Spelling suggestions: "subject:"animals therapeutic used"" "subject:"5animals therapeutic used""
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A systematic review of the effectiveness of animal-assisted interventionsBadenhorst, Estelle January 2014 (has links)
There is a global increase in research on the benefits of animals and the value of incorporating them into interventional practices. This is referred to as animal-assisted interventions. Due to the novelty of this type of intervention and the accompanying complexity of variables, a need exists to explore the various aspects within these interventions. Looking specifically at animal-assisted interventions within the mental health field, this study focuses on the psycho-therapeutic value of companion animals, such as dogs and cats. The primary aim of this study was to identify the mechanisms through which an animal-assisted intervention exerts its influence. A secondary aim was to indentify salient methodological aspects within the included studies. A systematic review of existing literature was undertaken to explore these factors. Each study was appraised against specific inclusion and exclusion criteria and themes were extracted. The data was synthesised, integrated and discussed in relation to previously conducted studies in relevant fields. Six themes emerged from the systematic review. These included enhanced comfort, the living nature of animals, physical contact, adjunctive nature, an affinity for animals, as well as methodological considerations. Based on these emergent themes conclusions were drawn as to the psycho-therapeutic influences of companion animals. This may serve as informative knowledge regarding animal-assisted interventions for practitioners seeking additional methods to reach treatment goals. Information is also provided for researchers interested in the field, particularly methodological considerations, before embarking on a study of animal-assisted intervention efficacy.
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Rehabilitating incarcerated individuals has become a focal point within corrections, with a variety of programs being implemented within facilities to assist individuals as they return to society from incarceration. Programs such as prison-based animal programs (PAP) provide incarcerated individuals a number of benefits that range from learning an employable skill to psychosocial benefits, which stem from the human animal interactions. Importantly, the current study aims at expanding knowledge on the current, limited literature that exists on public perceptions and opinions towards PAP programs. The importance in measuring the level of support for programs of this nature lies in the role public opinion plays in criminal justice policymaking, being that the public has been reported as having a level of influence on policymaking. A sample of 230 Florida Atlantic University students were surveyed concerning their perceptions towards PAP programs, focusing on whether these programs are beneficial to incarcerated individuals. The focus of this thesis was to examine whether students support PAP programs within correctional facilities and to analyze the differences in perceptions based on multiple demographic characteristics. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2021. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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A physiological basis for animal-facilitated psychotherapyOdendaal, Johannes Stefanus Joubert 06 February 2008 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section, 00front of this document / Thesis (PhD (Physiology))--University of Pretoria, 1999. / Physiology / unrestricted
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Contribuições da intervenção assistida por cão para uma criança com paralisia cerebral e deficiência intelectualCentenaro, Franciele 26 August 2016 (has links)
Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo central apresentar contribuições de uma Intervenção Assistida por Cão (IAC) para a facilitação do processo comunicativo de uma criança com paralisia cerebral associada à deficiência intelectual, no contexto de uma APAE (Associação dos Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais). Como aporte teórico, a pesquisa valeu-se dos estudos de Vigotski, em especial dos conceitos de mediação, zona de desenvolvimento proximal (ZDP) e interação. O delineamento metodológico teve caráter exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, baseado num estudo de caso. Os dados para o estudo foram gerados no ambiente de uma escola APAE, de uma cidade da região da serra gaúcha, com uma criança de 12 anos com paralisia cerebral e deficiência intelectual. Foram realizadas videogravações de atividades pedagógicas com a criança na presença de um cão, na sala de aula, totalizando 15 sessões. O corpus assim constituído foi analisado a partir de um processo de análise das imagens, inspirado nas ideias da análise textual discursiva, articulados com os conceitos já referidos de Vigotski, e tendo a pergunta de pesquisa como norteadora. Dessa análise, originaram-se duas categorias emergentes: Sinais de Fala Egocêntrica e Mediação. Os resultados indicam que a intervenção da pesquisadora associada ao elemento cão, durante a interação com a criança, pareceu interferir na ZDP dessa criança, possibilitando sinais de comunicação, que foram desde uma fala egocêntrica até uma fala consciente e autônoma, permeados pelo elemento de afetividade, contribuindo para uma facilitação da aprendizagem. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2016-12-06T15:34:17Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-06 / The central purpose of this research is to present contributions from a canine assisted intervention (CAI) for the facilitation of the communication process of a child with cerebral paralysis associated with intellectual disability, within the context of an APAE (Associação dos Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais). As for a theoretical support, this research has made use of studies by Vygotsky, particularly the concepts of mediation, the zone of proximal development (ZPD) and interaction. The methodological design has an exploratory and qualitative approach, based on a case study. The data for the study was generated in an APAE school environment, in a city from the Gaucho highlands, with a twelve-year old child with cerebral paralysis associated with intellectual disability. Video recorded pedagogical activities have taken place in a classroom with a child in the presence of a dog, amounting to 15 sessions. The constituted corpus was therefore analyzed through a process of analysis of the images, inspired by the textual discursive analysis, articulated with the aforementioned Vygotsky concepts, and encompassing the research question as guidance. Two emergent categories were originated from the analysis: signs of egocentric speech and mediation. The results indicated that the researcher’s intervention associated to the canine element, during the interaction with the child, seemed to interfere with the child’s ZPD enabling speech signs, which ranged from egocentric speech to autonomous and conscious speech, permeated by the effectiveness element, contributing to learning facilitation.
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Contribuições da intervenção assistida por cão para uma criança com paralisia cerebral e deficiência intelectualCentenaro, Franciele 26 August 2016 (has links)
Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo central apresentar contribuições de uma Intervenção Assistida por Cão (IAC) para a facilitação do processo comunicativo de uma criança com paralisia cerebral associada à deficiência intelectual, no contexto de uma APAE (Associação dos Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais). Como aporte teórico, a pesquisa valeu-se dos estudos de Vigotski, em especial dos conceitos de mediação, zona de desenvolvimento proximal (ZDP) e interação. O delineamento metodológico teve caráter exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, baseado num estudo de caso. Os dados para o estudo foram gerados no ambiente de uma escola APAE, de uma cidade da região da serra gaúcha, com uma criança de 12 anos com paralisia cerebral e deficiência intelectual. Foram realizadas videogravações de atividades pedagógicas com a criança na presença de um cão, na sala de aula, totalizando 15 sessões. O corpus assim constituído foi analisado a partir de um processo de análise das imagens, inspirado nas ideias da análise textual discursiva, articulados com os conceitos já referidos de Vigotski, e tendo a pergunta de pesquisa como norteadora. Dessa análise, originaram-se duas categorias emergentes: Sinais de Fala Egocêntrica e Mediação. Os resultados indicam que a intervenção da pesquisadora associada ao elemento cão, durante a interação com a criança, pareceu interferir na ZDP dessa criança, possibilitando sinais de comunicação, que foram desde uma fala egocêntrica até uma fala consciente e autônoma, permeados pelo elemento de afetividade, contribuindo para uma facilitação da aprendizagem. / The central purpose of this research is to present contributions from a canine assisted intervention (CAI) for the facilitation of the communication process of a child with cerebral paralysis associated with intellectual disability, within the context of an APAE (Associação dos Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais). As for a theoretical support, this research has made use of studies by Vygotsky, particularly the concepts of mediation, the zone of proximal development (ZPD) and interaction. The methodological design has an exploratory and qualitative approach, based on a case study. The data for the study was generated in an APAE school environment, in a city from the Gaucho highlands, with a twelve-year old child with cerebral paralysis associated with intellectual disability. Video recorded pedagogical activities have taken place in a classroom with a child in the presence of a dog, amounting to 15 sessions. The constituted corpus was therefore analyzed through a process of analysis of the images, inspired by the textual discursive analysis, articulated with the aforementioned Vygotsky concepts, and encompassing the research question as guidance. Two emergent categories were originated from the analysis: signs of egocentric speech and mediation. The results indicated that the researcher’s intervention associated to the canine element, during the interaction with the child, seemed to interfere with the child’s ZPD enabling speech signs, which ranged from egocentric speech to autonomous and conscious speech, permeated by the effectiveness element, contributing to learning facilitation.
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Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) : what is it?Hettema, Elri January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on existing research into the field of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) and
attempts to provide a clear answer as to what animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is. In addition,
the limitations of current research, as well as future opportunities for research in this field and
some practical considerations for applying animal-assisted therapy are explored.
The origin of animal-assisted therapy is examined. How the present terminology has
developed in that it defines the use of animals in therapy as an adjunct to other therapeutic
techniques is discussed in contrast to previous terminology, which created the impression that
there was some form of managed process on the part of the animal. The terminology has
developed from terms such as pet therapy and pet-facilitated therapy to animal-assisted
therapy (AAT) and animal-assisted activities (AAA).
The history of animal-assisted therapy is examined in relation to the three therapy categories
of milieu therapy, physical rehabilitation and animal-assisted psychotherapy. The most
common theoretical frameworks for AAT are also discussed. In general, systems theory tends
to be the most favoured theoretical foundation for AAT.
The typical target populations of animal-assisted therapy are examined in the light of target
relationships. The six target relationships that a practitioner of animal-assisted therapy would
need to manage are identified and their merits discussed: therapist-and-patient relationship;
therapist-and-animal relationship; the staff-and-patient and staff-and-animal relationship; the
staff-and-animal therapist relationship; the animal-and-patient relationship; and the
application environment wherein these relationships are lived.
The typical research designs for AAT are also discussed within the history of AATand
successful research tends toward longitudinal studies wherein patients with similar diagnostic
profiles are all exposed to a common form of treatment. The experimental group has some
form of AAT in addition to the standard treatment whilst the control group continues with
only the standard treatment. Comparisons are made against specific measurements such as
degree of sociability and other indices. In general, the current research indicates a need for
research characterised by better controls and the application of general research principles to
supplement the abundance of anecdotal and case study reports on AAT.
In addition, the practical application of AAT is also examined in relation to training and
liability, office management and décor, animal well-being, and the necessary precautions to
safeguard patients from possible harm.
A critique of AAT is provided as well as the difficulties encountered in the practical
implementation of animal-assisted therapy. The literature reviewed for this study confirms
that animal-assisted therapy shows excellent promise, which increases when complimented
by experimental endeavour in terms of properly evaluated AAT programmes.
In terms of the future potential of AAT, the possible advantages of the implementation of
AAT programmes into schools, prisons and working environments is raised. Related
therapeutic adjuncts such as horticultural and natural therapy are also discussed. Fine (2000)
was the most up to date and encompassing source for AAT and may be a good tool to guide
future practitioners and researchers in the field of AAT. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DIERE-ONDERSTEUNDE TERAPIE (DOT) -WAT IS DIT?
Hierdie studie fokus op huidige navorsing op die gebied van diere-ondersteunde terapie
(DOT) en strewe om lig te gooi op wat presies diere-ondersteunde terapie is. Daarbenewens,
word die beperkinge van huidige navorsing sowel as toekomstige geleenthede vir navorsing
op hierdie gebied. Praktiese doelwitte vir die toepassing van diere-ondersteunde terapie is
ook geidentifiseer. Die oorsprong van diere-ondersteunde terapie word ondersoek. Hoe die
huidige terminologie ontwikkel het in sover dit die gebruik van diere aangaan in terapie as
adjunk tot ander terapeutiese tegnieke word bespreek, in vergelyking met vorige terminologie
wat die indruk geskep het dat daar een of ander bestuurde proses is wat deur die dier
uitgevoer word. Die terminologie het ontwikkel van terme soos troeteldierterapie en
troeteldier-gefasiliteerde terapie tot diere-ondersteunde terapie (DOT) en diereondersteunde
aktiwiteite (DOA).
Die geskiedenis van diere-ondersteunde terapie word ondersoek volgens die drie
terapiekategoriee van milieuterapie, fisiese rehabilitasie en diere-ondersteunde psigoterapie.
Die mees algemene teoretiese raamwerke vir DOT word ook bespreek. Oor die algemeen, is
sisteemteorie die sigbaarste teoretiese grondslag vir DOT.
Die tipiese teikengroepe vir diere-ondersteunde terapie word ondersoek in die lig van teiken
verhoudings. Die ses teikenverhoudings wat 'n praktisyn van diere-ondersteunde terapie sou
bestuur word onderskei en hul relatiewe meriete bespreek: die terapeut/pasient-verhouding;
terapeut/dier-verhouding; personeel/pasient-verhouding; personeel/diereterapeut- verhouding;
dier/pasient- verhouding ; sowel as die toepassings omgewing waarin die verhoudings
uitgeleef word.
Die tipiese navorsingsontwerpe vir DOT word ook binne die geskiedenis van DOT bespreek.
Die mees geloofwaardige navorsing neig tot longitudinale studies waarin pasiente met
soorgelyke diagnostiese profiele almal aan 'n gemene vorm van behandeling blootgestel is.
Die eksperimentele groep kry dan een of ander vorm van DOT sowel as die standaard
behandeling terwyl die kontrole groep slegs die standaard behandeling ontvang. Vergelykings
word dan gemaak volgens spesifieke metings soos mate van sosialiteit en ander persoonlike
effektiwiteit maatstawwe. Oor die algemeen dui huidige navorsing op 'n behoefte vir
navorsing wat deur beter beheer gekenmerk word, en die toepassing van algemene
navorsingsbegrippe om as aanvulling te dien tot die oorvloed anekdotiese en gevallestudies
wat die DOT literatuur betref. Daarbenewens word die die praktiese toepassing van DOT
ondersoek met betrekking tot opleiding en verantwoording, kantoorbeheer en dekor,
dierewelsyn sowel as die nodige teenmaatreëls om pasiente teen enige negatiewe gevolge te
'n Kritiese ontleding van DOT word ook voorsien en die moontlike struikelblokke wat in die
praktiese implementasie van diere-ondersteunde terapie ondervind kan word. Die literatuur
wat vir hierdie studie nagegaan is, bevestig dat diere-ondersteunde terapie uitstekende
vooruitsigte toon. Sover dit die toekomstige potensiaal van DOT aangaan, word die
moontlike voordele van die implementasie van DOT-programme in skole, tronke en
werksomgewings genoem. Verwante terapeutiese byvoegings soos tuin- en natuur-terapie
word ook bespreek. Fine (2000) blyk om die mees resente en omvattende bron van DOT te
wees en mag 'n goeie hulpmiddel wees om toekomstige praktisyns en navorsers op die
gebied van DOT van 'n riglyn te voorsien.
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Is Therapy Going to the Dogs? Evaluating Animal Assisted Therapy for Early Identified At-Risk ChildrenBrookner, Leah Faith 18 April 2018 (has links)
This study explores the historical context of human-animal relationships and examines the important ways that humans benefit from various types of interactions with domesticated animals. Therapeutic approaches that incorporate animals have been shown to have multiple benefits, including improved physical and mental health. Although this area of study is still largely overlooked in scientific fields of study, including social work, Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) has become increasingly prevalent in various mental health settings. Despite its popularity and anecdotal support, research on the benefits of AAT with children is minimal; there are no studies examining the ways in which this approach impacts children under the age of five.
Thirteen preschool-aged children from a community-based early intervention program participated in a 16-week pilot study on AAT. The children were considered at-risk for potential behavioral, emotional and psychological challenges due to a constellation of factors, including developmental delays, poverty and early childhood trauma. This research includes case studies for each of the participants, with detailed information about the children as well as an account of their therapeutic experiences during the 16-week program. Thematic Analysis was used to analyze the data. Broad themes emerged in two main areas: demographic factors and intervention strategies. Each of these themes is explored in depth to highlight the most salient features of the cases and effective therapeutic processes.
Findings indicate that the population studied shared various characteristics, including poverty, trauma history and complex family sessions. Preschool-aged children with risk factors do benefit from Animal Assisted Therapy in different ways based upon their histories and presenting behaviors. Children who present with internalizing behaviors, fear and disengagement, respond favorably to therapeutic cross-talking and physical touch; children with aggression and externalizing behaviors respond positively to clear limits, identifying feelings in the therapy dog and physical touch; and children who present more typically for the age and development, respond well to various forms of therapeutic interventions that incorporate the dog. Recommendations for therapeutic animal-based approaches are made based on the findings of this research.
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Exploratory Study of Animal Assisted Therapy Interventions Used by Mental Health ProfessionalsO'Callaghan, Dana M. 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the various animal assisted interventions mental health professionals incorporate in the therapeutic treatment process, as well as the various therapeutic purposes intended with each technique. Participants were recruited from animal assisted therapy related databases. Participants included professionals who practiced in the mental health field. Thirty one participants qualified for the study. A survey was developed based on information found reviewing literature related to animal assisted therapy. Nineteen animal assisted therapy techniques and ten therapeutic intentions were identified from a review of the literature. Participants were asked to rate on a Likert scale how often they incorporated each technique in their treatment process. Additionally, participants were asked to identify which therapeutic purposes they intended with each technique. Results indicated participants incorporated a variety of animal assisted techniques for various therapeutic intentions. Results indicated seven animal assisted techniques were incorporated by more than 50% of the participants. Building rapport in the therapeutic relationship was the most common therapeutic intention reported with a variety of animal assisted techniques.
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Healing paws: animals in the work-place assisting with stress managementCarstens, Michelle Santos 22 November 2013 (has links)
The importance of stress management is emphasized throughout this study as well as the need to cater stress management programmes to the unique needs of individuals. The possibility of introducing an animal-assisted stress management programme into the work environment is explored by means of a qualitative study in order to test out the feasibility of such an intervention. The positive physical and psychological effects animals have on humans has been extensively researched and reported. Eleven participants were randomly chosen from within the same department by means of purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews were held with each participant and thematic analysis was used to analyse the transcribed interviews. Various themes were identified and explored with the most prominent highlighting the need for privacy, respect and connection. Although animals do have positive effects on some employees, there are individual differences that need to be considered. An electronic animal-assisted stress management intervention is recommended. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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Efeitos da educação assistida por animais na leitura em um grupo de estudantes do Ensino FundamentalPetenucci, Andréa Lorenzon 30 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-09-27T12:27:23Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-08-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The dissertation has no abstract / Introdução: a educação assistida por animais (EAA) visa difundir a utilização de animais como recurso pedagógico. Diferentes espécies são utilizadas, porém o cão é o mais frequente. A leitura assistida por cães é a intervenção com o maior número de pesquisas na EAA e os resultados apontam para melhora no desempenho de leitura de alunos na presença de cães terapeutas. Objetivo: descrever os efeitos da EAA na motivação e no desempenho em leitura de um grupo de alunos do 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa experimental, de intervenção, de natureza qualitativa. Casuística:seis sujeitos com idade média de 10,9 anos, 2 do sexo masculino e 4 do sexo feminino de uma sala de aula do 5º ano de uma escola municipal. Procedimento: cada sujeito participou de 06 sessões semanais de leitura em voz alta com duração de 20 minutos, as cinco primeiras com e a última sem a presença do cão. Pré sessões, os sujeitos responderam individual e oralmente ao questionário para coleta de dados relativos ao contato com animais e atividades de leitura. Pós sessões, responderam oral e individualmente ao questionário sobre as possíveis relações entre a EAA e leitura. As respostas foram descritas para traçar os perfis individuais e as sessões foram analisadas, criando categorias de análise de conteúdo à posteriori, de acordo com a incidência e a relevância dos conteúdos em relação ao objetivo da pesquisa. Resultados: Segundo a autopercepção dos 6 sujeitos, suas habilidades de leitura melhoraram após as sessões. 4 dos 6 participantes, passou a ler com mais frequência. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a Educação Assistida por Animais pode impactar beneficamente o desempenho de estudantes por operar, de forma positiva, na autopercepção dos mesmos frente às habilidades de leitura
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