Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ammonia emission"" "subject:"mmonia emission""
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Predication of Ammonia Emission From Poultry Layer and Dariy Houses Using an Alternative Mass Balance MethodWang, Shunli 27 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Dujų emisijos iš mėšlo procesų tyrimai / Researches of Manure Gas EmissionPrakupimaitė, Indrė 09 June 2009 (has links)
Baigiamasis darbas atliktas Lietuvos žemės ūkio universitete, 2009 metais. Darbo apimtis 52 puslapiai jame yra: 15 paveikslų, 11 lentelių, 6 priedai. Literatūros apraše yra 31 šaltinis. Magistrantūros darbo tikslas - nustatyti dujų emisijos intensyvumą iš įvairaus mėšlo ir jos poveikį tvarto mikroklimatui bei aplinkos oro taršai. Atlikus informacijos šaltinių apžvalgą yra išanalizuotos gyvulių laikymo technologijos, aptarti veiksniai įtakojantys kenksmingų dujų sklidimą į aplinką. Įvertinti tvarto mikroklimato parametrai, mėšlo laikymo trukmės įtaka amoniako emisijai, priemonės jai mažinti. Atlikus eksperimentinius tyrimus nustatėme amoniako ir anglies dvideginio dujų emisiją iš įvairaus mėšlo. Stende nustatyta, kad didžiausia amoniako emisija yra iš skysto mėšlo - 216 mg/(m2•h). Mažiausia amoniako emisija užfiksuota iš tiršto mėšlo - 88 mg /(m2•h). Apibendrinus skaičiavimo rezultatus gauname, kad didžiausias vėdinimo intensyvumas reikalingas vandens garų pertekliui pašalinti Todėl projektuojant tvartų vėdinimo sistemas, pakanka oro apykaitą skaičiuoti pagal vandens garų kiekį. Jeigu tvarte užtikrinsime ne per didelį oro drėgnumą, tai kartu bus ir nedidelė anglies dvideginio bei amoniako koncentracija. / Final work was accomplished at Lithuanian University of Agriculture in 2009. The scope of the work is 52 pages: 15 pictures, 11 tables, 6 appendixes are included. 31 sources of literature were referred to in this work. The aim of this Master degree‘s final work is to set gas emission intensity of various manure and her impact stables microclimate and ambient air pollution. Following the review source of information the analysis assessed of livestock keeping technologies, discuss the factors affecting the spread of harmful gases into the environment. The analysis of microclimate parameters in the farm was implemented, manure holding time to ammonia emision was implemented, measures to reduce emission. Following the experimental studies found ammonia and carbon dioxide gas emissions from various manure. The plaque states that the higest emission of ammonia from liquid manure - 216 mg / (m2•h). The minimum intensity in the ammonia emissions from thick manure - 88 mg / (m2•h). The summarize results of the calculation we get that the maximum intensity of ventilation required to remove excess water vapor. Therefore, the farm designed of ventilation systems, air circulation is sufficient to estimated under the water vapor content. If we make sure to do not to much air humidity in the cowshed then carbon dioxide and ammonia concentration it will be not to high.
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Caracterização química e física de excretas de codornas européias submetidas a variações de temperatura em câmaras climáticas como indicativo de níveis de estresse calórico, emissão de amônia e adequação a compostagem / Chemical and physical characterization of excreta of European quail subjected to temperature variations in chambers as indicative of levels of heat stress, ammonia emission and fitness for composting.Mendes, Múcio André dos Santos Alves 26 July 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-07-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Despite the meat quails are already in the Brazilian market for 16 years, there is little information in the areas of management, nutrition and environment as a whole, this fact often difficult to create and contribute to the increased cost of production of European species under the climate conditions of Brazil. It is considered that the creating quails cutting has great growth potential, thus making it of paramount importance studies related to the creation of this animal, both in terms of ambience associated with animal production, such as environmental aspects related to the characterization of waste produced, under different thermal conditions of creation. Based on the above, we aimed at, this work was to characterize and analyze the variation of components of the excreta of meat quails Coturnix coturnix coturnix strain, grown in growth chambers under different conditions of thermal environment. He had as specific objectives to evaluate the possible relationship between components and excreta moisture of the thermal environment for the creation of quails, and the relationship between components and characteristics of excreta with the thermal comfort ideal for quail, each week of the same. We will also evaluate the potential of ammonia emission from excreta in different micro-environmental conditions and determine the ratio carbon / nitrogen excreta so that we can calculate the optimal amount of specific sources of carbon to be added to the manure, composting for later efficient substrate generated. The study was conducted in AMBIAGRO-DEA/UFV, and conducted in two stages: the first stage 900 birds were used 1-21 days of age and second stage 300 birds were used 22-35 days of age. The first phase consisted of the following treatments: thermal comfort recommended in the literature for the three first weeks of life of the birds (36, 33, 30 ° C, respectively), two levels of heat stress (39, 36, 30 ° C and 42, 39, 36 ° C respectively), two levels of stress for cooling (33, 30, 27 and 30 ° C, 27, 24 ° C). In the second phase trial was a redistribution of the birds so that the quail each of the five treatments were initially subjected to a thermal comfort recommended position (26 ° C) and two levels of heat stress (30 ° C and 33 ° C) thus, new treatments 15. We analyzed the moisture content, pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total sodium and total potassium in the excreta of the birds during the two phases. The variations of nitrogen and potassium found in the excreta of birds submitted to different thermal environments was not enough to ensure that these parameters serve as indicators of thermal stress of quails. Since the moisture content of the excreta of birds subjected to severe heat in the second phase of the experiment are higher than the value found in the excreta of birds subjected to thermal comfort, describing this factor as an indication that the birds are not in thermal comfort . The carbon / nitrogen ratio obtained in the excreta of quails, regardless of age and are subjected to the thermal environment, is less than ideal for composting, requiring addition of carbon material supplier. Very cold environments in early life or very hot in the growth phase and final meat quails, leading to more liquid feces and the consequent increased potential for ammonia emissions. / Apesar das codornas de corte já estarem no mercado brasileiro há 16 anos, ainda são escassas as informações nas áreas de manejo, nutrição e ambiência como um todo, este fato muitas vezes dificulta a criação e contribui para o aumento no custo de produção da espécie europeia sob as condições do clima do Brasil. Considera-se que a coturnicultura de corte possui grande potencial de crescimento, tornando-se assim, de suma importância estudos relacionados à criação desse animal, tanto em termos de ambiência associada à produtividade animal, como em aspectos ambientais relacionados à caracterização dos dejetos produzidos, sob diferentes condições térmicas de criação. Com base no exposto, objetivou-se, com este trabalho, caracterizar e analisar a variação de componentes das excretas de codornas de corte da linhagem Coturnix coturnix coturnix, criadas em câmaras climáticas, sob diferentes situações de ambiente térmico. Teve-se como objetivos específicos avaliar a possível relação entre componentes e umidade da excreta com o ambiente térmico de criação das codornas, e a relação entre componentes e características da excreta com o conforto térmico ideal para as codornas, a cada semana de vida das mesmas. Objetivou-se também avaliar o potencial de emissão de amônia das excretas em diferentes condições micro ambientais e determinar a relação Carbono/Nitrogênio das excretas com vistas ao calculo da quantidade ideal de fontes específicas de carbono a serem adicionadas aos dejetos, para uma posterior compostagem eficiente do substrato gerado. A pesquisa foi realizada no AMBIAGRO-DEA/UFV, e conduzida em duas fases: na primeira fase foram utilizadas 900 aves de 1 a 21 dias de idade e segunda fase foram utilizadas 300 aves de 22 a 35 dias de idade. A primeira fase foi constituída por cinco tratamentos: conforto térmico preconizado pela literatura para as três primeiras semanas de vida das aves, (36, 33, 30°C, respectivamente), dois níveis de estresse por calor, (39, 36, 30°C e 42, 39, 36 °C respectivamente), dois níveis de estresse por frio (33, 30, 27°C e 30, 27, 24°C). Na segunda fase experimental houve uma redistribuição das aves de forma que as codornas de cada um dos cinco tratamentos da primeira fase fossem submetidas a uma situação de conforto térmico preconizado (26°C) e a dois níveis de estresse por calor (30°C e 33°C) constituindo assim, 15 novos tratamentos. Foram analisados o teor de umidade, pH, carbono orgânico, nitrogênio total, fósforo total, sódio total e potássio total, nas excretas das aves durante as duas fases. As variações dos teores de nitrogênio e potássio encontrados nas excretas das aves submetidas a diferentes ambientes térmicos não foi suficiente para garantir que estes parâmetros sirvam como indicadores de estresse térmico de codornas. Já os teores de umidade das excretas das aves submetidas ao calor severo, na segunda fase do experimento, foram superiores ao valor encontrado nas excretas das aves submetidas ao conforto térmico, qualificando este fator como um indicativo de que as aves não se encontraram em conforto térmico. A relação carbono/nitrogênio obtida nas excretas de codornas, independente da idade e ambiente térmico a que estão submetidas, é inferior ao ideal para a compostagem, exigindo acréscimo de material fornecedor de carbono. Ambientes muito frios na fase inicial de vida ou muito quentes na fase de crescimento e final de codornas de corte, resultam em fezes mais liquidas e ao consequente maior potencial de emissão de amônia.
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Prise en compte de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des émissions d'ammoniac liées à la fertilisation azotée en France et développement de métamodèles prédictifs / Taking into account the spatio-temporal variability of ammonia emissions from nitrogen fertilization in France and development of predictive metamodels.Ramanantenasoa, Maharavo 26 November 2018 (has links)
Dans un contexte de réduction des impacts des pratiques agricoles sur la santé humaine et sur les écosystèmes, il est nécessaire de bien prendre en compte la volatilisation d’ammoniac (NH3) dans les inventaires d’émissions, la compréhension du devenir de l’azote après fertilisation et la modélisation de la qualité de l’air. Etant donné le poids de la fertilisation azotée (55%) dans le total des émissions nationales de NH3, cette dernière constitue un levier important pour réduire les émissions de NH3. Les inventaires nationaux actuels, basés sur l’utilisation de facteurs d’émission par défaut, souffrent d’un manque de description spatiale et temporelle, rendant difficile l’élaboration des politiques de réduction efficaces des émissions. Par ailleurs, même s’il existe à l’heure actuelle des modèles qui simulent de manière globale le devenir de l’azote sur le cycle de la culture, la volatilisation de NH3 n’est pas toujours prise en compte, et si elle l’est, les modules de volatilisation sont souvent relativement frustres et n’ont été que partiellement validés. Il existe pourtant des modèles dédiés exclusivement à la volatilisation de NH3 au champ, mais leurs exigences en données et paramètres d’entrée et leur temps de calcul limitent leur utilisation à grande échelle (exemple, échelle nationale…) sur de nombreux sites géographiques pendant plusieurs années, ainsi que leur intégration dans des modèles opérationnels de prédiction de la qualité de l’air, ou des outils d’aide à la décision ou d’évaluation environnementale en termes de fertilisation azotée.Cette thèse propose des nouveaux outils. Le premier outil, CADASTRE_NH3, permet de décrire et d’analyser la variabilité spatio-temporelle des émissions de NH3 liées à la fertilisation azotée. Il couple le modèle de processus Volt’Air avec des bases de données géo-référencées sur les facteurs agro-pédoclimatiques à l’échelle nationale. Cette approche d’inventaires des émissions a montré sa capacité à capturer les variabilités spatio-temporelles de l’utilisation d’azote et des émissions de NH3 qui en résultent, et à prendre en compte l’effet des interactions des facteurs pédologiques et/ou climatiques sur les émissions. La confrontation des résultats de l’outil CADASTRE_NH3 avec les inventaires officiels français montrent de fortes convergences en ce qui concerne les quantités d’azote utilisé et les émissions de NH3 en France pour l’année 2005-06, mais aussi des divergences notamment pour le cas des produits résiduaires organiques. Le deuxième type d’outils correspond aux méta-modèles dérivés de Volt'Air pour prédire les taux d’émissions de NH3 après application d’engrais azotés. Ces méta-modèles présentent de nombreux avantages pratiques du fait de leur simplicité et opérationnalité. Ils ont des potentiels d’utilisation prometteurs pour accompagner la prise de décision en terme de conditions d’utilisation des engrais et également pour appuyer les politiques de réduction des émissions à travers par exemple la réalisation des tests de scénarios.Il serait cependant intéressant de confronter les outils développés dans le cadre de cette thèse avec des données expérimentales pour évaluer leur performance respective et valider l’ensemble de nos approches. Il serait également intéressant de développer des méta-modèles dynamiques dérivés du modèle Volt’Air capables de décrire la dynamique des flux de NH3 liés à l’application des engrais azotés pour être intégrés comme modules simples de volatilisation de NH3 dans des modèles agronomiques et atmosphériques. / In a context of reducing the impacts of agricultural practices on human health andecosystems, it is necessary to better account for ammonia (NH3) volatilization in the inventories of NH3 emissions, the understanding of the nitrogen behavior after fertilization and the modeling of air quality.Given the considerable weight of nitrogen fertilizer (55%) in the total national NH3 emissions, nitrogen fertilization is an important lever for reducing NH3 emissions. Current national inventories are based on the use of default emission factors (EF) and suffer from a lack of fine spatial and temporal NH3 emissions descriptions making it difficult to develop effective emission reduction policies. Moreover, even if there are currently models that globally simulate the fate of nitrogen on the crop cycle, their do not always take into account the volatilization of NH3, and if it is, the volatilization modules are often very frustrating and have not been validated. There are models dedicated exclusively to the volatilization of NH3 in the field, but their requirements for data and input parameters and their calculation time limit their large-scale use (e.g, at national scale) in many geographical locations for several years as well as their integration into airquality prediction models or decision support or environmental assessment tools in terms of nitrogen fertilization.This thesis proposes new tools. The first tool, CADASTRE_NH3 makes it possible to describe and analyze the spatio-temporal variability of NH3 emissions from nitrogen fertilization. It combines the Volt'Air process-based model with geo-referenced databases on agro-soil-meteorological factors at the national level. This approach has demonstrated its ability to capture the spatio-temporal variability ofnitrogen use and resulting NH3 emissions, and to take into account the effect of soil and climate factor interactions on emissions. The comparison of CADASTRE_NH3 results with the official French inventories shows strong convergences regarding the quantities of nitrogen used and NH3 emissions in France for the year 2005-06, but also divergences especially for the case of organic waste products. Thesecond type of tool corresponds to meta-models derived from Volt'Air for predicting NH3 emission rates after nitrogen fertilizer applications. These meta-models have many practical advantages because of their simplicity and operability. They have promising potential uses to support decision-making in terms of fertilizer use conditions and also to support emission reduction policies through, for example, scenario testing.However, it would be interesting to compare the tools developed in this thesis with experimental data to evaluate their respective performance and validate all our approaches. It would also be interesting to develop dynamic meta-models of Volt'Air that can describe the dynamics of NH3 fluxes related to nitrogen fertilizer applications and to be integrated as simple modules of NH3 volatilization in agronomic and atmospheric models.
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Modeling of Indoor Environment and Ammonia Emission, Distribution, and Dispersion Within and From Manure-Belt Layer HousesTong, Xinjie 08 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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