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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alterações cardiovasculares após maratona: marcadores de injúria e fadiga cardíaca / Cardiovascular changes after marathon: injury markers and cardiac fatigue

Ana Paula Rennó Sierra 30 January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar as repercussões clínicas e na capacidade cardiopulmonar, resultantes das alterações agudas morfofuncionais cardíacas e dos marcadores de injúria miocárdica após a realização de uma maratona, assim como a influência dos polimorfismos da ECA e BNP. Para tanto, 74 maratonistas, que participariam da XIX Maratona Internacional de São Paulo 2013 foram submetidos aos seguintes procedimentos: anamnese, exame físico, avaliação física, ecocardiograma, eletrocardiograma, bem como um teste cardiopulmonar. 24 horas antes da maratona, foi realizada uma coleta de sangue, em jejum. No terceiro momento, imediatamente antes da maratona, os atletas foram submetidos a medida de peso e bioimpedância elétrica a fim de caracterizar a quantidade de água corporal. Imediatamente após a maratona, os atletas foram submetidos a medida de peso, bioimpedância elétrica, coleta de sangue e ecocardiograma. 24 e 72 horas após a maratona, os atletas foram submetidos a coleta de sangue. No sétimo e último momento, entre três e quinze dias apos a maratona, novamente um teste cardiopulmonar. Os principais resultados foram: a) Houveram alterações estatisticamente significativas em todos os marcadores de injúria miocárdica no período após a maratona, sem retorno aos valores basais 72 horas após a maratona, exceto para troponina; b) Não houve correlação linear entre os marcadores relacionados a isquemia e morte celular e o BNP. Porém, houve correlação cúbica entre o BNP e a troponina, além da correlação entre todos os marcadores de injúria relacionados a isquemia e morte, com efeito baixo deles na troponina, na análise de regressão linear; c) Houve influência da idade e experiência de treinamento na liberação de troponina e BNP, e da intensidade de realização da prova nos outros marcadores; d) Houve influência das características ecocardiográficas na liberação de troponina; e) O aumento das capacidades pulmonares na espirometria de repouso, assim como na ventilação do 2º limiar e pico no teste cardiopulmonar correlacionaram-se significativamente com a queda de hemoglobina ocorrida nos dias após a maratona; f) A redução dos níveis de hemoglobina e hematócrito nos maratonistas, 24 e 72 horas após a maratona, caracterizam a anemia do atleta; g) Não houve correlação entre os polimorfismos da ECA e do BNP e as características ecocardiográficas relacionadas ao coração de atleta, porém há correlação com a liberação de BNP após a maratona / The aims of this study was to verify the clinical implications and in the cardiopulmonary capacity resulting from acute cardiac morphofunctional changes and myocardial injury markers after a marathon, as well as the influence of ACE and BNP polymorphisms. Therefore, 74 marathon runners, which participate in the XIX International Marathon of São Paulo in 2013, underwent the following procedures: anamnesis, physical examination, fitness assessment, echocardiogram, electrocardiogram and a cardiopulmonary exercise testing. 24 hours before the marathon, a blood collect was held. Immediately before the marathon, athletes underwent measurement of weight and bioelectrical impedance to characterize the amount of body water. Immediately after the marathon, athletes underwent weight measurement, electrical impedance, blood collect and echocardiogram. 24 and 72 hours after the marathon athletes collected blood. In the seventh and final time between three and fifteen days after the marathon, a cardiopulmonary exercise test was performed. The main results were: a) There were statistically significant changes in all myocardial injury markers in the period after the marathon, which didn\'t return to basal values 72 hours after marathon, except to cardiac troponins; b) There was no linear correlation between the marker related to ischemia and cell death and the BNP. However, there cubic correlation between BNP and troponin, in addition to the correlation between all markers of injury related to cellular ischemia and death, with low effect on troponin in the linear regression analysis; c) Age and training experience affected the release of troponin and BNP, and intensity affected the others markers; d) There was influence of echocardiographic features in the release of troponin; e) The increase in lung capacity in spirometry as well as ventilation of the second threshold and peak in the cardiopulmonary test were significantly correlated with the decrease in haemoglobin occurred after marathon; f) The reduction of haemoglobin and haematocrit levels in marathon runners, 24 and 72 hours after marathon called athletes anaemia; g) There was no correlation between ACE and BNP polymorphisms and echocardiographic features related to the athlete\'s heart, but correlation with the release of BNP after marathon

A percepção coletiva, pelo setor regulado, da Resolução brasileira que determina a fortificação de farinhas de trigo com ferro e ácido fólico / The collective perception of the milling industry, on law requiring iron and folic acid fortification of the wheat flour.

Latorre, William Cesar 30 September 2005 (has links)
Os indicadores brasileiros de anemia ferropriva são alarmantes. Para colaborar com a redução deste quadro, o governo brasileiro adotou a fortificação das farinhas de trigo com ferro. Nesta pesquisa, profissionais dos moinhos de trigo brasileiros foram questionados, sobre suas percepções da Resolução ANVISA nº 344/02, que obrigou a fortificação das farinhas. As respostas dos entrevistados permitiram construir Discursos do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC) e interpretar alguns de seus aspectos com o objetivo de avaliar a aceitação e a adoção das determinações da legislação. Os DSC são redações organizadas, pelo pesquisador, das informações qualitativas obtidas nas entrevistas, contendo as principais idéias e expressões verbais que revelam as percepções dos entrevistados. Os resultados obtidos permitem afirmar que esses concordam com a legislação, porém questionam sua forma de apresentação, autoritária e pouco participativa da categoria que, a princípio, deixou o setor arredio e exigente de uma contrapartida pelo governo de um programa de educação ao consumidor e também desconfiado se a estratégia atingirá a população pobre, devido ao preço dos derivados do trigo. A coletividade afirma que cumpre a legislação apesar das deficiências tecnológicas do setor, que têm sido contornadas com a escolha de qualificados fornecedores de micronutrientes com serviços analíticos agregados. A sobredosagem de micronutrientes tem sido praticada para contornar problemas tecnológicos e a falta de um controle laboratorial adequado. O composto de ferro mais empregado para fortificar farinhas de uso doméstico é o ferro reduzido e, para as de uso industrial, o composto de ferro varia conforme as necessidades dos clientes. Na percepção da coletividade dos moinhos de trigo, a problemática da fortificação obrigatória das farinhas é menos tecnológica e mais política e administrativa. A fortificação obrigatória foi uma grande conquista que pode ser melhorada com a fiscalização dos processos industriais e dos produtos. Deveria ser tratada como um programa, que educasse a população por mídia de massa e incluísse gestores capazes de mediar as ações, que envolvem setores com interesses distintos, como o governo, a indústria e a sociedade. / Anemia caused by iron deficiency is very prevalent in Brazil. To decrease it, the Brazilian government established that wheat flour must be fortified with iron and folic acid. This work presents the perceptions of the wheat flour milling professionals on the Brazilian law - Resolução ANVISA nº 344/2002, which has obligated the flour fortification. The answers of the interviewed professionals were used to writing the Collective Discourses of the Subjects. Some aspects of them were interpreted with the objective of evaluating the acceptance of the law by the milling community. Collective Discourses of the Subjects are wordings organized and written by the researcher using the information obtained with the interviewers, and contains the main ideas and verbal expressions which reveal the interviewers perceptions. The results allow to concluding the wheat mills community agree with the law, however it argues with its authoritarian way of dealing, without the participation of the milling fellows, who became strayed and distrust, and asking the government for an advertising campaign of consumer´s education. The milling fellows distrust if the poor population will be reached by the measure, because of the prices of the products derived from wheat. The collective subject says he is fulfilling the law, besides the technological deficiencies of the milling companies, which have been solved with good suppliers of micronutrients who includes lab services. Over dosage of micronutrients has been used to avoiding technological issues, and the lack of rapid lab analysis results. Between the interviewers, reduced iron is the most used iron compound to fortify wheat flour for domestic usage, and the source of iron for the flour for industrial purposes varies depending on the customer. The perception of the milling professionals reveals the fortification issues are more administrative and political, than technological. The fortification should be improved with the govern enforcement and should be seen like a program, which would include educational advertising to the population and should be managed by professionals able to mediate government, industry and society interests.

Extended Cr-51 RBC combined with Tc-99m RBC for the detection and localisation of occult GIT bleeding

Modebe, Emmanuel Obinna 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background Occult blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), causing iron deficiency often with anaemia, can be diagnostically and therapeutically challenging. This is because the endoscopic and radiologic tests may be negative due to the slow, chronic and intermittent nature of the gastrointestinal bleeding, making timing key in detection and localisation of the bleed. These limitations can be approached using two different radioactive isotopes. Firstly, we tested the sensitivity of extending Cr-51 RBC for 21 days relative to 5 days to detect GIT bleeding and its use to optimise timing of a Tc-99m RBC study for GIT blood loss localisation. Finally, we tested if the information provided by the Tc-99m RBC study aided gastroenterologic intervention for anatomical localisation of a lesion. Method In this retrospective review, after obtaining institutional and ethics committee approval, records of patients referred for evaluation of possible GIT blood loss were reviewed. In each; daily appearance of radiochromium in stool was measured in the whole body counter. In those cases exceeding 50 ml/day, a technetium-99m (Tc-99m) localization study was performed. These studies were correlated with clinical findings. Results A total of 59 Cr-51 RBC studies were carried out in 36 females and 21 males (n = 57). In 32 (54%) the radiochromium results were positive with 75% of the bleeding incidences occurring after 5 days of stool collection. Of 17 cases in whom Tc-99m RBC imaging studies were performed, 14 (82%) were positive with specific anatomical sites successfully defined in twelve. In all patients with blood loss of >100 ml/24h, Tc-99m RBC were positive and localised. Ten of the 17 Tc-99m RBC studies were further investigated and half diagnosed with small-bowel angiodysplasia. Conclusion This sequential twin isotope method is practical in revealing otherwise silent intestinal haemorrhage. Although it has good patient acceptability and clinical as well as diagnostic utility in management, further studies are required to clearly establish a cut-off level of blood loss for performing imaging studies and the impact of the findings on the overall patient management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond Die evaluasie van okkulte bloedverlies uit die gastro-intestinale kanaal (GIT), met gevolglike ystertekort anemie, kan diagnosties en terapeuties uitdagend wees. Dit is omdat endoskopiese en radiologiese ondersoeke negatief mag wees as gevolg van die stadige, chroniese en intermitterende aard van die gastro-intestinale bloeding, wat die presiese tydstip van opsporing en lokalisering van die bloeding krities belangrik maak. Hierdie beperkings kan aangespreek word deur twee verskillende radioaktiewe isotope te gebruik. Eerstens is die sensitiwiteit van die verlenging van die Cr-51 RBS studie tot 21 dae in plaas van 5 dae om die GIT bloeding op te spoor, getoets, asook die gebruik daarvan om die optimale tyd vir ‘n Tc-99m RBS studie om die GIT bloedverlies te lokaliseer, vas te stel. Laastens is getoets of die inligting van die Tc-99m RBS studie wel bygedra het tot die gastroenterologiese ingreep om die letsel anatomies te lokaliseer. Metode Na institusionele en etiese komitee toestemming is inligting van pasiënte wat vir die evaluering van ‘n moontlike GI bloedverlies verwys is, in hierdie retrospektiewe oorsig nagegaan. Die daaglikse voorkoms van radioaktiewe chroom in stoelgangmonsters is in ‘n heelliggaamteller gemeet. In gevalle waar dit 50 ml/dag oorskry het, is ‘n tegnesium 99m (Tc 99m) studie gedoen. Hierdie studies is met die kliniese bevindinge gekorreleer. Resultate ‘n Totaal van 59 Cr-51 RBS studies is in 36 vroue en 21 mans (n = 57) gedoen. Die gemerkte chroomstudies was positief in 32 (54%), met 75% van die bloedings wat meer as 5 dae na versameling van die stoelgang plaasgevind het. In veertien (82%) van die 17 gevalle waar Tc-99m RBS studies gedoen is, was die studies positief. Spesifieke anatomiese gebiede van bloeding kon in 12 hiervan suksesvol bevestig word. Tc-99m RBS studies was positief in al die pasiënte met ‘n bloedverlies van >100 ml/24h, en kon gelokaliseer word. Tien van die 17 Tc-99m RBS studies is verder ondersoek en die helfte daarvan gediagnoseer met dunderm angiodisplasie. Gevolgtrekking Die opeenvolgende twee isotoopmetode om andersins asimptomatiese dermbloeding op te spoor, is prakties uitvoerbaar. Alhoewel die studies goed deur pasiënte aanvaar is, en ook van kliniese en diagnostiese waarde in die hantering van die pasiënte is, is verdere studies nodig om die afsnypunt vir die hoeveelheid bloedverlies om beeldingstudies uit te voer, sonder twyfel vas te stel, asook om die impak van die bevindings op ‘n groter pasiëntpopulasie vas te stel.

Follow-up of three large community-based programs to reduce anaemia among children 24-59 months in Ghana, Malawi and Tanzania

Warkentin, Kendra 03 1900 (has links)
L'anémie de l'enfant reste un problème d'importance pour la santé mondiale, malgré les décennies de recherche visant à comprendre son étiologie et à développer des interventions efficaces pour réduire sa prévalence et ses conséquences. Bien que les facteurs de risque individuels de l'anémie soient connus, y compris les facteurs liés à la malnutrition et à la morbidité, l'interaction entre lesdits facteurs est moins documentée dans des contextes où les enfants sont fréquemment exposés à plusieurs facteurs en même temps. Cette étude vise à documenter les efforts de lutte contre l'anémie du programme MICAH qui a été mis en oeuvre au Ghana, au Malawi et en Tanzanie. Ensuite, en utilisant les données relatives à la fois au processus et à l'évaluation colligées au cours du programme, elle vise à mieux comprendre les facteurs de risque d'anémie chez les jeunes enfants dans ces contextes et à comprendre comment les relations entre ces facteurs peuvent avoir changé au fil du temps lors de l'intervention. Spécifiquement, cette étude vérifie s‘il y a des preuves d'une réduction de la vulnérabilité des enfants aux facteurs de risque associés à l'anémie dans chaque contexte. Un examen de la documentation a été réalisé afin de caractériser le contexte du programme et des interventions, leur l'intensité et étendue. Les données transversales sur la nutrition et l'état de santé des enfants âgés de 24 à 59 mois (N = 2405) obtenues en 2000 et 2004 à partir des enquêtes d'évaluation du programme MICAH au Ghana, au Malawi et en Tanzanie, ont été utilisées pour décrire la prévalence de l'anémie. Les modèles polynomiaux de régression logistique et linéaire ont été utilisés pour estimer les risques d'anémie légère et d'anémie modérée / sévère et les niveaux d‘hémoglobine associés à des groupes de variables. Les estimations du risque attribuable à une population (RAP) ont aussi été calculées. Une anémie (Hb <110 g/L) a touché au moins 60% des enfants dans les trois pays; l'anémie modérée / sévère (<100 g/L) constituait la majorité des cas. Une forte diminution de l'anémie a été observée entre 2000 et 2004 au Ghana, mais seulement une légère baisse au Malawi et en Tanzanie. Le risque d'anémie modérée / sévère était associé au retard de croissance chez les enfants du Ghana (OR 2,68, IC 95% 1,70-4,23) et du Malawi (OR 1,71; 1,29-2,27) mais pas de la Tanzanie (OR 1,29; 0,87- 1,92). Le paludisme et les maladies récentes étaient associées à une hémoglobine plus basse. Une atténuation de cette association en 2004 a été observée seulement au Malawi pour le paludisme et au Ghana pour les maladies récentes. Le risque d'anémie modérée / sévère était 44% moindre chez les enfants âgés de 48 à 59 mois comparativement aux enfants de 24 à 35 mois dans les trois pays et cela n'a pas changé entre 2000 et 2004. Les RAP estimés ont montré qu‘environ un cinquième des cas d‘anémie modérée à sévère était attribuable au retard de croissance au Ghana et Malawi, mais pas en Tanzanie. Des RAP moindres et dépendants des contextes ont été trouvés pour le paludisme et les maladies récentes. Dans ces zones d‘intervention intégrées de santé et de nutrition la relation de certains facteurs de risque à l'anémie se modifia avec le temps. Le retard de croissance est resté toutefois un facteur de risque indépendant et non mitigé de l'anémie. Une réduction efficace des causes de la malnutrition chronique est nécessaire afin de réduire la vulnérabilité des enfants et de garantir un impact maximum des programmes de lutte contre l'anémie. Une mitigation de l'impact du paludisme peut par contre être visée dans les régions endémiques. / Childhood anaemia remains a problem of global health importance, despite decades of research to understand its aetiology and develop effective interventions to reduce its prevalence and consequences. While the individual risk factors for anaemia in young children are known, including factors related to undernutrition and morbidity, much less is known about the interaction amongst these in contexts where children are frequently exposed to several at the same time. This study seeks to document the anaemia control efforts of the Micronutrient and Health (MICAH) program implemented in Ghana, Malawi and Tanzania and use both process and evaluation data collected during the program to better understand the risk factors for anaemia in young children in these contexts and how these risk relationships may have changed over time during the intervention. Specifically, this study tests whether there is evidence of a reduction in child vulnerability to the risk factors associated with anaemia in each context. A review of program documentation was conducted to characterize the program contexts and interventions, including estimates of intensity and reach. Cross-sectional data on the nutrition and health status of children 24-59 mo (N=2405) obtained in 2000 and 2004 from community-based program evaluation surveys in Ghana, Malawi and Tanzania, were used to describe the prevalence of anaemia. Multinomial logistic and linear regression models were used to estimate the risk of mild and moderate/severe anaemia and low haemoglobin, respectively, associated with groups of variables. Population attributable risk (PAR) estimates were also calculated. Anaemia (haemoglobin <110 g/L) affected at least 60% of children in all three countries; moderate/severe anaemia (<100 g/L) accounted for the majority of cases. A large decrease in anaemia was observed between 2000 and 2004 in Ghana, but only a small decrease in Malawi and Tanzania. The risk of moderate/severe anaemia was associated with stunting in children from Ghana (OR 2.68; 95% CI 1.70, 4.23) and Malawi (OR 1.71; 1.29, 2.27) but not Tanzania (OR 1.29; 0.87, 1.92). Malaria and recent illness was associated with lower Hb overall; attenuation of this association in 2004 was observed only in Malawi for malaria and Ghana for illness. Children 48-59 mo were at least 44% less likely than those 24-35 mo to have moderate/severe anaemia in all three countries and this did not change between 2000 and 2004. PAR estimates showed that roughly one fifth of moderate/severe anaemia cases were attributable to stunting in Ghana and Malawi but not Tanzania. Lower and context-variable PAR estimates were found for malaria and recent illness. Integrated health and nutrition interventions altered the relationship of some but not all risk factors for anaemia. Stunting remained an independent and non-buffered risk factor for anaemia. Effectively reducing the causes of chronic undernutrition is required in order to reduce child vulnerability and ensure maximum impact of anaemia control programs. Some buffering of malaria impact may be achieved in endemic settings.

Diagnosing colorectal cancer in primary care : the value of symptoms, faecal immunochemical tests, faecal calprotectin and anaemia

Högberg, Cecilia January 2017 (has links)
Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in men and the second most common in women worldwide. Adenomas can be precursors to CRC, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can present with the same symptoms as CRC. The majority of patients with CRC initially consult primary care. Symptoms associated with CRC are also common among primary care patients, but seldom caused by any significant disease. Reliable diagnostic aids would be helpful in deciding which patients to refer. Faecal immunochemical tests (FITs) are commonly used for this purpose in primary care in Sweden, but there is little evidence to support this use. Faecal calprotectin (FC) has been suggested as an additional test. Aim: To explore how doctors in primary care investigate patients with suspected CRC, the value of FITs, symptoms and presence of anaemia in diagnosing CRC and adenomas in primary care, and whether FC tests could contribute to diagnosis. Methods: Three studies (1-3) were carried out in Region Jämtland Härjedalen, Sweden. There was no screening programme for CRC. We used a point of care qualitative dip-stick 3-sample FIT with a cut-off of 25-50μg haemoglobin/g faeces, and a calprotectin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test with a cut-off of 100 μg/g faeces. 1: A retrospective, population-based study including all patients diagnosed with CRC or adenomas with high-grade dysplasia (HGD) during the period 2005-2009 that initially consulted primary care. Symptoms, FIT results, anaemia and time to diagnosis were retrieved from medical records. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated from FIT results at the region’s health centres 2008- 2009. (Paper I.) 2: A prospective cohort study including consecutive patients where primary care doctors requested FITs and/or FC tests, at four health centres, from 30 Jan 2013 to 31 May 2014. FITs, FC tests, haemoglobin and iron deficiency tests were analysed; patients and doctors answered questionnaires about symptoms. Patients were examined with bowel imaging or followed for two years. Findings of CRC, adenomas with HGD, adenomas with low grade dysplasia (LGD) ≥1 cm and IBD were registered. (Papers II and III.) 3: A qualitative study of interviews with eleven primary care doctors. We explored what made them suspect CRC, and their practices regarding investigation and referral with particular attention to their use of FITs. Qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach was used for the analysis. (Paper IV.) Results: 1: Paper I: Of 495 patients 323 (65.3%) started the investigation in primary care. FITs were analysed in 215. In 23 cases with CRC, FITs were negative; 15 (65.2%) had anaemia. In 33 cases with CRC, FITs were performed due to asymptomatic anaemia; 10 (30.3%) had negative FITs. The time from start of investigation, to the diagnosis of CRC or adenomas with HGD, was significantly longer for patients with negative FITs. 2: 377 patients (9 diagnosed with CRC, 10 with IBD) were included. Paper II: Concordance of positive answers about symptoms from patients and doctors was generally low. Rectal bleeding (recorded by 43.5% of patients and 25.6% of doctors) was the only symptom related to CRC and IBD. The FIT showed a better PPV than rectal bleeding for CRC and IBD. When patients recorded rectal bleeding, the FIT had a PPV of 22.6% and a NPV of 98.9% for CRC and IBD. Paper III: The best test for detecting CRC and IBD was the combination of a positive FIT and/or anaemia with a sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of 100%, 61.7%, 11.7% and 100% respectively. The FC test had no additional value to the FIT alone. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of the FIT for CRC in study 1 was estimated at 88.4%, 73.3%, 6.2% and 99.7% respectively. In study 2, corresponding figures were 88.9%, 67.4%, 6.3% and 99.6% respectively. 3: Paper IV: We identified four categories: “Careful listening – with awareness of the pit-falls”, “tests can help – the FIT can also complicate the diagnosis”, “to refer or not to refer – safety margins are necessary”, and “growing more confident – but also more humble”. All doctors had found their own way to handle FIT results in the absence of guidelines. Conclusion: The diagnostic process when suspecting CRC can be described as navigating uncertain waters with safety margins. FITs were often used by primary care doctors but with considerable variations in interpretation and handling of results. Rectal bleeding was the only symptom related to CRC and IBD, but the FIT showed a better PPV than rectal bleeding. The combination of a negative FIT and no anaemia may be useful as a rule-out test when CRC is suspected in primary care, and this potentially also applies when patients present with rectal bleeding. Further studies are needed to confirm this and to determine the optimal FIT cut-off value for this use.

Avaliação da freqüência da infecção por micoplasmas hemotrópicos em gatos com linfoma / Evaluation of feline hemotropic mycoplasma infection in cats with lymphoma

Leal, Magda Liliana Garcia 06 March 2009 (has links)
Com o objetivo de avaliar a freqüência de infecção por micoplasmas hemotrópicos em gatos com linfoma e seu impacto na ocorrência de anemias nesses animais, foram analisadas amostras sangüíneas de 14 animais com diagnóstico de linfoma, sem qualquer tratamento prévio e 14 amostras de sangue de gatos hígidos, por meio da técnica de PCR-Nested. Utilizaram-se primers que amplificam fragmentos do gene 16S rRNA dos micoplasmas. Eritrograma e bioquímica sérica foram realizados, assim como testes sorológicos imunoenzimáticos (ELISA) para ambos os retrovírus. Anemia foi observada em 28,6% (4/14) dos gatos com linfoma. Em dois a anemia foi classificada como normocítica normocrômica não regenerativa, e em outros dois como macrocitica normocrômica não regenerativa. A freqüência de infecção pelos micoplasmas hemotrópicos felinos nos gatos com linfoma foi de 7,14% (1/14). Após seqüenciamento e posterior prova de identidade no GenBank, o agente foi identificado como M. haemofelis, número de acesso FJ544859. A freqüência de infecção pelos retrovírus foi de 21,42% para o FeLV e 7,14% (3/14) para o FIV. O animal infectado pelo M. haemofelis não apresentou anemia, ainda que apresentasse infecção concomitante pelo FeLV. O grupo controle não apresentou infecção por micoplasmas ou retrovírus. Nas condições em que este estudo foi realizado, concluiu-se que a anemia observada nos gatos com linfoma não foi ocasionada pela infecção por micoplasmas hemotrópicos, mas provavelmente em decorrência das alterações hematológicas promovidas pelo processo neoplásico, associadas ou não à infecção pelo FeLV. Portanto, a infecção pelos micoplasmas não apresentou um impacto direto na ocorrência de anemias em gatos com linfoma. / To evaluate the frequency of infection by hemotropic mycoplasmas in cats with lymphoma and its impact in the development of anaemia in those animals, blood samples from 14 animals diagnosed with Lymphoma and without any previous treatment and 14 blood samples from healthy cats were analyzed by means of the PCR-Nested technique. Primers were utilized and selectively amplified fragments of 16SrRNA gene of mycoplasma. Haematology, serum biochemical profile and FeLV/FIV ELISA were performed in all 28 cats. Anaemia was observed in 28.6% (4/14) of the cats with lymphoma. In two of them, anaemia was classified as normocytic-normochromic nonregenerative and in the other two as macrocytic-normochromic nonregenerative. The frequency of feline haemotropic mycoplasmas infection in cats with lymphoma was 7.14% (1/14). After sequencing and identity proof by the GenBank, the agent was identified as M. haemofelis, access number FJ544859. The frequency of retrovirus infection among all the cats with lymphoma was 21.42% (3/14) for FeLV and 7.14% (1/14) for FIV. The cat infected by M. haemofelis was also infected with FeLV, but was not anaemic. The 14 cats used as control did not exhibited infection by mycoplasmas or retrovirus infections. Under the conditions in which this study was developed, one can conclude that the anaemia observed in cats with lymphoma may not be related to hemotropic microplasmas infection, but to haematologyc alterations promoted by the associated neoplasic process and/or the occurrence or of FeLV infection. Therefore, the infection by the mycoplasmas did not present a direct impact in the occurrence of anaemies in cats with limphoma.

Health in Women of Reproductive Age : A Survey in Rural Zimbabwe

Nilses, Carin January 2000 (has links)
<p>General and reproductive health and reproductive outcome were described in rural women of childbearing age (15-44 years) during 1992-93 in a cross-sectional study in Zimbabwe. Through a two-stage sampling procedure twelve villages were selected at random, and 79% of the women in the villages accepted to participate (n=1213). In a structured interview women¡¯s self-reported morbidity, socio-economic conditions, use of health care and fertility regulation methods, reproductive outcome and infertility problems were assessed. The prevalence rates of anaemia, malaria and syphilis were investigated. Retrospectively, HIV serology was anonymously assessed and associations with socio-economic conditions and morbidity were analysed. </p><p>The mean age was 28 years. Family planning was currently used by 37%. Primary and secondary infertility was reported by 0.9% and 4.4%, respectively. The perinatal mortality rate for all completed pregnancies (n=3601) was 23/1000. During the latest completed pregnancy 94% had attended antenatal care and 85% had delivered in hospitals or clinics. The self-reported complications during delivery seemed to have been cared for within the health care system. </p><p>Women perceived their health as being generally good. Mean haemoglobin (Hb) was 13.5 g/dl and only 3.4% were anaemic (Hb ¡Ü11.0 g/dl). Malaria prevalence was 5.4%, but a positive malaria test was not associated with anaemia. Syphilis prevalence was 2.2%, and a positive syphilis test increased the risk of being HIV positive three-fold (OR=3.0; 95% CI: 1.4-6.2). </p><p>The prevalence of HIV was high (22%). Women aged 15-19 had the lowest prevalence (7.6%), while the highest was found in married women aged 20-29 years (30%). The differences in HIV prevalence between the villages ranged between 8.4% and 33%. HIV positive women reported no more morbidity than HIV negative women. The low morbidity found at the time of the study indicates a fairly short duration of the HIV epidemic. </p>

Health in Women of Reproductive Age : A Survey in Rural Zimbabwe

Nilses, Carin January 2000 (has links)
General and reproductive health and reproductive outcome were described in rural women of childbearing age (15-44 years) during 1992-93 in a cross-sectional study in Zimbabwe. Through a two-stage sampling procedure twelve villages were selected at random, and 79% of the women in the villages accepted to participate (n=1213). In a structured interview women¡¯s self-reported morbidity, socio-economic conditions, use of health care and fertility regulation methods, reproductive outcome and infertility problems were assessed. The prevalence rates of anaemia, malaria and syphilis were investigated. Retrospectively, HIV serology was anonymously assessed and associations with socio-economic conditions and morbidity were analysed. The mean age was 28 years. Family planning was currently used by 37%. Primary and secondary infertility was reported by 0.9% and 4.4%, respectively. The perinatal mortality rate for all completed pregnancies (n=3601) was 23/1000. During the latest completed pregnancy 94% had attended antenatal care and 85% had delivered in hospitals or clinics. The self-reported complications during delivery seemed to have been cared for within the health care system. Women perceived their health as being generally good. Mean haemoglobin (Hb) was 13.5 g/dl and only 3.4% were anaemic (Hb ¡Ü11.0 g/dl). Malaria prevalence was 5.4%, but a positive malaria test was not associated with anaemia. Syphilis prevalence was 2.2%, and a positive syphilis test increased the risk of being HIV positive three-fold (OR=3.0; 95% CI: 1.4-6.2). The prevalence of HIV was high (22%). Women aged 15-19 had the lowest prevalence (7.6%), while the highest was found in married women aged 20-29 years (30%). The differences in HIV prevalence between the villages ranged between 8.4% and 33%. HIV positive women reported no more morbidity than HIV negative women. The low morbidity found at the time of the study indicates a fairly short duration of the HIV epidemic.

Follow-up of three large community-based programs to reduce anaemia among children 24-59 months in Ghana, Malawi and Tanzania

Warkentin, Kendra 03 1900 (has links)
L'anémie de l'enfant reste un problème d'importance pour la santé mondiale, malgré les décennies de recherche visant à comprendre son étiologie et à développer des interventions efficaces pour réduire sa prévalence et ses conséquences. Bien que les facteurs de risque individuels de l'anémie soient connus, y compris les facteurs liés à la malnutrition et à la morbidité, l'interaction entre lesdits facteurs est moins documentée dans des contextes où les enfants sont fréquemment exposés à plusieurs facteurs en même temps. Cette étude vise à documenter les efforts de lutte contre l'anémie du programme MICAH qui a été mis en oeuvre au Ghana, au Malawi et en Tanzanie. Ensuite, en utilisant les données relatives à la fois au processus et à l'évaluation colligées au cours du programme, elle vise à mieux comprendre les facteurs de risque d'anémie chez les jeunes enfants dans ces contextes et à comprendre comment les relations entre ces facteurs peuvent avoir changé au fil du temps lors de l'intervention. Spécifiquement, cette étude vérifie s‘il y a des preuves d'une réduction de la vulnérabilité des enfants aux facteurs de risque associés à l'anémie dans chaque contexte. Un examen de la documentation a été réalisé afin de caractériser le contexte du programme et des interventions, leur l'intensité et étendue. Les données transversales sur la nutrition et l'état de santé des enfants âgés de 24 à 59 mois (N = 2405) obtenues en 2000 et 2004 à partir des enquêtes d'évaluation du programme MICAH au Ghana, au Malawi et en Tanzanie, ont été utilisées pour décrire la prévalence de l'anémie. Les modèles polynomiaux de régression logistique et linéaire ont été utilisés pour estimer les risques d'anémie légère et d'anémie modérée / sévère et les niveaux d‘hémoglobine associés à des groupes de variables. Les estimations du risque attribuable à une population (RAP) ont aussi été calculées. Une anémie (Hb <110 g/L) a touché au moins 60% des enfants dans les trois pays; l'anémie modérée / sévère (<100 g/L) constituait la majorité des cas. Une forte diminution de l'anémie a été observée entre 2000 et 2004 au Ghana, mais seulement une légère baisse au Malawi et en Tanzanie. Le risque d'anémie modérée / sévère était associé au retard de croissance chez les enfants du Ghana (OR 2,68, IC 95% 1,70-4,23) et du Malawi (OR 1,71; 1,29-2,27) mais pas de la Tanzanie (OR 1,29; 0,87- 1,92). Le paludisme et les maladies récentes étaient associées à une hémoglobine plus basse. Une atténuation de cette association en 2004 a été observée seulement au Malawi pour le paludisme et au Ghana pour les maladies récentes. Le risque d'anémie modérée / sévère était 44% moindre chez les enfants âgés de 48 à 59 mois comparativement aux enfants de 24 à 35 mois dans les trois pays et cela n'a pas changé entre 2000 et 2004. Les RAP estimés ont montré qu‘environ un cinquième des cas d‘anémie modérée à sévère était attribuable au retard de croissance au Ghana et Malawi, mais pas en Tanzanie. Des RAP moindres et dépendants des contextes ont été trouvés pour le paludisme et les maladies récentes. Dans ces zones d‘intervention intégrées de santé et de nutrition la relation de certains facteurs de risque à l'anémie se modifia avec le temps. Le retard de croissance est resté toutefois un facteur de risque indépendant et non mitigé de l'anémie. Une réduction efficace des causes de la malnutrition chronique est nécessaire afin de réduire la vulnérabilité des enfants et de garantir un impact maximum des programmes de lutte contre l'anémie. Une mitigation de l'impact du paludisme peut par contre être visée dans les régions endémiques. / Childhood anaemia remains a problem of global health importance, despite decades of research to understand its aetiology and develop effective interventions to reduce its prevalence and consequences. While the individual risk factors for anaemia in young children are known, including factors related to undernutrition and morbidity, much less is known about the interaction amongst these in contexts where children are frequently exposed to several at the same time. This study seeks to document the anaemia control efforts of the Micronutrient and Health (MICAH) program implemented in Ghana, Malawi and Tanzania and use both process and evaluation data collected during the program to better understand the risk factors for anaemia in young children in these contexts and how these risk relationships may have changed over time during the intervention. Specifically, this study tests whether there is evidence of a reduction in child vulnerability to the risk factors associated with anaemia in each context. A review of program documentation was conducted to characterize the program contexts and interventions, including estimates of intensity and reach. Cross-sectional data on the nutrition and health status of children 24-59 mo (N=2405) obtained in 2000 and 2004 from community-based program evaluation surveys in Ghana, Malawi and Tanzania, were used to describe the prevalence of anaemia. Multinomial logistic and linear regression models were used to estimate the risk of mild and moderate/severe anaemia and low haemoglobin, respectively, associated with groups of variables. Population attributable risk (PAR) estimates were also calculated. Anaemia (haemoglobin <110 g/L) affected at least 60% of children in all three countries; moderate/severe anaemia (<100 g/L) accounted for the majority of cases. A large decrease in anaemia was observed between 2000 and 2004 in Ghana, but only a small decrease in Malawi and Tanzania. The risk of moderate/severe anaemia was associated with stunting in children from Ghana (OR 2.68; 95% CI 1.70, 4.23) and Malawi (OR 1.71; 1.29, 2.27) but not Tanzania (OR 1.29; 0.87, 1.92). Malaria and recent illness was associated with lower Hb overall; attenuation of this association in 2004 was observed only in Malawi for malaria and Ghana for illness. Children 48-59 mo were at least 44% less likely than those 24-35 mo to have moderate/severe anaemia in all three countries and this did not change between 2000 and 2004. PAR estimates showed that roughly one fifth of moderate/severe anaemia cases were attributable to stunting in Ghana and Malawi but not Tanzania. Lower and context-variable PAR estimates were found for malaria and recent illness. Integrated health and nutrition interventions altered the relationship of some but not all risk factors for anaemia. Stunting remained an independent and non-buffered risk factor for anaemia. Effectively reducing the causes of chronic undernutrition is required in order to reduce child vulnerability and ensure maximum impact of anaemia control programs. Some buffering of malaria impact may be achieved in endemic settings.

Anaemia in women of reproductive age in Tanzania : a study in Dar es Salaam /

Massawe, Siriel Nanzia. January 2002 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Univ., 2002. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

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