Spelling suggestions: "subject:"annan datan ocho informationsvetenskap"" "subject:"annan datan och3 informationsvetenskap""
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Familjehemmens upplevelser av kommunikationen : Mellan familjehemmen och kommunenOlsson, Jessika, Wendtlandh, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att se hur kommunikationen och informationsflödet ser ut mellan familjehem och kommunen samt hur familjehemmen upplever kommunikationen. Anledningen till att vi ville undersöka detta var eftersom vi var intresserade av ämnet, att media har påpekat problem inom familjehem samt att vi inte hittade någon tidigare forskning som undersökte detta. Då vi var intresserade av hur familjehemmen upplever kommunikationen valde vi att utföra studien ur familjehemmens perspektiv. Ett familjehem är en familj som tar emot ett barn som inte kan bo hemma hos sina egna föräldrar på uppdrag av en kommun eller ett företag som arbetar åt kommunen (SKL, 2013a; Familjehemmet, 2013a) Teorierna som vi har valt att använda oss utav för att senare analysera resultatet har berör ämnena kommunikation och information. Anledningen till att vi valde dessa teorier var därför att de passar vårt syfte samt att missförstånd och konflikter kan bero på bristande kommunikation eller brister i informationsflödet. För att utföra den här studien så har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ ansats där vi har intervjuat tre olika familjehem, ett ansikte-mot-ansikte och två via telefon. Intervjuerna har haft en halvöppen struktur med en intervjuguide (se bilaga 1) med mestadels öppna frågor. Då informationen som kommer fram kan vara känslig så har vi valt att behandla informanterna med anonymitet. Resultatet visar på brister i både kommunikationen och informationsflödet och att familjehemmen är missnöjda med det. En av anledningarna till att det finns brister är att kommunikationskanalerna inte fungerar optimalt då familjehemmen har svårt att få tag på socialsekreterarna. I analysen kopplas teorierna ihop med resultatet, där vi kan se orsaker och anledningar till att familjehemmen upplever kommunikationen och informationsflödet på ett visst sätt samt vilka påföljder som kan uppstå av eventuella brister som till exempel varför kommunikationskanalerna inte fungerar optimalt och vad detta kan leda till. Sedan för vi en diskussion kring resultatet, kommer med förslag till förbättring samt diskuterar studiens validitet och reliabilitet. Vårt förslag till förbättring vore att ha ett informationssystem där familjehemmen och kommunen kan delge varandra relevant information som ett komplement till den muntliga kommunikationen. Avslutningsvis så kontrollerar vi om vi har besvarat syftet samt ger förslag till fortsatt forskning såsom att se på ämnet ur kommunernas perspektiv. / The aim of this study is to see how the communication and information flow looks between foster home and the municipality and how foster homes experience the communication. The reason we wanted to investigate this was because we were interested in the subject, that the media had pointed out problems with foster families and we did not find any previous research that had examined this. Since we were interested in how foster homes experienced the communication, we chose to perform the study form the perspectives of the foster homes. A foster family is a family that receives a child who cannot live at home with their parents on behalf of a municipality or a company who works for the municipality (SKL, 2013a; Familjehemmet, 2013a). The theories that we have chosen to use to later analyze the results touches the topics communication and information. The reason we chose these theories was because they suited our purpose, and that misunderstandings and conflicts can be due to a lack of communication or lack of information flow. To perform this study, we used a qualitative approach in which we have interviewed three different foster families, one face-to-face and two by telephone. The interviews had a semi-open structure with an interview guide (see Appendix 1) with mostly open-ended questions. As the information that emerges may be sensitive, we have chosen to treat informants with anonymity. The results show deficiencies in both the communication and information flows and the foster homes are dissatisfied with it. One of the reasons that there are flaws is that the communication channels are not functioning optimally due to that the foster homes have a hard time getting ahold of their social workers. In the analysis the theories are connected together with the result, where we can see the causes and reasons for why foster homes experience communication and information flow in a certain way, and the penalties that may arise from any flaws such as why communication channels are not functioning optimally and what this can lead to. Later we discuss the results, make suggestions for improvement and discuss the study's validity and reliability. Our suggestion for improvement would be to have an information system where foster homes and the municipality can communicate relevant information to supplement oral communication. Finally we check to see if we have answered our purpose, and we give suggestions for further research such as to look at the subject from perspective of the municipality.
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KökollenBoman, Elvira, Lugnegård, Lovisa January 2015 (has links)
The intention of this project was to develop an Android application, Kökollen, which would show ongoing events at Uppsala's student nations. The application would also show an estimated time for queuing.The events are uploaded by administrators (manly the nations) and thequeuing time is estimated by people standing in the queue reporting whenthey are entering and leaving the queue. The application is programmedin Java and XML. Kökollen is now uploaded on Google Play.
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Robust internetinfrastruktur med DNSSEC och IPv6 : En studie av DNSSEC- och IPv6-implementationen hos utvalda organisationer i SverigeEklund, Magnus, Hedblom, Per January 2015 (has links)
Domännamnssystemet DNS är en vital och ofrånkomlig del av internet. Det är dock sårbart för attacker. DNSSEC är ett sätt att minska sårbarheten hos DNS. I detta examensarbete har data om ett antal domäner samlats in med hjälp av Zonemaster och domain information groper för att sedan bearbetas med hjälp av bash-skript och java-kod. Detta data har sedan analyserats. Resultatet visar att användandet av och statusen på DNSSEC-implementeringen hos flera av de undersökta domänerna är bristfällig och lämnar utrymme för förbättringar.
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Hospitals exposed to flooding in Manila City, Philippines : GIS analyses of alternative emergency routes and allocation of emergency service and temporary medical centre / Översvämningshotade sjukhus i Manila City, Filippinerna : GIS-analyser av alternativa utryckningsvägar och placering av räddningstjänststation och temporär sjukhusmottagningAndersson, Sanna, Stålhult, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
Every year the Philippines get affected by a number of typhoons, which cause severe damage, sometimes due to flooding. The capital, Manila, is located on a flood plain that is partly at, and even below sea level and with several rivers crossing the area. These are some of the factors that contribute to that Manila often is affected by severe flooding. During ten weeks of the spring semester in 2014, this thesis was conducted as a completion of the bachelor program Geographic Information System (GIS) at Karlstad University, Sweden. Eight weeks were spent in Manila in the Philippines at the University of the Philippines Diliman, School of Urban and Regional Planning (UP SURP). The aim of the study was to investigate how hospitals in Manila City get affected during flooding. GIS was used to perform network analyses, in order to calculate the shortest route for the emergency service to travel from a station via a barangay to a hospital. The shortest alternative route during a 5-year flood was also calculated in order to compare the distance differences that might be due to flood. During a 100-year flood another type of analysis was performed, where suggestions for suitable locations for placing emergency service and temporary medical centre were presented. These suggestions on suitable locations were placed in an area that will not be affected during a 100-year flood. Results from the analyses showed that Manila City is a very exposed area during flood. During a 5-year flood some parts of Manila City will be highly exposed and about 1/4 of the population will be affected. The shortest alternative route for the emergency service to use during flood will generally be longer than in normal situations. Some hospitals cannot be accessed from some barangays due to impassable roads. During a 100-year flood the area gets gravely affected, almost 2/3 of the population will be affected and many roads become impassable, which limits the accessibility in Manila City.
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Vilken Open Source SIP-server lämpar sig bäst förAndroid? / Which Open Source SIP server is best suited for Android?Hellgren, Marcus, Enbrant, Ida January 2014 (has links)
Denna studie tacklar ett av de problem som modern IP-telefoni brottas med, som gör att det är svårare att konkurrera med traditionell telefoni: fördröjningar på grund av otillräckliga Session Initiation Protocol-servrar (SIP). Genom tester av de viktigaste faktorerna jämförs fyra högaktuella Open Source SIP-servrar: OpenSIPS, Kamailio, FreeSWITCH och Yate. Avsikten är att underlätta valet av SIP-server för nya applikationer inom IP-telefoni, öka prestandan samt snabba på utvecklingen. Studien behandlar de intressantaste faktorerna vid val SIP, såsom användarvänlighet, hastighet, lagring av användardata samt ljudkvalité. Slutsatsen blev att Kamailio stod som klar segrare, med överlägsna resultat i jämförelse med övriga servrar, på de parametrar som valts ut. Skillnaderna var förhållandevis små prestandamässigt – det som verkligen avgjorde var främst hur avancerade servrarna var att installera, använda samt konfigurera.
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Classification of Gear-shift data using machine learningStenekap, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Today, automatic transmissions are the industrial standard in heavy-duty vehicles. However, tolerances and component wear can cause factory calibrated gearshifts to have deviations that have a negative impact on clutch durability and driver comfort. An adaptive shift process could solve this problem by recognizing when pre-calibrated values are out-dated. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the classification of shift types using machine learning for the future goal of an adaptive gearshift process. Recent papers concerning machine learning on time-series are reviewed. Adata set is collected and validated using hand-engineered features and unsupervised learning. Four deep neural networks (DNN) models are trained on raw and normalized shift data. Three of the models show good generalization and perform with accuracies above 90%. An adaption of the fully convolutional network (FCN) used in [1] shows promise due to relative size and ability to learn the raw data sets. An adaptation of the multi-variate long short time memory fully convolutional network (MLSTMFCN) used in [2] is superior on normalized data sets. This thesis shows that DNN structures can be used to distinguish between time-series of shift data. However, much effort remains since a database for shift types is necessary for this work to continue.
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Evaluation of cluster based Anomaly detectionSreenivasulu, Ajay January 2019 (has links)
Anomaly detection has been widely researched and used in various application domains such as network intrusion, military, and finance, etc. Anomalies can be defined as an unusual behavior that differs from the expected normal behavior. This thesis focuses on evaluating the performance of different clustering algorithms namely k-Means, DBSCAN, and OPTICS as an anomaly detector. The data is generated using the MixSim package available in R. The algorithms were tested on different cluster overlap and dimensions. Evaluation metrics such as Recall, precision, and F1 Score were used to analyze the performance of clustering algorithms. The results show that DBSCAN performed better than other algorithms when provided low dimensional data with different cluster overlap settings but it did not perform well when provided high dimensional data with different cluster overlap. For high dimensional data k-means performed better compared to DBSCAN and OPTICS with different cluster overlaps
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Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Liquid ChromatographySöderström, Pontus January 2022 (has links)
Liquid chromatography is a technique used to separate and purify components of a mixture. The method is frequently used in the biomedicine industry and life science to discover and develop new drugs. Here liquid chromatography can separate the drug candidate from its byproducts. For this, it is essential to achieve high purity to satisfy the requirements for biopharmaceutical drugs. However, the calculations for receiving optimal settings to achieve high purity are often computationally demanding. Thus the biomedicine industry would benefit from more efficient methods for obtaining optimal settings for the specific application. The problem involves solving a system of coupled PDEs which is typically done with numerical methods. Since numerical methods quickly become computationally demanding when increasing the grid size, this thesis focuses on investigating the opportunity to introduce Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) for solving PDEs in liquid chromatography fast and accurately. The methodology developed two PINNs, one where a network is trained to solve the PDEs for one unique parametrization and another where a PINN is trained to solve the PDEs for any parameterization of the PDEs. We show that PINNs can be trained to become the solution for one parametrization of the related PDEs, with a relative error of 0.60%. Moreover, the results demonstrate that a PINN can predict the solution with an average relative error of 1.53% for any parameterization. Furthermore, we show that this PINN can produce solutions at smaller regions of the solution domain 23 times faster than the numerical solver used for simulating ground truth data. The results give a great insight into how PINNs can be used in liquid chromatography applications and can be seen as a first step in introducing PINNs in liquid chromatography.
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3D Cloud Visualization In Real-TimeNilsson, Filip January 2022 (has links)
The simulation of clouds can make virtual environments appear more realistic. This project produces an algorithm that visualizes 3D clouds in real-time. The algorithm consists of two processes, an initialization and a visualization process. The initialization process initializes clouds that are static in shape, where the shape is composed of a system of semi-transparent spherical particles. The visualization process moves, colors and draws the clouds on the screen. The position of the clouds change with time to simulate a simple cloud motion. The cloud particles are colored by solving the light transport equation by assuming that the sunlight scatters once with a cloud particle before reaching the camera that captures the scene. By solving the light transport equation, the clouds change their color and brightness depending on the direction of the incident sunlight. The algorithm can be described as a trade-off between computational performance and quality in the generated visual result. However, the algorithm proved to have frame rates that can be categorized as real-time performance. By modeling each cloud out of 100-800 particles, the algorithm requires a few minutes of initialization to produce a virtual cloud scene which has a frame rate of around 60 FPS when simulating up to 1000 cloud particles. For the same initialization time the algorithm can produce a virtual cloud scene with frame rates of 24 FPS or better when simulating up to 4000 cloud particles.
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Automatisering av underhåll av produkter med inbyggda trådlösa sensorsystem : Fallstudie om tvättmaskin / Automating maintenance for products with embedded wireless sensor systems : A case study on washing machinesCoskun, Volkan January 2014 (has links)
I detta examensarbete undersöks möjligheten att automatisera underhåll med ett trådlöst inbyggt sensorsystem i en fallstudie om tvättmaskiner. Idén är att produkten ständigt kontrolleras via ett trådlös inbyggd sensor-system, där den kopplas upp och övervakas via ett moln. Det presenteras två molntjänster varav ett av dem används. En trådlös sensordesign an-vänds för att visa hur arbetet läggs upp, följt av hierarkiska modeller som beskriver designen i hårdvaru-och mjukvarunivå. Fem olika input-/outpu-tanalyser presenteras, där viktiga parametrar undersöks utifrån flera olika perspektiv och sensorer som kan mäta dessa parametrar.Som det framgår i resultatet, används den mest effektiva input-/outpu-tanalysen praktiskt på tvättmaskinen samt att prototypen anpassas efter den valda input-/outputanalysen. En molntjänst används där, de valda pa-rametrarna mäts med sensorer och presenteras på grafer. Det presenteras även simuleringar för att visa att de olika metoderna, kan tillämpas på tvättmaskinen för att gynna miljön och ekonomin.Utvärderingen av resultatet visade sig att en automatisering av underhåll är sannolikt baserat på mätningar av de valda parametrarna, utifrån de re-dovisade input-/outputanalyserna för tvättmaskinen. / This project involves controlling a washing machine and examining it as efficient as possible, with a wireless in-built sensorsystem. The idea with this project is to oversee and connect it to a cloud, where it can be further analyzed. Two cloud services are presented, whereof one of which of them are used. Several usable sensors for the washing machine have been ex-amined and presented in order to find the most appropriate sensors. A smart sensor design is presented which describes the smart sensorsystem on a hardware-and software level. Five different input-/output models are presented.As shown in the results, the most accurate input-/output model is practi-cally tested on the washing machine where the sensorvalues are sent to the cloud, through the wireless embedded sensorsystem. The sensorvalues are thereafter presented on graphs and further analyzed. Simulated graphs with different methods are presented in order to show, that these models can benefit the economy and the environment.The evaluation of the results showed that an automation of the mainte-nance is possible based upon the measurements of the chosen parameters, from the presented input-/output model for a washing machine.
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