Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anglosaxon"" "subject:"anglosaxons""
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Stylové tendence současných vědeckých textů / Style tendencies in contemporary scientific textsKřížová, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on research of style tendencies, which show themselves in Czech scientific texts at the present. The aim of the study is to describe these style tendencies based on detailed analysis of two traditional and two contemporary scientific texts and comparison of each other. The whole thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the reader to development of professional style with respect to the separation of scientific style. The second chapter deals with typologies of traditional culturally different intellectual styles - Teutonic, Saxonic and Gallic - and characteristics of traditional Czech scientific style. The third chapter brings a picture of contemporary scientific discourse in the Czech Republic. In the fourth chapter are subsequently defined methods of research, research questions and research criteria; based on these the selected texts are analyzed in the fifth chapter. The results of research are presented and specified in conclusion of the thesis. Key words: style tendencies, traditional scientific texts, contemporary scientific texts, Teutonic intellectual (scientific) style, Anglo-Saxon intellectual (scientific) style
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En jämförelse mellan regelverken K2 och K3 : Vilka orsaker ligger till grund för valet av regelverk hos företag? / A comparison between the regulations K2 and K3 : What causes the choice of regulatory framework for companies?Jansson, Maria, Todoran, Angelica, Saleh Malm, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Bokföringsnämnden (BFN), som ansvarar för utvecklingen av god redovisningssed, startade år 2004 K-projektet som innefattar allmänna råd indelade i fyra kategorier av regelverk; K1, K2, K3 och K4. Regelverken syftar till att tillhandahålla företag ett enhetligt regelverk att följa. K3 är huvudregelverket, men mindre företag, vilka inte uppfyller gränsvärdena för att klassificeras som ett större företag, kan välja att tillämpa K2 för sin redovisning (BFN 2017d). K3 är utformat ur ett användarperspektiv, vilket innebär att det innehåller fler redovisningsalternativ för att ge användare ett relevant underlag inför finansiella beslut. K2, vars syfte är att förenkla upprättandet av redovisningen, är istället tänkt att ge en tillförlitlig bild av företagets ekonomi. Enkelheten i K2 kommer från att det är regelbaserat och därmed har klara direktiv att följa, vilket skiljer sig från K3 som är ett principbaserat regelverk och på så vis kräver en mer professionell bedömning hos upprättaren (Norberg 2014; SRF konsulterna 2019). Med detta som utgångspunkt är syftet med studien att undersöka vilka orsaker som ligger bakom företags val mellan regelverken K2 och K3. För att uppnå detta syfte har vi med tillämpning av flerfallsstudier genomfört kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra mindre företag samt en revisor. Vi mottog även mailsvar på intervjufrågorna från ett företag och en revisor. Vi har haft en induktiv ansats och insamlat data för att generera resultat som kan bidra till teoretisk förståelse i ämnet. Studiens resultat visar att det finns redovisningsskillnader som i viss mån påverkar företags val mellan K2 och K3, men det har även framkommit att krav från moderbolag har ett inflytande i valet. Företag har överlag inte tillräckliga kunskaper för att själva avgöra vilket regelverk som passar dem bäst och därmed förlitar de sig i hög grad på revisorer. Utifrån studiens resultat har vi därför fått skifta vårt fokus till att istället diskutera hur den kontinentala och anglosaxiska traditionen har påverkat utformningen av K-regelverken. / The Swedish Standards Accounting Board, which is responsible for the development of generally accepted accounting principles, started the K-project in 2004, which includes general advice divided into four categories of regulatory framework; K1, K2, K3 and K4. The regulations aim to provide companies with a uniform set of rules to comply with. K3 is the main regulation, but smaller companies, which do not meet the limit values for being classified as a larger company, can choose to apply K2 for their accounting (BFN 2017d).K3 is designed from a user perspective, which means that it contains more accounting options to provide users with a relevant basis for financial decisions. K2, whose purpose is to simplify the preparation of the accounts, is, on the other hand, intended to provide a reliable picture of the company's finances. The simplicity of K2 comes from the fact that it is rule-based and thus have clear directives to follow, unlike K3 which is a principle-based regulatory framework and in some cases requires a more professional assessment by the author (Norberg 2014; SRF konsulterna 2019).With this as a starting point, the purpose of the study is to investigate the causes behind companies' choice between these regulations. With the help of multiple case studies, we have carried out qualitative semi-structured interviews with four small companies and one auditor, in order to achieve our goal. We also received mail responses to the interview questions from one company and one auditor. We have had an inductive approach and collected data to generate results that can contribute to theoretical understanding of the subject. The results of the study show that there are accounting differences that to a certain extent affect companies' choice between K2 and K3, but it has also appeared that claims from the parent company have an influence in the choice. Companies generally do not have sufficient knowledge to decide for themselves which regulation is best suited to them and thus rely heavily on the auditors. Based on the study's results, therefore, we have shifted our focus to instead touching on how the Continental and Anglo-Saxon tradition have influenced the design of the K-regulations. This study is written in Swedish.
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Nídwundor, terrível maravilha: o manuscrito de Beowulf como compilação acerca do \'Oriente\' / Nídwundor, terrible wonder: the manuscript of Beowulf as about the compilation of \"east\"Brito Filho, Gesner Las Casas 07 July 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em entender-se como ocorreu a escolha, por volta do ano 1000, dos textos em inglês antigo reunidos no manuscrito conhecido como Nowell Codex ou manuscrito de Beowulf. O manuscrito aqui enfocado é a parte chamada de Nowell Codex, que somado ao Southwick Codex, integra o Cotton Vitellius A.xv, hoje em poder da British Library, em Londres. O Nowell Codex é composto pelos seguintes textos: Vida de São Cristovão, em prosa; Maravilhas do Oriente, em prosa; Carta de Alexandre para Aristóteles, em prosa; Beowulf, em poesia e Judite, em poesia. Ao buscar-se entender a unidade temática do manuscrito, é fundamental tocar em questões codicológicas juntamente com as textuais, isto é, questões materiais acerca da produção do codex. Esta abordagem foi muito pouco explorada pelos estudiosos que já se dedicaram aos textos do Nowell Codex, especialmente àqueles que se dedicam ao poema Beowulf. Defende-se aqui que os textos foram escolhido devido a uma semelhança em um arco maior de ideias que abarca todos os conteúdos do manuscrito: o Oriente. Não somente um Oriente geográfico, mas um Oriente como origem ancestral para os anglo-saxões. A palavra Níðwundor (terrível maravilha) resume todos os paradoxos e semelhanças deste Oriente construído pelos anglo-saxões e escolhido como tema para unir estes textos no manuscrito / The aim of this study is identify how happened the choice, around the year 1000, of Old English texts gathered in the manuscript known as Nowell Codex or Beowulf manuscript. The manuscript focused on here is the part called Nowell Codex, which added to Southwick Codex, includes the Cotton Vitellius A.xv, now held by the British Library in London. The Nowell Codex consists of the following texts: Life of Saint Christopher, in prose; Wonders of the East, in prose; Letter of Alexander to Aristotle, in prose; Beowulf, and Judith, in poetry. By be sought for understanding the thematic unity of the manuscript, it is essential to touch codicológicas issues along with the context, that is, material issues regarding the production of the codex. This approach has been very little explored by scholars who have devoted themselves to the Nowell Codex texts, especially those engaged in the poem Beowulf. It is argued here that the texts were chosen because of a similarity in a larger arc of ideas which all the contents of the manuscript: the East. This East is not only a geographical East, but it is an East as ancestral origin to the Anglo-Saxons. The word Níðwundor (terrible wonder) summarizes all the paradoxes and similarities of the East as is thought by the Anglo-Saxons and chosen as a theme to unite these texts in the manuscript
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From individuals to settlement patternsDuering, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
This thesis describes and contextualises the Population & Cemetery Simulator (PCS), which represents agent-based demographic modelling software that can be used to model living populations based on archaeological and historical data as well as their cemeteries. The data used by the PCS are demographic in nature, e.g. age and sex data generated by osteoarchaeologists from excavated cemeteries or historical demographic data. This thesis seeks to provide a methodological foundation for modelling the demographics of archaeological populations. It focusses on case studies using data from early medieval Anglo-Saxon (South England) and Alamannic (South Germany) cemeteries, although excursions into neighbouring periods and regions are included as validation studies. The case studies show how the PCS can be used in archaeological research and the software is presented as a solution to various problems caused by the difference between the living population and the 'dead' cemetery data in archaeology.
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An edition of the 'Conduct of Life' based on the six extant manuscripts with full commentary, complementary critical and codicological analysis, notes and introductionPayne, Robin John January 2018 (has links)
The Conduct of Life, also known as the Poema Morale, is a verse-sermon that has been largely ignored by literary histories, and despite the longevity of its textual tradition its various texts have never been the subject of extended study. This dissertation brings together the seven manuscript versions of the text, which date from the end of the twelfth to the end of the thirteenth centuries, and re-examines them individually and as a cohort exhibiting variance. It therefore offers a revealing indicator of how continuity and change actually operated through the interaction between preceding tradition and scribes and audiences. This is achieved through a three-fold analysis of the verse sermon which highlights the fluidity of the manuscript culture during this period and the willingness of scribes to adapt texts to suit new purposes, to create differences due to dialect and comprehension, or copy variants from a now lost exemplar. First, an edition of the text, based on the version found in Cambridge, Trinity College MS B. 14. 52, folios 2r-9v , explores, through the accompanying notes, the themes, style and phraseology which not only reflect the influence of earlier English literary and hortatory texts but also represent a living tradition which found popularity within diverse writing and social environments. Secondly, a diplomatic edition of each text is presented, preceded by an introduction to the text, grammar and dialect, with full codicological and palaeographic notes. Finally, a parallel text edition bears witness to the copying and reshaping of the text throughout its history. It is accompanied by extensive linguistic notes which highlight the adaptation and textual variance between each version of the Conduct of Life. Each new variant has not only been read in relation to the other versions of the same work but also in relation to the manuscript context it newly occupies as a result of its transmission. Each copy reshapes the material within an established structure of rhythm and metre and, therefore, the dissertation concludes that the sermon is recreated as a series of individual texts, which might be individually analysed, because each is different, particularly within their specific physical and historical moments. This fluidity or mouvance suggests for the Conduct of Life and, for that matter, the texts that preceded it in the historical narrative of the twelfth century that there is no authentic text; that the instability of the manuscript 'tradition' moves from manuscript to manuscript.
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Material literature in Anglo-Saxon poetrySchubert, Layla A. Olin, 1975- 06 1900 (has links)
x, 208 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / The scattered instances depicting material literature in Anglo-Saxon poetry should be regarded as a group. This phenomenon occurs in Beowulf, The Dream of the Rood, and The Husband's Message. Comparative examples of material literature can be found on the Ruthwell Cross and the Franks Casket. This study examines material literature in these three poems, comparing their depictions of material literature to actual examples.
Poems depicting material literature bring the relationship between man and object into dramatic play, using the object's point of view to bear witness to the truth of distant or intensely personal events. Material literature is depicted in a love poem, The Husband's Message, when a prosopopoeic runestick vouches for the sincerity of its master, in the heroic epic Beowulf when an ancient, inscribed sword is the impetus to give an account of the biblical flood, and is also implied in the devotional poem The Dream of the Rood, as two crosses both pre-and-post dating the poem bear texts similar to portions of the poem.
The study concludes by examining the relationship between material anxiety and the character of Weland in Beowulf, Deor, Alfred's Consolation of Philosophy, and Waldere A & B. Concern with materiality in Anglo-Saxon poetry manifests in myriad ways: prosopopoeic riddles, both heroic and devotional passages directly assailing the value of the material, personification of objects, and in depictions of material literature. This concern manifests as a material anxiety. Weland tames the material and twists and shapes it, re-affirming the supremacy of mankind in a material world. / Committee in charge: Martha Bayless, Chairperson, English;
James Earl, Member, English;
Daniel Wojcik, Member, English;
Aletta Biersack, Outside Member, Anthropology
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Æthelwold's circle, saints' cults, and monastic reform, c.956-1006Hudson, Alison January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Nídwundor, terrível maravilha: o manuscrito de Beowulf como compilação acerca do \'Oriente\' / Nídwundor, terrible wonder: the manuscript of Beowulf as about the compilation of \"east\"Gesner Las Casas Brito Filho 07 July 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em entender-se como ocorreu a escolha, por volta do ano 1000, dos textos em inglês antigo reunidos no manuscrito conhecido como Nowell Codex ou manuscrito de Beowulf. O manuscrito aqui enfocado é a parte chamada de Nowell Codex, que somado ao Southwick Codex, integra o Cotton Vitellius A.xv, hoje em poder da British Library, em Londres. O Nowell Codex é composto pelos seguintes textos: Vida de São Cristovão, em prosa; Maravilhas do Oriente, em prosa; Carta de Alexandre para Aristóteles, em prosa; Beowulf, em poesia e Judite, em poesia. Ao buscar-se entender a unidade temática do manuscrito, é fundamental tocar em questões codicológicas juntamente com as textuais, isto é, questões materiais acerca da produção do codex. Esta abordagem foi muito pouco explorada pelos estudiosos que já se dedicaram aos textos do Nowell Codex, especialmente àqueles que se dedicam ao poema Beowulf. Defende-se aqui que os textos foram escolhido devido a uma semelhança em um arco maior de ideias que abarca todos os conteúdos do manuscrito: o Oriente. Não somente um Oriente geográfico, mas um Oriente como origem ancestral para os anglo-saxões. A palavra Níðwundor (terrível maravilha) resume todos os paradoxos e semelhanças deste Oriente construído pelos anglo-saxões e escolhido como tema para unir estes textos no manuscrito / The aim of this study is identify how happened the choice, around the year 1000, of Old English texts gathered in the manuscript known as Nowell Codex or Beowulf manuscript. The manuscript focused on here is the part called Nowell Codex, which added to Southwick Codex, includes the Cotton Vitellius A.xv, now held by the British Library in London. The Nowell Codex consists of the following texts: Life of Saint Christopher, in prose; Wonders of the East, in prose; Letter of Alexander to Aristotle, in prose; Beowulf, and Judith, in poetry. By be sought for understanding the thematic unity of the manuscript, it is essential to touch codicológicas issues along with the context, that is, material issues regarding the production of the codex. This approach has been very little explored by scholars who have devoted themselves to the Nowell Codex texts, especially those engaged in the poem Beowulf. It is argued here that the texts were chosen because of a similarity in a larger arc of ideas which all the contents of the manuscript: the East. This East is not only a geographical East, but it is an East as ancestral origin to the Anglo-Saxons. The word Níðwundor (terrible wonder) summarizes all the paradoxes and similarities of the East as is thought by the Anglo-Saxons and chosen as a theme to unite these texts in the manuscript
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De la narration à l'interprétation : la fonction des exempla virginaux dans l'œuvre d'AldhelmBinette, Virginie 08 1900 (has links)
Vers la fin du VIIe siècle, dans le monde anglo-saxon, Aldhelm de Malmesbury publia son opus geminatum, la Prosa et le Carmen de uirginitate. Il dédia son oeuvre à des moniales du monastère double de Barking, dont l’abbesse Hildelith. Le De uirginitate est un traité sur la virginité qui comporte une partie théorique, mais aussi des catalogues de figures virginales tirées de la Bible, mais surtout de textes hagiographiques.
L’historiographie eut tendance à sous-estimer le rôle de ces catalogues au sein du traité, n’en faisant qu’un simple florilegium assemblé sans logique. Notre travail consistera à répondre à cette idée afin d’affirmer le rôle essentiel de ces figures virginales à titre d’exempla. Ainsi, nous pensons que ces personnages sont des figures exemplaires dont la fonction est de refléter la partie théorique du De uirginitate. Le traité d’Aldhelm nous paraitra dès lors posséder une double fonction, soit celle de défendre les monastères doubles et l’autorité des moniales dans un contexte de plus en plus hostile à ces aspects, mais aussi afin de servir de guide à la renonciation sexuelle. / Near the end of the 7th century, in the anglo-saxon world, Aldhelm of Malmesbury published his opus geminatum, the Prosa and Carmen de uirginitate. He dedicated his work to the nuns of the double monastery of Barking, particularly the abbess Hildelith. The De uirginitate is a treaty on virginity, which includes a theoretical part and catalogs of virginal figures found in hagiographical as well as in Biblical sources.
Historiography has tended to underestimate the role of these catalogs within the treaty, portraying them as a mere florilegium without logic. This dissertation will propose that the virginal figures mentioned in the catalogs served as exempla. More specifically, we propose that these characters are exemplary figures whose function is to mirror the theoretical part of the De uirginitate. Ald-helm’s treaty will then appear to possess a double function, which is to defend the double monas-teries and the nuns’ authority in an increasingly hostile environment as well as to serve as a guide to sexual renunciation.
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Solving the Old English Exodus: An Active Problem Solving Approach to the PoemHopkins, Stephen Chase Evans 02 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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