, uždaviniai, aprašyti tyrimo dalyviai. Suformuluota hipotezė, jog mokiniams, turintiems nežymiai sutrikusį intelektą, bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos geografijos vadovėliai yra per daug sudėtingi. Pirmame skyriuje apžvelgtos bendroji ir specialioji geografijos programos, išanalizuoti mokinių, turinčių nežymiai sutrikusį intelektą, geografiniai vaizdiniai, priežasties – padarinių ryšiai.
Antrame skyriuje pateiktas tyrimas, išanalizuotas vadovėlio tekstas, bei siūlomi tekstai mokymo kursui apie Pietų Ameriką. Darbo gale pateikiamos išvados.
Tyrime dalyvavo 28 aštuntos ir 28 devintos klasės mokiniai, turintys nežymiai sutrikusį intelektą.
Testo metodu tirta, kaip mokiniai, turintys nežymiai sutrikusį intelektą, įsisavino mokymo medžiagą apie Pietų Ameriką. Palygintos aštuntokų ir devintokų žinios.
Tyrimu nustatyta, kad aštuntokai ir devintokai maždaug vienodai turi žinių apie Pietų Ameriką. Tyrimo metu aštuntokai mokymo kursą buvo išėję prieš metus, tačiau kai kurie jų rezultatai buvo prastesni už devintokų atsakymus. Devintokai apie Pietų Ameriką mokėsi tik 7 klasėje, nuo to laiko praėjo dveji metai. Ir aštuntos, ir devintos klasės mokinių žinios – nepakankamai įtvirtintos, netikslios.
Besimokantys geografijos kursą specialiojoje mokykloje, įgyja žinias, kurios padeda orientuotis pasaulyje ir artimiausioje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Summary
The Bachelor Degree Paper consists of the Introductory Part, two chapters and conclusions. The Introductory Part focuses on the research methods, the aim of the work with objectives and the description of the participants in this research. The following hypothesis has been formulated: the students with a slight mental disorder find geography coursebooks for comprehensive schools too difficult. The first chapter of this work overviews common and special geography syllabuses, and analyses links between cause and effect of students with a slight mental disorder geographical visualisations.
The second chapter of this work provides a detailed analysis of the coursebook text. Furthermore, different texts for teaching about South America are suggested. The conclusions are drawn at the end of the work.
28 students from the 8th class and the same number of ninthformers with a slight mental disorder participated in this research.
Using the testing method, the research was carried out trying to disclose the pecularities of how students with a previously mentioned disorder master the teaching material about South America. The knowledge of the both groups of students has been compared.
After the research, it can be assumed that the knowledge about South America among eightformers and ninthformers is almost the same. At the time of the research, the eightformers had completed the syllabus a year before, however some of their... [to full text]
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En trumslagare för freden! : En kritisk granskning av Martin Luther King Jr:s ickevåldsideologiAbrahamsson, Christoffer January 2014 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen är en kritisk analys av King och hans ickevåldsideologi. Uppsatsens syfte och avgränsning är att granska och redogöra för den ideologi som King genom sina tal, predikningar och övriga skrifter redogjorde för. Metoden jag använt mig av är att systematisera Kings ideologi för att därefter analysera den. Efter en kritisk granskning av Kings ickevåldsideologi står det klart att den är koherent, men att hans argumentation emellanåt är bristfällig. I synnerhet brister King vid en rimlighetsprövning. Kings ickevåldsideologi utgick från en teocentrisk världsbild med naturrättslig filosofi. Han menade att alla människor är skapade till Guds avbild och att alla människor har möjligheten att göra gott. Kings ickevåldsideologi grundar sig på aktivt motstånd där människan med kärleken som redskap och civil olydnad kan åstadkomma samhällsförändringar. Han tog tydligt avstånd från all typ av våldshandlingar och menade att våld aldrig medför en varaktig förändring, att våld är omoraliskt och ovärdigt en människa samt att ickevåld är det enda sättet att förändra samhällsproblem sett ur ett långsiktigt perspektiv. / The purpose of this Master thesis is to give an account of and review the ideology yhat King presented through his preaching, speeches and other sources. The metod I have chosen for this purpose is to systematize King’s ideology and the to critically analyze it. When doing so I have discoverd that King’s non-violent ideology is coherent, but that his argumentation is somewhat defective, especially when examing its plausibility. King’s non-violence ideology was based on a theocentric wordview and a natural law pholosophy. He tought that all men are created in the image of God and that all humans have the possibility to do good. King’s non-violence ideology is based on active resistance where people use love and civil disobedience as tools to enforce subversive changes. King was against all types of violent actions and stated that violence never leads to sustainable change, that violence is immoral and unworthy of any human. King also said that non-violence is the only way to combat societal problems in a long-term perspective.
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Lima: Problémy latinskoamerické metropole v souvislostech a vzájemné interakci / Lima: Problems of Latin-American metropolis in context and mutual interactionRataj, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the complex of problems which characterize Latin American metropolis on the threshold of the 21st century. It is illustrated in the example of the Peruvian capital Lima which cumulates high amount of the symptomatic maladies of the urbanized areas in this part of the World. The emphasis is mostly put on the issue of the internal migration in Peru and its consequence in a radical change of urbanization, especially the fast growth of the slums on the peripheries. The work also deals with the phenomena which are closely connected with it - criminality, decline in quality of life in the city and disruption of its structures, exhausted environment and predisposition to davastation caused by natural disasters. The aim is to show the coherence of above- mentioned aspects, their common origin and to put them in the context of problems in Peru when the main accent is on the aspect of poverty and cultural-racial barrier.
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Biosferické rezervace Latinské Ameriky - ekoturismus a udržitelný rozvoj / Biosphere Reserves in Latin America - ecotourism and sustainable developmentSušňová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Tourism is one of the progressively evolving fields and due to the influence of globalization has become attractive and easily accessible matter for a broad group of people across the continents. Economical aspects of this perspective branch supported generally uncritical perception of phenomena called tourism. In recent years, however the negative impact of mass tourism became the subject of discussion and efforts are being made to find alternative forms which respect the environment and contribute to the development of the visited regions. The aim of thesis is study of ecotourism and biospheres reserves. Both concepts contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in Latin America. Biosphere Reserves based on the effort of harmonious coexistence between man and nature are the ideal environment for the application of the principles of sustainability. Ecotourism in Latin American practice is analyzed on the basis of case studies from Costa Rica and the Galapagos Islands. Operation, management and benefits of biosphere reserves for the region demonstrate examples of Guatemala and Costa Rica. Keywords: biosphere reserve; ecotourism; Latin America; sustainable development
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Francisco Ayala a jeho přínos k vývoji translatologie / Francisco Ayala and his Contribution to Translation StudiesBuaiscia, Romana January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis is to present the renowned Spanish author Francisco Ayala as a translator and translation theorist. The core of the thesis is then the analysis of Ayala's main writings concerning translation. Moreover, we outline the history of translation and translation studies in Spain and Hispanic America to put Ayala's work into a broader context. We also inquire into other areas of Ayala's interest closely related to translation − publishing, lexicography and professional proofreading. To conclude the thesis, we discuss the general situation of the exiled Spanish translators who worked in Hispanic America during the Franco's regime.
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Presidencialismus v podmínkách multipartismu. Analýza příčin stability systému v zemích Latinské Ameriky / Presidentialism under conditions of multipartism. Analysis of sources of system stability in Latin American countriesKerclová, Helena January 2010 (has links)
According to a lot of experts presidential systems under conditions of multipartism are leading to instability, because there is peril of executive-legislative deadlocks. This thesis is focusing on three stable countries under these conditions (Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay). The main goal of this thesis is to find out the sources of system stability of these three countries. The thesis analyzes them on the basis of four criteria (number of parties, ideological distance, party system institutionalization and simultaneous presidential and parliamentary elections together with electoral system). This thesis analyzes election results of these countries since their transition to democracy. The thesis demonstrated, that party system format is not crucial for stability. More important is his stability together with the same actors and unchangeable ties between them.
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