Spelling suggestions: "subject:"annan elektroteknik ocho elektronik"" "subject:"annan elektroteknik och3 elektronik""
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Control Aspects of Complex Hydromechanical Transmissions : with a Focus on Displacement ControlLarsson, L. Viktor January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with control aspects of complex hydromechanical transmissions. The overall purpose is to increase the knowledge of important aspects to consider during the development of hydromechanical transmissions to ensure transmission functionality. These include ways of evaluating control strategies in early design stages as well as dynamic properties and control aspects of displacement controllers, which are key components in these systems. Fuel prices and environmental concerns are factors that drive research on propulsion in heavy construction machinery. Hydromechanical transmissions are strong competitors to conventional torque-converter transmissions used in this application today. They offer high efficiency and wide speed/torque conversion ranges, and may easily be converted to hybrids that allow further fuel savings through energy recuperation. One challenge with hydromechanical transmissions is that they offer many different configurations, which in turn makes it important to enable evaluation of control aspects in early design stages. In this thesis, hardware-in-the-loop simulations, which blend hardware tests and standard software-based simulations, are considered to be a suitable method. A multiple-mode transmission applied to a mid-sized construction machine is modelled and evaluated in offline simulations as well as in hardware-in-the-loopsimulations. Hydromechanical transmissions rely on efficient variable pumps/motors with fast, accurate displacement controllers. This thesis studies the dynamic behaviour of the displacement controller in swash-plate axial-piston pumps/motors. A novel control approach in which the displacement is measured with an external sensor is proposed. Performance and limitations of the approach are tested in simulations and in experiments. The experiments showed a significantly improved performance with a controller that is slightly more advanced than a standard proportional controller. The implementation of the controller allows simple tuning and good predictability of the displacement response.
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Skillnader i upphandling mellan EBR och AMAAndresen, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
Dagens Svenska elnät har ett stort behov av renovering och upprustning vilket ger ett stort investeringsbehov under de närmast kommande åren. Det gör att det är viktigt att finna nya entreprenörer utöver de som idag redan finns. Hitta en väg för att bli mer attraktiv och intressant för dessa entreprenörer. Denna rapport belyser två metoder som uppdragsgivare har att förhålla sig till vid projektering. Det ena är Elektrisk Byggnads Rationalisering (EBR) det andra är Allmän Material- och Arbetsbeskrivning (AMA). Systemet med EBR är ett tryggt system som grundar sig på mångårig statistik över installationer, renoveringar och underhåll. Där har man fördelar med standardiserade komponenter som är kostnadsekonomiska och skapar en kvalitetssäkring av utförda arbeten. AMA är ett referensverk för uppbyggandet av projekt från grunden. AMA är friare i sin struktur när man skall projektera för en anläggning. Man behöver inte förhålla sig till mer strikta arbetssätt. Denna rapport ser till skillnader i EBR/AMA och ser till vad som är bra förändringar för att attrahera nya intressenter på marknaden. Vad som framöver går att förändra och samtidigt påverka vid projektering och upphandlingsunderlag. / Today's Swedish power grid has a major need for renovation and upgrading, which gives a big investment requirement over the next few years. This makes it important to find new entrepreneurs in addition to those already available today. Find a way to become more attractive and interesting for these entrepreneurs. This report highlights two methods that outsourcer have to relate to. First method is Electrical Building Rationalization (EBR) and the other method is general material and work description (AMA). The system of EBR is a secure system based on long-term statistics from installations, renovations and maintenance. There the advantages of standardized components are that they are cost-effective and create a quality of work performed. AMA is a reference tool for building projects from scratch. It's freer in its structure when planning a facility. One does not need relate to more strict approach. This report looks at the differences in EBR / AMA and looks at what are good changes to attract new actors in the market. What can be changed in the future and at the same time affecting projecting design and procurement documentation.
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Individual power supply to nodes in a wireless sensor network in a greenhouse using photovoltaic modulesDufva, Johannes, Mattson Lindgren, Timmy January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigated the possibility of integrating a small photovoltaic module in a wireless sensor network node prototype made for use in crop production, mainly in greenhouses. The main question was if the simple photovoltaic module could provide enough power to the prototype's recharge system in order to continuously recharge the battery and thereby reducing the time maintaining the device due to its power consumption. Through measurements, both of the energy supplied by the potential photo voltaic modules and the prototype's power demand, the conclusion was that the power would not be sufficient due to the concealing environment in which the device would be placed. However, suggestions for further work was given in how the proposed idea could be developed.
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This thesis aims to develop a calculation method to determine themagnetic field magnitudes in the vicinity of power lines, i.e. bothburied cables and overhead lines. This is done through the numericaluse of Biot Savart's law where the conductors are approximated by aseries of straight segment elements that each contribute to the overallfield strength at the field point. The method is compared to two realcases and to the exact integral solution. Also, a review of some of theresearch material regarding electromagnetic fields from power lines andclaims of adverse health effects due to these fields is conducted.Results show that the numerical error is dependent on the segmentationdegree of the conductors and the mathematical model is inaccurate closeto the conductor. The calculations show slightly higher fieldmagnitudes than the previous survey done by WSP (Williams SalePartnership) far away from the source and slightly lower at the centerconductor. This may be due to the excluded induction in the shieldwires and differences in actual conductor coordinates.
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CITE för elektroingenjörer : Diagnostiska prov som testar studenternas förståelse av viktiga begrepp / Concept Inventory Tests for Electrical Engineers : Assessments that test the students' understanding of central conceptsWengle, Emil January 2018 (has links)
Written exams, which are intended to examine students on the course goals, can sometimes be passed without any conceptual knowledge by memorizing procedures or facts. Because future courses depend on the students’ understanding of concepts in the required courses, not knowing the concepts could be a major issue for the student, for the teacher and for the program board. Here, we focus on developing conceptual multiple-choice questions and the algorithms for understanding the answers to the questions. The goal is to be able to answer questions such as “For how long do the students remember the key concepts?” and “Which concepts do the courses have any positive (or negative) effect on?”. To do that, a courses-concepts matrix was created and the most central concepts were identified. Multiple-choice questions were written on those concepts and the questions were imported into the test creator Respondus. Feedback was added to the questions, they were grouped by concept and exported to a quiz bank in the educational platform Blackboard. A set of answers from a survey on report writing was obtained and statistics were written to answer the second question that was posed. An issue with the probability function is that it only considers whether the student had a setback or an improvement, not how significant it was. The next step would be to use the slopes more effectively by considering the magnitude of the improvement or setback. / Developing Concept Inventory Tests for Electrical Engineering
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Vätskenivåmätning för nivåreglering till doppvärmare : I sura och basiska lösningarMohammadi, Morteza January 2018 (has links)
Idag är de flesta kemiska industrier försedda med system för nivåreglering. Dessa system syftar till att kontrollera vätskenivån i en behållare, trots störningar i form av smuts och skum. För denna process finns olika modeller av nivågivare på marknaden, men de flesta är antingen dyra eller kräver mycket rengöring och underhåll. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om det är möjligt att mäta vätskenivån i en behållare som kan produceras till låg kostnad, och har en tillräcklig precision för att kunna användas som ett larm för att skydda doppvärmaren mot överhettning. Därför har ett konceptprov av kapacitiva nivågivare utförts där två varianter av kapacitiva nivågivare, etsad och tråd, har konstruerats och verifierats. Etsade varianter innefattar ett kopparlaminat med konfiguration av två fingerelektroder som rullats i ett PVDF-rör. Trådvarianten består av en partvinnad teflontråd som dragits på ett PVDF-rör. I både varianter varieras kapacitans med vattennivån beroende av avståndet mellan fingerelektroder i den etsade varianten och avståndet mellan teflontrådar i trådvarianten. Kapacitansen har beräknats för avståndet mellan fingerelektroder och mellan teflontrådar i form av en urladdningstid korrelerad med vattennivån. För denna process används en generatorkrets för fyrkantsvåg som byggts på en PCB. Resultatet av nivåmätning med båda varianter blev inte det önskade, men nivåmätningsfelet ligger inom ett acceptabelt intervall. Intervallet ligger mellan [+0,80,-0,52] för den etsade varianten och mellan [+1,02,-1,10] för trådvarianten. Det visar att den etsade varianten ger ett mindre nivåmätningsfel än trådvarianten. Nivåmätningsfelet kan minimeras genom att välja en lämpligare krets. / Today, most chemical industries have systems for level control. These systems aim to control the fluid level in a tank, despite dirt and foam disturbances. For this process there are different models of level sensors on the market, but most are either expensive or require a lot of cleaning and maintenance. This study aims to investigate whether it is possible to measure the level of fluid in a tank which can be produced at low cost and has sufficient precision to be used as an alarm to protect the immersion heaters from overheating. Therefore, a conceptual level of capacitive level sensors has been performed in which two variants of capacitive level sensors, etch and wire have been designed and verified. Etched variants include a copper-laminate with two finger electrode configurations rolled in a PVDF tube. The wire variant consists of a twisted Teflon wire drawn on a PVDF pipe. In both variations, capacitance with the water level varies depending on the distance between finger electrodes in the etched variant and the distance between the Teflon wires in the wire variant. The capacitance has been calculated for the distance between finger electrodes and between Teflon threads in the form of a discharge time correlated with the water level. For this process, a square wave generator circuit is built on a PCB. The result of level measurement with both variants did not get the desired, but the level measurement error is within an acceptable range. The interval is between [+ 0.80, -0.52] for the etched variant and between [+ 1.02, -1.10] for the wire variant. It shows that the etched variant gives a smaller level measurement error than the wire variant. The level measurement error can be minimized by selecting a more appropriate circuit.
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Dosimetry of ionizing radiation with an artificial neural network : With an unsorted, sequential inputAppelsved, Ivan January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis the verification of a neural network’s proficiency at labeling ionizing radiation particles from the unsorted output of a timepix3 camera is attempted. Focus is put on labeling single particles in separate data sequences with slightly preprocessed input data. Preprocessing of input data is done to simplify the patterns that should be recognized. Two major choices were available for this project, Elman-network and Jordan-network. A more complicated type was not an option because of the longer time needed to implement them. The network type chosen was Elman because of freedom in context size. The neural network is created and trained with the TensorFlow API in python with labeled data that was not created by hand. The network recognized the length difference between gamma particles and alpha particles. Beta particles were not considered by the network. It is concluded that the Elman-style network is not proficient in labeling the sequences, which were considered short enough and to have simple enough input data. A more modern network type is therefore likely required to solve this problem.
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Evaluation of critical fault scenarios for operation with inherent overload in HVDC stationsSander, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
The HVDC, High Voltage Direct Current, is important when it comes to upgrading the energy system to a renewable, sustainable and efficient system. This master thesis is investigating what is happening during the most decisive fault cases when the HVDC station is operating with inherent overload. An inherent overload operating area is defined and simulations are performed in PSCAD/EMTDC to study the transient behavior of the fault currents and overvoltages.
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On The Importance of Light Source Classification in Indoor Light Energy HarvestingZhang, Ye January 2018 (has links)
Indoor light energy harvesting plays an important role in field of renewable energy. Indoor lighting condition is usually described by level of illumination. However, measured data alone does not by classification of different light sources, result is not representative. Energy harvesting system needs to be evaluated after classification to obtain more accurate value. This is also importance of different light source classification. In this thesis, a complete set of indoor light energy harvesting system is introduced, two models are proposed to evaluate energy, robustness is improved by mixing complex light condition during data collection. Main task of this thesis is to verify importance of indoor light classification. Main contribution of this thesis is to fill a gap in energy evaluation, and built a model with superior performance. In terms of collecting data, this thesis researches influence factor of data collection to ensure reliability of accuracy. This work can more accurately collect spectral under different light conditions. Finally, light energy is evaluated by classification of indoor light. This model is proven to be closer to true energy value under real condition. The result shows that classified data is more accurate than direct calculation of energy,it has a smaller error. In addition, performance of classifier model used in this thesis has been proven to be excellent, classifier model can still carry on high-accuracy classification when measurement data are not included in training data set. This makes it a low-cost alternative to measuring light condition without spectrometer.
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Användning av smarta mätare som driftövervakare i lågspänningsnätRuna, Erik January 2018 (has links)
I detta examensarbete utreds möjligheten att med hjälp av nya smarta elmätare få en ökad inblick i elkvalitén i elnäten samt att ge nätägare möjligheten att automatiskt eller via fjärrsignal koppla bort solcellsanläggningar i de fall de orsakar dålig elkvalité. Motiveringen till studien har varit att en ökad utbyggnad av solcellsanläggningar med tilhörande växelriktare och en trolig framtida ökning av snabbladdare och andra olinjära laster i näten ökar utmaningen för elnätsföretag att klara gällande krav på elkvalité. Samtidigt har utvecklingen av elmätare gjort att de idag har många funktioner som elnätsföretag kan dra nytta av på sätt som tidigare inte varit möjligt. Studien inleddes med en litteratur-studie där information om vad elmätare idag är kapabla till togs fram. Ett praktiskt test genomfördes på en solcellsanläggning där en elmätare installerades och konfigurerades att koppla bort solcellerna vid över-spänning. Studien har visat att smarta elmätare bör kunna användas som ett långsammare, sekundärt skydd som kopplar bort solceller i de fall som växelriktarna brister i sina säkerhetsfunktioner. Elmätarna kommer också kunna ge nätägare en mängd intressant information om elkvalitén. / In this thesis the possibility for smart meters to give utility companies an increased knowledge about the power quality in the grid has been investigated. During the investigation the possibility to use smart meters to automatically or by remote control disconnect solar power units in case of poor power quality caused by the production units has also been researched. The motivation to perform the study was that a future increase in distributed generation, rapid chargers for electric vehicles and other non-linear loads will make it harder for utility companies to meet the demands concerning power quality. At the same time electricity meters has developed over time and are today capable of providing grid operators with functions that has not been possible in the past. The first part of the study focused on obtaining information about what smart meters are capable of today through a literary study. A practical test was conducted on a solar power unit where a smart meter was installed and configured to automatically disconnect the solar power unit in case of over voltage. The study has shown that smart meters could be used as a slower, secondary protection that disconnects the solar power units in cases where the solar inverters safety functions fails. The smart meters will also be able to give grid operators a large amount of information about the power quality in the grid.
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