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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perspectivas para as Línguas Portuguesa e Espanhola diante da integração de anglicismos: uma análise por meio de periódicos / Perspectives to Portuguese and Spanish languages faced with the integration of anglicisms: an analysis through newspapers

Bruno José Betti Galasso 23 April 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar e avaliar a integração de anglicismos apresentados nas línguas ibero-americanas por meio de jornais impressos e suas respectivas versões on-line. Na primeira parte da dissertação, desenvolvemos considerações de ordem teórica, identificando influências da presença excessiva e contínua dos anglicismos nas sociedades latino-americanas. Para a construção da pesquisa, analisamos edições impressas e on-line dos seguintes jornais: Folha de S. Paulo (Brasil), El Mercurio (Chile) e Clarín (Argentina). Foram pesquisadas palavras do idioma inglês nos textos dos jornais selecionados, sem considerar os nomes próprios, de pessoas, lugares, títulos de livros, filmes, músicas e espetáculos. Considerando a absorção lexical um processo natural de linguagem, esta dissertação busca ampliar a compreensão acerca de como se processa a trajetória lexical operada entre a língua inglesa norte-americana e as línguas faladas na América do Sul. Dessa forma, constatamos que a incorporação do anglicismo ao vernáculo se dá, em sua maioria, por falta de uma palavra equivalente na língua recebedora e, outras vezes, por motivos diversos, como modismo, status ou corporativismo. Entretanto, essa troca contribui para esses sistemas lingüísticos, pois a língua é uma forma de comunicação mutável, que acompanha e expressa às tendências dos povos. / The present work is designed to identify and assess the integration of Anglicisms occurring in Ibero-American languages by means of print newspapers and their respective online versions. In the first part of the dissertation, we expound theoretical considerations, identifying influences of the excessive, ongoing presence of Anglicisms in Latin-American societies. So as to prepare the research, we examined print and online editions of the following newspapers: Folha de S. Paulo (Brazil), El Mercurio (Chile) and Clarín (Argentina). Words from the English language were researched in the texts of the selected newspapers, excluding proper nouns, names of persons or places, titles of books, films, music and entertainments. Considering lexical absorption as a natural process in language, this dissertation aims to deepen the understanding on how the lexical trajectory between the North-American English language and the languages spoken in South America is processed. As a result, we established that Anglicism incorporation to the vernacular occurs, in most cases, when the borrowing language lacks an equivalent word, and sometimes for other reasons, such as fad, status expression or professional jargon. However, this replacement contributes to these linguistic systems, since language is a changing communication tool, always following and expressing the trends of peoples.

Avec ou sans équivalent ˸ le poids de la définition dans une analyse lexicométrique des anglicismes / With or without equivalents ˸ the impact of the definition on a lexicometric analysis of anglicisms

Planchon, Cécile 08 January 2019 (has links)
Cette étude repose sur l’influence empirique d’un changement de paradigme définitoire sur l’utilisation des anglicismes dans la presse écrite francophone. Construite autour d’une opposition entre anglicismes en général, anglicismes avec équivalent en français et anglicismes sans équivalent, elle analyse en diachronie (2000-2015) les nombreuses différences liées au changement de définition ainsi qu’à ses retombées sur des analyses comparatives portant sur l’origine géographique (France-Québec) et la nature (« de référence » ou « populaire ») du journal. Fort de plus de 330 millions de mots, notre corpus regroupe les publications de 2000 à 2015 de quatre quotidiens différents: Le Monde et Le Parisien pour la France, Le Devoir et La Presse pour le Québec. De plus, les listes témoins, l’une de 5 416 anglicismes et l’autre de 2 934, formées à l’aide de deux dictionnaires de langue générale (Le Petit Robert 2016 et Le Multidictionnaire de la langue française-4e édition 2013) et deux dictionnaires spécialisés (Le Dictionnaire des anglicismes de Höfler et Le Colpron, dictionnaire des anglicismes-4e édition) de France et du Québec. Premièrement, les résultats que nous obtenons montrent qu’en général, la fréquence d’utilisation est faible (0,72% pour tous les anglicismes ; 0,28% pour les anglicismes avec équivalents ; 0,44% pour les anglicismes sans équivalent) que ce soit en France ou au Québec, ce qui est plutôt conforme aux conclusions des études précédentes. Il y a cependant des différences quant aux résultats obtenus pour chaque analyse étant donné que le taux d’anglicisme est une fois et demi plus faible selon que l’on considère qu’un anglicisme doit avoir un équivalent ou non. Cela montre que la définition du concept d’« anglicisme » a un impact incontestable sur la fréquence affichée. Deuxièmement, nous observons que ce changement de définition influe également sur des critères d’analyse spécifiques tels la diatopie ou la nature des journaux. / This study addresses the impact of a definition paradigm shift on the use of anglicisms in the French-speaking written press. Built around a diachronic analysis (2000-2015) of the numerous differences linked to a change of definition, it also ventures into the impact such a change may have on comparative analysis focusing on geographical origin (France vs Quebec) or the nature of the newspaper (“of record” vs “popular”). It aims at contributing to the literature though two different aspects:(1) This study is the only conceptual work to highlight what sort of impact a change in the definition of “English borrowing” can have on the frequency of anglicism usage. It shows through an opposition with/without French equivalents, that an analysis focused only on anglicisms for which French provides an equivalent – those Forest and Boudreau (1998) consider “unnecessary” or “erroneous” (Villers, 2009) – reveals an important drop in the usage frequency compared to an analysis based on all anglicisms. It also unveils that, out of three anglicisms extracted from my corpus, two have no equivalents in French and are de facto unavoidable.(2) This research is, to my knowledge, one of the first in comparative study to show, with empirical evidence, how definition affects not only usage frequency, but also dictates the way newspapers develop over time depending on different criterion. Based on two different angles of comparison (geographical origin and nature of the journal), I also show that a change in the definition leads to different evolution trajectories, different relationships between our newspapers and different diachronic variations. To answer my research questions, I built one of the largest corpora ever used for a study on anglicisms. With more than 330 million words, it gathers all the articles published by four different newspapers for the years 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015: Le Monde and Le Parisien for France, and Le Devoir and La Presse for Quebec. I also used two lists of keywords composed of 5416 and 2934 anglicisms taken from two general dictionaries (Le Petit Robert 2016 and Le Multidictionnaire de la langue française–4th edition 2013) and two specialized dictionaries (Höfler’s Dictionnaire des anglicismes–1982 and Le Colpron, dictionnaire des anglicismes–4th edition). By going far beyond what previous studies have done, it offers a more advanced overview than usual.First, my results show that the usage frequency is generally low (0.72% for all anglicisms; 0.28% for anglicisms with equivalents only; 0.44% for anglicisms without equivalents only) both in France and Quebec, which is consistent with the findings of previous studies. However, I find clear differences in terms of results for each analysis, as the frequency rate for anglicisms with equivalents is 1.5 times lower than the frequency rate for anglicisms without equivalent. This proves that the definition of the very concept of “anglicism” directly influences the frequency of usage. Second, I observe that this change of definition also affects comparative analysis focused on specific criteria such as the geographical origin or the nature of the newspapers. My study thus reveals great nuances in terms of trend over 15 years according to which definition is used: for instance, results for Quebec newspapers are slowly decreasing over time when anglicisms with equivalents are concerned, – especially for Le Devoir, whereas they increase when anglicisms do not have an equivalent. When it comes to the nature of the newspaper, Le Parisien, which is the newspaper that uses the most anglicisms of the four, forms a much more heterogeneous duo with La Presse when only anglicisms with equivalents are taken into account. They also give prominence to Le Devoir and Le Monde whose evolution trends are close to identical when the broader definition of Anglicism is used but a bit more asymmetric when equivalents come into play.

Η επιρροή της Αγγλικής στη Νέα Ελληνική : εξέταση νεοεισαχθέντων αγγλισμών

Παπαδοπούλου, Ουρανία 13 January 2015 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία εξετάζω εκφράσεις που έχουν εισαχθεί τα τελευταία χρόνια στη νεοελληνική γλώσσα, οι οποίες συναντώνται συχνότερα στη γλώσσα των νέων (ηλικίας 15-20 ετών), π.χ. πάρε το χρόνο σου < take your time, αγαπώ αυτό το φόρεμα < I love that dress, στο τέλος της μέρας < at the end of the day (idiom), πουλάει σαν ζεστό ψωμί < it sells like hot buns (idiom). Ως μία πρώτη προσέγγιση σε αυτό το θέμα συγκέντρωσα ένα δείγμα τέτοιων εκφράσεων μέσω της διαδικτυακής έρευνας στα διάφορα blogs και social networks, την τηλεόραση, το ραδιόφωνο, τον Τύπο την καθημερινή επικοινωνία,μελέτησα τα τυπικά χαρακτηριστικά των εκφράσεων αυτών και τα συνέκρινα με αυτά των αντίστοιχων εκφράσεων της νεοελληνικής και τέλος εξέτασα την επίγνωση των ομιλητών της νέας ελληνικής (ηλικίας από 15 – άνω των 50 ετών) για την ύπαρξη τέτοιων εκφράσεων στην καθημερινή τους επικοινωνία και τη στάση τους απέναντί τους μέσω μίας έρευνας ερωτηματολογίου. Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας φαίνεται να επιβεβαιώνουν την αρχική μου υπόθεση, ότι δηλαδή αρκετές εκφράσεις έχουν εισαχθεί πρόσφατα στη νεοελληνική γλώσσα μέσω του μεταφραστικού δανεισμού από την αγγλική. Επιπρόσθετα,τα αγγλικά ως κυρίαρχη γλώσσα δανείζει στοιχεία στη νέα ελληνική γλώσσα, πέρα από το λεξιλογικό επίπεδο, που εκτείνονται στη φρασεολογία, ακόμα και στους ιδιωματισμούς.Αυτές οι νέες εκφράσεις είναι λέξη προς λέξη μετάφραση που σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις παραβιάζουν τη γραμματική δομή και τέλος αυτό το ζήτημα μπορεί να είναι μία ισχυρή ένδειξη υπέρ της αγγλοποίησης των γλωσσών όπως τα ελληνικά, με περιορισμένο αριθμό ομιλητών σε ευρωπαϊκό ή ίσως και παγκόσμιο επίπεδο. / In this work I examine expressions in everyday Modern Greek (MG), chiefly found in the language of young people (age 15-20), that seem to have entered the language from English fairly recently, e.g. pare to xrono sou < take your time; agapo afto to forema < I love that dress; sto telos tis meras < at the end of the day (idiom); poulai san zesto psomi < it sells like hot buns (idiom). As a first approach to this issue I collected a sample of such expressions through internet search from blogs and social networks, television, radio, newspapers and magazines and everyday communication, I studied the formal characteristics of these expressions and compared them with their genuine equivalents in Modern Greek and finally I investigated the awareness of MG speakers (age 15 – 50+ years old) about the existence of such expressions in their everyday communication and their attitude towards them, through a questionnaire survey. The results of my survey appear to confirm my initial hypothesis that several expressions have recently been imported into MG through loan translation from English. In addition, English as a dominant language lends elements to Modern Greek beyond the lexical level reaching phraseology and even idiomaticity. These newly imported expressions are word by word translations that in some cases violate MG grammatical structure and finally this issue may be a strong indication in favor of englishization / anglicisation of languages like Greek, with limited number of speakers at European or perhaps world wide level.

Strategie v používání lexikálních jednotek v mezinárodních časopisech o módě (srovnání verze španělské, české a anglické). / Strategy of using the lexical item in international journals relating to the mode (a comparison of Spanish, Czech and English versions).

OLIVOVÁ, Klára January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is about strategy of using the lexical item in international journals (Elle, Grazia, Company magazine). It contains the comparism of the English, Spanish and Czech versions of the above mentioned fashion magazines. The thesis deals with the contemporary usage of naming the parts of clothes. It also deals with anglicisms, loanwords and loan translations. At the end I will also mention some information about the magazines and the persuasive function of the language, which is closely connected to advertising.

A incorporação de empréstimos ingleses no Português do Brasil: processos de adaptação ortográfica

Borceda, Mayra Fernanda [UNESP] January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:34:43Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 borceda_mf_me_ararafcl.pdf: 1402823 bytes, checksum: 34158979052668d810c84207f2705d7b (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O objetivo desta dissertação é a verificação do uso, e principalmente, uma análise de freqüência de anglicismos no português atual, com vista a investigar a existência ou não de processo de adaptação do elemento estrangeiro e verificar o andamento desse processo para resolução da grafia. Constitui corpus da pesquisa o Banco de Dados do Centro de Estudos Lexicográficos da Faculdade de Ciências e Letras da UNESP de Araraquara, que possui cerca de 200 milhões de ocorrências, em textos diversificados. A análise é feita por meio da observação das ocorrências encontradas no corpus, as quais são organizadas em uma tabela dividida em antes e depois de 1950, e os resultados são avaliados com base nas teorias disponíveis sobre os estrangeirismos (Boulanger, 1979; Deroy, 1956; Alves, 1996; Carvalho, 1989; Sandmann, 1989; entre outros). A efetuação da análise quantitativa dos anglicismos encontrados durante o processo de busca mostrou que a maior parte dos empréstimos ocorre apenas em sua grafia original, ou seja, não possui forma adaptada concorrente. Entre os anglicismos que possuem forma adaptada, verificou-se que o item adaptado foi mais utilizado que o original. Após averiguação da escolha dos falantes entre forma gráfica original e adaptada no corpus em que se baseou a pesquisa, passa-se finalmente, a uma tentativa de sistematização dos processos de adaptação ortográfica dos 114 anglicismos que apresentam acomodação na grafia. / The goal of this dissertation is to verify the usage, and, mainly, to analyze the frequency of anglicisms in current Portuguese, aiming to investigate the existence of adaptation process of the foreign word and check the development of this process for the resolution of writing. The corpus of this research is the one availabel in the Lexicography Laboratory at Faculdade de Ciências e Letras - São Paulo State University - Araraquara (UNESP), that contains more than 200 millions of occurrences, in diversified kinds of texts. The analysis is made by observing he occurrences found in the corpus which are organized in a table divided in before and after 1950, and the results are evaluated basing on the available theory about foreign words (Boulanger, 1979; Deroy, 1956; Alves, 1996; Carvalho, 1989; Sandmann, 1989; and others). The accomplishment of the quantitative analysis of the anglicisms found during the search process showed that the majority of them occurs only in their original graphic form, that is, there ins't an adapter form for them. Among the anglicisms that have an adapted form, the conclusion is that the adapted item is more used than the original one. After the investigation of the speaker's choice between original and adapted graphic form on the corpus in which the research was based an attempt was finally made in order to systematize the processes of spelling adaptation of 114 anglicisms that present accommodation in writing form.

Anglicismos no português do Brasil: um estudo lexicográfico Aurélio Houaiss

Leitão, Isabela Custódio [UNESP] January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:31:16Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 leitao_ic_me_arafcl.pdf: 1053065 bytes, checksum: 923f346e32be3f8ca866328cd74c124b (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O léxico do português brasileiro contemporâneo é a todo tempo ampliado por unidades lexicais oriundas de outras línguas, principalmente, da língua inglesa, os chamados anglicismos. Assim, é importante verificar se os dicionários de maior circulação nacional Aurélio 3.0 (1999) e Houaiss 1.0 (2001), em versões informatizadas, mantêm alguns critérios de seleção desses novos vocábulos, e em caso afirmativo, se esses critérios são comuns aos dois dicionários. Ao comparar as unidades de ambas as obras lexicográficas, os principais fatos encontrados referem-se: à grafia das unidades; à semelhança da definição, que ora é melhor apresentada por um dicionário, ora por outro e, à falta de identidade da definição. Além disso, verificou-se a grande presença, em ambas as obras, de unidades definidas por remissiva e sinonímia. Selecionadas as unidades provenientes de língua inglesa fez-se necessário, ao compará-las, buscar sua contextualização, a fim de esclarecer diferenças encontradas. Usando o banco de dados do Laboratório de Lexicografia da Faculdade de Ciências e Letras - Campus Araraquara foi possível, em alguns casos, dizer qual a melhor definição, qual a grafia mais usada; no entanto, alguns problemas também foram encontrados como, por exemplo, unidades cujas ocorrências não podem ser explicadas por nenhuma das acepções apresentadas pelos dicionaristas. Diante da análise, pode-se concluir que não há um procedimento lexicográfico uniforme que oriente ou que norteie a inserção de unidades lexicais de língua inglesa nos dicionários Aurélio 3.0 (1999) e Houaiss 1.0 (2001), como também, não há ainda, no Brasil, critérios metodológicos que dêem suporte a esse tipo de inserção lexicográfica. / The contemporary brasilian-portuguese lexicon is always amplified by lexical units that come from other languages, mostly from English, which are called anglicisms. Thus, it is relevant to verify if the electronical version of Aurélio 3.0 (1999) and Houaiss 1.0 (2001), that present large circulation in Brazil, maintain any criterions to elect these units and if these criterions are common to both dictionaries. The main features that emerge by the comparison of both dictionaries are: the difference in the orthography of the lexical units, the similarity in the definition, varying the best definition between the two dictionaries, and the lack of identity in the definition. Moreover, it was certified that the units were often defined by synonymy and remission. Because of the comparison of the English units, in both dictionaries, it was necessary to study the context in which each term occur, in order to elucidate the divergences. Laboratório de Lexicografia da Faculdade de Ciências e Letras - Campus Araraquara database, provided, in some cases, a manner to attest the best definition of an unit and to estipulate its more used orthography. However, some problems could also be found in this work, such as lexical units that could not be explained by any of the entries of the dictionaries referred to. In conclusion, it can be said that there is not an uniform lexicographical procedure that conduct the insertion of English lexical units in the Aurélio 3.0 (1999) and Houaiss 1.0 (2001) dictionaries, as well as there is not yet a theory that supports this kind of lexicographical insertion.

A incorporação de empréstimos ingleses no Português do Brasil : processos de adaptação ortográfica /

Borceda, Mayra Fernanda. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Helena de Moura Neves / Resumo: O objetivo desta dissertação é a verificação do uso, e principalmente, uma análise de freqüência de anglicismos no português atual, com vista a investigar a existência ou não de processo de adaptação do elemento estrangeiro e verificar o andamento desse processo para resolução da grafia. Constitui corpus da pesquisa o Banco de Dados do Centro de Estudos Lexicográficos da Faculdade de Ciências e Letras da UNESP de Araraquara, que possui cerca de 200 milhões de ocorrências, em textos diversificados. A análise é feita por meio da observação das ocorrências encontradas no corpus, as quais são organizadas em uma tabela dividida em antes e depois de 1950, e os resultados são avaliados com base nas teorias disponíveis sobre os estrangeirismos (Boulanger, 1979; Deroy, 1956; Alves, 1996; Carvalho, 1989; Sandmann, 1989; entre outros). A efetuação da análise quantitativa dos anglicismos encontrados durante o processo de busca mostrou que a maior parte dos empréstimos ocorre apenas em sua grafia original, ou seja, não possui forma adaptada concorrente. Entre os anglicismos que possuem forma adaptada, verificou-se que o item adaptado foi mais utilizado que o original. Após averiguação da escolha dos falantes entre forma gráfica original e adaptada no corpus em que se baseou a pesquisa, passa-se finalmente, a uma tentativa de sistematização dos processos de adaptação ortográfica dos 114 anglicismos que apresentam acomodação na grafia. / Abstract: The goal of this dissertation is to verify the usage, and, mainly, to analyze the frequency of anglicisms in current Portuguese, aiming to investigate the existence of adaptation process of the foreign word and check the development of this process for the resolution of writing. The corpus of this research is the one availabel in the Lexicography Laboratory at "Faculdade de Ciências e Letras" - São Paulo State University - Araraquara (UNESP), that contains more than 200 millions of occurrences, in diversified kinds of texts. The analysis is made by observing he occurrences found in the corpus which are organized in a table divided in before and after 1950, and the results are evaluated basing on the available theory about foreign words (Boulanger, 1979; Deroy, 1956; Alves, 1996; Carvalho, 1989; Sandmann, 1989; and others). The accomplishment of the quantitative analysis of the anglicisms found during the search process showed that the majority of them occurs only in their original graphic form, that is, there ins't an adapter form for them. Among the anglicisms that have an adapted form, the conclusion is that the adapted item is more used than the original one. After the investigation of the speaker's choice between original and adapted graphic form on the corpus in which the research was based an attempt was finally made in order to systematize the processes of spelling adaptation of 114 anglicisms that present accommodation in writing form. / Mestre

Anglicismos no português do Brasil : um estudo lexicográfico Aurélio Houaiss /

Leitão, Isabela Custódio. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Clotilde de Almeida Azevedo Murukawa / Banca: Gladis Maria Barcelos de Almeida / Resumo: O léxico do português brasileiro contemporâneo é a todo tempo ampliado por unidades lexicais oriundas de outras línguas, principalmente, da língua inglesa, os chamados anglicismos. Assim, é importante verificar se os dicionários de maior circulação nacional Aurélio 3.0 (1999) e Houaiss 1.0 (2001), em versões informatizadas, mantêm alguns critérios de seleção desses novos vocábulos, e em caso afirmativo, se esses critérios são comuns aos dois dicionários. Ao comparar as unidades de ambas as obras lexicográficas, os principais fatos encontrados referem-se: à grafia das unidades; à semelhança da definição, que ora é melhor apresentada por um dicionário, ora por outro e, à falta de identidade da definição. Além disso, verificou-se a grande presença, em ambas as obras, de unidades definidas por remissiva e sinonímia. Selecionadas as unidades provenientes de língua inglesa fez-se necessário, ao compará-las, buscar sua contextualização, a fim de esclarecer diferenças encontradas. Usando o banco de dados do Laboratório de Lexicografia da Faculdade de Ciências e Letras - Campus Araraquara foi possível, em alguns casos, dizer qual a melhor definição, qual a grafia mais usada; no entanto, alguns problemas também foram encontrados como, por exemplo, unidades cujas ocorrências não podem ser explicadas por nenhuma das acepções apresentadas pelos dicionaristas. Diante da análise, pode-se concluir que não há um procedimento lexicográfico uniforme que oriente ou que norteie a inserção de unidades lexicais de língua inglesa nos dicionários Aurélio 3.0 (1999) e Houaiss 1.0 (2001), como também, não há ainda, no Brasil, critérios metodológicos que dêem suporte a esse tipo de inserção lexicográfica. / Abstract: The contemporary brasilian-portuguese lexicon is always amplified by lexical units that come from other languages, mostly from English, which are called anglicisms. Thus, it is relevant to verify if the electronical version of Aurélio 3.0 (1999) and Houaiss 1.0 (2001), that present large circulation in Brazil, maintain any criterions to elect these units and if these criterions are common to both dictionaries. The main features that emerge by the comparison of both dictionaries are: the difference in the orthography of the lexical units, the similarity in the definition, varying the best definition between the two dictionaries, and the lack of identity in the definition. Moreover, it was certified that the units were often defined by synonymy and remission. Because of the comparison of the English units, in both dictionaries, it was necessary to study the context in which each term occur, in order to elucidate the divergences. Laboratório de Lexicografia da Faculdade de Ciências e Letras - Campus Araraquara database, provided, in some cases, a manner to attest the best definition of an unit and to estipulate its more used orthography. However, some problems could also be found in this work, such as lexical units that could not be explained by any of the entries of the dictionaries referred to. In conclusion, it can be said that there is not an uniform lexicographical procedure that conduct the insertion of English lexical units in the Aurélio 3.0 (1999) and Houaiss 1.0 (2001) dictionaries, as well as there is not yet a theory that supports this kind of lexicographical insertion. / Mestre

Anglicismos en el español en México : Un estudio sobre uso y actitudes

Båstedt, Klara January 2017 (has links)
This study investigates the use of and the attitudes towards anglicisms in Mexican Spanish. Our aim is to find out whether and if so in what way the use and attitudes change according to the age and gender of the speaker. The study was carried out among 24 Mexicans living in the centre of Mexico who were divided into the age groups 18-29, 30-54, 55+ as well as gender. The informants answered a questionnaire of which the first part investigated their use of anglicisms, the second part investigated their attitudes towards the same. In the first part, the participants were asked to choose between a common anglicism or its also frequently used Spanish equivalent. In the second part, the informants were requested to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement towards three negative and three positive affirmations about anglicisms. Our results show that the use of anglicisms is bigger in the youngest group of informants and decreases with the age of the participants. Also concerning the attitudes, we found a correlation with age where the two younger groups of informants express neutral attitudes towards anglicisms while the attitudes of the oldest group of participants are negative. Our results don’t show any differences between the genders neither in use nor in attitudes.

Anglicisms in the French Language : A comparative study of English loanwords in French from France and Quebec

Fortin, Marie January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study was to find out if there are differences in the use of Anglicisms in the French language from Quebec and from France. This was done with the help of a well-known sitcom named Un gars, une fille. The Quebecers and the French have adopted their own version of this sitcom to their cultures. Nine similar sequences from both countries on the theme of sports and six different on the theme of renovation/DIY were analyzed. The analysis concentrated on the English loanwords used by the characters. It was found that the Quebecers, in the sitcom, used more English loanwords than the French. Both French and Quebecers employed many loanwords that are considered as integrated into their language, but they also used loanwords that have a negative connotation because there is a French word to replace it, but the Anglicisms used appears more fashionable. Finally, it is interesting to note the divergence of opinions among scholars in the field of study. Where one scholar considers an Anglicism as a part of the French language (integrated) another scholar deems it to be a negative influence, a loanword that should not be used.

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